How to calculate a staircase. Calculation, design and optimal dimensions of the stairs to the second floor: how to do it yourself, what to pay attention to. rule - Calculation of staircase parameters

Private country houses and dachas in two or more floors- have long ceased to seem like a curiosity. This approach to planning their estates allows owners to achieve the maximum possible usable area housing even on “modest” sized construction sites. It is clear that both the design of a building with several levels and its construction become seriously more complicated. In particular, in addition to the usual architectural and interior elements typical of any house, it is necessary to think through the creation of interfloor transitions. Most often, stairs play this role. And if we look at the statistics individual construction, then the undisputed “leaders” in popularity are

Nowadays, there is no shortage of ready-made staircase designs. You can also find special applications on the Internet that perform the necessary calculations. But it is quite possible to independently calculate the wooden staircase to the second floor. For many, this will be even more interesting and understandable, since during the calculation the owner of the house delves into many of the nuances of such a structure, trying them on for his property.

In this publication, let's go step by step through the stages of basic staircase calculations. You will see that everything is not so prohibitively complicated.

Basic structural elements of a wooden staircase

First of all, what are they like - wooden stairs?

  • The simplest option is a single-flight straight staircase. Such designs are relatively simple to calculate and install, and are characterized by high reliability and ease of use.

A significant disadvantage of such a staircase is that it “eats up” a lot of usable space in the room. And a decrease in its size (meaning its projection onto the floor plane) leads to an increase in the steepness of the ascent and descent. Which, in turn, makes the flight of stairs inconvenient and even unsafe for movement, especially for children or for people with physical disabilities.

  • If the space available in the room does not allow for a single-flight staircase, or it turns out to be too steep, it is divided into two or more flights, changing their direction to perpendicular or opposite.

It is clear that the total length of the marches, with the same height of ascent and its steepness, will not become less. But this approach allows, so to speak, to optimize the space. For example, flights of stairs are located in the corner part of the room along the walls, and it does not clutter the room. Or, a small separate room is allocated for the interfloor passage, turning it into a compact staircase with counter-arranged flights.

  • Stairs with two or more straight flights may also vary. And this difference lies in the features of ensuring a change in direction of movement. So, between the marches there can be a horizontal transition platform. Another option - the marches are connected by a curved section with a smooth change in direction, with steps of a characteristic trapezoidal shape. Such steps are called winder steps.

A staircase with a winder, of course, looks more elegant in the interior. And due to the fact that the rise does not “stop” anywhere, including at a turn, there is a gain in the overall dimensions of the structure. But a winder staircase is much more complicated in calculations, design and installation, and in operation it is not as convenient and safe as a similar one, but with a transition platform. So it’s better to weigh all its advantages and disadvantages in advance.

Prices for wooden stairs

wooden staircase

  • The design allows you to place the interfloor passage literally “on the spot”. And one cannot but agree that such a staircase in the interior looks very vintage (pardon the pun). But, however, this is where its advantages are limited.

But she has more than enough shortcomings. The complexity of calculations and installation largely limits the possibilities for independent creativity - the construction of such structures is still the lot of professionals. Moreover, many models use curved, bent parts, which are completely impossible to produce on your own without special equipment and without knowledge of technology. From the point of view of convenience and safety of moving along spiral steps, the staircase generally loses to all its “brothers”. And one more thing - just imagine that you need to lift some large piece of furniture or household appliances to the second floor (or lower it down)!

  • On the inside, the steps can be covered with riser panels (item 5). However, this element is not mandatory, and often risers are not installed either for the sake of giving the structure visual lightness, or so as not to create an obstacle for placing one’s foot (this is typical for stairs with a significantly steep rise).

To make risers, use a board with a thickness of at least 20 mm (30 mm is recommended). This part can be positioned and fastened in different ways, and this must be taken into account in advance, since its position often affects the “working” width of the tread.

The picture above, just as an example, shows two different principles connections between treads and risers. It is quite obvious that on the left fragment the position of the riser does not affect the width of the step. But on the right, where the riser is installed in the selected grooves, you will have to make an adjustment to the width of the tread panel so that the calculated width of the step does not decrease.

Prices for stair steps

  • The first stage of the lower flight (item 6) may be no different from all the others. But sometimes its configuration is varied (while trying not to change the height), made wider, with rounded edges, so as to make it easier to approach the flight of stairs from the left or right side. This step is called frieze.

  • An important element of any wooden staircase is the design of the railing. This provides both security and an additional decorative “highlight” of the interfloor passage. The basis for installing the fence are powerful posts (item 7), which should be placed at the beginning and end of each flight. At the transition site, such a column becomes common to both marches. If the entrance to the staircase is made with a frieze, then the lower pillar can be shifted to the second or even third step.

Between the pillars, with equal spacing, which should not be more than 150÷180 mm, (item 8), forming a common balustrade. There are railings (handrails) (pos. 9) running from pillar to pillar, which rest on the upper ends of the balusters along the march.

As a rule, pillars and balusters are given a beautiful configuration - the parts are turned on a lathe. There is now no shortage of offers for such products, and it is quite possible to order a set from a carpentry workshop. The railings of the required cross-sectional shape will also be manufactured there. Some recommendations for the shapes and sizes of stair railing design parts are clearly shown in the diagram.

By the way, it is the position of the fencing system that determines the width of the flight of stairs - it is calculated between the wall and the handrails, or between the handrails on both sides. From the point of view of convenience, a flight of width from 900 to 1000 mm is considered optimal from the point of view of convenience for indoor stairs - not too wide so as not to “eat up” the space, and quite convenient for moving one person and carrying furnishings. However, the upper limit in width is not indicated anywhere - this is at the discretion of the owners. And here minimum size- strictly stipulated by the rules fire safety. In any case, the staircase is considered as one of the escape routes, and its width cannot be less than 800 mm.

It is clear that staircase models can combine various elements, including those that were not shown in the proposed diagram. But since our article is intended for beginners ( experienced craftsmen already know all the intricacies of calculation and installation for a long time), it is better not to get carried away, but to limit ourselves to analyzing the most available options.

The basic structure of the staircase is considered. You can choose the type of structure that is most appropriate for specific conditions and proceed to calculations.

The main stages of calculating a wooden staircase

Stairs can be classified as structures of increased complexity, however, for a real owner, nothing is impossible. The main thing is that the design being created is convenient and safe in everyday use, and is highly reliable and durable. Plus, no one, as a rule, ever discounts the aesthetic component, since the staircase should fit well into the intended interior.

And they begin the calculations by assessing the place where the stairs are supposed to be installed. The steepness of its rise directly depends on this.

Calculations basic general linear parameters of the staircase structure

Although the owner is free to “experiment” within his home, he will, one way or another, have to adhere to certain rules when creating a staircase design. And above all, this concerns the steepness of the flight of stairs, that is, the angle between the direction of ascent and the horizontal plane.

The staircase should be both convenient to use and safe. Therefore, there are certain limits to its steepness. So, the rise should not be too gentle - this is both inconvenient for a person and will take up too much space in the room. Staircases in residential buildings are not designed with a slope of less than 20 degrees, but it is still better to consider 24 degrees as the permissible lower limit of steepness, although this is also a bit too small.

The most optimal the range is considered to be approximately 27 to 33 degrees - such marches are the most comfortable and safe. But often in cramped conditions at home it is difficult to achieve such values, and stairs are made with a slope of up to 40 degrees. Well, the top one. The critical limit for a staircase in constant use to the second floor can be considered an angle of 45 degrees. But for individual family members, this bias is already becoming quite difficult to overcome.

It is clear that the flatter the staircase, the more space will be required for its installation. Therefore, it seems appropriate to take the first step to assess the steepness of the march and the size of the horizontal projection - how it will “fit” into the space of the room that can be allocated for its installation.

So, we consider the interdependence of the steepness of the stairs and the space required for its installation.

This dependence is expressed by the trigonometric relation:


Below is an online calculator, which already includes this trigonometric function. And if you approach the calculation, with a known lifting height (and it is calculated “from floor to floor,” that is, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling), you can do it in two ways:

  • It is planned to create a staircase with a precisely selected angle of flight steepness. The calculation will show how much space she will have to allocate in the room.
  • The dimensions of the area for the stairs are strictly regulated - you need to determine what angle the flight will have, and whether it will fall within the acceptable range. For this calculation, you just need to vary the slope in the input field to achieve the required value of the projection length at the output - all this will take a few seconds.

If there is not enough space for a single-flight staircase (and this most often happens in a small private house), then it should be divided into two flights, as mentioned above. In this case, for each of the marches you can carry out your own calculation, changing the height of the transition platform. But at the same time, not forgetting that the slope angle must be maintained the same for all marches. This is a strict rule that cannot be broken!

Calculator for analyzing the relationship between the slope of a staircase and the size of its horizontal projection


Once the horizontal projection length has been obtained, it is easy to calculate the flight span length. This parameter is necessary, for example, when ordering materials for the manufacture of stringers (strings) and handrails for fences. It is clear that the blanks must be with a reserve - for precise cutting in place, but you need to have an idea of ​​​​the estimated length, at least in order to ensure this reserve.

The calculation is simple, since it obeys the Pythagorean Theorem, known to everyone from school:

L = √ (D²+H²)

Prices for balusters


We simplify the task for the reader - he has an online calculator at his disposal:

Calculator for calculating the length of a flight of stairs

Enter the requested values ​​and click

Lifting height (from floor to floor), meters

Horizontal projection length, meters

Another important nuance that should be immediately taken into account when planning the stairs. This is an opening in the ceiling through which the flight of stairs will pass. Here you need to focus on the following:

  • A person climbing stairs should not risk hitting his head on the ceiling or the edge of the opening. Therefore, a safe distance must be maintained from any point on the stairs to the ceiling. Usually it is taken to be at least 2000 mm, but for tall people who are making a staircase “for themselves”, it can be set even more.
  • In order not to weaken the ceiling structure, it is better to position the opening so as not to resort to complete dismantling of the beam or cutting out its fragment with the subsequent installation of additional support. That is, it is better to think through this issue in advance.

Using the diagram presented above, it is easy to establish the dependence of the length of the cut opening (S) from safe passage height (V) and the angle of march steepness (A), taking into account the thickness of the floor (P).

S = (V+P) / tg a

The same dependence, but “transformed into the appearance” of an online calculator:

Calculator for calculating the length of the opening in the ceiling

Enter the requested values ​​and click

Safe height to ceiling, meters

Floor thickness, meters

Staircase steepness angle, degrees

The width of the march has already been discussed above. Important - the dimensions of the transition platform cannot be less than the established width of the stairs, and the flights must be equal in width.

Basic general dimensions the stairs have been determined, the design is still theoretically, in plan, inscribed in the space of the room - you can proceed to calculating the parameters of the steps.

Calculation of steps of a flight of stairs

This is one of the most crucial moments. The dimensions of the steps should be such that it is as comfortable and safe for a person to move along the stairs.

  • The height of the step should not be too small so as not to knock you out of step. But at the same time, the height of raising the leg, followed by transferring the center of gravity and taking a step up, should correspond to the normal ergonomics of human movement and not cause rapid muscle fatigue. It is believed that optimally this indicator should be in the range from 150 to 180 mm. It is permissible for marches with too flat or steep elevation angles to use a height from 130÷140 to 200÷210 mm, but comfort will certainly decrease.
  • The width of the tread should ensure the fullest possible placement of the foot or sole of the shoe, but at the same time not force the person to take too wide a step when moving to the next step. That is, the optimal range is considered to be from 310 to 270 mm, with permissible variations up to 320 and 250 mm. True, if the calculated width of the treads is insufficient, it can be “increased”. For this purpose, either oblique risers are made, or they are removed completely so that no barrier is created for the foot, or, what is most often practiced, the tread is made with an overhang over the bottom step.

1 – staircase with straight risers;

2 – staircase with risers sloping inwards;

3 – staircase with protruding treads above the lower steps;

4 – stairs without risers.

How to determine the optimal ratio of height and width of a step? It is almost universally recommended to use the so-called “safety formula”

2 h+b = 600÷640 mm

h- step height:

b- tread width

600÷640 - the approximate length of a person's average stride.

The formula itself is certainly correct. But there are two nuances:

— The step width can be larger or smaller. It is no secret that there are very tall families and, conversely, people with shorter heights.

— The formula does not take into account the steepness of the flight of stairs at all. That is, it allows you to find the optimal ratio of a single value, but does not give an answer as to what this one of the initial parameters should be.

Therefore, another algorithm can be considered more universal and accurate calculation, which takes into account the ergonomics of human movement and makes the size of the steps dependent on the steepness of the stairs. This method can be implemented graphically and mathematically.

Graphically, the calculation is done as follows:

  • The coordinate axes are drawn - X and Y, respectively, length and height.
  • The X-axis shows the normal step length of a person (naturally, on the selected scale). Everyone is free to carry out calculations in accordance with the most acceptable value of this parameter. The points of these “steps” can be numbered - they are indicated on the diagram 1 ; 2 ; 3 etc .
  • The Y axis contains segments equal to half the step length. It is believed that this is the height to which any person can easily raise their leg, without feeling discomfort or rapid fatigue. These points are numbered 1c; 2v; 3v And T.d .
  • Now points with equal numbers can be connected by auxiliary lines.
  • The next step is to draw the line of the flight of stairs through the coordinate center, that is, at an angle that was obtained as a result of previously carried out calculations. Just for clarity, the diagram shows two options - for two stairs of different steepness.
  • The intersection points of the march line with the auxiliary lines will indicate the outer edge of the step. From these points it is easy to draw vertical and horizontal lines to draw the entire profile of the staircase.
  • After this, all that remains is to measure the resulting steps, and, knowing the scale value, convert the obtained values ​​to real ones.
  • By the way, pay attention to the nuance. If you connect the dot 1c With 2 , 2v With 3 etc., then the lines will pass exactly through the inner corner of the step.

As mentioned above, the same algorithm can be applied purely mathematically, without going through graphical constructions.

Let's try to enlarge one of the fragments of the diagram:

The X axis represents the step length, and the Y axis represents half of this length. It turns out a right triangle with legs, one of which is twice as large as the other. This is only possible in a triangle whose angles (except for the right angle) are approximately 63 and 27 degrees (the indicators are not actually rounded, but this is not of fundamental importance).

Knowing this, we can determine the length of the segment G that connects the edges of the steps. We apply the theorem of sines:

G / sin 63° = (0.5 × L) / sin (27° + α)

And the found segment G – this is nothing more than the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are the altitude ( h) and width ( b) steps.

h = G × sin α= G × cos (90 – α)

b = G × cos α = G × sin (90 – α)

It is these trigonometric dependencies that became the basis for the recommended calculator, which will carry out calculations in a matter of seconds.

Calculator calculationoptimal size of staircase steps

The values ​​obtained as a result of calculations cannot yet be considered final. They need to be brought to the actual dimensions of the flight of stairs. How it's done?

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  • The lift height is known. The calculation gave the recommended step height. Divide one by the other and we get the approximate number of steps. Approximate because it is usually a fraction and requires rounding.
  • Rounding, of course, “asks” in the nearest direction. But here you can show some “flexibility”. The fact is that it is recommended to have an odd number of steps on a flight of stairs. This is for reasons that it is always much more convenient for a person to start and finish moving up the stairs with one foot. The rule is, of course, optional, but you can still keep it in mind.

Another nuance - the number of steps in a march cannot be unlimited - a maximum of eighteen is allowed. However, if you are designing a wooden staircase to the second floor in an ordinary private house, you still won’t have to resort to such a large number.

  • Now that the number of steps is known, it is already possible to accurately determine their height. To do this, divide the lift height by the resulting number.

This value is sometimes also reduced to some kind of rounded figure, for which, for example, the height of the first frieze step is slightly reduced. But you can leave it as it is - there won’t be much difference, for example, when marking a stringer or a bowstring - whether you draw the step lines through 186 or through 190 mm. It just takes a little more care.

Well, if the calculated width of the step turns out to be not quite sufficient for placing the foot (you can focus on approximately 290÷300 mm), it can be increased by creating a small overhang - already described above.

Peculiarities calculationsteps of the winder section of the stairs

The calculation of the steps of the winder section has its own characteristics. But this applies to a greater extent to their size in terms of plan. The height and width in the central part of the treads should remain the same as on the flight sections of the stairs.

Options are possible in planning such a site.

A. The change in the shape of the steps begins along the border of the curved section of the stairs.

The calculation for this option is somewhat simpler.

The winder steps have a trapezoidal shape. In their central part (along the line of movement along the stairs) the width should be the same as on a straight flight.

You can make the following diagram. It is shown here to begin turning a flight of stairs 180 degrees, but with perpendicular flights the principle remains the same.

  • The lower left part of the diagram shows a straight flight of stairs. There are also symbols: L in this case, this is the width of the march, and b- calculated step width for the entire staircase. The height of the steps is not required in this calculation - it simply remains the same along the entire length of the interfloor passage, regardless of whether it is a straight section or a winder section.
  • A line is punched in the center of the march, which becomes an arc at the turn. It can be conditionally called a “travel line” (it is shown in the diagram blue). It is along this line that the “trajectory” of a person’s movement along the stairs usually runs.
  • On the top border of the last straight step carried out horizontal line, on which the center of rotation is located - point A. It is this that becomes the center for the arcs that determine the turn of the staircase. The position of this center is to a certain extent arbitrary, but they always try to “move it” outside the staircase by at least ¼ ÷ ⅛ of the flight width, otherwise the turning radius R will become too small, and this, quite obviously, will unacceptably narrow the inner sides of the trapezoidal winder steps.

The diagram clearly shows that the radius R is equal to the shortest distance from center A to the outer side (perpendicular) of a straight flight of stairs, and it also defines the “external contour” of the curved section.

Inner arc with center A is a continuation of the inner edge of the straight march section.

  • The next step is to lay chords (segments whose edges rest on this arc) from the edge of the last straight step along the arcuate line of progress. Their length is equal to the estimated width of the staircase steps. This achieves the required width of the winder steps in the center.
  • After this, lines are drawn through the ends of these chords to the center A. It is these lines that will set the boundaries of the winder steps.
  • The intersection of these lines with the arcs of the outer and internal contour will show the ends of the chords, which will already become the width of the outer ( S) and inner edge ( m) winder steps. As mentioned above, for the internal side this figure should be at least 100 mm, for the external side - no more than 400.
  • It is clear that making a complex bent string or bowstring for the outer edge of a curved section is hardly convenient. Therefore, the lines can be extended to the surface of the walls (shown by the red dotted line). The steps will take a triangular or other polygonal shape, and their specific size will be easy to remove from the drawing if it is drawn to scale.

Since the width of the march and the width of the steps are constants, it turns out that the dimensions of the winder steps depend to a greater extent on the radius R, that is, from the selected center location A. And in order not to guess and not to redraw the diagram several times, you can “predict” this dependence in advance. To do this, you just need to translate the shown drawing into the “language of geometry”. In this case, the patterns of similarity of triangles are most suitable for this.

Our online calculator will help you determine this accurately and quickly.

Rice. 1 General drawing stairs

  • Y - opening height - usually determined by the height of the floors of your house
  • X - length of the opening - depends on how much space you can allocate in your house for the stairs
  • Z - width of the stairs - depends on how much space you can allocate in your home for the stairs
  • W - thickness of steps - geometric parameter of the material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the stairs
  • F - step protrusion - the distance by which the upper step will hang over the lower one
  • T - thickness of the string - a geometric parameter of the material (for example, boards) from which you plan to build the staircase
  • C - number of steps - in how many steps will it be most comfortable for you to move from floor to floor

"Show risers: H" function

You can build your staircase with or without risers. This function allows you to see what the design will look like with both options.

Function “Upper step below the floor of the 2nd floor: SP”

Rice. 3 Execution of the staircase with the top steps below the floor

Depending on the relative placement of the structure and the floor of the upper floor:

  1. The upper plane of the top step is flush with the plane of the floor of the upper floor;
  2. The upper plane of the top step is lower than the plane of the floor of the upper floor by the height of the step.

The choice of one or another mutual placement may depend on: the thickness of the interfloor ceilings, the desired relationship between the number of steps and their height, the length of blanks for stringers and the length of the opening, the desired angle of inclination of the stairs, or simply the tastes and preferences of the owner of the house. Please note that in the figure in which the upper step is below the floor of the 2nd floor, the thickness of the interfloor ceiling is greater than in the figure in which the upper step is at the floor level of the 2nd floor. If the thickness of the ceiling is less than the height of the step, the stringer simply will not rest against the ceiling (therefore, when demonstrating the second option, this thickness had to be increased).

Function "Black and white drawing:"

Rice. 4 Black and white drawing of a staircase

It is advisable to use this function in two cases:

  1. If you are used to working with standard drawings according to GOST, and, accordingly, better perceive graphics without color content.
  2. If you are going to print the results of the calculator. Then you will spend less paint/toner and the visual perception of the drawings on paper will be better. And, of course, this function is used when printing on a black and white printer.

Function "Change lifting direction: LR"

Rice. 5 View of stairs, see different directions of ascent

A specific staircase, which is placed in a certain way in the house, can be approached from the side from two sides or only from one side - when the staircase is in contact with the wall. In the latter case, there are two options for placing the structure relative to the observer:

  1. Rise from left to right;
  2. Ascent from right to left.

This function allows you to visualize both of these options

Calculation of the flight of a straight staircase to the second floor

The main result of this calculator:

  1. Information needed to make bowstrings
  2. Information required for making steps

According to this information, the flight of stairs is calculated, and the parts from which the structure is assembled are made.

All other drawings show the final appearance of the structure: after joining the strings and steps to each other.

A special feature of this calculator is the implementation of two functions:

  1. Assessing the convenience of the stairs;
  2. Adjustment of staircase design.

Assessing the convenience of a staircase is carried out according to three criteria:

  1. Compliance of the design with the average stride length. According to this criterion, the sum of the step depth and the two heights should equal the average step length. Average length human step - 63 cm.
  2. Step depth. Comfortable step depth is from 28 cm. For a given opening length, the step depth can be adjusted by changing the protrusion.
  3. The angle of inclination of the stairs. The optimal angle of inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°. At tilt angles from 20° to 30° and from 40° to 45°, the comfort level of movement between floors is significantly reduced. Angles of inclination beyond the above limits can significantly affect the speed of movement between floors and the safety level of the stairs.

Based on the results of assessing a specific design, an indicator of the level of convenience is given for each of the criteria, and the staircase is assigned an overall level of convenience. The calculator evaluates whether the staircase meets the generally known criteria of convenience, but you must always remember that your staircase in your home should serve your purposes as efficiently as possible. And if, in accordance with these goals, you need to build the most non-standard staircase in the world - go for it.

If there is a need to improve the design, the straight staircase calculator gives advice on how to do this:

  1. Reduce/increase the number of steps;
  2. Increase the protrusion of the steps (if the depth of the steps is insufficient for comfortable walking);
  3. Reduce/increase the length of the opening.

After adjusting the design, the normalized parameters will become closer to the ideal, but it is possible that such adjustments will have to be made several more times.

Instructions for the straight staircase calculator

In order to calculate a staircase using this calculator, you need to know the height of the floor, the size of the space that you can allocate for the staircase, the materials with which you are going to build it, and, of course, the purpose of its use. Before you start work, you need to carefully consider all the nuances: whether the staircase is adjacent to the wall, or in contact with elements of the interior of the house, and how this should affect the structure itself and the process of its construction. Possibly for selection correct option in size and design, you will have to use a calculator to calculate and compare several. Before you start processing the material, make sure that the detail drawings correspond to the ladder that is suitable for you and your purposes. When building, attach the parts to each other, and the staircase itself to the house so that you can guarantee the reliability and strength of the structure for decades.

The stairs presented on our website can be divided into categories according to three mutually dependent criteria:

  1. Length dimensions

A. Maximum length— all steps are placed on one pair of bowstrings/stringers;

b. Medium length - steps are placed on two pairs of strings;

V. Minimum length - the steps are placed on three pairs of strings, the length dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pairs of strings;

2. Width dimensions

A. Maximum width - steps are placed on two or three pairs of strings, the width dimension is regulated by changing the number of steps on the corresponding pair of strings;

b. Average width - the steps are placed on two parallel pairs of strings, the width dimension is equal to two widths of the stairs;

V. Minimum width - all steps are placed on one pair of bowstrings/stringers, the width dimension is equal to the width of the staircase;

3. Difficulty in manufacturing

A. Easy to manufacture - made from bowstrings/stringers and rectangular steps;

b. Medium complexity of manufacturing - made from bowstrings, rectangular steps and platforms;

V. Difficult to manufacture - made from bowstrings/stringers, rectangular steps, platforms and turning steps.

Stairs presented on our website:

  • Straight ladder on bowstrings - 1.a.-2.v.-3.a.
  • - 1.b.-2.a.-3.b.
  • - 1.b.-2.b.-3.b.
  • - 1.b.-2.b.-3.c.
  • - 1.c.-2.a.-3.b.
  • — 1.v.-2.a.-3.v.
  • - out of classification
  • - 1.a.-2.v.-3.a.

In each specific situation, the floor height is already specified. Based on your own preferences, you can choose the level of convenience: either the convenience criteria are met, or the staircase is flatter, or steeper, etc. Having this information, we can talk about the number of ascents (steps and platforms) in a particular situation, and also, if necessary, calculate a straight staircase online.

Let's imagine that we have, for example, 12 ascents - steps and platforms. Staircase design is the shape of these risers (steps, turning steps, landings) and how these 12 risers are placed relative to each other.

You can place all these 12 rises in one row along the length of the opening - “Straight staircase on bowstrings”, ““. In this case, your staircase will have a maximum length dimension, minimum size in width and will not be difficult to manufacture. Having all the necessary parameters, it will be much easier to calculate a straight staircase to the second floor.

These 12 lifts can be placed in 2 rows, rotated 90° relative to each other (when viewed from above). With a platform on the turn - "" - a simpler option to manufacture (for example, 5 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - "" - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 3 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an adjustable dimension in width.

You can place these 12 lifts in 2 parallel (when viewed from above) rows placed next to each other. With a platform on the turn - "" - a simpler option to manufacture (for example, 5 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - "" - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 3 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps and 6 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have an average dimension in length and an average dimension in width.

You can place these 12 lifts on 3 rows perpendicular to each other (when viewed from above).

With platforms on turns - "" - a simpler option to manufacture (for example, 2 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, a platform, 3 steps on the middle pair of bowstrings, a platform and 5 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). With rotary steps on the turn - “” - a more difficult option to manufacture (for example, 2 steps on the lower pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps, 2 steps on the middle pair of bowstrings, 3 rotary steps, 2 steps on the upper pair of bowstrings). In these cases, your staircase will have a minimum length dimension and an adjustable width dimension. You can also calculate a one-flight staircase using the calculator.

Or you can choose ““, which is not similar to any of the above and will give the interior of your home a truly sophisticated look. If desired, make do with simple and convenient design, you can calculate a straight wooden staircase and make sure that its cost is affordable, the project is simple and reliable.

This design is relevant in a situation where you want an easy-to-manufacture staircase, the length of which would depend on the height of movement (subject to the convenience criteria) and which would not take up much space in width.

In order to perform calculations of the future staircase data with your own hands, you will need to find a number of parameters. If you do not know the basic design rules, you can make serious mistakes, which will further affect the safety and convenience of the design. To make the task easier, standard characteristics were derived and special formulas were developed.

Types of structures

  • straight one-march;
  • single-flight with winder steps;
  • two-flight with an intermediate platform;
  • rotatable 90 degrees (L-shaped);
  • swivel 180 degrees (U-shaped);
  • with an arbitrary degree of rotation.

Calculating the parameters of a staircase with your own hands may seem like a difficult task for a beginner. In order to avoid significant mistakes, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic indicators, established standards and formulas for calculations.

Options for staircase designs to the second floor

SNiP standards

Before calculating stairs for climbing to the second floor, you need to familiarize yourself with the SNiP and GOST standards. If you decide to completely make the entire structure with your own hands, this step is mandatory.

First of all, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Slope. Reflects the angle of inclination of a flight of stairs; for residential premises this indicator should be within 30-40 degrees.
  • Number of steps. The exact value depends on the length of the span and the number of marches, the minimum number is three, the maximum is 16 for double-flight models and 18 for single-flight models.
  • Site size. If a two-flight structure with a platform is installed to ascend to the second floor, the width of the latter must be no less than the width of the flights leading to it.
  • Tread width. The distance from the edge of the step to the riser, the optimal distance is -29 cm, fluctuations of +/-3 cm are allowed.
  • Riser height. The distance between steps is considered to be 17 cm as a standard, however, the interval of 14-20 cm does not go beyond the norm.
  • Step. The total distance covering 2 treads and 1 riser, the ideal value is 62 cm.
  • Width of the stairs. The distance from one edge of the step to the other, for a regular staircase to the second floor, is at least 80 cm.
  • Dimensions staircase. The area of ​​the cage must be sufficient to allow the door to be opened or the person to pass without hindrance.

If the staircase meets all the standards described above, it will be safe and very convenient for movement.

Diagram for calculating the optimal angle of inclination of stairs that meets the standards

In some cases, in particular when the house has already been built and it is not possible to make changes regarding the height of the floors and the layout of the room, deviations from the standard indicators are allowed, the main condition is that the changes made should not seriously affect the safety indicator of the staircase structure.

Opening and dimensions of steps

You can calculate stairs, or rather, steps, only if you have all the formulas available and the basic indicators have been determined. To begin with, they are selected intuitively, based on SNiP standards. You also need to measure the opening; in the future, you can adjust the parameters if some deviations and discrepancies are identified. Since you can calculate the dimensions of the opening for the stairs using a simple tape measure, first measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, and from the entrance to the second floor to the position of the first step.

In order to calculate the staircase in the house, as well as determine what size the opening should be, you first need to know the number of steps in the flight. Based on this indicator, you will calculate the size of the riser and can use the formula to determine the step. So, let's look at how to calculate the standard stair step. To do this, you need to take the width of the tread and the height of the step. The formula for calculating the step of the stairs is as follows:

2a + b = 60…65

In one step, a person can cover an average of 60-65 cm. This is a comfortable step size, on the basis of which you can calculate the width of the tread (a) and the height of the riser (c).

Measurements necessary for the correct calculation of the stairs to the second floor

These indicators can also be determined in a slightly different way. To do this, you need to take as a basis such parameters as the height of the rise, the length of the projection and the slope of the stairs. First you need to calculate the lift height:

h = H + D

In other words, you need to sum up the height of the room and the thickness of the ceiling. From here you can find out the number of steps:

Based on the number of steps and the height of the tread, you can calculate the projection length of the staircase, focusing on the opening. We calculate the projection length of the stairs:

If you know the height of the rise and the length of the stairs, you can find out the slope or steepness of a straight staircase:

Based on these data, you can calculate more accurate indicators for a straight staircase:

a = h/n

Convenience and safety

In addition to the dimensions of the structure itself for lifting to the second floor, there are several more criteria for assessing convenience and safety that must be taken into account. Therefore, it is not enough to simply correctly calculate the stairs using the specified formulas; it is necessary to determine the degree of compliance of the design parameters with the required standards. This can be done with your own hands using simple techniques.

Calculation of a safe and convenient step of stairs for private use

First of all, the formula is used to calculate the safety of the stairs:

a + b = 46

This sum of the dimensions of the tread and riser indicates that the preliminary calculations were made correctly and comply with the standards.

There is also a special formula for determining the degree of convenience of the stairs:

a – b = 12

If the difference between these two indicators is 12 units, it means that climbing such a staircase to the second floor will be very convenient for the average person. The opening must also meet the requirements of convenience and safety, provide free access and not impede access to the second floor.

You should not recalculate the entire project if there are minor deviations of a couple of centimeters, this is quite acceptable.

Winder steps, platforms and cages

Separately, it is worth considering the situation with the design of a non-standard staircase structure. So, let's figure out how you can calculate the stairs yourself if you plan to use winder design. Standard formulas are only suitable for straight marching models. Here's the size calculation winder staircase produced graphically. In this case, the calculation of the staircase and intermediate landings is carried out separately, if any.

Schematic representation of the design of a staircase with winder steps

Let's look at how to calculate a two-flight staircase in a house with your own hands. If an intermediate platform is used, the calculation of such an interfloor staircase is carried out in two stages. First, the position of the site or intermediate cell is calculated. Then, up to this mark, the parameters are calculated for the standard march, and then for the second similar section. The dimensions of the staircase are calculated based on the width of the last step leading to the second floor and the dimensions of the passage.

Now you know how to correctly calculate the stairs in the house and the opening for it. If you are experiencing some difficulties with design, you can use online programs, but you should not trust them one hundred percent, calculation of stairs This is a very important stage and in this case it is better to order finished work from a professional.

In order to make your home as comfortable as possible, you need not only to hire builders, but also to delve into it yourself engineering calculations. The main modular design of the house is. It is this that gives the interior that unique luxury that many people dream of. You can arrange flights of stairs and install steps in different ways. Online calculation of stairs will help you design the optimal structure and calculate material consumption.

Various types of staircase designs: photo gallery

There are a lot of options for placement and execution of stairs. You can easily choose an interesting design that will make the interior individual and unique.

Wooden structures with a platform significantly save space:

Screw structures can become a real interior decoration:

It may also be a good choice for staircase structures:

Metal structures have increased strength and reliability. They can be combined with both wood and glass:

Designs from can become the central link of the hall:

It is important when planning the design of stairs to take into account the age of the residents. If there are small children, the main criterion is safety both in the structure of the steps and. It will be difficult for older people to get used to the screw design; the slope should be less steep.

Related article:

How to create comfortable and stylish ones yourself - read our publication. You will learn not only possible options structures and their advantages and disadvantages, as well as design styles and secrets of self-installation of stairs.

Determination of basic technical parameters for online calculation of stairs

Building a staircase is not a designer’s flight of fancy. Certain standards for optimal ratios have been developed, permissible load, compliance with which is important primarily for the safety and comfortable movement of others. Small deviations are allowed within acceptable limits, otherwise the design will simply become dangerous for people.

  • lifting height (risers);
  • tread (step) width;
  • slope of the stairs.

A slope angle of more than 45° is considered steep; this design is not suitable for every family or for daily use. However, if the layout or area of ​​the house does not allow the installation of another structure, you need to consider reliable railings to make walking up the stairs easier.

This is interesting! The slope of a staircase is the ratio of the height of the rise to the width of the step. The wider the step, the less steep the flight of stairs will be.

In addition to the main parameters, the design of the staircase is also influenced by:

  • length of flight of stairs;
  • dimensions of the staircase opening;
  • distance between finished floor marks of the 1st and 2nd floors;
  • number of steps. Regulatory documents defined from 3 to 18 units.

Deviation from standard or acceptable parameters will, at best, cause discomfort when moving. At worst, it can provoke a number of diseases.

Main types of staircase structures

Stairs indoors can be made in the following variations:

  • flight of stairs;
  • screw;
  • combined option.

The choice depends on the area and layout of the premises. It is important what role it will play in the interior of the house; the feasibility of installing a particular model depends on this.

Let's take a closer look at each design.

Flight of stairs

This design has increased reliability and ease of execution. Depending on the height of the room and the width of the steps, you can install one or more flights. The number of steps in each should not exceed 16.

Flights of stairs can be classified according to the following criteria:

According to installation form straight
with a platform between marches
By location L-shaped
By mounting method mounted
on the bowstrings
on a frame
on stringers


It involves installing steps in a spiral around the main axis. This design can be installed in order to save usable space. It will not take up more than 1 m². The main feature of a spiral staircase is the ability to be installed almost anywhere in the room. The structures consist of steps, supports, balusters and railings.

With its installation, the interior is transformed with a completely unique design. She may look absolutely weightless. For example, glass steps with wooden railings and aluminum balusters. You can choose the material to suit any style direction of the room.


An arched staircase is usually called combined. It combines elements of a screw design with a flight of stairs. To install it, you need to allocate some area. Elements can be made in the form of straight sections, in the shape of an ellipse, circle or semicircle.

The main materials used for the manufacture of stairs and the nuances of their calculation

The material from which the staircase will be made must fit into the interior and meet all safety requirements. When choosing it, you need to pay attention to the origin and environmental friendliness, and check the material’s certificates for compliance with quality standards.

Most often used:

  • wooden structures;
  • metal stairs;
  • glass;
  • plastic elements.

The design may include combined design options. For classic interiors or ethno-style will suit, in gothic style Forging would look appropriate. IN modern directions You can use nickel-plated or galvanized steel in combination with aluminum or glass.

Calculation of wooden stairs

The base of the structure is subject to greater load, so hard types of wood are suitable for it. For fencing elements, you can choose a material of medium hardness or soft varieties; it is easier to process.

To calculate a wooden staircase, you will need the following parameters:

  • Room height (from finished floor to ceiling);
  • opening length (the horizontal projection of the length from the edge of the opening to the first tread is measured);
  • number of steps;
  • the width of an average person's step;
  • width of the flight of stairs, optimal size taking into account railings and handrails – 100 cm;
  • step depth;
  • step height (underwall);
  • the height of the fence, including the railings, should be about 100 cm;
  • thickness of the approach - this parameter depends on the type of tree.

One of the main calculation parameters is the thickness of the stringer, which takes the main load. steps in wooden structure can be done with or without a protrusion. It just depends on personal preference.

Calculation of metal stairs

The design of a metal staircase is made of a channel, corrugated metal steps, steel “fillies” and brackets. The elements are secured by welding. The elements are calculated according to general formula taking into account comfortable ascent and descent.

In addition, for a metal structure it is necessary to calculate the strength and rigidity parameters:

  1. Useful standard load per 1 sq. m of stairs is considered 300 kg. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the overload factor equal to 1.4;
  2. When calculating the load on the railing, you should take into account the overload coefficient of 1.3 to the standard parameter from 50 to 100 kg 1 linear meter.

When calculating a flight of stairs, the distance between opposite walls is taken into account. They must be planned 20 centimeters larger than the width of the march.

Determining the required geometric dimensions of the stairs

Before starting structural calculations, it is important to take into account the geometric parameters of the room:

  • distance from the floor level of the 1st and 2nd floors;
  • design features of the location of the walls;
  • installation locations for doors and windows;
  • area of ​​premises;

It may be necessary to make changes to the specific installation and repair work of the premises when performing calculations.

Calculating the size of staircase steps in a private house using an online calculator

First of all, it is necessary to calculate the steps of the stairs so that their height is the same. The width of the flight of stairs should not differ from the width of the landing. The length of the march should be within 1.5÷3 m.

  • The size of the step depends on the length of the flight of stairs and the number of steps. When calculating the width, the total capacity is taken into account, with the standard being 0.7 m per person;
  • The height of the steps is also calculated taking into account comfortable ascent and descent. Optimal height– 12÷20 cm;
  • The depth of the step depends on the size of the person’s foot. Parameters from 28 to 30 cm are considered standard;
  • To calculate the number of steps, you need to divide the height of the stairs by the height of the step, which should be selected from the table, taking into account the comfortable angle of inclination of the structure. If the parameter does not turn out to be even, adjustment should be made at the size of the first step.

It is generally accepted that the width of two steps plus the height of the step should be within 60÷64 cm. These are the most comfortable dimensions of staircase steps for ascent and descent. When planning a structure with marches located in the opposite direction, it is necessary to leave an opening of at least 50 cm between them.

Calculator for determining the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs

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A comfortable angle of inclination depends on the height and width of the staircase steps. It is calculated in such a way that when walking a person moves forward proportionally. An angle within 23÷37° is considered comfortable.

It is important! The smaller the angle of inclination, the more area will be required to place the structure. However, increasing the angle will cause discomfort when climbing to the second floor.

Online calculator for calculating stairs: drawings and diagrams

To calculate the stairs to the second floor, you can use an online calculator or resort to the simple formula of the French architect Francois Blondel. The width of the human step, which we mentioned earlier, is taken as the basis.

S = A + 2 × H or add two step widths to the tread height.

Required security settings:

A + H = 46 cm;

convenience formula:

A – H = 12 cm.

Thanks to these magic formulas you can calculate the parameters yourself safe stairs. Before starting the calculations, we suggest watching a video that describes in detail the main errors in the design of staircase structures.

With winder steps rotated 90°

The design with winder steps allows you to save space while maintaining functionality. The optimal number of turning elements is 3 for an opening width of 80 cm. A larger number of steps will be narrow and inconvenient. For wide structures, installation of a larger number of winder steps is allowed.

It is important! If the rotating element is installed at the top of the flight, the height of the area must be taken into account in order to avoid head injuries. The optimal height is 2 meters.

The calculation is carried out taking into account the step of the average person 60÷64 cm. The sum of the width of two steps and one height should be within these limits. The calculation can be performed using an online staircase calculator, in which you need to indicate the initial data.

Related article:

Is one of the most popular options. Is it possible to make such a design yourself, what types of stairs are there? Read in our publication.

Online calculator for calculating stairs with a 180° rotation

When calculating a 180° rotation, the following factors must be considered:

  • the width of the winder step at its most bottleneck should not be less than 14 cm, wide - 40 cm;
  • radius of rotation of the structure – 30 cm;
  • there should be no height differences, all step heights should be the same for comfortable movement;

Winder steps can be started from a straight section. Using a special program, you can calculate the stairs online and select optimal parameters steps.

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Calculation of straight stairs using an online calculator

Fastening straight marches is most often performed on stringers. This is an inclined beam that serves as a support for the stairs. The steps are overlapped and secured on top, as opposed to string installation. Stringers can be straight, broken or screw.

Straight stringers are used to fasten flights of stairs in one flight with a central or side location. The stringer takes on the entire main load. Therefore, its safe operation, durability and stability of the entire structure depend on correct calculation. Most often, a stringer made of wood or metal is used.

To calculate the wooden element, it is necessary to determine the distance between the finished floor marks of the 1st and 2nd floors and the length of the flight of stairs, which is determined by multiplying the number of steps by the width of the tread. If the last step is performed at the 2nd floor level, it should be excluded from the calculation.

Formula for calculating the length of a flight of stairs:

C = ( H ² + L ² ),

In other words, the size of the stringer is equal to square root from the sum of the squares of the height of the room and the length of the flight. The element can be calculated using an online calculator. It is enough to put the required parameters in the cells.

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Double-flight model on stringers with a 180° rotation

This design can be done in two versions.

  • Flights of stairs are united by a platform, the width of which is equal to the sum of the width of the flight and the partition between the structures. The length of the platform is at least ½ its width;
  • design with winder steps, with the platform being replaced by several trapezoidal steps.

Three-flight model on stringers with a 180° rotation

A three-flight flight with a 180° turn is performed on two platforms.

If the slope is quite large, you can perform marches with two platforms and a 180° turn. In addition, this will save usable space.

The calculation program will select the best option, you can play with the calculations and the number of steps on each flight. It is important to consider that the width of the platform should be similar to the width of the opening.

You should know this! Professionals advise making the number of steps odd, so that the beginning and end of the ascent or descent on each march is always performed from the supporting leg.

The minimum number of steps in one flight must be at least three. The height of the railing or fence should vary between 90÷110 cm.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

The design of the spiral staircase is made in such a way that the width of the steps decreases towards the center. The wide side is attached to the balusters or walls, the narrow side is attached to the central post. For such a design, the optimal maximum width should be 40 cm, in the center - 27÷28 cm.

For comfortable movement of a person, it is necessary to plan the width of the span on each side - 50÷100 cm, or a distance of 100-200 cm should be allocated for the entire structure.

To calculate the spiral staircase to the second floor with your own hands, you will need the following parameters:

  • installation location of the central support;
  • span width (distance between central and side supports);
  • the shape of the steps (you need to calculate the optimal length, taking into account the width on one side of more than 40 cm, the narrow edge should not be less than 20 cm);
  • to reduce the angle of elevation, it is recommended to reduce the height of the steps;
  • the distance between the turns of the spiral must be at least 2 diameters of the structure.

The central axis of a spiral staircase can be made in the form of a prefabricated column on which steps and intermediate structural elements are suspended.

Calculation of a straight staircase on bowstrings

The difference between the design on stringers and stringers is in the fastening of the steps to load-bearing beam. They fit into special cutouts (grooves) from the inside. Externally, the staircase structure looks like a single whole.

Standard bowstring dimensions for a 90 cm wide span:

  • width – 300 cm (minimum 275 cm). The distance of the string above and below the step should be more than 50 mm;
  • thickness – 40 mm (minimum);
  • groove depth – from 20 to 30 mm.

The main parameters of the bowstring are the distance between the grooves and the width of the groove.

When calculating the steps of the stairs online, the top one does not need to be taken into account, since it will be performed at the level of the 2nd floor.

It is important to determine how the steps will be attached to the string. This can be done in an open groove without a support beam or in a closed way with a reference line.

You can also install steps on support mounts or metal corners. But this method is similar to the calculation with a support beam.

The design calculation is performed using a general formula, taking into account the step size of an average person.

You should know this! The safe operation of the staircase structure depends on the depth of the string.

Programs for calculating stairs

Special programs have been developed for calculating stair elements. They can be easily found on the Internet; even an inexperienced user can understand the calculations. With their help, a visual model of the future structure is created.

"Concultec Stairon" This is the most famous program for structural calculations. With its help, you can select materials for the manufacture of individual elements. Clear structure, clear guidance, visualization, editing and adjustment of elements during the calculation.
"Stair Designer" The program has been improved with 2D and 3D visualization. With its help, you can design not only the main elements, but also balusters, railings, stringers. You can perform online design of a staircase of any complexity. There are built-in control options that will tell you which parameters are out of your comfort zone. The program has one drawback - there is no adaptation to Russian language, only English and German.
"Compass Staircase" The program library contains a large number of structural elements. The program offers solutions to the most complex problems. The interface can be Russified. It is possible to print calculations and designs.

Software products can be easily downloaded and installed on your computer. As an alternative, you can use an online staircase calculator on the Internet. For example, on the website, with minimal specified parameters, you can obtain a calculation of the main elements within a short time.

Thus, quite complex calculations become an exciting game of construction, the result of which can be changed as new data is entered.

Where can you order turnkey production and installation of staircases - prices, catalogs

Before choosing a company that will install the structure, you need to familiarize yourself with photographic examples of the work presented in the catalogs. It is important to take into account customer reviews that are posted on the company’s website and on popular review sites.

Prices will depend on the material used, the size and complexity of the design, and the presence of additional elements. We give the estimated cost for the main structures.

Staircase shape Main characteristics Estimated cost, rub.
Flight of stairs.Material - pine, coating - 2 layers of varnish, fastening - on a stringer, fencing on 1 side.From 70 000
L-shaped design with a platform.From 95 000
From 110,000
U-shaped design with a platform.From 120,000
L-shaped design with winder steps.From 125,000
Screw design.From 130,000
Flight of stairs under the cladding.Metal, additionally requires finishing coating, installation of fences and railings.From 60 000
Flight of stairs with a platform for cladding.From 75 000


Using online calculators, you can calculate the stairs to the second floor of any complexity. You can visualize the results and make changes if necessary. Self-design is a rather exciting process. It is quite possible that you will have to deviate from the original plan to make the structure from one material. Using the program, you can successfully combine elements from different materials.

We tried to select the maximum useful information according to the calculation of a flight of stairs. Tell us about your problems, our team will be happy to answer all questions from readers.

As a bonus, we suggest watching a video of calculating the stairs to the second floor with all the explanations:

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The staircase may be original

The staircase structure in the house is a necessary part that connects the floors. Choosing a staircase design is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The house needs not just an element for lowering and lifting, but a convenient and aesthetic structure.

Selecting a staircase design is not an easy task. Before you decide on any model, return to the project and layout once again interior spaces. It's possible you've overlooked some important aspects: where the flight of stairs will go, how many there will be, whether the chosen model fits the design of both floors and many other questions.

Various types of staircase designs: photos

We invite you to familiarize yourself with different options design solutions for staircase structures. Before you start studying programs for calculating stairs, consider appearance designs. To do this, we present to help you photographs demonstrating successful decorative structures.

You shouldn't rely too much on fashion trends. The main attention should be paid to the style of your home itself.

Main technical parameters of stairs

Any building has its own standards. There are similar standards for stairs. If you deviate from them during construction, using the structure will be inconvenient at best, and downright dangerous at worst. The list of parameters includes the height of the riser and the width of the staircase steps, the slope, and the height of the railing.

The dimensions of the staircase steps take into account the permissible riser height limits, which are within 80 mm: the minimum value is 120 mm, the maximum value is 200 mm. The tread depth is made between 235 and 355 mm. The angle of inclination depends on several factors, but acceptable values ​​are 24−50°. If the inclination exceeds 45°, the steps become too steep and uncomfortable. The proper slope is determined by the height of the rise in a certain ratio to the width of the tread.

Selecting arbitrary values ​​can violate the technical quality of the design. In addition to the above parameters, take into account the dimensions stairwell, the length of the march, the number of ascents (preferably no more than 18), the total distance from the floor of the first floor to the second.

On average, the step length of an adult is 63 cm, and when climbing, this number becomes equal to 30-32 cm and increases or decreases depending on the inclination of the march. As for fencing and railings, the standard indicates 90-120 cm. The critical height of the stairs is also important parameter, therefore, in the house plan it is worth considering the height of the ceiling of the second floor to prevent head injuries. Finally, we would like to add that the safest staircase will be one that can withstand a weight of up to 250 kg, and a handrail that can withstand a weight of over 100 kg.

Main types of staircase structures

You can rejoice in the variety of staircase designs. Their main types are taken into account in programs for calculating stairs. The convenience of marching stairs lies in their practicality, spiral staircases - in their sophistication and grace, as well as saving usable space. The advantage of combined structures is the successful combination of elements of all other structures and the maximum level of interior design.

Marching staircase Spiral design Combination of elements of all structures

Staircase structures take into account load-bearing elements, namely stringers, of which there can be one or two, bowstrings, bolets, a combination of elements. Calculating the stairs to the second floor with your own hands can be a difficult task when designing complex structures. It is important to remember that any calculations must be based on building regulations for your convenience and safety.

The main materials from which stairs are made, and the nuances of their calculation

The use of any material must be selected taking into account building codes. The staircase structure has a weight that should be included in the design. Each structure is individual, this is emphasized not only by the features during construction, but also by the choice of material for its construction. So, what materials for making stairs are especially popular:

  1. Tree comes first. Wood is a traditional raw material for any construction. Aesthetic qualities of wood and its specifications at the highest level.

  2. Stone almost as popular as wood. Stone structures last for decades without changing their original appearance and without the need for painting.

  3. Glass stairs are in demand in modern designs home interior. Glass is easy to perceive, although its technical characteristics include strength and considerable weight.

  4. Iron structures They can be simple and massive, or they can become a real work of art thanks to forged elements.

  5. Reinforced concrete stairs add grandeur to the design.

Many designers do not follow the rules and boldly combine various materials, combining everything in incredible proportions. Of course, the cost of such a staircase increases not only due to the work of the designer, but also due to the difficulties associated with the construction process. And, of course, we should not forget about combined options, when part is made of metal, and part is made of glass or wood. Some designers even embark on bold experiments, combining wood, metal and stone. As a rule, such structures are installed in rich houses.

Calculation of wooden stairs

Tradition and classics - that's what we can say about wooden stairs Oh. These are trendy designs that fit into many design styles. Wood needs to be treated, as this material is susceptible to rotting, termite attacks and is not at all fire-resistant. A wooden staircase will organically fit into a house made from any combination of wood. This will be the optimal and environmentally friendly option. A combination of different types of wood, special texture, aging and varnish treatment are welcome.

The most popular staircases in house construction are structures made of pine, beech, oak and ash. The program for calculating wooden stairs differs from others precisely in the qualities and properties of the material.

Calculation of metal stairs

This material, cold to the touch, was not previously on the list of popular ones and was used in office flights of stairs X. But it is almost impossible to resist the variety of figured designs with exquisite patterns and bronze elements.

Metal stairs to the second floor can also be calculated online using special calculators.

Determining the required geometric dimensions of the stairs

So, before opening the calculator for calculating the stairs to the second floor online, carefully calculate all future parameters. Without the dimensions of the height and width of the steps, the fence, the distance between floors and the angle of inclination, the program will not produce any results.

An example of calculating the length of a staircase, the height and width of steps

We remind you that all staircase parameters comply with SNIP and GOST standards!

We point out only the most basic points that play a role in the safety of people operating the staircase structure. This list includes the total number of steps, which can be from 3 to 18, not taking into account parity. The height of the steps should not be lower than 12 cm, and in no case exceed 20 cm with a total width of 23-25 ​​cm.

Approximate drawing of a straight staircase

Let's try to simulate a flight of stairs on stringers. Given: landing, length - 6000 mm, width - 3000 mm, height between floor levels - 3300 mm, distance between flights - 100 mm. We make a calculation in which we take into account that with a distance between floors of 3300 mm we make two flights.

So, (landing width 3000 mm – space between flights 100 mm) / 2 = 1450 mm. To determine the height of one flight, we divide the interfloor height in half and get 1650 mm. We define the size of the steps as 150 mm in height multiplied by 300 mm.

The number of risers in a flight is calculated by dividing the height of one flight by the height of the riser and obtains: 1 650 / 150 = 11 (pieces). The upper flight will have one step less, 11 - 1 = 10 (pieces), which means there will be 11 risers in the march, and one less tread. The length of the march is calculated by multiplying the width of the tread by the number of steps, multiplying 300 mm by 10 pieces and getting 3000 mm.

The standard width of a staircase opening is 90 - 110 cm, although in rare cases it is permissible to reduce this mark to 80 cm. All dimensions on the plan and drawing must be transferred to the walls and all components of the structure must be marked. To do this, use a plumb line and a pointed cord.

Determining the required angle of inclination of the stairs

Many recommend an angle of inclination from 29° to 37°, since a larger angle, although it saves space, but only at the expense of reduced comfort. In the calculations do not forget about the location of the door and window openings, columns, arches.

Calculation of stairs of various types

If, after all of the above, independently calculating all the nuances of a staircase structure seems difficult, then you can not risk either the safety or the quality of the future structure, but trust a special online staircase design program. When calculating stairs of any type, you will need to enter a lot of your measurements. The program offers calculations for all types of stairs, no matter whether you want a spiral structure on stringers or a staircase with winder steps.

All data is automatically processed and produces a drawing with all the exact parameters as a result. The output data includes information about the materials spent on the construction of the structure. Programs that offer 3D visualization are especially interesting, since you can not only get a drawing and the required amount of material, but also work on the design.

With winder steps rotated 90°

Unique modern layout or the small size of the house often adds difficulties when choosing standard staircase structures; a straight staircase will not fit everywhere, as will the platforms of rotary structures. The solution was found in the process of architectural searches for a new good option. As a result of necessity, staircases with winder steps arose. Such designs solve the problem of moving between the first and second floors for any layout and spatial volume of premises.

Please note that due to this design, there is a significant saving of usable space with an elegant appearance.

Such structures are not hazardous, since all staircase parameters must be observed during construction. The usual material for the manufacture of such L-shaped ladders is wood or metal, mainly aluminum. Exactly this practical solution for the construction of a compact interfloor connection. Here are more options for such staircase structures.

With winder steps rotated 180°

The design of such a ladder is called U-shaped because of its external resemblance to this letter when viewed from above. Two straight flights of stairs are connected by a small, easy-to-pass platform. A turn is made on it, and the movement begins in the opposite direction.

This option is also in demand and popular among architects and designers. This is a very convenient transition between floors that can fit in a very small space. The designers tried and worked carefully in this direction, making such designs very stylish in the interior. When calculating such a structure, you need to pay attention to the height between floors, since incorrectly calculated parameters will make moving up and down extremely inconvenient due to your head touching the ceiling.

Straight staircase

This is the most traditional type of stairs, where all parameters are closely interrelated. The angle of inclination plays a big role. The width of the steps and their height depend on it, which decrease or increase depending on the change in the angle of inclination.

But in any numerical scenario, the length of the entire staircase will turn out to be quite large - 3-6.5 m. This value depends on the combination of all parameters, including the thickness of the interfloor overlap. The calculation also includes taking into account the length of the platforms in front of the entrance and exit to the direct march. Thus, the length of the staircase increases further, and useful space is lost. The minimum length of the landing in front of and after the stairs is 80 cm and must be identical to the width of the stairs.

Double-flight staircase on stringers with a 180° rotation. Online calculator

If there is a large distance between floors, a two-flight staircase structure is installed. Another platform will not only change the direction of the ascending or descending one, but can also be endowed with other functions, because it is a support for the entire structure. The variety of double-flight staircases is taken into account in the calculations.

The owner should decide whether the design will be open or closed. At open type the gaps between the risers will be visible, and when closed it will be safer to climb, because such stairs have solid risers. The platforms can be single-level or two-level, where there is an additional step. The design itself can be directed clockwise or counterclockwise or simply straight. Our calculator will help you calculate this design.

Three-flight staircase on stringers with a 180° rotation

This design is similar to the letter "z". Three marches are obtained due to two intermediate platforms, and the middle march is noticeably shorter than the others. The size of the platforms should not exceed the width of the steps. Such landings convenient for many people, especially for those who find it difficult to immediately run up the stairs.

To make the correct calculation, the height of one flight is taken into account. To do this, divide the interfloor distance by 3 and calculate all risers and treads in one flight with a step size of 300×150 mm. The height of the march and steps are taken into account, as well as the smaller number of treads per one, due to the location of the last tread on the second floor landing. Typically, this design is used in houses where the interfloor distance is more than 3 m.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

Beautiful and practical design saves space and is an excellent decorative element. This staircase can be chosen to suit any style. The design is complex in its shape. Its numerous wedge-shaped winder steps must be located at a certain radius.

There are four types of such stairs with their own characteristics: with or without support on the walls of the house, with or without a support pillar. The calculation includes the rotation angle (270°−360°), ceiling height (2 meters or more), the width of the end of the step (from 40 cm) and the width of the narrow end (from 10 cm).

Straight ladder on bowstrings

The classic type of construction is especially popular in office buildings. The difference from staircases on stringers is the insertion of steps into grooves called bowstrings. Such structures can be open or closed, the difference lies in the use or absence of risers. These can be single-flight or double-flight staircases with any shape of landings.

Programs for calculating stairs online. Calculator with drawings

Even if you have design programs, you may still experience difficulties in calculations and drawings. Therefore, our editors offer a calculator where you need to enter the specified values ​​​​and get the result. Drawing drawings will help adjust the wishes of the owner of the house. If you have already chosen the design option and material, then the most important thing remains - to correctly measure all the parameters of the future staircase. All data after entering into the table windows will be processed and you will see the result.

Where to order turnkey production and installation of staircases - prices, catalogs

Numerous companies specializing in the construction of stairs offer their services not only for the construction stage itself, but also for various design solutions. You can find many interesting offers from designers and manufacturers.

The price of an L-shaped staircase with a 90° turn made of different types of wood with a minimum opening of the second floor (920×2700 mm), an inclination angle of 42° and 15 steps costs from 35,000 to 150,000 rubles. Prices spiral staircases start at 55,000 rubles, although some manufacturers offer to purchase a ready-made metal spiral staircase for 40,000 rubles. The cost of a U-shaped staircase also depends on the material and starts from 90,000 rubles. The price of the selected staircase will depend on all parameters, material and installation.

If you have any questions, please write them in the comments.