How to plant a flower garden on a slope: arranging a sloping flower meadow. Layout of a plot with a slope Landscape design of a country house uneven plot

Do not be upset, you are faced with opportunities that are not available to owners of ordinary plots. Your imagination and our advice will help you create an original and original example landscape design.

Positive and negative aspects of a site on a slope

To begin with, I would like to list all the advantages of the sloping location of the land:

  • competently and beautifully designed, such a territory can become an extraordinary and picturesque example of landscape art;
  • the plot on the slope is perfectly visible in its entirety, so from the windows of the house you can contemplate all the design elements in the garden;
  • such land is a great place to create an alpine slide, waterfall or cascade;
  • if the dacha is located on the south side of the hill, its territory will be illuminated by the sun as much as possible, and this is an excellent prerequisite for good growth green spaces and high crop yields.

However, in addition to the advantages, a cottage on a slope also has disadvantages:

  • on land with a fairly steep slope it is problematic to plant a lawn;
  • registration of such a site will require significantly higher costs than in the case of a flat location of the territory;
  • planted crops will need frequent watering, since water in the soil will not stay long, flowing down the hill;
  • plants on the northern slope may receive insufficient heat and light, which will cause poor flowering and low yields;
  • the foundation of a house located in the middle or at the bottom of a hillock runs the risk of being flooded with water;
  • unstable areas of soil can lead to erosion and landslides;
  • daily movement on the slope is physically tiring;
  • Small children should not play on steep hills, so care must be taken to ensure their safety.

Features of designing sloping land plots

Dachas located on a slope are different from each other. All of them are distinguished by different elevation changes, which makes their landscape unique and original. In this regard, the design of each such site has its own planning solutions and decorative elements. There are certain features in the design of sloping lands:

  1. It is considered optimal if the building on such a dacha is located on top of a hill. This arrangement greatly simplifies working with the terrain.
  2. The layout of a site on a slope must necessarily take into account the characteristics of the soil and technical features water supply You also need to take into account the location of the slope relative to the cardinal directions and the wind rose.
  3. First of all, you need to plan the location of utility structures and recreation areas, and only after that decide on the position of all other structures: terraces, stairs, retaining walls and other elements.
  4. All measurements and calculations must be carried out with special attention and care - this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.
  5. When landscaping on a slope, you should be careful with the lower layers of soil. They should not be moved or interchanged as this may lead to soil erosion, which in turn will create a hazard for garden buildings.

Plot on a slope, landscape design

Significant slope dacha area creates the preconditions for the designer's flight of fancy. The height difference can be beautifully played up when designing a site, which will subsequently give an interesting, unusual and unique result.

Too steep a slope makes it difficult to move around the area and creates inconvenience in everyday life. In order to solve such problems and make living in the garden comfortable, terraces, retaining walls and stairs need to be built on the slope. Among other things, you should pay attention to soil moisture. In areas with a slope, the ground is usually drier and for good plant growth in such a garden it is worth paying attention to Special attention irrigation systems. To avoid flooding of buildings with storm water, drainage must be laid on the site.

Let's take a closer look at the various landscape design activities:

Terracing the site

For landscaping with a slope of more than 15°, a technique such as terracing is perfect - creating special horizontal platforms reinforced with walls. The size of the plot and the degree of its steepness directly affect the number and height of terraces. The platforms communicate with each other using stairs that are harmonious in appearance with the retaining walls.

Creating terraces requires significant work, time and money, but the effort spent will not be in vain: over time, your dacha will become a model of beauty and comfort. Before zoning a site using terraces, it is better to consult with specialists, inviting them directly to the work site. Their advice should help you achieve these basic goals:

  • protection of soil from soil erosion and creation optimal system removal of unnecessary moisture;
  • ensuring convenient and safe movement of the owners of the dacha along the slope;
  • creation of recreation areas, gardens and vegetable gardens on the site;
  • construction of high-quality and reliable retaining walls;
  • arrangement of space for relaxation in a comfortable place.

Terracing of the site is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, determine the degree of steepness of the slope. To do this, the height difference is divided by the horizontal base indicator.
  2. After this, the locations of the terraces are marked on the site. The size of each site should be sufficient to accommodate a house, outbuilding, garden, flower bed or bed.
  3. Then geoplastics is carried out - artificial creation or changes in terrain. In this case, the upper terraces are built first, gradually going down. The land cut from above is the basis for creating underlying platforms. The height of the terraces can reach 1.5 meters, but do not forget that creating high retaining walls will require considerable financial costs.

Building terraces is a creative endeavor. You can arrange them in one row, in a checkerboard pattern or asymmetrically - the choice depends on the desire of the land owner. The design of a site on a slope, the photo of which is presented below, is an example of asymmetrical terraces:

Creating retaining walls

Retaining walls are not only a way to strengthen terraces, but also a decorative element. What subtleties need to be taken into account when constructing these structures?

  1. In order for the wall to look harmonious and fit into the overall design of the site on the slope, carefully select the materials for its creation and take into account the stylistic direction of the garden. For example, retaining walls made of beams or logs will fit perfectly into a rustic style. For a garden in an Art Nouveau style, a brick design with forged iron elements is suitable, and a plot with an emphasis on natural beauty It will look great framed natural stone.
  2. Materials for creating retaining walls can be very diverse. Suitable for small structures sheet metal, wood, stone or reinforced concrete. Metal and wood must be treated with paint or varnish to protect them from moisture.
  3. The stone wall can be laid dry or using cement mortar to secure it. In the first case, the height of the structure should not exceed 1 m; it is better to lay higher walls on the mortar.
  4. Another material for creating retaining walls is concrete blocks. The structure made in this way must be protected from moisture in places of contact with the soil. You can also do exterior finishing walls using paint, tiling or natural stone.
  5. In order for the wall to stand firmly and last for a long time, at the beginning of its creation a reinforced concrete or rubble concrete foundation is laid.

Creation of a drainage system

Dacha plots with a slope are susceptible to soil washout due to spring floods or heavy rains. In order to avoid such a nuisance, drainage is laid on the territory. This is a system of pipes made of metal or asbestos cement, which are laid at the bottom of the wall. Sometimes pipes are replaced with filtration holes.

Use water from drainage system can be useful. For example, accumulate it in suitable containers and water plants or filter it for a pool, if there is one on the site.

Construction of stairs

As a rule, in areas with a large slope, terraces are connected to each other using stairs. They not only make moving around the dacha comfortable and convenient, but are also an element of the overall design. In order for these structures to fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the garden, you need to pay special attention to their construction.

  1. The dimensions of the steps do not necessarily have to meet accepted standards.
  2. An affordable option could be a staircase made of wooden blocks or boards. In this case, the riser is made of a board mounted on an edge, secured on the sides with wooden pegs, and the tread is tightly compacted soil.
  3. More expensive, but also more nice option the staircase will be made of stone, brick or monolithic concrete. In the latter case, you need to additionally make wooden formwork.
  4. If the stairs are too steep, a comfortable handrail should be installed on at least one of its sides.
  5. Too much a large number of It is better to divide the steps into flights of 8-10 pieces, between which there will be areas for rest during the ascent. For greater comfort, benches can be placed between the spans.

The area on the slope, the photo of which can be seen below, shows an example of a staircase made of stone:

Creating a garden on a sloped plot

Since the sloping area provides an excellent viewing platform, a beautiful garden on it will look especially impressive. Alpine slide, various flower arrangements, artificial waterfalls and cascades - all these opportunities open up for the owner of a plot on a slope.

Often the soil of the hills contains a large number of stones and very thin layer fertile soil, but this problem is completely solvable. Stones can be used as natural material to design retaining walls, and cover the land plot itself on a slope with a layer of imported black soil.

Ideas for designing a relief area

  1. You can grow a lawn in a relief dacha. If the slope of the terrain is too steep, this will be quite difficult to do, but on a sloping slope the grass and plants will be established quite well and will have a spectacular appearance. If the territory is designed in the form of terraces, then there will be no difficulty in growing a lawn. Stepped platforms covered with a terry green carpet will look impressive when viewed from above.
  2. Sloping terrain is excellent soil for creating rock gardens - decorative garden from stones. You can also place a rock garden or simply beautifully decorated flower beds here. All planted crops will grow wonderfully on a slope if horizontal holes are made under them, reinforced with sides. Plants will feel even better on terraces, and height differences will provide beautiful game sun and colors.
  3. An artificial pond is another trump card of a site on a slope. Waterfalls, cascades and streams will beautifully fall from the top of the hill, and a quiet, cozy lake can be located on the terrace area.
  4. Paved platforms and stairs meandering like serpentines among the greenery are an important decorative element of the overall composition.
  5. To decorate the slope, you can use junipers and ground cover crops. They are able to grow over the territory like a motley carpet, and also successfully hide construction defects.

You can learn more about designing a cottage on a slope by watching the following video:

Many owners of a plot on a slope do not understand their happiness. They only complain about the hassle associated with non-standard landscaping, not realizing that they have received a unique example of nature's mastery, which can be turned into something even more special.

Landscape design a plot on a slope looks unique, often fabulous. Winding paths, stone terraces, elevation changes - all this only decorates the uneven area

A plot on a slope requires some effort and expense, which also scares away unlucky amateurs who do not want to transform their summer cottage. This article will help give an idea of ​​the methods and techniques of landscaping work on such an area.

Fortifications can be made with my own hands, but this requires a detailed study of the area.

The main technique in the design of a sloping area is terraces, which help to visually smooth out height differences and add sophistication to the overall appearance of the landscape.

Questions of primary importance:

  1. What is the slope of the slope?
  2. How close is the groundwater?
  3. What are the features of the soil?
  4. If there is a body of water nearby, is there a likely risk of the area being washed away?
  5. What is the soil pressure on the slope?
  6. What material for strengthening fits better Total?
  7. Which areas are most in need of strengthening?

You can answer all these questions yourself, and also take the help of an expert who will conduct a professional analysis of the area and give recommendations.

As a result, on a problem area with a slope, you can organize a very impressive design, which cannot be achieved on land with a horizontal surface

Fortifications and decorations

So, if you have prepared well enough, then you need to choose best option strengthening a site on a slope.

  • To strengthen the soil, you can plant plants that have a fairly strong root system. This method ideal for slight slopes. For this purpose, special molds are purchased in which the plants are planted; root system will intertwine with the forms of fastening and create a strong soil, preventing the danger of landslides or collapses. Plants with a strong root system are: juniper, Chinese blackberry, hawthorn, and lilac.

    Natural strengthening of the slope is carried out by planting shrubs with powerful root systems

  • The construction of a fence is becoming an acceptable way to strengthen the soil, since it ensures a long service life, does not interfere with the prosperity of plants, and does not require careful maintenance. Materials from which fences are usually built on a slope: sandstone, concrete plates, limestone, brick. When erecting a fence, it is important to take into account some nuances. You must be sure of the strength of the base, the height of the fence must be at least one meter, and the thickness must be 1/3 of the fence. It is important to eliminate the slightest possibility of undermining by adding a cascade design. Since the site is on a slope, it is necessary to provide the same slope for the fence.

    A fence on a slope can be made in the form of gradually decreasing horizontal steps or in the form of inclined sections

  • Stones and logs will become the personification of simplicity and quality. Having previously examined the surface of the site, they dig into the ground to a sufficient depth. Classic drainage can ensure the aesthetics of the site.

    Low retaining walls are laid out without a foundation

  • Geotextile products in rolls, which include polyester and polypropylene, can be a good choice. This option protects against water inflows, freezing, and accidental damage. One of the advantages is plasticity, which makes geotextile rolls easy to use.

    Geotextiles allow water to pass through in a measured volume and hold various bulk materials on its surface.

  • Geomat materials form polypropylene grids, providing complete waterproofness. The grilles do not contain toxic substances, are resistant to damage from sunlight, are naturally aesthetic, resistant to heat, and do not require special skills for installation.

    Slope strengthening summer cottage geogrid

The choice of material, in most cases, depends on the slope angle and soil analysis of the area on the slope. This issue needs to be considered with the utmost pedantry.

Never plant tall trees on a steep slope, strong wind can pull them out by the roots

Floating Gardens and Nature Views

Landscape design of a site on a slope allows you to realize a lot of design solutions. Some costs will be required to create the aesthetic component of the site on a slope. The choice of design is made depending on the location of buildings, seating areas, terraces, stairs and even cardinal directions.

The construction of terraces creates a picturesque and bright picture on the summer cottage. Experts advise abandoning symmetry by arranging terraces randomly. Lack of consistency gives natural look landscape, completely likening it to a natural creation.

Site on a slope with beautiful panoramic view will ideal place for relax

A waterfall will decorate the slope of a garden plot, and if well decorated with stones and plants, it will create the impression of a natural source

The terrace can be placed on any soil. For the wet surface of the site, a drainage embankment made of crushed stone is used; it will add stability to the structure. The arrangement of the terraces is complemented by the cut parts of the pipes, which will provide an exit groundwater to the surface, preventing their accumulation under the structure.

The construction of terraces always implies the presence of paths and paths. In some places there are steps. For retaining walls of terraces are ordered various materials:

  • brick;
  • tree;
  • concrete;
  • cement.

A small slope can be strengthened with wooden supports

Significant elevation changes will require concrete work

Materials for retaining walls can be combined

When designing a summer cottage, you can free up all the accumulated ideas. Create a unique image of the site using asymmetrical lines. Flowerbeds bordered by elements of unusual relief will be evidence of refined taste.

One step, two steps

It is impossible to imagine a summer cottage without the main attribute - steps. The main staircase can be part of a terrace or located somewhere on a slope. The steps must be of a certain width so that the leg muscles do not strain unnecessarily, and also fit into the general style of the summer cottage on a slope.

On steep slopes, stairs are equipped with railings

All kinds of paths are created from serpentine, and for movements that are too long, transitions are provided on which benches are installed. You can decorate rest areas from transitions with busts, statues, fountains or small ponds with exotic fish.

A straight path will smooth out sudden changes in terrain

Stairs are usually made from materials such as:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • stone;
  • tree.

The staircase can be stone, brick or wood

When creating a landscape design on a slope, it is recommended to choose the same, preferably light, material from which the terraces were made on plot of land. The aesthetics of the paths is maintained with the help of large decorative elements, as florists note, this gives more contrast with the green flora of the area.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage on a slope

Harmonious combination flower pots and bushes grows into an amazing and unique corner where you can spend a pleasant time contemplating the beauty of plants. It is recommended to install a bench in such a place to achieve maximum comfort.

Thyme, sedum, soapwort and phlox grow well between the stones

Coniferous plants are ideal for the northern slope

Rockeries and flower beds will do well on the southern slope

The western side is suitable for flowers and shrubs that love mild conditions growth

Decorative arches and grasses, complementary to each other, develop into a single landscape image on the slope, so you need to have a sophisticated sense of what is best suited for a given area of ​​​​the area. Among the plants that are most often recommended:

  • thyme;
  • cotoneaster;
  • bells;
  • feather grass;
  • geranium;
  • phlox;
  • roses;
  • rose hip.

The deep green or myrtle color of cotoneaster turns to a rich blue in low night light, while the cobalt blue color of phlox behaves like a false green. The red, full-blooded color of roses is filled with life only in sunlight, but dies, turning into dark scarlet in the moonlight. Conversely, the pale green color of thyme is driven out of the slight blueness during daylight hours, leaving only a cloudy aftertaste.

Choose unpretentious ones ground cover plants, strengthening the soil and giving aesthetic pleasure

The garden arrangement involves hard work with shades. Depending on your temperament, personal preferences and lighting, the desired combination of colors is selected. Choose a dominant color, and then decide on auxiliary shades.

Landing annual plants implies preliminary preparation soil. Great physical effort will be required.

For nature lovers style will suit“wild” slope design

Southern slopes are chosen for planting garden plants because they have more sunlight, which warms the soil faster, increasing the harvest. In the upper part of the plot, grapes, apple trees, apricot and peach trees are planted. For plants that are afraid of the cold, the lower part of the site is best suited.

Beds of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions feel comfortable in areas with a slope. However, you should worry about possible drafts. A fairly high fence can protect the garden from strong winds.

Neat box-beds on the slope of the garden plot

More a budget option beds, moreover, suitable for steep slopes

Video: garden on a slope

Photo: the best ideas for using a slope in design

Buying a summer house is a very important step, because everyone dreams of a plot of land in a picturesque place, with flat terrain, good neighbors, a river nearby and other benefits.

But perfect option not so easy to find, there will always be something wrong. And if you got a dacha plot on a slope, there is no need to panic. This is not the worst and not such a rare phenomenon, and in some cases, such a relief even has its advantages.

In this article we will look at what to do in this case, how to properly plan the territory, arrange an integral part of the dacha - the vegetable garden, as well as the main nuances of landscape design.

Pros and cons of a site on a slope

In order to objectively assess your capabilities, as well as determine future costs, you need to know the features of your site, namely its positive and negative sides.

The positive aspects include the following:

  • the water will not stagnate, so the area will always be dry;
  • properly designed, such a site looks very beautiful and picturesque, there is a lot of room for imagination;
  • if the slope is southern, then the area will always be well lit, which is very good for growing plants, the harvest will also be higher and of better quality;
  • from the windows of the house you can always see the entire site, especially when the building is located at its highest point;
  • slope is an ideal basis for construction alpine slides, cascades and waterfalls.

However, as a counterbalance to the advantages of such a relief, there are also negative aspects that should be taken into account when planning a site on a slope:

  • the plants will need frequent watering, since even after rain the moisture will remain in the soil for a short time, it will flow down the slope and stagnate at its base;
  • if the house is located in the middle of the plot or at the bottom of the slope, there is a high probability of water flowing under the foundation;
  • the northern slope is unfavorable in every sense, because it will always be poorly lit, plants will often freeze out, and the harvest will not ripen to the end;
  • it is almost impossible to make a lawn on a steep slope;
  • In terms of money, the development of a steep slope is a very expensive task, in contrast to a flat or flat area;
  • the presence of unstable areas can lead to landslides, surface erosion, and washouts;
  • absence smooth surfaces deprives you of the opportunity to set up a table or play ball;
  • Walking on an inclined surface all day is very tiring;
  • If you have small children, then you should take care of their safety, because steep slope– not a place for their games;
  • there will be difficulties with the location and arrangement functional zones- vegetable garden, economic block, garden, etc.;
  • There may be problems with the water supply.

When choosing a site, if you have the opportunity, pay attention to gentle slopes from 3 to 20 degrees, which is the optimal value for creating a garden. In addition, it will be easier to move around, and the effect of water is also not so destructive.

Avoid buying a plot located at the bottom of a slope, as water will accumulate here, leading to waterlogging. Avoid the northern slope as well.

How to plan a site on a slope?

This question is very important, and in order to carry out the planning correctly optimal solution there will be terracing of the slope. To do this, first remove vegetation layer and using specialized equipment, move the soil so that the entire area is divided into terraces (horizontal areas on different heights). As a result, you should end up with a kind of stepped system, usually represented by two or three terraces.

Before you start excavation work, you should first plan the slope on paper, estimate the approximate location of the terraces, and also divide them into functional zones.

The house is best located at the highest point or in the middle of the site. Not far from it you can arrange a place for a gazebo and a small area for installing a barbecue. On the other side of the house, protected from the wind, you can make a pergola and place a bench. It is also better to place the toilet in the middle part, but no closer than 20 m from the water source.

The paths are unlikely to be made straight. Most likely they will be tortuous. On very steep terrain it is impossible to do without the installation of stairs. However, all this will only add beauty and picturesqueness to the site.

Another important question– how to arrange the beds correctly? Never place them at the foot of a slope where they will accumulate cold air. It is better to allocate an area for the garden that is higher, well lit and protected from the wind. In the latter case, you can plant a windproof hedge, which must be positioned perpendicular to the direction of the wind.

How to strengthen a garden plot with a slope?

It is also worth knowing that the slope has mobility, i.e. Over time, the soil will crumble. That's why important point- this is its strengthening.

Creating terraces involves constructing retaining walls, which will hold a certain volume of soil from crumbling. Try to make terraces with a wall height of no more than 60 cm. For a structure of this height, you will need a crushed stone cushion (20-30 cm thick).

The wall itself should have a slope towards the terrace that it supports. It is better to use stone as a material for its construction, but concrete blocks and brick can also be used.

Plant at the base and above the wall ornamental plants. Also, retaining walls will become a visual divider of the site into zones.

Slopes do not have to be terraced. It is enough to strengthen them from shedding with geogrid. To do this, at a depth of about 0.5 meters, it is laid plastic mesh, which is secured using scraps of reinforcement driven into the ground. Then we fill the mesh with soil and install the geogrid. We fill it with fertile soil and sow the lawn.

The slope can also be strengthened with the help of plants planted on it. Their roots, growing, will firmly hold the soil, preventing it from crumbling. Suitable species for these purposes are juniper, barberry, mountain pine, spruce, cotoneaster, quince, forsythia, deutzia, mock orange, lilac, felt cherry, etc. As you can see, all these plants will not only strengthen the slope, but also decorate the landscape.

If your site is located on a slope, don’t worry. Many landscape designers prefer hilly terrain rather than flat ground. On a slope you can create spectacular compositions, focusing on stones, water, and small architectural forms.

Design options for a site on a slope

Choosing landscape style for your site, you need to take into account a large number of factors, think through all the details, because the garden, like a mirror, will reflect all your preferences.

Slope with terraces: a cascade of steps and ledges

One of the ways to change the appearance of slopes is terracing - the formation of terraces reinforced with retaining walls. The height and number of terraces depends on the size of the plot itself and the height difference. The terraces are connected to each other by steps, which are made from the same materials as the retaining walls.

Retaining walls on a sloped area

Retaining walls, designed in accordance with the style of the site, are bright decorative element. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the details, techniques and materials that are characteristic of each specific style. TO rustic style Retaining walls made of wooden logs are suitable; in a modern garden, retaining walls and steps can be built from brick, supplemented with wrought-iron railings, and in a natural-style garden, a retaining wall made of natural stone will play the first fiddle. Terraces with retaining walls will be very beautifully complemented by multi-level flower beds.

Observation deck on the terrace

On one of the terraces you can set up a viewing platform, where you and your guests can admire the beauty of the surrounding nature and the landscape of the site.

Decorative pond with a gazebo on the shore

In some cases, when the terrain of the site has a more complex structure - a ravine, the bank of a river or pond, it is quite difficult to create a beautiful landscape picture. But all these seemingly shortcomings, with a skillful approach, can be turned into the highlight of the site, creating its unique flavor.

The ravine can be turned into decorative pond with a gazebo on the shore. Plant shrubs and weeping willows on the banks. Not only will they give the pond a romantic look, but their willow roots will strengthen the bank and prevent them from slipping.

Collection of moisture-loving and aquatic plants will complete the composition. A wooden or wrought-iron bridge connecting the banks of a ravine-pond will fit beautifully into the overall picture.

The river bank can be decorated in exactly the same way. You can build a small pier if the size of the river allows. From everything we can conclude: although the relief adds trouble and work, it is precisely this that will make the image of the site unique.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage on a slope

If the house is built on the top of a slope, we plant tall trees here. These can be: pyramidal poplar, oak, linden, spruce, thuja. Will look good on the slopes ornamental shrubs– barberry, forsythia, lilac. We create compositions from shrubs and trees, symmetrical or asymmetrical, but only so that they do not cover the house. Lower down the slope you can plant low-growing shrubs in groups, create small flower beds and rockeries.

We plant the shortest plants at the bottom of the slope. Evergreen boxwood, juniper, mahonia will look good. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the bulbous ones will be the first to please your eyes - hyacinths, crocuses, tulips, hazel grouse. They will be replaced by decorative onions, Californian esoltia, marigolds, and rudbeckia. In autumn, the reign of chrysanthemums will begin.

An important element The area on the slope is a path. If it is laid in the form of a serpentine, it will emphasize the steepness of the slope. A variety of materials are perfect for designing a path: stone slabs, breccia, brick, wood.

Will complement and decorate winding path composition with stone and plants - rockery. For the rockery we choose Cossack juniper, saxifrage, juvenilia, and sedum.

If the site is a slope that goes down to the house, that is, the house is located below, we place the plants differently. We plant tall trees at the top, near the entrance to the estate, and surround the house with several dense clumps of bushes or low decorative trees- cypress, lilac, viburnum, rowan.

The crowns of tall trees, if they are located in front of the house, are formed to the height of human height. In this case, the trees will not block the exposure from other, more low plants.

Slopes are ideal for creating streams with waterfalls and cascades. Moving water will enliven the area, give the landscape naturalness, and create a feeling of complete harmony.