How can you remove excess fluid from the body? How to expel water from the body for weight loss at home

Water and life are impossible without the other. Normal functioning of the body is impossible when dehydrated. But when there is excess fluid, it causes many problems: body swelling, weight gain, pregnancy complications and much more. All these problems can be solved only by getting rid of the accumulation of excess fluid.

The fact is that excess fluid does not accumulate in the body just like that. But what are the reasons for excess water? How accessible are the ways to solve the problem of excess fluid accumulation at home? How can you remove unnecessary fluid? folk remedies? Let's consider these questions in more detail.

How to remove water from the body for weight loss?

The kilograms that are lost at the first stage of losing weight are excess fluid that has accumulated in the body of the person losing weight. This is why in the first weeks of the diet, weight comes off so quickly, and 2-3 kilograms are easily lost even without following a strict regime.

The simplest and most effective ways to get rid of excess fluid are:

  • increase in daily volume consumed clean water;
  • salt-free diets to remove excess fluid from the body and accelerate weight loss at home;
  • avoidance of products containing significant amounts of caffeine;
  • consumption of foods rich in coumarin, a substance that regulates the amount of fluid in tissues (cinnamon, parsley, celery);
  • long walks;
  • frequent changes of positions and short breaks during prolonged sedentary work.

If these methods do not help, and the amount of excess fluid in the body cannot be reduced, you should consult a doctor.

The cause of swelling can be serious disorders functioning of the liver, kidneys, heart and thyroid gland. In addition, excess water may be a side effect of the medication you are taking.

How to remove water from the body during pregnancy and later stages? Edema during pregnancy, especially in its later stages, is a special problem for women. After all, the stress on the body increases, and the kidneys have to remove much more waste fluid than before. At the same time, medications often provide only a placebo effect. Therefore, to remove excess fluid during pregnancy, you can use a set of simple measures.

The most effective and safe ways combating edema during pregnancy:

  • daily walks;
  • light massage and self-massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • special gymnastic exercises;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • baths with sea ​​salt and essential oils;
  • wearing compression garments.

One more effective means to reduce physical stress on the excretory organs is knee-elbow position. It is advisable to get into it regularly, increasing the time every day.

Remember, water, as a vehicle for the body’s waste products, is needed in large quantities . Contrary to the previously held opinion of doctors, it is impossible to limit its use under any circumstances..

Folk remedies

How to expel water from the body using folk remedies? Grandmother's methods will help in solving this problem. You can improve lymphatic drainage using folk remedies if you take one of these instead of regular tea throughout the day herbal infusions.

  1. Lovage. The infusion is consumed for about 20 days. It is useful even with significant accumulations of excess fluid. Preparation: A teaspoon of dry herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to drink the entire infusion after breakfast.
  2. Peppermint. Pour 8 tablespoons of herbs into a thermos and pour 6 cups of boiling water. Close for half an hour, then strain. Use the product throughout the day. The course of treatment is at least 10 days.
  3. Rose hip. Pour 6 glasses into a saucepan or kettle hot water and 2 handfuls of berries, then put on fire and bring to a boil. Cover with a tight lid, wrap in a towel and leave for about an hour. Drink this tea for at least 20 days.

In addition, the following herbs can be classified as mild diuretics:

  • lingonberries;
  • bearberry;
  • arnica flowers;
  • Dill seeds;
  • birch leaves.

They are often used in folk medicine in the manufacture of anti-edema remedies. Before using teas using them to remove water, you should consult a herbalist.

How to remove fluid from the body with ascites, edema and heart failure?

The situation is much more complicated in patients suffering from ascites, that is, abdominal dropsy. With this disease, excess fluid accumulates in large volumes in the abdominal cavity. It can be extremely difficult to remove it from the body.

Other serious pathologies can also cause the accumulation of a large volume of excess fluid:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood stasis.

In this case, the removal of excess water from the abdominal cavity is done with the help of diuretics used in both traditional and alternative medicine. But the solution to this problem, first of all, is aimed not so much at removing fluid from the abdominal cavity quickly, but at elimination of the main pathology as the root cause of its occurrence.

Recipe for ascites: Take 50 g of sweet clover and 50 g of coltsfoot, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. We drink 150 g of decoction in the morning.

If you have swelling, you should use the following method: Brew dried apple peel as tea and drink half a glass 5-6 times a day.

What medications can you take?

Returning to the topic of losing weight at home, traditional medicine can also help get rid of excess water accumulated in the body. What diuretic drugs are needed to remove excess liquid from the body?

To remove excess fluid, most often, doctors prescribe:

  • Veroshpiron;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Diursan;
  • Ectaric acid.

All of these drugs have strong diuretic properties and help remove excess fluid.

They can also be used to remove excess water after drinking alcohol. But you should be more careful with diuretics, since due to the leaching of electrolytes from the body, you can provoke a water-salt imbalance and disrupt metabolism.

What foods should you eat?

To help the body remove excess fluid that is not pathological, you can resort to small physical activity and adjusting your diet.

If you experience fluid retention, you will need a diuretic. Of course, your doctor can prescribe you various medications, but isn't it better to try natural remedies first?

We offer a list of products that will help you get rid of excess fluid in the body without leading to dehydration.

123RF/Bernard Bodo

1. Caffeinated drinks

Tea and coffee are among the best natural diuretics, so they are worth quenching your thirst with. Of course, you should not take too many caffeinated drinks, because this will also have a negative impact on your health. Optimal norm will become 250 ml of coffee per day or 5 cups of tea. More than 300 mg of caffeine per day will affect the quality of sleep and cardiovascular health.

2. Lemon

Both the fruit itself and its juice should become part of your diet if you want to remove excess fluid from the body. Lemon can be added to most different dishes: From salads to casseroles, or you can simply add a little juice to a glass of water. Lemon water is also very useful because it restores the body's optimal pH.

3. Cranberry juice

In folk medicine, this remedy is used to combat urinary tract infections and also as a natural diuretic. In addition to removing excess fluid, it will also take care of toxins.

4. Oatmeal

Most natural diuretics come from drinks or fruits and vegetables with a high water content. Oats, even in dry form, will help you cope with the problem of fluid retention.

Prepare oatmeal for breakfast, but without additives or sugar. But you can add yogurt, honey or fresh fruit to it.

5. Ginger

Ginger root will help you quickly cope with fluid retention thanks to its excellent diuretic effect. This is why it is an important part of many cleansing programs. To experience the full power of ginger's diuretic effects, use fresh root rather than dried. Of course, the powder also helps, but it’s much more pleasant to drink drinks with fresh ginger.

6. Eggplant

Another vegetable with a diuretic effect can be prepared in the most different ways. Some even drink the water in which it was boiled. Substitute eggplant for fatty meats in your favorite recipes and enjoy a diet version of your favorite dish, or eat eggplant on its own. By the way, eggplants wonderfully complement salads.

7. Celery

This vegetable, which has a high water content, works great as a diuretic. You can eat the stems, or you can make juice from the whole vegetable, which will become a powerful remedy. It will help remove water from the body and improve the condition of the kidneys.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Natural Apple vinegar has remarkable diuretic properties, it can be used in cooking or simply add a few drops to a glass of water. Its benefits for the body do not end there, because it also improves digestion. For quick effect add a couple of teaspoons and a little lemon juice into a glass of water.


9. Watermelon

Everyone knows about the diuretic properties of this berry. An additional benefit of watermelon is its antioxidant effect, but be careful not to eat too much sweet watermelon or you will experience an increase in blood sugar levels, which will cause an increase in appetite after a few hours.

10. Parsley

This antioxidant-rich green also has a powerful diuretic effect. It can be added to salads and other dishes. Plus, if you eat it raw, it will help freshen your breath.

Excess water in cells causes excess weight, leads to swelling and forces organs to work harder. How to remove excess fluid from the body? There are several simple ways to traditionally and traditional medicine. You definitely need to resort to them, since a swollen face and limbs bring a lot of concern. Over time, this condition can develop into a number of chronic diseases, including diseases of the urinary, endocrine and other systems.

Why is fluid retained in cells? This is our body's protection. Systems that regulate water volumes do not work correctly. There are many reasons for this. To find out which of them is interfering with a full life, you need to see a doctor and undergo a full examination.

What causes the violations

Fluid retention in the body, the causes of which can be different, is an unnatural process. Among the sources of trouble:

  1. Passive lifestyle.
  2. Drinking large doses of alcohol over a long period of time.
  3. Poor nutrition.
  4. Use large quantity salty.

A person can influence these processes by changing their lifestyle. But there are situations when edema is caused by something other than trivial reasons. Among them:

  1. Pathologies of the urinary system.
  2. Endocrine diseases.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Heart ailments.

When resorting to various diets to lose excess weight, you need to make sure that the reason excess weight lies in water retention in cells and organs. If so, then it is worth starting procedures to remove the fluid.

Water retention in the body

The process of retaining water is simple. Even though the patient's kidneys and heart are functioning normally, the body leaves water in the intercellular space to help get rid of accumulated salt. He regards it as a toxin that interferes with the functioning of organs and systems. Water supplies are also needed in case a person changes his mind about drinking mineral water on time.

Swelling also occurs due to abnormalities in the hormonal system. Fluid remains in the cells when women have problems with their cycle.

Most common reasons

But there are a number of reasons, by paying attention to which, you can easily fix everything and quickly lose weight, preventing it from returning. Among the main things:

  1. Lack of clean water. You need to drink up to 10 glasses of pure water per day. This is important for optimal maintenance water-salt balance. You should not assume that water will be replaced by other liquids. The most common of them (coffee or tea) can dehydrate the body. Therefore, when drinking huge amounts of tea, the body is forced to retain fluid for normal functioning.
  2. Drinking liquids with a diuretic effect. If this is constant, then the body will begin to store water.
  3. Drinking harmful liquids: carbonated drinks, beer, other alcohol. This process forces the body to waste pure water and, as a result, make reserves, which turn into edema.
  4. Eating salty foods, adding too much salt to food. According to doctors, the dose of salt consumed per day should not exceed 15 g. If this figure becomes smaller, it will only be better. The body accumulates fluid to, if necessary, remove excess salts and establish balance. Excess sugar acts in the body on the same principle as salt.
  5. Lack of intense muscle strain in your lifestyle. If a person doesn’t go to the gym, it doesn’t matter. It is important to move a lot, walk more. Edema occurs in patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle, since water simply stagnates in the mice. She cannot get out from a physiological point of view. If overeating occurs, swelling is guaranteed.

How to deal with the process of water accumulation

It is worth analyzing your daily diet and approximately measuring the amount of clean water consumed. Applying A complex approach to the problem, you can gradually get rid of the excess.

Healthy eating

The easiest step towards losing weight is changing your lifestyle, more healthy eating. To do this, you need to give up a large amount of salted, smoked, pickled foods.

It is important to reduce the level of salt consumed in prepared dishes. On initial stage salt can be replaced with spices.

But under no circumstances should you completely remove salt from your diet. This can lead to unexpected consequences. They are characterized by attacks of pain in the intestines and kidneys.

Playing sports, even in a moderate manner, can improve the natural processes of the body.

Products that remove fluid from the body

There are also products that remove fluid from the body. Each of them can be consumed according to the seasons:

  1. Beet.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Cabbage.
  4. Bulgarian pepper.
  5. Sorrel.
  6. Garlic.

There are vegetables in this list that are on the shelves of markets and shops all year round. It is worth remembering this and preparing as many dishes as possible with onions, garlic, and carrots. Nai the best option- eat carrots fresh. This is an excellent diuretic.

What else to do

Before getting rid of excess fluid in the body, you should think about whether a sauna or steam bath will help? If there are no contraindications, then go ahead! We need to adopt one principle of acceptance water procedures and going to the bathhouse. Worth taking with you essential oil any coniferous tree. It is recommended to add this extract to the bath every time you need to take it at home.

Twice a week you need to do unloading. Drink only kefir or eat only apples. At the same time, do not forget about drinking clean water. It's a great time for such fasting days- watermelon season. The principle is simple: you need to choose one of the above products, eating it throughout the day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and be sure to drink plenty of clean water, even when you only have watermelons in your diet.

Why you need to drink a lot of clean water

How to remove fluid from the body? Just drink a lot of water. This method reminds everyone of the well-known “wedge-to-wedge” principle. At first glance, yes. In fact, it's even simpler.

If you drink 2 or more liters a day, you can cleanse the intestines of toxins, but the main thing is that this measure will lead to the fact that the body will not need to store water for future use.

A lot of water is also useful in terms of protecting against overeating, which is harmful if you are overweight. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of water before every meal. This makes satiety faster, and the amount eaten is reduced significantly.

Liquid will be removed with normal water consumption by optimizing the level of magnesium and sodium in the blood.

Traditional methods

The body responds well to all manipulations that are carried out to avoid fluid stagnation and eliminate excess weight. If you do everything wisely, you can quickly achieve the desired result. It is better to remove water without using pharmaceuticals based on artificial components, but using traditional methods.

The most common and effective diuretic mixture is based on bearberry and nettle.

These components are available in the pharmacy chain. You need to take a couple of small spoons of dried herbs and brew them in 500 ml of boiling water. You need to insist for about 30 minutes. You need to take a large spoonful of the drug up to 7 times a day, excluding taking it in the late evening hours.


You need to dry the apple peel and steam it like tea without adding tea leaves and sugar. Before use, this infusion should be kept for 10 minutes and only then drunk. You can use this remedy constantly, drinking a cup up to 6 times a day. Apples are an excellent way to get rid of fluid. But at night you need to stop drinking any drinks, especially diuretics.

Birch juice

During the season, it is recommended to drink a lot of birch sap, and during the rest of the year you can brew fresh or dried leaves of this tree. Procure raw materials better in spring when the leaves are still young and green. Infuse a couple of tablespoons of the crushed product in 300 ml of hot water for 40 minutes. After this, strain the product and add 1 g of soda. Take this solution in a large spoon before meals 4 times a day. You need to start with a small spoon, gradually increasing the amount of birch decoction to 10-15 ml per dose.


Medicinal herb avran. Since it contains a small amount of toxic substances, it is recommended to treat under strict control the doctors. You need to brew avran like this: pour 2 g of crushed raw materials into 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours and take drops on an empty stomach. You can eat in about 15 minutes.

A decoction of hawthorn and rose hips are excellent remedies for those who are thinking about how to quickly remove excess from the body. Patients with kidney ailments should be careful with these berries, especially if there are stones or sand. Excessive consumption of rose hips can lead to attacks.


Berries such as:

  1. Cowberry.
  2. Cranberry.
  3. Red and white currants.
  4. Cherry.
  5. Gooseberry.

A contraindication for using the above products when getting rid of excess fluid is the reaction of the stomach to the acids contained in the berries. It is not advisable to use them for gastrointestinal diseases. In other cases, they are very useful and quickly remove everything unnecessary from the tissues.

Decoctions and infusions

When there is edema of renal origin, it is recommended to use infusions of elderberry, barberry, horsetail, and wheatgrass. The substances present in these herbs and berries improve the functioning of the urinary system and eliminate excess.

If there are no contraindications, you should eat more dried apricots, prunes, raisins, strawberries, bananas, pumpkin and eggplant dishes, and cucumbers. These foods contain potassium. It helps remove salts and excess water from the body.

Decoctions from:

  1. Artichoke.
  2. Flax seeds.
  3. Parsley.
  4. Blackcurrant leaves.
  5. Fennel.

These plants improve the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver, and pancreas. Doctors also say that such components prevent fluid from accumulating in tissues and organs.

Products that retain fluid in the body

There are dishes the consumption of which is extremely contraindicated for people prone to edema. Such products should be excluded from the diet irrevocably. These are the dishes:

  1. Fat.
  2. Salty.
  3. Smoked.
  4. Pickled.

You should avoid canned food, ham, sausage, smoked meat and lard, grilled chicken and anything prepared in this way.

Sausages, caviar, sauces (including mayonnaise), hard and hard cheeses are contraindicated. soft type. Desserts based on cream and fatty additives leave liquid in the organs. No cakes or cream pies when you need to get rid of water in your cells. If the patient has coped with his problem, sweets can be included in the diet, but in minute quantities. Every day they can make up only 5% of all meals eaten.

Diet to eliminate fluid

In addition to avoiding foods that promote water retention in cells for a week, you can follow a special diet. The time to follow it should be limited to a period of 14-21 days. Initially, it is worth cleansing the intestines with an enema. Afterwards, take kefir daily. In addition to it, you need to distribute the consumption of other products over the days.

Monday: 5 potatoes.

Tuesday: 150 g boiled chicken breast.

Wednesday: 100 g steamed beef.

Thursday: 150 g of boiled sea fish.

On Friday: fruits and vegetables that remove fluid (except grapes).

On Saturday: only kefir.

On Sunday: mineral water without gas.

Don’t forget about drinking, in addition to kefir with a number of products, clean boiled water. If you don’t have the strength to endure this diet for more than a week, you should limit yourself to 1 course for now and analyze your condition. After a short break, the attempt should be repeated if necessary.

When you have managed to stick to the diet and get rid of fluid, you can stick to your usual diet, excluding “harmful” foods. You need to eat more vegetables (there should be at least 500 g per day) and whole grain bread.

Protein foods are also useful: meat, fish, eggs (not only chicken, but also quail). You need to be careful with milk-based products. Use only low-fat types. You can have as much lactic acid as you like.

So, eliminating excess fluid can be the beginning of getting rid of obesity. It is important to follow the rules that are based on the use of diuretic products and herbs.

At first glance, water seems to be a harmless liquid, but its excess in the body can lead to serious complications. Puffiness of the face makes a girl unattractive. She looks sick and tired. In addition to the face, the legs and arms swell.

This causes discomfort and pain. The first symptom indicating that there is a lot of excess water in the body is a noticeable weight gain. It is important to know how to remove water from the body to lose weight and relieve swelling of the limbs.

Why does the body accumulate water?

Doctors identify 6 serious reasons for the accumulation of excess fluid in the body:

  • Passive lifestyle (sedentary work, lack of physical activity).
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced diet, addiction to junk food, addiction to salty foods).
  • Heart diseases.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Disturbances of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal disbalance.

It is easier to fight any disease at the initial stage. If you notice that the body accumulates excess fluid, this may be a signal of kidney failure or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If the swelling is in no way related to external influences on the body, a consultation with a therapist and examination of the internal organs is necessary. If this is not the case, you need to get your hormones tested. If the reason is not serious problems in the functioning of the body, the situation can be changed independently.

Water can remain in the body for many reasons:

  • Drink plenty of fluids before bed. At night, kidney function slows down (the organs go into “sleep mode”), so water slowly leaves the tissues of the human body. You can avoid this phenomenon by stopping drinking water 3 hours before bedtime. If you're thirsty, you can take a couple of sips. Large doses of liquid are prohibited.
  • Drinking diuretics. The group of diuretic drinks includes tea, coffee, alcohol and sweet soda. They stimulate kidney function and cause a diuretic effect. The body experiences “stress” from a sudden loss of fluid and begins to store water in the form of puffiness and bags under the eyes. If you replace the listed drinks with still water, immediate changes for the better will occur.
  • Weakness in front of smoked, fatty and salty foods. “White poison” retains excess water in the body. After a hearty meal with pickles, and even with alcoholic drinks, you will gain weight up to one and a half kilograms.

Too much water - not enough water

Swelling and accumulation of excess fluid is caused by insufficient water intake. This statement sounds implausible and even absurd. When you don't drink enough fluid, your brain sends a signal that your body is dehydrated and needs more water. Many people unknowingly limit the amount of water they drink after noticing excessive swelling of the limbs or face, which only aggravates the problem. Swelling will subside 2-3 weeks after the water balance normalizes.

Water helps speed up metabolism and flushes accumulated salts and chemical compounds from the organs. You need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water per day. The exact dose is determined taking into account your gender, age, height, weight and lifestyle. If you cannot drink that much water, add lemon, ginger or cucumber pieces to it. An excellent alternative would be weak herbal teas.

What you can and should eat

Trying to go on a strict diet is another mistake of people suffering from swelling. It's not about the quantity of food consumed, but about its quality. To “dry out” your body, make it a habit to have breakfast only with porridge. Perfect option– oatmeal or rice. Cooked porridge should be without salt and sugar. It is allowed to add nuts or fresh berries and fruits. These products have a mild diuretic effect, which will speed up kidney function.

Give preference to vegetables and fruits. They contain fiber, which speeds up the process of eliminating liquid and solid waste from the body. Among vegetables, cucumber ranks first. This vegetable consists of 90 percent water, enriched with minerals and vitamins. A slight diuretic effect helps to quickly expel excess water. Among the berries, watermelon comes first. Everyone remembers its diuretic effect from childhood.

List of useful products

To remove water reserves from the body in the form of swelling of the face and legs, you need to adjust your diet. Having given up salty foods, you need to enrich the menu with foods that trigger metabolic processes in the body. These products include:

  • Lemon. Lemon juice is good for hypertension as it helps lower blood pressure. It speeds up metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body. If you cannot chew sour slices without sugar, add lemon to your food. Lemon water (without sugar) is very useful.
  • Ginger. It is famous for its ability to burn fat, remove toxins and normalize blood circulation. Eating ginger root helps get rid of puffiness and normalize water balance. Ginger drink with lemon is especially useful.
  • Celery. This product contains a lot of water and is very diuretic. Celery is a dietary product because it contains few calories, but gives a feeling of fullness.
  • Beet. Contains betalain, which is a natural antioxidant. A salad made from boiled or fresh beets is a “brush” for the body.
  • Zucchini. Like cucumber, zucchini contains a lot of liquid, making it a diuretic. When preparing zucchini dishes, it is important not to overuse salt and fat.
  • Parsley. By chewing a bunch of fresh parsley, you activate the functioning of the kidneys and excretory system. Plus it's a great way to freshen your breath.
  • Tomatoes. Raw vegetable has a diuretic effect and “pumps out” fluid accumulated in the body. And tomato juice without salt reduces the risk of developing cancer.

What you can and should drink

The best option for drinking is mineral water without gas. But there are drinks that have a weak diuretic effect and also contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These drinks include:

  • Cranberry juice or fruit drink. It is important that the drink is natural and does not contain sugar. Store-bought cranberry juices are not the best option for trying to drive away excess water.
  • "Milkweed." The drink is not to everyone's taste. To prepare it, mix tea (preferably green) and low-fat milk. Milkweed has a strong diuretic effect, so it is suitable for rare use.
  • Birch sap or infusion of birch leaves. If you do not have the opportunity to get fresh birch sap, prepare an infusion: pour 3 tsp of boiling water. dried birch leaves and leave for half an hour.
  • Dill water. You need to brew 1 tbsp. dill seeds 200 ml boiling water. The cooled infusion is drunk three times a day, 1 tbsp. to speed up metabolism and quickly remove excess water.
  • Chamomile tea. This is real medicine because chamomile tea has diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Physical exercise

A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation in the human body. Take the time and find the strength to sign up for fitness. The main thing is to take the first step and come to the first lesson. With every new trip to the gym, you will be fired up with a desire to improve yourself.

If you sit at a computer all day, by evening your legs will noticeably increase in volume. It is not always possible to attend a full training session. In this case, you can try out the method of Katsuzo Nishi (a Japanese scientist involved in the development of health-improving techniques).

If your legs and arms feel like they are leaden, lie on your back and take a few deep breaths. Then raise your legs and arms and freeze in this position for 30 seconds. After half a minute, start shaking your legs and arms, gradually increasing the speed. The felt vibration has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. This procedure improves blood circulation. You will feel lightness in your arms and legs immediately after the exercise.

Special fasting days

Fasting days are necessary in a critical situation, when the body does not want to remove the fluid that it has so richly accumulated. Many men and women find it very difficult to endure such days, because the present feeling of hunger reduces performance. If you are not confident in your abilities, set aside a day off for a fasting day.

The best options for fasting days when excess fluid accumulates:

  1. Milkweed. You are allowed to drink up to 2 liters of drink per day. Adjust the ratio of milk and tea to taste.
  2. Water. This is the toughest option. During the day you are allowed to drink only water (up to 2.5 liters).
  3. Watermelon. Fresh watermelon juice should be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with fresh apple or carrot juice.
  4. Oatmeal. If you are not confident in your abilities and cannot give up solid food, an option for you is a fasting day on oatmeal without oil and salt.

Be sure to visit baths and saunas. Fluid leaves the body not only through urination. Open pores and sebaceous glands secrete many human waste products. Visiting a sauna reduces the load on the kidneys because it helps the body get rid of fluid through the skin.

Do sports or fitness. If you can't go to the gym, do exercises at home. In the office, don’t be lazy to do discreet leg exercises at your workplace. Don't forget about walking. Don't rush to jump on the bus; it's better to walk a couple of stops.

Watch your diet. If you feel tired and uncomfortable, it's time to review the list of foods you eat. Avoid salty foods: replace smoked foods with vegetables and cereals, and replace a cup of strong tea with sugar with a glass of fresh cranberry juice.

In no case should you think that excess water is necessarily a consequence of drinking juices, tea or plain water. The nature of puffiness may turn out to be completely different; you need to fight it without completely abandoning the “tea ceremonies”.

What leads to water retention in the body

Edema can be a consequence of varying degrees of disturbances in the functioning of human systems or individual organs. The healthy option would be to see a doctor, and depending on the nature of the fluid retention, you can choose a method to get rid of the problem.

The root of excess fluid may lie in disruption of the normal functioning of organs and systems of the body:

Irregularities in a woman's menstrual cycle;

Problems with the kidneys, heart and other organs;

And also in an incorrect diet or lifestyle:

1. Lack of water. Water substitutes (tea, juice, coffee, etc.) are not able to remove waste and toxins sufficiently. The body needs water in pure form, otherwise he will “out of fright” accumulate it unnecessarily.

2. Diuretic drinks. This item echoes the previous one. Alcohol, carbonated and combined drinks too actively remove the moisture the body needs, and swelling is its protective reaction.

3. Salt. In excess, it is one of the main reasons for water retention in the body. In response to food that is too salty, the body accumulates water to minimize the harm of salt and eliminate it.

4. Excessively active or sedentary work. With the first option, swelling of the legs cannot be avoided, and the consequence of the second is often a slow metabolism. This is a step towards the appearance of edema.

If the cause of fluid retention is a specific diet or lifestyle, you need to make an effort and reconsider your outlook on life.

Getting rid of bad habits

Clean water is what the body requires. One and a half liters of clean water per day will help you meet your daily fluid needs correctly.

Minimum salt. There is no need to completely stop eating salt right away. The body does not forgive sudden changes. But a gradual reduction in the daily dose of white seasoning will definitely have a positive effect on health.

Acceleration of metabolism. Find a few minutes for vigorous exercise. Move after work and during breaks if the working day involves staying in one position for a long time.

“Unloading” the body. Choose a day or two to de-load to relieve swelling. You can use different water diets for this (kefir, pumpkin juice).

Use healthy products. Oatmeal (without sugar, with water), foods high in carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, fruits, wholemeal bread, etc.) help remove fluid and prevent swelling.

What to avoid if you want to get rid of excess fluid:

There is no need to try to reduce the amount of clean water;

Drink weight loss teas with a diuretic effect.

The effect of diuretic tea is short-lived. After stopping use, the swelling will return. As for a thoughtless reduction in the amount of clean water, it will become a signal for the body about the need for a supply, which will again lead you to the start of the fight against excess water.