Research project DIY devices in physics. Entertaining experiments in physics. Features of the camera assembly process

Municipal educational institution

Ryazanovskaya secondary school




8th grade students

Gusyatnikov Ivan,

Kanashuk Stanislav,

Physics teacher

Samorukova I.G.

RP Ryazanovsky, 2019


    Main part.

    1. Purpose of the device;

      tools and materials;

      Manufacturing of the device;

      General view of the device;

      Features of the device demonstration.




In order to carry out the necessary experiment, instruments are needed. But if they are not in the office laboratory, then some equipment for the demonstration experiment can be made with your own hands. We decided to give some things a second life. The work presents installations for use in physics lessons in grade 8 on the topic “Pressure of Liquids”


make instruments, physics installations to demonstrate physical phenomena with your own hands, explain the principle of operation of each device and demonstrate their operation.


Use the made device, installation in physics to demonstrate physical phenomena with your own hands in lessons when demonstrating and explaining the topic.


    Make devices that arouse great interest among students.

    Make instruments that are not available in the laboratory.

    Make devices that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics.


The significance of this work lies in the fact that Lately, when the material and technical base in schools has weakened significantly, experiments using these installations help to form some concepts in the study of physics; devices are made from waste material.


1. DEVICE For demonstration of Pascal's law.

1.1. TOOLS AND MATERIALS . Plastic bottle, awl, water.

1.2. MANUFACTURING THE DEVICE . Make holes with an awl from the bottom of the vessel at a distance of 10-15 cm in different places.

1.3. PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT. Partially fill the bottle with water. Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands. Observe the phenomenon.

1.4. RESULT . Observe water flowing out of the holes in the form of identical streams.

1.5. CONCLUSION. The pressure exerted on the fluid is transmitted without change to every point of the fluid.

2. DEVICE for demonstrationdependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column.

2.1. TOOLS AND MATERIALS. Plastic bottle, drill, water, felt-tip pen tubes, plasticine.

2.2. MANUFACTURING THE DEVICE . Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters.In a plastic bottle different heights make several holes (d≈ 5 mm). Place the tubes from the helium pen into the holes.

2.3. PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT. Fill the bottle with water (pre-close the holes with tape). Open the holes. Observe the phenomenon.

2.4. RESULT . Water flows further from the hole located below.

2.5. CONCLUSION. The pressure of the liquid on the bottom and walls of the vessel depends on the height of the liquid column (the higher the height, the greater the liquid pressurep= gh).

3. DEVICE - communicating vessels.

3.1. TOOLS AND MATERIALS.The lower parts of two plastic bottles of different sections, tubes from felt-tip pens, a drill, water.

3.2. MANUFACTURING THE DEVICE . Cut off the bottom parts of plastic bottles, 15-20 cm high. Connect the parts together with rubber tubes.

3.3. PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT. Pour water into one of the resulting vessels. Observe the behavior of the surface of the water in the vessels.

3.4. RESULT . The water levels in the vessels will be at the same level.

3.5. CONCLUSION. In communicating vessels of any shape, the surfaces of a homogeneous liquid are installed at the same level.

4. DEVICE to demonstrate pressure in a liquid or gas.

4.1. TOOLS AND MATERIALS.Plastic bottle, balloon IR, knife, water.

4.2. MANUFACTURING THE DEVICE . Take a plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and top. You will get a cylinder. Tie a balloon to the bottom.

4.3. PROGRESS OF THE EXPERIMENT. Pour water into the device you have made. Place the completed device in a container of water. Observe a physical phenomenon

4.4. RESULT . There is pressure inside the liquid.

4.5. CONCLUSION. At the same level, it is the same in all directions. With depth, pressure increases.


As a result of our work, we:

conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

created home-made devices demonstrating the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal's law.

We enjoyed studying pressure, making homemade devices, and conducting experiments. But there is a lot of interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science,

We will produce new devices to demonstrate physical phenomena.


1. Teaching equipment for physics in high school. Edited by A.A. Pokrovsky-M.: Education, 1973.

2. Physics. 8th grade: textbook / N.S. Purysheva, N.E. Vazheevskaya. –M.: Bustard, 2015.

Do you love physics? You love experiment? The world of physics is waiting for you!
What could be more interesting than experiments in physics? And, of course, the simpler the better!
These exciting experiences will help you see extraordinary phenomena light and sound, electricity and magnetism Everything necessary for the experiments is easy to find at home, and the experiments themselves simple and safe.
Your eyes are burning, your hands are itching!
Go ahead, explorers!

Robert Wood - a genius of experimentation.........
- Up or down? Rotating chain. Fingers of salt......... - The Moon and diffraction. What color is the fog? Newton's rings......... - A top in front of the TV. Magic propeller. Ping-pong in the bath......... - Spherical aquarium - lens. Artificial mirage. Soap glasses......... - Eternal salt fountain. Fountain in a test tube. Rotating spiral......... - Condensation in a jar. Where is the water vapor? Water engine........ - Popping egg. An overturned glass. Swirl in a cup. Heavy newspaper.........
- IO-IO toy. Salt pendulum. Paper dancers. Electric dance.........
- The mystery of ice cream. Which water will freeze faster? It's frosty, but the ice is melting! .......... - Let's make a rainbow. A mirror that doesn't confuse. Microscope made from a drop of water.........
- The snow creaks. What will happen to the icicles? Snow flowers......... - Interaction of sinking objects. Ball is touchable.........
- Who is faster? Jet balloon. Air carousel......... - Bubbles from a funnel. Green hedgehog. Without opening the bottles......... - Spark plug motor. Bump or hole? A moving rocket. Divergent rings.........
- Multi-colored balls. Sea resident. Balancing egg.........
- Electric motor in 10 seconds. Gramophone..........
- Boil, cool......... - Waltzing dolls. Flame on paper. Robinson's feather.........
- Faraday experiment. Segner wheel. Nutcrackers......... - Dancer in the mirror. Silver plated egg. Trick with matches......... - Oersted's experience. Roller coaster. Don't drop it! ..........

Body weight. Weightlessness.
Experiments with weightlessness. Weightless water. How to reduce your weight.........

Elastic force
- Jumping grasshopper. Jumping ring. Elastic coins..........
- Reel-crawler..........
- Drowned thimble. Obedient ball. We measure friction. Funny monkey. Vortex rings.........
- Rolling and sliding. Rest friction. The acrobat is doing a cartwheel. Brake in the egg.........
Inertia and inertia
- Take out the coin. Experiments with bricks. Wardrobe experience. Experience with matches. Inertia of the coin. Hammer experience. Circus experience with a jar. Experiment with a ball.........
- Experiments with checkers. Domino experience. Experiment with an egg. Ball in a glass. Mysterious skating rink.........
- Experiments with coins. Water hammer. Outsmarting inertia.........
- Experience with boxes. Experience with checkers. Coin experience. Catapult. Inertia of an apple.........
- Experiments with rotational inertia. Experiment with a ball.........

Mechanics. Laws of mechanics
- Newton's first law. Newton's third law. Action and reaction. Law of conservation of momentum. Quantity of movement.........

Jet propulsion
- Jet shower. Experiments with jet spinners: air spinner, jet balloon, ether spinner, Segner wheel.........
- Balloon rocket. Multistage rocket. Pulse ship. Jet boat.........

Free fall
-Which is faster.........

Circular movement
- Centrifugal force. Easier on turns. Experience with the ring.........

- Gyroscopic toys. Clark's top. Greig's top. Lopatin's flying top. Gyroscopic machine.........
- Gyroscopes and tops. Experiments with a gyroscope. Experience with a top. Wheel experience. Coin experience. Riding a bike without hands. Boomerang experience.........
- Experiments with invisible axes. Experience with paper clips. Rotating a matchbox. Slalom on paper.........
- Rotation changes shape. Cool or damp. Dancing egg. How to put a match.........
- When the water does not pour out. A bit of a circus. Experiment with a coin and a ball. When the water pours out. Umbrella and separator..........

Statics. Equilibrium. Center of gravity
- Vanka-stand up. Mysterious nesting doll.........
- Center of gravity. Equilibrium. Center of gravity height and mechanical stability. Base area and balance. Obedient and naughty egg..........
- Center of gravity of a person. Balance of forks. Fun swing. A diligent sawyer. Sparrow on a branch.........
- Center of gravity. Pencil competition. Experience with unstable balance. Human balance. Stable pencil. Knife at the top. Experience with a ladle. Experience with a saucepan lid.........

Structure of matter
- Fluid model. What gases does air consist of? Highest density of water. Density tower. Four floors.........
- Plasticity of ice. A nut that has come out. Properties of non-Newtonian fluid. Growing crystals. Properties of water and eggshell..........

Thermal expansion
- Expansion of a solid. Lapped plugs. Needle extension. Thermal scales. Separating glasses. Rusty screw. The board is in pieces. Ball expansion. Coin expansion.........
- Expansion of gas and liquid. Heating the air. Sounding coin. Water pipe and mushrooms. Heating water. Warming up the snow. Dry from the water. The glass is creeping.........

Surface tension of a liquid. Wetting
- Plateau experience. Darling's experience. Wetting and non-wetting. Floating razor.........
- Attraction of traffic jams. Sticking to water. A miniature Plateau experience. Bubble..........
- Live fish. Paperclip experience. Experiments with detergents. Colored streams. Rotating spiral.........

Capillary phenomena
- Experience with a blotter. Experiment with pipettes. Experience with matches. Capillary pump.........

- Hydrogen soap bubbles. Scientific preparation. Bubble in a jar. Colored rings. Two in one..........

- Transformation of energy. Bent strip and ball. Tongs and sugar. Photo exposure meter and photo effect.........
- Conversion of mechanical energy into thermal energy. Propeller experience. Bogatyr in a thimble..........

Thermal conductivity
- Experiment with an iron nail. Experience with wood. Experience with glass. Experiment with spoons. Coin experience. Thermal conductivity of porous bodies. Thermal conductivity of gas.........

-Which is colder. Heating without fire. Absorption of heat. Radiation of heat. Evaporative cooling. Experiment with an extinguished candle. Experiments with the outer part of the flame..........

Radiation. Energy transfer
- Transfer of energy by radiation. Experiments with solar energy.........

- Weight is a heat regulator. Experience with stearin. Creating traction. Experience with scales. Experience with a turntable. Pinwheel on a pin..........

Aggregate states.
- Experiments with soap bubbles in the cold. Crystallization
- Frost on the thermometer. Evaporation from the iron. We regulate the boiling process. Instant crystallization. growing crystals. Making ice. Cutting ice. Rain in the kitchen.........
- Water freezes water. Ice castings. We create a cloud. Let's make a cloud. We boil the snow. Ice bait. How to get hot ice.........
- Growing crystals. Salt crystals. Golden crystals. Large and small. Peligo's experience. Experience-focus. Metal crystals.........
- Growing crystals. Copper crystals. Fairytale beads. Halite patterns. Homemade frost.........
- Paper pan. Dry ice experiment. Experience with socks.........

Gas laws
- Experience on the Boyle-Mariotte law. Experiment on Charles's law. Let's check the Clayperon equation. Let's check Gay-Lusac's law. Ball trick. Once again about the Boyle-Mariotte law..........

- Steam engine. The experience of Claude and Bouchereau.........
- Water turbine. Steam turbine. Wind turbine. Water wheel. Hydro turbine. Windmill toys.........

- Pressure of a solid body. Punching a coin with a needle. Cutting through ice.........
- Siphon - Tantalus vase..........
- Fountains. The simplest fountain. Three fountains. Fountain in a bottle. Fountain on the table.........
- Atmosphere pressure. Bottle experience. Egg in a decanter. Can sticking. Experience with glasses. Experience with a can. Experiments with a plunger. Flattening the can. Experiment with test tubes.........
- Vacuum pump made from blotting paper. Air pressure. Instead of the Magdeburg hemispheres. A diving bell glass. Carthusian diver. Punished curiosity.........
- Experiments with coins. Experiment with an egg. Experience with a newspaper. School gum suction cup. How to empty a glass.........
- Pumps. Spray..........
- Experiments with glasses. The mysterious property of radishes. Experience with a bottle.........
- Naughty plug. What is pneumatics? Experiment with a heated glass. How to lift a glass with your palm.........
- Cold boiling water. How much does water weigh in a glass? Determine lung volume. Resistant funnel. How to pierce a balloon without it bursting..........
- Hygrometer. Hygroscope. Barometer from a cone......... - Barometer. Aneroid barometer - do it yourself. Balloon barometer. The simplest barometer......... - Barometer from a light bulb.......... - Air barometer. Water barometer. Hygrometer..........

Communicating vessels
- Experience with the painting.........

Archimedes' law. Buoyancy force. Floating bodies
- Three balls. The simplest submarine. Grape experiment. Does iron float.........
- Ship's draft. Does the egg float? Cork in a bottle. Water candlestick. Sinks or floats. Especially for drowning people. Experience with matches. Amazing egg. Does the plate sink? The mystery of the scales.........
- Float in a bottle. Obedient fish. Pipette in a bottle - Cartesian diver..........
- Ocean level. Boat on the ground. Will the fish drown? Stick scales.........
- Archimedes' Law. Live toy fish. Bottle level.........

Bernoulli's law
- Experience with a funnel. Experiment with water jet. Ball experiment. Experience with scales. Rolling cylinders. stubborn leaves.........
- Bendable sheet. Why doesn't he fall? Why does the candle go out? Why doesn't the candle go out? The air flow is to blame.........

Simple mechanisms
- Block. Pulley hoist.........
- Lever of the second type. Pulley hoist.........
- Lever arm. Gate. Lever scales.........

- Pendulum and bicycle. Pendulum and globe. A fun duel. Unusual pendulum..........
- Torsion pendulum. Experiments with a swinging top. Rotating pendulum.........
- Experiment with the Foucault pendulum. Addition of vibrations. Experiment with Lissajous figures. Resonance of pendulums. Hippopotamus and bird.........
- Fun swing. Oscillations and resonance.........
- Fluctuations. Forced vibrations. Resonance. Seize the moment.........

- Gramophone - do it yourself..........
- Physics of musical instruments. String. Magic bow. Ratchet. Singing glasses. Bottlephone. From bottle to organ.........
- Doppler effect. Sound lens. Chladni's experiments.........
- Sound waves. Propagation of sound.........
- Sounding glass. Flute made from straw. The sound of a string. Reflection of sound.........
- Phone made from a matchbox. Telephone exchange.........
- Singing combs. Spoon ringing. Singing glass.........
- Singing water. Shy wire.........
- Sound oscilloscope..........
- Ancient sound recording. Cosmic voices.........
- Hear the heartbeat. Glasses for ears. Shock wave or firecracker..........
- Sing with me. Resonance. Sound through the bone.........
- Tuning fork. A storm in a teacup. Louder sound.........
- My strings. Changing the pitch of the sound. Ding Ding. Crystal clear.........
- We make the ball squeak. Kazoo. Singing bottles. Choral singing..........
- Intercom. Gong. Crowing glass.........
- Let's blow out the sound. Stringed instrument. Small hole. Blues on bagpipes..........
- Sounds of nature. Singing straw. Maestro, march.........
- A speck of sound. What's in the bag? Sound on the surface. Day of disobedience.........
- Sound waves. Visual sound. Sound helps you see.........

- Electrification. Electric panty. Electricity is repellent. Dance of soap bubbles. Electricity on combs. The needle is a lightning rod. Electrification of the thread.........
- Bouncing balls. Interaction of charges. Sticky ball.........
- Experience with a neon light bulb. Flying bird. Flying butterfly. An animated world.........
- Electric spoon. St. Elmo's Fire. Electrification of water. Flying cotton wool. Electrification of a soap bubble. Loaded frying pan.........
- Electrification of the flower. Experiments on human electrification. Lightning on the table.........
- Electroscope. Electric Theater. Electric cat. Electricity attracts.........
- Electroscope. Bubble. Fruit battery. Fighting gravity. Battery of galvanic cells. Connect the coils.........
- Turn the arrow. Balancing on the edge. Repelling nuts. Turn on the light.........
- Amazing tapes. Radio signal. Static separator. Jumping grains. Static rain.........
- Film wrapper. Magic figurines. Influence of air humidity. Revived door knob. Sparkling clothes.........
- Charging from a distance. Rolling ring. Crackling and clicking sounds. Magic wand..........
- Everything can be charged. Positive charge. Attraction of bodies. Static glue. Charged plastic. Ghost leg.........

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


This school year I began to study this very interesting science that is necessary for every person. From the very first lesson, physics captivated me, lit a fire in me with a desire to learn new things and get to the bottom of the truth, drew me into thought, brought me to interesting ideas...

Physics is not only scientific books and complex instruments, not only huge laboratories. Physics also means magic tricks performed among friends, funny stories and funny homemade toys. Physical experiments can be done with a ladle, a glass, a potato, a pencil, balls, glasses, pencils, plastic bottles, coins, needles, etc. Nails and straws, matches and cans, scraps of cardboard and even drops of water - everything will go into use! (3)

Relevance: physics is an experimental science and creating instruments with your own hands contributes to a better understanding of laws and phenomena.

A lot of various issues arises when studying each topic. A teacher can answer many things, but how wonderful it is to get the answers through your own independent research!

Target: make physics devices to demonstrate some physical phenomena with your own hands, explain the principle of operation of each device and demonstrate their operation.


    Study scientific and popular literature.

    Learn to apply scientific knowledge to explain physical phenomena.

    Make devices that arouse great interest among students.

    Replenishment of the physics classroom with homemade devices made from scrap materials.

    Take a deeper look at the practical use of the laws of physics.

Project product: DIY devices, videos of physical experiments.

Project result: interest of students, formation of their idea that physics as a science is not divorced from real life, development of motivation for learning physics.

Research methods: analysis, observation, experiment.

The work was carried out according to the following scheme:

    Formulation of the problem.

    Studying information from various sources on this issue.

    Selection of research methods and practical mastery of them.

    Collecting your own material - collecting available materials, conducting experiments.

    Analysis and synthesis.

    Formulation of conclusions.

During the work the following were used physical research methods:

I. Physical experience

The experiment consisted of the following stages:

    Clarification of the experimental conditions.

This stage involves familiarization with the conditions of the experiment, determination of the list of necessary available instruments and materials, and safe conditions when conducting an experiment.

    Drawing up a sequence of actions.

At this stage, the procedure for conducting the experiment was outlined, and new materials were added if necessary.

    Conducting the experiment.

    Modeling is the basis of any physical research. When conducting experiments, we simulated the structure of a fountain, reproduced ancient experiments: “Tantalus’ Vase”, “Cartesian Diver”, created physical toys and instruments to demonstrate physical laws and phenomena.

    In total, we modeled, conducted and scientifically explained 12 entertaining physical experiments.


Physics, translated from Greek, is the science of nature. Physics studies phenomena that occur in space, in the bowels of the earth, on the earth, and in the atmosphere - in a word, everywhere. Such common phenomena are called physical phenomena.

When observing an unfamiliar phenomenon, physicists try to understand how and why it occurs. If, for example, a phenomenon occurs quickly or occurs rarely in nature, physicists strive to see it as many times as necessary in order to identify the conditions under which it occurs and establish the corresponding patterns. If possible, scientists reproduce the phenomenon being studied in a specially equipped room - a laboratory. They try not only to examine the phenomenon, but also to make measurements. Scientists - physicists call all this experience or experiment.

Observation does not end with observation, but only the beginning of the study of a phenomenon. The facts obtained during observation must be explained using existing knowledge. This is the stage of theoretical understanding.

In order to verify the correctness of the explanation found, scientists test it experimentally. (6)

Thus, the study of a physical phenomenon usually goes through the following stages:

    1. Observation


      Theoretical background

      Practical use

While carrying out my scientific fun at home, I developed the basic steps that allow you to conduct a successful experiment:

For home experimental assignments, I put forward the following requirements:

safety during carrying out;

minimal material costs;

ease of implementation;

value in learning and understanding physics.

I have conducted many experiments on various topics in the 7th grade physics course. I will present some of them, in my opinion, the most interesting and at the same time simple to implement.

2.2 Experiments and instruments on the topic “Mechanical phenomena”

Experience No. 1. « Reel - crawler»

Materials: wooden spool of thread, nail (or wooden skewer), soap, rubber band.


Is friction harmful or beneficial?

To understand this better, make a crawling reel toy. This is the simplest toy with a rubber motor.

Let's take an ordinary old spool of thread and use a penknife to notch the edges of both its cheeks. Fold a strip of rubber 70-80 mm long in half and push it into the hole of the reel. In the elastic loop that peeks out from one end, we will place a piece of a match 15 mm long.

Place a soap washer on the other cheek of the coil. Cut a circle from hard, dry soap about 3 mm thick. The diameter of the circle is about 15 mm, the diameter of the hole in it is 3 mm. Place a new, shiny steel nail 50-60 mm long on the soap washer and tie the ends of the elastic band on top of this nail with a secure knot. Turning the nail, we wind the crawler coil until a piece of the match begins to scroll on the other side.

Let's put the reel on the floor. The rubber band, unwinding, will carry the reel, and the end of the nail will slide along the floor! No matter how simple this toy is, I knew guys who made several of these “crawlers” at once and staged entire “tank battles.” The reel that crushed the other one under itself, or knocked it over, or threw it off the table, won. The “vanquished” were removed from the “battlefield.” Having played enough with the crawling reel, remember that this is not just a toy, but a scientific instrument.

Scientific explanation

Where does friction occur here? Let's start with a piece of a match. When we wind the rubber band, it tightens and presses the fragment more and more tightly to the cheek of the reel. There is friction between the fragment and the cheek. If this friction did not exist, the piece of the match would spin completely freely and the crawler coil would not be able to be wound up even one turn! And to make it start even better, we make a hollow in the cheek for a match. This means that friction is useful here. It helps the mechanism we made work.

But with the other cheek of the coil the situation is completely opposite. Here the nail should rotate as easily as possible, as freely as possible. The easier it slides along the cheek, the farther the crawler reel will go. This means that friction is harmful here. It interferes with the operation of the mechanism. It needs to be reduced. That is why a soap washer is placed between the cheek and the nail. It reduces friction and acts as a lubricant.

Now let's look at the edges of the cheeks. These are the “wheels” of our toy; we’ll notch them with a knife. For what? Yes, so that they adhere better to the floor, so that they create friction and do not “slip,” as drivers and drivers say. This is where friction is helpful!

Yes, they have such a word. After all, in rain or ice, the wheels of the locomotive slip, spin on the rails, and it cannot move a heavy train. The driver has to turn on a device that pours sand onto the rails. For what? Yes, in order to increase friction. And when braking in icy conditions, sand also pours onto the rails. Otherwise you won’t be able to stop it! And on the wheels of a car when driving along slippery road put on special chains. They also increase friction: they improve the grip of the wheels on the road.

Let's remember: friction stops the car when all the gas runs out. But if there were no friction of the wheels on the road, the car would not be able to move even with a full tank of gasoline. Its wheels would turn and slip, as if on ice!

Finally, the crawler reel has friction in one more place. This is the friction of the end of the nail on the floor along which it crawls following the coil. This friction is harmful. It interferes, it delays the movement of the coil. But it's difficult to do anything here. Unless you sand the end of the nail with fine sandpaper. No matter how simple our toy is, it helped to figure it out.

Where parts of the mechanism must move, friction is harmful and must be reduced. And where parts must not move, where good grip is needed, friction is useful and must be increased.

And friction is also needed in the brakes. The crawler doesn't have them; she can barely crawl anyway. And all real wheeled cars have brakes: driving without brakes would be too dangerous.(9)

Experience No. 2.« Wheel on a slide»

Materials: cardboard or thick paper, plasticine, paints (to paint the wheel)


It's rare to see a wheel roll up on its own. But we will try to make such a miracle. Glue a wheel from cardboard or thick paper. On the inside we will stick a large piece of plasticine somewhere in one place.

Ready? Now let's put the wheel on an inclined plane (slide) so that a piece of plasticine is at the top and slightly on the uphill side. If you now let go of the wheel, then due to the additional load it will calmly roll upward! (2)

It really is going up. And then it stops altogether on the slope. Why? Remember the Vanka-Vstanka toy. When Vanka deviates and tries to put him down, the toy’s center of gravity rises. That's how it's made. So he strives for a position in which his center of gravity is the lowest, and... stands up. It looks paradoxical to us.

It's the same with a wheel on a slide.

Scientific explanation

When we stick plasticine, we shift the center of gravity of the object so that it will quickly return to a state of equilibrium (minimum potential energy, lowest position of the center of gravity) by rolling upward. And then, when this state is achieved, it stops altogether.

In both cases, there is a sinker inside the low-density volume (we have plasticine), as a result of which the toy tends to occupy a strictly defined by design position due to a shift in the center of gravity.

Everything in the world strives for a state of balance.(2)

    1. Experiments and instruments on the topic “Hydrostatics”

Experiment No. 1 “Cartesian diver”

Materials: bottle, pipette (or matches weighted with wire), figurine of a diver (or any other)


This entertaining experience is about three hundred years old. It is attributed to the French scientist Rene Descartes (his last name is Cartesius in Latin). The experiment was so popular that a toy was created based on it, which was called the “Cartesian diver.” The device was a glass cylinder filled with water, in which a figurine of a man floated vertically. The figurine was in the upper part of the vessel. When the rubber film covering the top of the cylinder was pressed, the figure slowly sank down to the bottom. When they stopped pressing, the figure rose up.(8)

Let's make this experiment simpler: the role of the diver will be played by a pipette, and an ordinary bottle will serve as the vessel. Fill the bottle with water, leaving two to three millimeters to the edge. Let's take a pipette, fill it with some water and lower it into the neck of the bottle. Its upper rubber end should be at or slightly above the water level in the bottle. In this case, you need to ensure that with a slight push with your finger the pipette sinks, and then floats up on its own. Now, placing your thumb or the soft part of your palm on the neck of the bottle so as to close its opening, press on the layer of air that is above the water. The pipette will go to the bottom of the bottle. Release the pressure of your finger or palm and it will float up again. We slightly compressed the air in the neck of the bottle, and this pressure was transferred to the water.(9)

If at the beginning of the experiment the “diver” does not listen to you, then you need to adjust the initial amount of water in the pipette.

Scientific explanation

When the pipette is at the bottom of the bottle, it is easy to see how, as the pressure on the air in the neck of the bottle increases, water enters the pipette, and when the pressure is released, it comes out of it.

This device can be improved by stretching a piece of bicycle inner tube or balloon film over the neck of the bottle. Then it will be easier to control our “diver”. We also had matchstick divers swimming along with the pipette. Their behavior is easily explained by Pascal's laws. (4)

Experience No. 2. Siphon - "Vase of Tantalus"

Materials: rubber tube, transparent vase, container (into which the water will go),


At the end of the last century there was a toy called “Tantalus Vase”. She, like the famous "Carthusian Diver", enjoyed great success with the public. This toy was also based on a physical phenomenon - on the action of a siphon, a tube from which water flows even when its curved part is above the water level. It is only important that the tube is first completely filled with water.

When making this toy you will have to use your sculpting abilities.

But where does such a strange name come from - “Vase of Tantalus”? There is a Greek myth about the Lydian king Tantalus, who was condemned to eternal torment by Zeus. He had to suffer from hunger and thirst all the time: standing in the water, he could not get drunk. The water teased him, rising all the way to his mouth, but as soon as Tantalus leaned a little towards it, it instantly disappeared. After some time, the water appeared again, disappeared again, and this continued all the time. The same thing happened with the fruits of the trees, with which he could satisfy his hunger. The branches instantly moved away from his hands as soon as he wanted to pick the fruits.

So, the toy that we can make is based on the episode with water, with its periodic appearance and disappearance. Take a plastic container from the cake packaging and drill a small hole in the bottom. If you don’t have such a vessel, you will have to take a liter jar and very carefully drill a hole in its bottom with a drill. Using round files, the hole in the glass can be gradually enlarged to the desired size.

Before sculpting a figurine of Tantalus, make a device for releasing water. A rubber tube is tightly inserted into the hole in the bottom of the vessel. Inside the vessel, the tube is bent into a loop, its end reaches the very bottom, but does not rest against the bottom. The upper part of the loop will have to be at the level of the chest of the future Tantalus figurine. After making notes on the tube, for ease of use, remove it from the vessel. Cover the loop with plasticine and shape it into a rock. And in front of it place a figurine of Tantalus sculpted from plasticine. It is necessary for Tantalus to stand at full height with his head tilted towards the future water level and his mouth open. Nobody knows how the mythical Tantalus was imagined, so don’t skimp on your imagination, even if it looks like a caricature. But in order for the figurine to stand steadily at the bottom of the vessel, sculpt it in a wide, long robe. Let the end of the tube, which will be in the vessel, peek out imperceptibly near the bottom of the plasticine rock.

When everything is ready, place the vessel on a board with a hole for the tube, and place a vessel under the tube to drain the water. Drape these devices so that it is not visible where the water disappears. When you pour water into the jar of Tantalum, adjust the stream so that it is thinner than the stream that will flow out.(4)

Scientific explanation

We have an automatic siphon. Water gradually fills the jar. The rubber tube is also filled to the very top of the loop. When the tube is full, water will begin to flow out and will continue to flow out until its level is lower than the outlet of the tube at Tantalus's feet.

The flow stops and the vessel fills again. When the entire tube is filled with water again, water will begin to flow out again. And this will continue as long as a stream of water flows into the vessel.(9)

Experience No. 3.« Water in a sieve»

Materials: bottle with cap, needle (to make holes in the bottle)


When the cap is not opened, the atmosphere forces water out of the bottle, which has tiny holes in it. But if you tighten the cap, only the air pressure in the bottle acts on the water, and its pressure is low and the water does not pour out! (9)

Scientific explanation

This is one of the experiments demonstrating Atmosphere pressure.

Experience No. 4.« The simplest fountain»

Materials: glass tube, rubber tube, container.


In order to build a fountain, take a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off or glass from a kerosene lamp, select a stopper to cover the narrow end. We will make a through hole in the cork. It can be drilled, pierced with a faceted awl, or burned through with a hot nail. A glass tube bent in the shape of the letter “P” or a plastic tube should fit tightly into the hole.

Pinch the hole in the tube with your finger, turn the bottle or lamp glass upside down and fill it with water. When you open the exit from the tube, water will flow out of it like a fountain. It will operate until the water level in the large container is equal to the open end of the tube.(3)

Scientific explanation

I made a fountain that works on the property of communicating vessels .

Experience No. 5.« Floating bodies»

Materials: plasticine.


I know that bodies immersed in liquid or gas are acted upon by a force. But not all bodies float in water. For example, if you throw a piece of plasticine into water, it will drown. But if you make a boat out of it, it will float. This model can be used to study the navigation of ships.

Experience No. 6. "Drop of Oil"

Materials: alcohol, water, vegetable oil.

Everyone knows that if you drop oil on water, it will spread in a thin layer. But I placed a drop of oil in a state of weightlessness. Knowing the laws of floating of bodies, I created conditions under which a drop of oil takes on an almost spherical shape and is located inside the liquid.

Scientific explanation

Bodies float in a liquid if their density is less than the density of the liquid. In the volumetric figure of a boat, the average density is less than the density of water. The density of oil is less than the density of water, but greater than the density of alcohol, so if you carefully pour alcohol into water, the oil will sink in the alcohol, but float at the interface between the liquids. Therefore, I placed a drop of oil in a state of weightlessness, and it takes on an almost spherical shape. (6)

    1. Experiments and instruments on the topic “Thermal Phenomena”

Experience No. 1. "Convection currents"

Materials: paper snake, heat source.


There is a cunning snake in the world. She senses the movement of air currents better than people. Now we will check whether the air in a closed room is really so still.

Scientific explanation

The cunning snake really notices what people don't see. She feels when the air rises. With the help of convection - air flows move: warm air rises up. He twirls the cunning snake. Convection currents constantly surround us in nature. In the atmosphere, convection currents are winds and the water cycle in nature.(9)

2.5 Experiments and instruments on the topic “Light phenomena”

Experience No. 1.« Pinhole camera»

Materials: cylindrical box of Pringles chips, thin paper.


A small camera obscura can easily be made from a tin, or better yet, from a cylindrical box of Pringles chips. On one side, a neat hole is pierced with a needle, on the other, the bottom is sealed with thin translucent paper. The camera obscura is ready.

But it’s much more interesting to take real photographs using a pinhole camera. In a matchbox painted black, cut a small hole, cover it with foil and pierce a tiny hole no more than 0.5 mm in diameter with a needle.

Pass the film through the matchbox, sealing all the cracks so as not to expose the frames. The “lens”, that is, the hole in the foil, needs to be sealed with something or covered tightly, simulating a shutter. (09)

Scientific explanation

The camera obscura operates on the laws of geometric optics.

2.6 Experiments and instruments on the topic “Electrical phenomena”

Experience No. 1.« Electric panty»

Materials: plasticine (to sculpt the head of a coward), ebonite shelves


Make a head out of plasticine with the most frightened face you can, and put this head on a fountain pen (closed, of course). Strengthen the handle in some kind of stand. From a staniol wrapper from processed cheese, tea, chocolate, make a hat for the coward and glue it to the plasticine head. Cut the “hair” from tissue paper into strips 2-3 mm wide and 10 centimeters long and glue it to the cap. These paper strands will hang out in disarray.

Now thoroughly electrify the wand and bring it to the panty. He is terribly afraid of electricity; the hair on his head began to move, touch the staniol cap with a stick. Even run the side of the stick along the free area of ​​the staniol. The horror of the electric panty will reach its limit: his hair will stand on end! Scientific explanation

Experiments with the coward showed that electricity can not only attract, but also repel. There are two types of electricity "+" and "-". What is the difference between positive and negative electricity? Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.(5)


All phenomena observed during entertaining experiments have scientific explanation, for this we used the fundamental laws of physics and the properties of the matter around us - the laws of hydrostatics and mechanics, the law of straightness of light propagation, reflection, electromagnetic interactions.

In accordance with the task, all experiments were carried out using only cheap, small-sized available materials; during their implementation, home-made devices were made, including a device for demonstrating electrification; the experiments were safe, visual, and simple in design


Analyzing the results of entertaining experiments, I was convinced that school knowledge is quite applicable to solving practical issues.

I have carried out various experiments. As a result of observation, comparison, calculations, measurements, experiments, I observed the following phenomena and laws:

Natural and forced convection, Archimedes' force, floating of bodies, inertia, stable and unstable equilibrium, Pascal's law, atmospheric pressure, communicating vessels, hydrostatic pressure, friction, electrification, light phenomena.

I liked making homemade devices and conducting experiments. But there is a lot of interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

I will continue to study this interesting science;

I hope that my classmates will be interested in this problem, and I will try to help them;

In the future I will conduct new experiments.

It is interesting to observe the experiment conducted by the teacher. Carrying it out yourself is doubly interesting. And conducting an experiment with a device made and designed with your own hands arouses great interest among the whole class. In such experiments it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how this installation works.

    List of studied literature and Internet resources

    M.I. Bludov “Conversations on Physics”, Moscow, 1974.

    A. Dmitriev “Grandfather’s Chest”, Moscow, “Divo”, 1994.

    L. Galpershtein “Hello, physics”, Moscow, 1967.

    L. Galpershtein “Funny Physics”, Moscow, “Children’s Literature”, 1993.

    F.V. Rabiz "Funny Physics", Moscow, "Children's Literature", 2000.

    ME AND. Perelman “Entertaining tasks and experiments”, Moscow, “Children’s Literature” 1972.

    A. Tomilin “I want to know everything”, Moscow, 1981.

    Magazine "Young Technician"


MAOU Lyceum No. 64, Krasnodar Physics director Spitsyna L.I.

The work is a participant in the All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity in 2017

The site is posted on the site to exchange work experience with colleagues



Research project

"Physics and physical problems exist everywhere

in the world in which we live, work,

we love, we die." - J. Walker.


Since early childhood, when, with the light hand of kindergarten teacher Zoya Nikolaevna, “Kolya the Physicist” stuck with me, I have been interested in physics as a theoretical and applied science.

Also in primary school, studying the materials available to me in encyclopedias, I identified for myself the range of the most interesting questions; Even then, radio electronics became the basis of extracurricular activities. In high school I began to pay special attention to such issues of modern science as nuclear and wave physics. In the specialized class, the study of human radiation safety problems in modern world.

My passion for design came with Revich Yu. V.’s book “Entertaining Electronics”; my reference books were the three-volume “Elementary Physics Textbook” edited by G. S. Landsberg, “Physics Course” by A. A. Detlaf. and others.

Every person who considers himself a “techie” must learn to translate his, even the most fantastic, plans and ideas into independently made working models, instruments and devices in order to use them to confirm or refute these plans. Then, having completed general education, he gets the opportunity to look for ways, following which he will be able to bring his ideas to life.

The relevance of the topic “Do-it-yourself physics” is determined, firstly, by the possibility of technical creativity for each person, and secondly, by the opportunity to use homemade devices for educational purposes, which ensures the development of the student’s intellectual and creative abilities.

The development of communication technologies and the truly limitless educational possibilities of the Internet allow today everyone to use them for the benefit of their development. What do I mean by this? The only thing is that now anyone who wants can “dive” into the endless ocean of available information about anything, in any form: videos, books, articles, websites. Today there are many different sites, forums, YOUTUBE channels that will gladly share with you knowledge in any field, and in particular in the field of applied radio electronics, mechanics, atomic nuclear physics, etc. It would be very cool if more people had a desire to learn something new, a desire to understand the world and transform it positively.

Problems solved in this work:

- realize the unity of theory and practice through the creation of homemade educational instruments and working models;

Apply theoretical knowledge acquired at the lyceum to select the design of models used to create homemade educational equipment;

Based on theoretical studies of physical processes, choose necessary equipment, corresponding to operating conditions;

Use available parts and blanks for non-standard use;

To popularize applied physics among young people, including among classmates, by involving them in extracurricular activities;

Contribute to the expansion of the practical part of the educational subject;

Promote the importance of students’ creative abilities in understanding the world around them.


The competition project presents manufactured educational models and devices:

A miniature device for assessing the degree of radioactivity based on the Geiger-Muller counter SBM-20 (the most accessible of the existing samples).

Working model of Landsgorff diffusion chamber

A complex for visual experimental determination of the speed of light in a metal conductor.

A small device for measuring human reactions.

I present theoretical basis physical processes, circuit diagrams and design features of devices.

§1. A miniature device for assessing the degree of radioactivity based on a Geiger-Muller counter - dosimeter self-made

The idea of ​​assembling a dosimeter haunted me for a very long time, and once I got around to it, I assembled it. In the photo on the left is an industrial Geiger counter, on the right is a dosimeter based on it.

It is known that the main element of a dosimeter is a radiation sensor. The most accessible of them is the Geiger-Muller counter, the principle of which is based on the fact that ionizing particles can ionize a substance - knocking out electrons from the outer electronic layers. Inside the Geiger counter is the inert gas argon. Essentially, the counter is a capacitor that allows current to flow only when positive cations and free electrons are formed inside. Schematic diagram turning on the device is shown in Fig. 170. One pair of ions is not enough, but due to the relatively high potential difference at the counter terminals, avalanche ionization occurs and a sufficiently large current arises so that the pulse can be detected.

A circuit based on an Atmel microcontroller, Atmega8A, was chosen as a recalculator. Indication of values ​​is carried out using an LCD display from the legendary Nokia 3310, and sound indication is carried out using a piezoelectric element taken from an alarm clock. High voltage to power the meter is achieved using a miniature transformer and a voltage multiplier using diodes and capacitors.

Schematic diagram of the dosimeter:

The device displays the value of dose rate γ and X-ray radiation in microroentgens, with an upper limit of 65 mR/h.

When the filter cover is removed, the surface of the Geiger counter is exposed and the device can detect β-radiation. Let me note - just record, not measure, since the degree of activity of β-drugs is measured by flux density - the number of particles per unit area. And the efficiency of SBM-20 to β-radiation is very low; it is designed only for photon radiation.

I liked the circuit because the high-voltage part is correctly implemented - the number of pulses for charging the meter's power capacitor is proportional to the number of recorded pulses. Thanks to this, the device has been working for a year and a half without switching off, using 7 AA batteries.

I purchased almost all the components for the assembly on the Adyghe radio market, with the exception of the Geiger counter - I purchased it from the online store.

Reliability and efficiency of the device confirmed Thus: continuous operation of the device for one and a half years and the possibility of constant monitoring show that:

The device readings range from 6 to 14 microroentgens per hour, which does not exceed the permissible limit of 50 microroentgens per hour;

The radiation background in classrooms, in the microdistrict of my residence, directly in the apartment fully complies with radiation safety standards (NRB - 99/2009), approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated July 7, 2009 No. 47.

In everyday life, it turns out that it is not so easy for a person to get into an area with increased radioactivity. If this happens, the device will notify me with a sound signal, which makes the homemade device a guarantor of the radiation safety of its designer.

§ 2. Working model of a Langsdorff diffusion chamber.

2.1. Basics of radioactivity and methods of studying it.

Radioactivity is the ability of atomic nuclei to decay spontaneously or under the influence of external radiation. The discovery of this remarkable property of certain chemical substances belongs to Henri Becquerel in February 1896. Radioactivity is a phenomenon that proves the complex structure of the atomic nucleus, in which the nuclei of atoms decay into pieces, while almost all radioactive substances have a certain half-life - a period of time during which half of all atoms of a radioactive substance in a sample will decay. During radioactive decay, ionizing particles are emitted from the nuclei of atoms. These can be the nuclei of helium atoms - α-particles, free electrons or positrons - β - particles, γ - rays - electromagnetic waves. Ionizing particles also include protons and neutrons, which have high energy.

Today it is known that the vast majority of chemical elements have radioactive isotopes. There are such isotopes among water molecules - the source of life on Earth.

2.2. How to detect ionizing radiation?

To detect, that is, to detect ionizing radiation Currently, it is possible using Geiger-Muller counters, scintillation detectors, ionization chambers, and track detectors. The latter can not only detect the presence of radiation, but also allow the observer to see how the particles flew according to the shape of the track. Scintillation detectors are good for their high sensitivity and light output proportional to the particle energy - the number of photons emitted when a substance absorbs a certain amount of energy.

It is known that each isotope has a different energy of emitted particles, so using a scintillation detector it is possible to identify an isotope without chemical or spectral analysis. With the help of track detectors, it is also possible to identify an isotope by placing the camera in a uniform magnetic field, in which case the tracks will be curved.

Ionizing particles of radioactive bodies can be detected and their characteristics can be studied using special instruments called “tracking”. These include devices that can show the trace of a moving ionizing particle. These can be: Wilson chambers, Landsgorff diffusion chambers, spark and bubble chambers.

2.3. Homemade diffusion chamber

Soon after the homemade dosimeter began to work stably, I realized that the dosimeter was not enough for me and I needed to do something else. I ended up building a diffusion chamber invented by Alexander Langsdorff in 1936. And today a camera can be used for scientific research, the diagram of which is shown in the figure:

Diffusion - an improved cloud chamber. The improvement lies in the fact that to obtain supersaturated steam, it is not adiabatic expansion that is used, but the diffusion of vapor from the heated region of the chamber to the cold one, that is, the steam in the chamber overcomes a certain temperature gradient.

2.4. Features of the camera assembly process

To operate the device prerequisite is the presence of a temperature difference of 50-700C, while heating one side of the chamber is impractical, because the alcohol will evaporate quickly. This means that you need to cool the lower part of the chamber to - 30°C. This temperature can be achieved by evaporating dry ice or Peltier elements. The choice fell in favor of the latter, because, frankly, I was too lazy to get ice, and a portion of ice will only serve once, while the Peltier elements will serve as many times as needed. The principle of their operation is based on the Peltier effect - heat transfer during the flow of electric current.

The first experiment after assembly made it clear that one element was not enough to obtain the required temperature difference; two elements had to be used. They are supplied with different voltages, the lower one is more, the upper one is less. This is due to this: the lower the temperature that needs to be achieved in the chamber, the more heat needs to be removed.

Once I obtained the elements, I had to experiment a lot to achieve desired temperature. The lower part of the element is cooled by a computer radiator with heat (ammonia) pipes and two 120 mm coolers. According to rough calculations, the cooler dissipates about 100 watts of heat into the air. I decided not to bother with the power supply, so I used a pulsed computer one with a total power of 250 watts, which after taking measurements turned out to be enough.

Next, I built a case from sheet plywood for integrity and ease of storage of the device. It turned out not exactly neat, but quite practical. I made the camera itself, where tracks of moving charged particles or photon rays are formed, from a cut pipe and plexiglass, but a vertical view did not provide good image contrast. I broke it and threw it away, now I use a glass goblet as a transparent camera. Cheap and cheerful. Appearance cameras - in the photo.

Both the thorium-232 isotope found in the electrode for argon-arc welding (it is used in them to ionize the air near the electrode and, as a result, easier ignition of the arc) and daughter decomposition products (DPR) can be used as a “raw material” for work. radon contained in the air, coming mainly with water and gas. To collect DPR I use activated carbon tablets - a good absorbent. In order for the ions of interest to us to be attracted to the tablet, I connect a voltage multiplier to it with a negative terminal.

2.5. Ion trap.

Another important element structures - a trap for ions formed as a result of the ionization of atoms by ionizing particles. Structurally, it is a mains voltage multiplier with a multiplication factor of 3, and there are negative charges at the output of the multiplier. This is due to the fact that as a result of ionization, electrons are knocked out from the outer atomic shell, as a result of which the atom becomes a cation. The chamber uses a trap whose circuit is based on the use of a Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier.

The electrical circuit of the multiplier looks like:

Operation of the camera, its results

The diffusion chamber, after numerous trial runs, was used as experimental equipment when performing laboratory work on the topic “Study of tracks of charged particles”, held in the 11th grade of MAOU Lyceum No. 64 on February 11, 2015. Photographs of the tracks obtained through the camera were recorded on the interactive whiteboard and used to determine the type of particles.

As in industrial equipment, in a homemade chamber we were able to observe the following: the wider the track, the more particles there are, therefore, the thicker tracks belong to alpha particles, which have a large radius and mass, and as a result, greater kinetic energy, larger number ionized atoms per millimeter of flight.

§ 3. Complex for visual experimental determination of the quantity

speed of light in a metal conductor.

Let me begin, perhaps, with the fact that the speed of light has always been considered to me something incredible, incomprehensible, and to some extent impossible, until I found on the Internet circuit diagrams of a two-channel oscilloscope that was lying around, with broken synchronization, which cannot be repaired. made it possible to study the shapes of electrical signals. But fate was very favorable to me; I managed to determine the cause of the breakdown of the synchronization unit and eliminate it. It turned out that the microassembly, the signal switch, was faulty. Using a diagram from the Internet, I made a copy of this microassembly from parts purchased at my favorite radio market.

I took a twenty-meter shielded television wire and assembled a simple high-frequency signal generator using 74HC00 inverters. One end of the wire supplied a signal, simultaneously recording it from the same point with the first channel of the oscilloscope; from the second, the signal was captured with the second channel, recording the time difference between the edges of the received signals.

I divided the length of the wire - 20 meters by this time, and got something similar to 3 * 108 m/s.

I am enclosing the principle electrical diagram(where would we be without her?):

Appearance high frequency generator shown in the photo. Using available (free) software"Sprint-Layout 5.0" created the board drawing.

3. 1. A little about making boards:

The board itself, as usual, was made using the "LUT" technology - a folk laser-iron technology developed by the inhabitants of the Internet. The technology is as follows: take one or two-layer foil fiberglass, carefully sand it with sandpaper until it shines, then with a rag moistened with gasoline or alcohol. Next, a drawing is printed on a laser printer, which must be applied to the board. IN mirror image A design is printed onto glossy paper, and then using an iron, the toner on the glossy paper is transferred to the copper foil covering the PCB. Later, under a stream of warm water, the paper is rolled off the board with your fingers, leaving a board with a printed pattern. Now we immerse this product in a ferric chloride solution, stir for about five minutes, then remove the board on which the copper remains only under the toner from the printer. We remove the toner with sandpaper, treat it again with alcohol or gasoline, and then cover it with soldering flux. Using a soldering iron and a tinned television cable braid, we move along the board, thereby covering the copper with a layer of tin, which is necessary for subsequent soldering of components and to protect the copper from corrosion.

We wash the board from flux using acetone, for example. We solder all components, wires and coat them with non-conductive varnish. We wait a day for the varnish to dry. Done, the board is ready for use.

I have been using this method for many years now, and it has never failed me.

§ 4. A small device for measuring human reactions.

Work to improve this device is still ongoing.

The device is used as follows: after power is supplied to the microcontroller, the device goes into the mode of cyclically enumerating the values ​​of a certain variable “C”. After pressing the button, the program pauses and assigns the value that at that moment was in the variable, the value of which changed cyclically. Thus, a random number is obtained in the variable “C”. You might say, “Why not use the random() function or something like that?”

But the fact is that in the language in which I write - BASCOM AVR, there is no such function due to its inferior set of commands, since this is a language for microcontrollers with a small amount of RAM and low computing power. After pressing the button, the program lights up four zeros on the display and starts a timer that waits for a period of time proportional to the value of the variable “C”. After a specified period of time has elapsed, the program lights up four eights and starts a timer that counts the time until the button is pressed.

If you press the button at the moment between the ignition of zeros and eights, the program will stop and display dashes. If the button was pressed after the eights appeared, then the program will display the time in milliseconds that elapsed after the eights appeared and before the button was pressed, this will be the person’s reaction time. All that remains is to calculate the arithmetic mean of the results of several measurements.

This device uses an Atmel microcontroller model ATtiny2313. On board the chip has two kilobytes of flash memory, 128 bytes of RAM, eight-bit and ten-bit timers, four channels pulse width modulation(PWM), fifteen fully accessible I/O ports.

To display information, a seven-segment, four-digit LED indicator with a common anode is used. The indication is implemented dynamically, that is, all segments of all bits are connected in parallel, but the common pins are not parallel. Thus, the indicator has twelve pins: four pins are common for digits, the remaining eight are distributed as follows: seven segments for numbers and one for a point.


Physics is a fundamental natural science, the study of which allows one to understand the world around a child through educational, inventive, design, and creative activities.

Setting a goal: to design physical devices for use in the educational process, I set the task of popularizing physics as a science, not only theoretical, but also applied, among my peers, proving that it is possible to understand, feel, and accept the world around us only through knowledge and creativity. As the proverb says, “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times,” that is, in order to grasp the vast world at least a little, you need to learn to interact with it not only through paper and pencil, but also with the help of a soldering iron and wires, parts and microcircuits .

Approbation and operation homemade devices proves their resilience and competitiveness.

I am infinitely grateful that my life, starting from the age of three, was directed into a technical, inventive and design direction by my grandfather, Nikolai Andreevich Didenko, who taught physics and mathematics at the Abadzekh secondary school for more than twenty years, and worked as programmers in scientific research for more than twenty years. ROSNEFT technical center.

List of used literature.

Nalivaiko B.A. Directory of Semiconductor Devices. Ultrahigh frequency diodes. IGP "RASCO" 1992, 223 p.

Myakishev G. Ya., Bukhovtsev B. B. Physics 11th grade, M., Education, 2014, 400 p.

Revich Yu. V. Entertaining electronics. 2nd edition, 2009 BHV-Petersburg, 720 p.

Tom Titus. Scientific fun: physics without instruments, chemistry without a laboratory. M., 2008, 224 p.

Chechik N. O. Fainshtein S. M. Electron multipliers, GITTL 1957, 440 pp.

Shilov V.F. Homemade devices in radio electronics, M., Education, 1973, 88 p.

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municipal budgetary educational institution "Mulma secondary school of the Vysokogorsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"

« Physical devices for DIY physics lessons"

(Project plan)

physics and computer science teacher


    Individual topic for self-education


    Main part

    Expected results and conclusions


Individual topic for self-education: « Development of students’ intellectual abilities during the formation of research and design skills in the classroom and in extracurricular activities»


In order to carry out the necessary experiment, you need to have instruments and measuring instruments. And don’t think that all devices are made in factories. In many cases, research facilities are built by the researchers themselves. At the same time, it is believed that the more talented researcher is the one who can provide experience and gain good results not only on complex, but also on simpler devices. It is reasonable to use complex equipment only in cases where it is impossible to do without it. So don’t neglect homemade devices - it’s much more useful to make them yourself than to use store-bought ones.

The invention of home-made devices provides direct practical benefits, increasing the efficiency of social production. Students' work in the field of technology helps them develop creative thinking. Comprehensive knowledge of the surrounding world is achieved through observations and experiments. Therefore, students develop a clear, distinct idea of ​​things and phenomena only through direct contact with them, through direct observation of phenomena and independent reproduction of them through experience.

We also consider the production of homemade instruments to be one of the main tasks in improving the educational equipment of the physics classroom.

A problem arises : The objects of work should first of all be the devices that physics classrooms need. No one should make necessary devices, then not used anywhere.
You should not take on work even if you are not confident enough in its successful completion. This happens when it is difficult or impossible to obtain any materials or parts to make the device, or when the processes involved in making the device and processing the parts exceed the capabilities of the students.

During the preparation of the project plan, I put forward a hypothesis :

If physical and technical skills are developed within the framework of extracurricular activities, then: the level of development of physical and technical skills will increase; readiness for independent physical and technical activities will increase;

On the other hand, the presence of homemade instruments in a school physics classroom expands the possibilities for improving educational experiments and improves the organization of scientific research and design work.


The manufacture of instruments not only leads to an increase in the level of knowledge, it reveals the main direction of students’ activities, and is one of the ways to enhance the cognitive and project activities of students when studying physics in grades 7-11. When working on the device, we move away from “chalk” physics. A dry formula comes to life, an idea materializes, and a complete and clear understanding arises. On the other hand, such work is good example socially useful work: successfully made homemade devices can significantly supplement the equipment of a school office. It is possible and necessary to make devices on site on your own. Homemade devices also have another permanent value: their production, on the one hand, develops practical skills and abilities in teachers and students, and on the other hand, testifies to creative work, about the methodological growth of the teacher, about the use of project and research work. Some homemade devices may turn out to be more successful than industrial ones in methodological terms, more visual and easier to use, and more understandable to students. Others make it possible to carry out experiments more completely and consistently using existing industrial instruments and expand the possibility of their use, which is of very important methodological importance.

The significance of project activities in modern conditions, in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC.

The use of various forms of training - group work, discussion, presentation of joint projects using modern technologies, the need to be sociable, contactable in various social groups, ability to work collaboratively different areas, preventing conflict situations or emerging from them with dignity – contribute to the development of communicative competence. Organizational competence includes planning, conducting research, organizing research activities. In the process of research, schoolchildren develop information competencies (search, analysis, generalization, evaluation of information). They master the skills of competent work with various sources of information: books, textbooks, reference books, encyclopedias, catalogues, dictionaries, Internet sites. These competencies provide a mechanism for student self-determination in situations of educational and other activities. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of his life as a whole depend on them.

I put the following target:

identifying gifted children and supporting interest in in-depth study of specialized subjects; creative personality development; developing interest in engineering and research professions; instilling elements of a research culture, which is carried out through the organization of research activities of schoolchildren; socialization of personality as a path of knowledge: from the formation of key competencies to personal competencies.Make instruments, physics installations to demonstrate physical phenomena, explain the principle of operation of each device and demonstrate their operation

To achieve this goal, I put forward the following tasks :

    study scientific and popular literature on creating homemade devices;

    make instruments on specific topics that cause difficulty in understanding theoretical material in physics;

    make instruments that are not available in the laboratory;

    develop an interest in studying astronomy and physics;

    to cultivate perseverance in achieving the set goal, perseverance.

The following stages of work and implementation deadlines were determined:

February 2017.

Accumulation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills;

March – April 2017

Drawing up sketches, drawings, project diagrams;

Choice of the most good option project and short description the principle of its operation;

Preliminary calculation and approximate determination of the parameters of the elements that make up the selected project option;

Fundamental theoretical solution and development of the project itself;

Selection of parts, mat

Mental anticipation of materials, tools and measuring instruments to materialize the project; all main stages of activity in assembling the material model of the project;

Systematic control of your activities during the manufacture of the device (installation);

Taking characteristics from a manufactured device (installation) and comparing them with expected ones (project analysis);

Translation of the layout into the completed design of the device (installation) (practical implementation of the project);

December 2017

Defense of the project at a special conference and demonstration of devices (installations) (public presentation).

The following will be used while working on the project: research methods:

Theoretical analysis of scientific literature;

Design of educational material.

Project type: creative.

Practical significance of the work:

The results of the work can be used by physics teachers in schools in our region.

Expected results:

If the project goals are achieved, then the following results can be expected

Obtaining a qualitatively new result, expressed in the development of the student’s cognitive abilities and his independence in educational and cognitive activities.

Explore and test patterns, clarify and develop fundamental concepts, reveal research methods and develop measurement skills physical quantities,

Show the ability to control physical processes and phenomena,

Select devices, instruments, equipment that are adequate to the real phenomenon or process being studied,

Understand the role of experience in cognition natural phenomena,

Create harmony between theoretical and empirical meanings.


1. Homemade physical installations have greater didactic impact.

2. Homemade installations are created for specific conditions.

3. Homemade installations are a priori more reliable.

4. Homemade units are much cheaper than government-issued units.

5. Self-made installations often determine the fate of a student.

The manufacture of instruments, as part of project activities, is used by a physics teacher in the context of the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards LLC. Many students are so captivated by the work on making instruments that they devote all their time to it. free time. Such students are irreplaceable helpers to the teacher when preparing classroom demonstrations, laboratory work, workshops. About such students who are passionate about physics, first of all, we can say in advance that in the future they will become excellent production workers - it is easier for them to master a machine, machine tool, or technology. Along the way, the ability to do things with your own hands is acquired; Honesty and responsibility for the work you do are fostered. It is a matter of honor to make the device in such a way that everyone understands, everyone climbs the step that you have already climbed.

But in this case, the main thing is different: being carried away by instruments and experiments, often demonstrating their operation, talking about the structure and principle of operation to their comrades, the guys pass a kind of test for suitability for the teaching profession; they are potential candidates for teaching. educational establishments. Demonstration of the finished device by the author in front of his friends during a physics lesson is best score his work and the opportunity to celebrate his services to the class. If this is not possible, then we will demonstrate a public review and presentation of the manufactured devices during some extracurricular activities. This is an unspoken advertisement for the activity of making homemade devices, which contributes to the widespread involvement of other students in this work. We must not lose sight of the important fact that this work will benefit not only students, but also the school: in this way, a specific connection between learning and socially useful work, with project activities will be realized.


Now it’s as if everything important has been said. It’s great if my project “charges” with creative optimism and makes someone believe in themselves. After all, this is what it consists of the main objective: to present something difficult as accessible, worth any effort and capable of giving a person the incomparable joy of comprehension and discovery. Perhaps our project will encourage someone to be creative. After all, creative vigor is like a strong elastic spring that harbors the charge of a powerful blow. No wonder the wise aphorism says:“Only a beginning creator is omnipotent!”