Living room zoning ideas. Zoning the living room and study - how to combine two interiors? (95 photos). Correct selection of furniture

Previously, the living room was used mainly for receiving guests. It was rarely used for family recreation or as a workplace.

But now the situation has changed radically.

People of our time strive to maximize the productivity of their work with the help of the comfort that a personal account provides.

But what if you don't want to look for a separate room for your workspace?

Great choice— allocation of a working area in the living room. To do this, you will not need to completely change the renovation or layout of the living room. It is enough to use certain types of partitions.

But it is worth understanding that the creation small office in your living room - this is not an easy task. Your actions can easily violate the fine line of comfort in your home.

To avoid this, you need to approach the matter responsibly.

Choosing the best place in the living room to organize a work area

It is worth understanding why the choice falls on the living room. In normal modern apartment there is quite a bit of space for organizing a work area, and your bedroom will not contribute to comfortable activities and increased productivity.

Now we understand that the living room is the best option. But how to arrange the furniture and where to place the smallest working space?

The most the best place is located near the window. And if you have a balcony, then combining it with a workplace is a very good solution.

If you have work area near the window, then problems with natural light will not be.

But you should understand that it will be difficult to work in the dark or in bright sunshine.

It is necessary to take care of lighting table lamp or other bright light sources.

If you want to separate the work area from the rest of the living room, then use special partitions. They are quite easy to find in building materials stores.

If not, position your chair and table so that you are not distracted by the TV or other external factors.

Of course, the amount of space allocated for a workspace is purely individual, but it is recommended not to use more than a third of the living room space. Otherwise, you risk turning the entire living room into a study.

Choosing furniture for organizing a workspace in the living room

To highlight your workplace Among other areas in the living room, you should choose the right furniture.

It should be compact and meet your personal requirements, which depend on your type of activity.

Don’t forget about the mobility of furniture.

It should be quickly assembled and disassembled, because if you need to free up space in the living room, large and bulky interior items will get in the way.

Here is a sample list of furniture that can be installed:

Desktop. Don't choose too big or small table. It should be easy to understand. If you need to place a computer on it, then choose special types of such tables.

Nightstand. It will help you organize your documentation and hide unnecessary things from view.

Soft and comfortable armchair. You should not choose an ordinary chair, as it is unlikely to fit into the interior of your workplace.

Let's summarize

A small workspace in the living room is a great choice for larger apartments because carving out space in other rooms is almost impossible.

But if you decide to organize such a “mini” office for yourself, then think about its layout in advance: will you separate this area with a partition or limit yourself to arranging furniture? Choose the furniture you need.

After that, do what you have planned. Now you will have a luxurious workspace that will increase your productivity without compromising the comfort of your home.

Photos of ideas on how to zone a living room with an office

Zoning the living room is a popular design technique, capable of making a room more functional, cozy and comfortable to stay. If the area of ​​your apartment is small and the number of rooms is limited, then rational use available square meters by zoning the living room - this The best decision this issue.

Types of zoning of the living room

Zoning a room is absolutely necessary thing in studios, one-room apartments or apartments with a very spacious layout. After all, if the rooms are very large in area, it would also be advisable to divide them into several functional zones.

Most often, the living room is divided into two, less often into three zones. What should you combine the living room with? Here are some of the best options:

  • Living room and dining room/kitchen;
  • Living room and bedroom;
  • Living room and children's room;
  • Living room and study.

Zoning the kitchen and living room

This option is very popular in studio apartments or one-room/two-room apartments, if the layout of the kitchen has a sufficiently large area.

You can zone the kitchen and living room in a studio apartment using corner set, which will separate part of the room. Its reverse side can be painted to match the color of the walls or covered with wallpaper.

A bar counter is perhaps the most popular way to zone a kitchen and living room. Usually it serves as a dining table and at the same time serves as the border between two zones.

A simple solution is to zone the room using color contrasts. You can make the kitchen part light, and the living room in richer colors. By the way, such a design solution visually increases the space, and even when zoning the living room to 18 square meters, the room will not feel cramped.

Living and dining room

There is a clear need for zoning the dining room and living room in old apartments with a very small kitchen, the area of ​​which is only a few square meters. In this case, the living room is combined with the dining room. In such a room there must be dinner table and chairs, as well as a more comfortable seating area.

To zone the dining room and living room, it is not at all necessary to resort to radical measures, such as the construction of partitions or bulky walls. An excellent choice is color or stylistic zoning, as well as the use different sources light in each zone. An aquarium, a light transparent shelving unit or a chest of drawers can physically divide the room.

Bedroom zoning

The living room often serves as a bedroom in small apartments and families with children. Then, as a rule, separate rooms are given to children, and adults themselves try to make it for themselves cozy corner in the living room while maintaining space for the whole family.

Zoning a living room of 20 square meters or more is not such a difficult task. In such a room you can even install a separate bed, rather than huddle on a folding sofa. True, choose sleeping area It will be boring with passion. Let the bed be multifunctional, with pull-out drawers for storing linen and clothes, shelves for books, etc. You may have to make such a model to order.

To make the bedroom cozy and private, it needs to be physically separated from the living room. You can zone your bedroom using curtains, fabric, tulle or Japanese, it depends on your interior.

A good and simple option is to separate the bedroom using a double-sided shelving unit. In the living room it will serve as a shelf for books, and in the bedroom as a wardrobe for clothes.

The glass partition looks modern and stylish, but to create cozy atmosphere It is better to combine it with curtains, a folding screen or a small shelving unit.

If your living room is 18 square meters or less, then zoning it with the bedroom is unlikely to imply the presence of a separate bed for sleeping. In this case, it is best to purchase an expensive and high-quality folding sofa, which will be convenient for a good night's sleep every night. Can you make it to order? modern transformable bed, which during the day will turn into a table or cabinet.

Children's zoning

The living room, which also serves as a children's room, should be comfortable and functional. Think in advance where children's toys and things will be stored, and in what place your children will be able to play and study.

If the living room is 20 square meters or more, then zoning can be done by installing a partition with curtains or sliding doors.

It’s more difficult to come up with a design for a living room, the zoning of which needs to be done according to small area. Here a shelving unit for toys and children's books can serve as a separator.

Remember: Zoning of the nursery and living room should be done so that the child’s area is located near the window, and the darker part of the room should be used for the hall.

Office area in the living room

The easiest task is to allocate a work area in the living room. A corner near the window is suitable for this purpose, computer desk and a chair. To make the office more private, install a light shelving unit or partition, a high stand with flowers, etc.

Basic zoning techniques

When thinking through the design of a living room and its zoning, one of the following methods is often used. These are the most convenient and modern options to divide the space into several living areas with different functionality.

Partition with sliding door

This option is ideal when zoning a living room with a large area, when you need to separate the sleeping area from the guest area. A sliding door is not expensive, easy to install and does not take up any space. This design can not only divide your room into two parts, but also make its interior more stylish and thoughtful. pay attention to sliding doors With frosted glass– they transmit light perfectly, but hide everything unnecessary from prying eyes.

Furniture items

A sofa with its back facing the dining table is perfect for zoning the living room and dining room.

A wide bar counter will clearly delimit the space between the living room and the kitchen.

A lightweight shelving unit will make your office just yours.


Curtains are an excellent option for zoning the living room and bedroom or children's corner. It’s up to you to decide which curtains to choose – thick and heavy, hiding everything from prying eyes, or light, translucent ones, creating an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.


The advantage of this option is that it does not reduce the area of ​​the room by a centimeter, but at the same time clearly divides the room into two zones. Of course, this method of zoning the living room is only suitable for apartments with more or less high ceilings.

Wall and floor finishing

This is an unobtrusive zoning that will not allow you to close yourself in your part of the room, but will still visually divide the living room into two parts. This method is suitable for rooms with a small area.

Example: A striking example is the zoning of the living room and kitchen. Placed in the kitchen area tiles Finish the floor and living area with laminate or parquet.


Different light sources in each part of the room are more likely additional method zoning, which should be in all of the above options.

Western traditions are considered the main fashion trends, and one of the most popular is zoning the living room. This method of arranging apartments has been used for several years; they mainly combine the design of the living room and kitchen, which is especially important in small one-room apartment. Thus, you can significantly increase the square footage, expand the space, as well as refresh the room and make it more fashionable.

A living room with divided zones is more spacious and multifunctional, which is especially important for many people living in small living spaces. You can divide the interior of the hall in a variety of ways and create several places for specific purpose or carry out redevelopment, which is more expensive but no less effective.

Pros of zoning:

  1. A living room combined with a bedroom is an option for those who live in a one-room apartment or for large families.
  2. A hall combined with a kitchen is a redevelopment or, in other words, a combination of two rooms into one.
  3. Living rooms combined with a dining room look very modern, but this will require a lot of space.
  4. The combination of a living room and an office is a kind of zoning of space, in which there is a place for solving important matters and for relaxing at the same time.
  5. You can often find children's living rooms in which there is a corner for children, for example, a table with chairs, a rug on which there are toys and similar accessories. If children small age, That play area equipped with a playpen or low screens to keep children safe.

Soft living area

Any living room should have a soft area, which will be the central place of relaxation, bliss and enjoyment.

Its main part is:

  • Sofa;
  • TV;
  • Coffee table.

To make this space attractive and cozy at the same time, it is worth placing the TV at eye level and at a distance of approximately 4 meters, but depending on the scale of the screen. Soft zone rooms can be very different, and to be more precise, sofas can be either cabinet or modular. Their choice depends solely on personal preferences, as well as on the expected budget.

The most important thing is that there is no clutter, otherwise all the efforts to arrange the interior will go down the drain.

If you place a sofa along the room along the longest wall, the room will visually shrink. And if you put it at the end of the room, it will expand. If the space of the room does not allow you to place a table there, then it is better to refuse it and give preference to a sofa with a corner cabinet.

Ideas for dividing the room

The style of a divided living room can be very different, but the most important thing is to choose the right zoning method so that the room does not narrow and remains stylish and creative.


  1. Dividing space using color looks very interesting, and this is the easiest way to ensure that the room remains functional, without there being any partitions, walls or screens. Colors can be either contrasting or shades of the same tone. The choice depends only on personal preferences. Combinations such as gray and beige, yellow and orange or blue and green will look very interesting.
  2. The division of a room can be done by covering the walls with different textures. Today's choice finishing materials very large, which means you just need to decide on its type, color and required volume. This also includes the choice of different flooring fabrics. For example, for the living room kitchen you can choose tiles and parquet boards.
  3. A room divided into zones by light will look original, bright and cozy. It will be interesting to look at the combination of the central chandelier, spotlights, sconces and floor lamps. Each zone should have its own lighting source, but in general the emphasis should be on natural light and opening the windows as much as possible. The modern electrical market offers a huge selection of not only lighting fixtures, but with remote control.

Living room zoning

Allocation of zones in big room it’s much easier to do, because space allows you not to limit your capabilities. Most designers prefer to create podiums in the premises on which an office, mini-dining room or kitchen will be located.

In order for the formed composition to meet expectations, it is worth pre-designing it so that you can see the flaws at the planning stage and eliminate them.

However, the podiums and multi-level ceilings have their own advantages, which are also worth paying attention to:

  1. Podiums or multi-level floors- these are excellent options for visually dividing space without losing square footage, which is considered precious for every living space. It is worth noting that there is a certain difference between a multi-level floor and a podium. Namely, the first structure rises from the main one flooring by several centimeters and represents a kind of wide step. Podiums are unique in that they are used as additional compartments for storing things, tools or toys.
  2. Multi-level ceiling coverings - this is an unusual, but loved by many, option for decorating and dividing a room into parts, but on the condition that they are located in a room with high ceilings. This point should not be overlooked, since the already low ceiling tiles will create a pressure effect, and will also cause discomfort due to constant contact with them. If space allows, then you can install two and three-level ceiling coverings, and with different colors and shades. Correct selection tones will allow you to divide the room into zones and, each of them will be bright and fashionable.

Living room interior: division of zones

Ideas for dividing a narrow or wide room, be it a walk-through room, a combined room or an adjacent one, can be the most incredible and sometimes you don’t need to spend too much or build walls, columns or screens.


  1. The room can have a zonal division using the most ordinary and well-known sofa. The size of the furniture does not matter, as it can be either compact or large. You should definitely follow the rules of maintaining the distance between interior items to at least 80 cm. To make the room truly stylish and modern, it is advisable to give preference to models with leather upholstery, since it is easy to care for and can last a long time. The peculiarity of this arrangement of the sofa is that you can simultaneously watch TV and cook food, if it is a living room-kitchen, or do business and watch the children.
  2. If you are creating a room in which there are several zones and your room is made in high-tech or modern style, then it would be optimal to install a bar counter. High chairs with chrome legs, original holder under wine glasses and creating a trendy interior around it is perfect for the youth style of the living room.
  3. Shelving does not go back to the last century and remains fashionable even now, if you choose unusual designs that can not block the room, but maintain its spaciousness, airiness, but visually divide it into two halves. If there are those in the house who prefer fresh flowers, then placing them on the shelves will only enliven the room.
  4. For connoisseurs of the exotic, it is worth offering a cabinet with an aquarium, which will help visual expansion space of the room.

Methods for zoning a living room (video)

Regardless of what systems for dividing a room into zones are implemented, you should choose the best ones according to your own taste, but also do not forget about the designers’ recommendations.

By zoning a room, you can increase the functionality of the space, make it more comfortable and beautiful. The delimitation of the room creates several functional zones that differ from each other.

When working with an area, the main goal is to create comfort, as well as to arrange private areas (as is the case with studio apartments, for example). Individual zones optically correct the room, increasing or narrowing its space.

In order for the room to become practical and cozy, you need to correctly use the available elements and design technologies. Here's how to zone a room with your own hands, without involving specialists:

You can start zoning the room as soon as all the recommendations are taken into account. The process begins with drawing up a preliminary drawing. They are made by hand or using a program.
First, all windows and doors are marked on the drawing, then large furniture, then tables and chests of drawers, smaller cabinets, and after that the details are drawn.

Advice! If the furniture will be used to divide the space, you can contact a salon that offers designer services. The specialist will give advice on improving the initial concept.

The plan should clearly indicate the types of partitions or arches used (consider their thickness, as well as the position when using transformable partitions).
Using computer program for design, you can look at the sketch from all sides, evaluate the height of the elements, and consider the nuances of the decor. The programs are also attractive because they can be used to assess the level of lighting using a particular type of chandelier. Using a computer it is easy to create the simplest zoning of any room.

Methods for zoning a room

When delimiting space in a room, various decorative and functional details are used. Preference is given to practical elements, especially if they are furnishing a small room.

The best way to properly divide areas is to use useful large-sized items: sofas, shelving, cabinets. More can be used fresh ideas- various partitions.

Dividing space with furniture

An interesting solution is to install a dressing table with a large mirror in which the opposite wall will be reflected. With its help, the space expands and creates 2 zones perfectly separated from each other.

The TV stand can be placed in the middle of the room if it has brackets. Then the screen can be easily rotated in different directions. In this case, the sofa will stand in the opposite direction from the bed.
Another way is to install shelving and sofas with their ends facing each other. On one side there will be a place for relaxation, and on the other - a bedroom or dining room, depending on the chosen space. A good option for zoning a rectangular room.

Important! When using furniture as parts to divide a room, you can save a lot. Designer partitions and various curtains in small apartments take up too much space

Good to use corner sofa to divide the space, and if you put a screen or partition along the side dividing the room, you will get beautiful interior without being “weighted down” by massive shelving and stationary walls.

You can use low chests of drawers or end-to-end cabinets, with vases or other decorative items placed on top of them. Zoning square room should be thought out so that the details do not divide the room into too elongated rectangles.

Zoning a room with additional structures

Except standard options– cabinets, cabinets, sofas – for zoning the room, choose more interesting designs that give certain style. They take up little space and emphasize the concept of the room more than they have practical properties:

If you add light and finishing materials that differ from each other to the objective division of space, you can turn one room into zones that are completely different in style and practicality.

Zoning with light

Light - The best way emphasize the interior design of the room and create laconic zoning.

Advice! If you plan to provide lighting in the living room combined with the bedroom, you can place continuously adjustable spotlights along the edges. Make a bright light source in the area of ​​the sofa or desk, next to the bed - soft floor lamps or lamps.

When placing lighting in a room, there are some rules to remember, especially if we're talking about about the bedroom-living room:

Modern design solutions- This is spot lighting for the floor or walls, which looks good in the bedroom. In the recreation area, when decorating large rooms, muted light sources are also used: sconces, floor lamps with canopies, led chandeliers with step adjustment.

Decorative zoning using finishing materials

Finishing materials are perfect for renovations with subsequent zoning of space. Use parts to decorate the floor, walls and ceiling:

Wallpaper zoning comes in two types: vertical and horizontal.

Advice! Use for small areas carpets, both wall and floor. They will create comfort and highlight functional space.

When dividing space horizontally wallpaper choose 2 tones - lighter and darker, paste on the bottom dark version. However, the horizontal zoning method is more practical and looks better.

When zoning a small room, fewer details and large elements are used. You cannot install cabinets, racks and other wide objects across the room. It is advisable to choose subtle details with a minimum of design solutions (patterns, textures, different shades, dark colors).

The main goal when arranging small functional areas in a small room is to save space:

  • use narrow wall shelves that use a minimum of space and are convenient for storing various things;
  • instead of TV stands, choose flat panels with wall mounting - this will help solve the problem of large bedside tables and modular walls;
  • they use transformable furniture - the best solution for small rooms. This category includes beds built into a closet, transformable ottomans and tables.

Modern furniture offers many solutions for zoning small spaces.

Living and dining room

You can connect the reception area with the dining room in small studio, and in a huge penthouse. This convenient solution, which helps create a special atmosphere that is not like being in a regular kitchen.

The easiest way to divide space is to use rectangular table. In small apartments, this approach will be ideal, since no additional furniture will be required for zoning. Here are some tips for choosing a table:

The table is placed so that it is as close as possible to the kitchen if it is in the dining area. The dining area should not be located in the center; it is best to place it close to the kitchen area.

How to choose furniture

Chairs and tables should match both the design of the living room and the interior dining area. If general direction design - minimalism - then the furniture should be like that. Without decorative elements and an abundance of flowers.

Choice of colors

When arranging a living-dining room, it is necessary to choose an adequate combination of colors. If it’s difficult to decide on a combination of shades, pay attention to the classic tandems:

These solutions look organic in almost any design. However, in the kitchen you should give preference to restrained tones, exclude Orange color causing a strong appetite.

Advice! The colors of finishing materials can be neutral - beige or white, and zoning is arranged using textiles, carpets, and furniture.

You can divide zones more fundamentally: by different wall materials or by changing the level and texture of the ceiling. Used for zoning and different lighting. In the dining area it can be spotty, muted, and in the living room it can be bright, created with the help of chandeliers and hanging lamps.

Appropriate to use various finishes floors, as well as partitions: wooden, glass, plastic. Partitions can be stationary, sliding or mobile.

Living room and bedroom

You need to start zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room by planning the arrangement of furniture. Then they think about ways to light the room and use tricks to expand the space.

Advice! If there is a lot of large furniture in a small room, then it becomes uncomfortable. Try to use a minimum of cabinets and cabinets. No chairs needed.

Sliding doors - compact solution in the division of space. You can use a wardrobe if the room is not too small. If added to sliding elements mirrors, they will significantly expand the space.

A sofa that turns a room into a living room can transform into a comfortable bed. In this case, zoning the room into a bedroom and living room will not be necessary; it will be enough to separate the recreation area from the workplace.

Decorative partitions separating the bedroom from the living room can be replaced with a functional shelving unit.

Advantages of room zoning

Proper zoning of a living room combined with a bedroom, dining room or children's room makes the space more functional. Among the advantages are:

When creating a zoning project, you can choose the most convenient options for each family member: a small technical corner for the son, furnished in a loft style, or an oriental relaxation area for the mother.

Interesting design solutions for room zoning

Unusual ideas for interior design and room decoration can be gleaned from unusual sources. They create unique solutions:

There are many options for zoning space. The main thing to remember is that there should be details in moderation. If you carefully approach the development of the primary project, you can avoid any mistakes and oversaturation when implementing the idea.

Proper distribution of space in a small living area can be called a real art, especially if it is necessary to combine the functionality of the rooms. Thoughtful interior design of a room of 18 sq.m. for the living room and bedroom will make the room original, comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to properly zone the space.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using different materials, to create additional wall. Advantage is given to drywall. It is easy to use, it is easy to create partitions and fences from it.
  2. Wall decoration using different shades and textures. This makes it possible to visually divide the space into several zones using wallpaper, paint, plaster, and other finishing materials.
  3. Zoning a room using furniture.

In our article you will see real examples in the photo, where a room of 18 square meters is divided into 2 zones: a bedroom and a living room.


Partitions that change the perception of space will allow you to divide a room into several zones.

There are 2 types of partitions:

Movable partitions are also called mobile; they are often made from bamboo panels, wooden frames which are covered with fabric. Any pattern that suits the interior design is applied to the textiles.

Static partitions are often made from materials:

  • plastic;
  • drywall;
  • tree;
  • Lakomat;
  • metal;
  • frame covered with fabric;
  • decoracrylic

Partitions will emphasize the elegance of the room. Models made of metal will demonstrate luxury. Plastic partitions are cheap, but they are practical, and wooden partitions will suit any style. Zoning a room using a plasterboard partition will allow you to implement different creative ideas, put any image on them or design any shape.


These are lightweight structures of a rectilinear or arched shape that will not occupy floor space.

Arches are popular when zoning space. Designers recommend combining arches with partitions. This method makes it possible to separate the bedroom and living room into several functional zones. They look luxurious, give the room coziness, and are regularly given preference when zoning a room.


A sliding screen is decorative design. It is installed where there is no need for a static partition. The screen can always be put up or removed at any time.

The structure is created from several frame frames. Made from wood, as well as other popular materials:

  • rattan;
  • bamboo;
  • rice paper;
  • cane.

Quite often, screens in the interior are used for rooms in oriental style. The design is easy to move from place to place; this is a common option for zoning a room.

In order for the charm to transmit light, they are used transparent materials, light shades. The disadvantage of the design is the lack of sound insulation between rooms. The screen should fit harmoniously into the interior.


A cabinet or rack, which will be used as a delimiter, perfectly divides the space into zones. It is recommended to choose a closet in light shades.

Shelving that is used to delimit space has many advantages:

  • versatility;
  • the ability to combine several materials;
  • simple installation of the structure;
  • mobility;
  • decorative element.

Installing shelving for zoning the living room and bedroom makes it possible to make the room functional. You can place various little things on the structure. Shelves can be regularly updated to change and diversify the interior.

Sliding doors

This design has an advantage over an ordinary door. The range of products allows the buyer to choose not only the material from which the sliding doors will be made, but also the design of the door leaf.

Frames are mainly made of chipboard, PVC, and timber. The canvases are mainly plastic, glass, and made from wood panels.

There are also options on sale with different designs and patterns, combinations of materials. Sliding design Mostly it comes in a standard line shape; you can also make a corner or semicircular door to order.


This is the most interesting method for demarcating a room. The podium in the interior will not only serve as decoration, it is an excellent place for storing things, which can be hidden behind the steps. The podium can be purchased or made independently.

For this you will need:

  1. Make a project.
  2. Select material.
  3. Create a frame and sheathe it.
  4. Decorative finishing.

The weight load must be taken into account. It is recommended to create the frame from metal. Lamps will be an original addition to the podium.

Decorative zoning

Used to effectively divide a room into a living room and a bedroom, different finishing materials are used.

You can zone the space using:

  • decorative plaster.
  • siding panels.
  • painting.
  • combining wallpaper by color, texture, pattern.
  • curtains, curtains

Dividing space is easy. The main thing is to use imagination and creativity.


Using wallpaper to zone a room allows you to make it visually wider. Wallpaper makes it possible to designate the living room and bedroom.

Zoning with wallpaper will create the necessary mood in the room, a relaxed atmosphere. Wall covering should be combined with the chosen style in the interior.


This perfect option For budget renovation. The cornice must be installed on one of the lines that will connect the opposite walls.

During the day, the curtains can be drawn apart, and when necessary, they can be used as a partition. It is advised to choose the shade of the curtain to match the finish of the walls or curtains.

Glass zoning

This natural material, high quality, equipped with aesthetic properties. Glass structures allow you to save usable space and make the room open and spacious. The disadvantages of the partition include the need for regular surface maintenance.

Glass is used for stationary partitions, used as a mobile screen. Light easily passes through such a screen. The design is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, has long term services.

Design ideas

Nowadays it is popular to zone space. The bedroom and living room are separated by partitions so as not to expose the resting area to others.

To properly zone a room, you need to consider several rules:

  1. The contrast makes it possible to hide the sleeping area from prying eyes.
  2. Light shades allow you to expand the room.
  3. You should not place a lot of furniture in the room, do not clutter the space.
  4. Dark colors should only be used in accessories, and light shades should be used for interior items.

In order to give the room originality, use different ideas. For registration use:

  • original texture, floor coverings;
  • stucco;
  • relief drawings on drywall or walls;
  • combination of materials with different textures.

Furnishing features

Before starting renovations in a room, it is necessary to think through all the nuances in detail. Don't clutter the room unnecessary furniture, which is not necessary. This includes ottomans and armchairs, chairs, and dressing rooms.

A number of rules will help make the room spacious:

  1. Give preference to functional interior items.
  2. Use open shelves for storage various items along the walls.
  3. Ditch the TV stand.
  4. The sofa can serve as a bed.
  5. Things should not be bulky or bulky.

It is also not recommended to place interior items in the room on the lines of movement. Great idea is the purchase of transformable furniture, it can be a sofa bed, folding chairs or tables. Avoid cluttering the bedroom and living room by using niches and bay windows for storage.

Which type of partition to choose will depend on the chosen interior design, room lighting, financial opportunities. Zoning a room is a great idea for dividing space that designers use.