Seoul city, capital of South Korea. Seoul, South Korea – photos of Seoul, attractions, map, weather, tourist reviews

Seoul is the center of South Korea and one of the largest cities in the world. Almost 60% of all the country's residents live in this city. Let's see what the Attractions of Seoul, South Korea are, what they represent, what's interesting.

Seoul – a city of contrasts and lights

Seoul is included in the list of the largest cities in the world. The city ranks 8th in the world in terms of population density. Let's get to know the city through a few facts.

Seoul has the world's longest subway system.

People here love to eat so much that snacks are even served with beer, regardless of hunger. At the same time, there are practically no fat Koreans. Apparently nature has blessed them with excellent metabolism.

There are no smoking or alcohol restrictions in Seoul. IN in public places signs are usually ignored.

Most Korean women have done it at least once plastic surgery. Here it is considered normal to correct the nose, eye shape or enlarge the breasts. Local girls increasingly want to be like Europeans.

The highlight of the city is the Banpo fountain, its length is almost 1.2 kilometers. It is considered the longest on the planet.

The local population of Seoul hardly sleeps. Average length sleep about 4 hours a day. At the same time, Koreans have a lot of energy. Ginseng and kimchi are a necessity here, not a luxury. You can't go anywhere without energy drinks.

In Seoul they believe in God and fear him. For example, girls are not allowed to show their breasts, it is considered a sin. At the same time, they wear miniskirts and show their legs.

Koreans love coffee very much; the city is full of coffee shops where they prepare the drink according to local recipes.

Seoul has gained fame as one of the cities where dental services cost a fortune. Don't be surprised when public toilet you will see a crowd of people brushing their teeth. It's better to prevent a problem than to overpay for it! - The Koreans count.

Let's look at the sights of Seoul, South Korea, what interesting places it offers.

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Museums in Seoul

You can start getting acquainted with the city by visiting museums. They give an idea of ​​the country’s past, its mentality and the values ​​of local residents. Choose interesting establishments for your excursion.

Kimchi Field - a museum of edible energy drinks

Kimchi is used in South Korea along with ginseng to maintain energy balance. The dish consists of pickled vegetables with spices. Koreans' favorite delicacy is Chinese cabbage.

But peppers, eggplants, cucumbers and even radishes can be used as the basis for the dish. Kimchi is recommended for girls who love Tasty food, but not wanting to get fat.

The establishment offers to get acquainted with the equipment, utensils, and cooking recipes. You can try the dish on the spot and evaluate how tasty it is.

The museum has been operating for 31 years and actively presents to city guests the specifics of preparing one of the most popular dishes in South Korea. There is an establishment in a city shopping center called COEX. The official website of the establishment is https://www.kimchikan.comforeigner.

Kimchi Field Museum on the map:

Korean National Museum

One of the main attractions of Seoul, the pride of the city. It contains exhibits from the Paleolithic period to the present day. An excursion here will appeal to history buffs, connoisseurs of antiquity and guided walks.

The second and third floors of the establishment offer an opportunity to get acquainted with the inventive art of the country and the crafts of folk craftsmen. Works are presented by both creators of the past and present.

The museum has an audio guide system. Don't feel like going with a guide? Feel free to buy an audio guide and go see the exhibits. Visiting the main exhibition of the museum is free. Admission is usually paid only for temporary exhibitions; they are held here periodically.

On the map:

War Museum - Republic of Korea War Memorial

The establishment will be of interest to those who are interested in military operations, weapons and everything related to war and competition. The museum tells about all the wars that South Korea has faced.

Here look at weapons, personal belongings of military personnel, documentation, awards, etc. The establishment has two basements, an open area for equipment, four floors with artifacts. In total, the institution has more than 30 thousand exhibits.

The museum occupies 20 thousand square meters and is considered the only such museum in the world. You can visit the establishment for free. A special bus runs from Gwanghwamun Square.

Acquaintance with the establishment takes place under the guidance of a guide. Museum guests gather in small groups and are given a large-scale excursion.

On weekends and Wednesdays the establishment is open from 9 am to 9 pm. Closed on Monday and national holidays. On other days the museum is open until 6 pm. You can visit the museum as part of a general acquaintance with the museums of Seoul.

On the map:

Leeum Samsung – a center for contemporary art

Here you will see paintings by Kusama, Rothko, Bacon and other creators who became famous in modern world. Don't like painting? Walk through the halls with objects made of celadon and ceramics. The hall with exhibits on Korean calligraphy and art will be interesting.

The cost of visiting the establishment is about 10 thousand South Korean won, which is equal to 540 rubles per person.

The establishment's website is in English

See details about your visit here. The center is open from 10 am to 6 pm.

Lium on the map:

Seoul Museum of Art – museum of contemporary art

The establishment is located in the very center of the city, demonstrating the latest fruits of the work of famous and unpromoted artists. There are cool exhibitions dedicated to sculpture, handicrafts, and drawing.

Koreans treat with awe and respect modern trends art, strive to demonstrate it. Visits to the museum are free. The establishment is open from 10 am to 8 pm, with the exception of holidays and weekends, when the establishment closes an hour earlier.

Seoul Museum of Art on the map:

TrickEye Museum – museum of erotica, ice art and 3D illusions

The establishment includes three directions at once: erotica, ice art and illusions. Fans of cool pictures head straight to the hall of realistic illusions. No one will leave without a couple of unusual photos.

There are always a lot of tourists here. The place is especially crowded on weekends and holidays, so choose your visit time in advance.

There is an official website of the establishment

See details here.

Admission costs 15,000 won for adults and 12,000 won for children. The establishment is open from 9 am to 9 pm.

Trickeye Museum Seoul on the map:

Palaces of Seoul

Attractions in Seoul, South Korea include atmospheric parks, old palaces and nooks and crannies, where tourists attracted by travel companies rarely set foot. Let's see what unusual, bright and non-standard can be seen in Seoul.

Gyeongbokgung is a property of the Joseon Dynasty

The palace is considered one of the most incredible buildings of the 14th century. For a long time it was under the control of the Joseon family, which had special power in South Korea. Now the palace is a monument of history, architecture and the pride of the country.

Hall for coronations, events of national importance on behalf of the emperor;

Hyangwonjeong – pavilion with 6 corners. There is an unusual room on the northern part of the palace complex;

A separate Gyeonghoeru pavilion, it is located on a separate island, accessible only by one of the stone bridges spanning the river.

Getting to know the imperial life will benefit anyone who is interested in history, architecture, the life of other peoples and wants to learn more about the world.

Official website of the establishment

Admission costs 3,000 won for adults and 50% cheaper for children. The palace operates in winter time from 9 am to 5 pm except Tuesdays. During the warm season, the palace is open to guests from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

On the map:

Changdeokgung - another Joseon palace

The establishment is located in the northern part of Seoul, occupies 60 hectares and invites you to get acquainted with the nuances of imperial life. The lion's share of the territory is occupied by a beautiful garden with rare plants.

The buildings here include the palace itself, guest houses and utility rooms. The inside of the palace is decorated in classic style Korean emperors. It feels like you are immersed in a fairy tale and transported back to the 15th century.

It is interesting to look at the bedrooms of the emperor’s family members, his study, the throne room and many other functional objects. Now the palace is considered one of the most interesting attractions of Seoul with historical value.

Here you will find a garden with 35 thousand different plants, 28 pavilions and 13 palace rooms. Allow at least a few hours to get acquainted with the complex.

Palace on the map:


In historical documents, the palace was mentioned as Suganlung, later it was renamed Changgyongdong. After the Joseon Dynasty, the residence became a monument of history and architecture. On this moment the establishment is one of the five largest palaces in South Korea.

The complex appeared thanks to the Koryo family, who stood at the helm of the country until 1392. The palace was their favorite summer residence. This continued until the moment of hostility with Japan.

The Japanese were not the most peaceful neighbors and constantly attacked South Korea. The colonialist habits of its neighbors and their personal views on architecture led to the fact that most of the architectural heritage of South Korea was destroyed during armed conflicts.

Changgyongdong Palace miraculously survived and was restored several times before it reached our time. Here you can see several pagodas, the interior of the imperial chambers and the configuration of the premises. It is better to go on an excursion here as part of a general acquaintance with the palaces of South Korea.

On the map:

Parks and entertainment complexes in Seoul

Temples of Seoul

When vacationing in another country, it is interesting to look at the shrines of local residents. What god do they believe in, how do they observe rituals, what do temples look like. There are several holy places in Seoul that are interesting to see.

Chogosa Temple (Jogyesa)

Unlike other shrines, the establishment is located almost in the city center and is accessible to visitors. Next to the temple grows a fantastic white pine and sophora tree, 26 meters high.

Go inside the temple and you will see a large statue of Seokgamoni Buddha, who is worshiped by the locals. There is also a large stone pagoda and a crypt where monks related to this temple are buried.

The old Chogos building was destroyed during the war between South Korea and Japan. This room, where you will go on a tour, was built in 1910. Despite its young age, the room is furnished according to all Buddhist canons.

There are souvenir and themed shops near the temple. Here you can buy monastic clothes, aromatic oils, books and jewelry as souvenirs. Take with you a funny souvenir from the world of Buddhists (considered a faith of freedom and spiritual development), healthy. You can attend services in the establishment from 4 am to 9 pm.

On the map:

Jingwansa – former Confucian library

The institution is located almost outside the city and is part of the largest temples in the country. During the reign of the Joseon family, there was a large repository of Confucian literature and a temple at the same time.

When the Japanese invaded North Korea, this storage facility was destroyed to the ground.

Now the temple consists of several buildings in a beautiful garden. There are only 4 temples in Seoul, each of them is located on its own side of the world, and the city is located in the center of this pentagram.

Jingwansa is one of the main temples. When you get here, you will feel an atmosphere of peace and goodness, even if you have nothing to do with Buddhism. Visiting the temple is free. The main thing is to respect the traditions of the local people.

Jingwansa on the map:


Seoul, as the capital of South Korea, will introduce you to the key attractions of the country and tell you about the traditions and culture of the people. The lion's share of the population of South Korea lives in Seoul. Therefore, we can say that if you have been to Seoul, you have seen the whole of South Korea.

Seoul is both an ultra-modern and ancient city with a long history. Moreover, it is not only the capital of South Korea, but also main symbol country and a source of pride for all its inhabitants.

The city lies on the western coast of the Korean Peninsula, and the Hanga River divides it into two halves. Modern multi-storey buildings have been built on the banks of the river, which are simply amazing in their scale and architecture. In Seoul, unimaginable exotic hotels, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment venues are everywhere. Well, the number of ancient palaces, temples, pagodas and other historical attractions here simply cannot be counted. What's more, the cost of living in Seoul is quite low, public transport is excellent, and the choice of leisure options is amazing. Therefore, it is not surprising that most tourists who come to South Korea never leave its capital.

In general, Seoul is not only a grandiose metropolis with a lot of temptations, but also the center of the entire intellectual, economic, political and scientific life of Korea. The headquarters of the world's largest concerns, research centers and universities are located here. And it is in Seoul that almost the entire business, intellectual and political elite of the country lives.

Gyeonggi Province


10 464 051 (2011)

18 BC uh

Population density

17,288.8 people/km²

South Korean won (KRW)


Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

Weather conditions in Seoul shape monsoon climate, thanks to which all four seasons of the year are clearly visible here. Autumn and spring are the most favorable seasons to travel to this city. The air temperature during this period fluctuates within +12...+20 °C, and there is practically no precipitation. Summer, which lasts from June to September, is characterized by hot weather ( up to +35 °C) and heavy rainfall. Winter in Seoul is quite cold but dry. The air temperature during this period is +10...-6 °C. The snowiest month is January.


Seoul is located near the west coast Korean Peninsula, at the southern tip of the mountain Panju Ridge. The city lies on both banks of a large Hangan River, which flows from east to west. A mountain range stretches across the entire northern part of Seoul. Well, the city center is represented by a fairly flat landscape.


Seoul has preserved a great many historical attractions, including four palaces of the Joseon Dynasty. The main one is considered Gyeongbokgung Palace with the Geungjeongjeong throne room and the Hyangwonjeong and Gyeonghweru pavilions. There are also two museums on the territory of this palace: the State Ethnographic Museum and the State Museum of Korea. No less interesting Deoksugung Palace who can boast ancient gate Taehanmun and the Throne Room. Also located here:

  • old Anglican Cathedral,
  • Chondon Theater
  • former Russian mission,
  • theater "Nanta"
  • Royal Museum,
  • the restored Gyeonghigun Palace with the ancient Namdaemun ceremonial gate.

Changgyeonggung Palaces And Changdeokgung are the center of the historical core of Seoul and also boast magnificent architecture and luxurious decoration. Next to these palace complexes there is a beautiful royal funeral Jongmyo Temple.

Other interesting attractions in Seoul include:

  • House-museum of the country's first president;
  • Sungkyunkwan Institute;
  • Sejong Cultural Center;
  • Namsan Tower and Park;
  • Posingak Bell Tower;
  • Hoam Arts Center;
  • Jogyesa Temple;
  • Seoul TV Tower with the Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of the World.

The island's business district is also noteworthy Eyido, the main symbol of which is the huge skyscraper “63”. In another business district of the city, called Samseong-dong, it is worth paying attention to the ancient Pongeunsa Temple And royal tomb of the Li dynasty.

One more most interesting place Seoul is Olympic Park, on the territory of which there are earthen fortifications of Moncheon, various monuments and sculptures. And not far from it is Amsa-dong Prehistoric Settlement Park with reproduced Neolithic buildings. No less remarkable are burial grounds of the Baekje period in Pangyi-dong and Sokcheon-dong areas.


Seoul can be called a real capital of gourmets, as there are all kinds of eateries and coffee shops, as well as Korean, Japanese, Chinese and European restaurants on literally every corner. Even more often there are small stalls offering snacks right on the street. The most popular street food in Seoul is green onion pancakes. payon" The main dish of Korean restaurants is considered to be “ kimichi» (chopped pickled vegetables with chili). It's also worth trying here " pulgoji"(spicy beef barbecue), " genghis kan"(pieces of meat that are cooked right on the table), " sanjok"(steak with mushrooms and onions), " Kalbichim» (steamed beef ribs), fresh shrimp served with mustard and sauces, and all kinds of rice dishes. In general, in Seoul there are entire neighborhoods of restaurants, each of which expertly prepares a specific dish. For example, the Changchungdong area is famous for pork feet " jjokpal", and Sindandon - spicy rice cakes " tteokbokki».

Drinks in Seoul greatest distribution received a variety of decoctions and herbal tinctures (“ chha"), which are served in teahouses. Well, among local alcohol, the most common are “ Jungjong" (sweet rice wine) and " I think" (strong rice liquor). Korean beer is also mostly rice-based. The most popular places to drink alcohol are wine bars « suljips" and Korean beer bars " makgeolli jeeps».


Seoul abounds with a wide variety of hotels and inns of any level and cost. Moreover, the city even has a special tourist zone Itaewon. All Korean hotels are divided into five categories: from deluxe to third class. The best hotels in Seoul are located centrally, in business districts and close to attractions. For example, Grand Hyatt Seoul(from $252 per night) or Park Hyatt Seoul(from $301).

There are also many “condominiums” scattered throughout the city, which are small business hotels with a bar and restaurant. There are also a large number of inexpensive youth hostels in Seoul, which are analogues of European hostels. Well, for those who want to live in traditional Korean housing, we recommend paying attention to guest houses “ hanok", the appearance and interior of which are made according to the models of ancient Korean houses.

Prices in most hotels and inns depend on their location and season. In the most luxurious hotels, 10% additional tax and 10% gratuity are included in the room rate.

Entertainment and relaxation

Seoul is a huge metropolis with a lot of entertainment venues, cultural sites, shopping areas and sports facilities, so you definitely won’t get bored here. And in the tourist area Itaewon There are a great variety of shops, jazz bars, nightclubs and restaurants. Also, a large number of trendy cafes, restaurants, nightclubs and boutiques are located in the prestigious area Apgujeong-dong.

Seoul is also famous for its various parks. The main one is considered to be “ Lotte World", which includes all kinds of attractions, ice rink, a cinema and outdoor theater on the lake, as well as restaurant, hotel and shopping complexes. A park " Everland» is suitable for lovers of extreme entertainment: here you can go on rides, enjoy winter sports and go on a small safari. But even the grandiose park cannot compare with it “ Caribbean Bay» with many water attractions and pools with artificial waves. well and Grand Park is notable for its gigantic zoo, which is recognized as one of the most interesting in the world.

Evening cruises on the Han River are also very popular among city residents and tourists. And on the right bank of the river, in the southeastern part of the city, there are several areas for windsurfing. In addition, Seoul is popular among ski lovers, as there are many ski resorts in its vicinity.

It is noteworthy that in Seoul, relaxation can be easily combined with health improvement: not far from here there are several health centers with mineral springs. It is also worth checking out one of the traditional Korean baths, which cleanse and tone the body.


Seoul can be called a real paradise for shopping lovers, where you can buy literally anything and dress from head to toe. It’s impossible to count all the shopping centers, huge markets and department stores here, but there are several main shopping places that any tourist should visit. First of all, it is famous Myeongdong street, which is famous for its mass of fashionable clothing, footwear and accessories stores. Not far from it is located Namdaemun market, which is the oldest in Korea. In this colorful place you can buy absolutely everything, from clothes to furniture. Another popular market in Seoul is Dongdaemun, where you can find the most fashionable things, and at relatively low prices.

Also notable is the flea market. Hwanghak-dong, offering all kinds of antiques, interior items, souvenirs, etc. No less interesting is Insa-dong Street, where shops specialize in art, traditional souvenirs and antiques. Well, luxury areas are recognized as the main areas of fashion and style. Cheongdam And Apgujeong, which are popular among Korean stars and wealthy residents of the city. Finally, we should mention the underground shopping center COEX, the scale of which is simply incredible.


From Incheon International Airport to Seoul you can take a bus, AREX train or taxi (35-40 minutes).

The most convenient way to get around Seoul itself is by subway, which allows you to get to anywhere in the city. It consists of 9 main and 4 additional lines, each of which is designated by color. To travel on the metro, disposable cards and T-money cards are used, which can be topped up with a certain amount. They are sold at all stations, and the cost of the trip depends on the distance.

Seoul also has a very developed bus network. City buses come in four types: blue (connecting the suburbs with the business part of the city), green (connecting residential areas with the metro and bus terminals), red (connecting the business part of the city with other areas) and yellow (local routes). The fare depends on the type of bus.

Taxis in Seoul are also divided into several types. Cars gray represent the usual and cheapest taxi. Black cars (deluxe) have improved service and higher rates. Well, an international taxi can only be called via the Internet or by phone. The drivers of these taxis speak several languages ​​and can give you a sightseeing tour of the city.


There are no problems with communication in Seoul - there are pay phones here on literally every corner. They come in three types: working on magnetic cards, working on credit cards and "coin". You can call abroad from a hotel or from any “card” payphone.

Internet access is provided everywhere: in all public places, hotels, Internet cafes and gaming rooms. But problems may arise with mobile communications. The fact is that in South Korea the standard is used CDMA-1800, so GSM phones simply don't work here. However, city guests have the opportunity to rent a phone of this standard (at the offices of the KTF operator). The approximate cost of rent is $5 per day, and the deposit is $400 (deposit is refundable).


Despite the fact that South Korea is considered one of the safest and most prosperous countries in the world in terms of crime rates, caution and security measures should not be forgotten in Seoul. The fact is that here, as in any other metropolis, thefts, robberies and all sorts of fraud occur. Of course, they are not as frequent as in most metropolitan areas, but it’s not worth the risk. In this regard, tourists are advised to avoid sparsely populated and poorly lit areas, and also be vigilant in public places. Seoul roads are also not very safe: accidents happen quite often here. Therefore, when crossing the road and driving a car, you must be extremely careful.

Business climate

Seoul is one of the largest financial and industrial centers in the world, so the conditions for large investments and private business here are based on fierce competition. The city has a great variety of different companies and the headquarters of such giant corporations as Samsung, Hyundai, SK, Kia and LG are based. Moreover, despite the fact that Seoul occupies only 0.6% of South Korea's territory, it produces 21% of the country's GDP.

Real estate

The Seoul real estate market is represented by a wide variety of properties - both commercial and residential. Between 1986 and 2011, their prices rose continuously, which caused a construction boom here. However, after the global financial crisis, the situation began to change. For example, from July to August 2012, the cost of apartments in the capital fell by 0.46%, which is a rather serious indicator. Moreover, their further decline is expected.

In 2011, the country's authorities significantly weakened taxation. This contributed to an increase in demand for real estate in the capital.

In case of minor ailments, it is recommended to contact one of the many city pharmacies, which are called here “ yakkuki" Pharmacists usually know English language and can provide quite qualified assistance in selecting medications.

Also in the city, the Korean branch of the International Emergency Service for Foreigners operates around the clock. For a fee, its staff can help facilitate communication between Korean medical staff and foreign patients.

Seoul is one of ancient cities a world where the traditions of the past and the technologies of the future, leisure for adults and entertainment for children are amazingly combined.

General information

Seoul is located off the east coast of the Korean Peninsula in Ganghwaman Bay. The city itself does not border the sea, but its suburb, Incheon, better known to Russians as Chemulpo after the site of the sinking of the “Varyag” back in 1904, has access to it.

The founding date of the capital dates back to the 14th century. Then, in 1394, Hanyang (as Seoul was called) became the capital of the Korean state of Chonon. Although the first mentions of populated areas appear on the site of Seoul in the 4th century BC. The state existed until 1910, when it came under occupation by Japanese troops, which lasted until the end of World War II. In fact, Korea gained independence only a year later. At the same time, Seoul was declared the capital of South Korea.

Now it is the largest trade and economic center not only in Asia, but throughout the entire planet. The population of Seoul (mostly Koreans) is more than 10 million people. All of them live on 600 square kilometers of the city.

Weather in Seoul

The capital of South Korea is located on the 37th parallel, that is, at the latitude of Sicily, the south of the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. But Seoul's climate is more contrasting. It is classified as a monsoon.

From May to the end of September, winds from the sea blow in the city, which makes its air especially humid. During the rest of the year, the opposite direction of wind prevails - from land to sea. It is necessary to take into account the fact that Seoul has no natural obstacles against the northern winds.

The temperature of the hottest months (July and August) ranges from 26-30 °C. Winter is short, but quite cold for this latitude. In January it prevails low temperature about zero. During the observations, the lowest recorded temperature on the thermometer was -22 °C.

Due to climatic conditions, the most suitable months for visiting Seoul are the end of August-September and April-May.

Transport Seoul

There are two ways to get into the country - by air and by sea. Entry into the territory of the Republic from North Korea is practically impossible.

Both airports are connected to Seoul by highways and rail. Moreover, the metro also runs from Incheon to the capital.

Thus, foreigners first arrive at one of the airports. Flights from Russia and Commonwealth countries end in Incheon. You can then reach Seoul by railway or by bus. Typically travel time ranges from 10-15 minutes by metro and railway and about 20-30 minutes by bus.

It is important to note that the Incheon metro shares stations with the Seoul metro. In addition, metro tickets give the right to use suburban electric trains. Its important advantage compared to buses is the ability to better navigate routes and metro stops. The fact is that the majority of Korean residents do not speak any of the European languages, including English. And in the metro at each station you can buy an English-language map map.

Of course, you can get to the capital by taxi - the most convenient, but not the cheapest way for a foreigner. Again, the fact of the language barrier must be taken into account.

Districts of Seoul

Seoul is divided into 25 districts or municipalities called "ku". Of these, 11 are located south of the Hangang, the largest river in South Korea that flows through Seoul. Distinctive feature between two unequal parts of the city is the difference in the share of industrial enterprises. In this regard, the southern districts can be considered the bedroom communities of Seoul, at least most of them. Thus, in the Kandongu district, located in the easternmost part of the city, about 2% of the territory is occupied by industrial enterprises. The area is mainly composed of residential areas.

Gangnam District, located to the west, is considered the most elite in Seoul. Here are the largest buildings in the city, the largest number of five-star hotels, parks, attractions, 11 libraries and 3 universities.

Unlike the southern districts, the northern ones are considered older. On the periphery there are mainly industrial areas. And the central ones are business center Seoul with many office and shopping centers. There are a sufficient number of buildings from the times of the empire and Japanese rule.

Seoul has a wide variety of nationalities among the city's residents. Thus, in the Yongsangu district, which was the first where foreigners were allowed to settle and have trading posts during the empire, the largest number of immigrants from other countries live. In addition, there are 28 embassies and an American military base here.

At the same time, all areas of Seoul are united by several common features. Each district has internal autonomy. In any of them, all conditions have been created for a comfortable life for its citizens and guests. Just look at the free wi-fi hotspots in every corner of the city, numerous terminals and ATMs, equipment maintenance services in every block and much more.

Sights of Seoul

In Seoul, everyone will find something to do and have fun to their liking. Here, luxurious architectural structures of our time “peacefully” combine with buildings of past centuries. A countless number of shops and boutiques only complement the variety and breadth of the shopping centers' assortment. Numerous shops household appliances of the highest and most advanced level, enterprises of leading companies and business districts are intelligently “diluted” with entertainment and leisure centers.

Among the architectural attractions of Seoul, one can highlight 5 famous palaces belonging to early period Jeongseon and buildings of later construction.

  • Gyeongbokgung is the largest palace complex, built about 500 years ago in the traditional style of the empire.
  • Changgyonggong is one magnificent building from the same era of the early empire.
  • Deoksugung is a palace built somewhat later than the first two. Its courtyard has repeatedly acquired new structures. The last buildings are the Jeongwangheon and Sokjeongjeong pavilions, built at the beginning of the last century in the Western style of those times. Thus, it is the only palace from the times of the empire that has buildings that are not of Asian style.
  • Jongmye is the tomb of the Joseon emperors. Unlike the palaces of the dynasty, it is located on the left bank of the Hangang. Jongme is recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Every first Sunday in May, a ceremony to worship the emperors is held at the tomb. The action itself has been vile for 450 years.
  • Cheongwadae or Blue House is one of the finest buildings of the Republic period and has been open to the public since the beginning of the millennium. It hosts presidential press conferences, making the building a symbol political power in the country.
Seoul has a great variety of cultural and entertainment places. Almost all central districts of the capital have museums and exhibitions. In the very center of the city there is the largest open-air museum of the rural life of the Korean people, located on Mount Namsan. Nearby stands the symbol of the capital - the Seoul Television Tower. The central park is also located here, which is one of the most visited places for recreation by city residents.

Fans of active recreation, as well as young guests of the city, will be delighted with Seoul amusement parks.

  • Everyland is one of the five best amusement parks in the world. In addition to attractions and all kinds of sports (especially winter ones), the park has a real safari.
  • Lotte World combines an amusement park, shopping centers and a restaurant and hotel complex located on the shores of a picturesque lake.
  • The Caribbean Bay amusement park will not leave lovers of water activities indifferent.

In addition to amusement parks, Seoul is famous for the world's largest zoo and aquarium.

Seoul Holidays

In addition to national holidays held throughout the country, Seoul has its own.

During New Year's holidays Cultural events take place in many districts of the year as part of the Hello Seoul festival. The main goal is to instill optimism in the population, which will need to live through a short but fairly cold winter.

Every May, a festival dedicated to the birth of Buddha comes to the city center. It is called the “lotus flower lantern festival”.

Since the beginning of the millennium, the city has hosted an interlunar fireworks festival every October.

Shopping in Seoul

There are countless shops in Seoul, and you can buy almost anything there. Each district of the city has more than one hundred different shops, boutiques, shops, etc. For example, the Mendom quarter is a center of commerce. Here on small area brought together the largest department stores selling goods from global brands and local industries. The capital is home to several dozen large shopping complexes, such as Sensige and Lotte.

In order to fully understand the character of the Korean people and their way of life, it is necessary to visit the largest markets of the capital. For example, the Kanbuka market is in the northern part of the city, one of the largest markets in the world in terms of area and number of shopping rows. You can buy absolutely everything there, including rare souvenirs that are not found in other areas of Seoul.

Useful information for tourists about Seoul in South Korea - geographical position, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Seoul is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Korea, located on the banks of the Han River and surrounded by hills and hills. The history of Seoul goes back many centuries. The name of the city changed frequently: Hansangju, Hanyang, Yangju, Namcheon (Southern Capital). In 1394, the founder of the Li dynasty chose Hanyang (present-day Seoul) as the capital of his state. Palaces and an 18-kilometer fortress wall were built in the city. During the Korean War in the mid-20th century, Seoul fell into the hands of North Korean and Chinese forces twice. As a result of the fighting, the city was severely destroyed. After the war, Seoul was quickly rebuilt and once again became the political and economic center of the country.

The appearance of Seoul intertwines antiquity and modernity, skyscrapers and pagodas. The masterpieces of ancient national architecture are the Great South Gate (Namdaemun) and the Great East Gate (Dongdaemun), which once served as the entrance to the city; they were opened and closed to the sound of the bell.

The royal palaces of Seoul are architectural monuments. Gyeongbokgung Palace (Palace of Brilliant Happiness) was built in 1394. In 1592, during the Japanese invasion, it was destroyed and restored only in 1868. On the territory of the palace complex with an area of ​​16 hectares there are several buildings, each of which had its own purpose: the throne room chamber, banquet hall, private chambers of the royal family. Nowadays, the National and Ethnographic Museums of Korea are located on the territory of the palace. Stone pagodas and monuments collected from all over the country are also exhibited here.

Changdokung Palace (Palace of Illustrious Virtue) served as the official residence of the king until 1910. Part of the palace complex is Pivon ("forbidden") park, where previously only members of the royal family and close associates had access. Adjacent to the eastern part of Pivon Park is Changgyeong Palace (Palace of Delightful Bliss). Next to the palace is the royal tomb of Jongmye; two pavilions contain stone steles that perpetuate the memory of 18 Korean kings.

Of great interest are the Buddhist temples of the capital of Pongwonsa, Ponginsa, and the Munme sanctuary at the Confucian Academy.

A modern landmark of Seoul is the 262 m high Golden Tower, erected on Yeouido Island. This is one of the tallest buildings in Asia. At the top of the tower there is an observation deck with views of Seoul and its surroundings and the Yellow Sea. The tower has an aquarium, where over 20 thousand sea inhabitants are represented.

Seoul is the capital of South Korea. This is where you should start exploring this amazing country, which is so fascinating with its nobility and restraint.


The city of Seoul (South Korea) is a place where modern skyscrapers and old buildings, highways and green parks coexist perfectly. It received the status of the capital of South Korea back in 1394, on November 26. At that time, the settlement was small, surrounded by fortress walls and called Khanyan.

From 1910 until the end of World War II, the city was called Gyeongseon, and later it was renamed Seoul. By the way, in literal translation in Korean it means "capital".

Now the city covers an area of ​​about 600 square kilometers and is inhabited by more than ten million people. In it, the past and the present are harmoniously combined and complement each other.


Seoul (South Korea) is located on the same parallel as Sicily, the south of the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The weather of the city, despite this, is rather similar to European, which is noted by many tourists.

From May to September, the capital is filled with humid air brought by winds from the sea. The air temperature during this period ranges from 20 to 33°C, and the water temperature from 10 to 22°C.

From October to April, the wind changes its direction towards the sea from the land. The air temperature drops from 19°C to -5°C on average, and the water cools to almost -10°C. One winter, a record low was recorded on the thermometer at -22°C.

In general, the climate is as follows: with dry and cool winters, warm and sunny spring and autumn, hot and sometimes humid summers.


One of the main attractions is the Kyongbokkung Royal Palace, an ancient residence of the Joseon Dynasty, built in 1395. It was practically destroyed during the Imjin War. But Gyeongbokgung's medieval architecture was carefully restored during the Ly Dynasty. Now at the main gate of Gwanghwamun you can see the ceremonial changing of the guard of the imperial guard, which is demonstrated by volunteers of the Korean Cultural Foundation, dressed in blue and red national costumes of the city of Seoul (South Korea). Photos next to them against the backdrop of the palace will be simply amazing. Experienced travelers advise that you definitely do them.

By the way, it’s worth learning about how the emperors spent their time at the National Palace Museum of Korea. And to see how ordinary Koreans lived, celebrated holidays and studied in the Middle Ages, go to the Ethnographic Museum.

In downtown Seoul, admire the architecture of the Jogyesa Buddhist Temple. Guests of the capital admire its impressive decoration: three gilded Buddha statues, hundreds of candles, burgundy columns topped with dragon heads...

But the most important cultural attractions of Seoul, which every self-respecting tourist must visit, are the National Museum of Korea and Gyeongbokgung Palace.

In terms of entertainment venues, the leader is the Trick Eye Museum in Hongdae. It contains many interesting exhibits that you can touch and take photographs against their background.

By the way, the Hongdae area is a tourist attraction in itself. There are many entertainment venues here: cinemas, museums (for example, wax figures), an aquarium, galleries and, of course, shops and cafes.


In a country like South Korea (Seoul), attractions are not only palaces, museums and architecture. A special place here is occupied by parks, unique in their own way. landscape design. One of the most famous is Cheonggyecheon Stream. It doesn't look like a park in the traditional sense of the word, although it has some similarities with New York's Central Park.

The square is located in the heart of Seoul and stretches for almost 6 km. Its peculiarity is that it is located 5 meters below the level of the busiest boulevard in the city - Sejongro. Despite this, the park is very quiet and peaceful, which travelers really like. There are beautifully placed trees, small waterfalls and many bridges.


Seoul's resorts also deserve landmark status. At least for their location.

Among the ski resorts are the following:

  1. Yangzhi Pine. Suitable for family holidays and functional all year round. It is located on the slopes of Mount Tokjo and is surrounded by pine forests. It includes 7 slopes, 6 ski lifts, a snow park, a swimming pool, equipment rental points, a hotel and hostels, shops, and in the summer a golf club.
  2. Star Hill. According to reviews from vacationers, it is more suitable for young people who love noisy places and skiing at night. It has 5 ski slopes up to 700 meters, sledding slopes, 5 funiculars, equipment rentals, a ski school, restaurants and a karaoke bar.
  3. Alps. The resort is located in Gangwon Province and is most suitable for families with small children. In addition to the standard set of ski resorts, there is health Center, school and children's club.

Water resorts:

  1. Jeongdongjin. Beach with stunning nature. Quite a popular place where a large number of Korean films are filmed. Convenient to reach from Seoul airport.
  2. Sorak Wotopia is a hot spring water theme park. Located in the Sokcho area. There are outdoor pools of natural hot springs, the water temperature of which reaches 49 ° C, and a pool with an artificial wave.

Gastronomic tourism

What unusual things do experienced tourists recommend trying in Seoul? While walking along Insa-dong Street, stop by a restaurant for refreshments. Of course, you will need to sit on special pillows and order soup and pork, and for dessert a drink made from persimmon and cinnamon. Imagine your surprise when the soup is served to you ready-made, and for the second they bring only the ingredients: raw bacon, thinly sliced ​​mushrooms, white onion rings. You will feel like real Koreans when you cook your dinner on a special fryer built into the table. It is worth noting that kimchi, spicy pickled cabbage, without which not a single meal is complete here, is served free of charge - as a gift from the establishment.

It's also worth trying the real thing. korean dish- bibimbap, which is a mixture of rice, herbs, vegetables, meat and eggs. All this is mixed immediately before eating.

It is worth noting that Korean cuisine does not contain dairy products. But there are a lot of vegetables, rice and seafood.

Gifts and souvenirs

What tourist would refuse to buy gifts from his trip? Be it for yourself or friends. The giant Soeh shopping center is ideally suited for this purpose. Among the most famous places for shopping are Myeongdong, Namdaemun and Dongdaemun clothing markets, Milliore, Duta, and Hello Apiam shopping complexes. Wonderful leather goods Jewelry and equipment are sold at special prices for those who managed to take a discount coupon in tourist information centers. And for unusual mats and miraculous ginseng, reviews advise going to the neighboring island of Ganghwado to the Buddhist monastery Jeondeungsa, founded about 1,600 years ago. Souvenirs made by the hands of monks are so unusual! By the way, the opening hours of large stores are from 10:30 to 20:00, seven days a week.

Fruits, vegetables and seafood are best purchased at Seoul's Karak Wholesale Market during its famous food auctions from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.


In addition to planetary holidays, such as New Year January 1, South Korea also has its own national ones.

Calendar of national Korean holidays

Name of the holiday

Day of the Movement for Independence from Japanese Occupation

Children's Day

Memorial Day for the Fallen of the Korean War 1950-1953

South Korean Constitution Day

Liberation Day from the Japanese Occupiers (1945)

Day armed forces South Korea

Founding Day of Ancient Joseon

The dates of religious holidays vary from year to year as they are celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The day of celebrating Catholic Christmas remains unchanged - December 25th.

As for Seoul specifically, here, in addition to the general Korean holidays, there are also their own. For example, in May the city hosts a lantern festival in the shape of lotus flowers, which is dedicated to the birth of Buddha. And in October there is a fireworks festival.

South Korea, Seoul: Tours & Hotels

Prices for tourist tours to the capital of South Korea, Seoul, vary depending on the season of travel, the selected hotel and resort.

According to the purpose of recreation, tours are divided into:

  • skiing;
  • holidays at resorts (for example, on the coast and islands of the Yellow and Japanese Seas);
  • excursion;
  • treatment;
  • education.

Tours can also be themed, for example:

  • temples and parks;
  • business in South Korea;
  • culture of Seoul;
  • history of the country and so on.

Aeroflot and Korean Air fly directly to Seoul from Moscow. On average, the flight duration is about 8-9 hours.

From Ukraine you can get to Seoul using Aeroflot, Aerosvit, Korean Air, AirFrance, Finnair, Turkish Airlines with transfers in Moscow, Paris, Helsinki or Istanbul, respectively.

As for hotels, in Seoul they are divided into classes according to categories:

  • deluxe suite (similar to 5 stars);
  • luxury (similar to 4 stars);
  • first class (similar to 4 stars);
  • second class (analogous to 3 stars);
  • third class (analogous to 2 stars).

In addition to hotels, you can stay in South Korea in guest houses, condominiums, motels, hostels, Buddhist temples and evgans. The latter are traditional Korean hotels, that is, without beds and with heated floors.

By the way, tourists should know that in the city of Seoul (South Korea) time is not changed either in winter or in summer. And the country itself is in the time zone GMT +09:00, that is, the difference with Kiev is +7 hours, and with Moscow - +6.


A Korean visa (Seoul, South Korea) is not mandatory for residents of Russia from January 1, 2014, provided they stay in the country for no more than 60 days.

But if you are thinking of staying there longer or just want to play it safe just in case, then the list of documents for applying for a visa is standard:

  1. A foreign passport valid for at least six months as of the date of application to the consulate.
  2. Copies of the first page of the international passport and the old international passport, provided that it contains Schengen, USA, Japan or Australia visas.
  3. Color photograph measuring 3.5 x 4.5 cm.
  4. A completed visa application in English or Korean, certified by the applicant.
  5. Original invitation from the booked hotel or host.
  6. A certificate on letterhead from the place of employment, which indicates the applicant’s position, salary and duration of work.
  7. Program of stay in the country by day.
  8. Copies of round-trip tickets (optional).
  9. For schoolchildren and students - a certificate from the educational institution.
  10. For pensioners - a copy of the pension certificate.
  11. For a child accompanied by one adult or a third party - the original and a copy of the notarized consent for his/her removal from the remaining parent.

Money in Seoul

The national currency of South Korea is the won (KRW). But you can also pay in Seoul with American dollars.

  • bank card Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, JCB, American Express, Plus and Cirrus and others, which are accepted in hotels, large stores, restaurants;
  • cash currency - won or US dollars, which can be used to pay even in the markets.

If you have not exchanged money at home, then in South Korea it is best to do this in banks, special exchange offices and large hotels. There you can exchange rubles and dollars for Korean won.

Note: Korean banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 16:30, and on Saturday until 13:30. ATM operating hours are daily from 9:30 to 22:00, but you can also stumble upon those that operate around the clock.

Rules of conduct for tourists

Like any other country, South Korea has its own rules of behavior and social order. For example, in order to call someone to you, you need to lower your palm and wave it, moving all your fingers. And with gestures so familiar to us - palm up or one finger - Koreans call dogs. By the way, public hugs are not welcome here; they are replaced by discreet handshakes. And words of gratitude are accompanied by a bow.

Also, you can not only show disrespect, but also earn a fine of 100 thousand won for smoking in government institutions and public places such as transport stops, city parks, gas stations, restaurants and so on.

Regarding tips. In South Korea, it is not customary to leave them in the traditional sense. It’s just that sometimes in expensive hotels and restaurants an additional 10% service charge may be added to your bill.

At the table, Koreans do not like to blow their nose, pass something with only one hand, or leave chopsticks on their plate.

And the most interesting thing among the rules of Korean etiquette is the absence of apologies. That is, having accidentally touched someone, the Korean will simply move on. In Korea, it is believed that by apologizing you can make someone feel awkward.

South Korea, Seoul: reviews

The majority of tourists are of the opinion that Seoul is a very beautiful, rapidly developing city that is definitely worth a visit.

Travelers include the following among its advantages:

  • the beauty of the city;
  • culture and attractions;
  • relatively low prices for products;
  • highly developed infrastructure;
  • high safety for tourists;
  • great respect for children and the elderly;
  • a large number of information signs in English;
  • Russian quarter;
  • fresh air.

The disadvantages are attributed to:

  • long flight;
  • small number of residents who understand English;
  • a large number of advertising signs;
  • expensive housing.

Discover something completely new with a trip to Seoul, South Korea. Photos taken during the trip will warm your memories for a long time. Become one of the few Russian-speaking tourists in this Land of Morning Calm.