Where does the lotus grow? Where does the lotus bloom in Russia. Useful properties and applications

Lotus is a flower whose history goes back to ancient times. The flower itself is a large water lily, the petals and leaves of which are covered with a waxy coating, thanks to which they do not get wet and always remain above the water. Lotus has very powerful rhizomes. Leaves can be submerged, floating or erect. Lotus flowers can reach up to 30 cm in diameter and are pink, cream or yellow. When the lotus blooms, its flower is always facing the Sun. For this reason, and also because the lotus is used in cooking and folk medicine, this flower is considered a sacred plant in some cultures.

The lotus flower opens at dawn and closes in the evening. Early in the morning the flower can be bright pink, and in the afternoon you can distinguish shades on the flower from white to pink. It is best to pick lotus flowers at dawn to use them in medicine or cooking.

The Lotus flower is listed in the Red Book. Therefore, such flowers can be picked only in specially designated areas where lotus is grown for medicinal and food needs. In order to grow a lotus, it is necessary to create a pond measuring at least 3 by 3 meters and at least 70 cm deep. In the summer, the bottom of the reservoir must be cleared of duckweed and branches so that the bottom and water remain clean. Ideal option line the bottom of the reservoir with pebbles so that silt does not accumulate at the bottom. Silt can reduce the depth of a pond, which can even lead to the death of a lotus flower. The best option for the lotus it will be if the pond is shaded by a tree.

You can plant a lotus manually if planting occurs using rhizomes. If seeds or germinated seeds are planted, they can simply be thrown into the water. It is best to plant reeds along the edges of the pond to make the lotus more comfortable in winter.

The lotus fruit is located inside the flower, and has the shape of a cone with seeds in the form of dark-colored nuts with a very dense skin and a hole so that the embryo can breathe. Lotus seeds are distinguished by their vitality. They can survive for several hundred years and give life once they get into the right habitat. There is a known case when lotus seeds lay for 1200 years and gave birth to a new flower as soon as they were placed in a pond with the necessary conditions.

There are two varieties of lotus:

Nut lotus - characterized by a large pink flower with pleasant aroma. Flowering period – July – August. Distributed in India, China, Japan, Far East(Russia), Australia and other regions.

Yellow lotus (American) - common in South and North America, which is why it got its name. The color of its flowers can range from cream to snow-white.

Lotus Flower video:

Today, lotus seeds are used to make butter, flour, starch and sugar. Lotus seeds and rhizomes are very rich in vitamin C, sugar, fats and starch. It is also used in cooking and folk medicine. At the same time, in cooking it can be used as potato dishes, since lotus is rich in starch.

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Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Nut lotus is the most revered flower in Asia and the East. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans considered it sacred. According to myth, the plant appeared from the unrequited love of a water nymph for Hercules. Existing types– American yellow, Nile white, oriental red, nut-bearing (pink lotus).

Nut-bearing lotus - description

To recognize it beautiful plant, you will need a description of the nut-bearing or nut-shaped lotus:

  • name in Latin is Nelumbonucifera. Flower of the gods, symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Lotus family.
  • Perennial herbaceous ground aquatic plant– a native of Asian countries with a tropical climate: India, Japan, China. In Russia it can grow in the Far East.
  • It has dense dark green large leaves, reaching a diameter of up to 1/2 meter. The plant has a long spiny stalk. A pink flower appears on the peduncle in July-August. The root is large, branched, overgrown. The fruit ripens in a box.
  • The Far Eastern nut-bearing variety of flower is an endangered species that had to be included in the Red Book of Russia.

What does a lotus look like?

The shape of the plant is very similar to a water lily, but only very large. It has beautiful large, floating leaves and a huge stem. Pink flowers can be up to 30 cm in diameter. The dense, flat and fleshy petal has a rough surface. Thanks to this, the plant always manages to look clean in numerous photos - the water simply rolls off the leaf, carrying away all the dust and dirt. A flower grown on muddy soil represents purity.

The nut-bearing lotus plant has a powerful rhizome. The foliage rises above the water in dense blades or lies on the surface. The plant is covered with a waxy coating, this is the secret of purity. Particularly interesting are the seeds, which can be stored for a very long time. In appearance, they resemble dark olives the size of a hazelnut in a strong peel. The strength of the seed is important for long-term storage. There are cases when scientists found a capsule fruit that was more than 1000 years old, and the nuts sprouted.

When the lotus blooms

The lotus blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The peak occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. You can see this spectacle in the photo or by going to the Astrakhan colonies, where the flower (Astrakhan) multiplies. The largest plantations of these plants are located in the Caspian Sea, in the delta of the Volga River. Entire excursions come to see the colorful blooms - tourists really like the colonies of flowers on the water. Interesting fact: one bud from birth to wilting lives only three days.

Types of lotus nutbearer

There is not only one variety of this plant on the territory of Russia. There are the following types of lotuses:

  1. Caspian. The flower grows near the Volga delta. It differs from the Asian species in that it is smaller in size and resistant to cold.
  2. Far Eastern. The flower grows in the Far East. Tolerant to cold, but dies when the soil freezes strongly.
  3. American. Homeland of the plant - South America. The flowers are yellow. Thanks to cultivation, it has spread widely throughout Russia.

Where does the lotus grow?

The lotus plant grows in slow-moving silty waters that warm up well and is a property of temperate tropical climate zones. Partially propagated by knotty rhizomes. The population needs above-zero temperatures, and the reservoir is not subject to freezing. Warmth is one of the conditions for preserving a relict species. The genus might have ceased to exist if not for the efforts of people to preserve this flower. For Russia, the plant is a decoration of the Far East. Residents of other regions of the country can see the flower only in the photo.

How to grow lotus at home

Growing lotus at home is a completely doable task. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. The algorithm for growing a flower from a seed is as follows:

  • You can use sandpaper and a file to open the shell. The top should be filed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the seed.
  • After the seed is visible in the small sawn hole, the nut is placed in a small transparent vessel with water. It needs to be changed every day.
  • In two to three weeks, the first shoots will appear, which after a while will turn into long stems with leaves.
  • As soon as the roots grow, it is time to replant the plant. For seedlings, you need special soil (a mixture of sand, peat and black soil), which is placed at the bottom of a pot with holes.
  • Place the sprouts loosely on the surface, straighten the leaves.
  • Prepare large aquarium. Place a pot of seedlings at the bottom and fill with water so that the leaves can be on the surface. This is necessary for the plant to begin to grow and bloom, to prevent rotting.
  • Don't forget about lighting - the flower loves a lot of light.

Lotus propagation

In place of the flower, a fruit appears - a kind of conical basket. Up to twenty seeds “sit” in the cells, looking like hard, brown nuts in a dense shell. When ripe, the fruits fall out of the basket into the pond. Propagating lotus seeds takes time. The relict population is restored mainly by replanting rhizomes. The shells of the nuts are so strong that even in favorable conditions the seed can lie dormant for a long time.

Properties of lotus

Nut lotus has a number of beneficial properties. The plant contains flavonoids, which can improve the functioning of many human organs; it is used to treat a number of diseases. Beneficial features lotus can be briefly listed, it has:

  • diuretic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • wound healing.

Lotus flower

Lotus flowers rise more than a meter above the pond on tall, fleshy stems. The bright petals quickly change color throughout the day (from crimson to pale pink). The plant loves sunlight and blooms with sunrise. The flower is extremely beautiful and exudes a pleasant aroma. The seeds ripen in the fruit-box (similar to the bell of a watering can). The nuts fall to the bottom of the reservoir, where they are stored under a layer of silt.

Lotus leaf - properties

The beautiful plant has green leaves up to 40-50 cm in diameter, which effectively lie on the surface of the water. Medicinal properties Lotus leaves have been known since ancient times and are widely used by healers. Contained in lotus useful material, have an antiseptic effect, increase blood clotting, relieve cramps, and the decoction heals wounds. The leaves are collected during the summer, cut into small pieces and dried. They prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures, make powders and add them to food.

Lotus fruits - beneficial properties

Lotus seeds are the most useful part of the plant (they treat heart disease, decoctions can remove feelings of fear and relieve insomnia). Traditional medicine is full of descriptions of recipes on how to use fruits to prepare infusions for liver ailments, intestinal disorders, and stomach infections. Information from eastern treatises will tell you how to cure pneumonia, asthma, and ulcers. There are no diseases that are not affected by the wide spectrum of action of seeds.

Application of lotus

Indian healers believed that with the help of this flower one could lift a person out of depression. At all times, the plant was used as cosmetic product. A mixture of finely chopped petals and plant oil smoothed the skin of the face and restored youth. Many peoples consumed seeds, nuts and lotus roots as food. Where is lotus used in the modern world:

  1. Medicine. The flower has many useful components. Tanning, antiseptic, astringent, wound-healing, diuretic properties have made this plant indispensable in pharmaceuticals.
  2. Cooking. The leaf powder is used as an aromatic seasoning.
  3. Religion. In many cultures it is believed that this powerful tool to cleanse the soul. The energy of the flower is capable of defeating witchcraft.
  4. Cosmetology. Many skin and hair care products contain various extracts from the plant.

Applications of lotus oil

Lotus oil is widely in demand in cosmetology. A magical elixir is obtained from flowers collected before dawn. When harvesting, it is important not to damage the plant, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. The oil has a rejuvenating, smoothing and regenerating effect and is included in many creams and face masks. Massages and body wraps are popular.

Lotus in cooking

Eastern people have come up with many options for eating the plant. All parts are suitable for culinary processing - starch, sugar, butter are extracted from it, and flour is made. Cooking lotus root is a real art; this delicacy is served as a side dish, and lovers of sweets make marmalade from the roots. Nuts are especially considered delicious - they are eaten fresh or caramelized.

Lotus in medicine

The properties of the medicinal nut-bearing lotus have been known to medicine since ancient times. The Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans greatly revered this flower. Found lotus in folk medicine wide application. Medicinal properties allow it to be used in the following cases:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver;
  • an indispensable plant for heart ailments;
  • skin diseases, snake bites and long-healing wounds;
  • Seed decoctions relieve anxiety;
  • tea helps relieve insomnia;
  • decoctions of the stems are used by gynecology;
  • A drink is made from the rhizome, useful for neuroses and convulsions;
  • some species are able to fight cancer;
  • the aroma of the flower gently lifts out of deep depression, raises the tone of mental strength;
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Video: signs of nut-bearing lotus

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Nut lotus plant - beneficial properties of fruits and leaves, cultivation and care at home

Lotus - sacred flower East - attracts many pilgrims who want to touch this shrine. Even people far from Buddhism, mysticism and other spiritual materialism will not remain indifferent if they see this incredibly beautiful picture at least once.

However, not every enlightened adept knows that you don’t need to travel to distant countries to admire blooming lotuses! Lotuses also grow in Russia. In order to enjoy this spectacle with your own eyes, you just need to guess the flowering time and use a map of the area.

Picking lotuses is a stupid task, because the flower dries up after a few hours. But you need to see them live at least once - no photo or video footage will convey the honey-spicy aroma of flowers, the tenderness of their petals, the warmth of leaves velvety to the touch. In short, everyone should take the chance and see this miracle with their own eyes.

In order to lively admire the flowering of this exotic plant for many, it is enough to visit the Krasnodar region, Astrakhan region and the Far East in the summer, where it tropical plant adapted back in the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era and is still growing.

It is pleasant to note that some lotus lakes appeared thanks to the labors and efforts of man.

Lotuses in Russia: see with your own eyes

Astrakhan region


Volga Delta (For example, N46 13.632 E48 31.92). Lotuses are widespread in the delta almost everywhere, growing in ilmens, bays, on the seashore, along the banks of numerous channels

Erik Nikitin (you need to get to the village of Laborfront by crossing Bakhtemir by ferry) and then navigate the place

Erike Koshevanka, where it’s even easier to get to. It is enough to leave Astrakhan through the northern part and go east. Before Volodarsky you need to turn south and, having passed the villages of Old Altynzhar and Altynzhar, in the Tumak area turn right onto the bridge over Koshevanka. The Lotus Valley is located on both sides of the bridge (N46 14.077 E48 31.627)

Uvary village (Kamyzyaksky district)

Krasnodar region

: end of June – mid-August

A pond with lotuses is located near the village of Sheremetyevskoye (Tbilisi district). The lake is located near the P-251 Temryuk-Krasnodar-Kropotkin highway

Sinyukha River (Tbilisi region). The place is interesting because white, yellow and pink lotuses of two types bloom there (Far Eastern and Caspian)

Akhtanizovsky estuary (Temryuk district)

Stanitsa Golubitskaya (Temryuk district)

Stanitsa Maryanskaya (Krasnodar region)

Staronizhesteblievskaya village (Krasnoarmeisky district). Alexander Palchik created a miracle

Belozerny village (10 km from Krasnodar). The lake is located on the left after the village, next to it is a blue and white chapel

Krasnodar. Lotuses and water lilies grow in the Safari Park on Sunny Island

Taman. Having driven along the Temryuk-Strelka road, near the bridge over Kazachiy Erik you need to take the exit and follow the signs “Lotuses”. The path from there will run through a man-made canal (it was dug by the Cossacks more than 200 years ago to connect the Akhtanizovsky estuary with fresh water Kuban River). By small boat the journey to the valley will take about 15 minutes

Botanical Garden of Kuban State University

Amur region

mid-July – mid-August

Lake Dolgoe (Arkharinsky district) territory of the Khingansky nature reserve. This reserve contains the largest lotus thickets

The village of Ivanovka (Ivanovsky district). The artificial lake is located on the territory of the park of culture and recreation

The village of Sagibovo (Arkharinsky district). Lake Krivoye

The village of Voikovo (Konstantinovsky district). Lake Osinovoye

Lake Smirnovo (Mikhailovsky district). The lake is located 7 km from the village of Kalinino

Lake Tsvetochnoe (Arkharinsky district). The lake is located 25 km from the village. Novopokrovka

Zeya River

Primorsky Krai

Flowering time: mid-July – mid-August

Lesnoye village (Lesozavodsky district)

Lake Shtany (Yakovlevsky district)

Lake Khanka

Hand of Ussuri

Prikhankai lowland

Khasansky district

City of Arsenyev. Several years ago, thanks to young naturalists, several lotuses appeared on the lake

Arsenyevka River

The village of Andreevka (Yakovlevsky district). Lotuses can be seen in Lake Bolshoye (however, this lake could not be found on maps)

Kirovsky district. Lakes near the village of Pavlo-Fedorovka, in the village of Lugovoi and on Ostaya Sopka

Okeanskaya station (suburb of Vladivostok). Here, in a fenced area near the sea, there is a small lake covered with dense thickets of lotus

Putyatin Island. Lotus Lake is located on Putyatin Island, where tourists are transported by boat for a small sum (bring some rubber boots). You can also get to the island from the Danube village by ferry

The village of Novogordeevka (Anuchinsky district, Arsenyevskaya highway). The lake is next to the road

Razdolnoye village (Nadezhdinsky district). Four kilometers from Razdolnoye there is a lotus lake

Village of Kronshtadtka (Spassky district)

Khabarovsk region

Flowering time: late July – early August

Amur River basin

Lake near the village of Nikolaevka (Smidovichi district). The lake can be found by driving along the Birobidzhan highway

Lake near the village of Galkino (Khabarovsk region). Turning near the village towards the Khabarovsk - Komsomolsk-on-Amur highway, you need to drive 5 minutes. Here the lotus is grown artificially

Sheremetyevo Lakes

Lake Vidnoe

Ussuriysky Island

Pemzenskaya channel

Village Ulika-National

Bureya River

Lotus - a symbol of improvement

Lotus in America, India, Egypt, China and Russia exists in a huge variety of colors and types. Lotus grows in reservoirs rich in silt. And despite all the difficulties of its emergence from the dark silt, through the thickness of the water, the lotus flower reaches out to the sky and the sun. Flowers, amazing in their beauty, excite human consciousness; they bloom outside of water and reach for the light of not only the Sun, but also the Moon. Therefore, you can observe the splendor of blooming lotuses even on a moonlit night.

Lotus leaves are covered with a waxy substance that protects them from dirt. This is the mystery of small water creatures. They bloom in twos, one male and one female, making the lotus a symbol of happy couples. They bloom for 3 or 4 days, emitting a delicate aroma. The symbolism of the lotus in the consciousness of the ancients and modern people very rich...

Lotus flower - sacred

The lotus has symbolized purity, perfection, grace and the desire for spiritual purity since ancient times. Growing out of the mud, it is never dirty. The special structure of its leaves and petals can repel water, while collecting all the dirt from the lotus leaf.

And it was precisely this special property of remaining pure that made the lotus a symbol of spiritual improvement: no matter what environment, good or bad, a person is in, he must always maintain a clear consciousness and spiritual purity. The sign of a symbol of improvement is confirmed by the shape of all the components of this flower. The shape of its leaves, petals and even the core tend to be round, i.e. to perfect form.

Lotus is one of the oldest flowers in the world

His longevity is impressive. The appearance of lotus flowers delighted the ancient Egyptians, and from ancient times a proverb has been preserved: “Many lotuses on the water, great fertility will be.” In 1881, during excavations of the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses II, several blue lotus buds were found, which were stored for 3,000 years and even when dried retained their extraordinary color. The knowledge that the dried lotus flowers made a greater impression than the luxury of the dazzling riches of the tomb speaks of the true mysterious power and charm of flowers. And lotus seeds found in Japan were 2000 years old. After planting, the seeds sprouted and bloomed again, reminding everyone of improvement. Besides, collected seeds lotus were edible, as was the rest of the plant.

Lotus has been eaten since ancient times

The lotus is a symbol of improvement. Photo from secretchina.com

Egyptian blue lotus was grown in Ancient Egypt because of its rhizomes and poppy-like seeds extracted from the middle of the lotus, which were used for baking bread and preparing an intoxicating drink. Candied lotus roots taste like marmalade, while lotus flowers are used to make elite tea and also in perfumes. The aroma of lotus has long been considered the quintessence of all that is most valuable in this world. Therefore, in ancient times in Vietnam, tea with lotus aroma was a privileged drink of the royal court, aristocrats and rich people. In addition, the Chinese eat the stamens and stem, in their minds there is a belief that this food returns old people to their former youth. The lotus plant not only provided people with delicious food, but also a cure for many diseases to improve the human body.

The Legend of the Drink of Oblivion

The writings of Herodotus and the poem "Odyssey" speak of a country where lotuses are eaten. The inhabitants of this country - "lotophagi" ("lotus eaters") made a drink of oblivion from the lotus: anyone who drinks it will never want to part with the homeland of this flower. The memory of his real homeland and original intentions will be erased from the consciousness of this person. Leaving the island, Odysseus had to use force and tie his people, under the influence of flower spells, to the benches of his ship. In the middle of the 20th century, historians provided evidence that the mythological land of lotus eaters is a small, green island of Djerba, where several species of lotus and water lilies grow.

Lotuses are used as offerings to the gods

We often find the lotus depicted on ordinary objects, in elements of architecture and painting. Buddhas (Enlightened Ones in ancient Sanskrit) are often depicted sitting on lotuses. Flowers were used as offerings to the gods. Legend has it that the sun was born from a giant lotus flower, where the sun gods regain their youth. The Japanese goddess of nature also sits on a lotus. The beautiful and fragrant lotus flowers are often compared to feminine purity and chastity and perfection.

There is a legend in the minds of Indians that the gods Brahma and Savaswati were born from a lotus flower. In India, the lotus is revered and is still chanted in ritual dances. If the dancer folds her hands at face level with her fingers up, this means a sleeping lotus bud; if she separates her fingers from the joined hands, this means a blossoming plant as a symbol of improvement. The red lotus remains the emblem of India today.

The attitude of contemporaries to the symbol of improvement

The lotus is a symbol of improvement. Photo from secretchina.com

It is not without reason that in almost all traditions the lotus is a symbol of purity and perfection. It is given mystical properties in modern material world, far from the reverent beliefs of our ancestors. The lotus is able to cleanse the energy field around itself from negative vibrations. The aura of the room where the symbol of improvement is located becomes positive just from its presence, experts and sensitive people say.

Lotus is often used to get rid of depression and melancholy. Moreover, the property of the lotus is such that it gradually removes you from a state of depression. This property is in no way comparable to modern antidepressants, which cause instant mood changes and addiction. This makes it possible human psyche and consciousness to adapt to surrounding reality without consequences and side effects.

The ability to change a person's consciousness

The lotus aura can improve a person’s consciousness and direct his thoughts to more spiritual spheres. According to spiritually developing people, the use of “lotus therapy” is especially recommended for those people who are too mired in the material world, who think only about career, money and fame, completely forgetting about the second spiritual side of their personality. If such a person carries lotus petals with him or observes this plant for at least half an hour, then gradually his consciousness will change. His nature will become more refined, he will gradually begin to turn his attention to spiritual improvement. We should not forget about ancient practices, where the lotus has a broader meaning than a flower that can be seen and smelled. After all, the ability to maintain a clear consciousness and calm mind of even a modern person is possible through the technique of meditation, again with legs crossed in the lotus position.

The saying goes: “Lotus flowers are a ship on which a drowning person in the ocean of life can find salvation.”

Ksenia Velichko. The Epoch Times

LOTUS(Nelumbo) is a genus of dicotyledonous herbaceous amphibian plants, the modified stems of which are immersed deep under water in the ground. At the same time, the lotus develops three types of leaves: underwater, floating and above-water, rising high above the surface of the water, which grow on flexible long petioles. It is the only representative of the Lotus family (Nelumbonaceae).

The flowers are always turned towards the sun; they bloom early in the morning and close at night. The petals turn bright pink in the morning, but gradually fade and in the afternoon you can see an incredible range of colors - from rich pink to almost white. You can admire the lotus blooming in the thickets for quite a long time, since quite a lot of flowers bloom on one plant, but not at the same time, although the flower itself lives only three days.

Description, types and varieties of lotus

Lotuses have been separated into an independent family since 1829, called Nelumbonaceae. This family consists of only one genus - Nelumbo and three species:

  • Nut-bearing lotus, or Indian - lat. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., inhabitant of the Old World (1788);
  • Yellow lotus, or Nile water lily, which is called the American lotus - Nelumbo lutea Pers. (1807);
  • Five-petalled lotus - Nelumbo pentapetala (Walter) Fernald (1934).

This unusual aquatic plant first appeared in North Africa, but on this moment it can be found even in Southern Europe. The lotus is especially common in the tropics and temperate zones. Nelumbo nucifera (nut-bearing) formerly known as N. speciosum (Wild), grows wild in South and Central Asia. It grows in muddy, stagnant and slowly flowing waters of the Nile and Ganges. It is this plant that is considered sacred in the eyes of the natives.

The entire plant is considered edible, and the root is a delicacy and is widely used for medicinal purposes. It is better to collect flowers in the pre-dawn hour, as soon as they are ready to open towards the sun. At this time, flowers are most fragrant and suitable for various purposes. As is already known, seeds remain viable for centuries, but see all this on a separate page...

Or Indian(lat. Nelumbo nucifera)
It grows in northeastern Australia, the Russian Far East, the Philippine Islands, the Malay Archipelago, the island of Sri Lanka, as well as in India, China, and Japan. This type can be found in Kalmykia, the Volgograd region (Sredneakhtubinsky district, before reaching the village of Lebyazhya Polyana), the Astrakhan Nature Reserve, the Krasnodar and Primorsky Territories.

The plant has large shield-shaped leaves that rise above the water, pale green below and dark green above. The waxy coating gives a slight bluish tint to the entire plant. Erect petioles reach a length of two meters, the rhizomes are quite branched, powerful and knotty. Large lotus flowers, 25-30 cm in diameter, are pink in color and have a not strong but pleasant aroma. In the center of the flower there are many bright yellow stamens. Quite large single-seeded nuts (fruits) 1.5 cm long, with a dense pericarp, located in a cone-shaped receptacle. The first leaves of the nut-bearing lotus appear in May, and it blooms in late July or early August. The flowering period ends in late autumn.

Nut lotus has recently begun to be divided into two subspecies:

  • Caspian lotus (Nelumbo caspica);
  • Komarov's lotus (Nelumbo komarowii).

Lotus yellow, or Nile water lily(Nelumbo lutea)
It became widespread in the New World. Grows on the Hawaiian Islands, the coast of Central and North America, therefore it also has the name American lotus. This species is practically no different from the nut-bearing lotus, except in the color of the flowers and the duration of flowering. This plant has bright flowers yellow, open at sunrise in May, and by noon they form buds. Flowering lasts no more than five days, then it sheds its petals.

(Nelumbo caspica)
Not everyone knows that the lotus flower grows not only in the tropical latitudes of Africa or America, but is also found in our country. It is also called Astrakhan rose, Caspian or Chulpan rose. Currently, this famous pink flower lives both in artificial pools and reservoirs, and in natural conditions environment.

The appearance of lotus in the Caspian Sea still causes heated debate. Some believe that it was brought by Buddhist monks from Kalmykia, while others claim that it has been preserved since the Tertiary period. The Caspian lotus was first found in the Chulpan Bay by the Russian scientist Semyon Ivanovich Gremyachinsky in August 1849. Now the flower grows in bays and lakes with very warm water. When the water level drops significantly, the plant finds itself on dry land, but continues to develop. The Caspian lotus blooms at the end of summer, and by October the fruits are already ripening.

Lotus Komarova(Nelumbo komarowii)
It grows in the Far East in the Amur basin, along the lower reaches of the Ussuri River, on Lake Malaya Khanka, where it occupies quite vast areas. Here it has been preserved from past eras as a living fossil, when the climate was much warmer. It gradually adapted to existing conditions and became frost-resistant. Usually the silt in which its rhizomes overwinter does not freeze, but in rare cases of freezing the plant dies.

Garden lotus varieties

In addition to the main types of lotus, there are garden varieties, which were bred artificially:

  • "Pygmaea Alba" is a white lotus with small flowers up to 12 cm in diameter.
  • "Lily Pons" is distinguished by the presence of cup-shaped flowers of salmon or pinkish color.
  • "Kermesina" - a plant bred by a Japanese breeder, has red double flowers.
  • "Mrs Perry D. Slocum" has quite large pink flowers, which become creamy over time.
  • "Moto Botan" is a variety bred for growing in small barrels or containers. Its flowers have a rich crimson color.