French curtains in the interior. French curtains - awning: royal luxury in your interior (25 photos). Flowers and vegetation

Beautiful elements in modern design living space can provide comfort and harmony in your home. To date, french curtains in the interior they are considered a fairly popular option for decorating window space. Thanks to them, a warm and mysterious atmosphere appears in the room. They are often used in country estates and spacious apartments.

You can create such a model yourself at home. Our material presents detailed instructions how to sew French curtains without special effort. All the subtleties of the work process are noted here.

Advice from experienced professionals will help you make the correct calculation of the material and the frequency of weightless waves.

How to choose material for curtains?

Curtain fabrics may contain a small amount of lurex. A beautiful shine under the sun's rays will add a piece of luxury to the interior space.

Awning curtains are often used in classic designs. They will become a real decoration of your home. There are several criteria when choosing fabric for sewing curtains:

  • soft texture. It allows you to create a large number of air folds on the surface of the material. Denser fabrics are intended for large waves, which are used to create lambrequins;
  • Heavy materials (jacquard, natural linen) will help make large folds;
  • French curtain for the kitchen, should be made of synthetic fabric. Quite designers prefer to use organza or thick tulle. These materials are easy to clean;
  • You should not choose fabrics with small patterns in the form of flowers or geometric shapes. During draping, the decorative elements of the material will be lost against the background of the window space. As a result, a tasteless detail may appear in the interior, which will constantly distract.

Ready-made Roman blinds can be complemented with a beautiful lambrequin. The luxurious duo of dense and airy material creates a truly exquisite design.

Basic rules for combining fabrics

Awning curtains require a competent combination of fabrics and materials. You can create beautiful smooth waves using several types of fabric. The veil harmonizes perfectly with thin organza. It also looks good in a duet with thick satin or natural linen.

Add decorative elements You can use voluminous tiebacks or beautiful beads enclosed in a long shiny cord. During draping, the crystal glass beads will gently fall along the edges of the air waves.

How to calculate the amount of fabric to create curtains?

There is a certain methodology that provides for all the subtleties of the work process. As noted above, the first step is to correctly calculate the distance between the waves.

To do this, multiply the length by 2 and add the required distance for allowances. Basically it is 4-6 cm from each edge. An allowance of 5 cm is made at the bottom. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

To sew a small curtain you will need 3-4 m of airy veil. Size ready-made curtains will be 2 m. These parameters are enough to decorate a small window opening.

Patterns for Roman blinds

At the beginning of the work process, it is recommended to decide on a model. There are several types of curtains, which differ in the number of folds on the surface of the fabric. Modern options include a secret drawstring that will regulate the assembly of the material.

The pattern is a large rectangle with additional marks for a hidden lace. The distance between them is calculated based on your preferences.

It is worth noting that closely spaced drapery creates lush curtain models that are suitable for a living room or bedroom.

Stages of creating curtains

Algorithm self-creation French curtains consist of several stages:

  • processing of cuts and edges of fabric. To do this, the material is placed on a flat surface, preventing the appearance of unnecessary folds;
  • a bend is made at the bottom and secured with a needle and thread. On average it is 5 cm above and below;
  • Next, mark the position of the secret drawstrings. They will further provide the necessary air waves;
  • after that, a cord is pulled into the drawstring, which will act as a fabric retainer;
  • The final step will be to attach additional tape with places for attaching hooks. They help to attach the curtains evenly to the curtain rod.

Such lightweight curtain designs will become a real decoration for the bedroom, kitchen, living room or even balcony. They are able to fill the interior with an atmosphere of lightness and romance. Even in ancient times, they were used to decorate luxurious castles and estates.

Today they are used in Baroque, Rococo or Classical styles. They will never go out of interior fashion. The photo of French curtains shows the best options for decorating a window space.

Photos of French curtains

French curtains, or “awnings” as they are otherwise called, are truly luxurious textile interior items. They can add a touch of grace, nobility and high cost to any room. And all because even in ancient times, only very wealthy people living in estates or palaces could afford such curtains. And that’s why such curtains were made exclusively from expensive and quality materials. In this article you will learn a lot of new and interesting information about French curtains, their features and interesting options use in the interior.


The famous French curtains appeared, or rather came into fashion, presumably from the 14th to the 17th centuries, and as the name implies, their appearance occurred in France. In those days, the local nobility always tried to decorate their estates in a special way, with a certain chic and splendor, which was easily done with the help of curtains with luxurious folds, which perfectly emphasized the Baroque and Rococo styles of those times.

For several centuries now, awning curtains can enliven any room, be it small or, conversely, huge.

The features of such curtains also include:

  • Versatility. Such curtains look equally good in houses, apartments, country cottages and various public institutions, such as restaurants, cafes, theaters, wedding palaces and so on. French curtains always create a feeling of splendor and celebration around. They give their own special atmosphere to any room.
  • High cost of execution. Despite such a simple design with flounces, French curtains can cost a decent amount of money, especially if you want them to look truly royal, because for this it is worth purchasing expensive fabrics. In general, curtains in this style are often made to order according to individual measurements, since ready-made options not always ideally suited to certain windows.
  • Form. French curtains can be given the most different shapes and decorate your bedroom, living room or any other room with them. Moreover, such curtains are very friendly with lambrequins, which can be an elegant addition to them.

This type of curtains is classified as cascade-lift curtains due to the fact that their individual parts (sections) are assembled into folds. The number of so-called sections can be different, and they themselves are called festoons. The folds on French curtains are made in the form of peculiar arcs. All sizes and parameters must be combined with future folds, but all this is calculated based on the size of the window on which this textile decoration will appear.

An important point is also that this type of curtains does not move apart, but rises upward, and when the curtains rise, the folds will appear more and more clearly. To create such curtains, light fabrics are predominantly used, which can be easily draped, while heavy fabrics are most often not used.

French curtains are easily attached and raised using a special mechanism that can be installed on the cornice. It can't be said that this type curtains are easy to care for, since at home they are most often not cleaned, but sent to dry cleaning.

Of course, refusing to wash at home is to ensure that your textiles last as long as possible and maintain a presentable appearance.


Options for French curtains can be very diverse. If a designer works on them, they will easily turn out great, but even if you decide to develop your own sketch of future curtains and choose fabric for them, then don’t be afraid to use your imagination and bring your wildest ideas to life:

  • The length of French curtains can vary. Such curtains can cover the window opening, reach the window sill, or be very long, right down to the floor.
  • All types of curtains of this type are made according to the same principle, in which a special decorative braid is used for assembly to obtain folds. With the help of this braid, flounces, or rather scallops, are subsequently obtained. In terms of functionality, they can be light or dense, everything will depend on the fabric and the screed. According to the mechanism, such curtains can be static or lifting.
  • Curtains with a static mechanism are most often used as tulle; they are perfect, for example, for the kitchen. Such options usually cover the entire width of the window and do not require extra lifting mechanisms. For them, you can use translucent fabrics that easily let sunlight into the room.
  • Lifting French curtains have a special mechanism, a lift regulator, which helps control the length of the textile product. It is very important to choose an appropriate cornice for curtains that will fit perfectly not only with the curtains, but also with the interior as a whole.
  • Some options can slide apart on the sides of the windows, but this is not expected in the classic design of French curtains. However, modern options offer a lot of upgrades in performance techniques.

Some people very often confuse French and Austrian curtains. Although they are similar to each other, their important difference is that the Austrian models have folds only at the bottom of the curtains, while the French ones have the curtains themselves made entirely of folds.

To make the curtains voluminous, lush, festive and easily decorate any apartment, you should pay attention to light fabrics. Veil, organza, cambric, tulle, silk and velvet lend themselves well to draping. In general, the choice of fabrics for making curtains of this type is quite extensive, but to ensure that the folds on the curtains are airy and flowing, it is better not to choose heavy fabrics.

At great desire You can diversify your curtains with beautiful fringe or lace along the edges of the curtains. Various tassels and ruffles always add a special highlight to any curtains. If French curtains are made of luxurious fabric with a pattern or patterns, try not to overdo it with the decor and do everything in moderation.

If you have chosen this type curtains, for example, for closed summer gazebo, but the windows will often be open, You can sew decorative weights onto the curtains, thanks to which the curtains will not rise and fly in all directions.

How to choose a color?

In order to correctly choose not only the colors, but also the curtains themselves, it is very important to pay attention to their future combination with the interior, and in addition, decide on their purpose. If you are looking at curtains solely for decoration and they will not protect the room from sunlight, then choose light translucent options in light shades, there may be pastel colors, and nude options, as well as fabrics with light patterns, but it is best to give preference to plain options. Translucent fabrics are especially good for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms.

Bright, deep and rich French curtains will become a luxurious decoration of any bedroom, hall, living room or office. Often bright options They are also hung in children's rooms. Do not forget that dark colors suitable only for large rooms, because you can make a small one quite gloomy with the help of such colors. Therefore, it is better to decorate small rooms with dim curtains.

Try not to choose curtains that match the color of the walls in the room; often this technique does not always look advantageous; it is better to purchase fabric several shades darker or lighter than the wallpaper.


The biggest problem for French curtains, as well as for other textile accessories in the house, is dust. It settles in folds and is difficult to do anything with. If the fabric is denser, then you can clean it with a vacuum cleaner at the lowest speed, but since French curtains are most often made of very light materials, you cannot do without washing.

Of course, so that the curtains are accepted the required form and didn't lose yours original appearance It's best to take them to the dry cleaner. At home, you can wash small curtains, for example, from the kitchen, which, if you have a steam generator, you can shape yourself. Very important point It is also that such curtains are not washed with other laundry and are used in a delicate or gentle mode.

Correct and quality care behind the curtains will prolong their excellent condition for many years, while they will look like new.

"Marquise" in the interior

French curtains require special attention, therefore, before choosing such textiles for the windows of a particular room, it is very important to make sure that they best suit the interior and the entire setting.

In general, many experts claim that such curtains are classic. They will fit well into any interior, but it is worth considering all their features:

  • For the bedroom designers recommend giving preference to calm curtain colors, for example, cream, beige, powdery and others from a delicate and muted palette of shades. Such light colors create a feeling of calm and harmony around. Therefore, for a room where a person spends at least eight hours of rest, they will be very useful. It is preferable to choose natural and environmentally friendly materials, which are not only considered safe, but also practical.

  • Kitchens are often decorated with French curtains made of light organza. They do not burden the atmosphere of the room and at the same time always bring a touch of grace to it. Some even decorate balconies with such curtains. It looks good if the situation matches.

  • Emphasize the high cost of the interior and add splendor to the living room you can easily use luxurious French curtains, especially if they are embroidered. And lambrequins and curtains will be an excellent addition to them. With the help of such curtains you can create a special contrast in the room, which will delight not only all household members, but also guests. Also, such curtains will fit perfectly on bay windows.

  • Children's room can also be complemented with elegant curtains with flounces, on which you can “seat” decorative butterflies or place miniature bows. Young princesses will especially appreciate such beauty.

The very word “marquise” evokes associations with the world of aristocracy, balls and palace receptions. This word has two meanings: firstly, marquis is a high title, located on the hierarchical ladder between dukes (princes) and counts. Well, marquise, accordingly, is a title belonging to a noble lady. And secondly, awnings are exquisite curtains, which are also called French. Luxurious, cascading graceful folds, worthy of the halls of Versailles!

If you are attracted elegant interiors- get acquainted with a selection of photographs demonstrating the use of awnings in living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms. Your interior muse will be delighted!

History of French curtains

It is no coincidence that awning curtains got their name. This magnificent window decoration appeared in the era of classicism in palace halls and aristocratic living rooms. To demonstrate the splendor of the royal court and palaces of the French nobility, ordinary curtains made of expensive fabrics were no longer enough. And sophisticated, sophisticated awnings with a waterfall of graceful folds were born.

The appearance of these curtains corresponds to the canons of classicism: on the one hand - wealth and palace luxury, on the other - symmetry and clarity of lines, even some severity and brevity. Awnings are characterized by smooth vertical rows of festoons, evenly collected in horizontal folds. As a result, associations arise with cascading waterfalls, easily and naturally falling from the eaves.

Types of French curtains

Despite general principles creating awnings, these curtains are far from the same type. French curtains can be divided according to several criteria:

  • By lenght. They can reach the window sill, drop below it and almost touch the floor. A classic is considered to be awnings, created for narrow high windows and descending below the window sill by about a quarter of the length. But there are no strict rules here, the main thing is a sense of proportion and taste. Nowadays awnings are also used for drapery panoramic windows- entirely, to the floor, and in short variations.

  • By the type of folds. They can be either very lush or very light, reminiscent of ripples on a lake.

  • By design. There are stationary and lifting awnings. The first type is classic. The second is a convenient modern variation, inspired by the example of Roman and Austrian curtains.

French curtains in the interior

The choice of fabric for French curtains depends on the room in which they will be placed. Nowadays, awnings are most often sewn from transparent and translucent fabrics, acting as a luxurious variation of tulle. At the same time, French curtains can play the main role in window decoration, and act as a background for thicker and darker classic curtains.

But nothing prohibits sewing awnings from silk or satin, including rich, deep colors. Here are some examples:

  • The windows in the living room can be decorated with turquoise satin cascades. This is a bright and at the same time light shade.

  • Thick silk and satin in shades of ivory and beige are popular when creating French curtains.

  • Awnings of golden or champagne color will make a chic impression (but with such luxury you should be careful not to cross the line of good taste!).

  • You can even make French curtains from burgundy-colored fabric, and they will look like garlands of gorgeous roses on the windows.

Additionally, awnings can be decorated at the bottom with fringes, ruffles or tassels, but you should choose light and air options so as not to visually overload interior solution. French curtains are already luxurious, so you shouldn’t decorate them too much, especially if they are part of a window ensemble along with curtains.

Curtains in the kitchen are not only decorative decoration, they perform several at once important functions— protect the room from prying eyes and sunlight, create comfort and maintain the necessary atmosphere. If you design the window opening correctly, you can hide some of the shortcomings of the room - for example, “raise” the ceiling a little, or visually enlarge the window.

Design kitchen curtains, at correct design, completes the interior design, and even becomes its highlight. The process of choosing curtains for the kitchen should be taken responsibly. An excellent solution for arranging kitchens in all kinds of traditional interiors French curtains will become a model that came from the past, but has not yet lost its relevance.

French curtains will add a special chic to the kitchen.

Disadvantages and advantages of French curtains in the kitchen interior

Luxurious curtains made of weightless fabric with lush scallops are a French invention. Such curtains once decorated the interiors of aristocrats' boudoirs and banquet halls of palaces. The second name for this type of curtain design is “awning”.

Gradually, richly decorated textiles began to be used in the design of theater stages. Nowadays, several centuries later, French curtains are still associated with luxury and wealth, but they can even be used to decorate the windows of ordinary city apartments.

A little decorative luxury in your kitchen.

There are several reasons to use curtains in french style in the kitchen.

Curtains of this type can be selected to fit any window opening.

Spectacular festoons look very respectable, expensive and not as strict as Roman blinds. In addition, they practically do not block access to the windowsill or window, and allow enough sunlight into the room.

Despite completely closed window light easily penetrates into the room.

French curtains can be perfectly combined with lambrequins, drapes and other types of window textiles.

Combination of French curtains with lambrequin.

Even on narrow and small window such curtains will look appropriate, since the splendor of the folds, their number and height can be adjusted at your own discretion.

The curtain will look unobtrusive if there are few folds.

French curtains are perfect for kitchen windows located on the ground floor, as they reliably protect the room from prying eyes.

With the help of more thick fabric you can hide the kitchen from prying eyes.

Luxurious textiles will perfectly complement the rich classic interior, and will also add a special charm to even the simplest and most modest kitchen.

The French curtain is an interior element that attracts attention.

The only drawback of French curtains is that you will have to use a lot of fabric to sew them in order to create a lush and spectacular drapery. In addition, washing and ironing such curtains will also require some effort.

Caring for French curtains is not easy, but it is worth it.

Advice! To make it easier to care for French curtains, it is recommended to use material with the addition of synthetic fibers rather than natural fabric when sewing them. This fabric will not need to be ironed after washing, as it will not wrinkle.

The main types of French curtains

There are the most different types French curtains If you wish and have some imagination, you can even develop own version such curtains. French curtains may differ from each other in the following ways: .

  • Length- curtains can be either long or short. However, when decorating a kitchen, the option of window sill-length curtains is most often chosen, as it is more practical. Long curtains can be used to decorate a spacious kitchen-living room with large panoramic windows.
  • Types of festoons (shuffles)- they are formed using a special braid, which is used when sewing curtains. Festoons can be light or dense, depending on the strength of the tie.
  • Mechanism- French curtains can be either lifting or static. Lifting structures are equipped with a special mechanism with which you can adjust the length of the curtains. Static French curtains act as tulle; they are simply attached to the cornice, completely covering the width of the window. Additional mechanisms for such structures are not required.

French curtains can be easily combined with other types of curtains.

Many people confuse French curtains with Austrian ones. They do have similar features, however, the Austrian type models are equipped with scallops at the very bottom, while French curtains consist entirely of flounces.

This is what Austrian curtains look like with scallops at the very bottom.

Choosing fabric and colors for French curtains

French curtains for the kitchen can be of any length, but the most practical option is a model of curtains up to the window sill. Luxurious floor-length drapery is used much less frequently when arranging a kitchen.

Optimal length for French curtains in the kitchen

As for the choice of textiles, there are no special restrictions. You can safely choose the most air material, or dense textured textiles. The difference will be in the shape of the folds - the denser and heavier the fabric, the more clearly the scallops are defined.

Soft thin fabrics always fall in smooth “waves”, and with the help of light fabrics you can form lush, practically weightless “clouds”. When making French curtains, the most popular are translucent fabrics such as muslin, organza, silk, chiffon, cambric, polyester and tulle. As for opaque fabrics, French curtains made of cotton, satin, jacquard and linen are particularly successful.

The fabric material must be consistent with general style kitchens.

Regarding colors, there can be many options - French curtains can have any shade, but many people prefer light ones neutral tones: white, beige, milky, pastel.

Curtains in light colors- neutral and suitable for anyone kitchen set.

Fabrics with colorful patterns are used extremely rarely, and this is due to the design of the curtains - when raising a French curtain, the beauty of any pattern will simply be lost in folds and flounces. However, if you still have a great desire to liven up the interior of your kitchen a little with the help of a colorful print, then you should use fabrics in light shades, with a repeating colorful pattern - these could be flowers, checks or peas.

It is better if the pattern on the curtain is not large

Advice! To make the design of French curtains more interesting and “rich,” you can use glass beads, fringe, gilded threads, bright borders and other decorative elements to decorate the lower edge.

What style of kitchen interior do French curtains harmonize with?

French curtains these days look far less pompous than their distant predecessors several centuries ago. However, they still retained their most basic features, such as tenderness, lightness, softness and refined aristocracy.

If the headset complex configuration, then it is better to choose a curtain without a large number of decorative elements.

In order for a kitchen decorated with French curtains to look organic and elegant, you should choose the appropriate environment, which must contain the basic elements of classical styles. Such curtains will fit perfectly into a shabby chic interior; they will also harmonize with the Provence style.

A French curtain will add romance to such interior styles

But best of all, French curtains fit into a traditional classic interior with all its inherent attributes: wooden facades furniture, carved table and chair legs, crystal chandeliers and sconces, light shades in furniture upholstery, gilded patterns and stone countertops.

However, to create perfect interior kitchens with French curtains, it is not at all necessary to use all of the above elements - just add two or three of them to the design.

The strict tenderness of the classics.

Such curtains will perfectly complement and highlight the interiors of kitchens made in the Rococo, Empire, Renaissance, and eclectic styles.

French curtains go well with opaque floor-length curtains.

If desired, they can be combined even with such democratic and modern styles as country, English and Mediterranean style.

A convenient mechanism makes it easy to raise and lower the curtains as needed.

Advice! When choosing French curtains for your kitchen, you need to take care of good ventilation of the entire room. If this is not done, various fumes will constantly accumulate in the numerous frills of the curtains, which cannot be avoided during cooking, and then the curtain will lose its attractiveness.

How to choose the right French curtains for the kitchen

French curtains look very luxurious and presentable, but such models are not universal. Not every one modern kitchen can be decorated with similar curtains. Choosing the most suitable option, there are some important factors to consider.

The color of the curtain depends on many factors: the color of the furniture, the color of the walls, lighting, the mood of the owner of the kitchen

The first thing you should pay attention to is the style of the interior; it should be traditional and not ultra-modern. French curtains are completely unsuitable for kitchens designed in minimalist, high-tech, and ethno-style styles.

The French curtain consists entirely of curved lines that do not fit into the concept of strict and clear lines of the high-tech style.

The shade of the curtains is also important - if the kitchen is small, it should be as light as possible. In this case, the fabric should be light and translucent. You should not buy too expensive natural fabrics for sewing curtains, which will not look entirely appropriate in the kitchen.

French curtains will help place accents in the room, make it much cozier and more comfortable, and protect it from sunlight. Window openings decorated with such curtains look chic and luxurious.

What is this?

Fabric sheets decorated with many folds, which are located along the entire length of the product and remain on it, both in the raised and lowered position. At the bottom of the curtains, cords pass through the loops, which, when pulled together, form scallops.

Types of curtains

There are main types of French curtains.


The most common type. The canvases rise to the top, forming waves and lush voluminous folds.


They close the window constantly, are in a static position, do not move to the side and do not rise up.

Curtain sizes

French curtains are divided into two types of sizes.


A classic and quite popular design option. They will become great solution For spacious room. Beautifully draped fabrics add special softness and sophistication to the space.

The photo shows a living room and long French curtains on the windows.


Select based on design features rooms, for example, when there is a sofa near the window, the window sill turns into a tabletop, or the room itself is simply too small. It is in these cases that elegant and comfortable short models are used.


Awnings are made from well-draped materials in order to fully reveal their aesthetic capabilities.


Linen curtains look great, are pleasant to the touch, easily withstand numerous washes and do not lose their original presentable appearance for a long time.


A material with a unique depth of color. It is covered with dense pile, which has an elegant play of chiaroscuro.


It will add tenderness and airiness to any room and will become a magnificent window decoration. The veil looks great either on its own or in combination with thicker or lighter fabrics.


Shiny durable and soft. It has the ability to be painted in various shades. Silk awnings shimmer very beautifully in the light.


Organza products will be made the interior is light and refined, will highlight any style and charm with its elegance.

Satin fabric

Very dense, beautifully draping fabric with a flawlessly smooth surface. Satin awnings give a radiant shine that occurs due to the reflection of light.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

This type of curtain will be the secret of real attractiveness.

French curtains in the kitchen

It would look appropriate here like short curtains up to the windowsill, and long options. Awnings, with their lush and luxurious folds, will perfectly complement any kitchen interior and add charm, wealth and pomp to it.

The photo shows short French curtains in the kitchen interior.


Awnings will become an original, characteristic decoration and set the tone for the entire room. However, from a practicality point of view, French curtains are not the best option for decorating a children's room, since due to the large number of folds they collect a lot of dust.

Living room or hall

They bring a touch of romance and sophistication to this room. Today, French curtains are used to decorate both elaborate and simple interiors living rooms.


Such curtains will add chic, prestige and solidity to the bedroom. With their lyrical and delicate design, they create a special atmosphere and emphasize good taste.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom and the window opening with French curtains.


French curtains will be an excellent decor for large balconies and loggias. They will fill the space with warmth and comfort, and turn the room into a romantic nest for a pleasant pastime.


It is better to use curtains without accessories, made of transparent fabrics in calm, classic colors.

On the stairs

Awnings are perfect for decoration high window, and it doesn’t matter at all what material they are made from. Both curtains made of heavy satin and airy veil will look great. Such products will give the window opening even more chic and shine.

Examples of design in various styles

Awnings will add exclusivity to the interior a certain style picturesque image.


French curtains are the embodiment of classics. Graceful flowing accordion draperies will fit perfectly into the interior in this style and add celebration, style, sophistication, elegance and splendor to it.

The photo shows the bathroom in classic style with French curtains on the window.


Elegant design of French curtains, goes well with simple and laconic interior Provence.

The photo shows white awning curtains in a Provence style living room.


Awnings will especially emphasize freedom of style and create real comfort and add soft diffused lighting to the entire room.

The photo shows the dining room in modern style and a window opening with French curtains.


To decorate this solemn and pompous style, long French curtains are suitable. They are especially in harmony and are associated with the luxury and elegance of palaces.

Color palette

French curtains have a fairly rich range of colors.


Is a symbol of purity, harmony, peace and inner world. A window decorated with white curtains will create a feeling of airiness and softness and give the room a special lightness, weightlessness and tenderness.


A bright and emotional color associated with energy and strength. French red curtains will simply be impossible not to notice in the interior. They will attract attention and become a great accent in the room.


Curtains of this color are suitable for decorating any room. Light passing through beige curtains, warms up, making the room more comfortable and pleasant.

The photo shows beige curtains in the kitchen interior.


A gentle shade of dawn, freshness, charm, romance and love. Awnings Pink colour will become quite original solution and add charisma to the interior.


Sensual, mysterious and deep color. The presence of purple decor on the windows in the room stimulates inspiration and creative thinking.

The photo shows French curtains purple in the kitchen interior.


Creates a fresh atmosphere in the room. A wide selection of shades makes it possible to choose a product for any style and type of room.

Awning curtain design

A well-chosen design will make the window in each room original and interesting.

Flowers and vegetation

They will give you comfort and joy. Colorful floral awnings will set the interior a special mood, make the atmosphere more playful and fill the room with energy.


Such an ornament on curtains will easily satisfy even the most refined taste. After all, with its help you can turn an ordinary room into a real royal apartment.

Options for attaching to the cornice

There are several options for attaching French curtains:

  • Velcro;
  • braid or curtain tape;
  • loops.

Combination with other types of curtains

Awnings can also be perfectly combined with other types of curtains.


This combination will create a harmonious and stylish look in room. In company with exquisite French curtains, they are suitable as smooth and light curtains with classic design, as well as more laconic options, sewn from denser fabric, such as blackout.

The photo shows the living room and awning curtains in combination with drapes.

Roller blinds

They fit perfectly together. Roller blinds give the window design a modern touch, while awnings add pomp and significance.

Decorating curtains

A well-decorated window opening will add a bright accent to any interior.


Soft, beautifully draped fabrics are especially suitable for each other, thereby creating an original window image.


With their help, you can achieve visual highlighting of the curtain structure and give it an even more beautiful and elegant look.


It looks playful and light and gives the beautiful awnings a special charm.

Bugle beads

Reminds me gems. Using glass beads you can create a truly sophisticated look for curtains.

Examples of non-standard windows

When decorating such window openings, you should not adhere to certain standards and do not be afraid to add something individual to their decor.

Bay window

They will highlight the design and help highlight it. To decorate bay windows, you should choose French curtains in light shades, made of light fabrics.

The photo shows bay windows decorated with French curtains.

Window with balcony door

Elegant awnings, thanks to their drapery, easily emphasize the aesthetics of a window with a balcony door.


For an arched window, both short and long versions of curtains placed on the eaves in a semicircle are suitable. Such decor will attract attention and help to correctly highlight the unusually shaped window opening.

Photo gallery

French curtains, with their grace and elegance, add luxury and pomp to any room and create an atmosphere of chic that will not leave anyone indifferent.