Fanta for couples tasks. Comic tasks for guests at the table - forfeits for an anniversary


One of the good ways to entertain guests gathered for a celebration is a game familiar to almost every person called forfeits. Its meaning is for the player who received the forfeit to complete some fun task. To ensure everything goes smoothly and without problems, preparations should be done in advance.

Rules for playing forfeits

Every person's imagination is developed differently. There are people with a peculiar sense of humor who do not have a sense of tact, so forfeits should be invented taking into account the character of all the guests present at the event. In addition, the age of the participants must be taken into account. Children's tasks for adult party will be inappropriate, just like youth forfeits for older people or married couples. When preparing, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The tasks should not be difficult to complete. For example, you should not force a physically weak or elderly person to lift weights or do the splits.
  2. It’s best if forfeits activate their talents and Creative skills guests.
  3. Should be excluded vulgar tasks so that the person subsequently does not feel ashamed of his behavior and can happily share pleasant memories of the evening with loved ones.
  4. When creating competitions, it is important to avoid pain points the assembled guests, trying not to focus attention on physical disabilities and personal relationships.
  5. It is recommended to exclude options when it is necessary to spend a large number of time. Otherwise, the rest of the guests will be bored for too long.
  6. It is not advisable to test the health of those gathered by offering, for example, to drink a glass of alcohol in one gulp, eat several servings of salad in 5 minutes, or swallow a spoonful of mustard. Such a sight is not very pleasant for others, and the person may become so ill that he will have to call an ambulance.

Types of forfeits

There are several types of forfeits for fun company adults at the table.

With cards

This interesting game can lift the spirits of all participants in the celebration. Options must be written in advance on cards that are placed in a box, on a tray or in a large hat. Then each player, in turn and without looking, takes out one of the cards, completing the corresponding task.

By lot

First of all, the action that one of the players will need to perform is formulated, after which the participant is determined by drawing lots. For example, you can arrange chairs in a circle, the number of which is 1 less than the total number of players. Then the guests walk around the chairs, trying to command or turn off musical accompaniment take the place of. The one who remains standing will have to complete the task.

You can light a match and pass it around. The choice falls on the player in whose hands the light will go out. If the company is large enough, then it’s a good idea to use playing cards, appointing as executor, for example, the one who fell queen of spades or another planned card.

With the host

IN classic version In this game, each participant gives the presenter his own item (watch, phone, jewelry). Everything is put into a common bag, then the host turns away, and the guests one by one begin to take out things, asking: “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns a separate task to each phantom. Until his condition is met, the item is not returned to the owner.

Examples of tasks for forfeits

Options may vary depending on the event.

For the New Year

There are many funny and cool ideas for the New Year's holiday:

  • lay out a Christmas tree from tangerine or orange slices;
  • dial an unknown number on the phone and congratulate the person who answered the phone on the holiday;
  • sing a song about the New Year with your chosen partner;
  • land on balloon so that it bursts;
  • perform an enchanting dance with lit sparklers until they completely burn out;
  • pronounce silently with just your lips any word or proverb so that those gathered understand what is being said;
  • depict a deer carrying Santa Claus with gifts for all guests;
  • peel an orange or apple with one strip so that the peel does not break;
  • sing a song with a Caucasian accent;
  • depict a sculpture.

For birthdays and anniversaries

It is not difficult to come up with many funny challenges for birthdays and anniversaries, for example:

  • gallop up to the hero of the day on one leg and, shaking his hand, gallop back;
  • make a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion, in which the word “name day” appears 10 times;
  • kiss the spouse of the hero of the day, declaring his/her love;
  • drink wine with the birthday boy for brotherhood and treat him to a snack;
  • approach each guest and shake their feet with the phrase: “It’s a pleasure, king!”;
  • do unusual photo hero of the day, choosing an interesting composition.

Fanta with family

In the circle of family and friends, you can behave more relaxed, fulfilling the conditions that public place will be unacceptable:

  • depict a cat, pig, horse or other animal;
  • instead of words, sing a song that includes crowing, grunting, barking or meowing sounds;
  • show with pantomime an activity that the rest of the family likes to do in their free time;
  • congratulate everyone on the holiday by filling your mouth with food;
  • try to bite your elbow;
  • Loop the milk poured out of the saucer with your tongue.

For a bachelorette party

Before the upcoming wedding, the girl needs to relax a little, so it’s a good idea to come up with challenges that will distract the bride from the upcoming event:

  • take an autograph from the first man you meet;
  • ask for a phone number from 3 passers-by;
  • exchange a souvenir or small personal item with a young stranger;
  • take a photo with several men in ties;
  • collect wishes for your future husband from all the guests gathered at the bachelorette party.

For a bachelor party

It wouldn't hurt for the groom to have some fun before the wedding:

  • hug all the gathered guests in turn, declaring your love to each;
  • drink the contents of the glass of the neighbor sitting on the right, having a bite from the plate of the guest located on the left side;
  • pass the rope through the clothes of everyone sitting at the table and tie the ends into a knot;
  • pour the contents of one glass into another using a straw within 5 minutes;
  • draw on your forehead with a pen, without looking in the mirror, an image of an insect, bird or animal;
  • blindfolded, recognize the approaching person by touch.

For a wedding

This special event should remain in memory for a lifetime, so it is important to try to amuse the guests by coming up with interesting and unusual forfeits:

  • shout loudly three times “People, I love you!”, addressing all guests;
  • draw a mustache and do not erase it until the end of the celebration;
  • walk on all fours or in your arms (with support) to the bride and groom, wishing the young people well-being and happiness in their personal lives;
  • take a photo by gathering all the guests and putting them in unusual poses;
  • dance a lezginka or other fiery dance;
  • make a wedding toast while pretending to be drunk.

In verse

Phrases spoken in poetry attract special attention:

  • in poetry it’s a good idea to propose marriage to your beloved girl;
  • recite a poem with 2 candies behind your cheeks;
  • ask your neighbor for salt and sugar, making up a rhyming phrase.

There are also ready-made tasks in the verses that the presenter offers to the participants:

  1. Your fan is the coolest, coolest, luckiest. Sing a song so that the clouds cry.
  2. Don't be shy, don't pamper, kiss everyone!
  3. You're an athlete? So make us happy, jump up 15 times!
  4. There is no need to be careful: the “Cha-cha-cha” dance is fashionable. Dance until you drop, but don’t collapse in the heat of the moment.

Humorous forfeits

There are many ideas to make sure your guests have fun all evening:

  • take 3 raw eggs and try to juggle them;
  • fall sharply to your knees and repent of non-existent sins, for example, how you accidentally ate someone else’s mustache;
  • run around the house, imagining yourself as an airplane and making a characteristic sound;
  • portray a prisoner who, in solitary confinement, dances in a circle;
  • within the hour, remind guests that another 5 minutes have passed;
  • Peel and eat a banana without using your hands;
  • go out to the store in your pajamas and ask for some salt.

Erotic forfeits

Such playful forfeits can be used in the company of close friends who are not shy about discussing intimate topics:

  • the participant in the game talks about his first sexual experience, his feelings, which he sets out in detail, that is, whether he was scared or, conversely, inspired;
  • the girl gets up from the table and makes flirtatious movements with her butt, allowing all participants to stroke or pat her, who should compliment her at the same time;
  • a young man portrays a stripper or demonstrates unusual poses, attracting other players for greater visibility;
  • the girl talks about her sexual fantasies, and in gratitude for this, the partner tenderly kisses her companion.

Any participant can show their imagination and independently come up with challenges for their friends, relatives and acquaintances. Playing forfeits will help cheer up those gathered and make the holiday memorable.

Forfeits with jokes are one of the the best entertainment to celebrate New Year 2019.

Both friends and colleagues can perform various funny and amusing tasks. You can also organize a game of forfeits in a close family circle. The main thing is to choose in advance interesting tasks, the implementation of which will lift everyone's spirits.

Playing forfeits is exciting entertainment. It is advisable to prepare for it in advance. You can write tasks on cardboard cards or small pieces of paper, and then put them in a large box, jar or other container. During the game, invite each guest to pull out a card. Forfeits should be fun and funny, but safe. They should not contain tasks that may offend a person or are physically impossible.

Funny forfeits for friends

If you are preparing a New Year's party, take care not only of the festive menu, but also of entertainment. Forfeits prepared for friends will help make the New Year 2019 celebration fun and memorable.

  • Eat sliced ​​fruit from a plate with your eyes closed, and you cannot use your hands.
  • Say 20 within a minute famous writers. These can be both poets and prose writers.
  • Invite a girl/boy to dance. You need to dance on an A4 piece of paper. You can't leave the leaf.
  • Make one of your guests laugh in 2 minutes. The person performing the forfeit can choose the “victim” himself.
  • Draw a pig with your eyes closed, because this is the symbol of 2019.
  • Depict a pig using gestures, facial expressions and sounds.
  • Portray a famous artist, and those present must guess who it is.

  • Name 10 songs on a New Year theme.
  • Remove the candy from the saucer into which the sour cream is poured, without using your hands.
  • Eat an apple or pear without using your hands. To complicate the task, the fruit should be tied with a rope.
  • Quickly inflate the balloon and sit on it until it bursts.
  • Drink a glass of champagne without hands.
  • Dance with a glass filled to the top with water.
  • Draw a self-portrait. To make it funnier, the person performing the task can be blindfolded.
  • Sing a song about a Christmas tree with a Caucasian accent.
  • Draw all the animals from eastern calendar: Pig, Rooster, Horse, Snake, Dog, Rabbit, Dragon, Sheep, Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rat. You can divide this task into several forfeits, for example, 3 or 4 animals in each card.
  • Draw a Christmas tree, but the pen or felt-tip pen should be held not with your hands, but with your teeth.
  • Predict the future for three guests.
  • Dance the dance of the little swans. A person can choose his own dance partners.
  • Sing a children's New Year's song, for example, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” or “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” while holding your nose with your hands.
  • Make a New Year's toast like a robot or a foreigner.

Be sure to make a forfeit called “Transition of the Turn.” It means that you are freed from completing the task and pass the move to the next guest. To prevent the task from seeming too simple, you need to come up with a forfeit for the next participant. He must be funny. To prevent guests from refusing to complete the task, come up with a penalty for refusal, for example, drinking a glass of champagne.

Merry forfeits for the New Year 2019

Show Santa Claus on the beach (crocodile)
Show Snow Maiden on a date (crocodile)
Portray a cat that is very afraid but still curious. (crocodile)
Show a devoted dog, fulfill the whims of some girl throughout the evening
Show others your wedding night (crocodile)
Today you are Boris Moiseev (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Alla Pugacheva (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Marilyn Monroe (don't tell anyone)
Today you are Superman (don't tell anyone)
Today you are the Terminator. (do not tell anybody)
Today you are Renata Litvinova (don't tell anyone)
Make a tattoo (with a marker) for everyone, what kind, what size and where the guests will tell you.
Start dancing the Lambada and involve everyone in the snake.
Jump on one leg and grunt at the same time.
Stand in front of the mirror and sincerely, convincingly congratulate yourself on the New Year, be sure to wish yourself something special;
Portray a tipsy Santa Claus who is trying to do something. For example, take a gift out of your New Year's bag or open the door;
Depict a child who did not receive a gift at the New Year's party;
Read a nursery rhyme or sing a children's song dedicated to the New Year;
Eat New Year's candy without hands or drink a glass of champagne;
Tell us about the most memorable New Year's party. Tell what poem you read in front of Santa Claus and whose costume he was wearing;
Draw your own New Year's self-portrait;
Sing a song about a Christmas tree, but be sure to use some unusual accent. For example, a Caucasian accent.
Take a sheet of paper and draw the oriental symbol of 2019, a pig. The task may seem simple to you, but you need to draw with your eyes closed.
Jump around the Christmas tree or just in a circle twice on one leg. At the same time, tell some serious, almost tragic story.
Draw a portrait of any guest with your left hand.
Give five compliments to each girl in the room. These should be actual compliments about how good and beautiful the girl is.
You need to write cheerful New Year wishes with your left hand for everyone present.
A very interesting forfeit for the New Year 2019 for a corporate party with jokes: you need to quickly ask them to tell you what day of the week January 1, 2019 falls on. You can also ask for a quick answer to the question of when to go to work on the first day of work in 2019.
Without words, depict the chimes so that all guests agree that it turned out well and really looks like the chimes.
Come up with ten compliments for the lady of the house. These should be such compliments that the owner of the house will be proud of his wife, and not become jealous of her.
Tie a pencil on a long ribbon to your belt and you need to get into the neck empty bottle from under the champagne with this pencil. Of course, do everything hands-free.
Without hands, eat any fruit that is on the table.
Make your own signature New Year's cocktail from the drinks available on the table. It should be a delicious cocktail that is pleasant to drink and you want to repeat the recipe.
From balloons make a cute snowman.
Tie a rain bow around the waist of any girl.
Take sparklers and dance with them.
Read three different tongue twisters in one minute.
Depict a deer taking Santa Claus to the children in New Year's Eve.
Close your eyes and try to remember what toys hang on the New Year tree: their color, shape.
Dial any three numbers at random and congratulate subscribers on the New Year 2019.
Drink a glass of juice through a straw. This must be done in ten seconds. Start each new glass again if you couldn’t drink the previous one in ten seconds.
Choose a partner and sing a song with him: “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”
Sit on a balloon to make it pop;
Say five sentences that begin with the words: “I want in the new year 2018”;
Be sure to tell a funny New Year's joke;
Tell us about your biggest drawback and how the person plans to deal with it in the new year and whether he plans to do so at all. If not, why not?
Using pantomime, talk about some event so that those present understand it;
Remove the candy from the saucer with flour without using your hands. Instead of flour, you can pour sour cream into a saucer;
Crawl under the festive table;
Take a glass in your hands with water poured to the brim. Dance the cancan with a glass;
Shout from the balcony: “People, Happy New Year! I love you!";
Eat an apple suspended on a rope without using your hands. Or eat a peeled banana without your hands. Place the banana on a plate. You can also put the apple in a bowl of water;
Drink wine or champagne from a saucer without using your hands;
Draw a mirror. That is, anyone can look in the mirror, and the phantom must repeat the person’s facial expressions and movements;
Make a delicious cocktail from the drinks that are on the table;
Quickly pronounce any tongue twister without getting lost;
Play a fortune teller and predict some events in the new year for the neighbor on the right;
Dial a random number and wish the person on the other end a Happy New Year;
Portray an athlete so that other players can guess the sport;
Hold a felt-tip pen in your teeth and draw a Pig, the symbol of 2019, or any other animal;
Become a host and hold any competition with the players;
Imagine working as a journalist and you just need to turn your personal or professional life neighbor on the left;
Play some New Year's melody with your finger on your lip. Other participants must guess what melody was played;
For one minute, sit with an offended face, other participants in the game must try by all means to make the phantom laugh;
The presenter reads some New Year's poem, and the phantom must act as a sign language interpreter. By the way, forfeits are on New Year in poetry and related to poetry - an interesting and fun option for developing the game;
Two eggs are given, it is said that one of them is raw and the second is boiled (to avoid trouble, let two eggs be boiled). Now you need to choose one egg and break it on your forehead;
With the help of friends who will be your “paint actors” you need to paint a picture famous artist, for example, “Three Heroes,” if you want a picture “with a little spice,” you can try to depict the scenes of “Sodom and Gomorrah.”
In a minute you must persuade New Year's table at least three girls and perform a “Cancan” dance on them for 20 seconds.
Go out onto the balcony and ask passersby what century, year and date it is today.
Depict the animal during molting, how it loses its fur, and how it reacts.
It is necessary to show a male lion during the hunt for some weak, but very fast animal and “eat” him.
You need to show a male gorilla in the period of maturation with all the ensuing consequences. For example, how he looks at females, how he feels, etc.
Show Adriano Celentano's guests trampling grapes in the film "The Grumpy", only to find manure under their feet instead of grapes.
The dacha season will not come soon, but the images of ardent fans of this business are so vivid that they remain in the memory for a long time. Portray the summer resident himself, let other guests guess what you are planting.
In one or two minutes you need to compose a poem, stand on a stool and tell everyone loudly and with expression.
Raise any woman in your arms. (Of course, you should choose a woman who is light and thin).
Organize a choir that will sing the chorus of the Russian folk song “Kalinka” (Kalinka-kalinka-kalinka is mine, in the garden there is a raspberry-raspberry berry...) and the one who pulled out the New Year’s phantom must perform a squat dance.
In a minute, remember 10 songs about the New Year.
“Fairy Tale” Organize a fairy tale “Turnip” from those around you. To make it more interesting, prepare costumes in advance; for more laughter, you can mark the roles of men and women.
“Gypsy” You need to dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the whole honest company.
“Celebrity” Enter the image of a celebrity three times and show the guests, who must guess who exactly you “created”.
You must choose one or a group of people silently, without saying a word, to create a sculpture out of them that will be recognizable. For example, Peter I on horseback.
“Toastmaster” You are destined to be the toastmaster for the whole evening New Year's holiday, play a couple of games, make toasts. You can only buy off if someone at the table can voluntarily take on this role.
Grab the first one you come across with the words “Let’s dance!?” and dance a waltz with him.
Parody the laughter of everyone who laughs only louder, continue for an hour.
Pretend to be a secretary bird and try not to laugh.
Within half an hour, respond to any phrase from those present - “Wow!”
Approach a guy or girl and seductively say “All incoming calls are free”
Act out any scene from the cartoon “Prostokvashino” (or any other famous cartoon). You can take several assistants.
Write the name of the girl who is sitting to your left with your butt in the air. Allowed to jump, squat, wag tail
You have a difficult task ahead of you, you need to: Depict how a chicken lays an egg.
You are the nanny of all the children in the nursery, you must fulfill their every whim.

Fanta for a cheerful company is a great way to entertain every guest on New Year's Eve 2019. If you see that the game has become boring, then come up with forfeits that go beyond the boundaries of your apartment. Go out to the store to buy bread in your pajamas, hug a passerby and congratulate him on the New Year. The tasks of New Year's forfeits can be completely different, just remember that they should be kind and not offend the feelings of guests or people around them.

Fanta for the street

If you are tired of sitting at the table and decide to go with the whole company to the Christmas tree, to the park or to the central square, you can play forfeits on the street. Here are some suitable tasks.

  • Sing a children's New Year's song near the Christmas tree or in another crowded place so as to attract the attention of those in the crowd.
  • Pretend to be poor and ask for alms from people passing by.
  • Organize a round dance around the Christmas tree or in a crowded square. For musical accompaniment you need to sing a New Year's song.
  • Drink with three passers-by at Brudershaft. You should take a bottle of champagne and disposable cups with you from home.
  • Interview 5 passers-by. You need to ask questions about plans for the future, upcoming prospects, personal life.
  • Draw a pig and walk around the tree three times.
  • Make a snowman in 5 minutes. If the weather is not pleasant with snow, the task can be complicated - make a snowman or a Christmas tree from improvised materials.
  • Slide down a slide alone, with a stranger or a stranger.

Fanta for colleagues

Funny forfeits can also be used for corporate parties for the New Year 2019. If you want the holiday to be a success and to be remembered for a long time, write down fun tasks on cards or pieces of paper in advance.

  • Draw a portrait of the boss. To make it funny, you need to be blindfolded.
  • Portray one of your employees, and your colleagues must guess who you are portraying.
  • Promise one of your colleagues to help with work. It's better to do this in a humorous manner.
  • Cut out snowflakes from napkins and decorate one of the employees with them, imagining that he is a Christmas tree. You can use other materials at hand for decoration.
  • Choose epithets for each employee.
  • Confess to your boss about your misconduct: being late, not submitting a report, etc.
  • Name your colleagues' shortcomings in a joking manner.
  • You need to sing the tune of your favorite song like “oink-oink”, and those present must guess what kind of song it is.
  • Ask each employee for something, and then put it on yourself.
  • Hug all your colleagues one by one.
  • Within a minute, come up with a wish for each employee. If the team is large, the time can be increased slightly.
  • Be a mirror. You need to repeat the movements of the person standing opposite.

  • Tell a New Year's poem. And to make it funnier, you need to stand on a chair, like in kindergarten.
  • Congratulate yourself on the New Year and wish you all the best while looking in the mirror.
  • Portray a drunken Santa Claus. It is advisable that he tries to do something, for example, get a gift out of the bag, but he just can’t do it.
  • Drink any alcoholic drink from a saucer. You cannot use your hands.
  • Using only one hand, fold a sheet of paper 4 times, and then write a congratulation on it for the team.
  • A portrait of fame must be attached to the back of the person who pulled out the forfeit. A person approaches his colleagues one by one and asks leading questions that will help guess the identity, and the employees must answer only “Yes” or “No.” Questions can be of a different nature, for example, “Is this a woman?”, “Is this an actress?”, “Is she blonde?” and etc.
  • Act out a scene from a famous cartoon or fairy tale.
  • Say a few tongue twisters. Their text should be put on a card or the guest should be invited to say tongue twisters known to him.
  • Sing the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden” with one of your colleagues.
  • Give your boss a massage. This could be the boss or the head of the department. Gender doesn't matter.

  • Guess which employee is standing. To complete this task, the person must be blindfolded. He must guess by touch who is standing in front of him.
  • Make a toast with an Estonian accent.
  • Place grapes or nuts on your cheeks and sing any New Year's song.
  • Draw a Snowman blindfolded.
  • Draw one of the employees with your eyes closed, and those present must guess who it is.
  • Read New Year's or winter poem as if you are falling asleep.
  • Draw the Snow Maiden or Father Frost, while holding the pen between your palms.

Select the forfeits you like and create good mood friends, guests and colleagues. It will take a little time to prepare, but everyone present at the festival will be able to have a lot of fun. A positive charge and loud laughter are guaranteed.

New Year's forfeits from Ilya Noskov: video

When there is a holiday or some significant event, such as an anniversary, many guests always gather. There are toasts accompanied by the clink of glasses, congratulations to the hero of the occasion, and, of course, a lot of jokes. How can we do without humor at the holiday table?

But to make the fun even more interesting, we suggest using comic tasks for guests at the table, or as they are also called, forfeits. You don’t need to rack your brains and come up with tasks for your guests - use ready-made solution, already compiled comic tasks that are perfectly suited for such fun events.

1. Let's do it, get a prize

For this competition you need a rope, scissors and some candies. On candy, or rather on inside candy written task and prize for completing this task. The guests are blindfolded one by one and they cut off the candy. Having unwrapped the candy, they read the task and complete it, and after completing it, they receive the prize that is written there. For example, have a drink with the celebrant at the brooder party and give the celebrant a snack. Or, kiss the husband of the hero of the day and say how much he loves his wife.

2. Goldfish

Friends! Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of catching a goldfish so that it would fulfill three cherished wishes. And now I offer you this unique opportunity. (The host goes around the guests with a bag containing fish cut out of cardboard. One of them is gold, and offers to choose any of them without looking into the bag. The owner of the “goldfish” has the right to voice three of his wishes and choose them among the cards proposed by the presenter. But before that, he names any “performer” among the guests.) Examples of desires:

I would like now to make a toast in honor of the hero of the day, in which the three words “anniversary” would appear.
I want any item on the table to be presented to the birthday person as a memorable gift with meaning.
I want your neighbors on the right and left to recite a children's poem in chorus.
I want you to shake hands with the hero of the day and jump on one leg to your place.
I want you to sing the tune of a familiar song to the guests, and they guess its name.

3. "Fanta"

Each participant must put one small thing in the box (keychain, pen, hairpin, etc.). This will be called a phantom. The birthday boy turns his back to the presenter, who randomly takes items out of the box and asks: “What is the task for this phantom?” The hero of the occasion must come up with a comic task for everyone, for example, to sing, tell a story, dance, etc. After the box with forfeits is empty, they move on to completing tasks.

4. Variants of the game “Fanta”

The point of the game is to fulfill the so-called tasks for forfeits - the wishes of other players. Moreover, at the beginning of the game, no one knows what wish he will receive. In order for the game to be fun and varied, it is better not to invent simple tasks. Each forfeit must be exclusive; performing a forfeit must require effort or courage from the player. When organizing long holidays, the program can be diversified with “penalty forfeits” - participants in other games who are unlucky draw cards with tasks and fulfill the wishes of the guests. There are several varieties of the game:

Forfeits with the presenter. In the classic form of this game, each player takes off one item (watch, earring, mobile phone) and puts it in a common bag. The presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking things out of the bag with the words “What should this phantom do?” The presenter assigns each phantom his own task. In the classic version, deposits are not returned to owners until they complete the task.

Forfeits with cards. Each player writes his wish on a piece of paper or cardboard card, after which the cards are shuffled. Next, either the players themselves draw out their phantom tasks, or the presenter distributes cards.

Forfeits with a match. Players sit in a circle, light a match and pass it around the circle. Whoever's match goes out will fulfill the players' common wish.

5. Tasks for forfeits

Draw a mustache and walk like this until the end.
Run around the building while pretending to be an airplane with the sound of vzhzhzh.
Go out to the store in your pajamas and ask for matches and salt for your soup.
Pretend to be drunk, accost a passerby and naturally faint.
Walk in your arms (you can support your legs) to the nearest couple in love and wish them happiness.
Yell from the balcony 10 times “People! I love you"
Open and eat a banana without using your hands
Fall to your knees and repent of the 3 most significant sins of this year
Say “Oh, how beautiful I am!” 10 times in different tones, looking in the mirror and not laughing
Draw a pig in a pigsty
Perform the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born” by flicking your finger on your cheek or shuffling your soles on the floor
Sing a children's song while holding 3 matches in your teeth
Show the skit “a prisoner in solitary confinement dances in a round dance”
Portray a drunk stripper
Draw the selected animal
Portray an athlete so that the public can guess the sport
For mega-brains: Using a cup, thread, pencil and ruler, print the number “Pi” to the 15th digit.
Juggle 3 raw eggs. In case of failure, remove all consequences
For an hour, make sure that all glasses are filled to the brim (top up the necessary drinks in time)
Take an unusual group photo. Arrange participants, select surroundings
Become an airplane. Ride everyone on your shoulders
Drink a glass of wine through a pierced straw (if the straw is pierced 3-4 times with a toothpick, it will become almost impossible to drink from it)

6. Tasks for forfeits in verse

The hero of the day has traveled a wonderful path,
You can talk about this.
Come up with a title for your memoirs
Which he could write.

Not a complicated phantom, you should know
About this, don’t go to a fortune teller,
And now name five things,
Necessary for fishing

Now you must show
How flexible are you?
Your fantasy is to dance with a chair
Funny and erotic.

Perhaps this role is for you
A little unusual
Your fant - sing a ditty now
Of course, more decently

Your forfeit is quite simple at first glance,
But it will arouse general interest -
Tell us the height of the hero of the day,
And also guess its weight.

You are lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right leg,
And holding my left leg with my hand,
Raise a toast in honor of our hero of the day.

You must drink without reserve
A glass for the birthday girl,
I'll let everyone line up in order
And dance the cancan together

Your phantom is to become a conductor for a short time,
Quickly organize all the guests,
So that, by order of the hero of the day, in chorus
Sing all table songs.

Your forfeit: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone,
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Tell a poem!

As a sign of friendship and mutual respect
To your neighbor or neighbor,
Pour wine and loudly with expression,
Read everything that is on the label.

Your forfeit is successful, let’s say in secret -
Organize a model show,
And comment on the show at the same time,
And recruit fashion models from among the guests.

You need to compose a composition
From fruits on the table "He and She"
Add your own explanations to it
And announce who it’s dedicated to.

You should applaud
For the hero of the day, in her honor
Come up with a fax from the President
In her name and read it.

Such a responsibility, except for you,
No one else can do it.
Your forfeit - on behalf of the guests now
Say “Thank you” to the hostess of the celebration

Birthday forfeits for adults and children are a fun and interesting game. To conduct it, you definitely need a leader. He removes one item from each participant. It could be anything: a bracelet, a wallet, earrings, even a sock. The object must be small so that these forfeits can be folded into a small hat or some kind of vessel that looks like a hat. Fanta's game will become.

Now the presenter turns away, and the players take turns taking out forfeits. The presenter, without looking at what item was taken out, says what the owner of this item should do. According to the rules of the game, the item cannot be returned until the task is completed. And tasks, by the way, can be long-lasting. To make the game fun and eventful, tasks for forfeits must be thought up in advance. We offer a selection of such tasks.

Birthday forfeits for a cheerful group of adults at the table:
You need to draw a mustache on yourself using any material at hand and not wash it off during the evening;
You should move a penny with your nose so that it falls from the table into the glass placed for this purpose;
You need to imitate the sounds of a flying airplane and run around the house, pronouncing them loudly;
Each player must be given a paper medal. Moreover, the merits for which the medal is awarded must be real. For example, the kindest, the most hot-tempered, etc.
You need to put on your pajamas and walk in them to the nearest store, buy a pack of salt there. If passersby ask questions along the way, then you can only answer them: “That’s how it should be”;
You need to drink all the alcohol that is in the glasses on this moment;
Standing on your hands, of course, can be done with support. Then approach the loving couple at the table in this position and wish her happiness, good luck and all the best;
Show, without using language, what you do every day at work;
Go out onto the balcony or just lean out the window and shout ten times with all your might: “People, I love you very much”;
Pretend to be a foreigner for 15 minutes, be sure to make a toast in any other language;
Open and eat the banana without using your hands;
Go to your neighbors and bring them a glass of salt or a bucket of water;
Sincerely confess three of your sins from the past. You have to kneel;
Turn to the neighbor on your left and portray a scene as if he were to marry you;

In front of the mirror say ten times: “Oh, how good I am.” The phrase must be pronounced each time new way;
Drink a glass of any alcohol without using your hands;
For guests to depict a pig in a pigsty. At the same time, crawl on the floor and be sure to grunt;
Shouts to put out the candle. You cannot blow on a candle, you only need to use your voice or the power of thought;
Sing any children's song, and during pauses tap your stomach to the beat;
Show stripper. Then show a stripper who got drunk;
You can ask a person to show any animal. Most good options there is a penguin, a fur seal, a snake, a bear;
Take three eggs and juggle them. Of course, there is a high probability that the eggs will fall and break. So, you will need to clean up after yourself - this is also the task of this phantom;
Give each guest a compliment;
Say something nice about each guest;
Name three qualities of each guest that most appeal to the participant;
Feed each guest at the table from a spoon;
Give any of the guests a hand massage;
Take a hairdryer, comb and gel to give yourself an unusual hairstyle;
Predict the future for each guest. Not just like that, but pretend to be a real professional astrologer;
Reveal the secret of who you wanted to be as a child;
Just tell a joke, but make sure it makes the guests laugh;
The presenter selects three participants whom the owner of the forfeit must hug, kiss and shake hands with;
Draw a portrait of a neighbor on the left or right;
Confess your love to any girl, but do not use words;
Place a balloon between two forfeits. Make them hug so tightly that the balloon bursts;