DIY electric insect trap. Electronic insect trap. Simple traps for wasps and hornets from scrap materials

Summer has come, and for all of us the period of struggle with worst enemies- insects. Almost all insects are carriers of various diseases, and prevention of their control becomes simply necessary in summer period. In addition, if at least one mosquito or fly flies in the room at night, you can assume that you are guaranteed a sleepless night. The industry produces large quantities chemicals to combat small pests, but chemistry is chemistry, and it is naive to think that these drugs only act on insects. Commercially available thermal evaporation devices are quite expensive, and one can also doubt their harmlessness to people.

In the literature you can often find descriptions of devices that use the direct method of exposing insects to electric current. The operating principle of such devices is simple. If an insect touches electrodes to which high voltage is applied, it dies from an electrical discharge.

However, these schemes usually use the principle direct conversion mains voltage by multiplying it several times.

A voltage of more than 1000 V generated at the output of such a device is life-threatening if accidentally touched, so such devices require very careful handling.

The device, described below, is free from many of the disadvantages inherent in other designs due to the use of a low-power pulse converter.

Despite the fact that high voltage is applied to the electrodes - more than 2000 V, it does not pose a danger to life: if accidentally touched, only a rather noticeable, but not fatal, blow occurs electric shock.

Schematic diagram

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram generator to the insect trap.

A voltage converter is assembled on transistor VT1 according to a blocking generator circuit. At the output of the secondary winding, asymmetrical pulses with an amplitude of about 800 V are formed, which are supplied to a rectifier assembled on elements VD6...VD11, C4...C9 according to a voltage multiplier circuit. At outputs 1 and 2 there is a constant voltage of more than 2000 V, supplied to the trap wires.

Details and design

The device is powered from an industrial network adapter with an output voltage of 12 V or from any homemade source direct current for the same voltage.

Current consumption from the power source is 15...20 mA. The converter transformer is wound on a ferrite W-shaped core with an internal cross-section of 6x6 mm. Winding I contains 40 turns of PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.14 mm.

Winding II - 40 turns with the same wire. High-voltage winding III contains 1600 turns, wound with PEV-2 wire with a diameter of 0.12 mm,

Rice. 2. Insect trap design.

First you need to wind winding III and insulate it well, then wind windings I and II. The gap in the core should be 0.2...0.3 mm.

After assembly, the transformer must be filled with epoxy glue to avoid interturn breakdown of the high-voltage winding. If after the first turn on the converter does not start, it is necessary to swap the leads of one of windings I or II.

The trap itself is a rectangular frame (Fig. 2), assembled from scrap materials. Horizontal frames can be made from well-dried wooden planks with a cross-section of 10x10 mm.

It is better to make the vertical ribs of the frame from strips of plexiglass, polystyrene or other insulating material. On the side ribs at intervals of 4 mm, it is necessary to make notches with a needle file for winding the wire. Before winding, the insulation must be removed from the wire.

ATTENTION: the device must be placed at a height that prevents accidental contact.

Electric insect traps ( insecticidal lamps) Kill Pest (#1 Brand in Asia) Used to combat flying insects in industrial, warehouse, commercial, household and office premises, some models can also be used outdoors, for example, in picnic areas and on outdoors, they act on all types of flying insects, including flies, mosquitoes, midges, wasps, moths, moths and others. Easy to install and connect to 220 V, easy to operate, efficient and reliable. The company TD PromResurs offers to buy insecticidal mosquito traps Kill Pest for a comfortable life in nature and a summer home from insects.

Operating principle of electric insect traps

The light from the trap actively attracts mosquitoes, flies and other insects; the insects fly to the lamp, are shocked by an electric shock from the conductive mesh located in front of the trap lamp, and die. Thus, the principle on which it works this device, causes absolutely no harm environment, and at the same time is a modern and effective insect killer.

The effectiveness of traps has been proven from personal experience

Safety: UV lamp, used in devices, is absolutely harmless to humans and domestic animals and actively attracts flying insects. The outer shield protects the user from live parts. The insecticidal trap and high-voltage grid do not become dirty during operation and do not emit toxic substances or odors.

In the manufacture of traps for flying insects, aluminum and stainless steel, recommended for use in equipment for the food industry. The insect tray slides out from the front panel easily and effortlessly. This equipment meets the requirements of SanPiN for the food industry. The product is certified. Well tolerates the effects of active detergents disinfection.

Certificates for KILL PEST insecticidal lamps

Economical: Insect exterminator, electric fly swatter - can work around the clock 24 hours a day, connects to the usual 220 V electrical wiring of the building, while consuming very little electricity. By installing an electric trap, you will forever get rid of the insects that bother you! A light trap for flying insects will always help you out!

Kill Pest insecticidal light traps for flying insects

Photo Name Description Price with VAT)

Model TR-33

South Korea
2 years

Radius of action: 60 m.2
Dimensions: 300/100/330

Number of light lamps: 1 PC. x 22W
Trap weight: 2 kg.
Recommended use: in the cafe,
in bars, restaurants, small shops, cottages and apartments.
5 200
8 500


Model TR-32

South Korea
2 years

Range: 50 m.2
Dimensions: 400/100/300
Power supply is supplied from a 220V network, the case is aluminum, the chain is included.
Number of light lamps: 2pcs x 10W
Trap weight: 2.2 kg.
Recommended use: in cottages,
in dachas, offices and apartments.
4 900
7 900

Model TR-31

South Korea
2 years

Radius of action: 90 m.2
Dimensions: 500/100/300
Power supply is supplied from a 220V network, the case is aluminum, the chain is included.
Number of light lamps: 2 pcs. x 15W
Trap weight: 2.5 kg.
Recommended use: in medium-sized stores, restaurants and small food production facilities and warehouses.
6 300
9 500

Model TR-30

South Korea
2 years

Radius of action: 120 m.2
Dimensions: 650/100/400
Power supply is supplied from a 220V network, the case is aluminum, the chain is included.
Number of light lamps: 2 pcs. x 20W
Trap weight: 3 kg.
Recommended use: in large
7 500
10 900

Model TR-60

South Korea
2 years

Radius of action: 180 m.2
Dimensions: 650/100/500
Power supply is supplied from a 220V network, the case is aluminum, the chain is included.
Number of light lamps: 3 pcs. x 20W
Trap weight: 4 kg.
Recommended use: in large
by area in supermarkets, warehouses and food production facilities.
9 900
19 900

Prices for insecticidal lamps from insects to light traps

Recommendations for installing insecticidal insect traps:

  • The device must be suspended using a chain (included in the kit) or fixed to the wall using bolts.
  • The device should be mounted at a height no higher than 5 and no lower than 2 meters from the floor, preferably under the ceiling.
  • The device must be located outside the area of ​​movement of vehicles, people and animals (to avoid mechanical damage).
  • The device must be located outside the area of ​​“drafts and high humidity”.
  • The device should be located away from direct sunlight and street precipitation.

Rules for installing insecticidal lamps:

  • The device can be mounted either on the wall using a bracket or on the ceiling using a hanging chain.
  • To install, you need to drill holes with a 9 mm drill. 80-90 mm deep, insert dowels into the holes.
  • Secure the bracket to the wall with 70 mm self-tapping screws. and hang a light trap on them. If the mounting is made to the ceiling, then instead of self-tapping screws, hooks are screwed into dowels, onto which the insecticidal lamp is subsequently hung using a chain.
  • Connect the device to a 220 V power supply.
  • Check the functionality of the insect trap.
  • The device must be installed strictly horizontally under a removable fly tray, preferably in a dark place indoors.

Delivery options.

If you just went to nature and were attacked by mosquitoes, then you can still endure this if you stock up on some powerful and mobile (portable) insecticide. But what to do when not only mosquitoes, but also flies, wasps and other annoying insects plague the room almost every day, and even in large numbers - in large quantities? It is in such cases that special industrial traps, designed for a range of action over a wide radius, with coverage large areas, as well as a universal focus - against all flying insects.

What is the equipment

Some manufacturers, in the manufacture of such equipment, specialize exclusively in metal devices that look like a heater, a heater powered by an electrical network. Other manufacturers prefer to produce such devices in a wider range - with plastic or metal (stainless steel) cases. The built-in UV lamp attracts insects; when the device is turned on, the metal grill is always exposed to an electric current, which strikes an insect that lands on the grill. A special tray is used to collect dead insects. The housings are equipped with special protrusions, which serve as protection for a person from accidentally touching the grille of the device.

Where is an industrial insect trap used?

Industrial traps can be used in those places where there is the highest probability of occurrence of harmful insects that serve as carriers of various diseases. We can list the following places where the installation of this type of insecticidal equipment is most necessary:

  • catering places - restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, etc.;
  • food industry – shops for processing meat, fish, confectionery and other areas;
  • alcoholic and beer factories;
  • production of other drinks and canned products;
  • vegetable stores, granaries, warehouses for storing sweet fruits and berries;
  • livestock complexes - dairy farms, pigsties, poultry farms and more.

In addition, some public institutions also need to be protected from unsanitary conditions. These include hospitals, children's institutions, boarding houses, sanatoriums and other institutions where there are large crowds of people.

Is it necessary to use industrial traps for the HAACP system?

Exists international system HAACP (in English abbreviation - “HACCP”), which ensures safety organization food products, management and control of all production processes. Employees of kitchens or workshops where food products are developed are required to undergo training under such a program. They are trained not only in hygiene principles, but also in product safety techniques. And just one of these techniques is the installation and maintenance of portable traps for harmful insects that are carriers of various diseases.

After installation, the employee must constantly monitor the cleanliness of the workshop and clean the traps. job responsibilities which includes monitoring the cleanliness of the premises, including from flies, mosquitoes, moths, wasps and other insects that can transmit infections to food ingredients and products. Therefore, the installation of insect catchers here is mandatory according to the HAACP standard! If you do not install such traps, then during the next inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station and other regulatory authorities, a fine may be imposed on the enterprise.

Can it be used privately?

In private use, industrial insect traps are often used in the following cases:

  • when there is a high probability of large accumulation dangerous insects– for example, if people live close to bodies of water, from where many mosquitoes regularly fly in;
  • if someone keeps a subsidiary farm, just such a trap may be a salvation from flies in a pigsty, or a cowshed or poultry house;
  • for those who keep a garden or vegetable garden, a greenhouse and store vegetables and fruits - traps save them from large cluster wasps, bees, flies.

In any other cases, when people go to the dacha, in Vacation home, have a homestead - insect catchers that can be installed even outdoors can always come in handy.

Example of use in a rabbitry video

Operating principle of devices

Industrial traps that perform insecticidal functions are special designs, which can destroy insects that come to them according to the principle:

  • electric shock - the insect dies from a high voltage discharge of electric current;
  • glue trap - the insect sticks to the tenacious adhesive composition there are traps on special plates and people are left there to die;
  • drawing (suction) by a fan into a sealed container.

The mechanism of action of such devices is as follows - insects fly to it, attracted by the light of the lamp, then are destroyed by the resulting current discharge, or are glued to the adhesive base of a special plate, or are drawn by a fan inside the trap, into a special container. The last version of the installation mechanism applies more to cylindrical traps.

There are also electrical industrial traps, which are intended for different places of use:

  • plastic traps with a sealed base are most often used outdoors;
  • metal with bars - for large-scale premises with a large area;
  • and stainless steel options are excellent for cases where intensive work of the trap is required large room, and long term services.

The choice of trap depends on what problems need to be solved and what requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards are set by municipal government agencies for a particular enterprise. For example, if in tea production it is necessary to ferment tea raw materials outdoors under the sun or under a canopy in a ventilated pavilion, then it would be most appropriate to use insect traps designed for working outside rather than indoors.

Examples of ALT hooks

Advantages and disadvantages of industrial insect exterminators

In total, the following advantages of such electric insecticidal traps can be identified:

  1. High-voltage traps are good because you don’t need to buy any consumables for them - insects are killed by the high-voltage grid.
  2. All traps are protected by special protrusions or a special mesh on the body so that a person does not inadvertently hit the high-voltage mesh or stick to the adhesive plate.
  3. Glue traps are completely safe in terms of accidental fire, fire, or short circuit.
  4. Traps on indoor fans are also convenient because they do not require the purchase of consumables, they also work outdoors and can cover large areas.
  5. All devices can be installed on a horizontal surface.
  6. Among electrical high-voltage devices, there are options when they can be hung on the wall, and there are double-sided ones when they can be hung from the ceiling.
  7. The range of action of such traps is from 120 sq.m. and more.
  8. The duration of action in hours is from 5-6 hours to 8-10.

In addition, high-voltage devices operate odorless, the pan can be rarely changed, but they cannot be used in places where there is a high risk of fire, as well as in places where there may be a spark, a short circuit due to high humidity or other reasons.

Glue devices cannot work outdoors, where there is high humidity and there is a risk of getting caught in the rain. The disadvantage of such devices may be the fact that you will often have to change the adhesive plates, purchase them, and stock up on such consumables. In addition, glue traps often emit the smell of a glue base.

The disadvantage of traps on fans is an insignificant factor - they are not silent, you can hear the fan operating. In addition, the trapped insects do not all die when you need to empty the container, so some of the trapped ones may fly out if you open the lid.

The most popular brands

Among many different brands The following companies offer such traps on the market of insecticidal products and methods:

  • Well (Russia, Inter-Med LLC;
  • Chameleon (Russia);
  • Ecosniper (Russia, Ukraine);
  • Skat (Russia, Ukraine);
  • Kill Pest (Russia, Trading House Pallet Trucks) and other options.

Each insecticidal trap has its own price and depends on the range of exposure the device is designed for, whether there is a need to buy for them constantly Consumables whether they are easy to use and clean, and so on. All of them operate on electricity and are equipped with UV lamps of the appropriate range, so the use of industrial traps will always involve direct access to electricity.

In this video tutorial we will make a device for electrical protection against mosquitoes and other flying insects. It will consist of a housekeeper light bulb (not necessarily a working one), a high-voltage module, AA battery. Let's sort it out energy saving light bulb. We only need two parts. If you don’t want to do this craft yourself, then buy an effective electric shock trap very cheaply in this Chinese store.


We pass soft aluminum wire through the holes and wind the turns around the lamp. One side is ready. We bite off the wire. Also, on the other side, we thread the wire through the holes and wind it.

Homemade electric mosquito trap

Two wires come out of the device, one is connected to an aluminum rod. All outputs are connected to the high-voltage module. First, connect it to the battery via a switch. We insert it into the lid and solder all the necessary wiring. Now we solder the battery. We fix it with electrical tape. We glue the housing module with hot glue to better adhere to the device.

After turning on the module, the neon light immediately begins to burn, attracting flying insects. As soon as the mosquito touches to protect people, it will be immediately electrocuted. After the mosquito receives the electric shock, the affected insect will fall to the floor or table. To prevent this from happening, you need to secure the lid down, and they will accumulate in this container. To check the device, you need to hang it up and turn off the light. As you can see, the device against flies and mosquitoes works.

In the summer, mosquitoes are the worst enemy for many. Moreover, unlike those in country and forest areas, urban ones are agile and more timid. It is much more difficult to kill such a bloodsucker, since its feeding mode is nocturnal, and it will patiently wait for you to fall asleep. Just one mosquito can keep you up half the night, periodically reminding you of its presence.

To combat mosquitoes, in addition to protective creams, there are thermal evaporators of a special substance on sale that can kill all flying insects within 30 minutes indoors. Time will tell how harmless these methods of protection, when used frequently, are for the person himself, but they cannot be considered cheap.

You can also find a mosquito trap light (Electronic Insect Killer) on sale. made in China, which does not use chemicals. It is made quite simply and can be easily made independently. Why do you need a blue lamp with a power of no more than 25 W: to obtain blue light, you can paint any suitable lamp with tsapon varnish.

The lamp is connected in parallel with a mains voltage doubler, the circuit of which is shown in Fig. 2.8.

Rice. 2.8. The simplest option circuits for obtaining increased voltage

Capacitors C1 and C2 are charged to the amplitude value of the mains voltage (Umax = 1.414 * 220 = 311 V), and resistor R1 limits the current through the diodes in the event of a short circuit at the output.

At pins 3-4 there will be a constant voltage of about 620 V - two bare wires with a diameter of 0.3...0.6 mm are connected to them. These wires run parallel (4 mm interval) in a spiral around the lamp at a distance of 10.20 mm from the glass of the lamp and are attached to dielectric posts (Fig. 2.9).

Rice. 2.9 Appearance designs

It is better to use the lamp with an elongated cylinder, which will make the design of the trap more compact with a larger working area.

The principle of operation of such a device is based on the defeat of insects falling into the gap between two wires with an electric discharge, and to lure them into the gap, as you might guess, a lamp is used.

The trap lamp is suspended closer to the ceiling, where an encounter with a mosquito is more likely, and in this case such a “high-voltage toy” will not fall into the hands of a child.

Disadvantage of this device is that for its effect the mosquito must almost touch adjacent wires when flying between them: since the voltage on the wires is lower than the breakdown voltage for air, this is approximately 1000 V per 1 mm of gap (depending on humidity), i.e. for for a total gap of 4 mm we get 4 kV.

To make the trap more efficient, it is necessary to increase the voltage on the grid wires. This can be done using a mains voltage multiplier, made according to the circuit shown in Fig. 2.10.

Rice. 2.10 Option for 4x mains voltage multiplier

In this case, the output of the device will be about 1200 V (four times the mains voltage).

The design of the frame on which the wire mesh is wound can have a rectangular shape, and if the trap will always be in a suspended state, then there is no need for plastic limiters to prevent the hands from touching those under high voltage wires

The capacitors used must be high-voltage, for example, type K42U-2 at 630 V.

Any diodes are suitable, with an allowable reverse voltage of at least 800-1000 V, for example, KD258G(D), KD257G(D).

An additional increase in the voltage on the grid wires can further increase the efficiency of the trap. Typically a pulse converter is used for this. In this case, the distance between the wires will need to be increased to such a level that an arc discharge does not yet form between them.