Design of a two-room apartment: redevelopment, zoning and ideal renovation. Development of individual design projects for two-room apartments Layout options for a two-room apartment 60 sq m

With an apartment area of ​​60 sq. m. there is a happy opportunity to radically change the interior, transform the existing space into modern housing with an improved layout.

Specifics and features of the apartment layout

Professional solutions to design an apartment of 60 sq.m. a lot of. Their choice is influenced by many factors. These include:

  • type of building, layout features;
  • ceiling height;
  • number, sizes of windows;
  • presence and area of ​​balconies, bay windows, loggias;
  • family composition, number of residents.

Create a design modern apartment 60 sq. m. Experts offer two main models.

  1. A practical division into rooms is provided, their design in accordance with fashion design trends. This decision is justified in cases where a family consists of 3 or more people who need separate space.
  2. Complete reconstruction of housing, turning it into a studio. The enlarged interior allows for expansion functionality cramped rooms, decorate them in a new way, taking into account the advice of professional decorators. Such design will suit for accommodation of one or two people.

Converting an apartment into a studio

Used in the existing interior modern layout apartments 60 sq. m., providing for division into functional zones. Island location of a large corner sofa simultaneously creates a large sleeping area and forms together with a number standing chair living area, separating it from the kitchen.

Apartment design 60 sq. m. in modern style. Photo

The decoration uses the principle of minimalism, characterized by practicality and accuracy. There is no place for unnecessary items in the room; the presence of each element is functionally justified.

As color scheme a contrasting combination of sand in combination with brown details in the shade of milk chocolate is proposed. It does bright interior apartments are cozy and comfortable, and the used tone of the walls, furniture, carpet on the floor contributes to visual expansion rooms.

Modern design of an apartment of 60 sq. m. Photo of the living room

Apartment 60 sq. meters in beige and brown tones. Photo

Beige curtains in the interior of the apartment. Photo

Metal elements of armchairs, chairs, wall decor, lamps, and an unusually shaped kitchen chandelier give the room a techno touch.

Selected design of a modern apartment of 60 square meters. m. unites the kitchen, hallway, and living room areas in a common space. Plasterboard partitions are used as dividing elements.

Creating a separate bedroom

The decision to fence off the sleeping bed with a curtain was successful. The result is a studio apartment with a separate bedroom, which, when the screen is open, turns into a relaxation area. If you want to watch TV shows from your bed, this can be done.

Modern bedroom from the studio ART WORKSHOP. Photo

The dressing room located in the sleeping area allows you to accommodate all the small household items, so the hallway, living room, and kitchen are not burdened with a variety of small items.

Bathroom and toilet design. Photo of the project

The modern toilet and bathroom look sterile. Thanks to the cistern hidden in the wall ledge and the suspended toilet, the bathroom does not have the usual communications elements and looks spacious.

Bathroom finished with white porcelain stoneware. Photo

The impression of luxury finishing is enhanced by large marble tiles in combination with tiles imitating solid expensive wood and built-in LED lights, comfortably illuminating the room from a ledge in the middle of the wall.

Toilet finished in black porcelain stoneware. Photo

The bathroom features a traditional bathtub with an inconspicuous glass screen, and a wall-hung sink that appears to float in the air above the floor. Mirror wall behind the washbasin doubles the size of the room, giving it an amazing shape with complex configuration. As a result, small room It seems spacious, bright, very neat.

Apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters considered quite spacious. Especially if it only has two main rooms. Presumably, a lot of items can be placed in such a space. And the layout allows you to make adjustments so as not to create crowding. Such an apartment can be divided into three small rooms or a large studio apartment can be created.

For some residents, it is enough if the main premises include a bedroom and a living room combined with a kitchen. Other variations are possible. If desired, you can create a whole variety of them.

The main thing when choosing suitable options, don’t make a mistake and do everything so that it is both beautiful and comfortable. In addition, it is worth considering very important detail. The funds spent on repairs are always considerable and it would be a shame if the result did not live up to expectations.

The same can be said about time. It has to be spent in large quantities on such events and we would not want it to go to waste.

Designer assistance - a multifaceted approach

To avoid mistakes and disappointments, it is best to use these tips professional master. An expert's opinion is always valuable. This is, first of all, liberation from a long and painful search for suitable layout and finishing options, although at first glance it always seems that the design of an apartment of 60 sq. m. m. can easily be determined independently.

Of course, not everyone can use the services of a real designer. With the conclusion of this agreement. Work of professional designers high level affordable only for a certain category of people with high incomes.

However, you should not give up and become discouraged. It is enough to remember such a unique thing as the Internet. Today it is in almost every house, in every apartment. Anyone can use the services of such an assistant at no cost.

You can choose the required style or several combining styles from among the numerous types of interior design by looking at the photo of an apartment of 60 sq. m. m. on any selected construction site. Here you can also get designer advice.

Developed online 3D programs will help you decide on the external background, arrangement of furniture, and choose suitable style taking into account all wishes and preferences. The same work is carried out by a real master designer.

Before presenting something as a final form, the specialist first makes inquiries about the current desires and future needs of the client (individual or family), the characteristics and preferences of everyone living in the apartment. Only after collecting full information, he starts working on possible options. This approach to business is based on the fullest possible consideration of all interests and helps to increase the level of comfort.

Elaboration of design solutions for various premises

A design solution, the object of which is a modern two-room apartment of 60 sq.m., located in a panel, brick or monolithic-block house, can become an example of reasonable zoning of space, proper distribution of main and secondary functional rooms (living room, bedroom, kitchen, hall, bathrooms ).

Sometimes, thanks to the skill of professionals, the internal volume begins to appear wider. Having in their arsenal all kinds of techniques that can visually increase space, specialists in their field literally create an atmosphere of high comfort in the house and it is often difficult to believe that the actual area of ​​the apartment is only some 60 square meters, and not much more.

Literally every centimeter of area, both main and adjacent, is worked out. For example, when renovating an apartment, many do not take into account such a permanent element as a balcony.

According to the designers, having carried out high-quality insulation of this adjacent or built-in part of the apartment, it can be used as Gym, eliminating the boundary wall, which is not load-bearing. An interesting option The arrangement of the winter garden also looks like this.

When starting to work with the main premises, you must first find out the number of residents and their age. If this is a family with small children, then of course the need to equip a children's room immediately arises. It should be located on the bright side, but the sun should not be blinding.

When the apartment is located in a darkened area, the children's room is equipped with additional lighting devices. The external background of the room should have light colors. You can use additional bright, cheerful shades, but they should not dominate. As a rule, the room, a children's room with such total volumes, provides at the same time the function of a bedroom.

Apartment project 60 sq. m., unfortunately, does not make it possible to carry out redevelopment in such a way as to get additional spacious room, which can be equipped as a games room.

However specific area can be fenced off by creating a small additional room, using it later as a work office. Thus, it will practically be a three-room apartment.

The selection of a style or combination of styles for rooms representing a general area (living room) or a specific room (adult bedroom) involves mainly focusing on the preferences of the adult half of the family.

A good designer will easily help spouses find the very option that will satisfy both parties. Sometimes the result is the choice of a single style, either classical, or modern, or some other.

In some cases, a competent combination of several styles is carried out. For example, modern and oriental. The main thing is not to create sharp contrasts. This will cause inconvenience and discomfort. The interior of the apartment should be aimed at creating comfortable conditions stay in the house and do not create in any way a feeling of lack of comfort.

The length of the hall can be visually expanded by using mirrors in the interior. The kitchen as the final functional area is equipped modern technologies, making life much easier for those who like to cook something.

The modern style of the kitchen is expressed in a clear combination of diverse shades and additional elements creating a harmonious look together. For example, black and white monochrome design kitchen area on the background suspended ceiling with lights.

Such design technique emphasizes the concept of the room, giving it a certain unique resemblance to an industrial space.

Lighting design of the apartment

Light plays an important role in the interior. Apartment with an area of ​​60 sq. m. can be equipped different types lighting fixtures. The main rooms may contain large chandeliers or lamps. Small lamps in the kitchen are suitable beautiful lampshades. The bathrooms have sealed lighting fixtures, Spotlights, protected from moisture.

Photos of apartments 60 sq. m.

How larger area housing, the more acute the question arises - how to dispose of dozens of squares without ending up with a half-empty, uncomfortable something? On the Internet you can easily find photos of the design of two room apartment 60 sq. m. and more, which prove that a spacious room can be both stylish and comfortable. The key to solving the problem is proper planning. In the article you will find useful tips and life hacks for designing the interior of large apartments and learn how to turn a home of any size into a place where it is comfortable and pleasant to be.

Design of a two-room apartment of 60 sq. m. – photo

The footage of modern two-room apartments in new buildings often exceeds 50 square meters. So residents, accustomed to compact Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, are lost at the sight of such space and try to arrange the premises “the old fashioned way”, placing furniture along the walls and leaving awkward “clearings” in the middle. Designers are categorically against this approach - they strongly recommend moving away from Soviet standards and focusing on space and freedom.

Any professional will offer the customer to start arrangement with general idea on the distribution of functional areas in the apartment. To do this you will need to select one of three types layouts:

  • closed– traditional housing, in which the rooms are separated by walls, and the entrance to each room is covered with a door;

There is a door leading into each room, and only the hallway remains as a passage

  • open– studio space, which assumes the absence of doors and separation between rooms; decoration and furniture are used for zoning;

Loft style is ideal for furnishing open-plan apartments

  • half-open– a combination of open space and traditional.

The apartment combines an entrance hall, living room and kitchen, and the bedroom is located in another room

The first option, according to most designers, has long outlived its usefulness. Non-standard solutions in the apartment layout - this year. Open type premises and the loft style is now at the peak of popularity, however, such an organization of space is suitable only for people living alone or young families without children, because without doors and walls it is almost impossible to ensure privacy for every household member.

Most practical solution seems to be a semi-open type of housing. He took only the best from other types - non-banality and a feeling of spaciousness from the studio and privacy closed premises. You can connect the hallway and living room by removing the wall during redevelopment, and leave the sleeping area at a distance. You can also combine the kitchen and living room, making something like a dining-living room.

By combining the kitchen and living room, you get a spacious living room

Another compromise between practicality and free space is sliding screens, doors and partitions. With their help, you can create a passage from the hallway to the living room or from the living room to the bedroom. This way you can maintain a feeling of spaciousness in the apartment and achieve privacy by simply closing the screen.

Sliding door practical and can become stylish element decor

Thanks to modern software, you don’t have to waste time and money looking for a specialist - furnish your apartment yourself! will allow you to plan in detail the type of future housing - you will be able to experiment with different layouts, the arrangement of rooms, and decide on the choice of decoration and furniture. It doesn’t matter whether you have worked with 3D designers before - any user will master the editor in 5 minutes.

The editor allows you to draw a plan of the apartment and get a full-fledged 3D model

Real photos of the interior of an apartment of 60 sq. m.

The main task when arranging a large apartment is to maintain a feeling of comfort, without forgetting about practicality. At the same time, it is important not to allow extremes in the form of half-empty rooms and an impenetrable labyrinth full of various kinds of things. Below you will find 5 original design ideas that will help fill your home with style and comfort. Real photos interior of an apartment 60 sq. m. will definitely push you to implement these ideas. Watch, study, get inspired!

  • Idea No. 1. Multi-level

A modern way to separate one functional area from another is to move it to a higher level. The reception will fit perfectly into the interior of any room from the bedroom to the kitchen. All that is required to implement the idea is to install a low (50-60 cm) podium structure and place furniture on this island. This trick will look even better in apartments with high ceilings. In such buildings, you can go further and add an attic to accommodate additional sleeping space, a library and even a study.

Attic construction- this is a place for relaxation, storage of things and a cozy canopy over the sofa

  • Idea No. 2. Open storage systems

As an alternative to bulky blank walls, use lighter ones. open systems storage You will be surprised, but the racks are no less spacious than massive cabinets. Books, figurines, sets dear to the heart - all this will become an ideal interior decoration. If stacks of folded items are unsightly in your opinion, sort them into cute cardboard boxes.

Caskets and boxes can be excellent decorative elements in the interior of any room.

  • Idea No. 3. Priority to natural light

Any room in the apartment needs sufficient quantity Sveta. We are talking not so much about artificial lighting as about natural lighting. Give preference to light translucent curtains, let them allow the sun's rays to penetrate the house. Locate the areas where you spend the most time close to a window, e.g. desk and a food preparation area in the kitchen.

Place the cooking area near the window, then you will not need to install lighting

  • Idea No. 4. Protrusions and recesses in the walls - as a way of zoning

In rooms with non-standard shape use corners for additional zoning. If you plan to combine an office and a relaxation area, “hide” your desk or, conversely, a chair with a TV behind the ledge. This way you will maintain the principle of open space, achieving a clear division into parts. At the same time, do not forget about the light - the part of the room far from the window should have several additional sources lighting.

Use the shape of the room - fill niches with cabinets, use corners to separate areas

  • Idea No. 5. Details in the fight against bare walls

Large apartments provide serious scope for imagination when choosing decorative elements interior However, even in this you need to know when to stop and not turn the room into a museum of unnecessary things. Hang a light canopy in the bedroom, place vases and flower pots directly on the floor, lay a small rug next to the sofa in the living room. Move furniture away from the walls - don't be afraid to place items in the middle of the room. For example, in the living room you can arrange a soft island with a coffee table and low ottomans.

Accessories will not only add style to the interior, but also make it complete

Design of a 3-room apartment 60 sq.m. m. – photo

If your home has 3 rooms or more and you want to keep closed type layouts, use the tips you will see below.

  • ✔ Design of a 3-room apartment of 60 sq. m. and more should be designed in the same style; ideally, residential premises should have the same flooring, and the walls are in the same color scheme.
Finishing in light colorsbest option for rooms of any size. Light shades reflect light better and therefore visually increase the space. You don't have to paint all the rooms white - mix and match different colors. For example, perfect for a bedroom warm shades, like Ivory, for the nursery - pastel yellow, and for the living room - light gray or blue with a dash of white. The main thing is that the design of the apartment is perceived as a single ensemble.

Designers use light shades in decoration and add bright accents to furniture and details.

  • ✔ For large families family of three There may not be enough rooms to provide each child with a private place to sleep, relax and study. In this case, you can turn one room into two, or even three, by installing a partition, a screen, or even just hanging a light curtain.

Several children live in the room of different ages? Be sure to divide it into zones!

  • ✔ Replace doors in rooms not intended for sleeping with arched openings, for example, between the hallway and the living room. This way you will leave the walls intact, but at the same time visually expand the space. You can also install round decorative windows in non-load-bearing walls. This detail will not only add zest to the interior, but will also help distribute natural light in the apartment.

Add some flair! The most budget-friendly way is to replace doors with arches

  • ✔ Another way to turn three-room apartment in a four-room apartment - combine the living space with a loggia. The balcony space can be used for an office, cozy corner for reading or other hobby. You can equip play area For children, the main thing is to take care of reliable insulation.

Office on the balcony - maximum privacy for comfortable work

You can “try on” these and other ideas in your home, creating a voluminous and realistic layout in the program "Interior Design 3D". It's not difficult to do this at all! Below you will find finished project large layout two-room apartment. Download the editor in Russian and try again!

An example of a finished design project for a 2-room apartment
apartments 60 sq. m. – photo

Let's create a model of an apartment with two rooms and a semi-open plan, with an area slightly exceeding 60 sq.m. This design is suitable for both panel houses, and for brick and monolithic.

  • 1. After starting, you need to click “Create a Project” > “Start a Project from Scratch”. In the editor window, use the option "Draw a room" and draw each room of the apartment separately. “Interior Design” will automatically calculate the area of ​​the drawn area and generate a 3D model.

Using the mouse, draw a top view of the apartment in the working area of ​​the program

  • 2. We will install windows, doors and doorways. This can be done using the corresponding functions in the block "Design". IN big room There is no window, so we will place an arched recess in the wall between the living room and kitchen.

Doorways could be like rectangular shape, and semicircular

  • 3. Let's go to the tab "Properties", to choose Decoration Materials. All elements in the collection are as close as possible to products that you can easily find on the shelves of hardware stores.

  • Wallpaper in living rooms and in the kitchen - the same, in the bedroom and living room there is the same carpet, and in the kitchen there is parquet in a similar color scheme.

You can choose finishes for the walls, floors and ceilings in each room

  • 5. Using the option "Add Lighting" We will place chandeliers, lamps and floor lamps on the plan where additional lighting is needed and the design project for a 2-room apartment of 60 sq.m is ready!

With “Interior Design 3D” you can choose the best design option for any room – from a 3-square-meter room to an apartment of 90 sq.m. You can try the designer in action completely free of charge by downloading it on this website. Break the mold - create your dream home now!

Often on the real estate market there are small apartments in panel house or studios, looking at which the question arises: “How to live in such a room?” Do not underestimate the potential of a Khrushchev building with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. in the house old building. Small tricks will help you create a beautiful and modern design of a 2-room apartment.


In a small two-room apartment with an area of ​​40 sq. m., located in a panel house, has a number of disadvantages:

  • Narrow corridor leaves no room for furniture. Not a single design project can correct the layout standards of 2-room premises.
  • Combining a bathroom- saves space, but does not always have a good effect on the comfort of residents.

  • The kitchen should always have a separate work zone. It does not matter whether the interior of a 1-room or two-room apartment with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. is being developed.

  • “Stalin”, “Khrushchev” and “Brezhnev” buildings have low ceilings. A thoughtful design project will help correct this shortcoming.


Redevelopment is always carried out after a detailed analysis of the premises, as well as taking into account the residents’ ideas about comfort.

  • Each family member must be allocated a personal space in a small two-room apartment in a panel house. If the area of ​​the room does not exceed 40-60 sq.m., then the personal area should be highlighted with furniture, curtains or other devices.

  • Selected first room style, then they develop a design project and think through the interior of the Khrushchev building.

  • Before developing a design project, you need to take into account the technical capabilities of the living space in a panel house. The age of the building, the location of walls, windows and doors - all this affects the redevelopment plan.


The layout of a two-room “Stalinka” apartment is distinguished by non-standard rooms, high ceilings and the absence of load-bearing walls. This allows you to develop various projects. You can, for example, turn a two-room apartment into a 3-room apartment. But usually a design project is thought out with the aim of increasing the area. Therefore, most often from a room with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. a studio is being made. To do this, the kitchen area is connected to the room or the hall is combined with the corridor.


Khrushchev buildings are characterized by a small square footage, low ceilings, combined bathroom and walk-through rooms. Therefore, the interior of a room with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m. is thought out in such a way as to correct planning errors. To begin with, doorways are moved to the corners of the load-bearing walls. If the room is designed for two residents, then it is made into a studio. The area of ​​the bathroom is increased due to the corridor.

If you live in a 2-room Khrushchev house big family, then you should separate part of the passage room and increase the corridor. If the location of the bathroom allows, you can move the walls apart.


In 2-room “brezhnevka” apartments, with an area of ​​40-60 sq.m., more conditions for created modern design: kitchens up to 8 meters, large rooms, separate bathroom. The main disadvantage of such a room is the large load on load-bearing walls. Not only can they not be demolished, but the passage cannot be moved. Therefore, the redevelopment design project comes down to combining a bathroom, a hall and a dining room. Next, an interior is thought out that would visually increase the size of the rooms.

The premises of modern buildings rarely need redevelopment. They are built large with isolated rooms. Very often there are loggias that can be combined with the living room.

The secret to success in any art is to think through the details. Therefore, the design of 2-room residential premises is developed taking into account the personal preferences of the owners.

You can decorate all living spaces in the same style or in different, even contrasting and incompatible ones. The first option is used if all rooms are isolated and connected only by a corridor. For apartments with a semi-studio layout, in which the kitchen area is combined with the living room and corridor into a single space, it is better to use two different styles. In the residential area, emphasis should be placed on large and free space, and in the bedroom use soft styles that create a comfortable environment.

Zoning of premises

Functional zoning will help you arrange any room as conveniently as possible. Its essence lies in the logical arrangement of several work areas in one area.

Kitchen-living room. The most common method of zoning, in which there is a dinner Zone. In relation to the kitchen, in a remote corner you can arrange an office or library. An example of this design is shown in the photo below.

Living room-office. To design such zoning, it is better to use a dividing screen or partition. An example of this design is shown in the photo below.

Bedroom-office. The only way to combine these rooms is to install compact bed, which can be hidden in a closet. A double bed, like a large piece of furniture, occupies all the available space. The interior of such a room is thought out in such a way as to highlight a small work area with a screen.

Living room (bedroom)-wardrobe. This element complements any recreation area. A closet located in the far part of the room or dividing the room into zones can act as a dressing room.

Color design

Each style has its own palette. When arranging a small room, the main emphasis should be on increasing the space. For this purpose, the interior is thought out in light shades, with translucent textiles, mirrors and glossy surfaces. In studios you can use textured materials, drapery and massive furniture.

Cool palettes help to make a space appear larger but create a formal and presentable look. Therefore they are complemented ethnic decor bright colors.


Thinking through the interior large room in a panel house, the following details must be taken into account:

  • Furniture in a 2-room Khrushchev house should be installed small-sized, modular: coffee table, which, if necessary, will turn into dinner table, folding bed, corner wardrobe.

  • To add functionality or decorate a one- or two-room apartment, you can use ceilings. For example, you can install an LCD TV above the bed in the bedroom.

  • If in two-room Khrushchev house, with an area of ​​60 sq.m., there is a balcony, it should be attached to the living area.

If possible, it is worth developing a design project for 2-room or small premises in the house with specialists.

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Sixty square meters is the area of ​​a good two-room apartment. The rooms in it will be quite spacious and wide, and the kitchen will probably fit everything you need with the right approach.

Owning such a home is the dream of many., considering that half of the population of our country are accustomed to cramped Khrushchev buildings with an area of ​​only 42-47 square meters, with tiny kitchens and corridors that can accommodate no more than two people at a time.

However, it is rightly said that the more space in the house, the greater the temptation to purchase bulky furniture and other, sometimes not necessary items interior

Control yourself! Your task is to do good repair, create an interior with a warm, homely environment. What should you pay key attention to when developing the design of an apartment of this size?

Firstly, it is worth taking into account the number of family members, who will live in such an apartment. If you are planning a replenishment, then it would be advisable to make three rooms out of two - in an apartment of 60 square meters this option is quite possible. Also, do not forget that depending on the interests of the residents, it is worth highlighting various functional areas - work, play, recreation area, etc.

Also, when developing a design, it is very important to clarify what kind of lifestyle the owners lead. If they like to receive guests, then the house should have a spacious living room, and if the owner of the apartment is a single businessman who continues to be active even within his own walls, then he needs a comfortable and spacious work area in which everything will always be at hand. But if there are many small children in the family, and all the family’s attention is focused on them, then it would be advisable to create an extensive play area in which the kids will have fun and, what is equally important, safely spend time actively.

Very often, designers, when decorating the interior of an apartment with an area of ​​60 square meters, offer combining the living room and kitchen - you get a kind of studio with a dining room, living room and bedroom. You can also combine a corridor and a storage room, or, on the contrary, in the corridor you can separate a place for a dressing room, in which it will be very convenient to place all your things. By the way, some designers offer completely unexpected options - for example, they connect the living room and hallway in order to place decorative furniture or closets with clothes and books.

The most the best option The design of the room in this case will be as follows: from the corridor you enter the kitchen or living room. The owners' private bedroom should be located at the farthest end of the apartment so that they can rest peacefully after a hard day at work. If the apartment has 3 rooms, then the brightest and warmest room available is given to the children's room.

Now we will give an example of the design of a two-room apartment of the specified area, which involves remodeling it into a three-room apartment. This is true, for example, if there is a child growing up in the house.

The initial layout of the apartment does not seem very successful: a narrow but long living room, a wide hallway, an uncomfortable bedroom; Everywhere in the apartment there are various corners, ledges and nooks.

The designers suggested next option redevelopment . The living room was divided into two parts using sliding panels. In the area with the window there is now a children’s room, in the design of which the designers used the so-called “starry sky” and the most comfortable furniture for a child.

In the remaining part the central element of the composition will be cozy sofa, which will be pleasant for both guests and hosts to sit on. The wall between the living room and kitchen was removed, thus creating a very comfortable and spacious living-dining room. The kitchen was decorated in its own way last word technology so that even the smallest piece of space does not go to waste.

The designers made a loggia from the balcony and equipped it with a small office for the head of the family.

This is just one of possible solutions, in fact there are thousands of them...

Apartments of 60 square meters - photo

Apartment 60 square meters - in orange tones

Apartment 60 square meters - black floor

Apartment of 60 square meters for a book lover

Apartment 60 square meters in Scandinavian style

Apartment 60 square meters in bachelor style

Apartment 60 square meters with balcony