Business plan for an educational institution. Types of educational institutions. Market of educational services. Business plan (educational project)

Buturlakina M.A.


Russia is a country with developed market relations. Most of the population is engaged in business. Entrepreneurs are prudent people who want to make a profit from their business. Everyone wants to insure themselves against various troubles. And in order for the business to generate income and profit, and for the company to develop steadily, everything must first be well planned and calculated. Entrepreneurs do not create their companies based on empty space, but are guided by certain rules. One of these rules is drawing up a business plan.


Beginning entrepreneurs often don’t know where to start. A future businessman has a lot of thoughts about starting his own business. We decided to create our business - a plan for a solarium salon so that novice entrepreneurs could see an example before them, and based on it they could create their own own business plan or used the data

create a business plan for the solarium salon “Sunnysiti”,

Explore Internet resources on this topic

2. Develop a business plan

3. create a business plan

4.check and analyze the content of the completed project

5. speak with finished project at a competition at school

6. offer a business plan as teaching aid economics teachers and students of economic classes



Municipal budgetary educational institution

Average comprehensive school No. 49 Belgorod

Business plan.

(educational project)

Student of class 11A

MBOU secondary school No. 49

Scientific adviser:

Danilova Evgenia Veniaminovna,

history and social studies teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 49

Belgorod, 2012

He is wise who knows what is necessary, and not much.



Our country in the early 90s. last century took the path of a market economy. Then they appeared real opportunities earn big money, many citizens decided that they could become businessmen and entrepreneurs . The profession of an entrepreneur is still very relevant, it attracts many, and many young people dream of getting an education in entrepreneurial activity. In fact, it is very difficult to do this, not everyone can do it.


Any person who decides to engage in entrepreneurship faces the question: “Where to start?”

Creating your own business must begin with planning. This is talked about a lot, and aspiring entrepreneurs naturally agree with it, but most of the time they don’t do it. They don’t do it because they think it’s expensive, that they don’t have enough knowledge, that planning is only necessary for big businesses, that they can start a business without a plan. Also, often a novice entrepreneur perceives business planning as something global and very abstruse, with a bunch of incomprehensible calculations, formulas and tables. This is not entirely true. Small business planning can be simplified, but there's no way around it. Let the business plan not contain a bunch of analytical tables and calculations, but the basic data necessary to start a business, the composition fixed costs, simplified traffic plan Money, analysis of the local market, forecast of sales volumes, advertising budget, as well as a list of advertising tools should contain a business plan for a novice entrepreneur. Even if this information is on pieces of paper, in the form of notes, in the form of notes, the main thing is that it is there. Having it, you can take concrete steps to create your own business. .

For future and beginning entrepreneurs, we decided to offer our own version of a business plan using the example of a business plan for the Sunny Siti Tanning Studio. We decided that creating such a studio could be a profitable investment and could bring good profit. Our confidence was based on the fact that most people want to look attractive, because this gives us confidence in communicating with other people. Tanning is always a popular way to look better. But many people want to look tanned not only in summer, but also at other times of the year, and some simply cannot tan in the sun because their skin instantly burns. In order to make their desires come true, we suggest that such gentlemen visit the solarium.

A solarium is special equipment with tanning lamps.

A little history.

In 1895 In 1999, the Danish doctor Niels Ryberg Finsen managed to invent a lamp emitting ultraviolet light. It was used exclusively in medical purposes: for the treatment of smallpox and cutaneous tuberculosis.B 1926 In 1999, Dr. Engineering Felix Müller founded a factory in Essen, Germany. He specialized in UV radiation and its effects on the human body. Experts from the company, located next to the mines of the Ruhr Basin, were familiar with the miners' complaints about the lack of sunlight and the heat caused by sunlight. The obvious choice was for the company to develop therapeutic equipment that would also eliminate the psychological effects of lack of sunlight. With the help of special UV-infrared lamps, miners were able to receive the necessary dose of heat and light to maintain health and well-being. IN 1975 Friedrich Wolf discovered and patented the principle of local irradiation at a distance of several centimeters. 1976 year the first professional solarium was created - installation with lamps high pressure for the whole body. Currently, solariums are very popular

Project objectives:

Activities (planning):

highlighting aspects of the topic:

Basic information about the tanning studio “Sunny Siti”.

- Assessment of current market conditions.


Sales of services


Characteristics of the economic efficiency of the project.

Dates: January 2012

visiting sites containing information on this topic, collecting information on each aspect.

writing a business plan

systematization of all necessary costs into tables for ease of use.

providing the project manager with the completed work for verification.

product promotion

Dates: April-May 2012

carrying out corrective work

provision (repeated)


I have completed the project for verification.

Completion dates: January-March 2012.

2. Ryzhikh O.N. Development of a lesson on the subject “Economics” “Is it easy to be an entrepreneur?”





Legal address:

Belgorod, Shchorsa street 64, shopping center "City Mall Belgorodsky".

Authorized capital: 600 thousand rubles.

Room - 20 sq. meters, (rent of premises in the shopping center "City Mall Belgorodsky")

Business plan.

Tanning studio "Sunny siti" provides tanning services to the population.

To provide these services, the population must have:

  1. Premises:

15-20 sq. meters, (rent premises in the City Mall Belgorodsky complex)

  1. Equipment:

Vertical solarium

Horizontal solarium

  1. Related products:

Make-up for tanning

The rent for this premises currently amounts to 15,000-20,000 rubles.

According to experts, the optimal equipment in terms of price and quality ratio for providing this type of service is equipment supplied by the German company Hapro.

Acquisition necessary equipment involves obtaining a loan in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. for up to 5 years.

1. Basic information about the Sunny Siti solarium salon.

  1. Legal address:Belgorod, Shchorsa street 64, shopping center "City Mall Belgorodsky"
  2. Authorized capital of the company: 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the organization:Buturlakina Maria Alexandrovna

The main activity of the tanning studio "Sunny Siti".

2. Description of the project.

The goal of the project is to create a solarium for the population in the area of ​​Shchorsa Street in Belgorod.

To provide solarium services to the population, you must have:

  1. Room -15-20 sq. meters, (rent premises in the shopping center "City Mall Belgorodsky")
  2. equipment :

Vertical solarium,

Horizontal solarium.

  1. related products:

Make-up for tanning.

The high level of quality of these types of services will be ensured by two main factors:

  1. technical advantages of equipment supplied by Hapro,
  2. high quality customer service

Choosing the specified location of the complex also has a number of significant advantages:

  1. the part of the city in which the salon is planned to be created is remote from the center, there are few similar salons there,
  2. a very densely populated part of the city, there is intensive development here,
  3. The shopping center "City Mall Belgorodsky" is one of the most popular in the city,
  4. in the shopping center there are shops, beauty salons and recreation areas where the population makes purchases and relaxes,
  5. There is an excellent connection with the city transport communications system, thanks to which the salon can be easily reached from almost any part of the city.

The following main competitive advantages of this salon can be identified:

  1. an increased level of service compared to existing competitors within the entire range of services offered,
  2. convenient location of the salon.

Technical aspects of the project

The building in which the salon will be located has four floors.

The salon will be located on the second floor. The complex will be supplied with the necessary energy resources by citywide networks.

The need for raw materials, materials and energy carriers to provide the entire complex

planned services.

The need for raw materials and materials necessary for the implementation of the entire range of services consists of three main components:

  1. needs for disposable sanitary and hygienic products used by salon clients (soap, napkins, etc.),
  2. material needs (tanning cosmetics),
  3. needs for other household equipment for a range of services.

In addition to covering the need for raw materials, materials and other household equipment, the planned salon will require the provision of energy resources necessary for the implementation of the entire range of services.

The need for energy resources consists of three components:

  1. electricity;
  2. cold water, including sewerage;
  3. heat (heating, hot water).

The planned consumption of these energy carriers is determined in accordance with the current SaNPins and instructions.

The considered cost items reflect as fully as possible the content of the services provided by the center's salon and subsequently will most directly shape their quality.

3. Assessment of current market conditions. Competitor analysis.

General characteristics of the situation in the provision of solarium salon services to the public.

There is no big competition in this area yet, but there are good chances to become a leader in this market.

To implement this area of ​​activity, a long-term concept for the development of the tanning studio “Sunny siti” was developed, including:

  1. creation of a solarium salon,
  2. constant technical updating of the interior.

Assessment of the existing market and characteristics of competitors by type of service.

The main competitive factors in the services market currently are: price, quality of services offered.

Moreover, for different groups consumers, different factors prevail.

  1. The price factor is the main one for consumers with an average level of income who are in need of solarium services.
  2. Service quality is more important for high-income consumers who primarily need an increased level of service.
  3. The existing direct competitors of the Sunny Siti salon in the market for the services in question are located in the city and have a circle of regular consumers and an established price level for their products.
  4. The main consumers of this type of service are women - employees of offices, government agencies, educational institutions, etc.
  5. At the same time, the services of competing firms in this type of business are focused mainly on meeting the demand of consumers who have high level income.
  6. Currently, there are few solariums in the city of this class that could adequately satisfy the needs of the middle strata of the population.

Main consumers and characteristics of sales policy.

The newly created salon “Sunny siti” with solarium services is aimed primarily at consumers with average and low income levels, but who need high-quality manicure services.

In accordance with the analysis of the existing market for similar types of services, we can conditionally identify the following main groups of potential consumers of the services of the new solarium salon.

  1. women - workers in shops, clinics,
  2. school teachers,
  3. individual entrepreneurs,
  4. residents of nearby houses,
  5. high school girls.

Thus, the structure of potential consumers allows us to ensure stable demand for the services offered by the new salon.

4. Pricing.

Cost of services and its components.

When determining full cost In general, the following factors were taken into account for the cabin:

  1. volumes of consumption in physical terms of raw materials, materials and energy resources necessary for the implementation of the entire range of services;
  2. current, as of the date of preparation of the business plan, prices for raw materials, materials and energy resources;
  3. data on numbers and wages complex personnel;
  4. insurance payments;
  5. cost of other household equipment

Necessary equipment for operating the solarium salon “Sunny Siti”:


Name of equipment


Price/unit goods (rub)



Vertical solarium



180 000

180 000

Horizontal solarium



250 000

250 000

Reception desk

25 000

25 000



25 000

25 000

Stand with tanning cosmetics

6 000

6 000

Administrator chair



Sofa for visitors

Arteko (Italy)

10 000


497 000

Necessary related products for work salon "Sunny Siti":

Preparations of three types: developers, fixers and activators:



Quantity of goods

Cost per item (RUB)


1. Triple tan developer with gloss Sugary Vanilla 200ml


2. Accelerator(250ml)




Quantity of goods

Cost per item (RUB)


Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. Business plan, the best way appropriate to the conditions of your business, you need to create it with the help of specialists.

Business plan for educational services

Resume with a budget

We present to your attention a project to create a Higher Educational Institution, or university for short.

The project requires financial investments in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles, and has the following objectives:

  • Complete satisfaction educational services consumer market;
  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise that generates stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

As was written earlier, to establish such a project, funding in the amount of 35,300,000 rubles is required. To obtain the required amount, you can attract investors, or take out a commercial loan from a bank at 14% per annum.

The profit that investors or the bank will receive is 2,269,289.24 rubles. The total profit for the whole time life cycle enterprise, which, by the way, is designed for two years, will amount to 118,748,222.76 rubles.

Estimated payback period for the enterprise: 9 months.

The loan must begin to be repaid from the first month of starting the enterprise.

Steps required to open your own university:

1. Rent or purchase of a building, premises and various outbuildings
2. Obtaining a state license, passing certification
3. Carrying out a whole range of repair and construction work
4. Purchase and installation of all necessary equipment
5. Passing various government inspections: SES, Fire Inspectorate, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, and other licensing authorities.
6. Search and hiring of all teaching staff in the amount of at least 2 teachers per subject.
7. Hiring other personnel (security, cleaners, secretaries, accountants, concierges, etc.)
8. Conducting an extensive advertising campaign

Types of training

Typically, university education is divided into several types:

  • Full-time education. All classes are held face-to-face, as a rule, in daytime days daily from Monday to Friday;
  • Extramural studies. Correspondence students have a separate schedule and appear at the university, often only during the session, studying independently the rest of the time;
  • Evening courses (full-time and part-time);
  • Distance learning. Teachers give the student assignments electronically, he completes them and sends back the answers. All reading is done by the student independently.

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of educational services in Russia

Equipment required in universities:
1. Desks, tables
2. Chairs
3. Boards, projectors, media boards
4. Stationery
5. Decorative items: flower pots, curtains, busts, portraits of scientists and prominent figures
6. Audio-video equipment, microphones
7. Office furniture, executive furniture
8. Toilet and shower rooms
9. Lighting, alarm
10. Library. Both electronic and regular
11. Equipment for the gym: exercise equipment, mats, balls, parallel bars, etc.
12. A luxury car for the rector of an educational institution.
13. Coffee machines
14. Buffet, canteen or something similar to provide meals for students. The buffet also provides additional profit for the university itself, students invest money in the university, and not in outside stores.

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MS Word Volume: 33 pages

Business plan

Reviews (108)

A carefully structured school business plan will help you understand how to properly organize your business. Services additional education are in demand, many parents want to send their child to a school where they can develop additional Creative skills. Therefore, an art school or modeling courses are needed, especially parents are happy when these creative workshops are located near home. Therefore, joining this business means giving children diversified development, parents the opportunity to give their child additional education, and bringing you profit and prosperity.

You have the opportunity to study the finished document now. A convenient and understandable document will lift the curtain and help open music school or a studio where the child will be given a high-quality musical education, knowledge of musical literacy, and an understanding and sense of style. Piano and violin, guitar and folk instruments, music criticism and other wisdom can be taught at your school. Don't forget to have a marketing plan that will help you get the word out about your business as much as possible. more potential clients.

In the sample business plan for organizing a school of additional education, you will also find economic calculations that will allow you to determine the cost of the endeavor, be it a model school or a music association, an art school, or one aimed at the early development of children’s business skills. It is necessary to think about paying teachers, organizing high-quality material resources and purchasing educational materials, equipment, tools. The undertaking is not easy, but it will definitely bring profit, which will only grow as your creative business develops.

Hundreds of thousands of parents face the problem of choosing an educational institution for their child every year. Public schools have long been distrusted by many fathers and mothers, and therefore they involuntarily think about the possibility of sending their child to a private institution. But at the same time, doubts that a decent education will be provided there still remain.

According to statistics, the private market educational business In our country it is developing slowly; few entrepreneurs decide to open a private school. And the problem is not even that a business such as educational services requires a license. An educational license will cost several thousand rubles, and it is really not easy to get one. But the main difficulty is finding suitable premises. It must comply with numerous requirements of Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as licensing conditions.

At this stage, as a rule, the ardor of a businessman becomes minimal and the desire to open a private children's school remains among only a few. They will have to overcome all the thorns of the educational business, which lie in wait for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in huge numbers.

As the experience of creating private schools shows, it is possible to do without state support It is very difficult for such establishments. Thanks to it, renting premises is slightly cheaper than current market prices. Until recently, such schools also had tax breaks, but now the only relief is exemption from VAT. Those businessmen who have acquired ownership of a school building find themselves in a more advantageous position. This allows them to feel some stability.

The main income of any private school is tuition fees. In private schools, the rates are set by the management, but it should be remembered that the higher the teachers’ salaries, the more expensive the education is for the parents of the students. Moms and dads are willing to pay hefty fees for their children's education, but only if the quality of education is high.

To open a private school, you will need a license, which will only be issued if the rented premises meet the most stringent requirements. If you decide to open not just your own school for the development of children, but to set up half board or even a boarding school where the child can stay for the whole week, the building should have rooms for sleeping and playrooms. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the private school population - these are mainly children from wealthy families who are accustomed to a certain level of comfort.

Organizing a private development school for preschoolers makes even more serious demands, which only a businessman who uses in his work can take into account professional example business plan for opening a private school with ready-made calculations. Guided by it, a businessman will not get bogged down in the quagmire of insoluble issues and will easily understand, for example, the features and procedure for opening new classrooms. Educational services, as an area of ​​business, require strict planning, and it is the business plan that is the document that gives the businessman the necessary support.

The market for paid educational services is currently experiencing difficult times. On the one hand, the decline in the quality of education in public educational institutions is a powerful incentive to pay attention to private schools. On the other hand, not every family is able to bear the costs of paid education. Businessmen themselves who decide to open their own private school find themselves in a far from simple situation.

When opening an educational business from scratch, entrepreneurs are forced to search for their niche, creating a reputation and a big name for themselves. the main problem– be able to prove to parents that their school will provide the child with the opportunity to receive the highest quality education. But, in order to interest potential clients, you need to know what criteria mothers and fathers use when choosing a private school.

The demand for paid educational services still remains quite low - approximately 15-20% of parents living in large cities are ready to think about sending their children to a private school educational institution. And it is necessary to try very hard to ensure that this readiness develops into a serious intention to use the services of such schools.

The experience of implementing the project to create private schools clearly demonstrates all the problems characteristic of this market segment. When opening a private school, a businessman needs to clearly understand the purpose for which parents send their children to a paid educational institution. As a rule, the main motivating factor is the desire to provide your child with the opportunity to receive a quality education and the individual development of his abilities.

What criteria do parents look for when choosing a private school? As statistics show, first of all - on the reputation of the establishment. That is, reviews of the educational services provided can play both a positive and a sharply negative role. In addition, mothers and fathers pay the closest attention to the qualifications of the teachers who work at the school. Of course, any vacancy in a private school, for example, a teacher for the creative development of children, is attractive to many teachers. But you need to choose the best ones so that there are no problems later.

From all this it is clear that businessmen who are planning to open a school need to take care to become visible. But how can you open a private school and immediately be able to make a name for yourself? After all, in order for parents to be able to assess the prospects, time is needed. In solving this problem, any entrepreneur must be guided by a competent example of a business plan for an educational services center for children. Regardless of whether you decide to open a school early development or private art school, the professional advice provided in this document will provide you with invaluable support. And, despite the fact that the return on investment in an educational business can hardly be called high, you will stand on your own two feet.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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