Biological product for toilets and cesspools. Chemicals for cesspools and toilets, choosing medications. Video: An effective product for country toilets

Nothing can spoil a pleasant day at the dacha except the unpleasant smell from the dry closet. Unfortunately, not all huts are equipped modern toilets with advanced sewerage, so there are often cesspools or dry closets on the plots. Frequent use can cause them to become clogged, overfilled, and emit strong odors. In this case, the summer resident will come to the aid special remedy For cesspool. The product is created for quick disposal from overcrowding of the latrine. Preparations are often aimed at removing repulsive odors.

When choosing a suitable product for a dry closet, you must remember that this segment of products is divided into 2 types. There are organic and chemical activators. The former are much safer than the latter, but chemical-based drugs are usually highly active and start working faster. Chemical samples are also more versatile and can cope with any type of contamination. The rating below shows 6 samples the best means for cesspools.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

Top 6 best products for cesspools

6 Tratan

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 98 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A concentrated dose of the product will help cope with blockages and unpleasant odors both in toilets and in cesspools and septic tanks. Regular use will eliminate the need to constantly resort to pumping and cleaning. The formula prevents the build-up of waste and grease in drains and sewer systems. One use of the concentrate will help treat waste within a month. The manufacturer suggests dissolving the closed package in large quantities water and pour the resulting solution into the cesspool. The drug is effective for approximately 3 days, after which the unpleasant odor is eliminated. To clean the septic tank, the resulting mixture must be kept for 20 minutes and poured into all pipes in the apartment overnight.

The processed products can then be used as the richest fertilizer for plants. Users value the product for its resistance to aggressive detergents and low cost. In chlorinated water, Tratan indicators decrease. To cleanse in this case, you will need several concentrated portions.

5 Gorynych

Favorable volume
Country Russia
Average price: 150 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The product is a biological type of cesspool cleaner. The product contains bacterial spores that break down waste thanks to secreted enzymes. With their help, organic matter, paper, fats and waste products quickly decompose without an unpleasant odor. Gorynych significantly saves money for pumping and cleaning cesspools. Thanks to its bio-formula, it does not leave behind hazardous waste. The recycling can easily be added to compost to then fertilize plants. The large volume will allow you to limit yourself to purchasing one package for the entire summer.

Buyers notice the economical consumption of the drug. IN included liquid for mixing the active powder and a bottle. For country toilets For a small volume, one sachet of bioactivator and just a few milliliters of the supplied liquid are enough. Manufacturers recommend adding water to the cesspool. The contents to be processed should be liquid, as this will give the best results.

4 Live bacteria Biosept

Fast action
Country Russia
Average price: 550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The package contains two sachets of 25 grams each. The component actively eliminates bottom sediment, unpleasant odors, and significantly reduces the volume of solid human waste products. The drug also removes blockages in pipes and sewer systems. It is most effective in systems with water drainage, but it also works well in cesspools. Bacteria are characterized by rapid activation and onset of action. It only takes 2 hours for the drug to start working in both aerobic and anaerobic situations. To clean the septic tank, you just need to pour the contents of the bag into the toilet drain. To clean the cesspool, mix the drug with water.

3 Doctor Robik Bioactivator 409

High quality
Country Russia
Average price: 599 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

An ideal eco-friendly product for cesspools. The product is designed for quick and high-quality breakdown of fats, proteins, urea and cellulose. Quickly breaks down all human waste products. The bioactivator is suitable for different types cesspools. Works well in both sealed and open bottom pits. The special composition of the product is distinguished by its active fight against unpleasant odors and flooding, which can cause a lot of trouble for users of country toilets. The drug formula is considered harmless to environment and humans, because it does not contain dangerous and caustic chemicals.

Many users leave positive reviews about the product and consider it the best. The economical consumption and effectiveness of the drug are appreciated. The manufacturer claims that it is enough to pour a portion of the product into the cesspool just once per year. big size. A liter bottle is designed for a 2000 liter pit. One of the disadvantages may be the need to pump out the contents of the pit before using the product.

2 BioBac BB-Z 150

Suitable for winter
Country Russia
Average price: 744 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

IN summer season It’s worth thinking about the safety of your dacha dry closet when cold weather sets in. The sample will do an excellent job of cleaning even in cold weather. A highly concentrated product for cesspools and septic tanks also works great with drainage systems and pipes. Fights unpleasant odors and decomposes human waste products, fats, paper and other debris. The composition helps in the fight against the development of microorganisms and bacteria that spread infections. Thanks to the drug, it is stably provided good job septic systems, cesspools and toilets.

One of the significant advantages of the product will be its active operation when sub-zero temperature. The composition copes well with its tasks at -22C. This has earned him recognition among many buyers. The disadvantage of purchasing may be the high price, but in general, due to its large volume and effectiveness, users consider the product to be the best.

1 Bioforce Septic Comfort

Better efficiency
Country: Canada
Average price: RUB 3,254.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Canadian sample is suitable for cleaning toilets and septic tanks both in the country and in a city apartment. The composition neutralizes human waste products, fights unpleasant odors, and reduces the amount of sediment on the septic tank. The action of Septic Comfort is aimed at preventing blockages of various types and types. Helps avoid filling sewer pipes and restore the balance of bacteria in the septic tank. Packaged in sachets, which are convenient to pour directly into plums or wastewater treatment plants. The composition of the drug combines the presence of a concentrate of beneficial biobacteria, nutrients, minerals and enzymes to thoroughly process all waste.

The manufacturer advises using one sachet every month to decompose waste products. The consumption of the product must be increased based on the volume of the treatment system. Many users consider the product to be the best on the market for cesspools and septic tanks. Others notice that the product works worse with dry toilets than with city wastewater treatment systems. A significant disadvantage can be the price.

Biologically active substances or bioactivators are microorganisms that feed on natural waste, fats, paper, organic fibers, etc. Thus, bacteria help solve the problem of cleaning country toilets, neutralizing unpleasant odors and processing wastewater. The preparations include a concentrate of specially grown bacteria, enzymes and enzymes. Each type of microorganism settles in the area most suitable for it to live.

Bioactivator for a toilet in the country - principle of operation

Despite the wide variety of modern disinfectants, their composition and method of use do not differ significantly. All bioactivators for country toilets contain bacterial strains that have proven themselves in terms of their useful qualities. Once in a favorable environment with a certain temperature, humidity and set organic matter, bacteria begin to actively multiply, secreting enzymes that speed up the process of processing household waste.

Advantages of cleaning a country toilet with the BioBak bioactivator:

  • avoiding damage to structures made of various materials;
  • liquefaction of sediment accumulating at the bottom of the system;
  • absence of harmful effects on the environment and human health;
  • automatic disappearance of microorganisms after performing their functions;
  • reducing the frequency of pumping out the structure.

Before you buy bacteria for outdoor toilet to the dacha, you should decide what form of release: liquid or granular would be better suited for your situation. The poured or poured drug is effective if there is a sufficient level of water in the container. Only then will it be spent as efficiently and economically as possible. It is recommended to prevent toxic substances and medications from entering the bioactivator. In order to enhance microbial activity, the dose can be increased.

Bacteria for the toilet in the country

There are products based on either aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms. Biological products are characterized by a mixed composition of living bacteria. In fact, they function as vacuum cleaners that activate the natural purification of water.

Aerobic types engage in high degree biochemical decomposition, producing small amounts of solid sediment. During their activity, they emit heat and emit carbon dioxide without causing bad odors. Anaerobic bacteria for a country toilet do not require oxygen. They provide primary waste treatment. Thanks to a combination of microorganisms, organic substances decompose and rot, and the sewage system is cleaned.

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for a toilet in a country house allows you to free 98% of wastewater from sewage. However, their functionality is conditioned by stable use of the system. Temporary conservation will provoke the death of organisms.

Buying a bioactivator

Dear customers, you can buy the BioBak bioactivator in our online store. The catalog presents several types of our drugs. If you have any questions about the use of bacteria for country toilets, our consultants will be happy to advise on the products presented.

In our online store you can also:

  • purchase the necessary ones.
  1. A little theory
  2. About the features and principle of operation
  3. What types of biobacteria are there?
  4. What problems do biological products solve?
  5. What are the benefits of using bacteria?
  6. How to make the right choice?
  7. Pay attention to details!
  8. Practical recommendations
  9. How to provide maximum efficiency bacteria?
  10. When can microorganisms die?

Owners of cottages and personal plots regularly address the need to maintain treatment facilities. To solve this problem, they use the help of a sewer truck, but today we would like to suggest considering more thoughtful and modern technologies, among which special attention deserve bacteria for treatment facilities, splitting and converting wastewater into purified liquid, carbon dioxide and waste, appearing in the form of minerals or so-called sludge.

A little theory

Pay attention to details!

Before ordering a specific drug, carefully study the instructions, paying close attention to the following points:

  • Degree of concentration. The greater the number of bacteria in the preparation, the higher the efficiency.
  • Types of microorganisms used. The composition determines the types of waste that the product disposes of during operation. The more different microbes there are, the greater the possibilities and potential.
  • The volume of waste processed by bacteria from the pack. If there are not enough microorganisms, the microbes may die. As a result, the colony will not achieve its goal. If there are too many bacteria used for cleaning, they can simply destroy themselves, reducing efficiency.
  • Dry residue left by microorganisms after work. The lower it is, the better it is definitely.
  • Best before date. Most often equal to the lifespan of microorganisms. In expired packaging, the bacteria have already died or their concentration is decreasing.
  • If the bacteria will be used for the first time, we recommend purchasing drugs with the phrase “start” or “for initial use.” The contents of such products include substances that stimulate the development of a new colony.
  • After cleaning, liquid remains in the septic tank, which is pumped out using normal

    Bacteria are living beings, so for normal operation a set of conditions must be provided:

    • The temperature range is around 4-30°C. If the numbers fall below the indicated figures, then the microorganisms “fall asleep.” When it gets warmer, microbes become more active. Remember that bacteria will not work properly in a cold toilet in winter.
    • Microbes always need food. Otherwise, the microorganisms die. If the toilet is used infrequently, then additional microbes must be introduced periodically. If the toilet is used exclusively for summer period, then a new colony must be formed every year.
    • For bacteria to work well, the liquid must rise several centimeters above the level at which the solid waste is located in the treatment facility. If the amount of water is insufficient, liquid must be added.
    • Microbes do not utilize inorganics. Do not drain plastic or metal items as they will simply remain at the bottom of the treatment plant.
    • Chlorine, manganese and other similar substances can completely kill a colony.
    • In the process of preparing the product, you must fully follow the instructions, since otherwise the bacteria may not “come out of hibernation.”

    When can microorganisms die?

    The effects of a number of substances are similar to death for bacteria. The following should not enter treatment facilities:

    • Substances that contain chlorine.
    • Household chemicals.
    • Potassium permanganate.
    • Medicines.
    • Antibacterial drugs.

    If, nevertheless, aggressive elements get into septic tanks, then it is necessary to introduce new bacteria in a timely manner. Such a decision will provide an opportunity to renew and strengthen the colony.

To properly arrange a private house or a dacha, create comfortable conditions for your stay, you need to organize proper drainage of wastewater. Central system sewerage by by and large solves this problem, but not all suburban real estate has the appropriate connection. In this case, septic tanks are installed or cesspools are formed. But in addition to their obvious advantages, they require regular maintenance - usually cleaning using sewer methods, which in rare cases are easy to use, 100% effective and safe for human health.

Modern methods for wastewater treatment

Today you can clean a septic tank or cesspool different ways, which are distinguished by labor intensity:

  • Mechanical cleaning is carried out thanks to special equipment– sewerage machines that pump sewage out of a sewer tank or cesspool. This is the most common traditional way, requiring material and time costs, physical effort.
  • Removing impurities using chemicals that contribute to decomposition fecal matter, requires strict adherence to safety regulations. Products containing chemical substances, can be dangerous to humans, can provoke the development allergic reactions, and are not always effective. (Harms nature)
  • Only bioactivators will help make the process of cleaning a cesspool or septic tank safe, simple and effective. This is a bacterial-enzymatic method, thanks to which accelerated decomposition of feces occurs naturally, due to destructor bacteria.

All options are good in their own way in a given situation, but according to statistics, the bacterial-enzyme method is still considered universal, which is worth considering in more detail.

Bioactivators are able to cope with any sewer volume, have no restrictions on use, and demonstrate decent results. For example, branded products “BioBak” promote the decomposition of not only solid fecal fractions, but also paper and fats. Also, preparations for cesspools and septic tanks from this manufacturer eliminate pungent sewer odors, prevent the proliferation of insects, protect the walls of tanks from the appearance of a soap film and dilute the sediment that most often forms at the bottom.

What bacteria are used to eliminate sewage waste?

Preparations used as a bacterial-enzymatic method for cleansing the autonomous sewer system, may consist of anaerobic bacteria, microorganisms that are active even with minimal amounts of oxygen. They are added to the septic system. As a result sewage become more transparent, and sediment forms only at the bottom. Thus, purification occurs by approximately 65-70%.

Also, bioactivators can consist of aerobic microorganisms that are active only in the presence of oxygen (no sediment is formed at the bottom of the tank, and the wastewater is purified with maximum efficiency).

To achieve perfect result, it is most profitable to use universal preparations, which include both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. For example, certified BioBak products have this composition. On the modern market, they are the ones who are guaranteed to clean the contents of sewer tanks and reservoirs until complete decomposition, neutralize specific odors, and are safe for the environment and human health. Complex products speed up the cleaning process.

Thanks to the use biological compounds the level of gas formation is reduced. Preparations that have undergone numerous studies do not have an aggressive effect on metal, glass, reinforced concrete or plastic surfaces. As a result of the vital activity of the active substances of BioBak preparations, a substrate appears that can easily be used as a fertilizer.

Options for bioactivators: popular forms of drugs

Modern bioactivators are produced in different forms, which directly affects the frequency and convenience of their intended use. More often we're talking about about powders and liquids.

Powdered preparations

Products in this category are presented in powder form. They are packaged in containers with different weights, which affects the ease of their use, storage and transportation. Initially, bacteria are in a “dormant” state and their activation occurs only after contact with the “working” environment.

Using powdered organic products is easy. For example, the drug from BioBak BB-YS 060 is added directly to the sewer system in the right amount(depending on volumes sewer tank, tank). One package (100 g) is designed for 4 m 3 and has a zip fastener, thanks to which it is convenient to store the biological product.

Liquid preparations

Liquid bioactivators are a highly concentrated product. To achieve maximum effect, it is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. The effectiveness of drugs can be influenced by environmental factors, in particular temperature, as well as the volume of inorganic and organic substances in waste liquids.
A popular biological product in this category is the product for septic systems BB-S 180. A container with a volume of 1000 ml is designed for 12 m3 and, in addition to microorganisms, includes demineralized water, mineral salts and a special saline solution. During the cold season, experts recommend using the domestic product BioBak BB-Z150. It's winter universal remedy, the only drug on the bioactivator market that works down to -22°C.

Statistics, public and consumer opinion

As statistics and consumer reviews show, bioactivators easily cope with the assigned tasks and eliminate unpleasant odors, promote the decomposition of fats and fecal matter, prevent the formation of a soap film, and do not damage pipes or the walls of sewer tanks.

The use of modern biological products for cesspools and septic tanks is completely justified. This saves not only effort and time, but money. Thanks to highly efficient household products that contain aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms create comfortable conditions in country cottage or at the dacha today everyone can.

Owners of private houses claim comfortable household amenities, but it is impossible to avoid certain problems with the disposal of cesspool contents and sewerage cleaning. Moreover, the process requires a constant solution, which is quite annoying with a number of specific moments. Through the efforts of laboratories, bacteria were grown that affect the efficiency of waste decomposition, and at the same time carry an antiseptic load.

Advantages of using biological products for sewage

With the help of bacteria for cesspools, the following activities have been greatly simplified:

  • for cleaning cesspools, drainage wells, storage tanks;
  • dilution of bottom sediment;
  • eliminating relevant odors;
  • reducing the volume of sewage waste;

The main advantage is the fact that with the systematic use of bioactivators, the number of pumpings is significantly reduced.

Cleaning principle

Latest generation sanitary products do not disturb the ecological balance in nature. The innovative formula of microorganisms copes with the decomposition of waste and amber at the speed of a virus. They successfully dissolve organic matter due to the high concentration of bacteria contained in the formula. Even a one-time use will increase the capacity of the tank, anticipating future blockages.

Nowadays, when environmental problems are discussed everywhere, biological treatment is timely. Getting into engineering Communication, bacteria quickly adapt to the environment, are activated and the result of their use becomes:

  • significant cost reduction due to reducing waste volumes, which means efficiency;
  • personal investment in environmental protection. Included in chemical compositions formaldehyde is particularly destructive to the environment. During the cold season, its alternative will be harmless nitrate oxidizers;

Microorganisms for cleaning

Popular microorganisms for sewers and septic tanks are divided into:

  • aerobic;
  • anaerobic.

Both versions, as expected, are always present in organic waste. The first type is capable exist exclusively in an oxygen environment, and his colony is considered the most active. They are ubiquitous in nature, and their role in biological life processes is enormous. Thanks to the specific features, enzymes, antibiotics and a number of other compounds that are so necessary for humans appeared.

The functional principle of aerobic organisms comes down to deep cleaning. When oxygen is supplied, bacteria are activated and begin to multiply escape velocity. As the process progresses, sludge is formed, in contact with which the organic components begin to rapidly decompose, leaving almost no sediment. Over time, residual effects are pumped out by a machine pump or removed independently. Important advantage - complete absence of amber.

The effect of anaerobic bacteria is somewhat lower. The process is due to a long processing interval with the assumption of the formation of sediment with harmful microorganisms, therefore the dominance of aerobic organisms.

The consequence of biological treatment is the fact that wastewater does not require additional measures of the second stage, and are discharged into the sewer. The resulting sludge can be used to fertilize the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

The best result can be obtained only if the product is carefully selected in relation to the specific features of the sewer system. Therefore, when choosing, we take into account that:

  1. A dry toilet should be clean with special tablets, which will equally effectively dissolve any organic matter, turning it into liquid.
  2. The activators must include components reducing the proportion of solid fraction in wastewater, including dissolving fats.

Bacteria feed on residual products and self-destruct in the clean sewer system of a private home.

There are several rules that must be followed to achieve high performance: