Currant berries in the web, what to do. How to protect bushes from pests of black currant, red and white. Using folk recipes against currant bud mite

Currants occupy a place of honor in many gardens, because this crop is distinguished by its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to provide the gardener with not only tasty, vitamin-rich berries, but also healthy leaves and shoots. The aroma of black currant cannot be confused with the smell of other crops, but sometimes plantings of this crop risk dying due to pest invasion. The most insidious of them are currant bud and spider mites. Microscopic in size, they destroy the crop and lead to complete depletion of the bushes.

Scale of harm caused

Both bud mites and spider mites can lead to crop loss, and if not controlled, cause the death of black currant plantings. Despite their small size, these pests cause enormous damage to plants due to their numbers. In addition, bushes weakened by their activities become targets for various kinds diseases and other pests.

In early April, female bud mites begin to actively lay eggs (up to 8,000 from one female), which “mature” within 6-12 days. After this time, young individuals of the bud mite emerge and rush to healthy parts of the plants, climbing inside the yet unopened buds. They feed on plant sap, leading to the drying out of still unexpanded leaves, inflorescences and young shoots. In one year, the kidney mite produces at least 5 generations of offspring.

However, the main danger is not only the depletion of the plant. Even if you take timely measures to combat the pest, the bush may suffer from the terry virus, which can only be gotten rid of by completely destroying the plant.

Spider mite is a pest that causes weakening of the plant. Its activity leads to deterioration of winter hardiness, which is why black currants can freeze even in warm winter with large snow cover. There is no need to talk about productivity at all, since without a supply of certain substances obtained during the process of photosynthesis, flower buds on this crop are not formed.

Description of pests and signs of their appearance

It is not always the case that mites are detected on black currants within a few days after they settle in the plantings. This is primarily due to the small size of the pests. For example, a kidney mite has a body length of only 0.2 mm - females, males have an even smaller body, and a spider mite - from 0.24 to 0.47 mm

(males and females respectively). It can be extremely difficult to detect them without magnifying glasses, but traces of their activity are visible to the naked eye.

Signs of kidney mite activity

As its name suggests, the currant bud mite only affects the buds of the plant. It is according to them appearance and the presence of the pest on the plantings can be detected. When the snow melts, unusually large buds, sometimes severely deformed, are clearly visible on infected plants. The fact is that sexually mature female ticks overwinter in them, ready to reproduce with the onset of the first fine days.

The condition of the plantings and, accordingly, the future harvest depend on the time of detection of spider and bud mites on black currants. That is why it is recommended to annually inspect the branches for the presence of swollen buds and remove them before the first generation of mites emerges. At summer infection signs of damage by bud mites are changes in the shape, color and structure of the apical leaf blades. They become leathery, slightly deformed and lighten.

Signs of spider mites

It’s not for nothing that the spider mite is called the scourge of gardens, because this pest can handle more than 200 crops, which he feeds on throughout the summer. Only the female pests survive the winter, hiding under fallen leaves. In the spring, they climb onto plants and lay thousands of translucent eggs on young leaves. A week later, larvae emerge from them, entangle the leaf blade with a web and feed on its juices.

You can notice the activity of spider mites by carefully examining black currants. First, light microscopic dots appear on the leaves of (single) bushes, which later completely cover them. Gradually, such marbling transfers to neighboring leaf blades. Sometimes the finest cobwebs can be found on berry bunches.

How to treat currant bushes

All means for controlling mites on black currants are divided into two types:

  • chemical;
  • organic (folk).

To reduce the number of pests on a single plant, you can selectively cut out infected branches and destroy them in a fire. It is not recommended to leave cut branches even for a short time within the garden, much less throw them on the ground, as pests can get on healthy plants located nearby.


Important point: Conventional insecticides do not affect spider mites and kidney mites, since these pests are not insects! If they appear, it is necessary to use acaricides and insectoacaricides.

The most popular and safest for humans and warm-blooded animals are preparations based on colloidal sulfur and hormonal acaricidal preparations:

  • Envidor;
  • Nissan;
  • Kontos;
  • Forbid 4F.

It is recommended to use them at the time of migration of female spider mites and bud mites, as well as during mass breeding of offspring, that is, in the spring, during the blooming of leaves. For greater effect, it is important to carry out two treatments with an interval of 10-12 days between them.

After harvesting, you can use more powerful systemic organophosphorus acaricides:

  • Rogor-S;
  • Bi-58;
  • Phosphamide.

Young non-fruiting plantings are treated with acaricides containing active ingredients based on dimethoate:

  • Dimetrin;
  • Accent;
  • Danadim;
  • Pilarmax.

It is important not to exceed the dosage of the drugs and not to try to use more solution than the instructions for use recommend. It is also recommended to alternate products so that pests do not develop immunity to them.

Biological method

An unusual method to free the garden from uninvited microscopic guests is to breed in it beneficial insects, which in nature consider mites (including kidney and spider mites) as food. These include bedbugs, flesh-eating mites, stetorus ( ladybug) and lacewings.

Folk remedies

Among the most popular remedies for spider mites and bud mites are classic infusions from plants that are distinguished by either a strong aroma or an abundance of bitterness. So, The following formulations are considered the most effective:

  1. Infusion of tobacco or shag.
  2. An infusion of dandelion roots and leaves.
  3. Garlic infusion.
  4. Decoction onion peel.
  5. A decoction of unripe walnuts.
  6. Garlic infusion.

The disadvantage of folk remedies is the need for repeated processing throughout the growing season with an interval of 5-7 days. Advantages: complete safety for people and pets. Moreover, processing folk remedies can be carried out even at the moment of ripening of the crop.

Mite-resistant varieties

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no currant variety that is resistant to attack by all types of mites, including bud mites and spider mites. The second, by the way, does not hesitate to destroy the strongest plants that are immune to diseases and pests.

Only some varieties of black currant are resistant to the bud mite:

Variety name Description of the variety Level of resistance to kidney mite
Early Potapenko Early fruiting variety with large sweet berries. Compact, medium height. Disadvantage – early aging High
Otradnaya A vigorous plant with large berries. Advantages of the variety: high winter, drought and heat resistance Above average
Vigorous Tall, sparsely leafy bush, the fruits are large, plum-shaped, sweet and dense High
Nara Medium-sized bush with spreading curved branches. The berries are very large and sweet, ripen early High
Kipiana Precocious self-fertile early variety With large berries and a medium-sized spreading bush High

In addition to the listed varieties, black currants “Nightingale Night”, “Belorusskaya Rannyaya” and “Shalunya” are relatively resistant to bud mite. The bud mite affects red currants as often as black currants. Currently, breeders have developed several varieties resistant to this pest.

Variety name a brief description of Degree of stability
Earring Winter-hardy tall variety with a spreading branched crown and small-sized berries with a sweet and sour taste Above average
Early sweet Medium-sized bush with a compact semi-spreading crown. The berries are small, very tasty High
Dutch early An early ripening variety with a spreading, medium-sized crown. The berries are large, with noticeable sourness High
Memory of Gubenko A high-yielding small-fruited variety with a spreading, medium-sized crown. The taste of the berries is excellent Very high
Transdanubia Large-fruited variety with medium vigor. Spreading bush, compact, medium leafy High

Prevention measures

You can effectively fight mites on blackcurrant bushes using many methods, including treating the plantings with chemicals or using folk remedies. However, much more simple technique– preventing garden infestation by these pests.

Despite the apparent complexity, you can stop the attack of mites on black currants by performing a few simple steps:

  1. Regular destruction of weeds on the site. Many pests often wait out the winter on them, and ticks are among them.
  2. Cleaning autumn garden from fallen leaves. Spider mites most often overwinter in them.
  3. Propagation of black currant by healthy shoots or already rooted seedlings. To avoid the appearance of diseased plants on the site, it is recommended to warm them up before planting. hot water(up to 46 degrees) no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Strengthening the resistance (own immunity) of plants to pests by timely application of fertilizers to the soil and foliar feeding.

In addition, it is important to dig up the soil directly under the currant bushes every year, and in the fall to remove unfallen leaves and enlarged buds from the plants.

The main point in the fight against spider mites and kidney mites is timeliness and consistency. With the proper approach and responsible implementation of agrotechnical requirements, the bushes of this crop will remain healthy, even if ticks spoil all the plantings on the neighbors’ plots.

Spider mites are herbivorous insects whose body length does not exceed 1 mm. Males are slightly smaller than females and have an elongated body shape. In adulthood, the whole structure is expressed, there are no separate segments. The color of the tick can be red, green or yellow depending on its age, feeding habits and species.

More than 1200 described different varieties. These are extremely prolific pests; more than 15 generations can change in one season. Ticks feed on plant sap and attack almost all cultivated vegetables. decorative flowers and fruit berry bushes, trees.

The pest is found in almost any climate; infestation is more often observed in regions with dry and warm air. In conditions high humidity The tick stops intensive reproduction and goes into hibernation.

They can live for a long time in dry leaves and soil, and are frost-resistant. In the egg state, a spider mite can remain in one place for up to 5 years.

Why are spider mites dangerous for currants?

When infected, the mite quickly spreads throughout all vegetative parts of the currant, preferring leaves and young shoots. Using a needle in the jaw apparatus, it pierces plant tissues and then actively feeds on the juice. This leads to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • the intensity of the color of the leaf plates decreases, a characteristic white marble pattern appears;
  • due to lack of nutrition, leaves become deformed, curl, and then fall off;
  • a cobweb appears on all parts of the plant, which also entangles the fruits;
  • the plant slows down its rate of development, begins to dry out and may die.

The first signs of spider mites can be found on the lower parts of the currant bush, and then the mite population spreads higher and higher. As you move, a characteristic white web remains.

If treatment is not started in time, infection leads to crop loss, suppression of bush growth and its death. In addition, the plant weakens, which increases the likelihood of developing fungal and bacterial infections.

Causes of infection

There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of spider mites on currants:

  • hot and dry weather;
  • lack of minerals in the soil, weak plant immunity;
  • use of infected planting material;
  • planting density;
  • Availability large quantity dust on plants.

Infection spider mite usually observed in the first half of summer, especially during prolonged drought. In addition, there is a risk of pests from neighboring plants, so it is important to maintain the optimal distance between planting crops on the site.

Ways to fight

Several methods have been developed to treat currants from bush infection. Control methods are distinguished by their specific application, efficiency and reliability. You can get rid of the pest using insecticides, folk remedies and biological (natural) methods.


This is the most reliable way combating spider mites on currants. Chemicals enter the pest’s body, cause disruption of metabolic processes and lead to death. A number of drugs also affect larvae.

Traditional insecticides are ineffective because mites are different from insects anatomical structure bodies.

Acaricides and insectoacaricides are used for control, the most effective of which are:

  • Aktellik;
  • Neoron;
  • Omite;
  • Flumite;
  • Demitan;
  • Apollo;
  • Oberon.

It is recommended to treat the currant bush at the beginning of the formation of ovaries, so as not to affect the taste of the crop. The procedure is carried out in two stages with an interval of 10-12 days. It is advisable to carry out work only in sunny and calm weather; be sure to use protective equipment.

Before starting treatment, you should carefully study the instructions for use, which indicate the dosage, treatment regimen and active ingredient.

Folk remedies

There are also home methods to combat spider mites. They have low efficiency, so they are not always able to destroy a large pest population. But such products can be used during fruiting - they do not affect the taste and composition of the berries.

Popular folk recipes for ticks:

  • Soap solution. To prepare it you need to grind 200 g laundry soap, dilute in warm water volume 10 l. For effectiveness, you can add 2-3 drops of iodine or a crystal of potassium permanganate;
  • Ammonia. Dilute the product at the rate of 30 ml of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Treat leaves, shoots and the tree trunk area;
  • Onion peel. Pour 200 g of fresh onion peel into 10 liters of water and let it brew for 12 hours. Before spraying, strain the infusion and treat all parts of the bush. Repeat the procedure after 10 days.

In addition, infusions and decoctions of the following herbs are often used to combat spider mites on currants:

  • celandine;
  • dandelion;
  • yarrow;
  • cyclamen;
  • horseradish root;
  • sagebrush.

To prepare the product, you need to use only dried herbs, which you can purchase at a pharmacy or prepare yourself. These plants repel spider mites, so they can be planted next to currants for added protection.

Biological measures

Predatory mites Amblyseius and Phytoseiulus are natural enemies of the pest. They can be planted near the plant to avoid infection. Such mites can be bought in gardening stores; this method is often used for home and greenhouse crops, so 10-15 pieces are required for each currant bush.

Their population should be renewed every month to maintain the plant's defenses.

Biological control methods also include planting plants that repel spider mites. The most effective of them are calendula and marigold.


Avoiding the appearance of spider mites is easier than taking a long time to get rid of them. To do this you need to follow simple preventive measures:

  • in autumn and spring, dig up the soil next to the currants;
  • remove all fallen leaves near the bush;
  • carry out preventive treatment with chemicals before the start of active growing season and in the fall;
  • Trim diseased, deformed and old branches and shoots in a timely manner.

You should also harvest the crop on time and rejuvenate the currant bush if it has been growing in one place for more than 7-8 years. If signs of spider mites are detected, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive treatment of the entire planting, trim and burn all already affected parts of the plant.

Spider mites are a dangerous pest for currants and other berry crops. It has a high rate of spread and can lead to the death of the bush and loss of yield. To avoid its appearance on the site, you should follow simple rules prevention, timely treatment.

Currant bushes grow on almost every personal plot. They are easy to care for, and the berries have a unique taste, aroma and rich vitamin composition. However, useful plantings are often subject to diseases and attacks by pests, as indicated by cobwebs on currants. Timely identification of the cause and implementation of measures to destroy the culprit will help prevent the death of the plant.

The culprits of the appearance of cobwebs on currants

Currant bushes can be chosen various insects: butterflies, mites, moths and many others. The damage caused, as well as control methods, differ for each pest.


Spheroteka ( powdery mildew) is a disease caused by fungal spores. Appears in June on young foliage. Looks like whitish coating, which can be easily removed at the initial stage. Subsequently develops into a web resembling a felt coating of brown or light shade. Gradually it affects both old and young leaves and berries.

With severe infection, shoots become deformed, leaves curl and decrease in size, and the plant weakens. If the disease is not stopped, the currant bush may die.

How to deal with cobwebs on currants caused by spheroteca:

  1. IN spring period after flowering, the bushes should be sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate in a proportion of 1 g per 10 liters of water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times with an interval of 10-12 days.
  2. To combat fungal spores on currants, use an infusion of humus. Mix 1 part humus and 2 parts water, let it brew for 2-3 days, strain and ready-made mixture treat the bushes.
  3. Trim shoot tips and curled leaves regularly.
  4. Sprinkle the soil with wood ash.
  5. To treat plants affected by powdery ash, you can prepare an infusion of wood ash, mix it with liquid green soap and spray the infected bush with a spray bottle. For the same purpose, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate with a few drops of iodine and low-fat milk or whey.
  6. To prevent the disease, treat currant bushes with Nitrafen every year in late autumn or early spring.

According to the observations of gardeners, planting filamentous speedwell prevents the development of powdery mildew.

Gooseberry moth

The insect overwinters in the pupal stage in poutine cradles. In spring, with the onset of warmth, a mass emergence of adult butterflies begins. They are distinguished by their inconspicuous color. The length of the body does not exceed 14 mm, the wingspan reaches 30 cm. Females begin to actively lay tiny oval eggs in buds, flowers, and ovaries.

The female is capable of laying up to 200 eggs. At favorable conditions after 7 days, yellowish caterpillars 3 mm in length appear from them. The young generation is very voracious and begins to absorb barely formed berries.

Each gooseberry moth caterpillar can destroy up to 15 currants.

Larval development lasts 30 days. During this time, it increases in size and acquires a rich green color with dark spots on the sides. To pupate, the caterpillar descends on a web to the ground. On damaged bushes you can see berries with holes and cobwebs that stretch to neighboring fruits.

  • regularly carry out deep digging of the soil around currant plantings;
  • remove cobwebs on currants in a timely manner;
  • mulch the soil with a layer of 7-8 cm;
  • during the flowering period, treat the bushes with infusion of wormwood and tobacco;
  • to destroy caterpillars, spray currants with a solution of green soap;
  • place traps made of bright orange cardboard with long-drying glue applied;
  • in case of severe infestation, insecticidal preparations are used: “Karate”, “Kinmiks”, “Iskra”.

Currant bud moth

With the arrival of spring, yellow caterpillars crawl out of the soil. The food item is the buds, which the pests eat away completely, leaving behind cobwebs and small excrement, which leads to the drying out of the damaged buds.

One individual destroys from 4 to 7 buds. If there is a large concentration of insects, they can expose the currant bush, thereby leaving it without a harvest.

Before currant blossoms, the larvae become olive color, their sizes reach 8 mm, and they enter the pupation phase. The pupae spend this period in the soil under currant bushes.

At the beginning of summer, small bud moth butterflies fly out of their pupae; their wingspan barely reaches 16 mm. The wings are yellow-brown with white stripes. Adults begin to actively reproduce. Females lay eggs in the pulp of unripe berries, which serve as a source of food for the hatched young caterpillars. Having destroyed the fruits, the young animals move to wintering areas.

Methods to combat bud moths:

  • To reduce the population of harmful moths, it is necessary to promptly remove weak shoots, plant remains under the bushes.
  • IN autumn period carry out deep digging of the soil.
  • In early spring, currant bushes are sprayed with a solution of DDT, prepared in accordance with the instructions from an emulsion, suspension, or powder. Plants can also be treated with chlorophos solution. Timely spraying will destroy all bud moth caterpillars.


Cobwebs on black currants may appear due to a fault. They do not ignore the red currant bushes, fruit trees. In April and May, caterpillars live in inflorescences, gnaw out buds and buds, and entangle them in cobwebs. When the plants have grown green mass, the diet of the caterpillars is supplemented with leaves, and in case of large accumulations, with fruits. In spring, one caterpillar can damage up to 30 buds.

Small butterflies appear at the end of May. Summer is observed until late autumn. Females lay eggs on currant leaves at dusk, a process that lasts about 4 weeks. During this time, the female manages to lay 100-150 eggs.

Under favorable conditions, a mass proliferation of currant leaf rollers occurs, which destroy up to 80% of the leaves in the infected area, which leads to a decrease in yield, weakening of the bush, and decreased frost resistance.

How to deal with leaf rollers:

  • in early spring, when the air temperature is above 10°C, the bushes are treated insecticidal solutions, it is extremely important to do this before flowering;
  • To spray the bushes, prepare a decoction of wormwood: pour 800 g of dry grass with 10 liters of water and leave for 2 days, then boil the infusion for 40 minutes, strain and add water to make 20 liters of solution;
  • A decoction of tomato tops is no less popular - chop 2 kg of leaves and roots, add 5 liters of water, let it brew for 4 hours, then boil for 40 minutes, store the infusion in a dark place, for spraying currant bushes, dilute it in half with water and add 20 g liquid soap.

Spider mite

Insects pierce the leaves with a sharp proboscis and drink the juice from it. Characteristic dots remain on the affected areas, and a peculiar marble pattern is formed on the sheet. Leaves damaged by spider mites begin to curl and subsequently fall off. In addition, pests carry viral and fungal infections.

The life cycle of ticks is 15-20 days. In such a short time, the female lays 200-300 eggs, from which hungry larvae appear within 3-4 days. After 7 days, they become full-fledged sexually mature individuals and begin to actively reproduce themselves.

White and red currant bushes suffer more from spider mites.

How to get rid of spider mites:

Spraying the bushes with plant solutions is carried out in the early morning or evening hours every three days. If traditional methods did not bring the desired result, you should use biological products: “Kleschevit”, “Vertimek”, “Agravertin”.

Apple tree and currant are two unpretentious plants, which are in the yard of almost every house. Their fresh fruits can give a person a year's supply of vitamins. For the winter, all kinds of jams and compotes are prepared from them. Twigs with leaves are used for brewing tea, as well as for canning. However, pests can destroy them within a short time.

The most dangerous are two representatives of the arachnid class, whose presence is noticed too late due to their microscopic size. Having settled on a currant or apple tree, bud and spider mites feed on the sap, which can lead to the death of the plants.

Characteristics of pests

Kidney and spider mites are pests whose size rarely exceeds 0.5 mm. However, due to their numbers and fertility, they are capable of causing colossal damage to the site.

The difference between these arthropods is that the location of the bud mite is only currants, mainly its black-fruited varieties, while the spider mite lives on more than 200 species of plants.

Signs of pests become visible to the naked eye when there is already a large colony of them on the plant. The measures taken for control, as well as their effectiveness for the plant, depend on the time of detection.

In order to identify ticks in a timely manner, it is necessary to carefully inspect fruit and berry plants several times a season for the presence of unnaturally swollen buds or deformed leaves that have changed color.

Representatives of the mite group become active in April-May, when the buds on the plants begin to swell and the first leaves appear. This is the moment when pests are most vulnerable to the effects of drugs.

Kidney mite

This pest affects only one type of berry bush, which is why it got its name.

The currant bud mite lives in the kidneys, as it does not tolerate high temperatures with dry air. During spring flowering, diseased buds wither and pests move from them to young shoots. There they settle in the leaf axils, beginning active reproduction. One kidney can contain a colony of up to 8 thousand mites.

The main way to combat the pest is to regularly inspect plants, identify and destroy affected shoots. Infestation of a bush can be determined by characteristic signs:

  • V winter time the buds containing pests look larger than others;
  • in spring, mite-affected shoots are stunted, there are few flower clusters, single young leaves are deformed and develop poorly;
  • in the summer, diseased bushes lag behind in development, shoots are underdeveloped, there are very few fruits or they are completely absent;
  • in the fall, after the leaves have fallen, the difference in shape and size between diseased and healthy buds is clearly visible.

If there are only a few damaged buds on the shrub, then it is enough to remove the shoot on which they were found. If the infection is severe, the plant must be cut off completely. Bushes grown from replacement shoots will not be affected by the bud mite. Sick shoots will never produce leaves or a full-fledged harvest, so there is no need to feel sorry for them.

Spider mite

If spider mites on currants are not identified and destroyed in time, they can infect all plants in the garden. In addition to currants, this pest loves to live on apple trees. It overwinters under fallen leaves, and with the onset of spring it rises again onto the plants.

It is especially active in hot, dry years; it settles on the underside of the leaf blade, where it makes punctures, sucking out the juice. Signs of its presence become visible almost immediately, namely:

Spider mites have more than 1200 species, about 100 genera. The most common is considered ordinary. The color of this representative depends on its age:

  • the larval stage is always light green or greenish-brown in color;
  • in adult females that have overwintered, the color ranges from orange-red to deep red.

The female pest makes 5 clutches during the season, each of which can contain up to one hundred eggs. After a week, larvae emerge from the clutch, and after another 1.5-3 weeks, a nymph appears.

The appearance of white and yellow spots is the first signal of their infection. Affected plants become susceptible to any type of disease and develop poorly. Large cluster pests can lead to crop loss and complete destruction fruit and berry trees and bushes.

Use of chemical and biological treatments

Protection of plants from bud and spider mites is comprehensive, including preventive actions, as well as direct destruction of the pest with chemical and organic preparations.

Ticks belong to the class of arachnids. Therefore, they are not affected by insect control agents, namely:

A drugFormApplication
FufanonEmulsion concentrateUsed when there is a small number of pests. Treatment is carried out in the morning and evening hours in dry weather. Work of people in the processing area is allowed after 10 days.
Bi 58Emulsion concentrateToxic. People are allowed to work after 14 days. Pollination of plants is possible an hour before precipitation. The prepared solution is used immediately after dilution.
Rogor-SEmulsion concentrateSlightly toxic. Can be used 1 month before harvest. In order for spider mites on currants to be destroyed, several treatments are required with an interval of 2 weeks.
KarbofosWater soluble powderSpraying the solution is carried out in the morning or evening in dry, calm weather. Highly toxic.
EnvidorWater solutionToxic. Harmless to environment. Strict adherence to dosage is required.
KontosWater solutionToxic. Personal protective equipment is required during use.

If a bud or spider mite is detected on currants, then before fighting it using drugs, you need to cut out especially infected branches and burn them. It is necessary to treat not only the affected areas of the plant, but also healthy ones. In addition, the drug is applied to nearby trees and shrubs.

Traditional recipes and preventive measures

There are situations when the use of chemical and biological agents is unacceptable. In this case, you can use proven folk remedies, which include:

It is impossible to get rid of kidney and spider mites without regular prevention. Therefore, to reduce the number of overwintered ticks it is necessary:

Apple trees and currants are favorite places for ticks to settle. In order for these plants to be healthy and produce good harvest– proper agrotechnical conditions must be created for them, which can only be achieved with proper, careful care of the garden, as well as regular watering.

Like other berry bushes, red, white and black currants are often attacked by pests. Of course, you need to fight them, but carefully so as not to harm yourself - chemicals Use only before flowering, after - only biological and folk remedies.

Remember that currants are needed for pest control in dry weather, preferably in the morning and evening hours, when there is no scorching sun.

Currant pests

The most common ones are spider mites, bud mites, glass beetles, berry sawflies, aphids, gooseberry moths, and leaf roller caterpillars.

Spider mites on currants

This pest lives on the underside of leaves, weaving a thin web. The damage looks like this: light dots first appear on the leaf, then discolored areas, the leaves become “marbled”, gradually dry out and fall off. Dry, hot weather contributes to the spread of ticks. This pest overwinters under leaf litter and in upper layers soil, so in the fall be sure to remove fallen leaves and loosen the soil under the bushes.

How to treat currants against spider mites, which helps

  • spraying with the biological product Fitoverm (according to instructions). It is a biological insectoacaricide.
  • in the spring, before the buds open, spray with the following preparations: Actellik, Acartan, Zolon, Karbofos (or), Metafox, Phosfamide, Cidial, Karate, etc. (according to the instructions included with them). In case of massive mite infestations of currants, on the eve of currant flowering, repeated spraying is carried out with one of the same preparations (it is advisable to alternate).
  • in dry weather, it is quite effective to spray currant bushes with water.
  • Folk remedies include spraying bushes with an infusion of onion peels. 100 g of husk per 5 liters of water, leave for 5 days, strain, spray the bushes.

damage to currants by aphids

Aphids on currants

Clusters of aphids are usually located on the lower part of the leaf. The tops of the shoots are most often affected. The leaves curl and ants can often be seen in these places. Subsequently, currant leaves affected by aphids dry out and die, so it is better to immediately cut off the curled leaves and burn them. Aphids overwinter in the egg phase right on the bushes.

Treatment against aphids is carried out mainly in the spring.

Fighting aphids on currants in spring

  • spraying with the biological product Fitoverm (according to instructions)
  • in the spring, before the buds open, spray with insecticides: Actellik, Karbofos, Khostakvik, etc.
  • from folk remedies for aphids on currants: 10 g of mustard powder per 1 liter of water, leave for two days, strain, dilute 5 times with water and spray the bushes. Spraying currants with infusions of garlic, tobacco, and orange peels is also effective.

damage to currants by berry sawfly

Berry sawfly

Berries damaged by this pest seem to ripen ahead of time and take on a slightly ribbed shape. Sawfly pupae overwinter in the upper layers of the soil, right under the currant bushes, so in the fall it is advisable to remove fallen leaves under the bushes and thoroughly loosen the soil.

Measures to combat the berry sawfly

  • During the season, regularly destroy infected berries before the sawfly leaves for the winter (mid-July).
  • in the spring, before flowering, it is necessary to spray the currants with one of the preparations: Actellik, Karbofos, Etafos or another with a similar effect.

Caterpillars of two-year-old leaf roller

They eat the buds, entangle them in webs and pupate inside. This pest overwinters in cobweb cocoons under fallen leaves or in bark cracks. One caterpillar can destroy up to 30 buds.

Currant treatment for leaf roller

  • in the spring (in May, during the mass emergence of leaf roller butterflies), spray the bushes with insecticides: Actellik, Decis, Zolon, Phosfamide, Chlorophos, etc.

currant moth

Gooseberry moth

Berries damaged by this pest ripen ahead of time and dry out on the bush, entangled in cobwebs.

Measures to combat the moth on currants

  • Before flowering, spray the currants with Lepidocide or at the very beginning of flowering with Fitoverm (less toxic than the first).
  • from folk remedies, spraying with infusion of tobacco, wormwood (once during the budding period and a second time after 5-7 days).

In autumn, loosen the soil under the bushes.


When currants are damaged by glassworm, individual branches wilt and dry out. When pruning currant bushes in the spring, look at the cut - the core is empty or brown in color, which means you have glassworm caterpillars.

In spring, damaged branches need to be cut off to the healthy part and burned. Cut off old branches close to the ground, without leaving stumps; cover large cuts with garden varnish.

Spring treatment of currants with the same preparations used for moth and sawfly is effective.

Bud mite on currants

Branches affected by bud mites can be seen in autumn and spring. Some of the buds on them are large, round, sometimes swollen to the size of peas.

Treatment of currants against bud mites

  • in the spring, during the period of bud break, treat with the biological preparation Fitoverm (2 g per 1 liter of water)
  • in the spring, before the leaves begin to bloom, pinch off and destroy all such swollen buds (they contain the pest)
  • Before flowering, treat the bushes with sulfur preparations (40-50 g per 10 l of water), karbofos solution (75 g per 10 l of water), or thiodane solution
  • Among folk remedies, spraying with infusions of garlic, tobacco, and dandelion is effective.

How to treat currants against pests and diseases

Pests of currants and gooseberries are almost the same, as is the fight against them. Treatment is carried out with the same drugs and folk remedies.