Lesson about the world around us “Who determines your daily routine?” presentation for a lesson on the world around us (2nd grade) on the topic. You maintain a healthy diet

The world.

Educational complex "Primary school of the 21st century"

2nd grade c .

1.What surrounds you?

1.Nature happens

living and nonliving

living and dead

living, nonliving and man-made

2. Complete the statements:

Birds are animals and grasses are ………

Trees are plants and fish are ………..

3. Mark the correct statement:

Sun, stones, sand, mushrooms, rain, wind – inanimate nature

Plants, animals, mushrooms, people, cars - living nature.

Birds, amphibians, fish, animals, reptiles, insects are animals.

4. Mark the words denoting what relates to inanimate nature.

Flower moon rain ice

stone car clay sand

bird fish snow sun

5. Mark those objects that are created by human hands.

Mushroom  house

Tree mosquito

Hare plane

6.Color green if it is a natural object, red if it is a product.

TV rainbow chair rain

Amanita book pineapple stone

7. Connect → parts of the sentence


8.Find and correct errors:

    The sun rises early and sets late. The day is long, the night is short. This is winter. The sun rises late and sets early. The day is short, the night is long. This summer. The day is noticeably approaching. It's autumn. The day is noticeably decreasing. It is spring.

9. Mark the correct answer. How many days are there in a week?

 31 or 30 days

10. Mark the correct answer. How many weeks are there in a month?

12 weeks

4 weeks

4 or 5 weeks

11. Mark the correct answer. How many months are there in a year?

Many months

4 or 5 months

12 months

12. Mark the correct answer. How many seasons are there?

3 seasons

12 seasons

4 seasons

13. Mark the wrong answer.

Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday

Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

14. Mark the correct answers

Air, water, plants, animals, people - this is nature

Air, water, stones, sand - this is not nature.

The most intelligent creature on Earth is the dolphin.

The most intelligent creature on Earth is man.

15* Complete the sentences:

    Air, water, plants, animals and humans are …………………………….. Air, water, stones, sand are ……………………………………………………… …… Plants, animals, people are …………………………………………….. Man lives not only among nature, but also ……………………………………. The most intelligent creature on Earth is ………………………………………

16. What is nature?

 people, plants, animals, the sun in the sky, seas and oceans, spaceships and ships, factories and factories.

sun, Earth, air, water, humans, plants, animals, mushrooms and microbes

 pencils, notebooks, desks, school building.

17. What applies to living nature?

earth, air, water, man and everything that was made by his hands.

Sun, sky, cloud, Earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

human, animals, plants, mushrooms, microbe

2.Who are you?

1. Mark the correct answer. In humans

2 sense organs

6 senses

5 senses

2.Draw the lines correctly

eye cold, warmth, pain

ear vision

skin hearing

tongue smell

3. Mark the correct answers:

The sense of smell is the discrimination of smells

Organ of smell – skin

Skin allows us to touch objects and feel their properties

4. Mark the correct answer:

The sense of touch is the discrimination of smells

Organ of touch - skin

We feel cold, warmth, pain with the help of our eyes

5. Mark the correct answers:

Health is the correct, normal functioning of the whole body.

To get sick less, you need to dress very warmly.

You need to brush your teeth morning and evening

6. Mark erroneous answers:

If your stomach hurts, you need to put on a heating pad

If you are sick, call " Ambulance» by phone “03”

If you are sick, call an ambulance by phone “02”

If you are sick, call an ambulance by phone “01”

7. Mark the correct statements:

If your arm or leg is slightly burned, you need to anoint it with ointment.

If your hands, feet, nose or ears are frostbitten, rub them with snow.

If your hands, feet, nose or ears are frostbitten, go to the nearest warm room and apply a warming bandage..

8. Check the correct statements:

From nose goes blood - press the nostril with a finger and cotton wool

From the nose there's blood coming out– place a wet, cold handkerchief on the bridge of your nose

Bleeding from the nose - throw your head back.

9. Mark the correct statements:

You need to watch TV shows 3 hours a day

It is fashionable to watch television programs no more than 1 hour a day

You can watch TV and read a book at the same time.

10.Tick the correct statement:

A cultured person is one who engages in physical education

A cultured person knows a lot, knows how, follows the rules of decent behavior, and behaves politely.

11.Before you begin homework, necessary

turn on the TV and radio

check that the workplace is well lit

ventilate the room

collect all textbooks, notebooks, toys on the desktop.

12.Why does the body need nutrition? Mark the correct answers

for good health

for the growth and development of the body

to fight diseases

so that food does not go to waste

to increase endurance and activity

13. Mark the correct answers:

the body needs proteins, fats and carbohydrates for growth and development

to avoid getting sick, you need to follow a daily routine

2.*At Sasha's big family. He has an older brother and a younger sister, and grandparents. His mother's grandmother and his father's aunt live with them. How many generations are in Sasha's family?

Underline the correct answer: 4, 7, 5.

3.Complete the sentences:

Daddy’s dad is ……………………………………

Granddaughter is the daughter of a son or -………………………

Grandmother is mother’s mother or - …………………..

Aunt is mom’s sister or - ………………………..

Uncle is mom’s brother or –…………………………

4. Connect the parts of the proverbs:

Not a red hut, people will live in corners for you

The family is red with pies

Live well for people

5. Connect parts of proverbs

They hold on to each other and do not spare themselves

It doesn’t tell you to make friends but not lie

Duty is small, fear nothing

6.* All the women in the Smirnov family know how to knit. Grandmother Lyusya is from the Smirnov family. Means,…

7.* Petya and Ira are sitting opposite Oleg. There are 2 people opposite Petya, and 2 people opposite Ira. How many people are sitting?

8.* Guess the code and solve the saying (no need to swap letters).

Akperk yammes modal. _____________________________________________________

9.*Write down as many names of relatives as possible: mom, dad………………………



10.Why did people come up with rules? cultured person?

 so that everyone enjoys talking to each other

 so that everyone gets along

 so as not to get sick

 was always in a good mood.

11.What are the rules?

Relationship to …………………………

Relationship to …………………………

Relationship to………………….

12. What rules do not exist?

Attitude to …………………

Attitude to …………………

Behavior on ………………..

12. Note the rules of a cultured person in the theater

Outerwear is handed over to the cloakroom

Enter the auditorium before the start of the performance

Go to their place facing those sitting. Walking with your back to them is uncivil.

 You can eat chips and drink drinks during the performance.

13. Note the rules of a cultured person in the theater

 They go to their place with their backs to those sitting

It is indecent to eat in the auditorium during a performance

You can talk during the performance to discuss what you saw

After the performance it is customary to applaud. This is how the actors are thanked for their work.

14.Note the rules of friendship:

 keep your friend's secrets

 rejoice in your friend’s successes, support your friend when he is in trouble

 envy a friend

14.Note the rules of friendship:

Apologize if you offended a friend, offer to make peace

Tell everyone about what your friend is not doing well

Try to notice only the good in people.

15.Complete the sentences, use the words for reference

Facial muscle movements are ___________________

Movements of arms, legs, body - ____________________

Words for reference: facial expressions, gestures

16. Connect parts of proverbs

Live for people and do not spare yourself.

People will live for you and stick to each other.

Make friends and don't be afraid of anything.

4. Russia is your Motherland

1. Write down words similar in meaning to the word “homeland”


2. Mark the correct answer. The Russian flag has three stripes:

red and two blue

white, red and blue

white, blue, green

3.Draw the Russian flag

4.List the cities of Russia:


5.Capital of Russia:



6. Head of our state



7. Our country's birthday

8. Connect the beginning and end of the proverbs:

Motherland is the mother... ... dear to the hare

The native side is the mother, and... ...know how to stand up for her

Native bush and... ...stranger - stepmother.

9. Match the name of the city and its landmark:

Rostov Hall of Military Glory on Mamayev Kurgan.

Yaroslavl Estate "Yasnaya Polyana" of the great writer

Samovars, gingerbread. Weapons museum.

Kostroma Tsar - bell. Tsar Cannon

Volgograd Museum of Wooden Architecture

Tula First Russian Theater

Moscow Kremlin.

10.Complete the sentences:

The past is what is happening now, in the present time.

The present is something that has already happened, has passed, happened recently or very

The future is what will happen soon after the present. Through

a few days or a few years later.

11.Complete the sentences:

The past is ……………………………………………………………………………….

The future is…………………………………………………………………………………..

The present is……………………………………………………………………….

12.*Connect profession and place of work:

Museum Mason

Metallurg Theater

Construction Guide

Factory Director

Mine Prokhodchik

Factory Dressmaker.

13. Highlight the professions of people who are involved in bread production:

Milkmaid, tractor driver, cook, combine operator, teacher, miller, pilot, baker, driver, hairdresser.


Slavs are large groups of people

Tribes - general meeting

The city is an old, wise man whom everyone respects

Leader - elder

Prince - settlements fenced on all sides by a high fence

Veche - the ancestors of the Russian people.

15.Indicate the correct answer:

A meal is:


any meal.

16. Century is:

hundred years

ten years

a thousand years

17.*Write in Roman numerals:

18.Write which Russian princes you know who ruled during Ancient Rus'.


19.Write the definition:

Crafts are……………………………………………………………………….

20.Name the professions of people who grow:

watermelons –

21.* Circle rural professions with a blue pencil, urban professions with a green pencil, and professions needed in both the city and the village with a red pencil.

Combine operator Agronomist Vegetable grower Pilot Actor

Calf Girl Postman Teacher Librarian

Tour guide Hairdresser Sales Engineer

Cosmonaut Driver Worker Scientist

22. Draw who is sitting where, if Ira sits above Igor, but below Oleg.

23. Connect the beginning and end of the proverb:

Don't lie on the stove... cut one

Measure it seven times, there’s nothing to do

Without difficulty... you will eat rolls

It’s a long day until the evening, if... you don’t even pull a fish out of the pond

24.Complete the sentences:

Capital of Russia - ________________________________________________________

The basic law of the country is _________________________________________________

Moscow began to be built under the prince __________________________________________________________________________

Moscow became strong and rich under the prince __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

25.Human rights are written in:



26. Mark human rights:

for free labor

to deceive with or without reason

for education

27.Note children's rights:

bear the parents' surname

behave as you want

live and be raised in a family

communicate with parents and other relatives

take other people's things

28.What work gives a person:

necessary for life (housing, clothing, food, household items)

 fatigue and headaches

books, works of literature, art

29. What work gives a person:

created values ​​(plants, factories, machines, machine tools)

communication, become smarter, get satisfaction from work

preserving and increasing the wealth of nature, breeding new varieties and breeds of plants and


 poor health

29.*Guess the rule and read the proverb.

Belkh – umesv avolog. __________________________________________

30. Connect the beginning and end of the proverb:

Bread - father peasant food

Bread and water - he won’t have bread

Who is lazy... there is no bread

Hood lunch, if water is mother

31.Add the definition:

The chronicle is __________________________________________________________

5. We are the inhabitants of the Earth.

1.Connect the correct answers:

blue and white warm

yellow ones are the hottest

orange and red cold

2.Indicate the correct answer. Astronomer is:

 one who studies the planets and stars

 one who predicts the weather

An old wise man whom everyone respects.

3. Mark the correct answer. IN solar system includes:

3 planets

9 planets

 12 planets

4. Mark the correct answer. The Solar System includes:

 3 planets

 9 planets

12 plan

5. Mark the correct answer:

Earth is the fifth of ten planets orbiting the Sun.

Earth is the third of nine planets orbiting the Moon.

Earth is the third of nine planets orbiting the Sun.

6. Mark erroneous answers:

Earth is the fifth of ten planets orbiting the Sun.

Earth is the third of nine planets orbiting the Moon.

Earth is the third of nine planets orbiting the Sun.

7. Without what is life on Earth impossible?


 Air

8. Without what is life on Earth impossible?

 animals

 Air

9. Connect the parts of the proverbs:

The Sun is rising. brought joy to everyone

The sun has risen - it will never offend.

The sun, like a dear mother, the day comes.

6. Animals

1.Prove that the animal is Living being. Complete the missing signs

· Is born

· …………….

· …………….

· …………….

2. Fill out the diagram. List the kingdoms of living nature.

3. Give examples of animals in each kingdom

· ………………………………………………………………………………

· ………………………………………………………………………………

· ………………………………………………………………………………

4. Combine the name of the animal and a word that has a suitable meaning.

Wolf omnivores

Granivorous bear

Hamster herbivore

The hare is predatory.

5. Write the name of the group of animals:

Six legs, fly or crawl - …………………………………

The body is covered with scales, they live in water, swim - …………………….

The body is covered with feathers, two legs, most of them fly - ………………………….

The body is covered with hair, four legs are ………………………………………………………….

5. Write the name of a group of animals based on the name of the food they eat.

They feed only on plants - …………………………………………

They feed only on other animals - ………………………………

They feed on animals and plant foods - …………………………….

The diet is dominated by plant seeds - ……………………………….

Words for reference: omnivore, granivore, herbivore, carnivore.

6. List the names of the parts of the mushroom:




7. Mark the correct answer:

 All bacteria are harmful

 Bacteria can be beneficial or harmful to humans.

 Mushrooms are plants because they are not like animals

 Mushrooms are a special kingdom of nature/

8. Underline the “extra” word. Explain your choice.

Hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee.

Wagtail, spider, starling, magpie.

Butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon, bee.

Grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer.

Bee, dragonfly, pelican, wasp.

Grasshopper, ladybug, tit, mosquito.

Cockroach, fly, bee, cockchafer.

Dragonfly, grasshopper, bee, ladybug.

9. Highlight the “extra” word. Explain your choice.

Fox, bear, hare, woodpecker.

Magpie, squirrel, crossbill, tit.

Wolf, hedgehog, horse, fox.

Hare, cat, rabbit, dog.

Squirrel cub, fox cub, she-bear, wolf cub.

Fox, wolf, hare, squirrel.

Bear, hare, fox, wolf.

10. Underline the words that show why a squirrel needs a tail.

For beauty, for warmth, to scare away insects, to cover up tracks, instead of a parachute.

11. Crossword “Beasts”. For each letter of the word “animals,” match the four-letter names of wild and domestic animals.

And they also gnaw on everything they can handle - mushrooms, pine cones, various roots. That's why they are called rodents.

14. Distribute the animals into groups in the table:

Dragonfly, fly, crane, mole, hare, lynx, eagle, ant, butterfly, elk, jay, anteater, sturgeon, catfish, pike, bear, beaver, ostrich, crucian carp.


15. Write down the names of animals in two columns.

Fox, hedgehog, sheep, mouse, wolf, horse, dog, spider, cow, chicken, boar.

______________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________

______________________ ________________________

16. Write how you prepare for winter.

Bear - …………………………………

Martin - ………………………………...

Hare - ……………………………………..

Squirrel - ……………………………………

Hedgehog - ………………………………………………………

Frog - ………………………………..

17. What is the name of the science of animals?

 botany

18. Write the names of the baby animals

Sheep, ram - …………………………….

Cow, bull - …………………………….

Horse, horse - …………………………..

Boar, pig - ………………………….

Goat, goat - …………………………….

Chicken, rooster - …………………………

Rabbit, female rabbit - ……………………

Dog, dog - ……………………………

Duck, drake - ………………………..

Goose, goose - …………………………..

Turkey, turkey - ……………………..

19. Animals are...

 birds, and animals, and insects, and fish, and lizards, and snakes, and turtles, and frogs, and worms.

 birds, and animals, and insects, and fish, and lizards, and snakes, and turtles, and frogs, and plants, and mushrooms, and microbes

 humans, birds, animals, insects, fish, plants, mushrooms, and microbes

20. Underline the animal that is a fish

Dolphin, hippopotamus, carp

7. Plants.

1. List the plant organs:

· …………………..

· …………………...

· …………………..

· ………………….

· ………………….

2. Use an arrow to indicate which groups the plants belong to.


Algae rose

Mosses larch

Seaweed ferns

Coniferous maple

Flowering cedar

3. What do plants get from the soil?

 humus, sand, clay

remains of plants and animals

air, water, salts.

4. Underline the names coniferous plants one line, flowering plants - two lines.

Pine, dandelion, rose, currant, spruce, apple tree, juniper.

5. What important substance is formed in the leaf along with nutrients?

carbon dioxide


6. Write down the answer in one word:

From which plant organ do fruits form? ........................................................ .............

8. Indicate the group of plants that only includes coniferous trees.

 cedar, oak, poplar

spruce, pine, larch

juniper, birch, alder

9. Indicate the group of plants that only includes deciduous trees.

maple, linden, aspen

juniper, larch, poplar

spruce, oak, apple tree.

10. What is the name of plant science?




11.Which plants are classified only as wild plants?

pear, apple, plum

juniper, fern, oak

12. Which plants belong only to cultivated plants?

 cherry, gooseberry, currant

spruce, pine, poplar

fir, fern, honeysuckle

13. Remember the text from the textbook and complete the sentences.

Oak lives up to …………..years, and birch ……..years.

Linden lives longer, and rowan lives as long as ……………….. .

14. Mark the correct and complete answer. Explain your choice.

To grow, the plant needs:

 heat, air, water………………………………………………………………………………….

heat, air, light, water, soil……………………………………………………………….

Russian artists from A to Z / Ed. will make up. ON THE. Borisovskaya and
E.S. Gordon. M.: Slovo, 1996.
Soloviev V.M. Journey into Russia's past. M.: Enlightenment,
Sukhov V.V. etc. In the footsteps of the past. Parts 1-3. - M.: Terra,
Transport. Encyclopedia. M.: Rosman, 2000.
Chernikova A. Encyclopedia indoor plants. Belgorod, 1998.
Shangina I.I. Russian traditional holidays. From St. Petersburg:
Art, 1997.
I'm following the sun. / Comp. V. Vdovichenko. Minsk, 1985.
I'm exploring the world. Animals. Plants. M.: TKO AST, 1995-1999.
Appendix 3

List of works
visual arts
for use in lessons
the surrounding world

Aivazovsky I.K. The ninth wave.
Alekseev A.A. Workshop of the artist Venitsianov.
Alekseev F.Ya. View of the Moscow Kremlin from Kamenny
Alekseev F.Ya. View of Palace Embankment from Petropavlovskaya
fortresses in St. Petersburg. 1790
Argunov I.P. Portrait of a peasant woman in Russian costume.
Argunov N.I. Portrait of Countess Sheremeteva.
Baksheev V.N. Blue spring.
Bogaevskaya O.B. Guests. Birthday.
Bogomolov P.G. Books.
Borovikovsky V.L. Catherine II on a walk in Tsarskoye Selo
Vasiliev F.A. Wet meadow.
Vasiliev F.A. Morning.
Vasnetsov A.M. Moscow white stone Kremlin.
Vasnetsov A.M. Northern region.
Vasnetsov A.M. Red Square in the 17th century.
Vasnetsov V.M. Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf.
Vasnetsov Yu.A. Illustration for Sat. fairy tales "Cat Vorkot".
Venetsianov A.G. Barn floor.
Venetsianov A.G. At the harvest. Summer.
Vereshchagin P.P. View of the Moscow Kremlin.
Vorobiev M.N. An oak shattered by lightning.
Gerasimov A.M. After the rain.
Golovin A.Ya. Autumn.
Grabar I.E. March snow.
Zhukovsky S.Yu. Poetry of an old village nest.

Zhuravlev F.S. Before the crown.
Zabolotsky P.E. View of old Ladoga.
Zelentsov K.P. In the rooms. Living room with speakers on the mezzanine.
Ivanov I.A. View of the staircase at the Academy of Arts.
Kivshenko A.D. Military Council in Fili in 1812
Kiprensky O.A. Portrait of Life Hussar Colonel E.V. Yes you
Klodt M.K. On the arable land.
Korzhev G.M. Seeing off.
Korin P.D. Northern ballad.
Kramskoy I.N. Portrait of the artist Shishkin.
Kramskoy I.N. Mina Moiseev. Etude.
Krendovsky E.F. Throne Hall of Empress Maria Feodorovna in
Winter Palace.
Krylov N.S. Winter landscape (Russian winter).
Kuindzhi A.I. On the island of Valaam.
Kuindzhi A.I. Spots of moonlight in the forest.
Lansare E.E. Ships from the time of Peter I.
Levitan I.I. Evening call, evening Bell.
Levitan I.I. Lake.
Chronicler. Book miniature.
Maksimov V.M. The arrival of a sorcerer at a peasant wedding.
Malyavin F.A. Vortex.
Myasoedov G.G. Mowers.
Nevrev N.V. Bargain.
Ostroukhov I.S. Siverko.
Petrov Vodkin K.S. Mother.
Popov A. Morning in the village.
Repin I.E. Barge Haulers on the Volga.
Repin I.E. Procession in Kursk province.
Roerich N.K. Overseas guests.
Roerich N.K. Slavs on the Dnieper.
Rylov A.A. In the blue expanse.
Ryabushkin A.P. A merchant's family in the 17th century.
Ryabushkin A.P. Moskovskaya street of the 17th century on a holiday.
Savrasov A.K. Rainbow.
Serov V.A. Portrait of Pushkin.
Serov V.A. Huts.
Serov V.A. In the tundra. Riding deer.

Solomatkin L.I. Parsley.
Somov K.A. Winter. Ice rink.
Sychkov F.V. Old man. Etude.
Sychkov F.V. Fruits.
Sychkov F.V. From the mountains
Sychkov F.V. Holiday.
Sychkov F.V. At work. Girlfriends.
Surikov V.I. Taking the snowy town.
Chernetsov N.G. View of the city of Yaroslavl.
Miracle of George about the serpent. Icon, XV century.
Shibanov M. Celebration of the wedding contract.
Shilov A.M. The wild rosemary has bloomed.
Shishkin I.I. Oak trees.
Shishkin I.I. Herbs.
Ender B.V. Colors of nature.
Appendix 4
Answers and explanations
to difficult
for some students
questions and assignments

Workbook No. 1
No. 5. The time of sunrise and sunset is marked on the clock and compared
Here are the results: in December the sun rises (dawns) later and sets earlier
she (it gets dark earlier).
No. 6. The answers should be like this:
The sun rises late and sets early. The day is short and the night is long.
This is winter.
The sun rises early and sets late. The day is long and the night is short
kaya. This summer.
The day is noticeably approaching. It is spring.
The day is noticeably decreasing. It's autumn.
Test yourself (p.6). Children can complete the sentences like this:
Air, water, plants, animals and humans are nature. Air, in
Yes, stones and sand are inanimate nature. Plants, mushrooms, animals, what
The catcher is living nature.
Answers to the crossword: 1. Man. 2. Warmth. 3. Sun. 4. Light.
When your child independently evaluates the completion of a task, pay attention to
his attention is to the fact that you can only color one flower.
No. 15. The task contains an error: the word vision needs to be connected to a picture
the same with the eye, taste with the tongue, smell with the nose, cold, warmth, pain with the skin.
No. 22. Analyze the students’ answers: do they move a lot?
Are they using every opportunity to do so?
No. 23. Teeth should be brushed twice a day: morning and evening.

No. 28. The table might look like this:
vitamin C vitamin D vitamin A
lemons fish fat vegetables
onion fish cheese
garlic butter

No. 29. Sentences can be completed like this:
Dima brushes his teeth twice a day: morning and evening.
Petya is a seasoned boy because he loves physical education (a lot
walking; plays outdoor games; does exercises every day; gets carried away
In the morning you need to brush your teeth (take a shower, do exercises, have breakfast).
You will sleep deeply and peacefully if the window in the room is open;
if the room is not stuffy; if you didn’t eat much before going to bed; didn't play noisy games
No. 30. There should be a spoon and knife to the right of the plate, and a fork to the left.
No. 31. Dad's dad is grandpa. A granddaughter is the daughter of a son or daughter.
Grandmother is the mother of father or mother. An aunt is mom or dad's sister. Dia
Dya is mom or dad's brother.
No. 32. Words are combined into two groups: female names and men's
No. 33. We reason:
1) Lena has black hair and blue eyes. Mila has red hair and eyes
for the gray ones. This means that Ira is fair-haired and green-eyed. 2) Ira in a dress, she’s the best
No. 34. The teacher is given the opportunity to analyze mutual
the relationships of each student in the class with other children. If the child
portrays himself as a step higher than his friend, which means he fulfills (or wants to
perform) the role of a leader; if lower, he occupies a subordinate position.
No. 36. The night before this lesson, invite the children to read Ma's Story
shi" and make drawings for it - what else can the family do. Ispol
Taking pictures, the children complement Masha’s story.
No. 43. Error in the name of the lower right sign. He must call
exclaiming “The passage of people is prohibited.”
No. 47. The second answer is correct.
No. 53. The third answer is correct.
No. 58. Poultry farmer, grain grower, miller, baker, fisherman, vegetable grower.
No. 62. In the first picture - St. Petersburg, in the second - Vladimir, in
third - Moscow.

No. 63. The scheme looks like this: Rurik - Oleg - Igor - Olga.
No. 64. More than a hundred peoples live in Russia.
No. 68. Granivore - gopher, omnivore - bear, predatory - wolf.
No. 77. When performing this exercise, children should take into account that
Domestic animals do not include mice, spiders, or wild boars.
No. 82. The second answer is correct.
No. 84. Birch, linden, oak, maple.
No. 85. In February, cubs are born to a female bear.
No. 86. Errors in answers No. 2, No. 5.
No. 88. Water can be in three states: liquid (water), solid
house (ice), gaseous (steam).
No. 93. In the first picture there is a beaver’s house, in the second – a mole.
No. 95. You need to color the circle around the frog, newt and toad.
No. 96. Right column: hare, hedgehog, badger, squirrel, beaver, wolf, elk, bison.
Left column: bee, mosquito, bumblebee, wasp, fly, butterfly, bug, stre
What remains is a frog and a toad - they are amphibians.
No. 97. Insects do not include: spider (it belongs to arachnids
and has 8 legs), sparrow (bird), crucian carp (fish), grass snake (reptile).
No. 98. The spider has 8 legs, which means it is not an insect.
A cockroach has 6 legs, which means it is an insect.
A grasshopper has 6 legs, which means it is an insect.
No. 100. You can combine words like this: frog - mosquito - swamp; bee
la - flower - beehive; cabbage - butterfly - caterpillar.
No. 101. The reservoir is a habitat for water lilies, sedges, duckweeds, and cattails.
The meadow is the habitat of mouse peas, chamomile, violets, and clover.
The garden is a habitat for strawberries and raspberries.

3rd grade
Workbook No. 1

No. 2. 10 - Х, 13 - ХIII, 16 - ХVI, 19 - ХIX, 11 - ХI, 14 - ХIV, 17 - ХVII,
20 - ХХ, 12 - ХII, 15 - ХV, 18 - ХVIII.
No. 3. 1) 12th (XII) century; 2) 20 (XX) century; 3) 21st (XXI) century; 4) second half
20 (XX) centuries.
No. 5. 1) land; 2) Earth; 3) Earth.

No. 6. 1) planet; 2) Sun; 3) Earth.
No. 9. Answer 1 is correct.
No. 10. The Earth is part of the solar system. There is no life on Jupiter.
Stars glow blue, yellow, white, orange and red.
No. 11. A year in which there is February 29 is called a leap year. This -
every fourth year.
No. 15. The river water is fresh and clear. The water of the swamp is fresh and muddy.
The sea water is salty and transparent.
No. 17. Correct statements - 1, 3, 5.
No. 20. Correct answers are 2, 3, 6, 7.
No. 23. 1) Industrial and household waste.
2) Manure.
3) Fertilizers.
4) Gasoline, oil, garbage.
No. 25. 1) Artificial reservoirs: reservoir, canal, fountain. OS
natural - natural. 2) Colors of solutions: a) red-crimson, b) green
light, c) colorless, d) orange. 3) Answers to the crossword puzzle: 1) clay,
2) swamp, 3) river, 4) ocean, 5) pond, 6) lake.
No. 27. B balloon there will be more carbon dioxide because
a person exhales carbon dioxide.
No. 28. Only the third statement is true.
No. 33. Nylon, iron, polyethylene, and glass do not decompose in the soil.
No. 36. There are 4 kingdoms in nature: plants, animals, bacteria, fungi. Hu
Dozhnik did not draw mushrooms.
№ 38. Wild plants- nettle, blueberry.
No. 45. They eat cereals, rice, millet (millet), vegetables,
fruits, etc. Used for treatment: valerian, coltsfoot, nettle,
oak bark, rose hips, etc. Decorate the house with branches of willow and bird cherry, rose
flowers, carnations, daisies, wreaths of ears, etc.
No. 46. Crow's eye, poisonous vekh, henbane, lily of the valley (berries).
No. 48. Correct judgments: 1, 2, 4, 6.
No. 50. Root vegetables - carrots, beets, turnips.
No. 52. Currants are propagated by cuttings, strawberries and onions are propagated by mustaches
tsami - narcissus (tulip), shoots - raspberries, tubers - potatoes.
No. 53. Correct statements: 2, 3, 4.
No. 54. Extra words: 1) maple ( deciduous tree), 2) nettle (herb
lowland plant), 3) cactus (does not grow in a pond).
No. 55. Drawings can be combined like this: hamster - ear; squirrel - acorns,
bumblebee - clover.

No. 56. Spiders are not insects. They are arachnids and have 8 legs.
No. 57. Herbivorous animals - crucian carp, deer, hare. Predatory creatures
species: owl, polar bear, tiger, shark, pike, hawk. Omnivore belly
wild boar - brown bear, wild boar.
No. 58. Dwellings of wild animals: hole, den, beehive, hut, nest.
Homes for domestic animals: barn, kennel, cage, poultry house, stable.
No. 59. “Orphans” - wolves, “social” - ants, bees; "research
givers" - frogs, dogs; “artists” - parrots, dogs.
No. 60. You can combine words in a group, for example, like this: milk - to
mora - barn.
No. 62. Amoeba is a single-celled organism. All animals are multicellular
No. 64. Correct statements: 1, 3, 5, 7.
No. 68. The sequence of life should be like this: Rus' - Russia - Council
skaya Russia - Russia.
No. 69. X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV.
No. 70. 1917 - 20th century, 1699 - 17th century, 1500 - 15th century, 1350 - 14th century.
No. 72. There is an error in the statement: the prince was born in 1700, that is, in 17
century, and his wife - in the 18th century.
No. 74. Larisa - seagull, Natalya - nature, Georgy - farmer, Vic
Thor is a winner, Andrey is courageous.
No. 75. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils. What goes around comes around. Don't si
go on the stove - you will eat rolls. It's a long day until the evening, if you don't do it
No. 78. Living room is a large room in a rich house for receiving state
tey. The upper room is the largest and Light room in a peasant house,
in which the family usually gathered on holidays. Svetelka is not
large room at the top of the dwelling.
No. 79. Soups: rassolnik, mushroom noodles, solyanka, fish soup, broth. Second
dishes: pancakes, cutlets, solyanka, zrazy, casserole, scrambled eggs. Third blue
yes: jelly, mousse, kvass, jelly, sbiten.
No. 80. Modern clothing - chasuble, uniform, boots, overcoat, coat, suit
rafan, sneakers, cap.
Ancient clothes - sheepskin coat, kokoshnik, chasuble, uniform, bowler hat, sundress,
boots, overcoat, bast shoes.
The teacher should draw students' attention to the fact that many
These types of clothes were worn in the old days and are worn now.
No. 82. Dance, Matvey, don’t spare your bast shoes. Dance, my dear, don’t spare your boots.
No. 85. 1) baker; 2) dough; 3) Easter cake; 4) gingerbread.

No. 86. The second answer is correct.
No. 89. The second answer is correct.
No. 91. Serfdom was abolished by Tsar Alexander II in 1861.
No. 92. 1) “Pinocchio”; 2) clay; 3) Masha knew how to bake pies.
No. 93. Scythe, rake, pitchfork, hoe (chopper), plow, harrow, flail, sickle, ve
reteno, spinning wheel.
No. 94. The products in the figure are arranged in the following order: Dymko
in, Bogorodskoye, Gzhel.
No. 95. The figure shows: a press, a loom, an anvil and
hammer, workbench and plane, potter's wheel.
No. 97. The second answer is correct.
No. 98. A.N. Tupolev - Tu 134, N.N. Polikarpov - Po 2, A.N. Yakovlev -
Yak 40, S.V. Ilyushin - Il 86.
No. 100. Stone buildings appeared in Rus' in the 10th (10th) century.
The founding date of Moscow is considered to be 1147.
No. 101. Novgorod, Uglich, Pskov, Suzdal, Vladimir, Moscow.
No. 102. The correct answer is half a penny (a quarter of a penny coin).
The remaining coins: ruble, kopeck, ten-kopeck coin (10 kopecks) are still available.
No. 103. Construction of Moscow began under princes Yuri Dolgoru
com, Daniil, Ivan Kalita. With the grandson of Ivan Kalita Dmitry Ivanovi
Che Donskoy began to build the Kremlin from white stone.
No. 104. The second answer is correct.
No. 105. Older than Moscow is the city of Vladimir. It was founded by Vladimir Mo
Nomakh in 1108 and named after him. In 1157 Vladimir was already
capital of the Grand Principality of Vladimir, and Moscow in these years only
began to be built.
No. 106. IX - X - XI - XIII - XIY - XV - XX.
1156 is the 12th (XII) century. Now we are in the 21st (21st) century. First half
XVI (16) centuries - for example, 1521. Second half of the 19th century - for example
1861 The end of the twentieth century - for example, 1991.

4th grade
Workbook No. 1

No. 1. Correct answer: A person eats, breathes, develops,

Teacher's explanation: A person has the same signs of a living soul
societies, like animals and plants.
No. 2. Correct answer: K nervous system do not include: heart, th
rap, muscles.
Teacher's explanations: The heart is an organ of the circulatory system, a skull and a mouse.
tsy are part of the musculoskeletal system.
No. 3. Correct answer: In addition to nerves, you need to include heads in the scheme
no brain, spinal cord.
Teacher's explanation: Let's check this statement in the text of the textbook.
No. 5*. Teacher's explanation: Will the light bulb light up?
Is the wire carrying current broken? Of course not, we are convinced of it
when there was a blackout in our apartment electricity. Wires
“deliver” electric current to each electrical appliance. Also about
also comes from the nerves. They conduct signals to the spinal cord and brain, and
from them to each organ.
No. 14. Correct answer: Meat, fish, eggs, milk, peas are proteins;
bread, potatoes, vegetables, jam, sweets are carbohydrates; oil, marga
Rin, fatty meat, nuts, sunflowers are fats.
Teacher's explanation: Let's remember what we studied in previous classes.
Products such as apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, grapes, boga
you are carbohydrates, and various oils are fats.
No. 16. Correct answer: Stomach, esophagus, liver, teeth, small intestine.
Teacher's explanations: The lungs are a respiratory organ, the heart is a circulatory organ.
nal system, bones are parts of the musculoskeletal system.
No. 19. Correct answer: Water, vitamins.
Teacher's explanation: urea and carbon dioxide are eliminated from the body
as substances harmful to him.
No. 22. Correct answer: You play a transport role in the human body
fills the circulatory system.
Teacher's explanation: Freight train cars carry (transport
ruy) various payloads, so the circulatory system can be
compare with a freight train.
No. 40. Correct answer: The dog hides in the shadows and sticks out its tongue.
Teacher's explanation: It is not as hot in the shade as in the sun. You are a dog
sticks his tongue in, the saliva evaporates and cools the tongue a little. The dog is a hundred
It's easier to breathe now.
No. 41. Correct answer: Shades of red: pink, burgundy
blue, crimson, scarlet, cherry, crimson, pomegranate. Shades of blue
colors: cornflower blue, blue, turquoise, dark blue.

Teacher's explanation: Let's remember the objects of the surrounding world that
come in different shades of red (blue). For example, visiting
sun, bright sunny day, sea ​​waves, the flower garden of our park and
etc. Let us remember the colors of roses, cherries, seas, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, and the sky.
Practical work(p. 16). Correct answer: After a few se
kund the sensation of sweetness will become less strong.
Teacher's explanation: This happens because the tongue is “accustomed” to the taste
and stopped reacting to him as strongly as at first.
No. 52. Correct answer: Hatred - love, greed - generosity,
rudeness - politeness, sadness - joy.
Teacher explanation: Every feeling has its opposite,
like white and black, sweet and bitter, bad and good.
Homework (p. 21). Crossword answers: attention, memory,
No. 60. Correct answer: Upright posture, well-developed hand
Teacher's explanation: When a person stopped moving on 4 limbs

In this lesson, we will learn what a daily routine is and why it is needed.

Topic: Homo sapiens is part of nature

Lesson: Who determines the daily routine

We have already talked about the diet and its importance, and now let's talk about the entire day. It is very important to be able to distribute all your tasks throughout the day.

Nature has created all the conditions for a long life on earth, but there is one condition that only you can fulfill: this is your daily routine.

Let's try to create a daily routine for the girl Masha.

Rice. 1. Masha

There are 24 hours in a day. Of these, she sleeps for 10 hours.

There are 14 hours left in which all her affairs will fit. Masha's main occupation is at school. These are lessons and homework. During lessons, a person sits a lot and strains his eyesight.

This makes your back and eyes tired. They need rest and best vacation after a quiet activity - sports games or physical work. It’s not for nothing that at school lessons alternate with breaks. There are physical education minutes during classes, as well as physical education lessons. All this is done in order to preserve health and give the body a rest.

Let's look at the main points of Masha's working routine. Masha gets up at 7 o'clock in the morning and does exercises.

Rice. 5. Masha gets up and does exercises ()

At 7.15 Masha washes herself, has breakfast and goes to school.

Rice. 6. Masha washes herself, has breakfast and goes to school

At 8.30 school classes begin, where mental work alternates with physical work. After classes, Masha has lunch and goes for a walk with friends or to a club.

Rice. 7. After school

Then she comes home, has lunch and sits down to do her homework.

Rice. 8. Masha has an afternoon snack and does her homework

After this, Masha can relax and play. Then Masha has dinner and washes the dishes, gets ready for school, washes herself and goes to bed.

Rice. 9. Masha has dinner and washes the dishes

Rice. 10. Masha gets ready for school, washes her face and goes to bed

Of course, the daily routine may change depending on the activities that Masha has planned. To be energetic all day, you need to constantly change your activities.

Look at the pictures and think about where the rules of maintaining health are violated?

Rice. 11. Illustration 1 for the task

Have you noticed that the girl and the kitten are eating from the same plate? This should not be done, otherwise your health may suffer. The kitten should have its own separate plate for food.

Rice. 12. Illustration 2 for the task

In the picture, the girl is doing her homework at 9 pm, and at this time children should go to bed, otherwise it will be very difficult to get up in the morning and go to school.

Rice. 13. Illustration 3 for the task

A boy sits on the carpet in front of the TV and eats. There are many violations here. Firstly, you can’t sit so close to the TV, your eyes and back will hurt. Secondly, the child eats and watches TV at the same time, and this is harmful to health. Thirdly, it’s 10 o’clock in the evening, and at this time children should already be asleep in order to get a good night’s sleep, and they need to eat their last meal 2 hours before bedtime.

1. Everything needs to be done on time: get up, do exercises, have lunch, take a walk, go to bed.

2. You need to be friends with the sun, water and air, to harden yourself.

3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.

I told them in the winter:

Temper yourself with me!

In the morning, running and shower are invigorating,

Like adults, real!

At night, open the windows.

Breathe fresh air

Wash your feet with cold water,

And then the microbe is hungry

It will never defeat you...

They didn’t listen, they got sick.

We realized too late, brothers,

How useful it is to harden yourself.

Let's stop coughing and sneezing,

Let's take a shower

From ice-cold water.

Wait, oh, yo, oh!

You cannot become strong instantly.

Temper yourself!

The main thing in hardening is gradualness and consistency. Such procedures should be carried out every day and be included in your daily routine.

To maintain health, it is important to ensure that the body receives sleep, nutrition, mental and physical activity. Of course, we must not forget to play with friends, go for walks, and read interesting books. To manage all this, follow a daily routine.

  1. Pleshakov A.A. The world around us: textbook. and slave tetr. for 2 grades beginning school - M.: Education, 2006.
  2. Bursky O.V., Vakhrushev A.A., Rautian A.S. The world around us. - Balass.
  3. Vinogradova N.F. The world around us. - VENTANA-COUNT.
  1. Education Center ().
  2. Zdoroveyka.Ru ().
  3. Soviet walrus ().
  1. Create your own personal daily routine and stick to it for at least a week. How has your typical day changed? What changes did you feel in yourself?
  2. Do you carry out activities to strengthen your body? Talk about this with adults so that they can help you with hardening.

Smirnova Natalia Anatolyevna

primary school teacher

GBOU school No. 57

Primorsky district

St. Petersburg.

Subject: environment

Class: 1

Lesson title: What is a state?

Educational program: UMK - Developmental education: system of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova

Pedagogical workshop. Topic: “What is a state?”


show students: what is the state of an object,

that any observed object can be in different states; determine that the state of an object will depend on when it was observed - this can happen in the past, present and future.


1) cards with tasks for each group and for each workshop participant, felt-tip pens, pencils; cards for decorating the board;

2) computer, screen with projector for showing presentations;

3) audio recording of the song;

Progress of the workshop.

1 Induction.

Children sit in groups of 5-6 people. There are pieces of paper on the desks in front of each child.

Teacher: Guys, please put the pieces of paper with No. 1 in front of you and look at our rulers. (Slide 2)

So, on the rulers: a sad person is a cheerful person

tired person - cheerful (active) person

Think about how you feel now and rate yourself with a blue pencil.

Now I will ask you to put these strips aside, but not to lose them. We will return to them later.

2 Self-construction .

Teacher: Take the leaves labeled 2, turn them over and place them in front of you. You need to use colored pencils to “dress” a person according to the characteristic indicated next to the drawing. (Slide 3)

Captions for the drawings:

For groups 1 and 2 of children - hot, sunny;

For groups 3 and 4 - frost;

For groups 5 and 6 - rain and wind;

3 Socioconstruction.

Teacher: Discuss with your neighbor what you did. Compare your work with the work of all the guys in your group. Discuss and decide who from your group can explain to us why all your drawings turned out similar.

4 Advertising, socialization .

Guys from groups 1 and 2, let's hang your drawings on the board and explain why the drawings turned out similar.

5 Preparing the break .

Teacher: You dressed your little men as the weather conditions, or weather changes, “commanded”: the weather changed, so did the clothes of the people. Can I put it in one word – CHANGE?

(I post this word on the board)

6 Socioconstruction, socialization .

And now I ask you to take sheet number 3 and complete the task together in each group.

Think about what feelings can be determined by the facial expression or facial expressions of this person? Name and write them down. Choose someone from your group to name these feelings on the screen. (Slide 3)

Children discuss the task in groups, and then a representative from each group comes out and names the feeling that, in their group’s opinion, is reflected on the face of the person depicted.

Group responses:

Facial expressions changed; at first the man looked calm;

then surprised;

Gloomy, gloomy;



7 Preparing the break .

Is it possible to connect all these images with arrows? Will there be a sequence? Can this person’s feelings change – from happy to sad and vice versa?

A person experiences different feelings: (Slide 4)


(I hang signs with these words on the board)

What can you call the expression of emotions – feelings – of a person? What changed for this person?


(I hang a sign next to the wordchanges )

Is it possible to change – “raise” – the mood? What is needed for this? What can each of you do to make the people around you feel warmer and more comfortable?

The song also helps with this.

The song of the children's group "Barbariki" - "What is kindness?"

(The children sing along, and some even dance.)

Has your mood changed?

8 Gap .

Now I will ask you to stand up. Are you okay? You are not tired? Then I will ask you to do 20 squats. How do you feel

yourself now? A little tired? (What if you also did 30 squats?)

Can we add that our mood will also depend on our FEELING OF WELL-BEING?



WELL-BEING (a sign is also posted),

all this affects a person.

How could we call in one word such changes occurring in a person?


Board design:




Does the condition only occur in humans?


Slides 2 through 4 and 11 are used throughout the lesson.

From slide 5 we begin to observe the state of various objects:

5 slide

The bell rings for class. Students take their seats in the classroom. The lesson begins. A working environment is created during the lesson. But as soon as the bell rings again, the children’s mood changes. They communicate, play, prepare for the next lesson; therefore, they rest.

6 slide
In the world around us, we can constantly observe the changing state of nature. Autumn is replacing summer. Autumn days are replaced by winter ones. Then the snow begins to melt, the sun becomes warmer every day - spring comes. And again summer days. One season gives way to another.


In nature, we can observe the growth and development of plants: after some time, beautiful flowers will open from the buds; This means that the state of plants will constantly change - yesterday, today, tomorrow.

8 slide

The condition of water bodies is also a continuous process. Once upon a time in the past, the water condition was much better than it is now. With human intervention in the environment, unfortunately, the condition of rivers and lakes has also changed.

Slide 9

The things that surround us also constantly change their state. Looking at the new books, one cannot help but notice their wonderful appearance. But over the years they become unusable: covers deteriorate, pages fall out. Their condition is getting worse.

10 slide

We can also observe the state of objects using the example of balloons. This is what the balloons look like when they are deflated, and this is what they look like when they are inflated.

Slides 12 and 13 are intended for fellow teachers. The slides explain the concepts (terms) that are used when conducting a pedagogical workshop.


We all and everything that surrounds us are constantly in a certain state.

9 Reflection.

Take the pieces of paper - rulers that we worked with at the beginning of the lesson. If yourstate , mark this on the rulers with a green pencil. (Slide 11)

Now let’s evaluate our state in our drawing (“mood pendulum”)

If you are in a cheerful, active state, you were interested in working, then you attach your magnet to the right side of the board, where the sun is drawn.

If your state corresponds to rainy (there is a drawing depicting rainy weather on the board) - you were bored; If you haven't learned anything new, then go to the left side of the board.

List of sources used:

    E.V. Chudinova., E.N. Bukvareva The world around us. 1 class: Guidelines for a four year old teacher primary school(D.B. Elkonin – V.V. Davydov system). – M.: VITA – PRESS, 2001. – 112s.

    E.V. Chudinova., E.N. Bukvareva The world around us: Textbook for 1st grade - M.: VITA - PRESS, 2012. – 96 pp.: ill.

List of illustrations used:

    E.V. Chudinova The world around us: Workbook for 1st grade of primary school (D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov system) - M.: VITA - PRESS, 2012.

    E.N. Derim - Oglu., N.A. Frolova Natural history and ecology: Textbook for grade 3. – St. Petersburg: “Special Literature”, 1998. – 208 p.: ill.

    E.N. Derim - Oglu., N.A. Frolova Natural history and ecology: Textbook for 2nd grade. – St. Petersburg: “Special Literature”, 1997. – 176 pp.: ill.

(For the photographs that I used from the Internet, unfortunately, I could not find the address and make a link to the images used, because a sufficient amount of time had passed when I was preparing this presentation. Now I could not find these images. These are slides No. 4, 5 and 10. In the future, now I know that it is necessary to provide a link, I will try to do this job correctly.)

The topic “If you want to be healthy” (2nd grade) is very important and interesting. Health is the most valuable thing a person has, because it cannot be bought for any wealth in the world. Being sick and weak, a person will not be able to realize all his dreams, achieve great heights, live a long, happy, and most importantly, fulfilling life.

Basics of a healthy lifestyle

To be strong, strong, resilient, it is very important to early years stick to healthy image life. Every child should know what will harm his body and what will strengthen it and give him strength.

A healthy lifestyle includes:

  • compliance with the regime;
  • proper nutrition;
  • active sports;
  • personal hygiene;
  • complete rest.

Daily regime

A properly designed daily routine is one of the most faithful helpers in maintaining health. If you honestly adhere to it, you can forget about many problems with your health, and always be active, strong and efficient.

When creating a daily routine, it is very important that a person has time not only to devote a lot of time to study or work, but also to fully rest, eat, play sports and go for walks. fresh air.

Basic rules for a schoolchild’s daily routine:

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • study should alternate with rest;
  • meals should be regular and at the same time, at least 3 times a day;
  • You also need to wake up and go to bed at the same time;
  • sleep duration - at least 8 hours;
  • Walking in the fresh air is required for 1.5-2 hours a day;
  • active games, sports, dancing.

Rice. 1. Schoolchild’s daily routine

Once you get used to this daily routine, your body will always be strong and resilient, and studying will be surprisingly easy.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is a very important component of good health and longevity. Together with food, a person receives all the valuable substances that help him work fully.

It is very important that your daily diet is varied and healthy. This is the only way the body will receive everything it needs: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

TO useful products relate:

  • all types of porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rice;
  • meat and fish;
  • fermented milk products: cheese, milk, kefir, butter;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • various types of nuts, dried fruits, honey.

Rice. 2. Fresh fruits and vegetables are the key to proper nutrition

But from harmful products It is worth refusing, since they will not bring anything useful to the body. These include various sweets, chips, crackers, and carbonated drinks.

One of the most harmful products is the well-known Coca-Cola. The drink contains so much phosphoric acid that it can remove rust from a nail in just a few hours! Can you imagine the harm it causes to the human body?

Personal hygiene

Following the rules of personal hygiene is the task of every schoolchild, because this is the only way to look clean and neat, as well as protect yourself from harmful microorganisms.

To avoid being branded as a slob and dirty, you need to do the following::

  • brush your teeth thoroughly in the morning and evening;
  • take a shower or bath every day and wash thoroughly with soap;
  • trim your fingernails and toenails once a week;
  • Wash your hair 1-2 times a week;
  • in the school canteen you cannot use other people’s cutlery or drink from someone else’s cup;
  • Also, you should not share your spare shoes, comb, or bottle of water with your classmates.

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