Herbs that protect against spoilage. Ways to protect your home from damage, the evil eye and evil people. Tea made from witchcraft herbs - a protective remedy against damage and the evil eye

The first Lockheed combat aircraft to go into mass production was also the first twin-engine American fighter, the P-38 Lightning. The development of the machine was carried out under the leadership of H.L. Hibbard and K. Johnson as part of the competition for a twin-engine high-altitude interceptor according to the X-608 specification. For their aircraft, the designers chose an original two-beam design with a central gondola, in which they placed the pilot’s cabin and powerful weapons (1 cannon and 4 12.7 mm machine guns).

Other innovations were a three-legged chassis with a nose strut, a teardrop-shaped canopy for all-round visibility, and fastening of the skin panels to the joint with secret rivets. The power plant consisted of 12-cylinder liquid-cooled Allison V-1710 engines (the P-38 was the first production aircraft to be equipped with such engines) with turbochargers. Right and left rotation motors were installed on the plane - this made it possible to eliminate the reactive torque of the propellers.

Despite the customer’s cautious attitude towards the aircraft’s unusual aerodynamic design, the Lockheed project became the winner of the competition. The XP-38 prototype first flew on January 27, 1939, but was destroyed on February 11. However, the military continued to cooperate with Lockheed, ordering 13 pre-production YP-38 vehicles. The first of them was flown on September 16, 1940, and the construction of the entire batch was completed by June 1941. Serial production began almost immediately, continuing until the fall of 1945.

Thus, the Lightning became the only American fighter built from the moment Japan attacked Pearl Harbor until the end of the war. Total The vehicles produced amounted to 10,037 units.

Main modifications of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning

R-38 - engines V-1710-27/29 (1050 hp). Armament - 1 37-mm Oldsmobile cannon (15 rounds of ammunition), 4 12.7-mm machine guns (500 rounds per barrel). 30 aircraft were built.

P-38 D- protected fuel tanks were used, the oxygen system was changed, and a number of other changes were made. Since August 1941, 36 have been produced.

R-322 - a variant originally ordered by the UK in the amount of 143 units as the Lightning Mk.l. V-1710-C15 engines without turbochargers (1010 hp). After testing three aircraft, the British abandoned the order, and the remaining aircraft were accepted by the US Army Air Forces. 20 of them received V-1710-C15 engines, the rest - V-1710-27/29 without turbochargers. They were used as training ones with a reduced number of weapons (2 12.7 mm and 2 7.62 mm machine guns).

R-38 E- analogue of the P-38D with improved hydraulic and electrical systems, a new radio station. Instead of a 37 mm cannon, a 20 mm M1 (150 rounds) is installed. Since the end of 1941, 210 aircraft have been manufactured; In addition, 99 vehicles were completed as unarmed F-4 photo reconnaissance aircraft and 1 as F-5A-2.

P-38 F- engines V-1710-49/53 (1325 hp). The armament is similar to the P-38E. Under the center section it is possible to carry 2,284-liter or 568-liter PTB or 2,454-kg aerial bombs. In the basic version, 128 vehicles were produced. 149 P-38F-1s featured reinforced hardpoints that could accommodate 2 1,174-litre PTBs (another 20 of these aircraft were completed as unarmed F4A photo reconnaissance aircraft). The P-38F-5 series (100 vehicles) featured minor modifications. The P-38F-13 (29) and P-38F-15 (212) were manufactured using backlog from an unrealized British order for Lightning Mk.ll fighters. In addition, 140 aircraft are built as unarmed F-5A reconnaissance aircraft. P-38G - V-1710-51/55 engines (1350 hp), new radio and oxygen equipment. The armament is similar to the P-38E. 1082 copies were produced in several series: P-38G-1 (80 units); P-38G-3 with a different type of turbocharger (12); P-38G-5 with modified equipment (68); P-38G-10 with the ability to suspend 2,725 kg of bombs under the center section, and on the sides of the central gondola - 6 tubular guides for 114-mm NAR (548 units). 174 P-38G-13 and 200 P-38G-15 were similar to the P-38G-3 and P-38G-5, respectively, but were manufactured using the backlog of an unrealized British order for Lightning Mk.ll fighters.

R-38 N- engines V-1710-89/91 (1425 hp). The 20 mm M1 cannon has been replaced by an M2S gun of the same caliber. External sling capabilities are the same as the P-38G-10. Since May 1943, 601 copies have been produced: 226 R-38N-1 and 375 R-38N-5 with other turbochargers.

P-38 J- the engine unit has been modified with the introduction of an intermediate radiator. Engines and weapons are similar to the R-38N. Produced since August 1943 in several versions: P-38J-1 (10); P-38J-5 (210) with additional fuel tanks in the leading edge of the wing; P-38J-10 (790) with armored glass in the cockpit canopy; P-38J-15 (1400) and P-38J-20 (350) with modified equipment; P-38J-25 (210) with a hydraulic booster in the roll control channel. 200 aircraft built as unarmed F-5B reconnaissance aircraft; In addition, 528 P-38Js have been converted into F-5C and F-5E reconnaissance aircraft.

P-38 L- the most popular model (3810 units were built by Lockheed and 113 by Vulti). Engine V-1710-111/113 (1475 hp). P-38L-1 (1,290 aircraft) except for engines similar to P-38J-25. R-38L-5 (2633, including 113 built by Vulti) had the ability to hang 2,907 kg bombs under the center section, and 10 127 mm NAR under the wing consoles. Some of the vehicles were converted into F-5F and F-5G photo reconnaissance aircraft.

R-38M- 75 cars P-38 L-5 , converted into two-seat night fighters. An AN/APS-6 radar is installed in a container under the bow of the gondola.

Flight characteristics of the Lockheed P-38E

  • Engine: Allison V-1710-27/29
  • power, hp:. 1050
  • Wingspan, m: 15.86
  • Aircraft length, m: 11.54
  • Aircraft height, m: 3.91
  • Wing area, sq. m.: 30.43
  • Weight, kg:
  • empty aircraft: 5394
  • maximum takeoff: 7028
  • Maximum speed, km/h:
  • at an altitude of 1525 m: 552
  • at an altitude of 3050 m: 576
  • at an altitude of 7625 m: 632
  • Rate of climb at the ground, m/s: 12.7
  • Practical ceiling, m.: 11900
  • Flight range, km: 1372

Combat use of the Lockheed P-38 Lightning

In mid-1941, deliveries of P-38s to the 1st IAG began. By the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the 14th IAG also received such aircraft. These groups were relocated to Great Britain in the summer of 1942. Two AEs remained in Iceland. One of the P-38Fs based here, together with a P-40C, shot down an FW 200 on August 14, 1942 - the first German aircraft shot down by an American in World War II.

Since November 1942, the 1st, 14th and 82nd IAG fought in North Africa, and then operated over Italy and accompanied bombers in raids on targets in Austria, Hungary, and Romania. In 1944, they also took part in shuttle raids with landings in the Poltava region.

In September 1943, the 55th IAG arrived in the UK, armed with the P-38H, but soon received the P-38J. Its main task, like the four groups of Lightnings that arrived later, was to escort bombers in raids on Germany.

In the Pacific theater of operations, the Lightnings made their debut in the area of ​​Alaska and the Aleutian Islands - here the 54th IAE fought on them from mid-1942. A small number of P-38s operated in American air units in India, China, Burma, and the Pacific Islands. The most famous operation carried out by the Lightnings was the destruction of Admiral Yamamoto, commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet. Based on radio interception data, 16 P38F/Js from the 18th and 347th IAGs intercepted two Japanese transport aircraft on April 18, 1943, one of which had an admiral on board. Both cars, as well as 5 of the escort, were shot down.

The first group, completely rearmed with P-38s (475th), appeared in the Pacific theater only in September 1943. By the summer of 1944, when preparations began for the landing in the Philippines, 5 groups of Lightnings were already fighting here. In 1945, three R-38M night fighter aircraft were also sent to the Pacific Ocean.

In the post-war period, most Lightnings in the United States were written off by 1948.

Besides the US, Lightnings were widely used by the Free French Air Force - but only as reconnaissance aircraft. Several of these aircraft were operated by the Australian and Chinese air forces; the latter also received 15 P-38J/L.

2 P-38s that made emergency landings in Portugal were included in the Air Force of this country. Italy received 50 Lightnings in 1949, and 7 were purchased by Honduras, where they served until 1965.

Despite its unusual appearance and rather large dimensions for a single-seat car, the Lightning turned out to be an excellent fighter aircraft. Evidence of this is the nickname “fork-tailed devil” given to the Lightning by German pilots. Inferior to the Zero in maneuverability, the P-38 had a higher speed, climb rate and ceiling.

A typical tactic of Lightning pilots was to recruit high altitude, diving at the enemy, then using all the firepower and quickly moving upward. This tactic proved effective against both German and Japanese fighters.

Plants have been and remain one of the main sources of raw materials for both modern pharmacology and folk healing. In folk healing, the traditions and rules of collecting medicinal herbs, their preparation and methods of preparing dosage forms were strictly observed. Healing and healing have always been associated with the spiritual traditions of the people. For example, on July 6, on Agrafena Bathing Day, herbs and roots are always collected for healing purposes, and on July 25 (Proclus-Great Dews) old healers collect great healing dews for healing. According to them, Proklov dew is the best remedy for the ghost and the evil eye.

The tradition of collecting medicinal herbs on Ivan Kupala can be traced from numerous sources. Since ancient times and to this day, the night of Ivan Kupala is considered the best time of the year for collecting medicinal herbs, flowers and roots. There are many beliefs about miraculous phenomena that occurred on Midsummer night with plants. It was believed that trees talk on this night and even move from place to place, and the herbs collected on this day have special healing powers. Popular wisdom says that on the night of Ivan Kupala, medicinal herbs gain healing power, and whoever finds a once-blooming fiery fern flower alone in a deep forest at midnight will have the power of healing, the ability to find treasures, and understand the language of animals and birds.

A fern picked on Midsummer's Day can not only drive away evil spirits, but also transfer the healing properties of other herbs and flowers. Herbs picked on Kupala are kept dried for a year until the next Ivan Kupala holiday, and added little by little to all sorts of medicinal potions.

The dew that falls on Kupala night has extremely life-giving and healing properties and imparts them to wildflowers and herbs. They wash themselves with this dew to ward off evil infirmities and illnesses.

According to popular belief, medicinal herbs provide effective help only when they are picked on Midsummer night or at the dawn of Midsummer - before the dew dries on them.

What plants exorcise evil spirits and how to use them correctly? For example, aspen, by folk beliefs, it is not recommended to plant in your yard. It is best to plant it somewhere nearby and then it will become a powerful protective agent. You can use aspen pegs, driving them into the ground near the threshold, gate, in the corners of the yard, and then evil spirits will not penetrate your home, and any trouble will bypass you. But the oak cleanses the space around itself. It is believed that witchcraft cannot happen in an oak grove.

drooping thistle

Thistle herb is used to fight evil spirits. She drives away the dead, devils and all evil spirits. For these purposes, dry thistle grass must be distributed throughout the rooms.

A decoction of thistle herb gives peace to people who cry a lot about the dead.

If a person has been damaged, accompanied by various fits and seizures, then it is necessary to drink a decoction of this herb daily.

To treat skin cancer, a strong decoction of thistle herb is used, and fresh juice of the roots is applied to sore spots 2-3 times a day.

A decoction of the herb helps patients with malaria.

A decoction of the roots is used for various diseases of the nervous system, in particular for insomnia, epilepsy, and neuroses.

2 tbsp. l. put the grass roots in an enamel pan and pour in 2 cups cold water. Place on low heat and let simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

A strong decoction of inflorescences and leaves is used for skin diseases, especially scrofula.

Inflorescences or roots are used as an emetic for gastroenteritis, bronchitis, pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases.

A decoction of inflorescences is used for coughs, colds and rheumatism.

The herb and leaves are used in the treatment of gonorrhea and as a hemostatic agent.

For bronchial asthma, smoke from dry grass leaves thrown onto smoldering coals is inhaled.

The leaves and roots of the herb are used in the treatment of various external and internal tumors.

Nervous and easily excitable children are bathed in herbal decoction baths.

The juice of the grass is used to wash wounds, and crushed fresh grass is applied to wounds to heal them.

A decoction of inflorescences increases the body's resistance to adverse effects.

Fireweed angustifolia

Fireweed helps well with all types of damage, especially those associated with head diseases.

The herb and rhizomes are used as an astringent for throat diseases, bleeding, diarrhea and dysentery, as a carminative and tonic for the gastrointestinal tract.

A decoction of flowering herbs is good for insomnia, that is, it acts as a sleeping pill and calms. headache.

If you have a headache, you should not only take a herbal decoction, but also wash your hair with a strong herbal decoction.

A decoction of the herb is useful for constipation, colitis and gastritis.

A strong decoction of herbs and rhizomes is used for syphilis and gonorrhea.

3 tbsp. l. Place the herbs and rhizomes in an enamel pan and add 3 cups of cold water. Place on low heat and let simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Fireweed, together with St. John's wort and chamomile, is a good treatment for stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Fireweed leaves have great anti-inflammatory activity.

A strong decoction of herbs is used to wash sore spots with psoriasis, lichen planus, and eczema. In this case, a decoction of the herb is used internally.

Leaves powder is sprinkled on frostbitten areas, leaves are applied to various wounds, and crushed fresh roots are applied to the navel of a newborn as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent.

A decoction of the herb is drunk as a birth aid, and a decoction of the root helps with female and male infertility.

The herb is used for epilepsy, brain spasms, and delirium tremens.

Children with scrofula are bathed in a strong herbal decoction.

A decoction of the herb works well for feverish conditions and anemia.

The roots and young leaves of fireweed are eaten boiled, and dried leaves can serve as a substitute for tea.


It’s not for nothing that people call loosestrife grass. Indeed, evil spirits are very afraid of this plant. A cross was made from the root of the merlin and worn on oneself for protection against witches and sorcerers. You only need to collect the plakun with your hands. It is used for almost all types of damage.

If children in your family do not sleep, then you need to put several sprigs of dried grass under the child’s pillow.

A decoction of the herb is good for those who have various parts of the body susceptible to convulsions. It is good for such patients to take a warm bath in a decoction of this herb 2-3 times a week.

To prevent the weapon from malfunctioning at a crucial moment, our ancestors fumigated it with dry grass leaves.

When the house was built, a little dried weed grass was poured under each corner.

If there is evil spirits in the house, then the room is fumigated with dry grass.

When your livestock is spoiled, you need to give the sick animal a decoction of this herb. If the livestock begins to squirm, then it is necessary to pour a decoction of grass into the ear or tie the grass to the head of the animal.

A decoction of herb flowers and roots is used for bloody diarrhea, dysentery, gastritis, and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane.

A decoction of the herb and roots is taken orally as a sedative for insomnia.

Children are bathed in a strong herbal decoction for various cramps.

The roots are a remedy for male and female infertility. 3 tbsp. l. put the roots in an enamel pan and add 3 cups of cold water, put on low heat and let it simmer under a closed lid for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Crushed fresh roots are used for hernia and panaritium.

A steam of the roots is used internally for irregular and heavy menstruation.

The herb powder is sprinkled on non-healing ulcers.

A decoction of the roots is taken for colic and internal bleeding.

Poultices made from fresh herbs are good for purulent wounds and lichen.

A decoction of the herb is used as an analgesic for rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases and hemorrhoids.

For flux, stomatitis, canker sores and wounds in the mouth, you need to rinse your mouth with a strong decoction of herbs 4-5 times a day.

For leucorrhoea in women, it is necessary to douche with a warm decoction of the herb at night.

A decoction of the herb is drunk for coughs, chest pain and as a diaphoretic for colds.

A decoction of the roots is considered beneficial for rabies.

With general weakness of the body, it is necessary to take warm baths in a herbal decoction, and also take a herbal decoction with honey orally.

A decoction of the herb with flowers is used for nervous diseases.

Kupena medicinal

People call the purchase the Solomonic seal. It serves in cases where damage is caused to the gastrointestinal tract or joints of a person.

A decoction of the roots increases life expectancy.

An infusion of the herb is used as an antipyretic.

The use of a decoction of the roots of the plant is indicated for bloody diarrhea, hemorrhoids, sexual weakness, dropsy of the abdomen, for gynecological diseases and as a tonic.

In folk medicine it is used as an emollient, sedative and enveloping agent.

A decoction of rhizomes is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, cough and pulmonary tuberculosis, and also as a diaphoretic for colds, malaria and fever.

A decoction of rhizomes is used for indigestion, gastralgia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, diabetes, and as an astringent for diarrhea.

A decoction of the herb is used internally for arthritis, cholelithiasis, jaundice, leucorrhoea and other gynecological diseases.

Tincture of rhizomes is used as an analgesic for rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumbago, radiculitis, and gout.

For hernia and hemorrhoids, a decoction of herbs and rhizomes is taken orally.

Crushed grass in the form of compresses is used for bruises, abrasions, bruises, tumors, and bites from poisonous animals.

For toothache, rinse your mouth with a decoction of rhizomes.

If the joints are deformed, they are rubbed with fresh crushed rhizomes of kupena.

A decoction of rhizomes is used for metabolic disorders and as a hemostatic agent.

For impotence 2 tbsp. l. Put the rhizomes in a thermos in the evening and pour 2 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

For chronic dry eczema and warts, rub tincture of kupena rhizomes into sore spots.

For childhood diathesis, bathe the sick child in a warm decoction of the herb and rhizomes of kupena.

Crushed fresh herbs are used externally for scrofula, abscesses, panaritium, dermatitis, and erysipelas.

When the limbs tremble, rub the tincture of the rhizomes of kupena into the sore spots, and also take 1 tsp. tinctures 3 times a day.

For purulent inflammations, pimples and scabs, lotions and compresses from a decoction of the rhizomes of kupena are used.

For lower back pain, take a decoction of rhizomes.

Wash your face with a decoction of herbs to reduce tanning. The decoction is also used for freckles and spots on the face.

Angelica officinalis

Angelica is a good and powerful remedy against witches. The root, worn on the body, protects against evil spirits and witchcraft.

To protect young children from witchcraft, a small piece of dry root was sewn into their clothes.

If you drink a decoction of the root, it heals and cleanses colds and sore breasts.

A decoction of the root helps those who cannot digest food and who vomit after eating.

For those who want to lose weight and do not want to eat a lot, you need to drink a glass of strong decoction of angelica roots in the morning on an empty stomach.

For poisoning with alcohol and tobacco, 3 tbsp. l. Place angelica roots in an enamel pan and add 3 cups of cold water. Place on low heat and let simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, and drink in small portions throughout the day.

“Angelica” water, which has an anticonvulsant effect, is prepared from the rhizomes.

A decoction of the root tones the cardiovascular system.

The alcohol tincture is rubbed into sore spots for rheumatism, gout, and muscle pain.

Angelica root infused with vodka is a powerful anticholera remedy.

For frostbite, you need to take a decoction of the root.

Angelica decoction is good for treating stomach and intestinal spasms.

For internal organ damage (cancer), use a decoction of the root in milk.

Angelica root is used in the treatment of various paralysis, epilepsy, muscle pain, urinary incontinence, hemorrhage, and radiation injuries. For relaxation and shortness of breath, it is advisable to take a tincture rather than a decoction of the root.

Angelica has expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, and antifermentative properties.

A decoction of rhizomes and roots is used for bloating, colic, urinary retention and bronchitis.

Cinquefoil erecta (galangal)

Galangal root helps against spoilage.

Tincture of galangal roots with vodka is good in cases where impotence is damaged.

Grind 50 g of galangal roots, pour in 300 ml of vodka, leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day. Those with high blood pressure should take the tincture with caution.

Previously, men took galangal tincture as a preventive measure so as not to be spoiled by witches.

If your tongue hurts, you need to sprinkle the herb powder on it every day.

For purulent wounds, mix dry powder with honey and apply to the sore spot.

For diarrhea, take a tincture of the roots.

For prostatitis in men, pour a tablespoon of roots with 2 glasses of cold water. Boil for 30 minutes over low heat, strain, divide into 3 portions and drink throughout the day.

Tincture and decoction of the root increase desire in men and also help strengthen kidney function.

A decoction of the root strengthens a relaxed stomach.

Painful menstruation in young women is treated with a decoction of galangal roots.

Galangal decoction is good for the stomach, promotes digestion, and relieves kidney pain.

For headaches, you need to boil the root in wine, and apply the decoction in the form of a compress to the sore spot.

Cracks in the skin of the arms, legs, and lips were treated with ointment.

Place a glass of fresh cow butter in a glass jar and add 1-2 tablespoons of root powder. Place the jar in a water bath and let it simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Remove from heat, cool. Store the ointment in the refrigerator.

A decoction of roots and rhizomes is used for various chronic diarrhea, dysentery, stomach ulcers, various internal bleeding, heavy menstruation, liver diseases, gout and jaundice.

A decoction of roots and rhizomes treats enteritis and enterocolitis well.

Externally, a decoction of roots and herbs is used for lotions, compresses and washes, for bruises, ulcers, burns, various rashes, weeping eczema and other skin diseases, as well as for rinsing the mouth, for stomatitis, gingivitis and sore throat.

European hoofweed

Popularly, kopytn is called earthen incense. A decoction of roots and rhizomes is used primarily in cases where a person has been damaged by alcoholism and heavy drinking.

To combat drunkenness, pour a tablespoon of decoction from the rhizomes of the hoof into a glass of vodka.

We must remember that a decoction of the grass and leaves of the hoofed grass increases blood pressure.

In large doses, it can cause diarrhea and severe vomiting. Pregnant women are not recommended to take coffin decoction.

Clefthoof treats diseases of the bones, as well as the hips. It helps with gout, but it is harmful to the kidneys.

For paralysis of the tongue and lips, as well as deafness, you should sniff the herb powder at night.

Water vapor with sandy immortelle is useful for jaundice.

A decoction of the herb treats painful menstruation in young women.

Taking a tablespoon 3 times a day strengthens the heart and soothes stomach pain.

In powder form, the herb is used for snorting for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, runny nose and headache.

It helps with spleen disease and removes urine and menstruation, as well as the afterbirth from the uterus.

Children from infancy are bathed in a decoction of the root.

A decoction of herbs and roots enhances sexual potency in men and increases the amount of male semen.

A decoction of the herb helps with inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

A decoction of the herb and roots treats hardening in the spleen and also strengthens the bladder.

A decoction of rhizomes is used for jaundice, dropsy and as an aqueous expectorant.

In small doses, coffin is taken for asthma, migraine, hysteria and nervous diseases.

Clefthoof is used externally for skin diseases and eczema of nervous origin.

Heart failure is a contraindication to the use of the herb.

Clefthoof is harmful to the kidneys. Its substitutes are cinnamon and ginger.

Cornflower blue

Blue cornflower herb drives out demons and all evil spirits. To drive out demons and evil spirits, it is necessary to fumigate the patient with the smoke of dry grass, as well as inhale the smoke.

On Spas Day (August 19), cornflowers were blessed in the church. A decoction of this herb was used to treat epilepsy, binge drinking, and internal fever. Cornflowers were used to make bedding for coffins, as well as wreaths for dead girls.

A decoction of cornflowers treats inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and is also used for spasms and catarrhs ​​of the latter.

A mixture of blue cornflower, St. John's wort and birch leaves helps with urinary retention.

The herb is used for persistent allergies that occur due to kidney failure.

A decoction of the herb reduces the concentration of substances involved in stone formation in the blood.

Decoction and steam of the herb are good for treating inflammation of the prostate gland in men.

A decoction of the herb is used for abscesses and boils in people.

Crushed seeds are sprinkled on warts.

Infusion and decoction of the herb are used internally for jaundice, dropsy, itchy rashes, delayed menstruation and as an analgesic for lower back pain.

Fresh crushed herb is applied to wounds, inflammatory areas of the skin, and itchy rashes to relieve itching.

The decoction is used as an antifever and antipyretic agent.

Blue cornflower is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Meadow lumbago (sleep-grass)

The herb lumbago, carried on one's person, helps to protect against witchcraft. If you put it in the house or fumigate the house with dry grass, it drives out evil spirits.

A decoction of the herb helps with insomnia, as well as for those who have lost their voice.

The herb is useful for external and internal paralysis, as well as for optic nerve palsy.

For external and internal hernia, the decoction is used externally. The herb is also boiled in a pot with leaves and warm as a compress applied to the external hernia.

The herb is good for recent epilepsy. In the evening, put 2 teaspoons of the herb in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. In the morning, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

For scabies, keep the grass in sour cream for 3-5 days and lubricate the sore spots.

A decoction of the fresh plant is used for dizziness and delayed menstruation in women.

A decoction of the root is prescribed for bacterial and amoebic dysentery.

A decoction of the herb is indicated as an antifever, antipyretic and diuretic for edema of renal and cardiac origin.

Herb juice with honey is used for glaucoma.

The plant in dry form is used for pyoderma, chronic ulcers and other skin diseases.

Fresh grass is poisonous. If it is applied to the skin for several minutes, a burn appears in the form of watery and bloody blisters.

Extract from the leaves is used to treat wounds and fungal skin diseases.

Use the decoction for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough. As a sedative for insomnia, headaches, migraines, hysteria, neuralgia, dizziness.

Juice from the roots destroys warts.

Lumbago causes and intensifies menstruation, stops pain and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

We must remember that the herb is contraindicated for gastritis and nephritis.


People call thyme Bogorodskaya herb. It is used in cases where damage is caused by alcoholism and binge drinking, from the damage of sorcerers, as well as from the brownie when he falls on a sleeping person at night.

Dry grass is used to fumigate livestock against damage or the evil eye.

For diseases of the female breast, thyme is steamed in milk and taken.

Thyme is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy, patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, coronary sclerosis.

Dry thyme is used to fumigate women who have chest pain. Take a decoction of this herb orally.

Powdering the herb with honey cleanses the chest and also treats burning sensation in the stomach and intestines.

A decoction of thyme expels the fetus in pregnant women.

Herbal powder with honey enhances sexual potency.

If there is coagulated blood in the kidneys and bladder, it will dissolve and remove it. Clears the skin of minor rashes.

Thyme expels a dead fetus from a woman's womb. Its substitute is lemon balm.

If you lubricate your hair or wash it with a decoction of thyme, it will help against memory loss.

For throbbing pain in the head, drink a decoction of thyme with juniper berries.

A decoction of thyme helps against cold tumors in the liver and dissolves stones in the bladder.

If boiled with vinegar and lubricated on the head, it will help with headaches and confusion of mind.

If taken with wine, it will help with hiccups and indigestion.

The poultice will help with bee stings and resolve warts.

When a hornet bites you, apply a bandage of freshly chopped grass to the bite site.

A decoction of the herb is drunk to relax the nerves, and applied with oatmeal and wine to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

A strong decoction of the herb with the addition of honey or sugar helps relieve pain that occurs under the cartilage of the false ribs.

Taking the herb in tea form preserves the strength of vision.

Thyme cleanses the chest, and together with honey prevents hemoptysis.

Herbal syrup eliminates indigestion and lack of appetite.

A decoction of the herb drives urine, causes menstruation, and removes worms and worms.

The herb kills lice and is also useful against internal tumors, memory loss and insanity.

The steam or decoction is taken with both water and milk.

The decoction is used as a poultice for abscesses, for rinsing the mouth for ulcers of the mucous membrane and for toothache. Used as lotions and eye washes for inflammation of the eyelids.

A decoction of the root is used for baths for eczema.

Thyme tincture with vodka is used for rubbing in paralysis and radiculitis.

Calamus common

Calamus expels evil spirits from premises; when worn, it protects against witchcraft, improves vision, hearing and memory.

Those who cannot urinate need to drink calamus root infused in cold water.

If you have heaviness in the stomach after eating, you should drink a decoction of the root, it helps with blood diseases.

Contraindications for the use of the plant are suffering from the uterus, ovaries, fever, abdominal pain, pregnancy.

It is harmful due to the hot nature of the kidneys. Knotweed eliminates its harmful effects.

It treats convulsions and tongue twisting, facial distortion, and helps with vitiligo and urticaria.

The plant helps with hernia, stimulates blood formation, as well as with convulsions and dropsy.

For diseases of the female genital organs, warm sitz baths should be taken at night.

If the tongue is swollen or cracked, it is necessary to add sage and nettle herbs to the calamus.

For heartburn, you need to take root powder, and for hair loss, wash your hair in a strong decoction of calamus root.

For chronic illness spinal cord with loss of sensitivity, it is necessary to take warm baths in a decoction of the root, and also take a decoction of the root orally.

Calamus decoction reduces arterial pressure, treats inflammation of the bladder. Prescribed for flatulence and rheumatism.

Root tincture improves vision and hearing.

A decoction of the root helps with pain in the side and chest, is good for heaviness of the tongue, and clears the complexion.

Calamus root tones, stimulates appetite, eliminates intestinal upset, and is prescribed for flatulence.

The rhizome and leaves are used as an antipyretic.

Included in a patch for the treatment of nail decay.

You can rinse your mouth with calamus tincture for toothache.

Powder is sprinkled on ulcers and festering wounds.

Eryngium flatifolia

Eryngium flatifolia expels evil spirits, helps with damage to dementia and paralysis.

Eryngium flatifolia is used to fumigate a room to exorcise evil spirits, and sprigs of dry grass are laid out throughout the rooms.

It helps with damage associated with dementia, schizophrenia and paralysis. 3 tbsp. l. Put the herbs in a thermos in the evening and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Strain in the morning and drink in small portions throughout the day.

A decoction of the herb is used to treat fear in children.

A strong decoction of the herb helps with dropsy, insomnia, swelling of the legs and stopped menstruation.

During difficult childbirth, the mother in labor is given a decoction to drink.

A decoction in damp, cold weather helps relieve chilliness in the body. They are used to rinse the mouth for toothache.

The root helps with uncontrollable vomiting, as well as chronic leakage of fluid from the uterus.

For hemoptysis, St. John's wort and yarrow are added to eryngium in equal quantities.

Eryngium increases the secretion of urine and sweat, eliminates blood stagnation in various organs, helps with coughs, induces and intensifies menstruation, reduces and stops cramps and colic, relieves pain and has an antitoxic effect.

An infusion of the herb is taken for headaches, whooping cough, rheumatism, toothache, anemia, scrofula and dropsy, urinary retention, kidney stones and urolithiasis, convulsions, eyelid twitching.


People call it ash tree burning bush. The herb and roots are used to exorcise evil spirits from the home or various rooms. Dry grass is fumigated, and grass sprigs are placed in places where evil spirits accumulate.

In folk medicine, the root is used, which is dug up in the fall.

For hypertension, 10% tincture from the root is taken 30 drops 3 times a day.

The root and seeds are taken orally against kidney and bladder stones, for female diseases, melancholy, hysteria, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever and against worms.

An infusion of leaves and flowers is used for rubbing in rheumatism.

A decoction of the herb is used for inflammation of the bile ducts, phimosis and paraphimosis. Externally – for urticaria, eyebrow loss, complete and alopecia. Use internally as a decoction of 6 g of root per glass of water (daily dose).

A decoction of the root is used as a means to accelerate the onset of menstruation when it is delayed, in case of tropical malaria.

You should know that touching fresh herbs to exposed parts of the body causes skin inflammation and severe burns. Therefore, the plant must be cut using cotton gloves.

Violet tricolor

People call tricolor violet a fireless herb. Dried grass should be used to fumigate the possessed person with smoke from the burnt grass 1–2 times a week, and this smoke should also be swallowed.

Violet juice cleanses pus from a wound; if taken with wine, it treats head diseases.

Herb with wax treats fissures in the anus (used as an ointment).

For cancer of the throat and tongue, it is necessary not only to drink a decoction of the herb, but also to gargle in the mouth and throat.

Tricolor violet also helps with cancer of the larynx and stomach.

Boil violet decoction in wine and gargle in the mouth, removes bad breath and also treats toothache.

Violet eliminates facial swelling.

The herb helps treat epilepsy, but is better for boys than girls.

If the uterus is swollen, you should douche with a warm decoction every night at night.

In case of a blow to the head, when the patient ceases to speak his tongue, it is necessary to grind the violet with wine. Take orally, put on the tongue and as a compress on the site of the blow. If the right side of the head is affected, you can apply fresh crushed violet to the sole of the left foot and do the opposite: if the left side of the head is affected, apply it to the sole of the right foot.

For scrofula and chronic rashes, it is necessary to use the herb in half with nut oil.

Violet syrup is useful for pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, stomach, helps with pain in the kidneys, drives away urine and stones, and with rectal prolapse.

A decoction of the herb drives away excess phlegm from the spleen.

Violet, if dried, ground into powder and sniffed, soothes headaches.

In the form of a medicinal dressing with barley oatmeal, it soothes hot tumors.

Violet flowers help with convulsions, nervous attacks, epilepsy, stone disease.

Violet spray treats gout and rheumatism. In children's practice, scrofulous and rickets children are bathed in a strong herbal decoction.

From the “hair”, grind tricolor violet with fresh lard and apply to the sore spot. The same ointment treats cracks on the lips.

The roots of the herb extract pus from the lungs and destroy purulent tumors of the uterus. In the form of an ointment or drink, the herb is useful for hot inflammation of the eyes.

Violet decoction helps well in children's practice with whooping cough.

If you infuse the herb in vegetable oil and apply it to eczema on your head, it will help.

It helps with liver tumors if fresh crushed herbs are applied as a compress to the sore spot.

Contraindications for the use of the herb are hepatitis, glomerulonephritis.

Hyssop officinalis

Hyssop is a purifying herb. “Sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be clean; you will wash me and I will be whiter than snow” (Ps. 50).

A decoction of the herb helps with bleeding eyes, but suppresses libido and dries out the seed. It is harmful to the kidneys. A substitute for hyssop is mint.

The herb, if drunk with wine, dissolves hard tumors on the body.

The use of the herb is indicated for chronic inflammation of the intestines, reduces sweat, and treats hoarseness.

A decoction of hyssop with vinegar soothes toothache.

If mercury has eaten into the bones, then 3 tbsp is needed. l. Put the herbs in a thermos in the evening and pour 3 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Lubricating and moistening with a strong decoction of the herb eliminates scars on the face, and hyssop, taken internally, improves complexion.

A decoction of the herb in the form of a compress is applied to bruises in the eye and under the eyelids.

A decoction of the herb is used for bronchial asthma, chronic cough and sore throat.

A strong decoction of hyssop is beneficial for dropsy, and also drives away mucus, worms, and worms. Useful for spleen disease.

The plant reduces excessive sweat production.

A decoction of the herb is used for bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, neuroses, weak digestion, angina pectoris, flatulence, joint diseases, chronic colitis.

In the form of rinses, it is used for stomatitis, diseases of the pharynx and hoarseness of the voice.

Stinging nettle

Nettle expels damage.

A decoction of nettles in vinegar, which is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, expels frogs, tadpoles, grass snakes, snakes and various worms from people. The decoction should be drunk during the new month.

If there is pain under the navel, mix nettle seed with honey and apply it as a medicinal bandage to the sore spot.

A decoction of the seed treats external and internal hernia, and also cures joint pain, softens tumors, heals gout and asthma. A strong decoction of the seeds is an antidote for mushroom poisoning.

For itchy skin, chop fresh nettle, mix with fresh egg yolk and apply as a medicinal bandage to the sore spot.

Stinging nettle is boiled in old wine and applied as a compress to sore legs to cure gout.

For skin rashes and scabs, crush nettle with salt, egg white and apply this ointment to sore spots in a steam bath.

Nettle decoction stimulates the activity of the stomach at zero acidity, helps with ankylosing spondylitis.

If the patient’s stomach swells, then it is necessary to drink a strong decoction of nettle seed.

For breast cancer, fresh nettle is crushed, mixed with honey and applied as a medicinal bandage to the sore spot.

Children with chorea are given a decoction of nettle.

A decoction of the herb enhances the activity of the cardiovascular system.

For kidney inflammation, it must be taken orally.

In combination with wine, nettle helps jaundiced patients.

If you grind nettle seed with honey and take it orally, it will cure an old cough, and it will remove cold from the lungs and bloating.

Nettle, ground with vinegar, treats swelling of the spleen.

Nettle root will help with gout and joint disease, and plum boiled in oil will cure uterine tumors.

Nettle seed with wine stimulates libido, but you need to add honey and hot pepper.

For pneumonia and pleurisy, you should drink a decoction of nettle seed daily.

If the uvula is swollen, you should rinse your mouth with nettle juice.

When hair falls out, it is necessary to lubricate it with nettle seed juice.

Boil nettle seed with honey and take orally for those with a swollen throat. Apply the same ointment to a patient whose spine hurts.

Boiled nettle with vinegar and salt cleanses the stomach.

If you crush fresh leaves and apply it as a compress to the uterine area, it will draw it inward.

If you mix the seed with honey and lubricate the penis, it will swell and enlarge.

Nettle enhances the activity of the digestive glands and the secretion of milk in nursing women.

Nettle increases the percentage of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells in the blood.

A decoction of the leaves can lower blood sugar.

Water vapor and nettle decoction are used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidney stones, dysentery, dropsy, colds, hemorrhoids, acute and articular rheumatism, chronic persistent constipation, diseases of the respiratory organs, gout, and muscular rheumatism.

Nettle infusion is taken orally as a blood purifier in the treatment of lichen, acne, and boils.

A decoction of the leaves with barley groats is drunk for chest pain.

A water decoction is used for hemorrhoidal, uterine, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding.

A strong decoction of the herb has a diuretic, anti-fever and anti-inflammatory effect. It regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces blood loss from them.

Chernobyl (wormwood)

Chernobyl is one of the most effective remedies against witchcraft, as well as in the treatment of neuropsychic diseases associated with damage.

The smoke of dry Chernobyl herb is used to drive out evil spirits from the house.

Chernobyl, picked on Ivan Kupala, protects against pain in the spine if the lower back is bandaged on that day.

For epilepsy and schizophrenia, 3 tbsp. l. Put the herbs in a thermos in the evening and pour 3 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

Chernobyl helps with sleep walking and treats convulsions in infants. Children over two years old are given a teaspoon of herbal decoction every hour.

If anyone has a headache, finely chop wormwood with roots and cook with wine or vinegar for 2 hours, strain. Wash your hair with this hot broth. After this, you need to cover yourself with a woolen cloth and lie down in bed so that the patient sweats.

In case of difficult childbirth, it is necessary to give the woman in labor a warm decoction of herbs or Chernobyl roots.

If you put fresh crushed grass near the navel, you cannot hold it for a long time, it can retract the uterus.

Chernobyl root, infused with vodka, is used in the treatment of cancer.

If the bladder does not release urine, you need to mix rye flour with Chernobyl root and apply it around the bladder.

Chernobyl tincture helps well in the treatment of epilepsy in girls 12–15 years old.

Pour 100 g of roots into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally, strain.

Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

For infertile women or men, drink a decoction of roots or herbs.

The decoction drives stones out of the kidneys or bladder.

Dry Chernobyl powder is sprinkled on ulcers on the penis.

For insomnia, apply Chernobyl decoction to your temples and wrists.

Chernobyl decoction drives away dead fetuses, treats uterine ulcers, and enhances menstruation.

If you burn the plant and introduce the ash into the uterus, it will cure ulcers and tumor nodules.

For rectal cancer, it is necessary to make lotions and douches from a decoction of herbs and roots.

A strong decoction of the herb is drunk for inflammation of the pleura, as well as for paralysis.

Contraindications for the use of Chernobyl are pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis, and migraines.

Large plantain

The whole plant is healed from damage.

A decoction is taken internally, and damaged patients are smoked with dry leaves.

When suffering from the evil eye, wash yourself with a decoction of plantain leaves.

For monthly ailments, the seeds are infused in wine and drunk a tablespoon 3 times a day. Take orally if the scrotum hurts or pain is felt near the navel.

A decoction of the leaves is taken orally to treat cancer and elephantiasis. In the latter case, the sore legs are covered with fresh leaves.

Whoever's belly button falls out of place, soar the grass with its roots and drink it on a skinny heart.

Apply the decoction in the form of a compress to the sore spot.

A decoction of the seeds is taken for male and female infertility, bedwetting, rumbling stomach, and chills.

For inflammation lymph nodes Rub plantain oil into sore spots.

50 g of plantain leaves and seeds pour into 250 ml vegetable oil. Leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain, rub into sore spots overnight, wrap thoroughly.

For burns or felon, apply fresh leaves to the sore spot.

For diarrhea, boil a plantain leaf in vinegar, add a little salt and chew slowly in your mouth.

Crushed plantain leaves with egg white treat burns.

For dog bites and swelling in the joints, apply fresh plantain leaves to the sore spots.

For tumors of the cervical glands, chop plantain leaves, mix with salt and apply to the sore spot.

For dysentery, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and epilepsy, it is necessary to take a strong decoction of the leaves and roots of the plant.

For dirty wounds in the mouth, you need to chew fresh leaves, the wounds will cleanse.

A decoction of the leaves cleanses the liver and helps those who urinate blood and eye diseases.

A decoction of the leaves and juice of the plant is taken for gastritis, enteritis and enterocolitis, bedwetting, hemorrhoids, hemoptysis and malaria.

An infusion of leaves is used as a blood purifier for rashes, lichen, and acne.

A decoction of plantain seeds is used in the treatment of colitis.

Fresh leaves are applied to insect stings.

A decoction of the herb is used as a birth aid.

Crushed fresh leaves are applied to weeping lichens.

Plantain decoction is harmful to the brain. Violet eliminates its harmful effects, and sorrel is a substitute.


People call aspen a whispering tree. It is used for almost all types of damage. Spoiled patients are bathed in a decoction of twigs and bark, and they are fumigated with dry bark. A decoction of the leaves is used to wash oneself against the evil eye.

Aspen stakes are driven into the graves of vampires.

Aspen buds help with bronchitis, prostatitis, nephritis, eczema and trophic ulcers.

A decoction of the bark is effective for prostatitis, hemorrhoids, and salt deposits.

Kidney tincture is taken orally for bronchial asthma. Pork fat ointment with aspen buds is used for hemorrhoids.

Fresh leaves are crushed and applied to snake bites.

For hernia in children, you should drink a decoction of the bark of young aspen branches. The bark is cut from branches that are no thicker than a human finger.

If there is damage to the joints, it is necessary to sleep on aspen panels.

When harvesting bark, the diameter of the trunk should not exceed 20 cm. The bark should be free of moss. It should not be dried in the sun.

A decoction of the young bark is taken orally for urinary retention and inflammation of the kidneys, joint pain, arthritis of the hip joint, as well as for scurvy and syphilis.

Anyone who has pain in the mouth, or if the tongue is paralyzed, should take the decoction and also rinse it in the mouth.

To prevent a person from drinking, it is necessary to mix in equal parts aspen, birch, spruce bark, chop. Take a teaspoon of powder 3 times a day.

A decoction of the kidneys is used for diarrhea, fever, colds, muscle pain, and also as a diuretic and strong diaphoretic.

Alcohol tincture of kidneys (50 g of kidneys per 300 ml of vodka) is used for abscesses of internal organs.

A decoction of the leaves is taken for acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, and painful urination.

Dried and powdered aspen buds mixed with fresh creamy or sunflower oil, serve as a wound healing agent for burns, chronic ulcers and are used to soften hemorrhoids.

Young crushed leaves are doused with boiling water and used as a poultice for gout and rheumatism.

Kidney decoction is an antipyretic and diaphoretic for fever, old colds, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Elecampane tall

Elecampane is used against damage and the evil eye. A decoction of the root is taken orally, and crushed dried roots and rhizomes are used to fumigate spoiled patients. Boiled elecampane root with bread and garlic is taken orally in cases where frogs, snakes, and lizards appear inside the spoiled patient. The decoction is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Elecampane root helps those who have pain around the heart. The root infused in wine makes the voice thin, brightens the eyes, and cures diseases of the head.

A decoction of the root is a means to avoid premature birth.

Externally, the leaves of elecampane and the leaves of coltsfoot are used in the treatment of elephantiasis.

Elecampane helps with hypertension, uterine prolapse, lower back diseases, hemorrhoids, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Root decoction - effective remedy for gout, arthritis, exudative diathesis, uterine prolapse, helps with paralysis.

The decoction is effective for diseases accompanied by severe inflammation. It reduces the secretion of urine and semen. A substitute for elecampane is calamus.

When urine leaks drop by drop, the decoction is not only taken orally, but also placed as a compress on the bladder area.

For weakened people, “elecampane wine” is prepared.

Pour 100 g of roots into 0.5 liters of fortified wine, leave for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 50 ml 3 times a day.

A strong decoction expels worms and worms from the intestines, helps with pain in the bones and lower back, as well as with sciatic nerve disease.

Taking the decoction orally is an effective remedy for epilepsy and animal bites, as well as scorpion stings.

If you chop the leaves and root, make a plaster and apply it to the fracture site, it will help.

For suffocation, honey is added to the broth.

A decoction is indicated for chronic eczema, itchy skin and fever.

A decoction of the herb and roots is taken for pain in the side and chest, cancerous tumors, especially liver and ovarian cancer.

For scurvy ulceration of the gums, rinse the mouth with a strong decoction of the roots.

A decoction of herbs and roots is used in the form of baths for scrofula, abscesses, and warts.

A decoction of the root helps with diabetes, dropsy, jaundice, kidney stones, as well as radiculitis, brucellosis, anemia, thrombophlebitis, chlorosis.

Dry powder from the root is thrown onto hot coals to kill mosquitoes, flies and fleas.

Pregnant women should not take a decoction of the root in large doses.

Common barberry

Barberry is used in cases where evil spirits have appeared in the house. Dry barberry twigs are placed around the rooms, and the room is fumigated with crushed dry barberry.

A decoction of barberry bark and leaves is used to treat chronic pancreatitis, stimulate the pancreas and as an adjuvant for the treatment of diabetes.

Barberry berries destroy the effects of drunkenness, strengthen the muscles of the heart, and are also used for neurasthenia.

For gallstones and kidney stones, it is necessary to take a decoction of the leaves and bark of the plant.

If barberry root bark is boiled in wine or vinegar and applied to the liver, the tumor softens. If you boil it in water and make an enema with the decoction, it will help with ulcers that are present in the intestines.

The bark of the root is sprinkled on cancerous ulcers.

Root tincture is used for hypotonic bleeding, as well as endometritis. Take 20–25 drops 2–3 times a day.

A decoction of the leaves and bark helps with rashes in the mouth, strengthens hair roots, sharpens vision, and helps with inflammation of the eyelids.

A decoction of fruits and leaves is used for hot form heartbeat.

A decoction of the bark and leaves strongly drives bile; crushed leaves are applied as a medicinal bandage to hot tumors.

The fruits strengthen the liver and stomach, quench thirst well, help with hemorrhoids, a decoction of leaves and bark quenches thirst, stops belching.

Barberry flowers cleanse the face of scars on the skin.

A decoction of the leaves and bark helps with intestinal ulcers and old diarrhea.

Barberry fruits are used to stimulate appetite, and also as a choleretic, diuretic and blood circulation improver.

Tincture of leaves is used for malarial enlargement of the spleen and liver diseases.

It must be remembered that large doses of bark are poisonous.

male fern

Fern root, worn on the body, protects against witchcraft.

Crushed powder of dry roots is sprinkled on various ulcers.

A decoction of rhizomes is taken orally for diseases of the sciatic nerve and sexually transmitted diseases.

Young shoots are taken orally for prostatitis, and since they are rich in zinc, they are used in the treatment of diabetes.

A tincture of the rhizome in vodka is drunk for dry pleurisy.

Pour 50 g of roots with 250 ml of vodka. Leave for a week in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally, strain, take 10-15 drops 3 times a day.

For wounds, a fresh fern leaf is ground with butter and applied to the sore spot.

Fern decoction, sweetened with honey, kills worms and worms in the body. But before taking it, you need to eat a clove of garlic.

Externally, a decoction of rhizomes is used for baths, rubdowns and lotions, for leg cramps, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, purulent wounds and ulcers. Boil 50 g of dry or 100 g of fresh rhizome for 1 hour in 3–5 liters of water, use for baths at a temperature of 28–30 °C.

A decoction of the root kills the fetus in the womb, so it should absolutely not be taken by pregnant women.

The harmful effect of fern is eliminated by cypress wormwood, and dodder is a substitute.

Tatarnik prickly

The prickly tartar is used as a means of exorcising evil spirits from houses and non-residential premises. Dry tartar grass is used to fumigate spoiled patients.

A decoction of the herb in the form of a wash is used for ulcers and blisters on the skin.

For sinusitis, tartar juice is applied to the nose.

A decoction and steam of the herb is useful for low blood pressure.

The juice from the leaves is used for scabies, abscesses, and head scab.

A steam or decoction of the leaves is drunk to treat a cold in the bladder. It cleanses the blood during rheumatism.

In the form of a strong decoction, it is used for uterine cancer and external cancerous lesions.

A decoction of its seeds is drunk for muscular movement disorders in children.

A decoction of the root is especially helpful for chronic stomach relaxation.

A decoction of herbs and seeds helps with hemoptysis, liver ailments, cramps, toothache, treats old fever, and helps with all mucous tumors. Its decoction is used to wash the bites of scorpions and snakes.

A decoction of the herb is useful for internal spasms and gout.

We must remember that tartar preparations are harmful to the spleen. Tartar decoction is harmful to the head; its harmful effects are eliminated by onion seeds. A substitute for tartar is smoker.

White water lily

People call white water lily grass. The root, worn on the body, protects against witches and sorcerers.

A decoction of the roots helps with toothache and poisoning.

Chopped dry root is added to the dough when baking bread.

Leaves and flowers, when collected in June and July, heal migraines and dizziness. Fresh leaves are applied to the head for pain, and if they dry out, it is beneficial.

A decoction of the seeds helps with insomnia, cramps, and dizziness.

A decoction of the root is taken for bladder papillomosis and tumors of various etiologies.

In case of hair loss, wash your hair in a warm decoction of water lily leaves.

Water lily syrup helps with inflammation of the meninges.

Poultices of flowers and leaves help with vitiligo.

Taking a large amount of root decoction orally suppresses sexual potency in men.

A decoction of flowers and roots soothes nervous system, evokes a dream.

A decoction of the roots dries out lung ulcers and helps with bladder disease and burning sensation when urinating. It stops the diarrhea.

Water lily root is useful for hot tumors, especially spleen tumors, and is good for coughs.

Crushed leaves and flowers of water lily in the form of a medicinal bandage are useful for spleen tumors. A decoction of the root helps with wet dreams, as well as chronic diarrhea and ulcers in the intestines.

The harmful effects of white water lily are eliminated by carrot jam. Its substitute is tricolor violet.

Linden heart-shaped

Linden flowers are useful in cases where wives curse their husbands. You must drink linden tea without restrictions.

A decoction of linden leaves crushes stones in the kidneys and bladder, expels thorns and lichen.

A decoction of linden blossom is used to treat sunburn, water and fire burns.

Linden flowers cool and treat ulcers, milk comes in lactating women.

Flowers with bracts have a strong diaphoretic, diuretic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect.

When the tongue is paralyzed and there is no pain, a strong decoction of flowers is often used to rinse the mouth.

Linden flowers are added to preparations for the treatment of the liver, stomach, intestines, and kidneys.

Linden charcoal is used internally for belching and dysentery.

Powder from linden seeds stops bleeding from the nose and wounds.

A decoction of linden leaves will help with pain in the urethra.

A decoction of linden flowers will help with tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

A decoction of flowers is taken for colds, fainting, headaches, painful conditions accompanied by seizures, as well as epilepsy.

A decoction of flowers is taken for coughs, runny nose, bronchial catarrh, kidney and bladder diseases.

A decoction of linden blossom is used to gargle for sore throats.

Thin-leaved peony

Peony, worn on oneself, protects against evil spirits. He especially helps young girls and women.

A decoction of the root helps with epilepsy, anemia, kidney stones, hemorrhoids, and anal fissures. Place 2 teaspoons of root in an enamel pan and add 2 cups of cold water. Place on low heat and let simmer, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, strain, divide into 3 doses and drink 30 minutes before meals.

The seed powder or its decoction removes the severity of nightmares from people.

The house in which peony seeds are stored is not struck by lightning.

Unclean spirits disappear from those places where the thin-leaved peony grows.

Dry grass and crushed fruits are useful for fumigating the insane and epileptics.

When children are cutting their teeth, the gums are moistened with a decoction of herbs.

Beads were made from the seeds or roots and placed around the necks of children to protect against witchcraft.

Beads are made from the fruit and placed around the neck of those who suffer from epilepsy.

A decoction of herbs and roots is good for bronchial asthma.

A decoction with the addition of honey treats the spleen, liver, and kidneys.

A decoction of the root in wine tames severe pain in the bladder.

A decoction of peony roots expels stones that are in the kidneys or bladder from children.

A tincture of the root is rubbed into patients with paralysis.

Peony cannot be cut with iron, as it loses its strength.

Mountain ash

With the help of rowan they protected the newlyweds from sorcerers at the wedding. Rowan leaves were placed in shoes, and the fruits were placed in the pockets of the newlyweds.

Fresh rowan juice is used internally for external and internal hemorrhoids.

A decoction of rowan buds and twigs eliminates bad breath.

Rowan fruit steam is used for hypertension, kidney stones, and diabetes.

The choleretic effect of rowan fruit is very strong.

A decoction and infusion of the fruit is used for vitamin deficiencies, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, kidney stones, rheumatism and hemorrhoids.

The fruits are used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and hemostatic agent, for cystitis, to improve liver function and as a laxative.

A decoction of the bark is taken as an astringent for diarrhea, and in the form of douching is used for leucorrhoea and vaginitis.

A decoction of the bark or fruit is used to stop menstruation and as a contraceptive.

An infusion of fruits is used as a painkiller for malignant tumors, toothache, aching joints, as well as for fever and fumes.

Children with scrofula are bathed in a decoction of the leaves.

Hawthorn prickly

Hawthorn is used in cases where evil spirits prevent people from living in houses or apartments. Dry hawthorn branches should be placed throughout the rooms, and the room should be fumigated with dry flowers.

Liquid extract from the fruit eliminates tachycardia and arrhythmia.

A decoction of flowers and leaves is used for increased thyroid function.

Flower tincture is used for spasms of cerebral vessels, obesity of the heart, atherosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, cardiosclerosis, and circulatory disorders.

The tincture of flowers is much stronger in its effect on the human body than the tincture of fruits.

A decoction of flowers and leaves is indicated for psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and acute polyarthritis.

A decoction of flowers, when taken orally, helps with tinnitus, lowers cholesterol in the blood, but it locks bile in the gallbladder.

The fruits and flowers are used for insomnia, dizziness and shortness of breath. A decoction of flowers and fruits is taken orally for heart neurosis, suffocation caused by heart ailments, a rush of blood to the head and severe nervous shock.

An alcoholic tincture of flowers and fruits is used for weak heart function in old age, general weakness of the body, as a result of physical and mental fatigue, and palpitations.

Rosehip brown

Damaged patients are fumigated with dry rosehip branches. Dry rosehip branches are placed in places where evil spirits accumulate.

Root decoction in milk - good remedy with cholelithiasis.

If the body or its individual members are paralyzed, bathe the patient in warm bath, where a decoction of rosehip roots is added.

Rosehip oil is used for cracked nipples and trophic ulcers.

Fruit steam is useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

For epilepsy, use a decoction of flowers or a steam of rose hips.

Rose hips are indicated for atherosclerosis complicated by diabetes mellitus.

Warm sitz baths are used to treat hemorrhoids using a decoction of rosehip galls.

Children with scrofula are bathed in a decoction of rosehip roots, and a decoction of rosehip roots taken internally will help with fever.

If your eyes become watery, you should rinse them with a decoction of rosehip flowers.

Fruit juice is used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, especially for stone diseases of these organs.

Rosehip flowers are an antitussive; they are used to cover areas affected by erysipelas.

Rose hips are boiled in water and added to warm sitz bath. It will help with hemorrhoids, soothe pain and burning.

The skin of rose hips relieves pain and speeds up the process of resorption of stones.

Fruit steam increases the secretion of bile, stimulates the function of the gonads, weakens and stops bleeding, enhances the regeneration processes of soft and bone tissue, accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and frostbite.

A decoction of the leaves has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect and is used for gastrointestinal diseases.

A decoction of young branches is used for hypertension.

Common oak

Demons hate oak, so you should plant oak trees near your house. Dry oak leaves are used to fumigate demoniac patients.

A decoction of oak leaves will help those women who have a cold in the uterus, and they also drink it in cases where a woman suffers from infertility.

For internal diseases, it is necessary to burn old oak leaves, stir in warm boiled water and take orally.

A decoction or steam of the leaves will help with bedwetting.

For hemorrhoids, mushroom poisoning, copper and lead salts, tin, you need to drink a decoction of the leaves.

To save your teeth, you need to clean them with crushed oak bark. Oak bark will help the thyroid gland during radiation.

Galls (growths on leaves) help with all wet ulcers, hernias, and dry out discharge from the uterus. The best galls are green and unripe.

Anyone who cannot urinate needs to drink a decoction of acorns.

For liver and lung diseases, take oak leaf ash internally, which must be diluted with warm boiled water.

Fresh crushed leaves are placed in wounds that do not need to be sutured.

Externally, a decoction of oak bark in the form of a compress is placed on the hernia.

If your feet are very sweaty, take warm foot baths in the evening.

Crushed acorns with goat fat or salted pork help with external hardening on the body.

Common juniper

On Maundy Thursday, houses are fumigated with dry juniper to expel evil spirits from them. Damaged patients are fumigated with dry juniper.

Taking 2-3 juniper berries in the morning on an empty stomach cures demoniac patients.

Dry needles placed in hot coals drive away snakes and grass snakes from the house.

In case of damage to the uterus, as well as infertility, it is fumigated with the smoke of dry juniper needles.

Crushed dry needles are smoked at various types damage.

A decoction of needles is used to rinse the mouth for periodontal disease.

When paralyzed, patients are bathed in a decoction of juniper branches.

Warts are removed with an alcohol tincture of berries.

Juniper berries infused with vegetable oil are used in the treatment of paralysis, neuralgia, and skin cancer.

Crushed powder of needles is sprinkled on painless ulcers and weeping eczema.

Juniper berries mixed with pork fat help against chronic and venereal rashes, scabies and lichen.

Juniper resin helps with hernia both externally and internally. It is harmful to the kidneys.

A decoction of fresh needles is taken for kidney disease and venereal diseases. As part of the collection, it is used for lichen.

Crushed juniper berries are sprinkled on “wild meat”.

For binge drinking, chop up growths on juniper branches, add vodka and take a tablespoon at a time.

For inflammation of the kidneys, take juniper berries, and the fruits cure hemorrhoids.

Fumigation with juniper fruits expels the dead fetus from the uterus.

If you fumigate with wood, it will help with old eye ulcers and promote the growth of eyelashes.

Juniper berries help with suffocation, epilepsy and relieve lightheadedness. They induce menstruation in a woman, dissolve stones in the liver, and expel long and flat worms.

Juniper berries are contraindicated for pregnant women; they remove the fetus from the uterus.

Taking juniper berries in large quantities is harmful to the body, especially to the liver. Their harmful effects are eliminated by barberry berries.

Cypress evergreen

Jesus Christ was crucified on a cypress tree. Among the people, cypress symbolizes death. This tree is not planted in yards.

Icons and crosses are cut out of cypress to protect against evil spirits.

Crushed cypress fruits eat away at the “wild meat” in the nose. If you drink the juice, it will deprive you of fertility and cure vitiligo.

A strong decoction of nuts is used in the form of baths for uterine prolapse.

Nuts ground with vinegar dye your hair dark.

For pain in the bladder, drink a decoction of cypress root.

Cypress leaves are boiled in vinegar and placed on stinking ulcers, the “wild meat” is destroyed in the wound, and the ulcers are healed. Drink the same vinegar 1¤2 tablespoons for those who have difficulty urinating.

Cypress leaves boiled in wine are drunk by those with urinary incontinence.

Fresh nuts are crushed, mixed with figs, a wick is prepared, which is inserted into the nose in order to get rid of growths in it.

Crushed cypress cones are applied as a medicinal bandage to the hernia.

If you boil cypress cones in vinegar and smear the broth on your nails, it removes stains on them.

Cypress phytoncides clean and disinfect the air.

Cypress mixed with barley flour helps against herpes and carbuncle.

Fresh leaves and cones are good for hernias and strengthen weakened muscles.

Cypress cones in wine are great for drinking when you have difficulty breathing or an old cough.

Cypress leaves are boiled in wine and drunk for difficulty urinating.

Cypress is harmful to the heart, its harmful effect is eliminated by honey. A substitute for nuts is pomegranate peel.

White birch

When the evil eye occurs, the patient is washed with a decoction of birch leaves. Dry birch leaves are used to fumigate people for all types of damage. The smell of birch leaves is beneficial to victims of witchcraft, so dry birch leaves are placed in the pillow.

Birch leaves are used for skin itching and psoriasis.

A strong decoction of leaves with the addition of black elderberry flowers cures dropsy of cardiac and renal origin.

Birch charcoal is used for poisoning with heavy metal salts.

Birch tar is taken for cancer: dripped onto White bread with warm milk (from one to twenty drops).

For trophic ulcers, pour 1 kg of birch ash into 10 liters of boiling water. Leave for several hours, wrapped; make compresses.

Birch leaf baths treat rickets in children.

Milk with tar helps against smallpox in children (give as many drops as the child is old).

For a splinter, mix equal parts tar with melted wax and apply to the sore spot.

For fractures, sore spots are rubbed with tincture of birch buds. The same tincture is used for skin cancer.

If your feet sweat, take a warm foot bath in a decoction of birch leaves at night.

Tar in milk is used for lung cancer.

Animals suffering from distemper are given beet kvass with the addition of tar.

Birch leaves are used to cover people suffering from dropsy.

Crushed birch leaves are applied to lichens and itchy rashes.

For wet lichens, a bunch of dry leaves are burned under a sheet of iron so that the soot is deposited. Use this to smear the ringworm.

Birch tar gets rid of erysipelas and skin ulcers.

To prevent a rush of blood to the head and intoxication, they smear the penis with tar.

In order for rotten meat to come out of the ulcers, you need to sprinkle them with crushed birch bark.

For colds, fevers, and gastrointestinal diseases, drink birch buds infused with vodka.

For heartburn, take birch charcoal orally.

Birch leaves are applied to rotten and purulent ulcers; birch bark, crushed and poured into a rotten wound, will eat “wild meat.”

Noble laurel

Laurel leaves worn on oneself prevent hellish visions. Dry laurel leaves are used to fumigate spoiled patients.

The juice from the leaves is useful for indigestion, deafness and ear pain, and also removes blemishes on the face.

In the form of water and oil infusions and decoctions, the leaves are used for arthritis, myositis, neuralgia, gout, and rheumatism.

For diarrhea, drink a decoction of the leaves. Children with scrofula are bathed in the same decoction.

Laurel helps with paralysis and facial distortion, treats vitiligo.

A decoction of bay leaves is drunk for pain and kidney stones, and the leaves are used to treat facial tics.

Bay oil is used for rheumatism, spasms, and paralysis. 30 g of crushed leaves are poured into a glass of fresh vegetable oil. Infuse for 10 days in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain.

Bay oil treats headaches and cold earaches.

Good for hearing and helps against ringing in the ears due to inflammation.

A decoction of the leaves helps with all kinds of joint pain.

A decoction of bay leaves with the addition of honey is drunk for lung ulcers.

Bulb onions

The bulbs are placed in places where there are accumulations of evil spirits. The juice from the bulbs is used to paint crosses on windows and doors.

Onion eliminates the harmful effects of bad water, as well as poisons.

If you mix the onion with salt and apply it to the warts, it will remove them.

For calluses, steep onion skins in vinegar for two weeks, strain, and rub into sore spots overnight.

Baked onions are good for digestion.

If you are deaf, you should put fresh onion juice in your ears.

Onion is an antidote to mushroom poison.

Onion juice heals broken bones.

Alcohol tincture helps well with chronic enterocolitis and colitis, as well as constipation. Take 20 drops 3 times a day after meals.

The juice of the bulb is used to treat pityriasis versicolor of the face.

Onions enhance sexual potency and help with prostate diseases.

Poisonous mushrooms cause onions to turn black if you put them in mushrooms when cooking them.

Onion eliminates sour belching.

For hair loss, apply fresh onion juice to your head.

Onion juice with honey is useful for those whose eyes see through darkness.

When stretching muscles, chop the onion, add granulated sugar and apply it to the sore spot as a medicinal bandage.

Onions, crushed with salt, are applied to the ulcers.

Soak the onion in vinegar and apply it to the wart, it will help.

Onions, crushed with vinegar, destroy acne on the face.

Onions cure women's diseases.


Evil spirits cannot stand the smell of garlic. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach to expel toads, snakes, and worms from a damaged person. Heads of garlic are placed in the house to prevent evil spirits from entering. Garlic juice is used to draw crosses on doors and windows.

The udders of cows are rubbed with garlic or onion juice to prevent spoilage.

If you take sitz baths in a decoction of green feathers and garlic stalks, this causes increased flow of urine and menstruation and removes the birth placenta.

Garlic is useful against snake bites and poisonous reptiles if you drink it in wine.

A decoction of garlic in vinegar is useful for a rabid dog bite.

Garlic is useful for thinning thick mucus that burdens the lungs, stomach and uterus. Used for water sickness and autumn fevers.

Whey boiled with garlic is very useful for old coughs, plague and poisons.

Garlic juice destroys lichens, rashes, scabs, scabs and warts.

Garlic boiled in water is useful for soaking the feet in the morning and evening for those whose feet are swollen.

In chickens, there is a disease on the tongue, which is called pip. To combat this disease, they are fed fresh garlic or rub their tongue with garlic juice.

Garlic boiled in milk is used for internal cancer.

Garlic juice is used externally for baldness.

For exhaustion, rheumatism, diseases of the legs and respiratory organs, garlic is boiled in water with sugar until a dark syrup is obtained.

Garlic removes a leech attached to the throat.

A decoction of garlic helps with coughs, with lower back pain, removes afterbirth from the uterus, treats hemorrhoids, improves complexion and makes it rosy.

Helps with lichen and eczema if mixed with vinegar, as well as with the cold form of the tumor.

Garlic should not be consumed by patients with epilepsy, congested people and pregnant women.

Reception large quantity Garlic causes eye weakness and headaches.


The smell of bitter wormwood cannot be tolerated by the unclean spirit. Dry wormwood is used to fumigate the patient for all types of damage. Use a decoction of wormwood to wash your face against the evil eye.

A decoction of wormwood improves hearing acuity.

A decoction of bitter wormwood is used to rinse the mouth when unpleasant smell out of him.

Wormwood is sprinkled on things to protect them from moths.

If wormwood juice is injected into the eye, it will dissolve the thickening of the eyelids.

A decoction of bitter wormwood destroys fleas, and if you fumigate with dry grass, then all the reptiles will leave the house.

To prevent mosquitoes, rub with wormwood oil.

Dry wormwood is used to fumigate parts of the body when they are numb. A herbal decoction will have the same effect.

Crushed fresh wormwood applied to the heels or calves will help those who have swollen feet.

Grinded with egg white will heal blue and purple spots or swelling from beatings and bruises.

A decoction of wormwood removes urine and menstruation, treats old fevers, helps with poisoning and scorpion stings, and cures hemorrhoids.

In the form of an ointment with pork fat, it will resolve dense tumors.

Wormwood causes headaches. Its harmful effects are eliminated by the white water lily. A substitute for bitter wormwood is citvar wormwood.

With prolonged use, wormwood produces a nervous disorder.

In case of hemorrhage in the eye, crush fresh wormwood, tie it in cotton material and put it in boiling water. Apply warm to the eye.

Wormwood with the addition of honey will help with hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Wormwood is indicated for water disease, gout, and cleanses the kidneys.

Hot vapors from wormwood are useful for preventing epileptic deafness.

Dry wormwood, sewn into a bag, helps you sleep.

For flux, rinse the mouth with a decoction of wormwood.

The decoction stimulates the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. Wormwood is used an hour before meals.

Find out how to use herbal amulets correctly and in what cases they can help. The magic of plants will protect your home and family from any troubles. Herbs can attract positive energy of prosperity and good luck.

In the article:

Herbal amulets - how to use them

Should not be underestimated the magic of plants. It can be no less effective than black or. But herbal amulets have one peculiarity - they do not act for long, the herbs give up their energy to achieve a goal, which dries up over time. From time to time you will have to create new amulets if you have chosen herbal magic to protect your home and family or attract positive energy.

The easiest way to use amulets plants is a bouquet. It is especially good for those who are not going to tell their household about their interest in witchcraft. Another way to create magic amulet or a talisman - a bag with herbs, minerals and stones, and other items. It can be used as a personal talisman or a talisman for the home.

Bunches of herbs look somewhat eccentric, but if you like ethnic notes in the interior, you can use them. Herbs can be sprinkled in the corners of the apartment, hung over the stove - in the old days, the hearth was one of the places where amulets were stored, placed inside a pillow, under the bed and in other places where otherworldly help is needed. In addition, plants with special properties can be added to water for cleaning, burned, fumigating rooms, or sprinkled with infusions around the house.

There are many options for using herbal amulets for the home. This also includes baths, herbal teas, aromatherapy and the use of incense. In witchcraft recipe books there are methods for making witchcraft soap, ointments and other compositions. They can be used both for personal protection and for the protection of family and home. If you know the properties of plants well and know how to make compositions, you can try to compose such recipes yourself.

Plants as amulets against negativity

Arnica protects against nervousness and anxiety. It minimizes scandals and difficulties in communication. Arnica develops intuition, helping a person to receive warnings about dangers from higher powers and guardian angel.

Clover - . It is usually added to bags with other plants. Such talismans are suitable for both children and teenagers. According to legend, using a four-leaf clover can help you avoid being drafted into the army. Coltsfoot - best plant for creating paired amulet for mother and child.

Cloves are the best plant for protection from enemies and envious people. It can be a good talisman for attracting success, but the main function of this plant is protection from negativity. In the old days, children were given carnation beads to protect them from the evil eye and increase learning efficiency.

Cornflowers have been credited with anti-demonic properties since ancient times. They drive out evil spirits from the house. Cornflowers as part of a herbal amulet can protect against damage and the evil eye, so they are placed near the entrance to the house - a place that, one way or another, all guests will visit.

Lavender protects sleep and fights insomnia. It will protect you from nightmares that can be caused by some representatives of evil spirits. Lavender infusions remove the evil eye; baths with this plant are useful for cleansing from negativity.

Basil attracts money, happiness and joy. Its aroma lifts your spirits. But this plant is valued not only because of this. Basil is one of the most powerful anti-demonic plants. With its help you can exorcise evil spirits - devils and demons cannot stand the spicy aroma of this plant.

Cacti, like other plants with spines, form protective field around the house or garden in which they grow. Their thorns and thorns are used to create witch bottles - strong amulets against directed negativity such as damage or curses. Cacti save you from the tricks of energy vampires, which has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house.

Nettle is a strong protective plant. But for white witchcraft, you should take an adult plant - not too young, but not too old. According to ancient beliefs, nettles should be collected with bare hands. It protects against evil spirits, damage and the evil eye.

Mint repels evil spirits. Demons, demons and devils are afraid of pleasant floral and spicy aromas. Peppermint tea will help restore strength after communicating with an energy vampire. People take mint with them on trips so that new experiences are extremely positive. It will protect you from deception and theft and will attract positive energy flows to you.

Periwinkle protects against the evil eye, damage and restless spirits. With its help you can drive away a poltergeist or calm a noisy brownie. But in the old days, periwinkle was called the violet of the dead. Despite the fact that it can be used to get rid of paranormal problems, this plant helps to establish contact with the world of the dead. If you are planning to become a medium or have strong nerves, cornflower will not do any harm.

Juniper has strong cleansing properties. Its smoke is useful not only for removing the evil eye or negative energy envy or anger. After any unpleasant events, juniper smoke is used to fumigate the house and clothes.

Wormwood effectively fights negativity of any origin. With its help you can drive out any evil spirit. Wormwood will protect against the evil eye or damage, and will ward off an energy vampire. But it has one drawback - wormwood aggravates psychic abilities. Every person has them, to one degree or another. Under the influence of plants like wormwood, they can manifest themselves in such a way that it is impossible to ignore it. Its smoke gives the ability to see entities from the subtle worlds, and this can seriously frighten an unprepared person.

How to attract positive energy into your home with herbs

If you are interested in development paranormal abilities, use arnica more often. It develops intuition and the gift of foreseeing the future. This plant can be used during fortune telling sessions.

Verbena attracts money and prosperity. She helps save the family. Verbena - strong love plant. If kept in bed or under the bed, it will help bring passion back into a couple's relationship.

Plant jasmine in the yard - sign for money and well-being in every sense. People who planted this plant in the garden live in peace and prosperity. Jasmine clears thoughts, so it will be useful for people who work at home. This plant attracts the attention of the opposite sex, so you can be sure that your personal life will soon improve. Jasmine is a plant of happily married people.

Grape leaves- a symbol of fertility. In order to increase the yield or, they can be stored in the house. Grapes bring success and happiness to the home. Plant it in the garden, and you will enjoy not only the opportunity to enjoy ripe berries. Grapes can be used to make a strong talisman for career growth and increased profits.

Oregano is a plant useful in restoring old feelings in marriage. It brings back passion if kept in the spouses' bed. Oregano talismans are the best amulets for relationships. Cloves can also be used for such purposes. Heliotrope will help improve relationships between children and parents. In addition, it attracts love and helps achieve understanding in the family.

Lavender attracts love. Put it under your pillow and attract romance into your life. Despite this property, lavender helps preserve the innocence of teenagers and protects them from promiscuity and wrong actions. It may be a longevity plant that is beneficial for older people.

The magic of medicinal herbshave been used since ancient times. And even now psychics, healers and herbalists often resort to their helpto cleanse a person and home from negative energy, to protect against induced negative influences, to create amulets for the home and against the evil eye.If herbs are used correctly, then with their help you can easily improve your life in many areas - from love, to household or career. You don’t know how to properly make a talisman and what herbs to use for this? Don’t worry - today Pepper will reveal to you all the magical secrets.

Plants for cleaning your apartment

In a home where there are conflicts and emissions of negative energy, envious people visit, you need to periodically do energy cleansing. If this is not done, the living space accumulates negative energy on the walls. It’s hard to be in such a place, the head starts to hurt, the mood drops, the person feels “squeezed out.” Wormwood will come to the rescue. Fumigate the walls with wormwood smoke, and all the negativity will go away. There is another option for cleaning the room - brew 3 tablespoons of wormwood with a glass of boiling water, pour the mixture into a bucket of water and wash the entire apartment with this water.
Plants from ill-wishers
You can protect yourself from ill-wishers at work with the help of juniper - place a product made of juniper on your desktop, which is a powerful amulet of space. In addition to its protective properties, juniper has a pleasant smell and releases favorable energy.

Plants for a successful career
Place three large beautiful bay leaves in the north of the room where you often stay or sleep. Laurel carries the energy of victory. The northern direction activates career growth. The leaves need to be large, beautiful and smooth.

Plants for money
The most famous money plants- lavender and geranium. Put dried flowers in your wallet and your wallet will never be empty. You can store money next to bunches of lavender or a pot of geraniums. It is good to place green candles nearby.

Plants for the mind
For those who often have to make important decisions and think a lot, essential oils of pine and lemongass will help. Place 2 drops of lemongrass oil and 1 drop of pine oil on a napkin and place it on your desktop. Intuition and mental abilities will sharpen.

Plants for stress
There is a tree that helps remove all unnecessary things from our lives. This is cedar. Place 4 drops on bath salt essential oil cedar and take an aromatic bath - everything unnecessary and negative will leave you. If there is a sick or weakened person in the house, hang a photograph of pine, spruce, or cedar above his bed.

Plants to protect your home
Above front door you can hang a bunch of thistles. Or perform a small ritual on the full moon. You need to take an ordinary onion, cut it in half, place one half in front of the front door, the other on the outside of the apartment. After a day, remove the onion and throw it away. She will absorb all the negativity.

Plants for joy
Birch trees are considered very positive and empowering trees. It's good to hug a birch tree if you're in a bad mood. And another modern option for protection - photographs against the background of birch or apple trees can be posted for everyone to see without fear of the evil eye or damage.
Aspens and poplars are vampire trees. They take away feminine energy.

How to make amulets

Bags and bouquets of herbs

The most common amulets today are herbal bags and bouquets of herbs. Made from flax fiber or any other non-woven synthetic fabric A small bag is made. Dried herbs are placed in it and tied with a red ribbon. The choice of herbs depends on your goals. If you are making a protective pouch, you will need to put herbs such as basil, St. John's wort or elderberry in it. If you need a pouch that will protect you from illness, put elecampane or verbena in it.

You can make several bags with different fillings and use them as needed.

Another, no less labor-intensive, is making a bouquet of herbs. The herbs for the bouquet are selected in the same way as for the bag. It all depends on what you want to achieve from it. Dried herbs can be hung in the corners of your home or placed out of reach of strangers. They can not only cleanse space in the house, but also scare away evil spirits.

Fumigation of the premises

Fumigation of the premises will also be a very good amulet for your home. Dried herbs are set on fire and in this way they go around the entire house and cleanse it of negativity.

Herbs do not have to be picked and dried. You can plant them on your personal plot. They will delight you with their beauty and scare you away at the same time. bad energy. You can be sure that your enemy will not be able to enter your yard if you are protected by herbs.

Herbal amulets are short-lived. Healers and traditional healers recommend changing them every year, regardless of the frequency of their use. Their magical properties weaken over time and cannot protect you fully.

Health charms

To relieve anxiety and nervousness, it is recommended to use a talisman made from mountain arnica. This plant warns of dangers and reveals the gift of clairvoyance in a person. Having a vervain amulet, you can get rid of any disease. This herb is famous for its excellent love spell properties. It is often used in the making of amulets to attract money and prosperity.

Charms for material wealth

If you want to become financially prosperous and have success in business, plant a jasmine bush in your yard. Jasmine helps very well in establishing relationships with the opposite sex, clears thoughts. Talismans made from grape leaves can improve mood and add confidence. Grapes are a symbol of success and fertility. Wearing it regularly helps career growth and prosperity in all matters.

Amulet for children

To protect children from various harms, clover is often used. To do this, three-leaf clover leaves are dried and added to a sachet. He helps conscripts avoid the army. To make such a talisman you need a dried four-leaf clover leaf and its fresh flower. The ritual takes place early in the morning in a clover field. Find the required piece of paper, tear it and scatter it to the four cardinal directions. It is necessary to mentally ask the four elements to get rid of the call. You need to plant a living flower in the place where your ritual was performed. Pluck one petal from it, dry it and keep it at home or place it in your amulet. Carefully store your talisman and never lose it.

Charms to attract love

Traditional healers, magicians and sorcerers consider henbane to be a fairly strong love amulet. But it must be used with caution. Long-term use can lead to the opposite result.

Oregano is very often used in various love rituals. He is able to have a positive impact on sexual relations, strengthens the family unit. Various amulets and talismans are made from it.

Cloves are often used to attract the opposite sex. It perfectly calms, protects from human anger, hatred and gets rid of envious people. Such a talisman grants its owner success in all matters. With it, people become more successful, richer and more perfect. Little children are recommended to wear clove beads on a red thread to protect them from the evil eye.

Coltsfoot is quite often used in love magic. Various amulets and talismans are made from it. It gives well-being, health and calms the nerves. This amulet is perfect for women and children.

Talismans and amulets made from cornflowers attract love. They remove the evil eye and damage, protect against evil spirits and drive out evil spirits.

Amulets for peace and well-being in the home

Healers often use such a herb as heliotrope to improve relationships between loved ones and relatives. If you wrap it in a laurel leaf, it will prevent any slander directed towards you. This plant has very strong magical properties.

To protect your home from negativity and to get sound and healthy sleep, you need a lavender amulet. This amulet cleanses the energy of the house, bestows longevity and chastity. Lavender can attract positive energy. She will add more romance and love to your life.

A herb like basil will bring joy and happiness to your home. It protects your home from evil spirits and establishes family relationships. Basil is a great talisman for your home. It is a symbol of family well-being, longevity and good luck.

Aloe is used to strengthen willpower and spirit. It helps people overcome loneliness. Such a flower in your home will be an excellent talisman in achieving success and prosperity.

Amulets from damage and the evil eye

The cactus will protect you from negative energy, evil eye, damage and others negative influences. Healers make from cactus spines protective amulets. To do this, take a small vessel. Place cactus spines, nails with rust, buttons, needles, pins, as well as rosemary and rue leaves in it. Then put the lid on the jar and bury it somewhere in the yard. It is not recommended to leave this amulet in the house. It can cause you serious harm.

Nettle is often used in magic. An adult plant has the strongest properties (too old or very young is not suitable). Nettle protects your home from any magical effects, protects against the evil eye, and also treats many diseases.

Charms against evil spirits

Peppermint has a huge amount magical properties. Its strong aroma perfectly repels evil spirits from your home. Magicians and sorcerers use mint in their magical rites. Protective amulets and talismans are made from it. To attract money to you, put a few mint leaves in your wallet or rub it on your money stash. If you go on a trip, be sure to take some mint with you. With it, your journey will be brighter and safer.

Periwinkle will protect you from evil spirits. For small children, periwinkle has great importance. He protects them from the evil eye. This plant is not recommended to be used for a long time. This herb is a symbol of the otherworldly underworld, the so-called “violet of the dead.” Therefore, if you have achieved the desired result from periwinkle, do not use it further.

If you plant a hawthorn bush in your yard, it will scare away evil spirits from your home. A talisman made from hawthorn helps fishermen very well. Fishing will definitely be successful.

To drive away evil spirits from your home, use thistle. He has an excellent ability to drive out evil spirits and various evil spirits. From the Old Russian language it is translated as “scaring devils.” The talisman flower must be prepared on a hot day before the new moon. There should not be a single person near you at this moment. Dry the plucked flower and carry it with you. This talisman must be changed every year. You can’t just throw away an old talisman. Be sure to say goodbye to him and thank him for his help. And only after that you can burn it.

Elderberry herb also has strong magical significance for your home. It repels evil spirits and evil spirits very well. It is used to treat various diseases. Elderberry helps maintain the fidelity of spouses, gives peace and good sleep.

Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers have used belladonna in their rituals. This herb can enhance magical power. Talismans and amulets were made from it. It is not recommended to use this herb without special preparation.

Since ancient times, elecampane has been used to protect homes from magic and witchcraft. It is worn around the neck, in clothes, or hung in the house or car. It will definitely bring good luck to its owner and protect him from illness.

To protect the house from any evil spirits, the aconite flower is of great importance. Magicians and sorcerers use them as talismans, giving them insight and clairvoyance. It can scare away evil spirits from your home.

Rosehip gives well-being. There is a popular belief that if you surround a house with rosehip bushes, then there will always be peace and prosperity in it. If you often suffer defeats, then rose hips will help you.
Rosehip has the property of converting negative energy into positive energy, which is why it has long been planted near the windows of the house. The smell of rose hips during flowering is very useful; it fills us with pure energy.
Even the aroma of dried flowers blown by a fan can restore vigor and healthy appearance if you take such air baths daily for 15-30 minutes.

Calamus has protective properties. Bunches of fresh leaves under the pillow protect the sleeper from astral attacks and nightmares. Hanging on windows and above doors, they protect against magical intrusion.

The Greeks believed that aconite grew from the foam that fell from the mouth of Cerberus. Growing in the garden, it protects the territory. The tuber, carried in a pouch on the chest, brings good luck.

Nettle is considered healing. Used in love magic for lapels and love spells. Removes damage, protects against evil energy and witchcraft. When worn, it gives courage and fearlessness.

Fern is used in healing, to induce troubles, and to create talismans. A fern worn on a naked body protects against witchcraft and evil spirits. Protects the house from lightning, and the field from hail. This is a talisman of the highest happiness, giving good luck in all enterprises, games and love. Drives away nightmares, removes lightning, hail, devils and spells. Even one stalk carried with you brings happiness in the game.

Sagebrush. If you hold it in your hand while traveling, you will not get tired, and in order not to feel tired when walking, wash your feet with a decoction of wormwood or put it in your shoes. If you wear it in shoes, then a person becomes tireless and fast on the go. When worn, it protects against lightning, damage, evil spirits and epilepsy. You will have a safe journey if you carry wormwood and verbena together.

A good way to cleanse the body is to drink an infusion or decoction of herbs. They not only treat diseases, but also drive out damage and “evil spirits.” You can collect herbs for making decoctions and tinctures yourself or buy them at the pharmacy. The course of treatment is usually two weeks, three doses a day before meals. Also, such means are a good prevention of the evil eye and damage. By taking them on unfavorable days (9th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 29th) and on the full moon, you can protect yourself.

IN unfavorable days you need to save energy, be careful with strangers, minimize workload and not plan important things, that’s all financial questions It’s better to reschedule, especially large purchases.

To enhance the effect when preparing an infusion or decoction, read the following plot three times:

“I cast out every unclean spirit in the name of the Lord, The Holy Spirit, the life-giving cross, Fierce grass, prayers of the Saints; I am sending the prince of hell; bring out God's servant (name) Give your unclean spirit again to the old master, Take it back to your old hands, send it to the depths of the sea, Imprison him forever deep sea three iron keys, With three damask locks, seal it with the three seals of Solomon, Conclude it with three curses of the Lord. And you, unclean spirit, come out of God’s servant (name) With all damage forever, from now until forever. Amen. Amen. Amen." §§§ Infusion against spoilage:

15 grams each of Chernobyl root, fern, aspen bark, sacred poppy, thistle and 25 grams of loosestrife. Pour half a liter of vodka over the herbs. We insist for two weeks in a dark place. Shake the container with the infusion well before straining. Dosage: one tablespoon before meals.

§§§ Infusion against infertility:

Pour 50 grams of kirkozona seeds with half a liter of vodka. After 10 days, add half a liter of sacred water and drink a tablespoon before meals.
Infusion for impotence:
Pour 100 grams of galangal root with half a liter of vodka. Let it sit for 10 days, dilute it with half a liter of sacred water and take it before meals.

§§§ Decoction for spoilage:

In a saucepan we put: 50 grams of bread, two tablespoons of elecampane root, a clove of garlic, half a tablespoon of wormwood, pour 500 grams of water. Boil for 30 minutes. After the broth has cooled, strain and drink in one gulp.

§§§ Decoction for spoilage:

You will need one tablespoon each:
buds - birch and pine;
flowers - immortelle, calendula and linden;
herbs - oregano, St. John's wort, sage, motherwort, chamomile, marsh cudweed and yarrow;
root - angelica and valerian;
leaves - nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, peppermint, centaury, eucalyptus and thyme;
bark - buckthorn;
dandelion roots and leaves.

If you couldn’t find all the herbs listed, use those from this list, but not less than ten. Stir the herbs with your right hand clockwise, 10 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture, six glasses of boiling water, bring to a boil over the fire, cover with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours. After which it is necessary to strain the infusion and store it in a cool, dark place.

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