Secrets of correct installation of suspended ceilings: nuances, valuable recommendations. How to install suspended ceilings - step-by-step guide How to install suspended ceilings

The topic of our article is the installation of suspended ceilings. We are interested, first of all, in the procedure for installing polyvinyl chloride ceilings with harpoon fastening, since they compare favorably with others by the possibility of dismantling; however, we will also touch on alternative options.


Let's start with how to take measurements correctly.

  • In a rectangular or square room, measure the length of the walls and ALWAYS one of the diagonals. The last measurement is needed because ideally right angles during construction are the exception rather than the rule (see).
  • In a room that is a complex polygon, the dimensions of all walls are again taken, after which diagonals are measured from any corner to the remaining external and internal corners.

Attention: if the shape of the room is complex, it may be necessary to measure diagonals from two or even three corners. The main thing is that the entire room in the sketch is divided into triangles with measured sides.

  • For a curved ceiling, two scenarios are possible. You can imagine a curve as a sequence of short chords of several arcs and measure all the sides of the resulting triangles; Or you can mark the ceiling with a coordinate grid with a constant step and attach key points to it, along which it is easy to build the ceiling boundary on the diagram.

Preparing the rough ceiling

Do-it-yourself installation does not require leveling the floor; however, some preparation is still required.

  • It is worth removing loose layers of plaster from the ceiling. If they fall onto the surface of the stretched canvas, nothing good will come of it.
  • In damp rooms, it is highly desirable to treat the ceiling with an antiseptic primer. Do not forget that the ceiling will not be ventilated after installing the stretch ceiling. All conditions will be created for the appearance of fungus.
  • If the installation of suspended ceilings is accompanied by installation ceiling chandelier and mortise lamps, not only the wiring must be prepared in advance, but also the sites for their installation (see).


Well, how does the actual installation go??

Profile fastening

  • All other things being equal, aluminum is preferable to polyvinyl chloride profile. The reason is simple: it is stronger.
  • The profile can be attached to the ceiling (in this case, minimum distance from its surface) and to the wall.
  • If you plan to install recessed lamps, then the profile is attached at least seven centimeters from the surface of the rough ceiling.
  • The maximum step when attaching the profile to the wall is 20 centimeters. Of course, in the case of solid walls without a thick layer of plaster. In case of a weak surface, the fastener pitch can be reduced to eight centimeters.
  • In case the room is surrounded light partitions, the profile is again mounted to the ceiling. Don’t forget: after the canvas has cooled, the horizontal load on the walls reaches 70 kilograms per linear meter.

The procedure for installing the profile itself is simple: the horizon is marked with a laser or water level; in the second case, it is beaten off with a painting cord. Then holes are drilled with a hammer drill and screws are screwed in (see).

Important: wooden choppers can dry out and fall out over time. Use only plastic dowels.

The more frequent the mounting points of the baguette, the less likely it is that gaps will appear between it and the wall.

Installation of the canvas

  • The canvas is hung straightened on clamps, after which its entire area is heated with a heat gun. The air in the room warms up to 40 C and above, so it is better to pre-isolate flowers and pets from the work site.

  • Then the rules for installing suspended ceilings with harpoon fastening require that the corners be tucked in. A special spatula is used or, in its absence, a regular steel spatula with rounded corners.
  • Next, all sides of the canvas are tucked, starting from the middle. The canvas is continuously heated during the tensioning process: with a thickness of no more than 0.35 millimeters, it cools very quickly.

Attaching the sheet with a harpoon looks extremely simple: with a spatula you insert the harpoon (the rigid edging of the ceiling sheet) into the slot of the profile (the so-called baguette). There the harpoon clings to a special ledge. The spatula moves to the next section of the edging.

Alternative Methods

Of course, there are other ways to install a stretch ceiling.

  • With the harpoonless installation method, the straightened and heated fabric is stretched like fabric on a hoop. The ceiling is made to a size slightly larger than necessary; the stretched canvas is fixed in the baguette with a wedge-shaped profile, the excess is cut off, and the baguette is covered from below with a decorative overlay.
  • So-called ceilings cold installation do not require heating and are tensioned either by pressing the bead into the profile, or through the use of a special self-clamping profile - clothespins (Clipso system).

These are installation methods typical for fabric ceilings..

In the second case, the installation principles and the type of profile used make it necessary to attach the molding to the wall in increments of no more than ten centimeters.

Installation of lamps

IN general outline installation of mortise lamps in combination with a suspended ceiling looks like this:

  • Under the pre-assembled platform, a reinforcing ring is glued to the canvas.
  • The canvas is cut along the inner edge of the ring.
  • The wires are pulled out into the slot and connected to the lamp block.
  • The lamp is inserted into the platform clamps and adjusted in height.
  • Chandeliers with a long pendant are attached to a standard hook in the rough ceiling or, again, to a pre-prepared area.
  • Explosions during installation are a common horror story. Gas cylinders explode. Ways to avoid an incident come down to following safety regulations.

Useful little things

You cannot use an expired cylinder without recertification; Do not point the heat gun towards the cylinder; You cannot fill the cylinder more than 80 percent. It is advisable to use composite cylinders with translucent walls: level liquefied gas they are visible to the naked eye.

    • The installation time of a stretch ceiling depends on the length of the perimeter of the room and on the type of fastening. It is quite possible to install a ceiling with a harpoon mount in a small rectangular bedroom in one and a half to two hours. On fabric ceiling in a large living room it can take six.
    • OKVED codes for registering a company installing suspended ceilings: 52.46.7 - retail trade in building materials not included in other groups; 45.25 - production of other construction work; 45.45 - production of other finishing and finishing works.


The pricing specifics really encourage the idea of ​​installing suspended ceiling yourself, without paying for the expensive services of installers. Finally, let us give one more piece of advice: for the first time it is better to choose a fabric ceiling. It is simply more difficult to tear; besides, it is not needed for installation heat gun.

Good luck with the renovation!

Today, many people ask the question “How to make a suspended ceiling with your own hands.” The question is more than relevant, because... Without involving specialists, you can save a significant amount of money on repairs. But not many people know how to properly install a stretch ceiling. Our article is designed to correct this situation and help you understand all the nuances of this process.

The technology for installing a stretch ceiling made of PVC film is approximately the same. Along the perimeter of the room at one level, a baguette is installed - a profile that performs fastening functions. Then they unroll the fabric of the future ceiling and hang it in the corners of the room. Next, the suspended canvas is heated using a heat gun. As a result, the film becomes elastic and stretches quite easily. The canvas is stretched to the corners of the room, fixing each corner of the film into a baguette. Afterwards, the remaining perimeter of the room is snapped into the profile. Upon completion of the work, the film cools and stretches tightly, turning into a perfectly smooth and even ceiling covering.

Preparing for installation

Before installing a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carry out several procedures with the walls and the base ceiling.

The walls must be smooth. In new buildings, this is the stage of finishing putty, or the walls are covered with plasterboard. The ceiling itself is cleared of the old finishing coating - everything that is crumbling or may fall off is eliminated. Afterwards we apply a layer of primer mixture that protects the ceiling from mold and fungi. Docking and interpanel seams foam well. The junction of the ceiling and the walls, along the entire perimeter, must also be airtight. If the cracks are not eliminated, this may negatively affect the stretch ceiling in the future. It can either "swell like balloon", or stick to the original ceiling.

Ideal conditions for installing a tensioner ceiling-room without furniture. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to make access to the corners and the perimeter of the room as easy as possible. Remove household items and household appliances. Move the furniture and everything that remains to the center of the room, then cover it with protective film.

Necessary tools and components for installing a stretch ceiling

  • level (laser or water);
  • chop cord;
  • roulette;
  • metal file;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a heat gun with a gas cylinder or a hair dryer;
  • spatula (spatula);
  • stationery knife with replaceable blades;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • ladder;
  • Ceiling material and mounting profile (baguette).

Additional components (depending on the work being carried out, not all of them may be needed): screws and dowels (dowel-nails are also possible); second glue; heat-resistant rings for lamps; clips for hanging fabric (crabs, crocodiles); screwdriver bit; hammer drill; straight hangers; bugs (small self-tapping screws for assembling mortgages); directly the mortgages themselves.

Wall marking

When marking the walls, it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of the base ceiling. In 95% of cases, the corners of the room will be at different levels. Based on this, there are several markup options:

  • If you use a laser level on a tripod, then this process will be as simple as possible for you. We set the level in the center of the room and point it to each corner one by one. We find the lowest one, make a retreat from the ceiling of a few centimeters. For ease of installation, the recommended distance is 3-5 cm. It should be made larger if you plan to install Spotlights. We draw pencil marks along the laser line in each corner.

  • If there is no level, you can use a regular tape measure. Of course, a small error of 1-2 cm may occur, but against the general background of the installed stretch ceiling it will not be visible. We measure the height of each corner from floor to ceiling. We find the lowest one. From the obtained value we subtract the planned indentation (for example, 5 cm). Next, we mark the result obtained on the wall. At the remaining corners we also mark the resulting height value from the floor.

Next, you will need the help of a “partner”. We stretch the beating cord along the wall, apply it to the prepared marks and “shoot”. As a result, a straight line will remain on the wall, indicating the level of your future ceiling. In the same way we connect all the marks around the perimeter.

Installation of profile (baguette)

Before installing the profile on the walls, drill holes in it with a screwdriver at a distance of 7-10 cm. In the future, this will make installation easier and there will be less risk of damaging the walls and wallpaper.

You should start from any of the corners. On the ribbed side of the baguette we cut it down to the middle and bend the stick.

We apply the ribbed side to the wall, along the lower edge of the profile, on the marking line. We drill and hammer in the dowel-nails.

We fasten the next profile stick joint to joint with the installed one, the lower edge should be smooth. We seal all joints with paper tape.

Having reached the next corner, the question arises: “how to make it?” Using a tape measure, measure the length from the corner to the edge of the baguette, subtract 1 cm, and remember. Take the next stick and mark the resulting length on the back (ribbed) side. We saw along the line to the middle, bend it, try it on in a corner on the wall, and fasten it.

When installing the profile on drywall, tighten the screws at an angle. This will give additional rigidity to the fasteners and, while stretching the canvas, will not allow the baguette to pull away from the wall (form cracks).

Correct installation of the profile is the key successful installation stretch ceiling! This stage determines how your ceiling will look in the final result.

Afterwards, if necessary, we install the mortgages and lay the wiring.

Installation of the canvas

Let's look at the example of a rectangular room.

First of all, we attach garters (clamps) to the profile in the corners of the room.

Carefully unpack the canvas and secure the corners of the film into the clamps.

If the film was in a cold room, first bring it into a warm place and let it warm up. During unpacking, you can heat the material from a heat gun, only very carefully (do not point the gun nozzle at the same part for a long time, you can burn the film).

So, the film is suspended, we fill the first corner (any). Then we move to the corner diagonally. We take the corner of the canvas in our hands and remove the clamp. Your partner starts the heat gun and begins to heat the canvas from the angle set in the profile, diagonally towards you. After some time, the ceiling will begin to stretch under your efforts. You can use the help of a partner: he can climb on a stepladder and help pull the film to the corner. All you have to do is snap the harpoon into the baguette using the special. spatula (spatula). We perform the same actions with the remaining corners.

Next, we proceed to securing straight sections along the walls. To ensure that the process proceeds evenly and folds (wrinkles) do not form on the canvas, we divide all unfixed areas in half and fasten them into a baguette. If you lack experience and skills in installing a stretch ceiling, divide the loose areas in half as often as possible. This will make it much easier to fix the canvas.

There are times when folds (wrinkles) appear during installation. Eliminate them with a heat gun. Point the nozzle and heat the crease area for a few seconds. Wrinkles will disappear.

The ceiling is stretched, installing decorative insert, or ceiling plinth. We glue heat-resistant plastic rings under the chandelier and lamps, if necessary, completing the installation process.

Installation of seamless fabric ceilings

Installation of fabric ceilings is slightly different from installation of PVC film. The advantage is that there is no need to warm up the room. Which means like this important tool You won't need a heat gun or a gas cylinder.

If we start stretching a PVC ceiling from the corners of the room, then a fabric ceiling, on the contrary, from the middle of the walls. In this case, at the beginning of the process, some kind of cross is formed. Starting from this, we stretch the fabric from the center to the corners.

Cut off the fabric hanging at the edges with a knife.

To finally visualize the whole process, watch this video:

To summarize, I will say the following: “You can always try to start doing it yourself, the price will decrease by at least 2-3 times. And if something doesn’t work out, it’s never too late to invite specialists. Good luck and patience to you and your repair.”

Among the finishing options ceilings The most modern device is considered to be a suspended ceiling.

The popularity of such designs is explained by a number of reasons, including:

Seemingly uncomplicated PVC installation The canvas is actually quite complex and has some nuances, so installing suspended ceilings with your own hands is not advisable - it should be done by specialists. Services provided by professionals are preferable, since installation is carried out by builders who have considerable experience in this field; they have special equipment and all the necessary tools at their disposal.

Creating a suspended ceiling structure yourself is quite possible if you have the desire and construction skills, but you cannot do without the help of installation specialists: taking measurements must be done correctly, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided. In addition, PVC sheets of certain sizes are produced on special machines in industrial conditions.

Building materials and fasteners

As the technology for installing suspended ceilings provides, when performing installation you must have at your disposal:

Profile for tensile structures

Manufacturing companies offer not only polyvinyl chloride baguettes for the installation of ceiling systems, but also those made of aluminum. They are usually produced 2.5 meters long, but if necessary they can be easily cut with a grinder.

Depending on the method of fixation, the profile is divided into the following types:

  • wall-mounted – considered the most popular mount; it is mounted on walls. According to the installation method, this baguette resembles a guide profile used for the construction of suspended ceiling structures from plasterboard;
  • ceiling - it is attached to the base base and used when it is not possible to mount the profile to the walls;
  • separation - is a connecting baguette, it is used to make suspended ceilings - the installation of which must be done in large rooms (from 60 “squares”). In this case, there is a high probability that the polyvinyl chloride sheet will sag under its own weight, so they are installed as separate ceiling systems.

Canvas and harpoon mount

For the manufacture of linen they use polyvinyl chloride film, which is in rolls, while glossy materials are produced in widths of 1.3, 1.5 and 1.8 meters, and matte products are produced in widths of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.7 meters. Pre-cut pieces required length the same color or shade, and then they are combined on HDTV machines into a single canvas, as in the photo.

The seam after soldering turns out straight and thin, almost invisible (read: “Stretch ceilings - soldering, features of soldered canvases”). The fabric pattern is made less area ceiling by about 5-15%. This is necessary to obtain a high-quality result, since the material is stretched in order to obtain a perfectly flat surface.

When the device is performed, it involves attaching PVC film using the harpoon method. The harpoon represents a tough plastic plate, having a special shape, which is secured by welding around the perimeter of the canvas. This fastener necessary for fixing the film in the baguette.

Stretch ceiling is a popular, inexpensive and practical way finishing. By installing a suspended ceiling, you can get rid of annual repairs for a long time. It is quite possible to do the installation yourself and save a lot of money.

Types of suspended ceilings and methods of their fastening

There are two main types of suspended ceilings, which are fundamentally different from each other in chemical composition, production and installation method:

  • fabric;
  • film.

Fabric ceilings are traditionally more expensive than their PVC film counterparts

Fabric ceilings have a matte texture. This is a thin polyester knitted fabric that is impregnated with polyurethane. Such canvases are installed with plastic profile"clip" type. They do not need to be pre-cut; the customer is delivered a piece that covers the width and length of the room by a few centimeters.

Craftsmen tuck the coating into the intended groove using a smooth spatula and cut off excess material. The gas gun is not used.

Film ceilings (PVC) do not have any solid base. They are characterized by a high degree of elasticity and have a variety of textures, from gloss to velvet. Installation of such a ceiling is impossible without the use of a gas heat gun to stretch it. There are several ways to fix such a canvas in a special plastic or aluminum baguette. The most commonly used method is the harpoon method, requiring precise measurement and cutting of the ceiling, but wedge or glazing bead can be used.

During production, a thickened edge is welded throughout the film, which can easily be tucked into the crack of the baguette. In this case, the perimeter of the coating is decorated with a special narrow overlay - an insert or a corner.

How exactly to install tension PVC the ceiling in a particular room should be decided based on the geometry of the ceiling, the capabilities and experience of the craftsmen.

DIY ceiling installation

The technology for installing a stretch ceiling allows you to reliably hide all communications and mortgages for installing curtains. A correctly installed suspended ceiling is located slightly lower than the base ceiling, and is a flat and hard surface.

Installing a suspended ceiling is quite easy and simple, especially since the price of the material is quite reasonable. Installation ceiling covering DIY can significantly reduce the cost. You can install a suspended ceiling yourself, either by reading the instructions or by watching a video on this topic.

Before installing the ceiling

At this stage it is necessary to determine Is the quality of the walls everywhere suitable for installing tension fabric?. If there is a possibility that the wall may not withstand the tension, you can use an installation baguette to fix it to the ceiling.

In this case, the suspended ceiling will drop much less, but you will need to choose lighting fixtures more carefully, because not all types of lamps may be suitable. It is recommended to do this in advance. But even after installing a stretch ceiling, you can slightly adjust their location.


The tool for installing suspended ceilings is simple and inexpensive, with the exception of a heat gun for PVC ceilings

Before you properly install a suspended ceiling with your own hands, you need to collect the tools:

  • level and tapping thread;
  • hammer drill and screwdriver;
  • metal hacksaw for sawing profile corners;
  • special clothespins for hanging the ceiling;
  • spatula for filling into a profile corresponding to the canvas - fabric and film ceilings are mounted with various tools;
  • gas gun and a cylinder for installing PVC ceilings;
  • instant glue.

Before installation begins, you need to prepare all the components:

  • installation profile (baguette) into which the canvas, plastic or aluminum, will be inserted. If you intend to install PVC using a wedge or glazing bead method, then you need to purchase the entire kit;
  • fastener Usually a set of dowels and self-tapping screws is used, at the rate of 12 - 15 pieces per linear meter;
  • cut ceiling with a harpoon, or cuts with sufficient allowances, at least 10 cm on each side;
  • a decorative insert that will close the perimeter after installing the film ceiling;
  • embedded parts for chandeliers and installation of ceiling cornices, reinforcing rings, suspensions for mounting lighting devices. Mortgages for chandeliers made of durable plywood have proven themselves to be excellent, although plastic kits of components for all types of lamps can be found on sale;
  • special pipe lines.

The main stages of installation of a PVC stretch ceiling

People often ask how long it takes to install a suspended ceiling. Specialists with the necessary experience carry out installation in 3-4 hours. The installation is clean, with a minimum of construction waste.

Common steps for all fastening methods:

  • determination of the attachment line. The level determines the horizontal and marks the line along which the baguette will be drilled. It is important to consider that the reduction should be such that the selected lighting fixtures can be mounted behind the ceiling. Most often, the ceiling drops by 3-6 cm;
  • if the baguette does not have ready-made holes for fasteners, they must first be drilled in it, in increments of 6 cm for fabric ceilings to 10 cm for film ceilings;
  • the baguette for harpoon fastening is never joined in the corners, unlike other methods;
  • Along the intended line, the baguette is attached around the entire perimeter. The installation method depends on the wall material. Concrete and brick walls drill with a hammer drill along the holes drilled in the baguette, then hammer in the dowels and screw in the self-tapping screws with a screwdriver;
  • mark and install all the embedded elements, checking their level with a thread stretched along the level of the future ceiling.

Further actions depend on which installation method will be used.

If you plan to remove ceilings without bursts, then better installation entrust to the masters

Harpoon method

The procedure is as follows:

  • The ceiling is unrolled, the corners are hung on clothespins, and they begin to warm up. When the canvas becomes softer and more pliable, it is tucked into the profile using a spatula. They use it to hook the harpoon and snap it inside the baguette;
  • After installation, the glossy ceiling is additionally evenly heated until folds and irregularities disappear and a characteristic shine appears;
  • work begins from the place where the heating pipe passes. If there is no pipe, then from one of the corners, removing the clothespin from there;
  • In order for the ceiling near the pipe to look aesthetically pleasing, you need to calculate the location of the cut, with reverse side glue a special plastic reinforcing element, and then surround the pipe with the ceiling;
  • Having filled the ceiling, you can begin installation lighting fixtures, cornices, etc. Before cutting a hole in the ceiling, it must be reinforced by carefully gluing a plastic ring;
  • install ceiling cornices. Wherever the film is supposed to be punctured, thin plastic is glued. It is impossible to tighten self-tapping screws through the film without reinforcement;
  • A decorative insert is snapped into the baguette around the perimeter, which is joined in the corners.

Wedge system

The wedge baguette, the wedge itself and the plinth are elastic enough to bend around curved sections ceiling. The difference between installation using a wedge system is that the ceiling is suspended from the middle of opposite walls. In this case, you must carefully ensure that the film remains on all sides. The canvas is heated and secured while warm by inserting a wedge. Excess hanging parts of the film must be cut off.

Bead system

It is quite difficult to install a stretch ceiling correctly and accurately yourself using a bead, since it is difficult to achieve uniform tension of the covering due to the rigid fasteners.

A technological sequence the same as for wedge installation. But in the wide cracks that have formed there is warm the film is filled with a polymer or wooden bead instead of a wedge.

There remains a gap between the wall and the suspended ceiling after installation, which needs to be hidden. For this purpose, use a ceiling plinth.

How to install a plinth for a stretch ceiling

The most commonly used glue is selected depending on the type of fillet. Having prepared the baseboard required sizes, and having pre-processed the cuts, you need to attach it to the surface. Due to aesthetic reasons, it is not recommended to glue it to a suspended ceiling.

The plinth is needed primarily to cover cracks and mounting elements along the periphery of the ceilings, but it also has an added aesthetic value

Installation of fabric ceiling

The base of the fabric ceiling is denser, so you need to install the canvas, pulling it tightly. In addition, there are no decorative overlays on the finished fabric ceiling.

Related to this following features settings:

  • baguette for fabric cloth fixed using self-tapping screws in increments of 5-6 cm;
  • in the corners the baguette must be carefully joined;
  • for uniform tension of the canvas, it is necessary to adjust it alternately from opposite walls;
  • holes for chandeliers and lamps are not reinforced.

In order to carefully and correctly install a suspended ceiling yourself, you should both study the instructions and listen to the advice of experts:

  • It is better to glue the joints of the baguette masking tape to avoid fabric tearing;
  • when installing, you should take into account the height of the baguette so that the ceiling does not have “steps”;
  • when installing mortgages on suspensions, it is recommended to leave a couple of centimeters of height in reserve in case the ceiling sag and it becomes necessary to adjust the position of the lighting fixtures;
  • Matte ceilings do not need to be heated too much. High temperatures may cause smooth spots to appear;
  • It is recommended to use white gloves when installing fabric ceilings to avoid leaving marks.

How much does it cost to install a suspended ceiling?

The price of installation of suspended ceilings depends on the method, installation features and, of course, the type of fabric. The most expensive thing to install is fabric., but this is absolutely justified. The cheapest installation is glazing bead.

The size and geometry of the room are of great importance. The perimeter and configuration of the base ceiling determines labor costs more than its area. If provided installation of additional built-in elements, this also increases installation time, and, accordingly, its cost.

For more information on how to properly install a suspended ceiling with your own hands, you can watch the video:

In this article I will present detailed step by step instructions for installing a suspended ceiling with a harpoon fastening system.

The ceiling has the shape of a rectangle with sides of 2.0 x 5.3 m and its installation is quite simple and straightforward.

Required tool:

  1. Laser level;
  2. Painting (beating) cord;
  3. Hammer;
  4. Screwdriver;
  5. A hacksaw or angle grinder with an abrasive wheel;
  6. Heat gun;
  7. Special spatulas.

Heat gas gun for heating the stretch ceiling sheet


  1. Custom ceiling fabric;
  2. Special profile – baguette;
  3. Fasteners (screws and dowels);
  4. Punched tape;
  5. Chandelier base;
  6. Ring;
  7. Super glue.

1st stage. Applying markings along the perimeter of the ceiling

At this stage, we need to decide how much the suspended ceiling will be lowered. The following principles should be followed:
  • The suspended ceiling must be at least 10 mm lower than protruding obstacles. These obstacles will be: distribution (socket) boxes, platforms for lighting fixtures;
  • It is also worth considering that when installing the ceiling, a special profile is used - a baguette, which must be securely fastened along the entire perimeter of the site, that is, you need to evaluate the possibility and convenience of installing the baguette;
  • In rooms with small wall heights, every centimeter is precious, so you need to “lower” the ceiling very carefully, otherwise the new stretch ceiling will simply “press” and cause discomfort. Therefore in small rooms it makes sense to use glossy stretch ceilings for...

When we have decided on the ceiling height, it is necessary to use laser level and a dyeing cord, apply a line along the entire perimeter of the area.

Applying markings using a tapping cord

2nd stage. Installation of baguette

There are several types of baguette, in this case I used a PVC baguette. During installation, we align the bottom of the baguette along the line obtained in the previous step.

Installation of baguette around the perimeter of the ceiling

The following rules should be followed:

  • The baguette must be secured securely; it is advisable to twist the screws into all the holes in the profile;
  • The joint of adjacent baguette slats should be smooth, without differences.

To avoid damage to the tension fabric during installation, it is advisable to glue the joints of the baguette with tape

Also, when installing a PVC baguette, the question arises: which side should the profile be adjacent to the wall? You need to mount the baguette as shown in the figure below:

Installation of baguette in corners

In my case, the installation area has four internal corners, so the baguette is cut as shown in the photo below:

Installation of baguette - inner corner

That is, in the corner of the room the baguette is not cut off completely, but cut from the back side in order to be able to carefully bend it.

A small digression. If our ceiling were complex shape and had outside corner, as in the figure above, then the baguette is mounted on the outer corner in the following way:

Cut out part of the plank from inside baguette, and then fold it over:

Fastening the baguette

In my case, on both sides the baguette is attached to concrete wall, and two more to the step made of plasterboard and profiles (diagram below):

When attaching to a concrete wall, we use a hammer drill, a screwdriver, screws and dowels.

The question immediately arises - what fasteners to choose for a baguette? I can recommend a universal and inexpensive solution: polypropylene dowel 6x40 mm + black wood screw 3.5x45 mm.

fasteners for baguette (dowel 6x40 mm and self-tapping screw 3.5x45 mm)

The technology is simple: using a hammer drill (we use a ⌀6 mm drill) we drill a hole in the wall directly through the hole in the profile (baguette), then install a plastic dowel and screw a self-tapping screw into it with a screwdriver.

In the place where I have mounted a gypsum plasterboard step, I previously laid metallic profile as shown in the photo below:

Additional metal profile in gypsum plasterboard steps

To attach the baguette to the gypsum plasterboard step we use a screwdriver and metal screws about 30 mm long.

When attaching a baguette to a gypsum plasterboard structure, it is very important to provide embedded parts or use special fasteners.

In general, in installation ceiling molding there is nothing complicated. You can move on to the next step.

Stage 3. Installation of a platform under a chandelier

In this case, we need to install only one platform under the chandelier. To connect the platform to the ceiling we use metal punched tape. As you can see in the photo, I used four pieces of punched paper tape that needed to be bent several times. This design allows you to adjust the position of the platform in height.

Instead of punched paper tape, you can use hangers, which are used when installing gypsum plasterboard ceilings.

Stage 4. Installation of the canvas

Now you can begin installing the stretch ceiling itself. To do this, we install a special crocodile clip in each of the four corners of our site.

Turn on the heat gun and start heating the canvas. Doors and windows in the room must be closed. When the canvas warms up, we begin installation.

The essence of installing a stretch ceiling is to insert the harpoon of the panel into the groove of the baguette. For this operation we use special spatulas (some call them spatulas).

Spatulas (shovels) for installing stretch ceilings

We insert the blade into the groove of the harpoon, and then insert the harpoon into the groove of the profile until it stops.

Harpoon system for fastening a stretch ceiling


First, we place the corners of the canvas one by one into the groove. And then the sides. In this case, it will be more convenient to divide the side in half and insert the middle into the groove first, then perform similar actions with the opposite side. As a result, the side of the canvas will be divided into two sections; we again look for the middle and place it in the groove. Having secured the main points, you can sequentially perform installation around the perimeter of the ceiling:

First we fix the corners of the canvas

Then we fix the middle of the sides

Stage 5. Final

1) Decorative tape

On final stage we need to install a special decorative tape around the perimeter of the ceiling. This process is quite simple, the only thing that can cause difficulty is trimming the tape in the corners. Pruning must be done carefully at an angle of 45 degrees. It is advisable to coat the joints of the decorative tape with sealant.

2) Lighting

We need to find the place where we installed the embed for the chandelier:

Then, using super glue, we attach a special plastic ring directly to the canvas:

We check that the ring is securely glued. Using a utility knife, cut out the fabric inside the ring and take out the electrical cable:

Photo of the installed stretch ceiling: