Do-it-yourself roof design online. Overview of programs for designing roofs and roofing 3D roof designs

A good visualizer should be able to work not only with interiors, but also be ready to model a house or cottage. It is all the easier since the principles of creating windows, doors, walls and everything else are approximately the same in both cases. In today's lesson I will tell you how to build a house in 3d max from scratch.

Visualization finished house in 3ds max it always starts with a drawing. It’s good when customers have a plan made in AutoCad or ArchiCad, then it will be easy to then make a model based on it. But, in principle, you can get by with a picture with the dimensions marked on it.

To practice skills you can download ready house on the website: a project with drawings and plans, and that’s what I did. Wooden log house We won’t consider it, I have prepared a small cottage for work, with an area of ​​75 sq.m. Here's his plan:

So, we start by preparing the substrate on which we will build the walls. Open the program and configure it. Then we create a Plane measuring 10x15 meters - approximately these are the dimensions of my house. We reduce the number of plane segments to 1.

Now go to the Top view, turn on the Shaded mode and throw the plan of our floor onto the plane.

We check that the dimensions match the real ones: using the Box or Plane tool.

If your walls are smaller or larger than needed, apply the UWV Map modifier to the plane and adjust the dimensions.

Now click Create/Shapes/Rectangle and outline our walls.

Convert to Editable Spline and edit the points.

We add new vertices using the Refine button, indicating windows and doors. It is very important that in the model they are in the same place where they were placed during the design.

Let's check if we missed anything. Apply the Extrude modifier to the spline.

We are growing floors. I only have one, so I set the value to 3000 mm.

Making a base

Now let's designate the basement of the building. Select the walls and duplicate them.

Remove the Extrude modifier. We get our original spline. In the Rendering tab we set the following values ​​for it:

We lower the base to the base of the walls.

By the way, using this principle, the foundation of a building can be modeled using drawings.

Cutting out windows and doors

Now we need to make windows and doors. Now we have their verticals, since we indicated the width and location of windows and doors at the spline stage, but there are no heights. Click on the wall box RMB/Convert to/Convert to Editable Poly.

Go to the Edge editing level and select the lines related to the windows in pairs. Click the Connect Settings button (the square next to the button).

Set the value to 2, don’t change anything else - click OK. We do this for all windows.

Go to the side view and select all the points in Vertex mode that belong to the bottom edge of the window. We set their value along the Z axis to 800.

For the top ones we make this value 2000. Now the door. I made a mistake and forgot to insert it, but it doesn't matter. I removed the base from visibility, selected the upper and lower edges and added verticals using Connect, adjusting them to the size of the door according to the plan.

Immediately, while the ages I needed were active, I added another line for the top of the door using Connect. The Z axis value was set to 2000.

Now let's move on to the polygon editing level. Holding Ctrl, select all the polygons of windows and doors and press them with the Extrude button 300 mm inward.

Now I select the floor and the “lid” of the 3-d model and delete these elements - we no longer need them.

Making the base visible again. Now there is no gap in it where the door is.

Let's do it. Go to the Top view, select the base, turn on snapping and place points along the edges of the door.

We delete the segment between the points and now everything works:

Now all that remains is to fill in the gaps. There you can insert pre-downloaded ready-made models, or use those provided by the program. They are in the Create/AEC Objects menu.

Creating a roof

Using the same principle as we made the walls, we transfer the roof plan onto our substrate. Then we build a Plane along its contour. To make it easier to look at the plan, make the plane of the future roof translucent using Alt+x. In the Plane parameters, I specified two horizontal sections to indicate the junction of the two roof slopes.

Convert the blank to Editable Poly. In Edge mode, select the Cut tool and cut out the remaining contours of the roof.

Select the Edge skate and pick it up. We also do the same with the part of the roof that is located above the door.

Now let's give the roof thickness. Apply the Shell modifier to it and set the Amount parameter to 100.

All that remains is to close the attic, because now we have a hole between the roof and the wall. Turn on snapping, create a Plane, hooking it to the edges of the walls.

Convert to Editable Poly. Select its top two points in Vertex mode, press the Collapse button, and move it to its place. Using this principle, we also fill the second niche, under the canopy above the door.

That's all, the house modeling is finished: as you can see, it is quite possible to build a 3D model yourself in a couple of hours. All that's left is texturing, and you can choose Vray or Corona Render as a visualizer.

Of course, these are just the basics; if you want to study house construction in more detail, we recommend taking a good video course.

When we're talking about about the construction or reconstruction of a house, then all the nuances are important. A program for calculating the roof of a house will help calculate all design parameters. The roof in general is a very important part of the structure. After all, it is this design that directly determines how durable and high-quality the house will serve its residents.

Calculation of the roof of a house in a special program

Roof design software comes in handy for many reasons. The most important of them are the following:

All of these factors are significant and must be taken into account. From this we can conclude that programs designed for are important and should be used at the planning stage of construction or reconstruction of a building.

What parameters must be calculated

Those inexperienced in the construction business may assume that the program for calculating the roof of a house is intended solely to see what the structure will be like upon completion of the work. In fact, this is far from the case.

Editing the roof of a house in the Arkon program

Such utilities allow you to accurately determine all the parameters that are important for the strength and durability of a structure. The programs will help you determine:

All these points are important and each of them must be determined at the planning stage of construction or reconstruction of the roof of a house.

What programs are there for designing roofs?

Previously, builders, before starting work on the roof of houses, had to draw a diagram. Based on the drawing, the necessary parameters were measured and transferred to a previously prepared plan drawn on a sheet of paper. People of our time are lucky.

Program interface for calculating roof rafters

After all, there are special utilities that will calculate everything on their own, the main thing is to specify the parameters correctly. It is worth understanding what functions can be performed with this or that software in order to choose the one that is most comfortable for you.


The program began to enjoy high popularity from the beginning of its release.

And this is not surprising, because constant updates and new versions of the utility help people use more and more new facets in the process of creating three-dimensional structures that allow them to thoroughly build the process of construction and repair work.

The video shows the process of calculating a roof in the AutoCAD program.



In order for the program to work fully and without failures, it is necessary to clarify whether the selected version is compatible with the software installed on the computer.

Roofing Pro

This utility is most often used by companies that provide construction services to different consumers.

Interface of the Roofing Pro program

At the pre-construction stage, regardless of whether it is planned to build 1 or 3 floors in the building, Roofing Pro will help you calculate how much materials are needed to carry out the mission, in particular, for the roof of the structure.


  1. User-friendly interface.
  2. A clear understanding of how much raw material is required to purchase to perform the job efficiently.
  3. The program will clearly calculate how to use the material as economically as possible, so that even the segments are put to use.
  4. After creating the project, the roof calculation program displays finished drawing, on the basis of which it is possible to construct the roof structure of the building.


The Roofing Pro utility has a fairly limited number of functions. In order for the roof installation to be carried out on high level, you need to be well prepared for this process. It is for this purpose that programs have been invented in which you can create a project and print a drawing of this design. The main thing is to choose a suitable utility that will be convenient and comfortable to work with.

Thanks to this visual designer, you can choose colors and materials that work together for your actual home design.

Selecting the color and design of the facade, roof and other elements of the exterior design of a house (exterior) in our free editor can be truly exciting. At the same time, this will help you decide on the choice of almost all exterior finishing materials.

Surely you want to see how a brand new roof will look in combination with the facade. To select the color of the roof and facade, simply click on the appropriate icon on the left and select the type of material, color and cutting shape. Combine all the ingredients to create your own home design styles.

To simply select a roof color, go to the appropriate section of the design designer and, after selecting a wave or cut, select one of the proposed colors from the RAL or RR palette.

Use the button on the left “CHANGE CAMERA”! This will allow you to look at your design and materials from a closer distance and from a slightly different perspective.

Directly below the main image is a list of active materials you have selected. To transfer them all to us at once for calculation, use the “Submit Application” button. After this, the manager will call you back, advise you and we will discuss our further cooperation.

Currently in the constructor country house contains a huge number of images based on real photographs.

  1. 8 brands bitumen shingles(more than 70 lines and more than 400 roofs)
  2. 8 lines of cement-sand tiles (more than 40 roofs)
  3. 40 rulers ceramic tiles(more than 250 roofs)
  4. 10 lines of composite tiles (more than 50 roofs)
  5. 20 lines of metal tiles (more than 160 roofs)
  6. Also seam and slate roofs
  7. More than 500 options for facade finishing (clinker, siding, plaster) in more than 30 lines
  8. Possibility of changing the colors of the drain, junctions, window frames, chimney decorative elements. Changing the material and color of the fence. More than 50 options for hemming cornices (wood, plastic, corrugated sheets, soffit). Customizable entry group(porch). More than 80 base options from natural stone. There are more than 20 paving stone options

In addition, we are constantly modeling and supplementing this functionality with both new materials and new sections. List of updates.

Create your own home!

Our company also provides services for modeling and visualization of exteriors!

You might be expecting to find an online 3D house, a free CAD house design, or a downloadable program on this page, but what you find here is just a fun 2D virtual house with lots of switchable layers. We hope you like it and call us to order materials or comprehensive consultation on products, architecture, design or installation.

I wish you success in your endeavors and financial well-being!

The graphics for the project were modeled and rendered in Blender with Cycles renderer. Project created: Stanislav Kirichenko(The grafical part), Irina Petrushkina(software part) under the supervision of the management of a trade and construction company website.

Architectural visualization is not a cheap pleasure. A professional 3D designer will charge more than one thousand rubles for designing an interior, but creating virtual project the whole house will cost a pretty penny. But is it really necessary to turn to professionals every time? Over the past 5-7 years the market software for architectural visualization has become much closer to the user. Along with complex packages for developing 3D graphics, desktop programs, web services and even mobile applications have appeared, with the help of which you can easily see what a room will look like after renovation, create a project for a cottage or even an entire personal plot with all the necessary buildings.

To work with such software solutions, you do not need to delve into the intricacies of polygonal modeling, study the rules for arranging light sources, and spend a long time selecting visualization parameters. But with their help you can see what the living room will look like after rearranging the furniture, estimate how much building materials will be needed for interior decoration at home, and figure out where on the site it is better to plant trees and where to put benches.

⇡ Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0

  • Developer: Ashampoo
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: shareware, $30
  • Russian interface: yes

Ashampoo Home Designer Pro can be considered as " golden mean» between complex 3D visualization packages and consumer applications. Working with this program is as simple as working with the most basic interior designer, but the visualization results are much better than most entry-level applications.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose one of two modeling options: in 3D or in two-dimensional space. You can easily switch between them as you work, and even display both views at the same time. Since Ashampoo Home Designer Pro is a specialized program, the names of the main tools speak for themselves. The Wall tool is used to build walls, the Window button is used to insert windows, and a doorway is created by clicking the Door button. The program's library contains a huge number of different architectural objects, so windows and doors can be of any type. There is a 3D viewing mode for these objects. Before adding them to the project, you can consider how they should be configured and rotated. The program itself will calculate the area of ​​each room.

If the project contains more than one floor, you can use a special command and move the walls, floor and ceiling from the first floor to the next ones (while specifying the height of the walls of each floor). To create a roof, you can turn to a library of ready-made objects or develop your own version. Conveniently, the application automatically calculates the length and area of ​​the roof.

In order for the user not to forget about any important stage, a step-by-step wizard is provided.

Among other things, it may contain information about the contractor, the timing of the construction of the building, and its location. Next, when working on a project, you can take into account the geographical location to better understand how the building will cast shadows. This data can be useful when planning a personal plot - they will make it possible to determine the most the best place for lawns, recreation areas, gazebos and more.

With Ashampoo Home Designer Pro you can create not only the buildings themselves, but also the interior furnishings. The program library contains many furniture samples. It is very convenient that many of them are real models offered by well-known manufacturers.

In order for the 3D house project to be as close to reality as possible, you can use materials and textures. They are widely used to simulate various types objects in all 3D editors. Ashampoo Home Designer Pro has a good collection of materials and textures that are essential for architectural visualization.

You can make the walls stone, brick, cover them with clapboard, and so on. After adding materials, you can perform the final rendering. To increase realism at this stage, you can use anti-aliasing, simulated global illumination and other settings.

⇡ SketchUp Make 2013

  • Developer: Trimble
  • Operating system: Windows
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

For a long time, SketchUp was developed under the Google brand, but now Trimble is responsible for it. However, this changes little for the end user - basic version program (now called SketchUp Make) is still free, and the library of custom 3D models that was formerly called Google 3D Warehouse is still available today. True, it is already called SketchUp 3D Warehouse.

When Google acquired SketchUp from @Last Software in 2006, it was clear that the search giant intended to make it the primary tool for creating 3D models for Google Earth. However, users have successfully used the 3D editor in many other areas. Thanks to this, over the years of its existence, the program’s library has accumulated quite a lot of models that can be used when designing houses, personal plots and interiors. The SketchUp 3D Warehouse model library is built right into the program window. You can search for models by object type or by keywords.

However, SketchUp's capabilities are not limited to ready-made libraries. All objects required for the project can be created manually. When modeling, it is convenient to use so-called dynamic objects, which change in accordance with the user's expectations. For example, if you reduce the size of a staircase, the number of steps will also change proportionally. While creating architectural projects It is also convenient to use a special “Roulette” tool designed for measuring distances. The ability to add geographic coordinates is also useful, which can be used to calculate shadows in different time days. This option is implemented through integration with Google Maps.

SketchUp's built-in visualization capabilities are quite modest, but dozens of add-ons have been created for the program that can help solve this problem. Even the popular photorealistic renderer VRay is available for SketchUp. Starting with SketchUp 2013, the program has an integrated add-on store, so you can find, download and install the extension you need without leaving the SketchUp window.

Without the use of add-ons, you can’t count on photorealistic visualization, because SketchUp was initially positioned as a program for creating sketches. Therefore, using the built-in tools, you can present the project only as a drawing: pencil, marker, paint, and so on. However, in most cases this representation can be quite visual, and such “visualization” will not take much time.

⇡ Autodesk Homestyler

  • Developer: Autodesk
  • Operating system: Android, iOS, web application
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

Autodesk is known for its programs for professional 3D graphics creation. But, you must admit, not everyone will find the energy and time to master 3ds max just to find out what the room will look like after renovation and rearrangement of furniture. For a broader range of users interested in architectural visualization, Autodesk offers the Autodesk Homestyler web service. This is a simplified specialized 3D editor that works directly in the browser.

With its help, you can quickly create a room design, and then fill it with furniture and other objects needed in the house from the proposed library. You can build walls manually using rooms different shapes, various options walls, partitions and wall openings. It is much more convenient to create a project not from scratch, but to work with a pre-prepared 2D plan, which is used as a substrate. Modeling can be done in 2D or 3D view.

The library of ready-made objects is well organized, so it’s very easy to find the right part in it. There are four main categories: “ Construction works", "Finishing", "Decor", "Landscape and street". And each of them has subcategories. For example, in the “Finishing” section, you can go to the “Kitchen” subsection and select sinks, countertops, tabletop and floor cabinets and other interior items there.

The service supports the creation of multi-level projects, so developing a three-story house is not a problem. But it’s worth keeping in mind that you won’t be able to see two or more levels at the same time - in the web application window you can only work on one floor at a time.

Autodesk Homestyler not only gives you the opportunity to see what the room will look like, but also helps you plan the purchase of all necessary materials. All objects that are added to the project immediately appear in the “Shopping List” section. And this applies not only to pieces of furniture. For example, the service will quickly calculate how many meters of baseboards and floor coverings will be needed during repairs. You can immediately print out such a list and then go with it to a construction supermarket to estimate the cost of the work.

You can work with Autodesk Homestyler without registration, but creating account provides some benefits. For example, you can add some catalog items to your favorites so you can quickly find them later. In addition, you can save your projects in the gallery and modify them as needed.

Recently, Autodesk Homestyler is available not only as a web service, but also as an application for mobile devices on iOS and Android. However, its tasks are somewhat different from those of a web service. If using the browser version of Homestyler users are asked to build walls, then mobile app focused on creating interiors of ready-made premises. Holding a smartphone or tablet in his hands, the user must take a photo of the room, after which he can add furniture, lamps, and other interior items to the project, as well as experiment with finishing materials, colors, etc. Finished projects can be sent to the Facebook feed or via e-mail. The application also has a feed of projects that were created by other Autodesk Homestyler users. You can comment on them, add them to your favorites, and subscribe to updates from the designers you like.

⇡ Sweet Home 3D 4.1

  • Developer: eTeks
  • Operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux
  • Distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

An entire review on our website was devoted to the Sweet Home 3D program (see “Sweet Home 3D: what should we build a house”), so we will not dwell on it in detail. But it would, of course, be incorrect not to mention this application within the framework of this article.

Sweet Home 3D is a completely free cross-platform 3D editor aimed at creating architectural projects. This program is equally easy to work with for professional architects and those who are far from designing. Using an existing plan (you just need to draw it on a piece of paper, photograph it and load it into the program), you can create the walls of the building, add windows and doors. There are no tools for creating 3D models in the program, but you can import objects in OBJ, DAE, 3DS, LWS formats, and also use the extensive free catalog available on the Sweet Home 3D website. Among the presentation methods finished project Of particular interest is a virtual walk through the house.

You can work with Sweet Home 3D even without installation. To do this, you only need Java and an Internet connection.

⇡ Conclusion

Fortunately, architectural visualization these days can be not only a profession, but also a hobby. Consumer 3D design solutions are both simple and free to use. Of the four applications reviewed, three are completely free. However, Ashampoo Home Designer Pro is also quite inexpensive, especially when compared with the price of professional 3D editors. At the same time, the capabilities of SketchUp Make, Autodesk Homestyler, Sweet Home 3D are quite enough for the development of small architectural projects. And even though with the help of these programs it is impossible to obtain images that would be indistinguishable from photographs, still realism is not the most important thing here. The main goal is to help you see a still non-existent interior or exterior and speed up repair/construction work as much as possible.

Construction own home– this is a very important and responsible step. One of the most complex issues This task involves designing a roof. As you know, its calculation is a very difficult process. In this case, a program for designing the roof of a house will help the future homeowner. Today you can download it online a large number of various programs on similar topics. Which one is more convenient and easier to use?

There are, of course, specialists who do everything the old fashioned way necessary calculations manually, but the result of calculations computer program both more clearly and more accurately. At the same time, I wouldn’t want to pay too much for such software. For example, a program for designing the roof of a house such as FloorPlan3D - this digital product is suitable even for an inexperienced person in the architectural field. With its help, you can create a three-dimensional layout of the building itself and carry out calculations of materials.

Convenience and simplicity of the interface are an important advantage of this software. Another advantage of this application is that the cost is completely incomparable with competitors’ software.

Which program for designing a house roof is more universal?

One of the most famous and popular architectural applications is ArCon. The interface of this program is also quite easy to understand. With this application you can not only completely design a house, a roof, come up with a design interior interiors, but also to fully deal with landscape design. If Arcon is considered only as a program for designing the roof of a house, then in this regard this application can be classified as the best options software of this kind. However, the price matches.