Rosalia flower care at home. Indoor azalea Azalea flowers how to care

Autumn rains, cold - not only sad time, this is also the flowering time of such an indoor plant as azalea (rhododendron). The culture grows in the form of a bush, which is covered with caps of buds of various shades.

This plant came to us from Asia - India and China. The flower is beautiful, but very capricious and requires special attention.

Caring for azaleas at home

Fulfilling the conditions for caring for azaleas will ensure not only a healthy appearance for the indoor plant, but also abundant long-term flowering.

Important! Proper care after purchasing an azalea is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant.

It is advisable not to replant the azalea immediately after purchase. provide her with high humidity, use drugs like Epin for immunity 1-2 times a week.


On the one hand, azalea loves light, but on the other, the burning rays of the sun are not suitable for it. Therefore, you need to take the choice of territory for this flower seriously. It is better to place the pot on the eastern windowsill.

Culture also develops well in the northern and western parts of the house. Azalea thrives in indirect light, and also in partial shade. At the end of autumn, when the buds are forming, you will have to additionally turn on the lamps and extend the daylight hours for the flower.


Another very important factor for the capricious azalea. She doesn't like high temperatures best option for her it's about 17 degrees. When buds appear, it is better to keep the bush at 10-12 degrees.

Summer is a very difficult time for a fastidious plant, it doesn't handle heat well. It is better to take the azalea to open balcony(in the shade) or cool the apartment with an air conditioner.

Humidity and watering

Indoor rhododendron needs frequent spraying; it is better to use a spray bottle. When the bush is covered with flowers, the procedure is also continued, but the drops should not fall on the petals, otherwise they will begin to darken. It is beneficial to place a bowl of water near the pot to increase the humidity around it.

Attention! If a flowerpot with an azalea is located near hot radiators, it is recommended to place an electric humidifier nearby.

No one can live without water indoor flower, azalea is no exception. She is very whimsical in irrigation.

The video below contains tips on watering azaleas.

To avoid spoiling the crop by improper watering, follow the recommendations:

  1. The flower likes the soil in the pot to be moist.
  2. Watering is regular, and when flowering is abundant.
  3. If the soil is very dry, the pot is lowered into a container with slightly warm water for 2-3 hours. During this time, the soil will absorb the amount of moisture it needs.
  4. Azalea does not tolerate overwatering. Do not allow water to accumulate in the tray. Its excess must be removed.
  5. For a flower, a regular one is suitable tap water, but she needs to let it sit for a couple of days. This is necessary to remove bleach, which is harmful to the delicate azalea.

Advice! In order for the azalea to bloom profusely, it is necessary to water it with acidified water twice a month.

The soil

It's best to buy a special one ready mixture. If you decide to make the soil yourself, then you need to mix compost from pine residues, moss and sand.

Coniferous humus is taken in two parts, the remaining components - one part each. Azalea prefers soil with acidic reaction(pH 4-4.5).

Pinching and trimming

To form a neat bush, it needs to be trimmed in a timely manner. All faded buds are removed. With the beginning of spring, young branches are pinched. This is necessary so that buds form at the tips of the branches.

Important! Cut off those cuttings that have become too elongated. If everything is done correctly and on time, then new buds will appear on them in two weeks.

Fertilizers and growth stimulants

The best option is to use fertilizers that are created specifically for azaleas. In the spring-summer period, the plant is fertilized once every 7-10 days, in the cold period - once every 30 days.

When buds appear on the bush, complex preparations based on potassium and phosphorus compounds are added. Kemira-lux or Uniflor-bud will do.

Transplanting azalea

Each specimen is replanted immediately after it blooms for the first time. Azalea has rather thin roots that break easily. Therefore, they use the transshipment method without destroying the lump.

Dry and damaged branches and leaves are pruned. Young rhododendrons are replanted every year, larger ones - every three to four years.

The video explains how to properly care for azaleas at home.

Propagation of domestic azaleas


For bushy representatives of the flora, this is the most suitable method of reproduction. Cuttings of 7 cm are cut from an adult specimen in the summer. The cut should be oblique.

Then the lowest leaves are removed, and The cuttings are kept in a root solution for several hours. Prepared planting material planted in pots. It is covered with a jar on top or placed in a mini-greenhouse. The cuttings should be kept in a warm room, systematically watered and sprayed.

After 1.5-2 months, when the bores appear, they begin to actively ventilate the greenhouse, making the intervals longer and longer for hardening the cuttings. Then the shelter is removed completely. When the branches grow a little, the tops are pinched, to stimulate the formation of lateral branches.

In this case, the plant will be more lush and branched. The first buds are also cut off so that the young bush does not direct all its energy to flowering. With this approach, a strong rhododendron will grow within 2 years.

Dividing the bush

A simple procedure is that in the spring the old specimen is removed from the pot and divided into parts. When carrying out this procedure, you must ensure that there are shoots on each of them. Then the parts are planted in separate pots.

Growing from seeds

For this the grains are laid out on the surface of a pot filled with wet peat. This must be done in early spring. The seeds are not sprinkled with anything, they are simply sprayed. Set up a greenhouse and place it in a bright place. The grains need to be ventilated and sprayed periodically. After the leaves appear, the sprouts are picked and planted in individual pots.

Diseases and pests of indoor azaleas

Often the plant begins to get sick due to non-compliance with growing conditions. In this case, care should be adjusted. If the reason lies in bacteria or viruses, then without special drugs not enough.

Advice! Before caring for your azalea, you should know that you can increase the plant’s immunity with periodic organic feeding.

The most common problems when growing azaleas:

Important! Azalea loses its foliage due to the development of root rot, which occurs due to constant wet ground. At the first symptoms, the flower is removed and the rhizome is examined. All affected parts are removed, and the cut areas are treated with charcoal. The earthen ball is dried and returned to the pot.

Types and varieties of azaleas with descriptions and photos

There are not many varieties of azaleas that grow in natural conditions. But thanks to the efforts of flower growers, plants have been obtained that differ in different shades of buds.

Important! Indoor azalea grows very slowly, so it will take several years to get a beautiful and lush bush.

The main types are listed below.

Azalea japonica

The second name is rhododendron obtuse, it is grown in pots. At proper care The height of the flower reaches 1 meter. The stem is completely covered with leaves. When open, the buds acquire a pink or fiery red hue.

Indian or rhododendron simsa

The leaves are elongated, rich green. It grows as a highly branched shrub up to 40 cm in height. Eat early varieties, which bloom as early as December. The middle ones are covered with flowers in January, and the late ones form buds at the very end of winter or early spring. The petals are painted in various shades of red, white is found, and yellow is rare. The shape of the flowers is simple or double, they are plain or variegated, with strokes or a border.

Knap Hill

It's deciduous hybrid variety shrub that grows up to 2 meters high. Flowers come in a variety of colors: red, soft pink, orange, yellow. They are collected in inflorescences of 8-12 pieces, with a pleasant aroma. With the onset of autumn, the foliage turns reddish or yellow. Tolerates winter well.

Proper watering, air temperature and timely feeding– deposit beautiful plant. If you want your azalea to enjoy long-lasting flowering, you just need to follow the recommendations.

Indoor azalea is very beautiful flower, which is his original look can decorate any interior. The azalea attracts attention both with its decorative foliage and very beautiful, large flowers. The flowering period occurs in winter, which is especially appreciated by flower growers, because during this period the rest of the flowers are at rest. The homeland of azalea is India. IN natural nature thickets of azaleas can be seen in the mountains. This rhododendron is very popular in Japan, where it is cultivated as bonsai. Caring for an azalea at home is a real joy for a gardener, because the plant thanks for your attention and care with lush, abundant and very bright, long-lasting flowering.

Popular varieties and types

Indoor flowers Azaleas have many varieties and species. The most popular among them are:

  • Standard azalea. Home standard azalea is a low-growing, highly decorative, evergreen. Grows only in small pots. Flower growers very often grow this species. Several standard azalea bushes can be placed in one pot to create a vibrant mix.
  • . Azalea flowers can be very numerous, so much so that the leaves are simply not visible behind them. The garden azalea, which grows, is notable for its abundant flowering compact bush. This species is usually planted in the garden, but it can also be grown in a room.
  • Azalea Rhododendron. A very heat-loving species, highly decorative. It blooms very profusely and colorfully. The flowering period, with proper care, can last more than 2 months. More than 800 varieties of this species have been bred and are successfully grown at home.

Indoor azalea flower is wonderful gift to the celebration. But in order for the plant to truly bloom magnificently every year, some effort must be made. When growing azalea flowers in room conditions It is very important to create an environment as close to natural as possible.

Place for a flower

When choosing a place for a flower, you must proceed from its natural conditions a habitat. The azalea plant loves the scattered rays of the sun, fresh, fresh air and moderately cool. Therefore, there is no need to place the pot in the sun.

For azaleas, places away from batteries, where there are scattered rays, are simply ideal. Unlike its exotic counterparts - other indoor crops, azalea is practically not afraid of drafts.


When answering the question of how to care for azaleas at home, you should pay attention to the temperature regime. The air temperature is very important nuance in caring for indoor azaleas.

It's hot for this ornamental plant truly destructive, because in wild environment Rhododendrons grow in cool climates. In October-November, when the plant is just beginning to lay buds, it is advisable to maintain the temperature in the room at about 7-10 degrees. During the period when azalea begins to bloom, it is advisable to maintain the temperature at about 15 degrees. But another problem arises - what is good for azaleas is not very easy to do in a living room. Experienced gardeners use a trick - they line the pots with dry ice or treat them very often more often. cold water.

Important rule in growing azaleas at home is timely transplantation of the plant into new pot. As soon as the bush fades, it needs to be transplanted into a larger container. Before planting an azalea, you need to pick off all faded flowers, cut off all too long shoots, and remove all weak and diseased branches. How to plant an azalea correctly so that the plant survives replanting without loss?

Usually a transplant experienced flower growers It is recommended to carry out once every two to three years for adult bushes. Young bushes are replanted every year. This rhododendron loves wide and shallow containers, as it is a surface plant. After the first flowering, the bush must be replanted. When replanting a bush, in order for the planted flower to take root better, you must be very careful with its roots. Azalea roots are very tender and tear easily. Therefore, indoor azaleas are not even replanted, but transferred to a larger container, keeping a lump of earth around the root system during transfer. When planting, the root collar is not buried in the soil.

In what soil should the plant be planted? Azaleas are best grown in a mixture of two parts pine needles, which should be steamed, and part peat. To this loose soil you can add humus, coarse sand and sphagnum, which should be crushed. Before planting the plant, be sure to sterilize the soil so that the azalea does not get sick with fungus.

A drainage layer is made at the bottom of the pot, which can be laid out from broken shards or expanded clay. Experienced gardeners add crushed pine or spruce bark to the drainage. It is especially important to add bark as it provides a constant acidification of the soil in the pot, which this rhododendron loves. Under no circumstances should limestone be added to pots, as it changes the reaction of the soil. The ideal soil acidity for azaleas is from 3 to 5 units. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered generously. Best time for transplantation - end of winter. Proper replanting and proper care of the plant is the key to long-term and abundant flowering Every year.

Azaleas are indoor crops that are extremely sensitive to watering. It is very important that the earthen lump on the roots, during the period of bud formation and flowering, never dries out. This rhododendron loves acidic soil, and therefore it is impossible to water azaleas with plain water. The water must be settled or filtered.

How to grow many azalea bushes at home? It’s very simple, because you can grow an azalea by cuttings and dividing the bush. But it is easier and faster to propagate these plants by cuttings, which give roots very quickly.

The best time for reproduction is spring-late summer. The fact is that in summer the plant has a lot of strength, and the cuttings will take root faster and have time to form small bushes. Stem cuttings are best and easiest to root in an acidic soil mixture. Optimal temperature for rooting +25 degrees.

Read also: How to care for gladioli after flowering: what and how to do

After flowering, branches up to 15 cm long are cut into cuttings. The main thing is not to take fattening shoots for cuttings. It is best to choose young branches. Excellent cuttings are obtained from the tips of shoots current year.

The three lower leaves of the cutting should be torn off, leaving about 0.5 cm of the petiole. The remaining foliage is cut in half. The lower cut on the branch is made obliquely under the bud. Before planting, the branches are immersed in a bunch with the lower cut in heteroauxin, dissolving 2 tablets of the product in a liter of water. The cuttings should be in the solution for about 6 hours. After processing, the cuttings are buried in moist and loose soil to a depth of about 3 cm, leaving 4 cm between them.

Rooting will occur much faster if you plant the cuttings in acidic soil, which azaleas love so much. You can fill the pots or boxes where you plant the plants with soil prepared specifically for azaleas. Cuttings should be watered well after planting.

If you do everything according to the rules, rooting will begin in about a month. It's important to keep track temperature conditions so that the room is not lower than +20 degrees. It is better to place the pots in a greenhouse, which must be ventilated every day.

About a week before transplanting young plants into a new pot, they should begin to accustom them to the dry air of living quarters. To do this, you should open the greenhouse for three hours every day, and after a week, remove it completely. Hardened and rooted young azaleas are then replanted and covered again with film so that they quickly take root and grow.

After a couple of months, you need to pinch off the tops of young plants so that they begin to bush. The first buds that young azaleas produce need to be cut off so that the plant has more strength to form shoots.

Already in March, azaleas are pinched a second time, and 4 shoots are cut off at the same time. After this, in spring time, azaleas are transplanted into larger pots with a drainage layer. Typically, it takes up to three years for a full-fledged bush grown from a cutting to form.

Diseases and pests

The result of mistakes made in caring for an azalea can be damage to its parts and premature death. Thus, due to low air temperatures, the main leaf axis of the plant dies off, the leaves become brown and cannot be restored.

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Due to excessive watering and lack of fertilizing, the plant develops mixed chlorosis over several months, as a result of which the tips of the leaves turn yellow and dry out. Also, due to improper care, fungal diseases develop. In summer, the temperature should be +20–22 °C, during the formation of flower buds – +6–8 °C, and after the appearance of buds – +12–16 °C.

Azalea prefers high air humidity. In summer, it does not need to be increased artificially, but in winter, the air around the plant should be sprayed and containers with water should be placed nearby. Watering should be limited during the period of bud formation, then resumed as usual.

During flowering, you should not spray the azalea - spots remain on the petals, the flowers rot and fall off.

The plant needs a lot of light, but it is necessary to exclude direct sunlight.

Pruning and rejuvenation

To maintain the compactness of the plant, it is necessary to prune annually, removing weak, long and old shoots. You should also remove branches growing deep into the bush so that they do not shade the plant or interfere with the formation of buds.

Where can I buy a plant?

You can purchase azaleas in nurseries, specialty stores, or order them online. The cost of a flower ranges from 200 to 3 thousand rubles. depending on the variety of azalea, the size of the flower and its root system and the number of buds.

What kind of pot does the plant need?

Indoor azalea has a superficial root system, so the flowerpot for it needs to be wide and flat. When transplanting, the new container should be larger than the previous one; it can be plastic or clay.

To avoid rotting of the roots, the flowerpot must have holes for drainage, and on its bottom it is necessary to lay a drainage layer of ceramic shards or expanded clay with pieces of pine or spruce bark to constantly acidify the soil.

What kind of soil is needed?

The plant needs loose soil with good aeration and moisture permeability. The soil should be acidic (pH 3.5-5).

It is better for beginning flower growers to use special soil purchased in the store, this could be “Terra Vita”, “Azalea”, “Fasco”, “Garden of Miracles”, “World of Soils”, Rich Land.

You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing:

  • 2 parts coniferous land;
  • 2 parts leaf soil;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part heather soil;
  • 1 part river sand.

Before use, the earth mixture must be calcined, frozen or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate - this will help get rid of pests and microorganisms.

Transplantation at home

Replanting should be done in the spring. You should not disturb an azalea during flowering or budding, otherwise the plant will shed its leaves, flowers and buds.

Reasons for transplantation:

  • disease;
  • the flowerpot has become too small for the root system;
  • 2 weeks have passed since the purchase.

A young plant needs to be replanted annually, then the procedure is carried out once every 2–3 years.

Transplant instructions:

  • cut dry branches, remove dried buds and leaves;
  • remove the plant from the flowerpot and lower its roots along with the soil into water with biostimulants to remove the old soil and wash out the salts;
  • make 0.5 cm cuts in the earthen coma on the top, bottom and sides so that the flower receives the elements necessary to take root in the new soil;
  • Place the plant in the center of the container, sprinkle with soil so that the root collar does not go deep into the ground and lightly compact the soil.

After transplanting, water the plant and place it in a warm, well-lit place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight and there will be no drafts for about 12 days. Repeated watering is carried out after 4 days.

What to do immediately after buying a flower?

After purchasing a flower, it is necessary to adapt it to new conditions. It is necessary to inspect the soil and, if mold is detected, treat it with fungicides (Zineb, Agat, Gamair) or manganese solution. If the soil is dry, you should place the pot with the plant in a container of water for 20–25 minutes.

It is necessary to place the azalea in a shaded place at a temperature not exceeding +18 °C, gradually accustoming it to the new light regime and regularly spray the flower to increase humidity.

At home, azaleas must be isolated from other plants for 2 weeks to avoid possible infection.

After 14 days, the plant needs to be transplanted into new soil and a flowerpot, since the containers in which the plants are sold are not suitable for proper development roots, and the substrate contains many chemical stimulants that provoke lush flowering, but inhibiting the development of the root system and green mass.


Azalea propagates by cuttings, dividing the bush and seeds.
To propagate a flower you will need:

  • the soil;
  • flowerpot;
  • sharp knife or blade;
  • jar or package;
  • charcoal or activated carbon;
  • growth stimulator - “Zircon” or “Kornevin”;
  • spray.

By cuttings

Cuttings must be cut in the spring, when pruning the plant.
For cuttings you need:

  • using a sharp object, cut cuttings 5–15 cm long from semi-lignified stem shoots;
  • make an oblique cut under the bud, remove half the leaves;
  • treat the cut areas with crushed wood or activated carbon;
  • soak the cuttings in a growth stimulator (“Zircon” or “Kornevin”);
  • place them in the prepared soil, deepening them by 2.5 cm and covering them with a jar or bag to maintain the required humidity;
  • ventilate the “greenhouse” daily, and moisten the soil once every 2–3 days;
  • keep the container with cuttings in a well-lit place at a temperature of +25 ºC;
  • After the first shoots appear, remove the jar or bag.

After complete rooting, the cuttings must be planted in separate flowerpots.

Dividing the bush

The simplest and most commonly used method of growing azaleas. When the plant reaches 3 years old, during replanting you need to carefully divide the rhizome into parts so as not to damage the roots. After this, plant the divisions with several roots and shoots in flowerpots with prepared soil and keep them there for a week. dark room.


The most difficult method of propagating azaleas, used in breeding new plant varieties.

For seed propagation need to:

  • sow seeds in early spring on the surface of moist soil, without sprinkling on top;
  • Do not water the soil, but carefully spray it with a spray bottle;
  • cover the container with glass or polyethylene and place it in a lighted place;
  • ventilate the greenhouse daily;
  • when the cotyledon leaves begin to unfold, the seedlings need to be picked.

To water the seedlings, use only soft water at room temperature. To soften 10 liters of hard water you will need 3 grams of sulfuric or oxalic acid.

Fertilizer and feeding

Mineral fertilizers are suitable for feeding azaleas; the main thing is to ensure that the composition does not contain chlorine, which can kill the plant. To minimize difficulties and problems, it is recommended to use Azalea fertilizer purchased from a specialized store. You can also use fertilizers for decorative flowers, for example “Lux” or “Fertika”.

In the spring-summer period, fertilizers should be applied once a week, and in the fall and winter, reduce the amount of fertilizing to once a month.

When the period of bud formation and flowering begins, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, for example “Kemira-Lux” or “Uniflor-bud”, must be used to feed the azalea.

For additional nutrition of the plant, you can use superphosphate by diluting 15 grams of the product in 1 liter of water.


The soil in the flowerpot should always be moist and should not be allowed to dry out.

The plant needs to be watered every 2 days, and when high temperature indoors - twice a day, with small portions of water, making sure that it does not accumulate in the tray, otherwise the root system will rot and the flower will die.

When the earthen ball dries out, you need to immerse the container with the azalea in water for several hours so that the roots are saturated with moisture.

To prevent the leaves from drying out, spraying is carried out every 2–3.

The soil needs periodic acidification, so a solution consisting of 1 liter of water and 0.3-0.4 grams of citric or ascorbic acid is used for watering 2 times a month.

For watering and spraying, cool melted, settled or filtered water that does not contain chlorine is used.

If you are going on vacation

You need to put a foam rubber mat on the bottom of the container with water, and place a flowerpot with a plant on it, after not plugging the drainage holes too tightly with foam rubber.

Problems during cultivation

Why doesn't it bloom?

Azalea diseases

NameSignsHow to fight?
FusariumYellowing, wilting and falling of the leaves of the flower, the presence of a pink coating on the root collar.Treat the azalea with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol.
Late blight, or root rotThe roots rot, which leads to discoloration, curling and drying of the leaves and death of the buds.Increase the air permeability of the soil, treat with Fitoverm or Bordeaux mixture.
PhyllosticosisThe appearance on the leaves of dark brown or ash-gray spots with a brown border with falling sporangial balls.Remove the affected parts of the plant, treat with 0.2% Fundazol solution and 0.15% Topsin-M solution.
CercosporaThe appearance of dark brown spots with a red border on the lower part of the leaf, and a gray coating on the upper part.Use “Fundazol” and “Ditan M-45”, alternating between products.

Flowering may not occur due to lack of timely pruning, too infrequent watering and failure to comply with the temperature regime.


PestHow to detect?How to fight?
Rhododendron bugWinged insect measuring 3-3.5 mm. The bug lays eggs on back side leaf blades and covers them with resinous secretions. Caterpillars and larvae of the pest feed on the sap of the plant, yellowing and curling of the leaves is observed.Use insecticides "Decis" or "Fury".
Azalea mothThe leaves dry out and fall off. As the caterpillars grow, they wrap themselves in leaves.Use fumigation or sulfur spraying.
Spider miteThe leaves become brownish-gray in color, fall off, and a cobweb appears on the lower part.Treat the azalea with soapy water and apply Agravertin or Actellik.
Furrow weevilThe insect attacks the roots, causing the plant to wither and die.Apply "Karbafos" or "Bazudin".

Problems with leaves

  • The leaves turn yellow and fall off - a lack or excess of moisture, or the result of exposure to sunlight.
  • Wrinkling of leaves - insufficient watering or low level humidity.
  • Yellowing of leaf blades - the plant is planted in clay soil or tap water is used for irrigation.

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Many people are familiar with the delightful lush bushes, completely strewn with beautiful bright colors, - azalea is rightfully considered one of the most popular indoor plants all over the world: it blooms for a long time and adds unique comfort to any interior.

Azalea flower

Unfortunately, they are often perceived as a living bouquet, and after flowering they are thrown away - this plant is unfairly considered too capricious and difficult to care for, or even disposable. And in vain! Azaleas are not at all difficult to grow at home, you just need to understand the basic requirements of the plant, which are determined by its origin and habitat in the wild.

Azaleas belong to the large genus of rhododendrons, which, in turn, is part of large family heather Modern varieties of indoor azaleas were created based on two miniature natural species:

  • Rhododendron Simsa (Azalea Simsa or Indian azalea)
  • Rhododendron obtuse (or Japanese Azalea)

Both species live high in the mountains of India and Southeast Asia at an altitude of 2000-3500 meters above sea level in the cloudy montane forest zone.

Low azalea bushes grow in the shade of trees, which shield them from direct sunlight. The air temperature in this altitude zone is constantly cool, the soil is acidic and moist, the air humidity is very high - often the entire forest is covered with clouds and thick fog.

It is these conditions that are ideal for the life of these plants and their descendants - our indoor azaleas.

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible or extremely difficult to recreate such a habitat in a home culture. However, everything is not so scary. We'll cover some clever farming techniques that can easily provide the basic conditions that guarantee successful azalea growing:

  • very acidic soil;
  • very cold content;
  • very high humidity;
  • a bright place without direct sunlight or with a minimum amount of it.

Indoor azalea care at home: watering

Azaleas are very moisture-loving plants, for which drying out of the earthen clod is deadly. At the same time, azaleas do not like constant stagnation of water in the pan. Their main secret successful cultivation is proper watering.

Take a liter plastic bottle, fill it with boiled water from a cooled kettle and find it comfortable spot on the refrigerator door. Water your azalea with cold water from this bottle every morning. Fill the bottle only with cooled boiled water - it contains less salts. Excess water Drain from the pan 15 minutes after watering.

So you will provide this cold-loving and moisture-loving plant optimal humidification mode and cool temperature. By touching the wall of a ceramic azalea pot with your hand before and after watering, you can easily feel how much cooler the pot becomes after watering. It is in such a constantly moist and cool pot that the azalea will feel great, grow well and bloom luxuriantly.

For watering, use only boiled or filtered water, because it contains much less salts and calcium, which inhibit the growth of azaleas. Calcium leaches the soil, removing the acidity necessary for azaleas. That is why the less calcium, chlorine and other impurities that enter the soil with water, the better for the plant.


When purchasing, it is better to choose an azalea in a ceramic pot. The plant must look healthy, have living green leaves, and the soil in the pot must be moist, since azalea cannot tolerate drying out of the roots. If the plant is planted in ceramic pot, then it will not have to be replanted immediately after flowering, and this will reduce the stress of moving from a bright, cool greenhouse to home conditions.

If you received an azalea in a plastic pot, don't worry! Soon after flowering, it will definitely need to be transplanted into a clay pot, otherwise the plant will die. To replant, take a regular unglazed ceramic pot with a drainage hole in the bottom and thick walls: the thicker the walls, the longer they will remain cold after watering and the better the plant will feel.

The condition of the clay pot clearly shows the condition of the earthen ball and the roots of the plant: the walls of the pot should always be cold and damp to the touch. If the walls are dry and warm, it means that the earthen ball has dried out - the plant is in serious danger. To save an azalea, the pot with the plant must be urgently immersed in a container of cold water for at least 30-40 minutes.

The diameter of the new pot should be quite a bit larger than the previous one (maximum 2-3 cm): in a pot that is too spacious, the cold from the ceramic walls will not reach the roots, the azalea will suffer from overheating and will quickly die.

Immerse the new ceramic pot in very hot water for several hours. cold water so that its porous structure is well saturated with moisture and acquires the necessary cold temperature. Also immerse the pot with the plant in a container of cool water for about half an hour to thoroughly wet the earthen ball.

At the bottom of the pot, place a clay shard over the drainage hole or pour thin layer pebbles or expanded clay. Add a small layer of special acidic soil for azaleas on top. If you can get sphagnum moss, it will be very useful to mix it with the soil: about 1 part moss to 3 parts soil for azaleas. Very carefully, trying not to damage the earthen ball and the tender roots of the azalea, remove the plant from the old pot and place it in a new one. Fill the empty space on the sides with soil, carefully spreading the soil with a small stick (such as a disposable plastic knife). There is no need to press and compact the soil too much so as not to damage the delicate root system.

Soil acidification

Acidic components are gradually washed out of the soil, so it must be additionally acidified periodically. Squeeze a little juice from the lemon (literally a few drops) and add it to a bottle of water for irrigation. This should be done approximately once every one to two weeks, then the azalea soil will regularly gradually acidify, which is the most in the best possible way will affect the condition of the plant.


The plant consumes from the soil nutrients, the supply of which must be periodically restored. Once every 2-3 months, apply a special complex fertilizer for azaleas and rhododendrons, which is diluted strictly according to the instructions on the package. It contains all the necessary nutrients, as well as components to increase soil acidity. If it is not possible to get special fertilizer for azaleas, you can fertilize the plant with any complex mineral fertilizer, which does not contain calcium and chlorine.


Azaleas love high air humidity and therefore respond very positively to spraying, especially in hot summer weather. You can spray the azalea at any time, except during the flowering period, since water that gets on the flowers and buds spoils them appearance and promotes rapid fading.

Place for azalea

For azaleas, you need to choose a bright, cool place that receives almost no direct sunlight. Only a small amount of sun is allowed early in the morning, as long as it is not very hot. You cannot place an azalea directly above the radiator - this plant cannot tolerate heat and dry air, and in winter there is an abundance of both above the radiator. Also, azalea does not like drafts, especially with wet leaves after spraying.

In summer, it is useful to place the plant in the shade on fresh air, for example, on the balcony or in the country house. It is advisable to turn it towards the light in the same way as it stood in the room. The place should be fairly bright, but not sunny: under direct summer sun, the azalea will die from overheating and drying out of the earthen clod. You can additionally cool the plant in hot weather by placing a couple of pieces of ice on the soil.

Try not to rotate the azalea unless necessary - this plant does not like to be twisted and moved from place to place. Azaleas also do not like rough touches on their leaves: if you run your hand against their growth, the delicate leaves can instantly fall off from pain shock and stress.

Flowering and bush formation

Shortly after flowering, azaleas begin a period of growth. At this time, new bright green shoots with young tender leaves appear at the ends of the branches. Since indoor azaleas are quite compact plants, young shoots grow very small, only 3-6 cm. At the end of each new shoot, buds are laid for the next flowering.

Over time, as it grows, the azalea bush loses its beautiful round shape, and there is a desire to even out its crown a little. But there is a trick here: since flower buds are formed at the tips of all new branches, by pruning you can significantly reduce the number of flowers during the next flowering. Therefore, it makes sense to cut something only in case of extreme necessity: for example, if some branch sticks out very ugly to the side and spoils the whole appearance of the plant. After pruning, it will not bloom, but the whole bush will look prettier.


To summarize, let us once again list the main conditions for successfully growing azaleas indoors:

  1. Planting in a clay pot with thick walls.
  2. Watering every morning with boiled water from the refrigerator.
  3. Acidic soil, periodic acidification and fertilization.
  4. A bright place without direct sunlight.

Azalea is a garden and indoor plant. Belongs to the genus Rhododendron. In winter, the flower blooms profusely, so it is in great demand among gardeners.

We discovered culture in the end. XVIII–beg. XIX century in England. Then the Dutch botanist Jacob Breinius discovered the plant. He brought it home, but the flower died without taking root. After a while, the scientist Conners repeated his attempt to grow an azalea, but was unsuccessful. In the beginning. In the 19th century, Captain Welbank brought a flower from India, and it took root. With the help of breeders, today the flower industry market has collected many varieties and species of plants that amaze with their beauty.

In its natural environment, the culture grows in China, North America, Japan, southeast Asia. Only two types of flowers are grown in pots: Japanese (a frost-resistant variety that can be planted in the ground after flowering) and Indian (characterized by small leaves and often grown indoors).

The adaptation period for azaleas after the store

For a plant to grow well, it needs to get used to new conditions. To do this, the gardener inspects the soil for the presence of mold. If there is a disease, the flower is treated with anti-fungal drugs. Next, the azalea is accustomed to a different habitat.

Quarantine condition

Having brought home a crop, which, by the way, is finicky to grow, you cannot add it to existing pets in the house. Even if an azalea looks beautiful, this does not mean that the plant is healthy and is not in danger. To do this, the flower is placed in a separate room, creating a quarantine for at least two weeks. If after a while no problems arise, the plant is placed with the rest of the green mass.

Do I need to replant an azalea?

Changing the soil and flowerpot is necessary if necessary. A three-year-old crop is replanted once a year. If the plant is older, the procedure is done 2 times a year. The flower is replanted when the roots grow profusely or the soil rots. Immediately after purchase, it is better not to disturb the flower for as long as possible. First there must be an adaptation period.

When to replant an azalea

Usually the flower is replanted in the spring. Pre-cleaning aboveground part- remove dry branches and leaves. During transplantation, you must not damage the roots; if possible, completely replace the old substrate with a new one.

Choosing a pot and substrate

For flowers, give preference to deep and wide flowerpots. Speaking about the material of the pots, clay and plastic containers are suitable for azaleas.

Caring for indoor azaleas after purchase

Growing a plant at home requires certain skills. It is not always possible to “defeat” a flower. The culture is capricious and finicky. Quite often, after acquisition, the plant drops flowers. To achieve repeated flowering, the gardener needs to try.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

Comfortable temperature for azalea is 10-15C. In other words, cool. IN winter period on which the plant blooms necessary conditions easy to provide. Excellent choice there will be a window sill isolated from batteries.

For rhododendron, the most crucial period is the formation of buds. At this time, the temperature should be at 6-8C. To achieve the required temperature, sometimes they even manage to put the azalea in the refrigerator. I would like to highlight that this method helps restore a weakened plant. During flowering, the temperature rises to 12-15C.

Like most indoor plants, rhododendron loves rich, diffused light.

The next important factor for a flower is high humidity air. At home, this rule is difficult to follow, so the plant is constantly sprayed with a spray bottle. Do not allow large drops of water to fall on the flower. Otherwise it will become stained.

How to water an azalea

When growing a plant, watering plays an important role. The main thing is to maintain the correct balance of substrate moisture. The soil in the flowerpot should always be moist. It is unacceptable to overdry the soil, otherwise the flower will shed its leaves and flowers.

When watering the crop, use soft water. You can take snow or rain. Azalea reacts well to water mixed with lemon or apple cider vinegar(just add a few drops to the water).

Feeding and fertilizer

If you want to fertilize the crop, which is done only during the flowering period, it is best to buy prepared mixtures in specialized stores. Fertilizers are applied according to instructions. The most famous drugs are: Epin, Zircon, Ecogel-anti-stress, Ferovit, HB-101, Fitosporin-M.

Rules for caring for azaleas after flowering

Plants usually rest after flowering. Many gardeners believe that at this time you can relax, but this is a misconception.

After flowering, the azalea needs to be trimmed, replanted, a crown formed, and pinched. First of all, all dried leaves, buds, and flowers are removed from the plant. The crop is replanted after flowering, from the moment young branches grow. If you have little experience, it is recommended to do the transshipment first, so as not to disturb the root system of the flower. The peculiarity of the procedure is to wash away the soil from the roots. You cannot wash the roots too much, so as not to remove all the beneficial microorganisms from them.

Formation of "Bonsai" from azalea

In home floriculture, it is popular to grow bonsai trees without side shoots. Creating a crown for a flower in the form small tree with a thick trunk and fluffy top will require a lot of effort. This form is not inherent in nature for the plant. Let us remind you that bonsai is also made from Crassula. In other words, from varieties with miniature flowers and leaves.

To make a rhododendron bonsai, you need to form a crown from the first year of the flower’s life. The plant must be young. This will take more than one year. The number of trimmings will be required at least five.

The first pruning involves selecting the main massive shoot from which the trunk of the future bonsai will be formed. The side branches are cut off completely. For the first 12 months, the top is not cut off. Thus, the azalea grows upward quickly. Important point Stage 1 - formation of the stem, growing its length. To ensure that the main shoot is straight, it is attached to a support, constantly turning different sides towards the light. When the rhododendron reaches the required height, the top is cut off. Then all efforts are directed towards creating the top. It can be pyramidal, round, elongated.

How to propagate azalea at home

Having learned all the rules and nuances for caring for azaleas, you need to practice your skills in propagating the plant. The crop is propagated by cuttings, seeds, grafting, and dividing the bush. The seed method is usually used by professional gardeners to propagate new varieties. All other methods are available to inexperienced gardeners.

The most common method of propagating azaleas indoors is cuttings. In spring, a cutting of 5-8 cm is cut from a flower. The cut is treated with a drug that stimulates root growth. For rooting, a peat mixture and coniferous substrate are used. The pagon is planted vertically to a depth of 2 cm. It is covered with a transparent container and cellophane on top to create a greenhouse effect. The sprout is grown at a temperature of 25C, constantly moistening the soil.

Grafting a flower is carried out by selecting a side shoot with a bud and a pair of leaves on it. An incision is made under the kidney. The cuttings are pressed to the ground and pinned with a staple. Soil is poured on top. After the shoot takes root, it is carefully separated from the bush and replanted.

When choosing a method of propagating rhododendron by dividing the bush, take big flower and carefully, without damaging the root system, it is divided into small parts. Each part is planted in a separate pot. A new azalea requires the same care as an adult flower.

Difficulties in growing azaleas

Like many other indoor plants, growing a flower can be accompanied by a number of difficulties. All of them appear due to insufficient lighting, incorrect temperature and watering, incorrectly selected substrate or fertilizing. The main azalea diseases are tracked by the following characteristics:

Read again about the rules for growing the crop and caring for it at home, and your beautiful azalea will delight you with its flowering for many years.

Pests of indoor flowers

Azalea is a frequent unexpected guest. It appears when there is a lack of moist air and watering. A cobweb forms on the stems of the plant, the buds wither and fall off. They fight the “enemy” with a soap solution and rinsing the flower under a warm shower.

Caring for azaleas at home requires special skills and abilities. In order for a flower to grow well after purchase, you need to own complete information for growing crops. This will require the gardener’s constant attention and observation of the flower.