DIY cabinet painting. Repainting an old cabinet: preparation and painting technique How to paint a wooden cabinet

Currently, in stores you can find an endless number of all kinds of cabinets, chests of drawers, racks, hanging shelves, multifunctional drawers for clothes and personal items. But if you decide not to plunge into a long search, but to follow the thread of your imagination, then with the help of the following master classes you will learn how to update old wardrobe with your own hands beyond recognition.

After reading the article, you should not have any questions about how to paint varnished, chipboard or wooden cabinet, what paint to paint and make it suit your own style, and you will also learn some of the intricacies of this work.

  1. Painting- This is the most reliable and capital method.
  2. Wallpaper, self-adhesive film and decoupage- when choosing this method, remember that it is not durable!
  3. Covering with fabric and decorating with carnations - also

Most best method To update any chipboard or wooden cabinet, of course, painting is not as expensive as it seems at first glance and is quite simple to do.

Painting a wooden cabinet made of chipboard

Paint selection

  • For processing wood and chipboard you can use alkyd or acrylic,
  • spray or regular wood paint,
  • for deeper coloring - varnishes, but most often preference is given acrylic paint m.

They are non-toxic and dry at room temperature, which is also the case when painting. home furniture very convenient, stores offer a wide variety of them, you can colorful b, i.e. dilute with white paint, achieving desired color. In addition, there is a choice of acrylic paints with a mother-of-pearl effect or, for example, metallic.

Aerosol acrylic paint adheres better to surfaces than regular paint, creating a smooth, evenly colored texture. It is easy to work with both a professional and a beginner.

  • Varnishes are used mainly to give furniture an antique look., but well-groomed, noble and rich. In this case, the surface is painted several times after completely dry each layer.
  • Varnishes are also necessary to fix the color and protect the surface from scratches and minor damage.
  • You will need varnish even if you decide to paint the chest of drawers in an antique or Provence style.

Selecting Brushes and Rollers

After choosing the paint you should Special attention Give attention to brushes and rollers. Why shouldn't you save on painting supplies if you decide to update your chest of drawers yourself?

  • At the right technology processing old surface and good painting of the cabinet will be maintain its appearance for several years.
  • If you use bad brushes, you will not protect freshly painted furniture from sticking hairs or lint, which is almost impossible to fix unnoticed.

If you have a task to paint a large smooth surface, then for work Both a roller and aerosols will do.

ATTENTION: During work, do not leave the brushes dry, it is better to put them in a jar of water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable

Technologies and painting techniques

Don't forget about the other important ones painting tools and materials such as sandpaper or sander, primer, putty, solvent and varnish. All this is necessary to comply with the correct dyeing technology.


  1. Sandpaper of different types grain size is needed for preliminary rubbing of the old paint layer and sanding the surface.
  2. Primer will be needed for sealing small cracks on the surface of wood or chipboard.
  3. Putty (you can use car putty) and a putty knife will come in handy if there are deep scratches or chips.
  4. Solvent or white spirit is needed to degrease the surface before painting for better impregnation.
  5. Varnish performs protective function and gives the furniture shine.

In general, preparing a cabinet for painting consists of: 5 short but very important stages.

  1. To begin with, carefully remove old paint and use medium-grain sandpaper(or machines) level the working surface.
  2. All dust must be brushed off, but without using wet rags or sponges etc. Otherwise, the old paint will only be absorbed better, and the new paint will not adhere well.
  3. After processing with the finest grain degrease with white spirit(acetone) and apply a primer layer for better adhesion to the paint.
  4. If there are large chips, then first fill them with putty and rub them until smooth. Afterwards we apply one or two layers of primer.

When you know all the stages of preparation, it’s time to move on to the main stage and figure out how to paint a wooden chest of drawers and chipboard.

Master class No. 1. Stencil painting

Everything is mixed in this closet - romanticism, Chinese motifs, and even something from Gzhel. Everyone sees something different in him. Let's learn painting techniques.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • solvent;
  • blue spray paint;
  • gold paint;
  • stencil;
  • brushes

Step by step guide

Step 1.

  • We remove all fittings, locks, handles, etc. from the cabinet. Using familiar technology, we will prepare a wooden cabinet for painting.
  • On work surface(on the floor) spread newspapers or big piece polyethylene so as not to damage other furniture.

Step 2.

  1. Take white enamel and solvent. In a small plastic jar, dilute paint and solvent according to the instructions on the paint can.
  2. The paint consumption is also written on the can, it is better to use this information and dilute it immediately required amount. If you mix too little paint, you may end up with a different color the second time.
  3. Making the background of the picture - apply the first coat of paint. Leave until completely dry.

Step 3.

  1. If the color is saturated and you like it, then take the stencil and place it on the cabinet. Carefully glue on the front side and side walls so that there are no bubbles.
  2. Shake the spray paint well and spray it over the stencil. For an even color, one layer of blue paint will be enough, so we do everything the first time.

Step 4.

While the blue paint dries, painting the fittings, taken from the cabinet, in gold leaf. After the parts have dried, screw them into place.

We remove the stencil from the cabinet and place it in the most visible place in the room - after all, it now deserves special attention!

You can decorate the closet with a stencil, for example, with flowers.

Master class No. 2. Updating a chipboard cabinet

This cabinet looked very cheap since it was made from chipboard. But we updated it beautiful ornament for a children's room, now it can fit into even a high-tech or modern interior.

Materials and tools

  • Prepared cabinet;
  • white paint;
  • pencil;
  • building level;
  • sponge brush;
  • masking tape;
  • additionally: protective paint (enamel).

Decoration process

Step 1.

  1. Let's prepare the furniture by cleaning surfaces from roughness, chips, cracks using putty and primer.
  2. After use special means need to give allow surfaces to dry completely.
  3. Take masking tape and stick it on the front side of the chest of drawers according to your individual idea.
  4. We make combinations of triangles along the top and bottom edges, rhombuses in the middle, rectangles at the top and bottom. We cut off the strips and make shapes from them, as shown in the photo.

  • We make a rhombus by cutting strips of equal length and placing them perpendicular to each other.
  • To make rectangles, first stick the tape evenly, parallel to the cut of the chest of drawers, and using building level and pencil, mark equal intervals. Cut through one.

TIP: Watch the placement relative to the fittings (handles, locks) and the gaps between the drawers - it’s better to be symmetrical than even.

Step 2.

Step 5.

The final stage is the application of protective enamel. It will extend the life of the chipboard cabinet and protect it from minor mechanical impacts such as moisture and dust.

And so stylish wardrobe ready for active use!

Color options can also be the same as in the photo below.

Master class No. 3. Painting a polished cabinet

Some people can’t believe that you can make such a piece of candy from an old polished cabinet. vintage style, and without loss of functionality. And then we'll tell you how to do it.

Materials and tools.

  • Old polished cabinet;
  • vintage paint (regular acrylic matte);
  • white spirit or acetone;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper or sanding machine;
  • gold handles for drawers.

Painting process

Step 1.

Despite the fact that we are creating a vintage effect, there is no real need for the dresser to look shabby. Therefore, we carefully prepare it for painting.

  1. To do this, we remove all the old fittings and sand the entire surface of the chest of drawers. First we use coarse sandpaper, then fine-grained sandpaper.
  2. It is not necessary to putty and prime, except for serious chips on the surface. Degrease the surface with white spirit or acetone and let it dry.

TIP: Since the paint will be applied in several layers, it is very important that it is well absorbed into the wood.

Step 2.

  1. Cover with the first layer of paint. Very thin, you don’t have to try too hard and leave unpainted areas.
  2. Sand the first layer with fine-grained sandpaper. We clean off dust, but do not use wet rags, sponges, etc. in the process. Wash only with a dry cotton lint-free cloth.
  3. Next, apply a second layer of paint, also rubbing it in. Let it dry and rub it in a little again.
  4. We repeat this until the color becomes even, but a little rough. For this we used matte paint with a vintage effect. After a few days, it will be completely absorbed and dry and begin to turn yellow (pay attention to the instructions on the can so that you don’t have to repaint everything again later). To avoid this, you can try this coloring method on a small and inconspicuous area. Proceed with full coloring when you are satisfied with the result.

If you bought new handles, check if they match your color and screw them into place. Golden brass carved handles with patterns match the white aged chest of drawers.

Check the chest of drawers to see if it meets your requirements - it is still comfortable, beautiful, and, paradoxically, modern. Vintage is in fashion now!

Wallpaper or film

Using film or any other material to update the cabinet paper covering, it should be remembered that we use the closet every day. And usually such a coating does not last long, but it is very simple to implement.

Fabric covering

This is the most painstaking way to update a cabinet, when fabric is stretched over the entire plane. The method is quite outdated. But maybe someone will like it.

Spot painting for polished cafe

Spot painting is perfect for a polished cabinet. In this case, there is no need to remove the varnish and sand the surface. The technique is simple:

  • Drawing using a marker
  • The marker is painted with paint using dots. Details - here.

Closet Update Ideas

Many of us wonder whether it is possible to paint antique furniture. After all, most city dwellers have an unnecessary closet or chest of drawers, which it would be a pity to throw away, but they also don’t want to leave it, because it looks frankly out of place in the apartment.

Painting the cabinet

If you want to rejuvenate your decor, but don't know how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands, we will provide step by step instructions all upcoming operations.

IN general outline The upcoming work is as follows:

  1. We remove handles and other fittings from furniture, remove drawers, mirrors, hooks, etc.

  1. Then we disassemble the cabinet itself, if possible, to the very foundation.
  2. And finally, let's paint the cabinet.


Let's take a closer look at how to repaint an old lacquered cabinet.

The first thing to do is inspect it carefully.

  • If there was an old varnish layer on its surface, then the polishing can be removed either with a special solution, or with acetone or turpentine, taking all precautions.

  • If the furniture has been painted before, then we treat the surface with sandpaper until wooden base. This, of course, is a rather painstaking and time-consuming process. Wood must be processed very carefully so as not to disturb its fibers and structure.
  • With an unpainted cabinet everything is much simpler - remove it with sandpaper upper layer, which has accumulated grease and dirt over the years. If the surface is very dirty, it can be washed simply with soapy water. If there were cracks on the furniture, then it is advisable to cover them with putty using. And after drying, sand it down.

If you want to transform your interior into classic style, then for this you need to know how to paint an antique cabinet:

  • You can use special chalk paints. They have a large palette of shades, both blurred and faded.
  • We can recommend the brands “Autentico” or “AnniSloan”. If you can’t find them, you can experiment with regular paints on water based, for example, for .

Antique AnniSloan paint

Aging the wardrobe

We suggest you use the so-called “aging” - a deliberate emphasis on the “antiquity” of an object, deliberately emphasizing the duration of its use. Why “age” an already old thing?

If you simply paint an old cabinet, you will end up with a completely faceless, freshly repainted old piece of furniture that belongs in the garage or on the balcony. But a stylish rarity, which emanates from antiquity, can become a true decoration of the interior.

Advice. We use only matte shades.
Gloss is in no way suitable for the effect of antiquity.

Before starting “aging”, prime the surface with a special primer (primer). It will prevent the penetration of wood oils onto the finished surface, and will also promote good adhesion of the paint and the wooden base.

What you use to paint an old cabinet also plays an important role – I mean the tool.

You can paint the surface:

  • With a brush. Try to choose good and high-quality brushes; it is advisable to buy brushes of different sizes.
  • Roller
  • Foam rubber
  • Aerosol

Painting an old cabinet with your own hands - process labor-intensive, but you can get complete satisfaction when you see the end result of your work.

Below - detailed instructions, How can I do that.

  • It’s better to start painting from an inconspicuous side of the cabinet in order to get your hands on a little and feel how much paint to take on a roller or brush, and maybe change the shade of paint a little if you don’t like it (it’s possible to combine colors, for example, to highlight some decorative parts different color).
  • Then you can move to the front wall of the cabinet, where everything will be visible to the naked eye. The second layer, if necessary, is applied after the first layer has completely dried. Drying time depends on many factors and is approximately two to three hours.

Paint and protect the surface

Aging can be done in several ways:

  1. The first method is called “worn or shabby.” It consists in the following. We apply the paint, let it dry, then sand it with three sandpapers in places where furniture wear is typical, for example, on corners or handles, etc. You can scrub down to the primer or to the wood itself.
  2. The second method is called the "bleed-through effect" old paint" Here you will need to paint the product in two layers. Apply paint of a different color with a dry brush in the right places. We do this with light, almost airy movements. This technique is called “dry brush”.

  1. Another antique technique is called the “effect of a surface contaminated by time.” To achieve this effect, apply dark wax unevenly in places where the furniture is touched by a person’s hand.

  1. Good and original technique– “the effect of several layers of paint applied on top of each other.” For example, let's apply green paint to a cleaned and primed surface. The next layer can be applied either bronze or gold. And, for example, the final layer can also be applied green.

After the paint has dried, take some coarse sandpaper and scrub the surface of the cabinet. One paint should show through the other. Then use finer sandpaper.

Having obtained a certain result, apply a thin layer of white diluted with water to the surface. Then cover with a craquelure varnishing composition. Now you can admire the result and make a photon memory. And by watching the video in this article, you can learn something interesting for yourself.

Protection coating

  1. We protect the paint with special wax for wood.
    It is usually sold in two types - dark or transparent.
    • We apply it with an ordinary clean rag or foam sponge. Rub it and wait about fifteen minutes until it dries.
    • Transparent wax does not change the color of the product, but dark wax gets into deep places, holes, cutouts and gives an inimitable antique effect.
    • If the entire surface is covered with dark wax instead of transparent, the cabinet will take on a darker shade.

Tip: Waxing requires a matte finish. acrylic varnish For .
Such updating with varnish can be carried out once every six months.


Now you know how to paint an old cabinet with your own hands. The main thing is to want it the right way! And the new direction that you have become acquainted with is called upcycling - the reconstruction of old things. The price of such beauty can vary, it all depends on what material was used in the restoration.

So, what does it take to paint a cabinet at home? In our article today we will try to tell you how to do this as efficiently as possible without having any special skills, using materials and tools that can be bought at any hardware store.

What do you need to paint a cabinet at home?

Bowl of water, cotton rags, detergent

Solvent or white spirit

ADDITIONALLY: If you want to remove deep scratches and chips on the product,
then you will need putty (preferably automotive) and primer

How to paint a cabinet at home?

For DIY painting old furniture you can use almost any paint - oil-based, alkyd, even epoxy, however, given that you will be doing this work at home, we would advise you to use the least toxic and fastest-drying paints. In this case, it is best to use spray acrylic paint - this is perhaps the most popular method of decorative and repair painting of furniture.

Aerosol paints adhere well to the surface, creating a perfectly smooth and smooth coating, are economical, allow you to paint corners, joints and other hard-to-reach places well. In addition, today on the aerosol paint market there is a huge selection of different colors and shades, there are paints that create special effects - metallic, pearl, fluorescent, hammer, as well as various texture paints.
Aerosol paints are especially good for beginners, because they are very easy to use and do not require a lot of experience or special training from the master. The only thing you will need is quality materials, facilities personal protection and our detailed instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for painting a cabinet yourself

Step_1 Remove all fittings that cannot be painted - handles, fasteners, etc. If some elements cannot be removed (for example, built-in glass or mirrors), carefully close them and seal them along the borders with paper tape. If you are painting a cabinet in a room, make sure to protect the floor and walls well with a covering film, because... The radius of “scattering” of aerosol paint can reach up to 1 meter.

Step_2 To receive high-quality coating Before painting, it is necessary to carefully remove dust and dirt. Wash the closet with soap and warm water, then wait until it dries completely.

Step_3 If there were any greasy or oil stains on the surface of the cabinet, it is worth degreasing it before painting. To degrease the surface, wipe it with solvent or white spirit, then rinse off the applied composition and dry thoroughly.

Step_4 If the cabinet was previously painted, then you can either paint it over the old coat of paint, or remove the old paint completely. To do this, use fine sandpaper or special grinder. You can also use special chemical removers to remove old paintwork.

If you decide not to remove the old paint, still lightly walk over the surface with fine sandpaper - sanding will allow the paint to lie perfectly flat, due to better adhesion (adhesion of the paint and the surface). Correctly selected sandpaper will not give the product unwanted roughness, so it is better to choose sandpaper with a grit of no more than 180. Be sure to remove dust from sanding with a damp cloth.

Step_5 ADDITIONAL: Alignment. If there are deep scratches or cracks on the surface of your cabinet, you can remove them using putty and special rubber spatulas. It is best to use automotive primer - this is usually a good quality primer and works well on tough surfaces. wooden surfaces. After finishing the putty, sand the treated surfaces, and then do not forget to remove dust and putty residues with a damp cloth.

Step_6 Now you can start painting the cabinet with spray paint. Before starting work, thoroughly shake the paint in the can. To do this, shake it for at least 30 seconds. Spray spray paint from a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface. You need to apply the paint with smooth, even movements. After the first layer has dried, which will take 15-20 minutes, apply subsequent layers of paint. When painting furniture, it is recommended to apply at least 2 layers of paint.

Step_7 After it dries last layer paint, apply aerosol varnish in the same way and wait for it to dry. Coating with varnish will allow you to protect the surface from damage and abrasion, and will also give the paint a deeper and deeper finish. beautiful colour. Complete (final) drying of the product takes at least 2 - 2.5 hours.

What to pay attention to when painting a cabinet at home?

1 If you choose to paint without sanding over a smooth or polished finish, apply a coat of primer before painting to ensure better adhesion of the paint to the smooth surface.

2 Do not carry out painting work if the room temperature is below +16 degrees

3 To avoid drips, it is advisable to paint a horizontal surface. If you paint vertical surface, then paint with movements from top to bottom.

4 Use a stencil to apply decorative designs.

5 In addition, please note that for aerosol paints in cans there are special tips for convenient regulation of the amount of paint sprayed and its uniform distribution

So, we talked in detail about how and with what to paint a cabinet at home. If you get an old wooden cabinet, then under no circumstances should you rush to throw it away, even if its appearance is far from perfect. Often old furniture was made from natural materials, which can no longer be bought in regular stores, for example, furniture made of solid wood or furniture made of valuable wood species.

Now that you know everything from how and with what to paint a cabinet at home, you can special effort give to the closet new life and make sure from your own experience that it is not at all difficult, and the result is worth the time and effort!

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Restoration of old furniture – interesting option update interior elements and show your Creative skills. It is not necessary to go to a furniture store or factory and buy new furniture. By showing your imagination, you can give tables, chairs, and shelves an attractive look and a special twist. The simplest and economical option, how to update an old cabinet - paint furniture using decorative paints and varnishes.

You can also use wallpaper, decoupage, photo printing, photo wallpaper and decorative plaster for restoration. But which method should you choose?

The simplest and inexpensive way update a cabinet that has lost its attractiveness - cover it with wallpaper or photo wallpaper. This decoration is suitable for the restoration of a wardrobe, wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside tables, which are installed in dry rooms.

The most suitable are non-woven and vinyl wallpapers or photo wallpapers that are sold in hardware stores.

Pasting is performed partially or completely. How to update old furniture:

  • The wallpaper used for restoration should differ in pattern from those that cover the walls in the room, but have a common style and color scheme;
  • If the walls of the room are covered with light-colored canvases, choose to update the old cabinet bright wallpaper. When the interior has wallpaper with a pattern or design, the furniture is covered with plain wallpaper;
  • Design internal shelves and external facades possible in different combinations. Additionally, new fittings are used. It is convenient to decorate furniture with self-adhesive wallpaper;
  • To work you will need a brush, PVA glue, construction knife, decorative wallpaper. Easier to stick paper sheets, but vinyl and non-woven ones are more durable;
  • The product is measured, the wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length, the glue is evenly distributed over the surface, the wallpaper is glued, and the coating is carefully smoothed.

Before wallpapering, degrease the surfaces with alcohol, acetone or gasoline. Self-adhesive is applied to the cabinet elements and smoothed so that air bubbles do not form.

Application of three-dimensional drawings

Decorative plaster and stencil painting – interesting way restoration of an old cabinet. This design will elevate the furniture and give the surfaces a voluminous decor.

Suitable for decoration not only wardrobes and chests of drawers, but also for restoration kitchen furniture(sideboard, cupboard).

The paint will reliably protect the products from temperature changes and moisture. For work, use decorative plaster, acrylic paint, varnish, a stencil with the desired pattern, a spatula, masking tape, sandpaper, and brushes. Painting a cabinet with your own hands requires following a precise work algorithm:

  1. The fittings are removed from the furniture.
  2. Remove the layer of old coating.
  3. Treat with sandpaper.
  4. Cracks and chips are repaired with putty.
  5. The stencil is fixed masking tape.
  6. Prepare the plaster according to the instructions.
  7. Apply the material with a flat spatula.
  8. The stencil is removed and the pattern is corrected with a knife.
  9. After drying, the drawing is sanded with sandpaper.
  10. Paint is applied to the renewed base.
  11. To consolidate the effect, coat with varnish.

Related article: Features of painting a wooden house

The same method is used to paint an old cabinet using a stencil, but without decorative plaster. Against the background of patterns, fittings painted in gold or silver look impressive.

To obtain a contrasting pattern, the product is coated with white paint. After the layer has dried, attach a stencil and spray paint on it (shake first) of the desired shade - the decorative coating is ready, and the furniture takes on an interesting look. appearance.

To ensure that the paint evenly covers the furniture and does not peel off, cabinets, bedside tables, chests of drawers, and wardrobes are prepared for painting by removing dust, dirt, and greasy stains.

Any shade can be used as a base background, but the pattern looks most expressive when the cabinet is painted in a stencil White color.

Painting polished furniture

Interior items made from natural wood and coated with a polished layer, you can create a unique look using cabinet paint. Old product, refined in modern design, will become the central element of the room and give the room a special charm.

How to paint a cabinet or decorate a wardrobe:

  1. For work use acrylic paint with a matte effect.
  2. To degrease the base, use acetone or white spirit.
  3. To apply paint you need brushes, and for decoration you need new pens.
  4. Old fittings are removed from the cabinet, shelves and drawers are taken out.
  5. All surfaces are treated with a sanding machine.
  6. Coarse and fine-grained sandpaper is selected for the tool.
  7. If there are large chips on the surface, they need to be puttied.
  8. Treat the furniture with white spirit or acetone and dry it.
  9. How to paint a cabinet - apply thin base layer paints.
  10. After drying, rub over with fine-grained paper.
  11. Remove dust with a dry cloth, apply the next layer and dry.
  12. Rub again and apply another layer until the desired effect is achieved.

Using this method, you can transform an old polished cabinet into original vintage furniture that will decorate a classic interior. The fittings are screwed into their original places.

For exclusive work, you can use not full painting, but dot painting - a pattern is applied to the furniture facades with a marker and the design is drawn with acrylic paint.

Updating chipboard cabinets

Furniture made from particle boards, over time loses its attractiveness, no matter how carefully it is exploited. You can return your products to their beautiful appearance and add fresh colors to the interior by painting old chipboard cabinets.

It should be taken into account that chipboard does not absorb paint well, since the furniture is covered with a moisture-repellent laminated layer.

In addition, if the condition of the cabinet fastening elements is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to replace the fittings and further strengthen them. How to paint an old chipboard cabinet:

  1. All removable elements are removed from the furniture so that an empty frame is left for painting.
  2. Using coarse sandpaper, remove the layer of old paint (if any) and varnish.
  3. The surfaces must be rubbed carefully so as not to damage the base. The cabinet is swept with a dry rag to remove dust.
  4. Corners, edges, joints and protruding elements are treated with fine-grained sandpaper.
  5. Water-based acrylic paint – the best option how to paint chipboard. Color solution choose according to your taste.
  6. Before painting, a chipboard cabinet must be primed so that the paint is less absorbed into the material.
  7. The primer is applied in a thin, even layer and the composition is allowed to dry - usually acrylic primers dry in no more than 12 hours.
  8. Apply several layers of paint with a roller or brush (preferably a brush), each time drying the coating before painting.
  9. When the furniture is painted to securely fix the coating, after complete drying, the chipboard cabinet is treated with varnish, and the product is assembled using new fittings.

For painting furniture choose only quality tools, which do not leave lint on the painted surface. The more layers of paint are applied, the richer the color will be. decorative covering. You need to repaint with a brush in one direction - from top to bottom, apply the paint with a roller in a cross-shaped motion.

On video: detailed instructions for updating an old chipboard cabinet.

How to Update Kitchen Cabinets

The kitchen is a wet and frequently used room. The furniture in this room is exposed to temperature, steam, moisture and mechanical influence, so kitchen cabinets are more likely to lose original appearance than living room or bedroom furniture. You can restore an old cabinet in the kitchen by painting or finishing the products with rattan fabric.

What paint to paint? An acrylic moisture-resistant composition or alkyd enamel. An updated cabinet with a glossy shine looks impressive.

The procedure for painting kitchen cabinets is as follows:

  • Furniture preparation– the doors are removed from their hinges, thoroughly cleaned of dirt, degreased, and washed with soda to remove all dirt;
  • Removing old coating– all surfaces kitchen cabinet first process with coarse-grained sandpaper, and then with fine-grained sandpaper, wipe off dust with a dry cloth;
  • Apply acrylic or alkyd primer with a roller or brush– depends on the chosen paint and varnish material. The primer is allowed to dry;
  • How to repaint a closet? Apply the first layer of paint thinly using brushes or rollers. After drying, apply a second layer with a paint pad using longitudinal and transverse strokes;
  • When front side Once dry, you can paint the edges of furniture parts and the inside. When working, do not press on the pad to avoid drips;

If the resulting color does not match the desired shade in terms of saturation and brightness, the product is painted again. The use of white color is suitable for any kitchen interior. The furniture is assembled using new fasteners and decorative fittings (handles, rails, moldings).

If, when disassembling the cabinet, you have difficulty unscrewing the fasteners, you can drop a little oil on the screws. You can also lubricate the doors so they don’t squeak.

Dressers, chests of drawers, and bedside tables are painted in the same way, but it is not necessary to use water-repellent paint for them - you can use oil, acrylic and alkyd compositions for interior work.

Related article: Everything you need to know about painting old furniture

To give an old cabinet an unusual look, they use not only painting, but also fabric upholstery, decoupage, vinyl stickers, stained glass film and other decorating techniques. In what cases can they be used to restore an old cabinet with your own hands:

  • Closet. It usually has mirrored or glass doors. You can decorate furniture using stained glass film or vinyl stickers. The decor is glued to the doors of the wardrobe.

  • Old wooden furniture made of plywood and fiberboard will be transformed if you use decoupage or artificial aging decorating furniture in retro style.

  • An antique china cabinet can be improved by applying decorative plaster techniques or by repainting the furniture completely white using bleaching paste.

  • Wardrobe for children's room. A child will like “cheerful”, bright furniture, which is repainted independently using dot painting with children’s scenes.

  • Wardrobe in the living room. Furniture decorated with a collage of photographs looks unique. Beautiful photographs are pasted onto the cabinet completely or in some places and covered with colorless varnish.

Using your own imagination and creativity, you can update an old closet and make it the highlight of your interior. The furniture will sparkle with new colors and become the central element of the room. The most unusual techniques are used for decoration, the choice of which will satisfy any artistic taste.

Master classes from specialists (2 videos)

New life for old cabinets (33 photos)

Szafa pomalowana na bialo i oklejona powiekszonymi fotografiami. Wykonanie i aranzacja: Malgorzata Szczepanska

It often happens that there is furniture and it is not damaged, just tired. WITH wooden furniture everything is obvious, you can repaint it. And if it's chipboard, lacquered furniture or MDF? There are, of course, nuances here. Today I’ll tell you, using my own experience, how to repaint a chipboard cabinet. Furniture made from MDF and lacquered are painted in the same way.

This article is a continuation of the post about updating a room with your own hands. In the first part I told you how to do redecorating with my own hands and without experience. In particular, I managed to repaint ordinary vinyl wallpaper. You can read about this.

Background: There will be several repainting objects.

  1. Huge corner cupboard, this was our first family furniture purchase. I would never buy such chipboard now))). Although the cabinet is, of course, very practical, it essentially replaces a small dressing room. But... it is 15 years old, it is absolutely outdated in appearance, and since this cabinet is not an antique, old age is not doing it any favors. And most importantly, I’m so tired of him that I don’t want to look at him.
  2. Dresser. The chest of drawers is veneered and has already been redone once (more on that), but the change in textiles and wall color made it not really fit into the interior. I would also like to pair it with a closet.
  3. Mirror, homemade, with a bamboo frame. As dear as a memory. This is the first thing my husband and I did together. This is where my apartment handicraft began. It has also already been repainted and also does not match the current interior, so I will change the color.

In my opinion preliminary calculations the cost of these alterations will be somewhere around 4,000 rubles. Agree, this is negligible compared to buying new furniture.

What I needed:
  1. The brush is soft with artificial bristles. 2-3 pieces.
  2. Small fur roller 10-15 cm. 2-3 pieces. You can take one handle-nozzle and three replaceable rollers.
  3. Roller tray. Also small, should fit the size of the roller.
  4. Masking tape.
  5. Aerosol acrylic paint (black).
  6. Adhesive primer OTEX Akva (Tikkurila). 1 jar. This primer is water based and therefore odorless. It is used for difficult surfaces on which the paint does not adhere or adhere. It is she who must firmly bind the chipboard and paint.
  7. Acrylic paint or enamel. 2 cans. I chose ESCARO (acrylic paint for furniture, made in Estonia). At first I wanted HELMI (Tikkurila), but I had to travel far to get it. Alkyd enamel can also be suitable, but it is solvent-based, so it smells, and painting is not a quick job. In general, any not the cheapest, high-quality acrylic paint. In my Estonian it was explicitly stated “for furniture”. I liked it and can confidently recommend it.
  8. New handles for furniture. I ordered it on Aliexpress for 80 rubles. thing.
  9. Sandpaper (skin), with grain 320. I.e. very small. 3-4 sheets.
  10. Rags.
  11. Degreaser. Convenient with a spray nozzle. You can, of course, use regular white spirit, but the smell is deadly. The degreaser smells significantly less. Leftovers can also come in handy: it’s great for removing labels, washing a mirror or glass that nothing can take anymore and the stains stubbornly remain))).
  12. Polyethylene to protect the floor and painting area.
  13. Screwdriver Set.

Work order:


Stage 1.

I removed unnecessary things from the closet, I didn’t put everything away (I somehow wanted to move around in the apartment more or less freely), I just pushed them deeper and covered them with plastic.
She unscrewed the handles. I took the doors off their hinges.

At first I wanted to paint it like this without removing the door, then I realized that it would be inconvenient. So I took a risk... and filmed it. It turned out not to be difficult. True, worries about how to put them back on were present until the last moment. In the end, I also screwed it myself; I didn’t have the patience to wait for my husband))).
I pulled out the built-in lights and wrapped them in a suspended state with masking tape.
The same tape was used to protect the walls on the sides of the cabinet, the floor, and the mirrors on the doors.
Prepared workplace. I decided to paint... on the bed)))! I covered it carefully with polyethylene. And I have never regretted this choice. The bed was large and high, everything fit, there was no need to bend over and crawl on all fours. Prepared approximately equal stacks of books, wrapped them cling film. They are needed as substrates so that the doors can be lifted and painted as if suspended; the painted edges will not come into contact with a flat surface.

Stage 2.

I sanded all surfaces that needed to be painted. It is necessary to sand lightly, without fanaticism, with the finest sandpaper. Light circular movements. Purpose: to create roughness without removing the laminated layer. If there are dents and scratches, they should be filled with putty at this stage. After sanding, thoroughly wipe all surfaces with degreaser. It will remove dirt, grease marks, and everything that can disrupt the adhesion of the primer and paint.

Stage 3.

Primer. I went through hard-to-reach places with a brush, and the rest with a roller. A thick layer is absolutely not necessary; it must be covered with primer without drips and in a thin layer. Uneven coloring is not a problem, but there should be no gaps. Rattan inserts I didn’t prime them; the paint applied well to them anyway.

Stage 4.

This is the main part - the paint job. You need to paint in two layers. Be sure to roll the roller on the tray to remove excess paint. More is better thin layers than one with drips. Difficult places were painted with a brush. Inner part I decided not to paint the closet, but since I wanted to “marry” her with outer side If it was necessary, I painted the outer ends of the shelves and the fronts of the drawers.

They are easy to paint - just roll them with a roller; with a brush it is more difficult not to go beyond the edges. Wipe off any blemishes immediately with a cloth. Each layer was dried, as recommended by the manufacturer, the acrylic dries “touch” in an hour and, in principle, you can carefully turn the door over and paint the other side.

Stage 5.

I assembled the closet. I screwed the doors and handles. I removed the masking tape and cleaned everything up. At first I planned to keep the doors open for two days, I was afraid that they would stick. Nothing like that - you can close it right away.


She pulled out the boxes. Protect the surface to be painted with masking tape. Since the chest of drawers was already painted, I didn’t prime it, I just lightly sanded it and used a degreaser. I painted it faster, got impudent and didn’t wait the allotted time to apply the second coat. The first one dried out (about an hour) and the second one immediately. In the end everything is fine.
I didn’t buy new handles; I repainted the existing ones from a spray can with black aerosol acrylic paint.


The mirror was covered with white acrylic paint, which I had in stock, and lightly patinated (aged) with a dry brush using silver paint.

Important! Acrylic paints They dry quite quickly “touch-free”, but they polymerize for at least a month; with a primer the process can take even longer. The painted product can be used almost immediately (or it’s better to wait 2 days) and even wiped with a damp cloth. But within a month, the coating remains very vulnerable; it must be handled carefully, not scratched or rubbed with force. If shelves or horizontal surfaces are painted, then it is better not to immediately place things on them that may “stick”, wait until the paint “sets”. Although I immediately put everything I needed on the chest of drawers, nothing stuck).

Well...the work is labor-intensive, but I was pleased with the result. The paint job ends up looking no worse than the factory paint, no brush marks are visible. It holds up well too. I haven’t tried scratching, I use the furniture as usual. But usually I don’t scratch it))). Although I will conduct an experiment in a month. The room has been pretty updated). Alas, the photos after compression leave much to be desired; in fact, the colors are brighter and cleaner, but this is not so important.

If you also want to redo furniture and have questions, write and I will answer. And if such a rework seems complicated to someone, I assure you that it is not, labor-intensive - yes, but quite doable without any experience. You can just start with internal, unnoticeable parts, or with small furniture, a chair, for example. The rework took three days. At the same time, I managed to cook and... suffer from bronchitis + my leg is still slightly lame after the cast. The “disabled painter” was able to paint, which means you can too))).

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