DIY hanging planter. For lovers of DIY hanging flower pots for the garden. Beautiful DIY flower pot.

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Wooden flower pots can become a real decoration for your home, apartment or suburban area. Such structures are easy to assemble with your own hands from the cheapest materials, look great and last a long time, and if necessary, can either be repaired with minimal labor costs or just as easily disposed of.

In the article we will tell you what advantages such products have, and also provide tips on making the simplest models.

Advantages of wooden flowerpots

Flowerpots made from wooden parts, are found a little less frequently than plastic or ceramic ones.

At the same time, these designs have a number of obvious advantages:

  1. The material is very easy to process, so not only a professional carpenter, but any of us can make a flowerpot or flowerpot with a minimum set of tools and dexterity.

Note! Second aspect this advantage– wide range design possibilities. Using a saw, jigsaw and hammer, you can make a flower pot of almost any shape and size.

  1. The price of the products is quite low: the work does not require either expensive raw materials or complex devices. In principle, pots can be made literally from what is at hand, spending only on fastenings and finishing.
  2. If the technology is followed, the protective flowerpot can last up to ten years. At the same time, worn parts are replaced quite quickly and easily, so repairs will not be difficult either.

As for the disadvantages, the main problem that we will have to face is the hygroscopicity of wood. When in contact with wet soil, the walls of the flowerpot can either begin to deform or rot, so we will definitely include moisture-proof and decorative treatments in the manufacturing algorithm.

Manufacturing of wooden structures

Option 1. From a log or stump

If you plan to grow flowers on your property, then a stump, log, half-block and other fragments of a tree of this type will serve as an excellent preparation for a pot or flowerpot.

The appearance of such “pots” will fit perfectly into any site design, and the manufacturing instructions will be extremely simple.

  1. To begin, we select a stump or log of the diameter we need. The larger the plant that we plan to plant, the larger the flowerpot should be, otherwise root system will not be able to fully develop, and beautiful flowers we can't wait.

Note! From thick trunks you can make containers even for small flower beds - as long as the diameter allows.

  1. Next, use a saw to cut off part of the log required length. As a rule, flowerpots for soil are made about 40 cm high, and for a high location - 1 - 1.2 m.
  2. Then we take a drill with a drill up to 25 cm long and about 20 mm in diameter. In the upper plane we drill several holes at the same distance from the walls. We also use a drill to make a series of nests in the center of the deck, destroying the core.

  1. Using a chisel, remove the wood, forming a container for the soil. We carefully align the edges, forming fairly thick and strong walls.

Now we can proceed in two ways:

  • if you have a ceramic or plastic pot required diameter, then we simply install it in a flowerpot made of logs, protecting the wood from moisture;
  • If there is no pot, then we carefully treat the insides of the stump with moisture-proof impregnations, then line it with polyethylene and only then fill in the drainage and soil mixture.

It is known that little things made by hand give a home a special charm; many can tell about the tastes, habits and hobbies of the owner. And one of these individual features of your home can be flower pots made by you yourself.

In addition, each of your green pets has its own character, requirements for planting and care conditions, and a pot made according to “ individual project» is able to fully satisfy both your aesthetic tastes and the urgent needs of the plant.

Making your own flower pots

Clay pots

Clay is considered traditional material for the manufacture of flower pots. And, of course, you can purchase without any problems clay pot in the shop.

But it's possible make it yourself, even without a pottery wheel at hand.

To make it you will need:

  • clay;
  • oven for firing the finished product.

Before starting work, knead the clay thoroughly until smooth.

Separating from total mass a small part, form a ball and, flattening it, give the shape of a round disk. You have the base of the pot ready.

Form a rope with a diameter of about 0.5 cm and a length equal to the diameter of the bottom. Strengthen the rope on the bottom and start making the next one. This way you will form a clay pot of the size you need.

Leave the finished work to dry for a couple of days, after which the product must be fired.

Don't know how to do it correctly? We'll tell you!

Basic conditions proper reproduction hyacinths are described, do not neglect them if you want to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

Cement pot

This product will not only be original, but also durable.

To work you will need:

  • several bricks;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • two plastic containers, different in volume;
  • In addition, you will need a hammer drill and an old basin or pan in which you will mix the solution.

Prepared Grease clean containers with oil(can be plant-based): smaller in volume - on the outside, larger - on the inside. This way you will protect them from excessive sticking of the solution.

Prepare a mixture of sand, cement and water. Ready solution place in container bigger size, and place a smaller piece inside. The greater the difference between the volumes of these vessels, the thicker the walls of your pot will be.

Place bricks or other weights inside a small container. The cement mortar must dry within 2 days. After this, cut the plastic containers and free your product from them.

In this way you can make quite large flowerpots. Small pots made in this way will look rather bulky, but, nevertheless, also original.

If desired, such a pot can be painted after drying. acrylic paints or decorate in another way.

Plaster pot

The procedure for making a pot from gypsum is similar to cement technology. Only other ingredients will be needed:

  • gypsum;
  • water;
  • two plastic containers of different sizes.

We take a larger container, lubricate the inside with oil, place a smaller container inside, lubricated with oil on the outside, set the desired level and fill in the plaster, having previously made a solution in a 2:1 ratio.

To have a more complete idea, I recommend watching the video of this process below; in addition, at the end of the video they will show how to decorate such a pot using the decoupage technique.

Wicker pot

If you are a fan of eco-style, you can try to weave flower pot from twigs. The process is quite labor-intensive, but the result will undoubtedly please you.

You'll need:

  • twigs, preferably even;
  • a piece of burlap;
  • strong twine;
  • glue;
  • base container in the form of a cylinder.

Trim the twigs so that their length is slightly longer than the height of the base container.

Use twine to tie the twigs together to create a solid “canvas” that you could use to wrap the cylindrical base. Cover the base with a piece of burlap, and place the resulting structure of twigs on top. Secure with twine. If instead of twine you take a bright jute cord, your product will turn out more elegant.

Mosaic pot

Pots made using the mosaic technique are beautiful and original..

As a “mosaic” you can use small pebbles, shells, fragments of porcelain or dishes, or colored glass.

In this way, you can decorate both small pots and large vases.

To work, in addition to the “mosaic”, you will need:

  • tin base (this can be either empty tin, and a tin bucket);
  • plaster;
  • mounting mesh;
  • grout for tiles.

Cover the tin with plaster, and then wrap it with mounting mesh, “sinking” it into plaster mixture. Next, lay out the entire surface of the future pot (excluding the bottom) with the prepared “mosaic”. After this, leave your product until completely dry.

Finally, treat the surface with tile grout. to make the pot smooth and eliminate cracks and the gaps between the pieces of the “mosaic”.

Remove any remaining grout from the surface with a soft cloth.

Pot made from a piece of wood

Original floor flowerpot can come from a small old stump, and from a piece of a fairly thick branch you can make a smaller pot.

To make such a “house for flowers,” remove the core from the tree, clean the inside and sand it.

If desired, you can free the stump from the bark or leave it in its “natural” form. In any case, coat the top of the product with several layers of wood varnish.

After complete drying new pot can be used for its intended purpose.

Coconut shell planter

Coconut shells serve as an excellent container for plants that do not need frequent watering.

Hanging plants will look good in it.

Making such a design is quite simple: cut coconut in half, remove the pulp, then drill holes in the bottom for drainage, and holes at the edges in order to thread a cord or chain through them.

Place expanded clay on the bottom, and place the substrate on top - the pot is ready!

Felt pot

Felt products are now at the height of fashion. Why not give your favorite flowers a felt “nest”?

Take pieces of felt, ready-made or felted yourself, cut out the details of the future pot and sew them together! In such an unusual pot, plants will feel very comfortable.

Mini cactus garden

Unusual containers for planting cacti and other slow-growing species indoor plants can be made from wine corks.

To do this, the core of natural cork is removed with a knife. The mini-pot is filled with soil.

On one side, using a heat gun, a magnet is attached to it, powerful enough to hold the weight of the “pot” with the plant.

Such mini-containers can be attached to any metal surface, for example, to a refrigerator door, forming entire flower arrangements.

Other ideas for unusual homemade pots

  • If you are a fan of high-tech style and you still have unnecessary computer floppy disks, you can build original flower pots from them. By the way, they are perfect for growing violets and other small plants.
  • By gluing together 5 square mirrors of the same size or 5 ceramic tiles, you will receive an easy-to-make, but stylish and original flower pot.
  • Pots can be made from old vinyl records. If a vinyl disc is heated, it becomes soft and pliable, easily taking on the most unimaginable shapes.

Using old things

Sometimes The most unexpected objects can serve as flower pots. So, porcelain, earthenware and clay dishes can turn into an excellent container for planting indoor plants. Cups, deep salad bowls, teapots with flowers planted in them will enliven a country or Provence style interior.

Enameled dishes are also suitable for planting flowers. But this, rather an option for a country house.

By the way, if you couldn't find suitable pot for bonsai, an elegant salad bowl is perfect for this. You just need to carefully make drainage holes in the bottom using a drill.

Sometimes the most unexpected things can turn into flower pots. For example, an old cosmetic bag can also serve as a container for planting flowers.

Decorating finished flower pots. How to decorate a pot with your own hands?

To create a flower pot with unusual design, it is not necessary to make it “from scratch”. You can take ordinary standard pots as a basis and decorate it yourself and according to your own taste.

By painting a clay pot with acrylic paints and varnishing it, you will get a real designer item. By the way, such work can be entrusted to a child - and the image on finished product will delight you with its sweet spontaneity.

You can decorate ordinary plastic pots by simply covering them with bright scraps of fabric. Or you can crochet “clothes” for a standard pot - such containers will add special coziness to your home.

By covering the pot completely or partially with braid, twine, lace or simply bright threads, winding them around the container, you will get an original and stylish decoration for your home.

You can decorate an ordinary pot with buttons, shells, coffee beans, cereals or beads.

Even used to decorate pots eggshell . It must first be treated with a soda solution and dried. The prepared shell is glued to the surface of the pot using PVA glue, gently pressing in the process so that it cracks. Next, the surface of the pot is covered with ink, which fills the voids between the pieces of shells. After this, the surface of the pot is wiped with a cloth and varnished.

Regular plastic pot can be decorated using decoupage technique using PVA glue and a paper napkin with a design you like. The design is cut out and glued to the surface of the pot, carefully leveling it so that wrinkles do not form. After drying, the finished picture is coated with varnish.

Other photo ideas for flower pot design

Using the tips above, you can create a truly unique pot at home, as well as decorate and decorate it with your own hands.

To decorate the garden and home, gardeners often use hanging flowerpots.

Baskets made of wicker look very beautiful, which can be made in a wide variety of shapes, for example, in the shape of a ball, a cone or a rectangular box.

Perhaps a harmonious decoration for any landscape design flowerpots will become made of wire or forged metal. This option is especially attractive because it creates the feeling of a kind of complete “flight” of the flowerbed.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the flowerpot itself, when choosing it, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of containers for hanging flower beds must be very strong and reliable.

This is necessary so that when decorating a flower bed in the yard, you can rotate the plant from time to time to protect it from sunlight.

Specifics of planting hanging flower beds

Planting a hanging flower bed depends on the shape of the flowerpot. In simple flowerpots resembling pots for indoor flowers, that is, those that have only one open surface, the plants are planted as usual.

It is a completely different matter if the flowerpot is intended to create a hanging ball. In this case, the walls of the frame are filled with moss, which is designed to retain moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold complete with such flowerpots

Then, in those places from which the shoots will subsequently grow, it is necessary to make small holes. The seedlings should be carefully inserted into the holes made, soil should be poured inside the flowerpot and the plants should be planted on top.

After planting flowers to create a hanging flowerbed with your own hands, you should water the soil a little and hang the flowerpot in a cool place for several days.

Hanging flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging flower beds

To create hanging flower beds, it is better to choose low-maintenance plants that do not have special requirements for soil conditions.

In addition, when choosing inhabitants for such flowerpots, it is important to take into account the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot.

For example, the roots of petunia grow very quickly, and if the pot for this flower is less than 6-8 liters, then its root system will soon fill the entire volume of the container, which is why the plant may die.

Very beautiful design will have a hanging flowerbed with your own hands when planting lushly blooming annuals, for example, pansies, petunias, verbena, marigolds, etc. in flowerpots.

Almost all house plants, including Kalanchoe, nasturtiums, daisies, young plants, sedums, etc., also get along well and grow in a hanging pot or flowerpot.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always be worthy decoration any garden or interior, but do not think that only flowering plants. For example, flowerpots with herbs– mint, rosemary, etc.

And for those who love originality, we can advise you to do something very unusual, but very useful decoration– a hanging basket with small-fruited vegetables, for example, strawberries, which will bear fruit even on the veranda or balcony.

Specifics of caring for hanging flower beds

Caring for plants planted in hanging pots depends on whether they have trays.

Baskets without a tray prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, which, on the one hand, is good, as it slows down the rotting of the plant root system, but on the other hand, it can lead to a lack of moisture if the flowerbed is located in a sunny area.

If the flowerpot is equipped with a tray, then you should not water the plant too often, and also install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in hanging flower beds needs to be fertilized periodically, because... During watering, the minerals in it are washed away.

In all other aspects, caring for plants in hanging garden beds no different from caring for plants planted in open ground– they also need to be watered regularly, remove dried leaves and control pests.

Hanging flower beds are exactly the addition that can add brightness and expressiveness to any suburban area They can be hung in gazebos and pergolas, on fences and poles, on garden benches, in the recreation area, on the summer terrace, balcony and even on the walls of the house - everywhere they will look beautiful and harmonious.

However, when designing hanging outdoor flower beds, it is also important to take into account the style features personal plot. You can beautifully emphasize the beauty of the landscape with the help of bright color solutions or unusual shapes, or you can focus on natural beauty plants.

If such hanging flower beds “settle” in your garden, rest assured that this decision will not disappoint you. Beautiful flowers and plants, neat and well-groomed, always please the eye and create an atmosphere of comfort, and if they are also hung in beautiful, original flowerpots, then one can only envy such arrangement of the site.

Old enamel bowls, flower pots, and buckets will be used to create flowerpots. The containers are hung on chains and hung as high as possible so that any passerby can see and appreciate this beauty.

It's such a pleasure to make simple things for the garden with your own hands. Treat yourself to a hanging flower pot; it can perfectly decorate the porch of a private house or a balcony in a city apartment. And we will share with you a master class on how to make it...

What you will need:

  • A woven wire basket, you can use an old one or even weave it yourself
  • Sphagnum is peat moss, it is used in gardening and construction; you can find and collect it in a swampy forest or purchase it in specialized stores
  • Latex gloves
  • Land for planting
  • Small plastic trash bag
  • Bucket of water (for soaking moss
  • Beautiful flowers and plants for planting

Soak sphagnum fibers in a bucket of water, squeeze out a little and lay out the bottom of the basket.

After you post sufficient quantity moss, place a piece of polyethylene on top and make small holes in it, it will help partially retain moisture.

Fill the remaining space with potting soil.

Start planting your flowers and plants. It seems to me that hanging petunias or other hanging flowers would look great in this pot.

We decorate the garden with our own hands. Enjoy)))

wooden planter

For an original hanging planter, you will need 24 bars 15-20 cm long. Laying them in a checkerboard pattern, they form a square box with through holes.

The bars are connected with nails or self-tapping screws. Ropes are tied to the bars at the corners of the upper edge of the flowerpot and the homemade flowerpot is hung on any tree in the garden.

Wooden flowerpot with violas:

A wooden flowerpot, similar to a hanging swing, will “hold” a whole flowerbed with pansies(violas)

pots made of burlap (tarpaulin, felt)

Thick fabric, such as burlap, is perfect for making flowerpots in rustic style country. All you need to do is cut two pieces of fabric in the form of a semicircle or square, sew them together like a pocket and hang them on the fence.

For hanging, you can use a strip of fabric sewn to the top edge of the flowerpot or wire threaded into the fabric.

Hanging planters for the garden made of felt

You can place a pot of garden annuals in a felt pot.

New outfit for the watering can.

If you have old watering cans or buckets with basins lying around at your dacha, do not throw them away, treat the surface with sandpaper to remove rust, and paint them in bright colors. It is fashionable to place pots (or bags of soil) and flowers inside. And these items will turn into funny flowerpots

You can hang them on racks, trees, fences

How to make a hanging flower pot from a plastic container

1. Materials and tools. The lampshade itself. Galvanized wire with a diameter of 2 mm from the latest project. Key ring. Round nose pliers and pliers.

2. We prepare three pieces of wire 25 cm long.

3. Using pliers, bend a round eyelet at one end of each wire.

4. At the other end of each wire we make a “U”-shaped bend. After all modifications, the length of the three blanks should be the same.

5. Using an awl or the sharp end of scissors, we make three holes with our own hands in the area of ​​​​the neck of the lampshade.

6. Insert “U”-shaped hooks into the holes

7. We put wire blanks on the key ring. The pot is ready.

8. Planting plants. Plants can be varied, but it should be noted that the pot does not provide drainage and, if the plant requires frequent replanting, it may be difficult to remove the plant in this pot design.

Flowerpots can be made not only from cans, but also from plastic bottles(The most common raw material. which is always at hand).

Paint the surface of the pots with paints

You can also decorate the pots with twine
For this we need a plastic bucket of ice cream or other products:
You will also need jute twine

Glue the beginning of the skein together with the handle fastenings.

And we begin to wrap the twine around the bucket. Make sure that each circle fits snugly together, without gluing the twine. When you have reached the bottom of the bucket, you can glue the last few circles, and also carefully glue the end of the twine.

Then all that remains is to make 4 holes and hang the flowerpot bucket decorated with twine.

Wicker flower pots

Braid a flower pot so you can hang it in a simple way imitating macrame.

In order to make a hanging flower pot, we will need about 10 pieces of thick rope, approximately 90-120 cm long, several large buttons and a metal ring. Decide on the sizes yourself.


We fold our pieces of rope in half and fasten them with a simple loop as shown in the figure:

Then select two loops next to each other and fasten their adjacent ends with a button as shown in the picture. It is better to place buttons at a distance of 5-7 cm from the ring.

No more space on the windowsill? This method will be interesting to those who cannot place their favorite flowerpots even on the floor!

I really like the idea vertical gardening. And all because this method helps save space when there is not enough space and frees window sills and other horizontal surfaces from green spaces, and it also looks unusual, stylish and very beautiful.

And today the editorial office "So simple!" invites you to find out interesting ideas how to do beautiful hanging flower pots using simple and accessible materials. Now this is not a balcony, but a real Garden of Babylon!

DIY hanging planter

  1. And I'll probably start with macrame techniques, which, in my opinion, is most suitable for creating hanging planters.

    Flowerpots using this technique can be either very simple, which can be made in literally 10-15 minutes with your own hands, or complex - the result of many hours of work.

    Therefore, I suggest you practice on easier ones first, honing your skills, and then move on to more complex ones.

  2. Hanging pots made from metal baskets can be immediately filled with substrate, but in order to prevent moisture from passing through, coconut fiber must be laid at the bottom, and this will only improve appearance flowerpot.

  3. Great idea for crochet lovers!

  4. Hanging planter made from straws will suit the interior with innovative notes. Just grab a pack of neon cocktail straws, some strong thread and get started. And even 15 minutes will be enough for this!

  5. Old hoops, good glue, an unnecessary bowl - and after 20 minutes you are the owner of such an unusual and very stylish flower pot.

    To do this, place half of the hoop vertically, place a bowl inside horizontally and mark the points of contact on the hoop. Glue is applied to them, a bowl is placed and left until the glue hardens.

  6. For creating hanging flowerpots You can use a wide variety of materials available around the house: baskets, buckets, bottles and even old balls!

  7. Here are some simple master classes on macrame weaving techniques.

    I love these options!

  8. Wood also provides a fairly wide range of actions, a variety of shapes and colors. Just choose what you like best and create!

    And this is not even a flowerpot, but a real shelf for flowers! Arm yourself with an old cutting board and strong threads, and to prevent the flowerpots from falling and the board slipping out, make small grooves along the edges of the board or secure the threads with a drop of glue.

    In my opinion, this is an incredibly simple and at the same time quite elegant idea!

    This hanging planter will wonderfully complement your home interior. It’s quick and easy to do, and it won’t cost you a lot of money on materials either.

To see the process itself weaving flowerpots using the macrame technique, I suggest watching this video.

And this is - great idea hanging pot for orchids! A decent result, but everything is quite simple and easy, isn’t it?

I also suggest you check out 6 great ideas

The garden will be wonderfully transformed if you decorate it with handmade items. A garden designer receives the greatest satisfaction if he manages to combine beauty and benefit. From this point of view, the most advantageous decor is outdoor flower pots and flowerpots that will not only decorate local area, but will also shelter your favorite flowers.

Vases made from tires

Gloomy tires rarely fit into garden design. But it’s really possible to decorate them beyond recognition. For example, imitate brickwork.

A decorative flowerpot-well is built from tires, timber and metal tiles

Unique flowerpots made from tires are made quickly.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Draw a cut line on the side of the tire with chalk.
  2. Use a knife to cut the tire along the marked line.
  3. Turn the tire over, press down on the inside with your foot, grab the edge and pull up and towards you.

When cutting with a knife, the blade should be wiped with grease or machine oil for better glide

Cover the rubber with primer and apply the design.

For an outdoor flowerpot, oil or acrylic paints are used

For complete camouflage, apply a mesh to the tire, then thick cement mortar with sand and stick the tiles.

A tire pot lined with tiles or pebbles looks very stylish

Photo gallery: decorating flowerpots made from tires

Draw a landscape on the tire and plant hostas. A bright flowerpot in the shape of a parrot will decorate an unsightly place. Flowerpots in the shape of cups look very elegant. Place a flowerpot from a tire in the shape of a teapot in dining area Flowerpot made of tires green tones fits organically into any landscape A pot made of a tire in the shape of a cup is suitable for hanging plants

Making a flowerpot from a tire - video

Flowerpots made of plastic and glass containers

Ordinary garbage will serve the cause of beauty, for example, various containers. Plastic instantly transforms if you cover it with twine.

For sticking twine on street planter Any waterproof glue will do

A great option is burlap decor.

Rough burlap highlights the fragility of flowers

Branch trimmings will also reliably hide the plastic.

The branches are glued to the flowerpot with glue or tied with twine

Apply a pattern to the pots with hot glue and cover with acrylic paint.

To create a three-dimensional pattern you will need a heat gun

Or place the bottles in gift bags.

Pots from gift bags - quick way refurbish plastic bottles

By cutting off part of the canister, create a planter for the wall.

The surface of the canister is smeared with glue and sprinkled with sand to create the effect of a “sandy” face

Secure glass bottles to the fence and plant juveniles and sedums in them.

To trim glass bottle, wrap it with copper wire at the cut point, heat the ends with a lighter and lower it into cold water

If you cut a plastic bottle in half and glue the neck to the bottom, you will get an original flowerpot.

If you paint a flowerpot with silver or gold paint, you will get the feeling that the flowerpots are metal

Flowerpot made from a plastic bottle - video

Flowerpots in the shape of funny characters made from plastic containers

Invite children to help create unusual pots.

Garden flowerpots are created from any plastic containers

DIY pig pot - video

Flowerpot made from bottles

A mini flower garden made of glass looks great. The base (bucket or tire) is coated with thick cement mortar and sand. Rows of bottles are then laid by pressing the necks into the base solution.

Think about the location of the flowerpot in advance, because it is difficult to move it

Plaster plant pots

Come into fashion environmentally friendly materials. Gypsum is famous for its best plastic properties. Strips of fabric soaked in gypsum solution are wound onto any container or wire frame until required thickness walls When the product is dry, it is sanded, primed, painted or decor is glued to the walls.

When making flowerpots, gypsum can be replaced with putty or alabaster

Pebbles, shells, and tiles are used as decoration.

If you mix gypsum with color desired color, we get colored seams


Bird figures will add a romantic touch to the garden. For a flower pot in the shape of a swan you will need:

  • gypsum - 5 kg;
  • plastic bottle 5 l;
  • leg-split;
  • wire;
  • mesh for wings and tail;
  • bandage;
  • primer;
  • paints (white, black and red);
  • putty knife;
  • brush;
  • emery.

It is convenient to mix plaster with a special spatula

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut off the side of the bottle and pour sand into the resulting container.
  2. Insert one end of the wire into the neck, bend it and wrap it with twine along its entire length.
  3. Apply a 2 cm layer of gypsum mortar with a spatula onto the surface of the “skeleton” of the future bird.
  4. On the sides of the body, press the reinforcing mesh (wings) at an angle.
  5. Place several layers of bandage and plaster over the mesh to hide it.
  6. Form the head and beak by wrapping the wire in bandage and applying layers of plaster. Smooth out any unevenness with a brush.
  7. Attach a tail from mesh and process it like wings.

Dry the figurine for three days, then sand it with sandpaper. Cover the bird with primer, wait until dry and paint.

Making a swan pot is not as difficult as it seems

Making a swan pot - video

Pots from a barrel

Large containers will also come in handy. For example, iron barrels stylized to resemble human figures.

Ampelous plants that fall beautifully are planted in flowerpots made from barrels.

Or sheathed with wooden slats.

The planks are attached with a nail gun

Wooden barrels are cut in half crosswise.

You can make two flowerpots from one barrel

The cut barrel is placed on a stand so that it lasts longer

Homemade pots from a barrel - video

Pots made from unnecessary things

You don't have to throw away everything that's worn out.

Even blatant trash can be given a second life

Sometimes a pot made from old things becomes the highlight of the garden.

An exquisite flowerpot is made from a birdcage

An old umbrella will be transformed if you plant flowers in it.

To keep your umbrella decorative longer, simply place pots of plants in it.

Photo gallery: flower pots made from old things

Cut an old basketball in half. Leaky watering cans are not suitable for watering, but will become a decoration for the garden. Paint old colanders and plant hanging flowers in them. Old flip flops and cups are a wonderful ensemble. Attach the scraps. sewer pipes to the wall and plant petunias in them. Wrap the unnecessary hose around the flowerpot
Weld a pot-umbrella from scraps of rebar and iron sheets

Wooden flowerpots

Products made from natural materials look most organic in the garden. Among them, the tree is the leader.

A simple flowerpot is made from an ordinary stump using a drill and chisel.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the cut of the stump, drill holes around the perimeter.
  2. Use a chisel to remove excess wood.
  3. Treat the inside of the stump with stain and dry.
  4. Lay polyethylene inside the flowerpot and plant the plants.

You can simply place a suitable size pot inside the planter.

Coat your wood decorations with an antiseptic to prevent them from rotting.

To prevent logs from rolling, drive stops into the ground

Pots made of timber and boards

Everything that remains after the construction of the house is used to decorate the site. Stylish containers for plants are made from timber and boards.

It is better to make a wooden planter with legs, so it will last longer

Flower pots painted light gray are suitable for a Provence style garden.

Drill drainage holes in wooden planters

If you have scraps of wood lying around in the barn, use them to assemble flowerpots in the shape of a well, a wheelbarrow, or a bicycle.

The pot-well greatly decorates the garden

Photo gallery: wooden planters

If you put tree stumps on top of each other, you get a picturesque composition
Plant drought-resistant plants in flowerpots. Bulbous plants look great in flowerpots made from a stump: tulips, daffodils, crocuses
Please note that untreated wood will quickly lose its appearance.
To make the texture of the wood visible, tint it with oil. Hang small flowerpots made of wood in a gazebo. A wooden flowerpot will decorate the area near the house.

The main requirement for gabion wire is durability

Any plastic container can be easily decorated with crushed stone. Screws are screwed into the flower pots, wire is wound between them, cement mortar is placed on top and crushed stone is pressed in.

A mesh of nylon thread or wire is needed so that the cement does not fall off from the container later.

Dried products are varnished.

Holes are made in the upper part of the iron cans through which twine is passed.

The flowerpot will not fall out of the fastening, woven using the macrame technique.

If the design allows, attach three chains to the top of the planter

Sometimes flowerpots are nailed to wooden slats, which is attached to the wall with dowel nails.

Holes are drilled in the shelves of the bookcase through which the rope is passed.

Hanging flowerpots - video

After chopping wood at the dacha, there remains a lot of beautiful bark, which I use to decorate flowerpots. The bark is cut into strips 2–3 cm wide and attached to the pot using a heat gun. Before gluing, working surfaces are dust-free and degreased. If there are gaps between the pieces of bark, I mask them with moss or lichen.

Hot-melt adhesive softens in the sun, so flowerpots decorated with bark are best kept in the shade

When creating flowerpots from scrap materials, take care of their durability. Treat wooden flowerpots with anti-rotting agents and drill drainage holes. Before decorating containers with stones or tiles, wrap them with reinforcing mesh so that the decorative mortar does not fall off over time.