Designation of color scheme. Psychology of color: what each color means and how it affects our lives

Shade is one of the main criteria that guides people in various matters: choosing pieces of furniture, clothing, etc. In this regard, psychologists have a statement: depending on color preferences, you can calculate a person’s psychotype, find out what is at a given stage of life happens in his soul.

Blue color in psychology

If you know what the color blue means, you can understand at first glance what kind of person is in front of you. First of all, the character of such people often becomes the source of their own problems. Those who have a favorite blue are melancholic, modest, and most try to avoid conflicts at work or at home. Individuals need frequent rest, because people whose favorite color is blue get tired quickly. It is worth noting that a person will acquire inner comfort only after receiving the goodwill of others.

What does the color red mean?

For those who want to learn how to determine character by their favorite colors, you need to consider the meanings of scarlet shades. Individuals who wear mostly red clothes or accessories can be said to have tremendous willpower, which is why they achieve great heights in their careers. People whose favorite color is red are hot-tempered, domineering, but also courageous, impatient and stubborn.

If you know how to determine character by your favorite colors, then you know that lovers of these shades strive to achieve success in all life spheres, and routine depresses them. Such individuals need frequent changes of environment, travel, and adventure. It is worth noting that the “Reds” have a special gift: to encourage people to action, and this quality does not repel others from them; on the contrary, the masses are drawn to them.

Yellow color - meaning

If you see a woman or girl wearing yellow clothes, then know that she feels free, calm, and full of optimism. All people whose favorite color is yellow easily adapt to the unusual and new, know how to direct their forces in the right direction, and communicate with others easily and naturally. If you determine character by color, then yellow lovers are not particularly responsible, because they prefer freedom not only in thoughts, but also in actions. However, such individuals enjoy well-deserved recognition from friends, because by nature they are open and generous.

What does black mean?

The shade can symbolize denial, uncertainty. Black color in psychology means that people for whom it is a favorite are distinguished by their determination and temper, but at the same time, the majority are unsure of their abilities, constantly feel unhappy or even become depressed. Those who like to wear black clothes are often unable to cope with the surging emotions, therefore, if they love, then with all their souls, they also hate with all their hearts. Some people try to attract the attention of others with dark colors or make their image mysterious.

The lightest shade of black – gray – is the most neutral, which is identified with tranquility. Gray is the color of rationality and symbolizes that the one who chose it feels protected and lives guided by the mind and not the heart. Those who have this favorite shade are very responsible, capable of deciding even the most complex tasks, while such people do not do anything at random, but calculate every step.

What does pink mean?

People whose favorite color is the lightest shade of red prefer an orderly life and value comfort and homeliness. Pink color in psychology means that a person really needs protection, sometimes he tries to appear fragile in order to receive even more care. Lovers of pink are distinguished by tenderness, charm, and softness. Many who want to feel love, like in fairy tales, or who live in a dream world, are immersed in their inner fairy-tale world. However, there is no point in “rescuing” dreamers from there: this way it is easier to react to harsh realities and endure the blows of fate.

The meaning of purple

Kohler may appeal to extraordinary individuals: those who are drawn to mysticism are attracted to everything mysterious. In psychology, the lilac color means that a lover of the shade is an artistic, witty person by nature, has a different temperament, and can sometimes be mischievous. People who like purple value the spiritual side of life, but some may be overly emotional. For such individuals, there is nothing more important than freedom and independence.

What does green mean?

The shade a person chooses can tell a lot about their character or emotional state. For example, those whose favorite color is green are open, sincere, calm and sociable individuals. Often, lovers of this color are socially active, only occasionally they are modest and patient. Those who prefer green strive for a calm atmosphere around them.

People who, for certain reasons, like light green are distinguished by their friendliness, gentleness, openness, and tenderness. Each of the lovers of light shades of green could become a diplomat, because such people have a sharp mind and sometimes even excessive punctuality. The disadvantage of individuals is that they practically do not know how to refuse others, even if this action will benefit them.

Turquoise color in psychology

The shade may appeal to balanced individuals, those who are reserved and self-confident. A person whose favorite color is a person has strong energy and a strong-willed character. If you want to know the meaning of the turquoise color, then it is worth noting that its lovers are people who know their worth and know how to use their capabilities to the fullest, directing them in the right direction.

White color - meaning

"Dream Color" may appeal to people with absolutely different characters. Thus, white color in psychology means that the one who prefers it is distinguished by insight, excessive accuracy and caution, but may be somewhat fussy. White speaks of innocence, self-sufficiency, and a diligent pursuit of self-realization. Such people are full of new ideas, but they lack practicality for successful implementation.

The meaning of blue color

It’s easy to determine a person’s character by his favorite colors; for example, blue means that the individual is calm, has a hard time with separation from loved ones, and strives for stable relationships with others. The symbolism of blue also means that the one who has given his preference to this color is a romantic, friendly, sociable person who loves to travel. Often, blue lovers love their mothers infinitely, and in personal relationships they prefer the emotional and spiritual side of life.

What does brown mean?

The shade symbolizes human health and physical strength. If we decipher the meaning of brown, then we can say about people who prefer it that they are conservative, independent, and have patience. Their character is characterized by persistence, while many prefer peace and quiet. Those whose wardrobe is dominated by this kind of shades are silent and good-natured, but can sometimes be stubborn and tactless. They strive to be obeyed, love to read, do not act rashly, calculate every step, and put everything in order.

What does the color orange mean in psychology?

Specialists of this relatively young science have learned to determine what their favorite color says about a person. For example, if we consider the meaning of the color orange, then about the person who prefers it to everyone else, we can say that he has developed intuition, loves and constantly craves to be the center of attention. Lovers of orange shades have many abilities and are distinguished by their originality. Often those who like this color are fickle: even in love, they are always ready to look for a new partner.

Burgundy color in psychology

Research has shown that a person's favorite color and character are closely related. So what does burgundy mean? The shade formed from red and brown is chosen by strong business people who have such qualities as conservatism, solidity, and confidence. Burgundy personifies power and strength, so those who wear clothes of this shade develop even more assertiveness, perseverance, and determination. Individuals who prefer burgundy are stingy with emotions, but at the same time many are good as energetic organizers.

How to determine a person's character by his favorite color

Some people prefer cool, dull shades, while others prefer warm, bright colors. All those colors that people surround themselves with, be it clothes, accessories, furniture or even wallpaper in the apartment, can tell others about your internal state, experiences and thoughts. Your favorite color may change throughout your life, but you choose the shade that prevails at a given stage of life for a reason. A person’s character can be easily determined by color, then you will know what feelings fill his soul.

Psychology of color in clothing

Men's favorite colors are often very restrained: black, brown, gray and all their various shades. Determining a woman’s character by her preferred color scheme is much easier, because there is a very wide field of activity here. Thus, the meaning of colors in clothing and their decoding allows you to more accurately learn about the emotional makeup of a particular person, her character, attitude in life, and sometimes even possible diseases.

Psychological test with flowers

Today, characterizing a person by their favorite color is a whole section in psychology, because thanks to this knowledge it is possible to create an emotional portrait of a certain person. So, for example, testing according to 8 color chart Max Luscher is an objective express diagnosis of a person’s condition. By passing the favorite color test, everyone will be able not only to find out the main traits of their character, but also to identify the causes of many diseases and determine what professional qualities they possess.

Video: color and character

People give preference to one color, or at most two or three (depending on where these colors are used: in clothing, furnishings, etc.). One popular question is: “What is your favorite color?” Is not it? The answer to it can not only satisfy simple curiosity, but also help to unravel the character and emotional make-up of the individual. Of course, it cannot be denied that over time a person’s taste and preference for color can change.

Before you start reading, think about which color is your favorite and which one will be relegated to last place: red, pink, orange, yellow, green, light green, light blue, lilac, blue, purple, brown, beige, gray, white, black.


The color red symbolizes the unbridled desire for success, dramatization of experiences, and a feeling of fullness of life. This is an incentive for all activities, activity in all possible areas. A person is distinguished by courage, willpower, authority, quick temper, sociability, and a tendency toward altruism, if red is his favorite color. If you place red in first place, it means you want to intensify your emotional sensations and act energetically.

However, the bright, joyful picture also has a downside... since you crave bright colors in life so much, routine can drive you crazy; impatience leads to fickleness and inconstancy.

It is difficult for you to remain objective, your behavior is characterized by self-confidence and stubbornness. You prefer, after listening to someone's advice, to do things your own way. Patience is not one of your virtues. However, other people are interested in you and you motivate them to take action. The world would be a boring place without red people.

Since the color red is associated with a frantic lust for life, excitement and passion, not liking this color may mean that you are unlikely to feel such intense emotions right now. Perhaps you are put off by the aggressiveness and pressure associated with the perception of the color red. Or perhaps you are still looking for more satisfaction from life, but are afraid of being drawn into its cycle?

People who are irritable, tired, worried about many problems often turn to cooler colors in search of rest and relaxation - this is a natural defensive reaction.

People who put this color in last place have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, love of solitude, and instability in relationships.


Pink is a softened red that combines passion and purity. This color is associated with romance, freshness, sophistication and tenderness.
The person who prefers pink color, all his life he has been in a world of dreams and waiting for miracles.

He dreams of sublime love, he is gentle and relaxed. He is a terrible opponent of paradise in a hut - he loves comfort and coziness. Often “rose-colored glasses” replace reality for him, so calm is his second self. But a meeting with harsh (if at some point it is such) reality can unsettle him for a long time. It happens that a “pink” person often lets those around him down because he overestimates his strength. But after troubles and storms in life, he calms down almost instantly. Such a person often promises much more than he can fulfill, but his plans are often illusions.

If you put pink in last place, it means that you are a pragmatic person and do not like to “have your head in the clouds” in vain. In general, soft, moderate shades are not characterized by emotionality, which is why many people are indifferent to the color pink. If you don't like pink, you may be looking for a splash of excitement and this color is too calm for you.


This is the color of people who have extraordinary intuition and are prone to daydreaming. They absolutely love to shine in any society and be the center of attention. Possessing many abilities, such people are most likely original, but not brilliant. Flaws?

Let's turn to the ancient Italian comedy of masks - where the color orange meant hypocrisy and pretense! People whose favorite color is orange are often fickle: such a person will most likely call the person he recently met his best friend. In love they are independent and always ready to conquer new worlds!

If you prefer peach tones, you have the same qualities as "orange" people, but you are calmer and even less aggressive, you are just as friendly and charming, and even softer in communication. You are capable of working just as hard, but in the game you often choose the role of observer.

If you put the orange color in last place, apparently you don’t like too bright colors in life: you don’t like noisy parties, irrepressible fun, loud laughter, boasting and intimacy on display. Therefore, you find it difficult to get along with people and may even be considered unsociable. You prefer a narrow circle of really close friends to a huge number of acquaintances, and if you find a friend, it’s a friend for life.


Yellow perceived as glowing and warm, as it is strongly associated with sunlight. This color sparkles with optimism; it symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, and intelligence. Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people. People whose favorite color is yellow are original, endowed with a rich imagination and developed artistic taste. Possessing an inquisitive mind, they love everything new and interesting. If you like the color yellow, you are most likely a reliable friend. Your ambitions are often realized and you generally have a very bright outlook on life.

However, you are often selfish and do not like to be second. You can be generous, but you are often distrustful, which can make you seem like you shy away from people. Sometimes you are intolerant of other people's ideas, which seem to you to be not as well thought out as your own. You sincerely care about the good of society, but are still more inclined to think about it than to take action. “Yellow” people are prone to pedantry, but at the same time they are quite satisfied with the world and are happy.

If you dislike the color yellow, then you also dislike the traits that “yellow” people have. You are a realist, practical person with utilitarian preferences and are likely to be critical of those who do not share your views. You are skeptical of new ideas and would rather focus on familiar things than try something new. A guaranteed result is always important to you, since you prefer to reliably protect yourself from disappointment. If you put yellow in last place, then most likely you are a focused, pessimistic person, and it is difficult to make acquaintance with you.


Green is the color of nature, nature, life itself, spring. The most “natural” color fascinates with its balance of warmth and coolness, and “green” people often turn out to be confident and balanced in character. They are diligent citizens, caring parents, caring neighbors - discerning, kind and generous people.

If you prefer green, it means that you are afraid of other people's influence and are looking for a way to assert yourself, since this is vitally important for you. You are smart and understand new ideas on the fly. On the other hand, you will rarely agree to take risks and try something new where you can follow a proven, generally accepted path. “Green” people never suffer from a lack of appetite, and even if they have to go on a diet, they rarely manage to lose weight. One of worst traits These people are prone to gossip and envy.
The dark green fan is stubborn and persistent. Those who put this dark green color in the first place are mostly straightforward, uncompromisingly committed to fulfilling their own decisions, and show a tendency to idealize themselves, while at the same time having a tendency to forcibly improve others.

Anyone who does not like the color green is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, and in general - all difficulties. A person who has resolutely rejected the color green often complains that others demand too much from him. Those who put green in last place can hardly be called sociable or sociable. The natural need to be accepted by a group of people is more likely to push you away from them than to force you to join. You don't like to act, think or look the same way as most people around you act, think and look. Picnics and parties, and even trips to visit relatives are not for you.


Light green is considered the favorite color of people with a commanding character and a rather cynical outlook on life and relations between the sexes. Such people like to suppress and boss not only at work, but also in the family. Such people generally have a fear of active action: they are always afraid of getting into a difficult situation. But they like to push others to be active and wait: what will happen?

If you put the salad color in last place, then most likely you are a closed, uncommunicative person, you do not like to command people, it is much easier for you to obey. At the same time, you are an obligatory, tactful, and sometimes even delicate person.


Blue color is a symbol of impressionability, affection, fidelity. Those who put blue in first place easily become discouraged in moments of failure. This is a typical infantile tone, and if an adult prefers it, it means that he has retained the “child” and associated character traits within himself. Blue color speaks of freedom, carefreeness, and a tendency to change the situation.

This is the color of artists, and not necessarily artists by profession. Such people love life, love to play beautiful roles in it, adore success and, as a rule, achieve it easily. They strive for recognition. If they like their work, they achieve great success in it. If a person prefers light blue, then he cannot stand loneliness and, as a rule, suffers deeply if emptiness forms around him. He is naturally very sociable and has many friends. He knows how to give a lot, but wants to receive just as much in return. Among the few qualities that complicate his life is the fear of loneliness.

If you decisively reject the color blue, then this means inner restlessness and a desire for change that will help get rid of depression and passivity.


People who love the color lavender often prefer it over all others. Such people like to be considered different from others; They are savvy, although they are not always distinguished by a subtle mind. “Lilac” individuals strive for perfection and even sophistication in life; they have a fantasy about a world in which all the “dark” sides of life can simply be ignored. Appearance and the first impression of the interlocutor are very important for such people.

Aristocraticism and a tendency towards sentimentality are associated with the color lilac, as well as romance, nostalgia and sophistication. Because this color is very close to purple, lilac people are often creative and enjoy supporting talented people.

If you put lilac in last place, your approach to life is businesslike. You don’t like it when your interlocutor flirts with you or avoids direct conversation, since you yourself prefer to be straightforward. You are not subject to nostalgia because you live in the present. Those who dislike the colors purple and lilac also have a strong dislike of superficiality in behavior or appearance, and usually do not hide it. They usually perceive the color purple as bland and boring.


Blue is the color of calm and tranquility. This is probably the most widely preferred color. Since this is the color of the sky, it is usually associated with the spiritual exaltation of a person, his purity. If you like him, it speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly and easily, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him.

People who prefer blue are gullible and need to be trusted. Sensitive to the needs of others, capable of strong attachment, such people have a hard time experiencing any betrayal or disappointment. They do not avoid large companies, but, nevertheless, prefer to remain among close friends. “Blue” people strive for harmony, calmness, patience and perseverance, and tranquility. They are conservative, reliable, have an even temperament and think twice before saying or doing anything.

If your color is blue, you have a strong sense of responsibility. You should be careful that pedantry does not make you too demanding of others. However, your attentiveness to people and gentleness will outweigh negative traits your character.

The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy.

In general, dislike of the color blue means anxiety, restlessness, and the need to break out of the surrounding monotony. Perhaps you want to change jobs, or even change your whole life in search of experiences. You are probably tired of the fact that someone is constantly “relying on you,” but your conscience does not allow you to give up everything. Do you wish you were rich or famous (or both?) because sometimes you feel like it allows you to enjoy life without having to work so hard. Deep, rich blue is often associated with sadness and melancholy, which is why some people put it in last place.


The one who loves purple- an unusual person. He strives for freedom and independence, loves surprises and zigzags. He may seem “sleeping,” but in his soul he strives to fly, dreams of wings in order to fly as high as possible. He loves intellectual communication, and, by the way, he often lacks it! Lovers of the color purple often have remarkable intelligence.

“Violet” personalities are mysterious, have a creative mind and quickly perceive sublime ideas. The color purple is often favored by artists, as well as people who feel that they stand out from the monotony of the crowd around them. If this is your color, you are most likely generous and charming. Purple is often associated with observation, receptivity, vanity and changeability.

Since purple is a combination of red and blue, which are perceived as opposites, your character is characterized by a combination of contradictory traits, and you constantly try to balance between these opposites - the excitement of red and the calmness of blue...

Purple people are considered easy to live with, but difficult to truly get to know. You can be secretive, so even in those moments when you reveal your soul, your closest friends may not always fully understand you.

If you don’t like the color purple, then you are a materialist, you are used to justifying your views on life, you value stability, clarity, and symmetry. They are straightforward and open in communication, and apparently do not like people who are arrogant, unnaturally refined, or judge things superficially.


The color of Mother Earth is associated with strength and reliability. People who are partial to shades of brown have an even character, a strong sense of duty and responsibility, value subtle humor, simplicity, comfort, quality, harmony and home. A fan of the color brown is thorough and tries to take only deliberate actions.

He prefers loneliness and silence rather than noisy company. Such a person is distinguished by severity in relationships, perseverance in life and frugality. He loves power and strives for it. For him, the most important thing is to stand firmly and firmly on the ground. Such a person rarely makes a brilliant impression on others, but in difficult times you can rely on him. A “brown” person is active in love and devotes a lot of time to it, although love will never prevent him from controlling himself (if only in order not to completely lose his head). He is also inclined to think about the problems of the world, and if he sets a goal for himself, he will achieve it at all costs!

Brown people are loyal friends, understanding but inflexible, they have strong opinions and can be intolerant of those who think, speak or act too quickly. They are attentive to money, know how to look closely at a product and make a profitable purchase.

If you bet Brown color Lastly, you seem to fantasize about a lot of things - for example, you dream of going on a trip with a traveling circus or becoming a racing driver... everything new excites you, and everyday things seem incredibly boring. You are a witty, impulsive and generous person. Life on a farm is not for you, and couch potatoes make you bored. You love people, but they must be bright and outstanding. A serious relationship can be very risky for your partner - after all, it is so difficult to get you to sit in one place!


“Beige” people have the same basic distinctive features as “brown” people, only these features are greatly softened and do not appear so clearly. Creamy beige and honey tones take on many of the qualities associated with yellow, while pinkish shades of beige are closer in mood to pink.
I like the beige color sincere people who value quality and practicality and strive to remain neutral in difficult situations.

If you don't like beige, you are more reserved than those who don't like brown, but have many of the same qualities. The pallor of beige color symbolizes for you a pale existence - boring and tedious. You hate routine.


Gray is the favorite color of sensible and distrustful people who think for a long time before making any decision. People who prefer this most neutral of all shades have the same neutral attitude towards life, as if they are trying to protect themselves from a crazy world by wrapping themselves in a reliable blanket of neutrality.

If this is your color, you obviously prefer a safe, prudent, balanced lifestyle, and unlike red lovers, you seek contentment rather than excitement. It is important for you to maintain the “status quo” in any situation.

You often make compromises in life. You are practical and calm, and do not like to attract attention, enjoy work and strive to be useful. In general, you are a leisurely, conservative, reserved and reliable person.

Not to love grey colour- means not loving neutrality. You would rather be right or wrong than abstain. Ordinary life is too boring for you: you strive for a fuller, richer life. Perhaps this forces you to often change your attachments, interests and preferences in search of your happiness...

In a word, people who do not like this color have an impulsive, sometimes even frivolous character.


It is a synthesis of all colors, therefore it is perfect color, “the color of dreams.” It contains a significant meaning, since it simultaneously conveys the brilliance of light and the coldness of ice. This color can be preferred by a person with any character; it rarely repels anyone.

White color symbolizes purity. Those who prefer pure white to other tones are usually distinguished by accuracy in everything, they are careful and insightful, critical and somewhat fussy. White also signifies self-sufficiency and, often, innocence. He is like a memory of childhood and simplicity...

Dislike of white does not mean that you are a disorganized or unkempt person, but it is unlikely that you are completely possessed by a passion for order, especially since you cannot be called too fussy a person. Slightly asymmetrical things are much more interesting to you than ideal proportions, and a few specks of dust on a bookshelf do not make you want to immediately start a big cleaning. You are relaxed, and it’s a pleasure to spend time with you in company.


Black is not really a color, but the absence of it. However, black has an unusually large number of adherents. The person who chooses it is always ready to fight, he is full of fire and passion. The feelings of the “black” absorb him entirely, sometimes overwhelming him.

This is the color of rebellion, the elements, but not a voluntary feeling, but inspired by circumstances or other people. Alas, a lover of black cannot always correctly assess the situation, which is why he loses and suffers greatly. In his life, intimacy plays a leading role, he is very passionate, a kind of “king of the night”, loves to love and be loved. Regardless of the goal, he always goes ahead without stopping. In a relationship with him, you will definitely encounter uncontrollable emotions.

Often the color black symbolizes a joyless perception of life. Anyone who prefers to dress in black (except for mourning symbols - this is a special case) often perceives life in gloomy tones, is unsure of himself, unhappy, and prone to depression, because he has no doubt that ideals in life are unattainable. Frequently changing a black suit or dress to another, brighter one is an indicator that pessimistic moods are dissipating.

For people who put black in last place, this color can be associated with absolute negation... it is an eternal secret, an abyss, a black hole... It can symbolize death and mourning. Perhaps you were afraid of the dark as a child and forgot about it, but feelings of discomfort haunt you when you look at the color black. However, black may simply seem too heavy and dark for you.

You most likely feel uncomfortable in the company of people with sophisticated manners - you prefer sincere people who do not burden themselves and others with the conventions of social status.

It has been noticed that people who prefer white to all colors have, in the overwhelming majority, a highly developed imagination. Such people are very often religious and distinguished by the strength of their faith. In addition, those who prefer white easily enter a trance (cultic, mystical, during meditation). One of the main distinctive features character - the desire for peace and tranquility. But in general, character can be very contradictory, combining such different qualities as sympathy for people and indifference to the outside world, selflessness and jealousy. In general, they are characterized by a certain polarity: those who prefer white are dreamy, but this quality can push them equally towards heaven, towards God, and towards drugs. Lovers of white color very often have parapsychological and psychic abilities. In addition, according to the eastern horoscope, they are most often born in the year of Leo (which gives them inner strength) or Snakes (foresight and wisdom).


It has long been universally accepted that those people who prefer red to all colors are passionate, quick-tempered, and always in captivity of their passions. They have a highly inherent desire for leadership, sometimes at almost any cost. All this is due to the fact that red is the color of animal passion. However, one should never look at things on the same plane, and therefore one can also note such traits of admirers of the red color as love of life, energy, perseverance and efficiency, and the ability to put their whole soul into their work. Again, on the other hand, these people rarely have remorse, and the same emotionality often prevents them from achieving their goals. All this poses a choice - learn to control yourself or fail. Apparently, this partly explains the fact that red lovers are often internally contradictory and rather poorly predictable even for people close to them. They like to spend their leisure time hunting or playing some kind of hard sport - from boxing to car racing.


People who prefer pink to all tones and shades are mostly distinguished by a soft, calm character, dreaminess, even a certain detachment from the outside world, expressed by faith in everything wonderful - from their own dreams to fairy tales and mystical revelations. They, as a rule, are quite relaxed, dream of sublime love, and in Everyday life They prefer coziness and comfort in every possible way - they cannot be classified as travelers, lovers of adventure or even just active recreation. It is not for nothing that there is an expression “looking at the world through rose-colored glasses” - it was undoubtedly born from the subtly noticed feature of people of this type who are happy to replace reality with their own vision of the world. This position is convenient in the sense that in many cases it allows you to protect yourself from unpleasant emotions and maintain peace of mind - but only until it comes into conflict with manifestations of real life. For people with a pink preference, such a collision with reality almost always becomes a rather difficult test - however, no shocks can change the foundation of their life and habits of dreamy contemplation. Another typological character trait of those who prefer pink can be considered the lack of clear criteria, including when assessing their own capabilities and strengths. This quality also often fails this category of people when they let others down by promising to do more than they can actually do. Nevertheless, due to the same characteristics of their character, such people very quickly calm down after any shocks and, as a rule, live to a ripe old age.


Light blue or sky blue almost always characterizes those who prefer these colors as active people, constantly striving for knowledge and discovering new things. For this reason, many of them love to travel. Another category of people who are very often exposed to their love for light tones of blue and blue are poets and artists. As a rule, such people are religious and firm in their beliefs. Dark blue color of artists. Lovers of dark blue are, as a rule, cheerful, optimistic, energetic, and adore children. They often quite easily achieve both their goals and success, including in purely material terms. However, this type of character - precisely because of artistry - is characterized by a love of recognition from others and a constant passionate desire to achieve this state of affairs. In addition, these individuals are quite sophisticated, which can also often create certain problems: for example, if they like the work and enjoy it, they succeed, but otherwise they have a very hard time until they find their place in life .


Those who prefer this color are very balanced and thorough people. Their characteristic feature is orderliness in all matters and actions, along with a love of order in general (say, at home or in the workplace). Often those who prefer brown are rather stern people, very resistant to any outside influences. Such a rather characteristic feature as a tendency to frugality has also been noted. Also, quite often these people strive for power over others, but even when such a tendency is absent, they invariably stand very firmly on their feet. Another typological tendency is a constant thirst for knowledge. But in social terms, such people are not sociable - they much prefer loneliness, a love of peace and quiet. In connection with the above, this type of character does not make any strong, much less a “brilliant” impression on others, however, having gotten to know them better, everyone will understand that in difficult times one can rely on such a person. Despite their love of solitude and peace, they are very active in the sexual sphere and attach great importance to it in the general hierarchy life values. Thinking about world problems is in the background for people of this type color preferences, it is much more important for them to maintain control over everyday life problems and achieve their goals, in which they usually show incomparable persistence and perseverance. In the esoteric tradition, the color brown symbolizes maturity - not so much in terms of age, but in spiritual terms and decisions made.


Dark gray tones are preferred by those people who are characterized primarily by logical thinking. This feature can manifest itself in a variety of forms, for example, in studies in science and technology or medicine, or simply in the ability to quickly resolve the most complex life problems. In the esoteric understanding, dark shades of gray have the property of purification. There is a lot of evidence that if these tones appear in a person’s dreams, this is a sure sign of successfully overcoming an illness, or solving a very acute life problem, or a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation at work, in love, in the family. People who prefer dark shades of gray to other colors are almost always characterized by a pronounced love of order, and everything should be placed in its designated place - as well as objects on the desktop, as well as thoughts, and even emotions and feelings. In addition, such people have the ability to analyze. Very often others turn to them for advice - that is why, and for the same reason, those who prefer dark gray often achieve real heights in their professional field regardless of whether it is humanitarian or technical. But despite their penchant for analysis, such people are mostly creative individuals. The greatest discomfort for them is any restriction, constraint, or tension, although they are not prone to rebellion, like, say, those who prefer black. At the same time, sexually they are very similar to those who prefer black. Finally, a characteristic feature is the ability to quickly cope with any disappointments that life brings. But those who prefer light gray tones have some differences. They are also smart and reasonable, but at the same time they are often restless or even restless. But this type is more open, there are no problems in communication, there are usually a lot of friends - they are distinguished by intelligence and sociability. All this is due to the fact that light gray is the color of youth, rapid pace, and the desire to avoid any difficulties.


People who prefer green, but dark tones, tend to be persistent - if not stubborn. They know how to achieve all earthly blessings and acquire material stability. Their mentality allows them to achieve both spiritual and material wealth under any favorable circumstances - they will not miss their chance. People of this color are mostly distinguished by their solidity and respectability; by their mentality, they often become architects, builders, and, moreover, are very talented in this field. Common characterizing aspects include love for nature, as well as a constant desire for peace - both in the physical sense of the word and in the spiritual. People who prefer dark green are very often secretive, but very persistent in achieving their goal, and this combination can in many cases bring real success, since it gradually suppresses the energy of those around them, those who are part of their social circle, unless they are “black” or "red". At the same time, those who prefer dark green color are almost always highly aesthetic. On the one hand, such a person could be somewhat softer, on the other hand, they are fully aware of the fact that each person has the right to their own opinion. This quality invariably helps dark greens avoid many troubles, and, in addition, in combination with the already mentioned aesthetics, allows them to acquire a significant number of good friends. Here it should be noted that people generally strive for them - individuals with a dark green preference invariably evoke in those around them, even little or no strangers, a feeling of security and a strange sense of security. A well-regulated sexual life is of great importance: if there are failures in this area of ​​relationships, people with green preferences suffer very deeply. In all other respects, these are people with a strong enough will to overcome any difficulties in life; To make them change their minds and turn away from their chosen path requires not only great patience, but also very serious argumentation. People who also choose green, but in light tones, are quite different from those who choose dark green. These are most often people who are no less aesthetic, but at the same time soft, who know how to value cooperation and are careful about the feelings of others. Of course, all this makes them attractive in communication; they invariably have a lot of friends. And if we also take into account that people of a light green type are characterized by initial goodwill and, to a large extent, a sense of justice, it becomes clear that life for these people, in comparison with their “darker” brothers in color, is incomparably easier. However, there are also quite characteristic disadvantages. So, often people with a light green choice suffer from the fact that they are completely unable to listen to others. In addition, they are characterized by some frivolity - it is not without reason that in the esoteric tradition the light green color is considered to symbolize youth, spring, and fleeting happiness.


From time immemorial, the color yellow has been considered a color that bestows warmth, life, and energy, since it is the color of the divine Sun, the source of all life. Those who prefer yellow to all colors are almost always people who are not only strong in body and spirit (since life force flows into them), but also creative ones. Another typological feature is the desire for leadership; At the same time, people with a yellow color preference, as a rule, are good at concentrating their strength and will in order to direct it to where it will be most effective. At the same time, those who prefer yellow are able not only to work fruitfully, but also to fully relax, forgetting about everything for a while. These are people who can succeed equally in science and creativity, in a research laboratory and on the stage. Yellow color can contribute to the acquisition of both material and spiritual values. Such people are for the most part open, intelligent and highly sensitive - this latter is the reason that their lives are often truly replete with bright moments and impressions. Those who prefer yellow have sufficient persistence coupled with patience to achieve their goal in most cases. Quite often, such a quality as generosity is noted, which, in combination with other traits of nature, attracts others.


This is, in fact, concentrated yellow, and therefore those who prefer orange have all the features of yellow. In addition, they are almost always lucky in love and skilled in sex.


Violet color, i.e. the color of the parietal chakra, the “crown” is a special color. And those who prefer it are overwhelmingly very unusual people, at least extraordinary. They extremely express the desire for freedom, complete independence and unlimited space. They strive for spiritual awakening, flight, and dream of wings. But to an outside observer, such a person can often look phlegmatic, even sleepy, hiding internal tension and readiness, which is almost always realized unexpectedly. This is why the whole life of such people is often full of surprises and completely unexpected turns. As a rule, people who prefer the color purple are sociable, and especially value intellectual and spiritual communication, which they very often experience not only a constant need, but also a shortage of. They are generally characterized by a high innate intelligence, which can even at times cause some embarrassment and even discomfort among others. Therefore, these people always strive to find an equal or worthy (in terms of intelligence) interlocutor and carefully select their social circle. Under normal conditions, they usually cannot find this. Addiction to purple tones almost certainly means interest and craving for everything mysterious, inexplicable, along with a constant desire to find a solution to all such phenomena. Such people are not afraid of dangers, they love speed - both behind the wheel and in all other cases, although this may not be noticeable to strangers. With high intelligence, they are often not so strong in physical terms - they are susceptible to various diseases (especially autonomic neuroses and disorders of the thyroid gland).


Black color is also liked by quite a lot of people. As a rule, these are individuals who are always ready to fight, purposeful, persistent; the dark flame of passion boils within them, prompting them to action. Accordingly, the feelings and emotions of such people almost always differ in strength and expression; often they even become extreme, turning into an all-consuming passion and capturing the person entirely. It is not without reason that according to the most ancient sources that have reached us, black has always been considered the color of rebellion, the elements, and all this is taken to the extreme and sometimes pushes a person into the abyss. On the other hand, black is not only a symbol of the night, it is, rather, a symbol of darkness, and therefore, not only destruction, but also resurrection, not only rebellion, but also freedom. The sexual sphere is extremely important in their lives; As a rule, they know how to love and are loved themselves. The only bad thing is that such people are not always able, due to their turbulent nature, to assess the situation realistically; in these cases they lose, from which they suffer extremely painfully. However, even then, adherents of black always go forward, ahead and without stopping, no matter what goal they pursue. It is not for nothing that Buddhism has such a concept as the “Black Point of Buddha”: it means reaching a new level, but not the coveted nirvana, but a more detailed understanding of the fundamental principles of the Universe - the secret forces of the subconscious, life and death.


Each sign has a color that has talismanic power for it.

  • Aries prefers the color red.
  • Taurus is light green.
  • Geminis love all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Cancer is blue.
  • Leo - orange to golden.
  • Virgo is blue.
  • Libra is dark green in color.
  • Scorpio is the color purple.
  • Sagittarius loves all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Capricorn is much stricter in choosing colors; he prefers white, black, and purple.
  • Aquarius is the color purple.
  • Pisces - all shades of green.

based on materials from the book: Mikhail Bublichenko - "Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection."

Psychological meaning of flowers.

Is it possible to describe music in words? Is it possible to express the meaning of a look in words? How poor are familiar concepts when weWe are trying to describe in words the feelings we experience vividly and strongly!

Colors such as red and brown seem completely different to us. Despite this, we perceive both as warm. The concepts “warm” and “cold” from the point of view of touch do not reflect the true meaning at all.

The fact that different people perceive the subtlest color shades with great accuracy, confirms that the meaning of each color in human perception is objective. Color discrimination in different people causes the same, specific experiences when looking at each color. Therefore, color perception is a generally understood language of sensations that does not require verbal expression - a visual language.

Colors not only have a certain appearance (for example, red or blue), but are also characterized by other types of perception (for example, warm - cold; round - having corners).

The emotional perception of color is its objective meaning. For example, red is activating and exciting for all people. This is true for all cultures of the world. Pure red color carries a meaning of stimulation and energy.

The generally accepted meaning of color is assessed differently by each person. He either agrees with this meaning or rejects it, based on his own feelings (for example, nervousness, rejection). The perception of color is strongly influenced by a personal subjective feeling: attractive, indifferent (indifferent), causing antipathy.

Depending on a person’s state of mind, a certain meaning of color, and, accordingly, the meaning inherent in it, is confirmed, ignored or rejected. If we consider a color beautiful, it means that we agree with its semantic meaning. This color reflects our state of mind. By the chosen or rejected color in the Luscher test, we can clearly determine our emotional or physical state. The choice of color occurs unconsciously, so it allows you to see reality, and not a person’s subjective image of himself (as is usually the case with verbal methods - surveys, questionnaires, psychoanalytic sessions, etc.).

A large number of colors reflect a whole range of emotions. Thus, color is a highly differentiated language of feeling, just like music. This means that colors can be called “visualized feelings.” The meanings of colors and the system of regulatory psychology are described in more detail in M. Luscher’s main work, “The Law of Harmony in Us.”

Blue (1).

The dark blue color evokes a feeling of deepest peace. It has been experimentally proven that when looking at dark blue for a long time, breathing slows down, pulse and blood pressure decrease. The generally accepted psychological meaning of dark blue is peace.

V. Kandinsky considers blue to be “concentrated movement.”

Dark blue evokes relaxation and contentment. It gives a feeling of deep harmony, orderliness, unity and security. That's why the Virgin Mary's veil is blue.

Blue corresponds to feelings of self-awareness as well as satisfaction or dedication.

In a state of inner peace, a person unconsciously opens up to the world around him, picking up more subtle signals from the outside. The state of mind of “blue color” creates conditions for sensitive aesthetic perception. I. Kant calls this “calm contentment.”

Schelling (1775 - 1854) describes in his “Philosophy of Art” the symbol of blue as peace - a unique state caused by beauty - calm at sea.

The blue color symbolizes eternity, the absence of time frames, so it is chosen as a symbol of tradition, unity and cohesion. (“Blue is loyalty”).

Connections and a sense of belonging are expressed through the choice of shades of blue.

Novalis in his novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen described the romantic mood through the image blue flower. “The sky was black and blue and absolutely clear. He (Henry) was fascinated by a tall, bright blue flower that grew near the source and touched it with its wide, shiny leaves. He didn’t notice anything around except the blue flower and looked at it for a long time, with great tenderness.” Hölderlin has something similar in his novel “Hyperion”: “In the blue of the ether, the young hero sees unity with the universe as eternal peace: “Lost in the distant blue, I often look up into the ether. Unity with all living things, a return to blessed self-denial, to the natural world - a place of eternal peace."

One of the most famous poems by I.V. Goethe fully captures the essence of the color blue:

“Silent peaks sleep in the darkness of the night,

Sleepy valleys are full of fresh darkness.

The road does not gather dust, the leaves do not tremble,

Wait a little - you too will rest...”

Green (2).

Luscher green (2), dark and tinged with blue, like fir needles, expresses stability, firmness, perseverance and constancy. Green does not have expansive energy influencing others (like orange-red), but contains the energy of tension accumulated inside, which is not in a state of rest, but in readiness for action. From the outside it appears static.

Green, like any other primary color, changes its meaning depending on the tone. The more dark blue it contains, the more solid, cold, tense, and rigid it is perceived psychologically. Just as molecules form a structure of a solid body of a certain rigidity that is not visible from the outside, so in human soul a feeling of internal tension arises. This is “penetration into oneself.” This is self-awareness, self-management, self-esteem.

By creating stability and permanence, green (2) represents a value system.

One who gives preference to such green (2) can be characterized as a person who is firm in his convictions, able to withstand internal and external influences, incl. temptations, temptations; a person with a deep sense of self-respect.

The words “noblesse o” blige” (position obliges) or “do the right thing and don’t be afraid of anyone” - just about such people.

Green (2) – stability of beliefs, self-respect, inviolability of moral values.

The psychological meaning of green (2) is also a sense of self-worth, manifested as respect, dignity, competence, authority, property, dominance in a certain space.

If there is no internal stability of green (2), and, accordingly, integrity, inviolability, impeccability, then these qualities are replaced by demonstration, for external effect - mannerism, arrogance, excessive “pride,” sometimes boastfulness, etc. Prestige becomes a pose.

Someone who needs external approval uses status symbols to create the appearance of self-worth. He finds himself in the spotlight, turning the spotlight on himself, playing up stability, greatness, dignity and prestige.

Red (3).

Of all the colors, yellow-red (3) has the strongest activating effect. If you look at this color for a long time, your breathing will become faster, your blood pressure will rise, and your heart rate will increase.

The psychological meaning of this color is excitement, stimulation, activity. It is also a response to demand and challenge. If there is a joyful activation, then red (3) is considered powerful force. A person choosing red (3) perceives it as stimulation, capture, a strong driving desire. This is “appetite” in all its manifestations: from passionate love to greedy possession. Red activity (3) – focused energy: physical activity (sports, sex); emotional (ardent, passionate inspiration); it is also a halo over the head of a saint; love is like conquest. This is also a manifestation of power. Red is self-confidence and self-confidence.

It is important to remember that the perception of any color, be it red (activation) or blue (calm), can be either positive (preference) or negative (rejection).

If red (3) inspires antipathy or disgust, it is perceived as unpleasant or painful, threatening. There is irritation, anger, disgust (to the point of a physical feeling of nausea).

A German nursery rhyme sums this up very well:

"Red is love"

Red is blood

Red is the devil in a rage..."

The name “red” as a general name for any other color does not reflect the true essence of the color, because the huge number of shades is not taken into account, each of which has its own, unique meaning. Thus, the term “classical music” covers the entire spectrum, from Handel’s “Largo” to Ravel’s “Bolero.”

Pure red, yellowish, bluish or brownish - they all have completely different shades of meaning.

Brownish red has a tranquil connotation; bluish – stability, stability, just as pure green reflects; If you add yellow to red, activation occurs.

Yellow (4).

Pure yellow (4) is the brightest color. Like the sun, bright and shining. When light hits yellow, the strong reflection creates the impression of sliding across the surface. Yellow lacks the depth and mystery of dark colors.

Yellow corresponds to a feeling of free development, therefore yellow (4) is preferred by people who are looking for changing, free relationships for self-development (maybe partings, long journeys, flights). Yellow is decision, liberation, change, development, wide open space. This is a search for something new.

Thus, yellow (4) is the opposite of green (2): expansion - contraction; change - stability; freedom is restriction.

Yellow (4) is also considered the color of “illumination” and deliverance (the halo above the head of Jesus Christ the Savior).

Carefree fun can be called a “yellow mood.”

Purple (5).

Purple is obtained by mixing red and blue. Red is the impulse for conquest and experience. His satisfaction is carried out in blue. Red seeks to achieve agreement and unity through struggle and conquest. Blue strives for the same thing through calm dedication. Both paths, red and blue, are aimed at unity. Both colors cross their boundaries and transform. Therefore, purple can be described as a barrier-breaking metamorphosis. The red path is autonomous, authoritative. The path of blue is receptive, heteronomous, unconditional acceptance. "Male" red and "female" blue become genderless purple. 75% of pre-pubescent children around the world prefer purple. Purple is the color of transcendence, the transition to a world dominated by emotional values. Purple is the unity of opposites. That is why it is so often used by adherents of mystical traditions.

Purple is also an expression of curiosity, passion, identification, impressionability (fluctuating from red to blue, from impulsive desire to cautious sensitivity). The same perception of reality is characteristic of creative individuals.

White (6) and Black (7).

White is the lightest of all colors. It can be perceived as dazzling.

Black is the darkest of all colors, practically the absence of color. White is emission, black is absorption.

Black is the opposite of everything positive, absolute negation, an unconditional “no.” It also manifests itself as the will to destroy the existing, opposition, authoritarian pressure in relation to any other opinion and way of life.

The properties of the colors of the palette are often used in psychology and psychotherapy as one of the effective treatment methods, which allows one to correct a person’s mental state.

Some of them have a calming effect, balancing the mood, while others, on the contrary, have a stimulating effect, activating and filling with energy. In any case, each shade can be both useful in a particular case and cause harm to well-being.

There are many special tests that allow you to determine the characteristics of a person’s psychological color perception. Studies have shown that dosed exposure to a specific shade can cause changes in well-being and correct the psychological state.

That is why attention is paid to the design features of the interior in which a person spends most of his time. The sleeping and working areas are also separated, in which it is necessary to adhere to different color concepts for optimal well-being.

There are a lot of tests that are based on choosing a person’s favorite color. Depending on preferences, one can interpret the actions of an individual and describe his character, fears and desires.

Characteristics of colors in psychology

To understand the features of color therapy, you should know what colors mean in psychology. Let's look at each of them in more detail and give them a brief description.


This mysterious and mysterious shade contains two almost opposite colors - blue and red. This mixture includes a mild calming effect and an activating component, which when combined have a unique effect.

It is generally accepted that purple promotes the development of artistry and intuition. Under its influence, creative ideas and other activities that require maximum concentration and sensitivity are easier to come by. It will be useful for creative people to surround themselves with this shade for a surge of inspiration and best results at work.

If a person has symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia or neurosis, the color purple in the interior and even in small household details will have an excellent effect on them.

Red color

This shade is considered to be the color of fire, love and even danger. In any case, it represents a powerful force that is used in any direction of human activity. Eastern teachings associate the color red with yang energy, which represents masculinity, thus recognizing red as the most powerful and active color available in the palette.

There are many shades that, when combined with others, can diminish the effect of red and have a slightly different effect on a person. In psychology, it is believed that this color represents aggression, so it is often advised to avoid it if a person needs to calm down and find inner balance.

Red is useful in a specific dosage to activate and awaken strength. In the interior and even in clothing, this color represents a highlight and is used more as an element of elegance or festive style. A large amount of red in places where a person spends a lot of time is irritating and negatively affects well-being.

Blue color

In psychology, this shade symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, and evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for decorating work areas and offices when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization among employees, leadership skills.

Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises and make cool, informed decisions. Contributes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.

Used as a balancing lever that restores sanity and promotes rapid rehabilitation of people with neuroses and other mental conditions. The entire psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and most adapted color, which evokes only positive feelings in a person’s life.

Naturally, many shades of green can cause some unpleasant sensations, for example, neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsening well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms intended for eating.

Other shades of green are calmer and more peaceful. They have a beneficial effect on human vision and well-being. A return to the primitive beginning of man associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interior, clothing and household details.


Quite a cheerful, light and positive color that combines all the warm shades and is wonderfully suitable for home interiors and those occasions when you need to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort.

It is well perceived by children and is therefore often used in educational and preschool institutions. Yellow color promotes the development of intellectual abilities, so its inclusion in the work process will be very useful.

Shades of yellow are well perceived by different people and rarely cause discomfort. In addition, the effect of this color on the digestive system is known. Yellow helps activate the pancreas, secrete bile, and cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. These properties are used in those rooms where a person needs to stimulate appetite. For example, in cafes, restaurants and even supermarkets.

Black color

A very laconic and monochrome color, which is quite often used today. It is a rich and strong shade that absorbs other colors. Enough bold decision for interior decoration, so it is often combined with other shades to dilute the monochrome palette.

In some cases, psychology is recognized as the color of depression and even more serious mental imbalance. The predominance of black in children’s drawings should definitely alert, since this color is completely uncharacteristic for the child’s psyche.

For adults, most often the color black means closedness, which hides a person behind a mask of reluctance to stand out or open up.

Black in clothing is used by those who do not want to focus attention on their own person and do not even want to attract it to their appearance. In some cases, it emphasizes other characteristic features without diverting attention to itself.

Orange color

The warmest shade of the entire palette, as it is created using red and yellow. It is a cheerful and optimistic color that is used to maintain a person's mood. In psychology it is used to correct depressive disorders.

It also has a rejuvenating effect, improving the body’s metabolic processes, work internal organs. Orange color almost always reveals only the positive aspects of life, showing every event from the good side. Therefore, such a source of joy is used to overcome neuroses and asthenia.

Orange helps improve appetite and enhance the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In the event of a traumatic situation in a person’s life, it provides the necessary support and improves psychological well-being.

Pink color

The most sensitive and delicate shade from the whole range. It is a fairly positive shade that symbolizes youth, femininity and romance.

It is very often used in psychology to calm and restore balance in children, mainly girls. For them, this color is much closer and more pleasant.

In a sense, pink means purity if its shade is closer to white. It is useful in psychological terms for mothers and pregnant women, as it can induce calm and sensitivity. Pink color is often used as a symbol of conciseness, which reveals itself more softly than white.

Grey colour

Quite often it is associated with depression, a lack of color in life and the desire to fill it. If psychological tests conducted on a specific person, show gray, one can assume an emptiness that gnaws at him from the inside. This does not necessarily mean depression, but most often symbolizes depression or apathy.

In the modern world, gray color is rarely used independently. Its laconicism and neutrality make it go well with any other shades. Gray in the interior will increase a person’s ability to concentrate on specific tasks and neutralize other distracting details.

The psychology of a favorite color defines this shade as too neutral. A person probably does not feel the need, strength or those vital colors that are needed in his life.

White color

It is the absolute equivalent of purity and purity in any area of ​​human activity. It is used as a laconic component, which is often diluted with more emotionally rich colors. Depending on the application, it most often has a cold effect, which causes a feeling of neutrality and detachment.

White interiors or clothing styles, unlike gray ones, do not make a person want to hide or not attract attention. On the contrary, this shade indicates a specific person, connecting him with everything that is bright and good in this world, which is represented in this color.

For example, Wedding Dress serves as this signpost, drawing attention and showing the positivity of the moment and the happiness it implies.


A fairly neutral color, which is a symbol of restraint, purity and depth of feeling. Depending on the specific application, blue can be quite gentle and sensitive, and can also evoke a feeling of balance, calm, and tranquility.

If a person likes the color blue, they will most often gravitate towards these two aspects of its influence. Usually these are people who love purity, conciseness, and are rather restrained in expressing their emotions. Blue also encourages philosophical reflection, promotes organization and increased productivity.

Purple colour

This shade represents people who are constantly in search of their ideal balance. Most often these are individuals with ambitions who are trying to achieve more in their lives, business individuals.

People for whom lilac is a favorite color are quite sensitive, artistic and gifted. They have a delicate taste and the ability to be psychologically sensitive, that is, they know how to sympathize and often come to the aid of those who need it.

Lilac helps you stand out, define your own uniqueness and even eccentricity. Often people who like this color feel nostalgic. It is extremely difficult for them to part with unnecessary things from the past, memories of good times More often than not, they cause not a smile, but tears of sadness that this will not happen again.

Brown color

This is one of the conservative colors, which, unlike white or black, has a fairly rich range warm shades. Most often it is chosen by conservative people who do not want to stand out among total mass. In everyday life they prefer functionality and comfort rather than energy and originality.

These are far from demonstrative people who do not like to show off their own thoughts and secrets. They are characterized by living without the attention of others, being isolated in their own world with their own rules.

People who like brown do not like change and have a hard time with any moves or changes in their daily routine. In psychology, it is used to balance one’s own desires, as well as to find meaning in one’s life.

Burgundy color

This is a bold color that defines a person as strong enough, but not willing to show his capabilities. A certain muted red calms the raging energy, but at the same time creates a sugary aftertaste of its own style.

People who prefer this color want to stand out, but not as much as red lovers. Their desires are more related to sophistication, uniqueness of sensations and their own style.

Burgundy embodies nobility and sophistication, which people want to show through color. In psychology, such individuals are considered self-confident, with high self-esteem and self-esteem.


Since ancient times, this color was considered a symbol of the mystical principle, purity, healing, perfection, and was used to create amulets. In some cultures, the wedding color is traditionally turquoise, not white. In psychology, it is a talisman of good luck, attracting wealth and even career growth.

This color is chosen by people who are self-confident, quite sociable and sociable. They easily find a common language with others and fit into any team. Most often they are open and rarely keep secrets.

People who prefer turquoise need peace and tranquility. They want to balance their own desires and find peace.

Beige color

It is more of a background neutral shade that does not attract much attention to itself, but at the same time has a sufficient set of qualities that are appreciated.

People who prefer beige color, are quite self-sufficient and do not need to be highlighted and updated. They do not need to emphasize their individuality, since their rich inner world doesn't require this.

The beige color is very warm and gentle, soothing and gives a feeling of peace and balance.

What colors mean in psychology - watch the video:

Each color is unique in its own way, and also contains many shades, the effect of which may vary slightly. Therefore for the right choice The colors for your wardrobe or interior should be based more on your own feelings than on designers’ recommendations about the meaning of color in psychology.