Justification for fastening woks with anchors to intermediate supports. Executive documentation. Organization and technology of work on suspension and installation of fiber optic cables

For laying fiber-optic lines along supports are used in cases where it is impractical (or impossible) to use a gasket in the sewer or the trench method. During the construction of intrazonal and backbone optical networks, the use of optical cable in a lightning protection cable - this is the most convenient and reliable way suspensions of fiber-optic communication lines on power lines with a voltage of 110 kV and more. On intrazonal and local lines, self-supporting cable suspension with fastening on the lower crossarm is also used. This option is used both on power lines with a voltage of 110 kV and above, and on air lines less high voltage(10 kV and below) along with low-voltage lines, lighting lines, supports of railway contact networks.

The advantages of laying fiber optic lines on supports include a reduction in construction time along with a reduction in capital and operating costs (there is no need for land acquisition and approvals with interested organizations), a reduction in the scale of possible damage in urban areas and industrial zones, as well as independence from soil types.

And although aerial laying of optical cables is much simpler than underground, it is necessary to note the following disadvantages of laying: FOCL on supports, such as a reduction in service life due to environmental influences, susceptibility to increased mechanical stresses under adverse weather conditions, as well as the complexity of calculations when exposed to loads in different conditions operation.

For laying fiber-optic lines by suspension to supports in populated areas, suspension is often used fiber optic cable To steel cable, which is stretched between the supports on the consoles. Fiber optic cable suspension with a built-in cable on specially designed consoles is also used.

When the fiber optic cable is suspended from a steel cable, each console is attached to a support using special screws. Taking into account the normal sag, the installation height of the consoles should be such that the distance from ground level to the lowest point of the cable is 4.5 m or more. The fiber optic cable is attached to the cable using hangers made of galvanized sheet steel. Such hangers must move freely along the steel cable and tightly enclose the fiber optic cable.

In the case of hanging a fiber optic cable, which has a built-in support cable, standard electrical fittings and a supporting clamp are used. For tension fastening For self-supporting fiber optic cables, spiral clamps are used (reinstallation of spiral tension and support clamps is prohibited).

As mentioned above, among the disadvantages of laying fiber-optic lines along supports is the difficulty of calculating all the loads acting on the air-cable transition. Regarding the calculation support cable, then it includes the calculation of the actual tensile force under operating conditions (it should not exceed the ultimate tensile strength of the cable) and the calculation of the expended length of the cable. Such characteristics of the cable as its ultimate tensile strength and specific gravity are indicated in the manufacturer's technical documentation. When calculating the cable tension, it is necessary to take into account all components of the load that can affect its stretching in real conditions; therefore, it is necessary to calculate its total weight load. Indeed, in the worst case, the cable can stretch under the influence of the vertical component of the load (the cable’s own weight, the weight of the cable and fastening structure, as well as the weight of ice freezing in winter). In addition, the load on the cable can increase under the influence of the horizontal component of the load (wind force). Thus, the expended length of the cable must be calculated taking into account the sag, and it can change depending on fluctuations in tension force and temperature.

The latter must be taken into account when choosing the design of the coupling as well as the size and design of the splice cassette. Temperature fluctuations lead to changes in cable length. This can either lead to the appearance of macrobends in the splice cassette.



APPROVED by Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation A.S. Misharin August 16, 1999

These rules contain requirements for the suspension and installation technology of self-supporting fiber-optic communication cables on overhead contact poles and supports high voltage lines auto-lock. The rules were developed by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport, CJSC Transtelecom Company with the participation of the Transelectroproekt and Giprotranssignalsvyaz institutes.

Basic provisions for maintenance FOCs on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage auto-blocking lines are contained in the "Temporary instructions for the maintenance, repair and restoration of line-cable structures of fiber- optical lines railway transport communications (FOCL ZhT)", RD 32 TsIS/TsE 09.54-99.

The rules were issued taking into account the changes approved by the Ministry of Railways by Directive No. A-2897u dated December 28, 1999.

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules for the suspension and installation of self-supporting fiber-optic cables on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage auto-blocking lines (hereinafter referred to as these Rules) apply to self-supporting fiber-optic communication cables (hereinafter referred to as FOC), suspended on the supports of the contact network, high-voltage auto-blocking lines and free-standing supports and are intended for workers involved in the design, construction, installation, maintenance and repair of fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL).

The rules establish general requirements for the procedure for hanging fiber optic cables on the supports of overhead contact networks and high-voltage auto-blocking lines, for assessing the condition of the supports, and determine the basic provisions of the technology for safely performing installation work on hanging fiber optic cables. The rules also contain instructions for hanging fiber optic cables on bridges and tunnels.

In addition to the requirements of these Rules, when hanging a fiber optic cable, workers must be guided regulations Russian Ministry of Railways on the procedure for using railway infrastructure when creating telecommunications.

When designing and carrying out work on installation of a fiber optic cable, the requirements of the current instructions of the State Committee for Communications of Russia and the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) must also be taken into account.

1.2. Installation of the fiber optic cable must be carried out in accordance with the detailed design for the construction of fiber optic lines using brackets, clamps, fastening parts and other products that comply with the drawings and technical specifications approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Work on suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable should be mechanized as much as possible. To suspend it, you should use specialized technological complexes that provide control of the tension of the fiber optic cable. When replacing overhead contact line supports or installing additional supports, drilling rigs, foundation loading machines, railcar cranes or railway cranes should be used. To install automatic blocking supports, it is necessary to use drilling and crane rigs on a truck or track.

1.4. Fixed-type motor-rail vehicles (trolleys, motor locomotives and motor carriages) used in the construction of fiber-optic lines must meet the requirements of the Instructions for the operation and maintenance of railcars, motor-rail vehicles and motor-rail vehicles (fixed-type motor-rail vehicles) on railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR on April 10, 1990. , N TsRB-4785. Crane installations must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes (machines), approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 4, 1994, N TsRB-278.

Other mechanisms and devices used must be in good working order and have the parameters established by the passports for these mechanisms and devices.

1.5. Work on the suspension and installation of fiber optic cables on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage automatic blocking lines, in tunnels and on bridges must be carried out by specialized organizations licensed to carry out this type of work.

Work managers and workers carrying out suspension and installation of fiber optic cables must have a certificate for passing exams according to the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation *, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on April 26, 1993, N TsRB-162, Signaling Instructions on Railways of the Russian Federation, approved Ministry of Railways of Russia 04/26/93 N TsRB-176, Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia 02.10.93 N TsD-206, Electrical safety rules for railway transport workers on electrified railways, approved Ministry of Railways of Russia 09.22.95 N TsE-346, according to the technology of practical work contained in these Rules.
Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on May 26, 2000 N TsRB-756. - Database manufacturer's note.

Unified management of the work on suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable, including compliance with train safety requirements, must be carried out by a person appointed by the head of the department railway(in the absence of a department by the head of the railway) when issuing a permit to carry out work.

Work managers and workers performing the suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable must follow all instructions regarding the electrical safety of the representative of the power supply distance.

1.6. Knowledge and compliance with these Rules is mandatory for all workers involved in the design, installation and maintenance of the fiber optic cable, as well as for all workers servicing the contact network and high-voltage automatic blocking lines on the supports of which the fiber optic cable is mounted.

2. Basic requirements for the suspension of the fiber optic cable on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage automatic blocking lines

2.1. The suspension of the fiber optic cable on the supports of the contact network and automatic blocking lines must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the Rules for the design and technical operation of the contact network of electrified railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 25, 1993, N TsE-197.

A fiber optic cable suspended from the contact network supports should not reduce the reliability of the power supply to the rolling stock and not interfere with the normal maintenance of the contact network.

A FOC suspended from the supports of high-voltage auto-blocking lines should not worsen the power supply conditions for signaling devices and other non-traction consumers of electricity.

2.2. The suspension of the fiber optic cable can be carried out on the operating metal or reinforced concrete supports of the contact network, provided that load bearing capacity these supports are sufficient to absorb all the existing and additional loads from the suspended fiber optic cable, and the location of the fiber optic cable on the supports makes it possible to carry out work on it in the presence of tension in the catenary suspension.

Detailed designs should not include suspension of the fiber optic cable on supports with insufficient load-bearing capacity. FOC suspension schemes are also not allowed, the use of which requires relieving tension from the overhead contact suspension when performing maintenance of the FOC.

If it is impossible to fulfill the specified conditions, the suspension of the FOC must be carried out on auto-blocking supports.

Cable suspension on automatic blocking supports should also be provided on non-electrified railway lines.

2.3. The suspension of the fiber optic cable on the contact network supports should be carried out from the field side. In exceptional cases, if it is impossible to hang a fiber optic cable from the field side due to insufficient dimensions of the suspension, or cramped conditions, it is allowed, in agreement with the railway power supply service, to hang the fiber optic cable from inside supports (from the track side).

The distances from the lowest point of the fiber optic cable at maximum sag to the surface of the earth or other structures, as well as the distance to other wires when they intersect or approach each other, as well as to parts of the contact network that are energized, must be no less than those given in Table 1.

Table 1

Minimum permissible distances of fiber optic cables from wires and structures

Name of the object of intersection or approach

Minimum distance, m

To the surface of the earth:

in populated areas

in uninhabited areas and up to the rail head within artificial structures

in hard to reach places

to inaccessible mountain slopes, rocks, cliffs

to the rail head of non-electrified sections of the track

to the support cable and contact wire

Up to parts under voltage 6-25 kV:

on a support

in flight

At voltage 3 kV:

on a support

in flight

Before the waveguide

For wires with voltage up to 1 kV:

on a support

in flight

To the surface of passenger platforms

Up to the roof of fireproof buildings and structures

To the nearest parts of buildings (horizontally)

To blank walls and treetops

To the road surface at crossings

To the lower parts of the overpasses and pedestrian bridges when hanging cables under bridges

Note: in exceptional cases, in agreement with the railway power supply service, it is allowed to reduce the distance from the fiber optic cable to the supporting cable to 1 m.

The distances given in Table 1 are established as the maximum possible proximity of the fiber optic cable to wires and structures under the most unfavorable effects of loads on both the cable and the wires.

It is permissible to hang a fiber optic cable above wires with voltages up to 1 kV, provided that the wires and cables do not overlap, mutual impacts and mechanical friction between them are prevented.

When hanging a fiber optic cable on supports on which equipment is placed (disconnectors, arresters, etc.), the distance from above this equipment to the cable must be at least 3 m.

Suspension of the fiber optic cable on supports with two sectional disconnectors is not allowed. For suspension, additional supports must be installed in these places. Additional installed supports must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the supports on which these disconnectors are installed.

2.4. On auto-blocking supports, the suspension of the fiber optic cable should be carried out primarily below the high-voltage wires. In this case, the distances from the bottom of the fiber optic cable to the ground and at intersections must be taken in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, but not less than:

in uninhabited areas - 5 m;

in populated areas - 6 m;

at intersections with railway tracks - 7.5 m from the bottom point of the cable to the rail head.

It is permissible to hang a fiber-optic cable between the wires of the auto-blocking line if the mutual proximity of the fiber-optic cable and the wires under the most unfavorable temperature conditions and loads is at least 0.3 m.

It is not allowed to hang the FOC on auto-blocking supports on which disconnectors, transformers and other equipment are placed. To suspend the FOC in these places, additionally installed supports must be used. Newly installed supports must ensure a distance from the closest wire to the fiber optic cable of at least 1 m and must be offset along the route at a distance of at least 2 m.

2.5. On double- and multi-track electrified sections, the FOC suspension route must be selected on the field side, taking into account the side-by-side location of communication nodes, the requirements for minimal replacement of existing ones and the installation of new additional supports, as well as the implementation of a minimum number of transitions from one side of the track to the other.

If it is necessary to make FOC transitions from one side of the track to the other, such transitions must be made either underground method using a cable duct made of non-metallic pipes, or by air with a fiber optic cable suspended on additionally installed supports. The type of material of the cable channel pipe, its diameter and the conditions for laying pipes in the ground are determined by the project, taking into account the requirements of the current regulatory documents. Laying a fiber optic cable in the ballast prism of the subgrade is not allowed.

The height of additionally installed supports must ensure the required minimum distances specified in Table 1 from the fiber optic cable to the supporting cable.

Underground and overhead crossings of the FOC on additional supports must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from the foundation of the nearest contact network support, the angle of intersection of these crossings with the axis of the electrified permanent and alternating current should be close to 90°.

FOC transitions from one side of the track to the other when using existing structures should be carried out primarily along the crossbars of rigid crossbars. In exceptional cases, in agreement with the railway power supply service, FOC transitions along flexible crossbars with cable suspension only on the supports of these crossbars are allowed. If it is impossible to cross a fiber optic cable along a flexible or rigid cross member, with the permission of the railway power supply service, crossing the fiber optic cable of electrified tracks at an angle is allowed. In this case, the intersection must be located in one span, and the intersection angle must be at least 40°.

It is not allowed to carry out airborne passages of the fiber optic cable at the junction points of the anchor sections of the contact network.

2.6. On bridges, the FOC should be suspended from outside spans at a height not less than specified in Table 1 of these Rules. It is also possible to lay the FOC in special boxes. In this case, the safety and protection of the FOC from damage must be ensured.

On spans to be replaced (defective, old years of construction), suspension schemes must be used that do not interfere with the work of replacing spans.

2.7. In tunnels, the suspension of the fiber optic cable is carried out along the tunnel lining. The cable must be attached only to the lining, and the fastening points must correspond to standard design solutions. When choosing a method for suspending a fiber optic cable, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of subsequent reconstruction of the tunnel lining.

When hanging a fiber optic cable in tunnels, the requirements of GOST 9238 “Approach dimensions of buildings and rolling stock of 1520 (1524) mm gauge railways” must be observed. If it is impossible to ensure compliance with the dimensional requirements, it is allowed to lay the FOC in special tubes made of fireproof material.

In tunnels subject to reconstruction, the suspension of the fiber optic cable must be carried out taking into account the possibility of its dismantling during the work. In special cases, when conditions are unfavorable for laying a fiber optic cable, with an appropriate feasibility study, with the permission of the head of the railway, it is allowed to hang the fiber optic cable on supports bypassing the tunnel.

2.8. The suspension of the fiber optic cable on the supports of the contact network must be carried out on brackets. The minimum size of the bracket overhang must be taken from the condition of ensuring the minimum permissible distances of the fiber optic cable to live parts of the contact network in accordance with clause 2.3 of these Rules, not exceeding the permissible wind proximity of the fiber optic cable and rolling stock in spans, as well as preventing impacts of the supporting clamps on the support when wind

The location of the brackets on the supports is determined by the project. It is not permitted to install brackets in the area between the rod and the fifth console on the track side.

Brackets on supports along the route must be installed, as a rule, at the same height from the rail head. If necessary, it is possible to install brackets on different heights. In this case, the difference in installation heights of the brackets should be limited primarily to the value at which the angle of rotation of the FOC in vertical plane does not exceed permissible values.

In the case when the difference in height of installation of the brackets exceeds the value at which the angle of rotation of the fiber optic in the vertical plane exceeds the permissible value, it is necessary to provide a device on the supports of intermediate anchors for raising or lowering the fiber optic to a new height.

It is not permitted to use “L”-shaped brackets attached to the top of the support for hanging the FOC, as well as various racks on the crossbars of rigid crossbars. The suspension of the FOC on the supports of flexible crossbars and the crossbars of rigid crossbars should be carried out on external brackets.

Suspension of the fiber optic cable to the transverse load-bearing cables of flexible cross members is not allowed.

2.9. The brackets must be fastened to reinforced concrete supports using clamps. When hanging a fiber optic cable with a dielectric core and the absence of wires above it with voltages above 0.4 kV, the brackets are not grounded.

When hanging a fiber optic cable with a metal core or with metal armor, as well as if there are wires with voltages above 0.4 kV above the cable, all brackets must be connected to a protective grounding circuit. When grounding them, between the clamps of the brackets and the reinforced concrete supports in the DC sections, insulating spacers must be laid.

Grounding is not required: parts for fastening the fiber optic cable to the lining in tunnels, brackets on bridges and on metal supports contact network, anchoring parts, support and tension clamps, casings and coupling fastening parts.

Fastening of brackets to metal supports must be done using hook bolts or special parts, and the bracket must be attached to both corners of the vertical support belts, located along one edge of the support parallel to the bracket. The design of the bracket and its fastening must prevent rotation of the FOC bracket in the horizontal and vertical planes.

On auto-blocking supports, suspension of the FOC should be carried out primarily on brackets. When hanging a FOC, clamps can be used between the wires.

On bridges, fastening of brackets should only be carried out using bolts through holes drilled in the elements of bridge structures.

Suspension of several self-supporting fiber optics on the same supports should be carried out on a common bracket. It is not permitted to place wires, insulators or other devices on the FOC brackets.

2.10. Anchoring of the fiber optic should be carried out mainly on intermediate cantilever supports, supports of flexible and rigid crossbars. In this case, a calculation assessment of the stability of supports in the ground must be made and the need to install guy wires on them must be determined.

If there is insufficient stability in the ground of the supports on which the fiber optic cable is anchored, standard anchor guy wires for the anchor supports of the overhead contact network must be installed on them.

It is not allowed to anchor the fiber optic cable on the transition and anchor supports of the overhead contact network.

The anchorage locations for the fiber optic cables are determined by the design. Anchoring is required at the ends of the construction length of the fiber optic cable, in the places where it passes from one side of the track to the other, in the places where it enters the service premises, in places where the height of the suspension changes and the direction of the fiber cable changes by an angle exceeding the permissible value of the rotation angle for the adopted cable brand. It is mandatory to anchor the fiber optic cable on the tunnel portals at the entrance and exit of the tunnel, as well as at the locations of connecting and branch couplings and technological stock of the fiber cable.

The maximum distance between anchors should not exceed the construction length of the fiber optic cable, as well as the distances established by the fiber cable manufacturer.

2.11. It is not recommended to anchor the fiber optic on supports with a load-bearing capacity of less than 45 kNm, as well as anchoring with a technological reserve on supports installed with a dimension of less than 3.1 m.

In areas located in IV-V windy regions, as well as in areas with a narrowed non-standard subgrade, it is necessary in projects to provide for the installation of a minimum number of FOC anchorages on the supports of the contact network. If possible, place anchorages in places protected from the wind, as well as in places with a normal width of the subgrade (in recesses, on horizontal platforms).

In high areas, the number of VOK anchors must be assigned taking into account the wind resistance requirements of the overhead contact network.

2.12. Anchoring of the FOC should be done using clamps on reinforced concrete supports and using anchor parts on metal supports.

The FOC should be grasped during anchoring using tension spiral clamps. The latter must be manufactured and tested in accordance with applicable technical specifications on these details.

All metal structures used for hanging the FOC (brackets, clamps, guys, clamps, etc.) must have an anti-corrosion coating or be made of corrosion-resistant materials.

The anti-corrosion coating should preferably be carried out by hot-dip galvanizing. In this case, the coating thickness should be 60-70 microns. It is allowed to protect metal structures with durable paint or metal coatings in accordance with the requirements of current standards and building codes.

3. Loads from fiber optics on supports and assessment of their load-bearing capacity

3.1. When checking the bearing capacity of supports to determine the possibility of hanging a fiber optic cable, the following additional loads must be taken into account:

wind pressure on the fiber optic;

mass of ice on the FOC and brackets;

tension force of the anchored fiber optic fiber;

force from changing the direction of tension of the fiber optic cable on curved sections of the track.

3.2. Loads on the supports of the contact network and automatic blocking from wind pressure on the fiber optic cable and ice on it should be determined with repeatability once every 10 years in accordance with the instructions of the Standards for the design of the contact network, approved by the Ministry of Transport N VSN-141-90 * and put into effect from 1.07. 91, as for wires and cables. At the same time, together with acting loads their most unfavorable combination is determined, in which the greatest bending moment occurs in the supports.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. Valid STN TsE 141-99 Standards for the design of overhead contact networks

3.3. The forces from the anchored fiber optic on the supports must be taken into account in the calculations depending on the location of the anchor clamps:

when anchoring a fiber optic on a support on one side, the force transmitted to the support from the anchored fiber optic is taken into account;

when anchoring with both anchor clamps located at the same level from the ground surface and in the same plane, the force transmitted to the support from one anchor clamp is taken into account;

when anchoring with anchor clamps located at different levels, but in the same plane, the force transmitted to the support from the anchor clamp located at a higher level is taken into account;

with intermediate anchoring with the location of anchor clamps in perpendicular planes (at places of transition from one path to another), the forces transmitted to the support from each anchor clamp are taken into account.

When hanging and anchoring several fiber optics on supports, the forces from each fiber optic cable are taken into account in accordance with the given recommendations.

3.4. Loads on supports from tension and changes in direction of the fiber optic must be determined depending on the accepted maximum tension of the fiber optic, wind and ice loads acting on it, and calculated maximum and minimum temperatures. Design temperatures should be determined in accordance with SNiP-2.01.01-82 *. The accepted maximum tension of the fiber optic is determined based on the requirements for ensuring the stability of the optical properties of the fiber optic, obtaining standard values ​​for its sag and is established by the project for each brand of fiber optic.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. SNiP 01/23/99 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

The tension value of the fiber optic cable during installation should be determined from the installation tables attached to the working documentation for the construction of fiber optic lines.

The deviation of the actual tensions and sag of the FOC from that established by the installation tables at any ambient temperature in any span should not exceed 10%.

3.5. Based on calculations of loads on supports and their combinations at the design stage, the largest bending moment in supports at the level of the conditional cut of the foundations is determined.

For supports located in small radius curves, calculations should be made of the forces occurring in the supports in emergency mode when one of the supports falls.

3.6. The obtained values ​​of the maximum bending moment at the level of the conventional edge of the foundation of the piers must be compared with the actual bearing capacity of the supports.

The actual load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete supports should be determined on the basis of diagnostics of the supports, in accordance with the Instructions for the maintenance and repair of supporting structures of the contact network, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on January 14, 1996, N K-146-96 and carried out by railway power supply distances.

3.7. Based on the diagnostic results, all reinforced concrete supports should be divided into three groups:

supports whose load-bearing capacity is not lower than the values ​​established by the project or standard for these supports;

supports that have an acceptable reduction in load-bearing capacity compared to its design values;

supports that have completely exhausted their safety margin.

FOC suspension is allowed on supports of the first group if the bending moment from the total loads does not exceed the standard moment for these supports.

FOC suspension is allowed on supports of the second group if the reduction in the bearing capacity of the supports does not exceed 10%, while the calculated value of the bending moment from the total load must be lower than the actual bearing capacity of the supports by at least 10%.

If the load-bearing capacity of the supports of this group is significantly reduced, suspension of the fiber optic cable is not allowed.

It is prohibited to hang the FOC on supports of the third group that are subject to replacement.

3.8. It is allowed to assess the condition of supports by the type and size of defects in accordance with the Instructions for the maintenance and repair of supporting structures of overhead contact networks.

It is allowed to hang the FOC on supports without defects. At the same time, for the marked supports, when their service life is more than 20 years, a reduction in bearing capacity against the design value by 10% must be taken into account.

FOC suspension is not allowed on defective and severely defective supports.

In direct current sections, it is not allowed to hang the FOC on old-type reinforced concrete (I-beam) supports that are subject to replacement, as well as on reinforced concrete supports whose load-bearing capacity is 45 kNm or less.

In alternating current sections, in agreement with the railway power supply service, it is allowed to hang the fiber optic cable on I-beams and other old-style reinforced concrete supports until they are replaced. At the same time, the bearing capacity of such supports must be sufficient to withstand existing and additional loads and be not lower than 45 kNm.

3.9. The load-bearing capacity of metal supports should be assessed on the basis of a verification calculation, taking into account the actual corrosive wear of the main elements. In this case, the values ​​of the cross-sectional area of ​​the elements determined from the measurement data of the residual thickness of these elements must be entered into the calculation.

The condition of anchor bolts is determined by diagnostic tools or by excavating foundations, exposing the bolts in the most dangerous area and determining their residual diameter.

3.10. The load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete supports of automatic blocking can be assessed using the same method as that of overhead contact network supports using diagnostic tools, or by the size of defects. For these supports, when calculating the load-bearing capacity, additional wind and ice loads that arise after hanging the fiber optic on them must be taken into account.

Anchor and corner supports must be checked for stability in the ground from the action of additional tension force and from changes in the direction of tension of the fiber optic.

If the bearing capacity of the supports in terms of stability in the ground is insufficient, it is necessary to provide for the installation of guy wires. The type of guy is indicated in the working documentation of the project.

3.11. The condition of rigid cross members should be assessed based on visual inspections and measurements of the degree of corrosive wear of structural elements. Suspension of the fiber optic fiber optic on rigid cross members is allowed if the reduction in the cross-sectional area of ​​the chords and lattice elements due to corrosive wear does not exceed 20%. With a greater reduction in cross-sections, the rigid cross member must be replaced or strengthened.

3.12. Calculation of brackets must be carried out similarly to the calculation of brackets for wires for loads arising from the effects of wind and ice on the fiber optic cable, as well as changes in its direction. In addition, the installation load from the mass of the fitter with the tool must be taken into account, taken equal to 100 kg.

4. Organization and technology of work on suspension and installation of fiber optic cables

4.1. Requirements for design documentation for carrying out work on suspension and installation of fiber optic cables

4.1.1. Work on the suspension and installation of a fiber optic cable can only begin if there is a customer-approved detailed design for the construction of a fiber optic link, albums of typical components and parts, and permission from the railway power supply service to carry out work in the area of ​​the contact network and the high-voltage automatic blocking line.

To develop the project, the customer transfers the initial data to the design organization as part of the task for designing a fiber-optic line. The list of initial data provides information about the brands and physical and mechanical parameters of the fiber optic cable intended for suspension, including:

weight of 1 km FOC, kg;

construction length of the FOC, km;

linear expansion coefficient, 1/C;

outer diameter, mm;

modulus of elasticity, MPa;

cross-sectional area of ​​the load-bearing element of the fiber optic, cm;

permissible tension of the fiber optic cable, kN;

tensile strength of the fiber optic, kN;

permissible bending radius, cm;

permissible angle of rotation, degrees;

other indicators as required by the design organization.

The composition and scope of the detailed design for the construction of a fiber-optic line must comply with the design assignment for fiber-optic communication lines approved in the established manner, as well as the requirements of regulatory documents (SNiP 11-01-95).

4.1.2. The working design for the construction of a fiber-optic line must contain:

an explanatory note describing the conditions for laying the fiber optic cable, the brands of the fiber cable used and the mechanical parameters of their tension;

working drawings for FOC suspension;

links to an album of typical components and parts;

application specification for basic materials, parts, fiber optics, products, mechanisms;

calculation of the cost of laying a fiber optic cable (estimate).

4.1.3. Working drawings for the suspension of the fiber optic cable on the supports of the contact network and automatic blocking must contain:

FOC route plan in all directions, including stages and stations, as well as areas for laying FOC through service and technical premises to the cross-country rack (cabinet);

numbers, types, brands and dimensions of overhead contact and automatic blocking supports;

numbers of replaced supports, as well as numbers of additionally installed supports, their size and brand;

FOC suspension height and bracket type, as well as component codes according to albums of typical components and parts;

numbers of supports on which the fiber optic cable is anchored, as well as numbers of supports on which the technological reserve of the fiber optic cable is left;

diagrams for entering the fiber optic cable into service buildings, moving it from one side of the track to the other;

FOC suspension diagrams on bridges;

FOC suspension diagrams inside the tunnel;

route for underground laying of fiber optic cables;

places of intersection with highways indicating the dimensions of the fiber optic cable;

places of intersections with pedestrian and automobile bridges, indicating the height of the suspension of the fiber optic cable under the structures;

diagrams for suspending the technological stock of the FOC and fastening the mounted couplings;

other information necessary for hanging the FOC.

4.1.4. For each section of the fiber-optic line being constructed, the organization carrying out work on the suspension of the fiber optic cable must develop a work project (WPP), which is agreed upon with the power supply services of the railway, information and communications of the railway in relation to ensuring the safety of work, the safety of train traffic, sustainable power supply and the provision, if necessary, "windows".

4.1.5. Work projects must contain:

calendar dates for the construction of the line, linked to the schedule of preparatory work (replacement of supports with insufficient load-bearing capacity, installation of new and additional supports, installation of brackets, etc.);

technological maps for the installation of brackets and suspension of the fiber optic cable, taking into account the need to generate the full capacity of the cable drum in one continuous technological cycle;

calculation of the need for “windows” with voltage relief in the contact network;

schedule for receipt of FQA and main parts;

statement of requirements for basic machines and mechanisms;

statement of labor requirements;

safety measures;

measures to ensure the quality of work.

4.2. Preparatory work before hanging the FOC

4.2.1. Before starting installation work on the FOC suspension, the following work must be completed:

project documentation was studied;

a full-scale examination of the FOC suspension route and support structures was carried out;

the order and timing of replacement of supports, the timing of installation of new and additional supports have been established;

supports with insufficient load-bearing capacity were replaced and new and additional supports were installed in accordance with the design of the lines, as well as the guy wires required by the project on the supports;

the anchor sections were clarified and the most rational sequence and direction of installation of the anchor sections were established;

If necessary, trees and bushes were cut down;

railcars, motor carriages, carriages for workers performing work on the suspension of fiber optic cables, mechanisms for loading and unloading cable products, equipment and space for welding work and installation of couplings have been prepared;

supplies, materials, equipment, tools, radio stations and power supplies were prepared and checked;

the procedure and time for delivery of workers, equipment and tools to the place of work are determined;

the procedure for providing “windows” has been determined.

When hanging and installing a fiber optic cable, “windows” of at least 3-4 hours must be provided in accordance with the procedure approved by the head of the railway.

“Windows” for hanging and mounting the FOC should be provided, as a rule, during daylight hours. In areas where “windows” in the train schedule are provided for at night, the manager is obliged to ensure the place where work is carried out in accordance with established standards.

The closure of a section for work on a single-track section, and on a two- or multi-track section of one or more tracks, is carried out with the permission of the head of the railway department in agreement with the head of the transportation service (in the absence of a department - the head of the railway), if it does not cause a change in the established traffic volumes with neighboring railways. If such a closure causes a change in the volume of traffic on neighboring railways, it may be authorized by the head of the railway in agreement with the Transportation Management Department of the Russian Ministry of Railways.

The head of the railway department (in the absence of a department - the deputy head of the railway) notifies the relevant work managers no later than 24 hours in advance about the upcoming closure of a section on a single-track section, on a double- and multi-track section of one or more tracks.

The permission of the head of the railway department (in the absence of a department - the head of the railway) to carry out work on the suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable with the closure of the section must indicate the time for which the closure of the section or a separate track has been agreed upon, and the name of the person supervising these works. The train dispatcher is obliged to communicate the name and position of the work manager to the duty officers at the railway stations limiting the stretch.

If the appropriate permission is available, the closure and opening of a section (track) before the start of work and after its completion are formalized by order of the train dispatcher.

Cancellation of the provided “window” for carrying out work on the suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable and a reduction in its duration can be allowed only in exceptional cases and by the person by whose order the “window” was authorized. Notification of this to the work manager must be given no later than 12 hours before the start of the “window”.

During the period of work on suspension and installation of the fiber optic cable, for the implementation of which “windows” are provided in the schedule, constant radio communication (or telephone communication) must be established between the work manager and the train dispatcher.

The closure of a stage, the procedure for occupying it with a work train, the procedure for departure from a stage must be carried out in accordance with the instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 2, 1993, N TsD-206.

4.2.2. During the preparatory period the following must also be completed:

pre-installation inspection of the fiber optic cable in accordance with the methods and requirements of regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner for the adopted brand of fiber optic cable;

incoming quality control of brackets, parts for attaching the fiber optic cable to the brackets and supports. Incoming quality control of marked parts is carried out in accordance with the requirements of technical specifications and design documentation for these parts;

brackets, clamps and parts for anchoring the FOC on the supports are installed and secured in the design position. Distance deviation installed elements from live parts in the direction of approaching is not allowed. In the direction of increasing this distance - +20 cm;

laying and unrolling rollers are suspended on brackets for pulling the cable leader and fiber optic cable.

Installation of brackets should be carried out on a wide front in the shortest possible time in accordance with technological maps.

Installation of brackets by personnel at work power supply distances should be carried out in accordance with the technological maps given in Appendix A to these Rules.

4.2.3. Upon completion of all preparatory work and, first of all, work on replacing and installing new supports of the contact network or automatic blocking, clearing the route from trees that interfere with the suspension of the fiber optic cable, the performing organization, the customer, together with representatives of the railway power supply service, draws up a report on the readiness of the site for hanging the fiber optic cable.

It is allowed to prepare and accept the route for hanging the fiber optic cable using anchor sections.

4.3. Work on pulling fiber optic cables along overhead contact line supports and the technology for their implementation

4.3.1. When pulling a fiber optic cable, the following work is performed:

pulling a dielectric cable leader;

FOC broach.

Work on stretching the fiber optic cable can be carried out “from the track” with the voltage removed and the stage taken, or if there are approaches to the track and electrical safety is ensured, “from the field” without voltage removal.

4.3.2. When working “out of the way” with stress relief, it is necessary to use high-performance specialized machine complexes. The latter should include:

AGD type motor carriage, for towing cargo trailers, powering traction and braking modules and equipped with an AGP type hydraulic lift for working at heights;

two cargo trailers equipped with traction and braking modules with rotating devices for installing drums with woks and reels with a cable leader.

Traction and braking modules must have devices for regulating the tension force of the fiber optic cable and automatically turning it off when the tension force exceeds the maximum tension value established for a given brand of fiber optic cable.

4.3.3. When working from the field, it is necessary to use a set of special mechanisms. This complex should include:

winch with adjustable tension force for pulling the leader cable and fiber optic cable under tension;

lifting and braking device for lifting and adjusting the height of the cable drum;

a device for installing and braking reels with a cable leader.

To deliver the listed mechanisms to the place of work, cars, railcars, and tractors can be used.

When placed on platforms towed by railcars, a set of special mechanisms can also be used when working “from the track.”

4.3.4. When using a specialized set of machines or a specialized set of mechanisms on platforms (hereinafter referred to as a set of machines) to work “from the track,” the suspension of the fiber optic is carried out in the following sequence.

A leader cable is pulled along rollers pre-hung on the brackets. To do this, after engaging in the hauling complex and relieving tension, one cargo trailer with leader cable reels is installed at the beginning of the anchor section 25-30 m from the anchor support, and the second trailer, coupled with the railcar, begins to slowly move towards the first anchor support. Opposite the first anchor support, the railcar stops, the mounting cradle with two assemblers rises to the bracket with the roller. The leader cable is detached from the cradle, passed through the roller and reattached to the cradle. In this position, the railcar slowly moves to the next support. At the next support, the leader cable is again passed through the roller and the movement of the railcar resumes. Thus, the leader cable is stretched throughout the entire section. After passing the leader cable through the roller of the outermost anchor support, the railcar, with a trailer with cable drums located in front of it, moves a distance of 25-30 m beyond the last support and stops. While pulling the leader cable, the fitters operating the traction and braking device with reels slow down the coils, ensuring that the leader cable rolls out under tension.

In the extreme position, the leader cable is connected through a device that prevents the FOC from twisting, using a “stocking” cable clamp, to the FOC located in the drum on the cargo trailer. The railcar is uncoupled from the trailer with the cable drum and returns to the first trailer with the reels free from the cable leader. The motors of the traction module are turned on from the railcar using a hydraulic drive and the slow pulling of the fiber optic cable begins. In this case, the drum from which the fiber optic is rolled out is slowed down so that the required sag of the fiber optic in the spans is ensured.

4.3.5. When working “from the field” using a set of mechanisms, horizontal platforms are selected from the side of the track behind the clearance of the contact network supports at the beginning and end of the anchor section at a distance of 25-30 m from the outermost anchor supports. One of them houses a device for installing and braking reels with a leader cable. At the opposite end of the anchor section, a traction winch is installed on the selected site for pulling the fiber optic cable.

After installing the device for reels and testing the brakes, a section of the leader cable about 50 m long is unwound from the first installed reel and its free end is passed through the mounting laying roller of the anchor support. Then the leader cable is manually pulled to the next support and, after passing this support for 15-20 m, the reel is braked, and the end of the leader cable is passed through the unrolling roller of this support. In this case, the rise to the support is carried out using a ladder or from the installation platform when the tension is relieved. Next, the reel with the leader cable is released and the leader cable is pulled to the next support. On the next supports, the operations of passing the leader cable through the unrolling rollers are repeated until the leader cable is stretched across the entire anchor section.

When there is a break in work after pulling the leader cable along the entire anchor section, its ends must be secured to the outer supports. The attachment points must be inaccessible to unauthorized persons, and the attachment method must prevent spontaneous weakening and sagging of the cable leader.

To pull the fiber optic cable, a lifting and braking device with a cable drum is installed at the site where the device for reels with a cable leader was located. To avoid spontaneous movement, the lifting and braking device is fixed on the site using anchors driven into the ground. The brakes of this device are tested, the leader cable is connected to the FOC using a cable clamp “stocking” through a device that prevents twisting of the FOC. At the opposite end of the anchor section, the leader cable is fixed in a reel mounted on the traction winch. Then the winch is turned on and the fiber optic cable is pulled along the anchor section. To prevent the FOC from touching the ground or foreign objects while pulling the FOC, the drum is braked.

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Maintenance of the FOC suspended on the supports of the contact network and automatic blocking must be carried out in accordance with the rules of its operation.

Maintenance of the fiber-optic fiber optic cable suspended on the supports of the contact network and automatic blocking should be carried out by the organizations operating the fiber-optic communication line and the railway power supply distances. On artificial structures, organizational measures for the maintenance of fiber optics are carried out by railway tracks.

Power supply stations carry out maintenance of brackets, clamps and anchoring parts, support and tension clamps, coupling fastening parts on contact network supports and high-voltage automatic blocking lines, on bridges and in tunnels, checking the dimensions of the FOC suspension.

Organizations operating fiber-optic lines monitor the integrity of the fiber-optic cable, check the requirements for bending radii of the fiber-optic cable, maintain maintenance of inputs to service buildings and underground passages of the fiber-optic cable, tubes with extended fiber-optic cable in tunnels.

The track distances carry out maintenance of bridge elements to which the brackets are attached, special boxes with laid fiber optic cables, and tunnel lining at the places where the brackets are attached.

When replacing spans or reconstructing tunnels, the organization operating the fiber-optic communication line is obliged to ensure the dismantling of the fiber-optic cable during the period of work.

The scope of work performed at power supply distances should include:

periodic inspection and assessment of the condition of brackets, support and tension clamps;

replacement of damaged brackets, clamps, support and tension clamps and other parts for fastening the FOC, carrying out anti-corrosion painting of the brackets;

during examination cable joints and the technological reserve of the fiber-optic cable on the supports, at the request of the organization operating the fiber-optic line, to disconnect electricity from the contact network and wires;

reinstallation of brackets and clamps of the FOC when replacing supports that have exhausted their service life, as well as in case of their damage;

ensuring the dimensions of the FOC suspension.

The scope of work performed by the organization operating the fiber-optic line should include:

periodic inspection of support and tension clamps (without lifting onto supports, bridges, or tunnel lining);

inspection of connecting and branching couplings and the technological reserve of the fiber optic cable on the supports;

inspection of the integrity of the outer shell of the fiber optic cable (without lifting onto supports, onto bridges, to the tunnel lining);

elimination of damage and breaks of the fiber optic cable;

maintenance of fiber optic inputs into service buildings;

maintenance of underground passages FOC;

maintenance of pipes with extended fiber optic cable in tunnels;

elimination of unacceptable bends of the fiber optic cable at the points of fastening and turning.

The scope of work performed along the route should include:

maintenance of special boxes on bridges;

painting of bridge elements in places where the fiber optic cable is attached in case of violation of the anti-corrosion coating.

Organizations operating fiber-optic lines can set the frequency of maintenance work for the fiber optic cable, based on the requirements for the stability of the fiber-optic line. Electrical safety during the above work is ensured by power supply distances.

When inspecting brackets, supporting and anchoring clamps and their fastening points, the following should be determined:

condition of welded and bolted connections;

invariability of the position of anchoring clamps on the fiber optic cable;

suspension condition of support clamps.

Cracks and seam ruptures are not allowed in welded seams. Brackets with cracked welds or broken welds must be replaced.

IN bolted connections Cracks and broken bolts are not allowed. Defective bolts must be replaced.

In anchoring clamps, slipping of the clamps along the FOC and breaks of wires in the spirals are not allowed.

Cracks and dents in the supporting clamps and deformation of fasteners are also not allowed.

Maintenance of cable inputs into communication houses, couplings, equipment that ensures the normal functioning of fiber optic lines, as well as repair of lowered fiber optic cables in case of damage, is carried out by organizations to which the right to operate them has been transferred. The list of maintenance works for the fiber optic cable and the frequency of their implementation are established by the operating organization. In the case of planned repairs of couplings, individual sections of the fiber optic cable and the need to ensure electrical safety, operating organizations submit requests to the power supply distance to carry out these works. Based on the distance requests, the necessary personnel are allocated to ensure electrically safe work.

Work on servicing the FOC with power supply distances can be combined with work on servicing the contact network in accordance with the Rules for the construction and technical operation of the contact network of electrified railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 25, 1993, N TsE-197.

Work carried out jointly by power supply lines and organizations operating the fiber optic cable must be carried out according to an agreed schedule. The schedule is the main document for allocating the personnel and material resources necessary to carry out work on FOCL maintenance. Distances, at the request of the operating organization, must allocate personnel to ensure electrical safety of work.

Each damage to the FOC must be recorded, investigated and analyzed. At the same time, the causes of damage, correct installation, operating conditions are identified, and measures are developed to prevent such damage. The investigation and recording of these cases is carried out by the organization operating the fiber-optic cable. In the event of an emergency, the organization operating the fiber-optic line and the energy dispatcher are obliged to inform each other and the audit apparatus of the railway department (in the absence of a department, the audit apparatus of the railway) and make prompt decisions on the urgent restoration of communication and liquidation of the emergency situation in accordance with the PTE.

To restore communication in the event of a break or damage to the fiber optic cable, a team of 5-7 people is created, which is provided necessary equipment, a supply of FOC and means of delivery to the place of work.

If the fiber-optic cable is damaged due to damage to the contact network, general guidance on restoring the contact network and fiber-optic cable is provided by a representative of the power supply distance.

If the fiber-optic cable is damaged, not related to the condition of the contact network, the manager of the restoration of the fiber-optic cable is appointed by the organization operating the fiber-optic line.

If it is necessary to relieve tension, a request is submitted to the energy dispatcher to perform work with voltage relief.

The representative of the power supply distance receives an assignment and instructs the team carrying out restoration work in terms of electrical safety at the work site.

On site restoration work The team determines the sequence of their implementation. If necessary, the fiber optic cable is removed from the supporting clamps and lowered to the ground, and the remaining section of the cable on both sides of the damage site is anchored using tension clamps. Work places are prepared for installation and welding work, the damaged section of the fiber optic cable is cut out and spliced ​​with the insert. optical couplings.

The restored fiber optic is anchored and placed in supporting clamps. The couplings and the stock of the FOC are fixed on the supports.

Upon completion of the work, a notification is given to the energy dispatcher, who supplies voltage to the contact network. A passport for the restored section of the cable route is drawn up.

Preparatory work and permission to work.

On the eve of work, submit a request to the energy dispatcher to carry out work with stress relief in the work area using the working platform of a railcar (trolley) and providing a “window” in the movement of trains, indicating the time and place of work.

Pick up necessary tool, installation devices, protective equipment and accessories, check their serviceability and test dates.

Select according to project documentation brackets, reinforce them with fastening parts. Check by external inspection the completeness and quality of manufacture of all bracket parts. On threaded connections, drive the threads and apply lubricant to them.

All brackets and fastening parts must have an anti-corrosion coating.

When mounted on reinforced concrete supports in DC areas, the brackets must have an insulating gasket.

Load the selected brackets, tools and accessories onto the vehicle. Organize their delivery together with the team to the place of work.

Receive an order from the energy dispatcher indicating the removal of voltage in the work area, closure railway track for train movement, start and end times of work (“windows”). When working on station tracks, coordinate its implementation with the duty officer railway station, making an entry in the “Log of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact networks.”

After the railway track or station is closed, obtain permission from the duty officer at the railway station to occupy it. The carriage is sent for the haul as a service train in the order established by the Instructions on the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 2, 1993, N TsD-206.

Upon arrival at the place of work, conduct a current safety briefing for all team members with a signature for each person in the outfit. Clearly distribute responsibilities between performers.

Ground the wires from which the voltage has been removed with portable grounding rods on both sides of the work site in accordance with the work order.

Climb onto the railcar, lift and secure the railings, and bring the platform into working position.

Sequential process flow diagram

Stop the carriage at the support where the bracket is installed. Rotate the working platform towards the bracket mounting.

Raise the prepared bracket onto the working platform of the railcar.

Place the bracket at the specified level and insert the ends of the half-clamps into the holes in the bracket. Place nuts on the threaded part of the half-clamps.

Tighten the bracket mounting nuts.

Adjust horizontal mount bracket, and also position it in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the track.

Hang the rolling roller and the leash on it, secure the bottom of the leash to the support.

Move the platform to transport position.

Move to the next support and install the next bracket in the same sequence.

Completion of work

Collect materials, installation equipment, tools, protective equipment.

Place the working platform in transport position.

Remove the ground rods.

Return the railcar to the junction station as a service train in the manner established by the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 2, 1993, N TsD-206.

Notify the energy dispatcher about the completion of work. When working at the station, make an entry in the “Log of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact networks.”

Preparatory work

On the eve of work, notify the energy dispatcher about performing work near live parts.

Receive a work order and instructions from the person who issued the work order.

Select the necessary tools, devices, protective equipment and accessories, check their serviceability and test dates.

Select brackets in accordance with the design documentation, check their type, completeness, presence of washers, nuts, quality of welding and anti-corrosion protection. Drive the threads and apply lubricant to them.

Load tools, accessories, protective equipment and brackets into the vehicle. Organize their delivery together with the team to the place of work.

Upon arrival at the work site, conduct a current safety briefing for all team members, with each person signed up for their work attire. Clearly distribute responsibilities between performers.

Check the integrity and serviceability of the grounding device of the support and its connection to the traction rail. If there is a spark gap or a diode ground electrode in the grounding circuit, install a shunt jumper with a cross-section of 50 square meters on them. mm, connecting it first from the rail side, and then from the support side (do the work with dielectric gloves).

Provide permission for the team to carry out work.

Sequential technical process diagram

Install the ladder and secure it.

The performer climbs to the place of work on the support.

Using a fishing rod, lift the bracket to the installation site.

Place the bracket in the designed position and tighten the fastening nuts.

Check the accuracy and correctness of installation of the bracket on the support.

Using a fishing rod, lift the rolling roller, place it on the bracket and pass the leash through it.

Repeat technological process on other supports.

Completion of work

Disconnect the ladder from the support and lower it to the ground.

Wearing dielectric gloves, remove the shunt jumper on the spark gap or diode grounding circuit from the support grounding circuit, disconnecting it first from the support side, and then from the traction rail side.

Collect materials, installation equipment, tools, protective equipment and load them onto the vehicle.

Notify the dispatcher about the end of work.

Return to the production base of the contact network area for the railway power supply distance.

IN Lately The most popular method of constructing fiber-optic lines is the option of hanging fiber-optic fiber optics on power transmission line supports for power engineers, contact network supports and automatic blocking power lines for railway transport, as well as on lighting network supports and ground electric transport. In my graduation project, I chose the type of gasket - suspended, the choice was made due to the advantages indicated below. The projected Ufa - Kazan line will be built along the highway on power transmission line supports (the length of the highway is 525 km). Thus, when modeling the fiber-optic link, I had a margin of 25 km. The suspension of the FOC is carried out on already installed supports and does not require careful preliminary preparation laying routes, therefore more technologically advanced and simpler than laying in the ground. The experience of constructing fiber-optic lines of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation shows that the cost of construction using a fiber-optic cable suspension is 30-35% cheaper than construction with laying a fiber-optic cable into the ground, while construction time is reduced by 2.5-3 times. A special feature of the use of fiber optic cables for suspension on supports is the ability of the cable to have elastic longitudinal stretching of up to 1.5% without causing loads on the optical fiber. For the construction of fiber-optic lines using the method of suspending cables on railway transport supports, only a dielectric self-supporting fiber optic cable is used. During operation, this cable experiences significant fluctuations in temperature, wind and precipitation speeds, and vibrations, which places certain demands on suspension technology. One of the main ones is the principle of limiting the mechanical effects on the shell, the tensile strength of the fiber optic cable, compressive loads, as well as the angles of rotation of the fiber optic cable route. The FOC suspension technology should ensure the safety of the cable sheath coating during pulling from damage.

Modern FOC suspension technology involves two stages:

the preparatory stage, which includes general construction work, replacement of defective and damaged supports, installation of additional supports, ordering and purchasing special FOC mounting brackets in accordance with the types specified in the project, brackets for fastening cable reserves and optical couplings, anchoring units.

at the second stage, associated directly with the suspension of the fiber optic cable, the following is carried out: fastening the brackets to the supports; mounting technological rollers on the brackets for pulling the cable leader, and then using it and the cable; replacing rollers with special tension or support clamps and cable fastening; installation of couplings; installation of anchors and fastening of FOC reserves; connecting the cable to cross-connect equipment; measurement and certification of the passive part of fiber optic lines. All work on hanging the fiber optic cable on supports is carried out in accordance with the current rules and regulations, as well as the technical conditions laid down in the projects.

When constructing fiber-optic lines using the method of suspension on supports of high-voltage communication lines, the following is also used:

small-diameter optical cable, which, using special mechanisms, is wound with a certain winding pitch onto a phase wire or lightning protection cable;

a special optical cable built into the ground wire (as a rule, it is used only when reconstructing a high-voltage line with replacement of the ground wire);

suspension of optical cables to steel rope(cable) stretched between pillar supports on consoles;

cable suspension with built-in cable on specially designed consoles.

In any of these methods of FOC suspension, the specified optical parameters must be ensured throughout the entire service life (less than 25 years).

Economic part

Modern transport systems use multichannel multiplexers to increase the capacity of optical lines. Multiplexers help save significant money by transmitting information at different wavelengths over a single line, thereby making the installation of new fiber optic lines unnecessary.

The cost of a fiber-optic network today amounts to tens and hundreds of millions of rubles, and its creation requires solving more than 50 diverse technical and organizational problems that must be coordinated in time and have guaranteed logistics. Therefore, the success of a network project depends, first of all, on the organization of work. Violation of the organizational structure of project implementation sharply reduces the quality of work.

A typical price structure for fiber optic communication lines, which today are often built along a highway or railroad bed, has the following distribution of funds (in percentage).

It should be noted that in Russian conditions, the requirements for fiber optic cables built into the ground wire differ in a number of features. These features lie primarily in the fact that climatic conditions require an operating temperature range from –60° C to +70° C. This means that the hydrophobic fillers of the modules and cable core must maintain their parameters within the specified range. In addition, the temperature coefficients of expansion of the cable and ground wire elements must be very close to each other.

A lightning protection wire, having one or two layers of ASC and containing an optical core, is mounted on top of the power line and has the dual function of a lightning wire and a communication cable. The process of constructing such fiber-optic lines is a complex technical task associated with the use of powerful tensioning mechanisms, and the speed of construction and the technology for replacing an existing cable with a fiber-optic one depend to a very large extent on the profile of the power line, i.e., the terrain through which it passes. Under normal conditions, a work crew lays up to 5 km of fiber optic cable per day.

The main advantage of fiber-optic lines implemented using this technology is the high reliability of the communication line, which is due to powerful load-bearing elements of power lines designed for a service life of up to 50 years. It should be noted that during the implementation of the first projects for the construction of fiber-optic lines, OK was used in the lightning protection cable along power lines foreign manufacturers. However, at present, domestic cable of the OPGT type produced by Saranskkabel Optics, Moskabel-Fujikura and other Russian manufacturers is increasingly being used.

The high reliability of fiber-optic lines implemented on the basis of a lightning protection cable is explained by the fact that the load-bearing structures of power lines are designed for a long service life (up to 50 years) and can withstand external destructive loads, up to hurricane loads. In addition, mechanical damage to the fiber-optic line, which is located at the height of a 10-story building in a very durable metal shell, is unlikely. This explains their construction in hard-to-reach regions, of which there are plenty in our country.

5.3. Suspension of a self-supporting fiber optic cable on a power line

This construction method has found the widest application on departmental networks, such as EZD, Gazprom, Energosystem and other departments. This is due to the fact that the construction method itself is quite simple, and these companies are the owners of various types of supports.

For the construction of fiber-optic lines by suspension on the supports of high-voltage power lines and railway transport, a dielectric self-supporting cable is used, provided that its load-bearing capacity is sufficient and the location of the cable itself does not interfere with the normal maintenance of the line on which it is suspended.

This construction method is used mainly where the spans are short. These are electric railway contact networks (Lrun. ≈ 70 m), distributed

power line distribution networks (Lrun – 50÷70 m), overhead line supports (Lrun – 50÷70 m). For the construction of trunk fiber-optic lines, where there are mainly large spans

you, cables with enhanced mechanical characteristics are used, the parameters of which must be determined by calculation based on data on the climatic characteristics of the region where the designed fiber-optic line will be located.

All work on hanging the OK on supports is carried out in accordance with the current rules, regulations and technical conditions laid down in the projects.

The method of hanging a fiber optic cable on a power line is associated with certain difficulties, primarily due to the fact that the power line is constantly energized. Therefore, when hanging a cable, it is necessary to obtain permission from the owners of power lines to carry out work, including disconnecting the voltage. In addition, personnel must be trained and have an appropriate electrical safety group. The most effective way to do this is to work together. construction organizations communications and representatives of the energy sector, along whose power transmission line supports the suspension of the fiber optic cable is carried out.

Maintaining construction work suspension OK is carried out at a temperature not lower than –10 °C. Only in exceptional cases is it permissible to carry out work at temperatures below –10 °C, and all precautions must be observed.

During the construction of fiber-optic lines along power lines, they are currently successfully used as Newest technologies design surveys, allowing to examine the line in order to determine the possibility of hanging a fiber optic cable on them, to select a cable suspension route and its design, as well as the latest technological equipment, which allows for construction and installation work to be completed on time and with high quality.

The design and construction of fiber-optic communication lines along power lines is regulated by the following documents.

1. “Rules for suspension and installation of self-supporting fiber-optic cable on the supports of the contact network and high-voltage auto-blocking lines” (approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on August 16, 1999 N TsE/CIS-677). Note: Document text as of January 2011.

2. “Rules for the design, construction and operation of fiber-optic communication lines on overhead power lines

voltage 0.4–35 kV.” SO 153-34.48.519-2002.

Unrolling and hanging of the fiber optic cable on power lines is carried out under tension with preliminary pulling of the leader cable (rope) along the unrolling rollers. Before starting work on rolling out and hanging the FOC, it is necessary to install the necessary mechanisms - a brake and tensioning machine, a mobile installation laboratory, - LIOC, etc.

Rice. 5.5. Tensioning and braking machine for self-supporting fiber optic cable

On all the supports of the power line section where the cables are suspended, cable fastening units are mounted, and unrolling rollers are suspended nearby, along which the dielectric cable leader is pulled. The rollers must correspond to the OK diameter. To suspend a self-supporting OC, rollers of two sizes are widely used: small, with an outer diameter of 200 mm and an inner diameter of 138 mm, and large, with an outer diameter of 676 mm and an inner diameter of 604 mm.

Rice. 5.6. LIOC mobile laboratory

Unrolling rollers must have a low coefficient of friction and be designed for easy installation. They must also provide reliable protection of the optical cable from jamming in the body of the roller and protection from braking of the roller in the event of contact with its fastening elements (Fig. 5.7).

Rice. 5.7. Installation of a self-supporting fiber optic cable

A special dielectric rope with high strength, low elongation coefficient and low torsion coefficient is used as a leader cable used to suspend the OK. The standard length of the cable leader is 1 or 0.5 km, which allows using special connectors to complete it in accordance with the construction lengths of the cable. In this case, the length of the leader cable should be one standard length exceed construction length FOC.

The leader cable is unwound from the winch drum and passed through the grooves of each roller at each support. The leader cable is pulled to the brake machine, passed through it and connected through a swivel and cable stocking to the end of the fiber optic cable on the drum mounted on the lifting brake device.

Pulling the leader cable with the FOC attached to it is done with a winch by winding the leader cable onto the winch drum. In this case, in the process of pulling the cable, visual control behind the sag and the absence of twisting of the fiber optic along the route.

The pulling speed is on average about 1.8 km/h. When approaching, while pulling the joint of the leader cable and the fiber optic cable to the unrolling roller, the pulling speed is reduced to a minimum. Rolling ends when the OK passes through the rolling roller on the end support to a distance equal to the height of the roller suspension, plus 15–20 m.

After rolling out on the support, approx.

which the drum with OK is located,

the cable is secured using

tension clamp (Fig. 5.8). By way of

cable tension is set to a certain

project, the sag boom is OK in the sag

tah, and the cable is attached to another grap-

vertical support of the mounted area

using a tension clamp.

Rice. 5.8. Application

The brake machine is adjustable

tension clamp

braking force to ensure

constant effort ensuring

sag arrow. The OK sag should not go beyond a five percent tolerance, more or less than the design specification.

After securing the OK to the end supports, it is removed from the rollers and secured in supporting clamps.

Work on fixing the fiber optic cable in the designed position is carried out no later than 48 hours after its rolling out. During this work the following is performed:

fastening the FOC to the supports with tension clamps;

transferring the FOC from the rollers to the supporting clamps;

laying and securing technological stocks of OK lengths on supports. Examples of OK fastening depending on the type of supports and design

fittings are shown in Fig. 5.9.

Rice. 5.9. Clamps for fastening FOC

The descent of the OK from the overhead line supports is carried out in order to ensure welding optical fibers and optical cable measurements without lifting welding and measuring equipment. Descents are carried out with the same cable that is mounted on the overhead line. The descent cable is attached to the support body using special designs with clamps, the height of the coupling itself must be at least 5.0 m from the ground.

The installation of couplings is carried out similarly to the installation of fiber optic cables laid in the ground in specially equipped vehicles (Fig. 5.6). The mounted couplings and the technological reserve length of the FOC are placed in protective containers attached to the support body at a distance of at least 6 m from the ground level. During descent, a dielectric suspended fiber optic cable, introduced into the premises of a communication facility or a transition to an underground fiber optic cable, is inserted into a protective plastic (metal) pipe fixed to the body of the support with the ends of the pipe with the cable sealed using a heat-shrinkable tube.

Optical cables for suspension along power lines are manufactured by a number of Russian factories. CJSC “People's Firm Elektropovod” (Moscow) has extensive experience in the production of self-supporting fiber optic cables for suspension along power lines, one of the first in Russia to start producing fiber optic cables. Self-supporting dielectric cables manufactured by ZAO Samara Optical Cable Company (Samara) and Transvok (Borovsk, Russia) have proven themselves well. Kaluga region) .

The typical design of a self-supporting fiber optic is a modular twisted core protected by aramid threads, which are used as reinforcing elements (Fig. 5.10). In this case, the OM is located inside tubes (modules) made of durable polybutylene terephthalate or polyamide, which are filled with a water-repellent gel. Various companies usually use 5- or 6-element twisting on a central element made in the form of a fiberglass rod. A polyethylene sheath such as HDPE or LDPE is placed on top of the twisted modules, depending on the required crush resistance. Aramid threads are applied to the intermediate shell, which are laid, as a rule, in two layers of opposite layers.

Rice. 5.10. Main types of self-supporting fiber optics:

a) cable with fiberglass bundles; b) cable with aramid threads

The durable outer shell protects the fiber optic cable from external influences.

Shell options with increased resistance to electrical breakdown and aggressive environments are available.