Landscaping at the entrance to the house. Design of the area in front of the house: design, interesting ideas and recommendations. European-style front garden landscape design

Creation unique landscape on summer cottage small size is not an easy task. After all, on a small piece of land it is necessary to recreate cozy atmosphere. Before you begin, you should make a plan. This will allow you to decide on the choice of not only the composition style, but also the plant varieties.

If necessary, the site can be divided into certain zones. Without a plan, creating a beautiful landscape will be very difficult. As a result, you may not have enough strength, time, or money.

Basic rules for site design

To design a small plot of land with your own hands, it is worth remembering the basic rule: there is no place for large trees, bushes and structures.

It is worth noting that such fences can not only spoil appearance and the atmosphere of the site, but also disrupt its microclimate. After all, such a fence will disrupt air circulation. If the area is small, then it is better to use a chain-link mesh or a low fence made of picket fence to fence it.

What should be included in the site design plan

Before you start creating landscape design for a small area, you should decide on the style. This will save not only energy, but also cash. First of all it is worth make a detailed plan.

Creating a landscape with your own hands requires care and precision. After all, any overkill can negatively affect the overall design. To correctly draw up a dacha plan, you can use special programs. As a last resort, the plan can be drawn on paper. Here you need to indicate the location of the house and other buildings.

In addition, the plan should mark barbecue and relaxation areas. Some computer programs allow you to mark the proposed locations where shrubs and trees will be planted. On the plan you can indicate places for flower beds and a vegetable garden.

Features of choosing a landscape style

To create an original landscape design with your own hands small plot, you should decide on the style in advance. There are several main directions: natural and regular.

Regular. In this case, the main axis of the entire composition is provided. In relation to her symmetrical plantings are created. This style is ideal for large areas, but if desired, it can also be used to create an original landscape in a small area.

It is worth noting that paths in this style are laid straight. At the same time, strict geometric shapes, the choice of which depends on the configuration of the site. If the site is elongated and long, then it is worth building rectangular flower beds.

Natural or, in other words, landscape style. In this case, a freer placement of not only plantings, but also buildings, including houses, is provided. You can avoid straight paths when creating a simple landscape.

When using this particular style, you can play with the natural relief of the area or create artificial hills or depressions. In a small area you can make a pond and throw a humpback bridge across it. If you don’t want to tinker with the soil, then you can make a flower garden by planting plants of different shades, shapes and heights.

How to visually enlarge an area

If the area in front of the house is very small, then it can be increased by installing certain forms and materials. The main emphasis should be on lines, smooth and smoothed shapes. So, how to create a unique landscape with your own hands:

Gardening methods

To make the design of a small plot created with your own hands pleasing, you should follow several basic landscaping rules:

  1. First of all, it is worth considering the lighting requirements certain trees, shrubs and flowers.
  2. The planting height should increase in the direction from south to north. The shortest specimens should be planted on the south side, and tall trees, such as pears and apple trees, on the northeast or north side.
  3. If the soil on the site is poor, then it is worth bringing fertile soil. Alas, manure and compost will not immediately correct the situation and saturate the soil with nutrients.
  4. The color scheme should be thought out in advance. Correctly chosen shades will visually enlarge a small area.
  5. Don't chase diversity. Not always abundance various shades on garden plot- Fine. It is worth choosing one color scheme and placing it in different corners area of ​​its variation. This step will allow you to achieve harmony.

Water features

Landscape design a small area is difficult process. When creating certain compositions you should take into account the basic rules and requirements. In this case, ponds and small reservoirs can perform not only practical functions, but also decorative ones.

The water can be used for irrigation. If you wish, you can create lakes small sizes for aesthetic purposes. If you decide to create a pond with your own hands, then you should take care in advance not only of building materials, but also of what plants and animals will live in it.

In addition, special equipment may be required to maintain such structures. As a water structure on the site you can build:

  • water mill;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall or cascade;
  • circulating stream.

Flowers and plants

Growing any plants near your home requires constant attention and a lot of time. In addition, there may be some costs associated with financially. However, it is plants and flowers that make it possible to fill the landscape design bright colors.

If you wish, you can plant a small flower garden. At the same time, you should choose one color scheme.

Today you can buy seeds of almost any ornamental plants which will allow you to decorate the area around the house. When arranging a summer cottage, you can use classic plants, or you can create alpine slide . The choice largely depends on the style of the overall design.

Seating and decorations

Usually, when creating a landscape design for a small area, a special place is given to the recreation area. In this case, any buildings should be practical in nature. It is important to choose not only a construction project, but also a suitable location.

When creating a landscape with your own hands, you should take into account the overall design and appearance of the buildings. They have to harmonize and complement each other. If the site is developed in Japanese style, then the structures must be made in the appropriate style.

The following structures are most often erected:

  • playgrounds;
  • shed for equipment and tools;
  • tandoor with open kitchen;
  • gazebos.

To create cozy atmosphere, you can use various decorative elements for garden areas, for example, patios, sculptures, flowerpots, decorative fountains . Lighting is also of particular importance. With its help, you can enlarge or reduce the area, as well as create a unique and fabulous atmosphere.

Decorative elements fits perfectly into almost any stylistic decisions. The main thing is choose correctly decorative elements that will emphasize style and create a feeling of harmony. All the rules and nuances listed above will allow you to create a unique landscape design for a small area at a minimum cost.

A country house or dacha is designed for outdoor recreation away from the bustle of the city. As a rule, on dacha area there must be a lot fruit trees, plants and a well-designed area in front of the house. To transform the landscape adjoining plot, let's look at some recommendations for decorating a summer cottage.

Formation flower garden in front of the house is not an easy task. To solve it, consider the size and shape of the flower bed in accordance with the general stylistic direction.
Choose plants in such a way that they do not overshadow the design, but also do not look faded against its background. Plant flowers on the path leading to the house.

A flower garden will help hide any defects. Alternative solution- This is a mixborder, that is, various plantings in flower beds that allow you to naturally hide the errors of the house.

Another decor option is a discount. Flowers are placed belt method and alternate them in size.

For novice gardeners, we do not recommend planting exotic plantings in front of the house, as they must be carefully looked after. Stick to perennials.

Conifers and low-growing shrubs will add a certain aristocracy.

After creating a flower garden, you can start decorating the area in front of the house by adding accessories. Arrange wooden barrels and tubs, vases and flowerpots.

Flowerpots made of granite or concrete are suitable for the Art Nouveau style. As an addition, figurines, statues, as well as large stones of unusual shapes look attractive. The main thing is to observe moderation and do not overload the area with decorative elements.

Shrubs in front of the house should be trimmed nicely. Such plantings always look unusual and attract the attention of others.

Garden paths are an integral part of the landscape design of the dacha.

They can be made from natural stone, bricks, paving slabs or paving stones.

With help, it will become attractive and pleasantly comfortable to walk on.

On inclement days there is no congestion on the paths excess moisture, and they also help to divide the territory into zones.

It would be appropriate to place an artificial pond in front of the house or.

It will be key element your territory. There are no restrictions on the shape and size of the composition.

The green room is a room located in the front garden, terrace or outdoor gazebo.

The landscape design of the fence will help create a microclimate and be visually beautiful from the outside and inside plot. Therefore, owners of private plots are interested in the question of what species to decorate and transform the entire territory of the land plot. Landscape design is a developed industry today. Therefore, everyone chooses the type and design option that suits their preferences and interests.

Design of the fence and landscape in front of it

What types of landscape design are there?

The design of the fence and the private plot is made using fragments building materials that suit the style chosen for landscape design. More often, plot owners consider variations of plant seedlings to decorate the space land plot and to create cozy corner, where it is easy and pleasant to relax alone or with your family. There are three types of landscape design:

  1. Traditional.
  2. Landscape in Art Nouveau style.
  3. Mixed style.
    1. Traditional

      This design option for the landscape design of a house, in particular for hedges, is a restrained, geometrically correct form. In this type of landscape design, the site is dominated by evenly trimmed shrubs and flowers planted in a straight line.

      Example traditional design fence on the site

      And also for this option landscape design sculptures and fountains are used on the fence. The bottom line is that this option has a discreet, strict look without unnecessary details and elements. To maintain the extravagance and peculiarity of this hedge design option, you need to constantly care for the plants: trim the bushes, shape the trees. Naturally, to implement the idea of ​​​​landscape design, shrubs and trees that are easy to trim are selected.

      Art Nouveau style

      Many plot owners design fencing in the Art Nouveau style. This design option is completely opposite traditional style fence design. Art Nouveau style prevails simple shapes planting lines. There is no need to maintain the ideal planting form, you just need to plant the seedlings in the desired order.

      Decorating a fence in Art Nouveau style

      Flower beds or shrubs planted under a hedge have outlines in the form of smooth and curved lines. In this style, a minimal amount of decoration is used, and sculptures are also selected in small quantities.

      Designers of landscape design for fences often use technology for designing reliefs with elevation changes. These are trees planted in a row from coniferous species, the first of which is small, and the next one is an order of magnitude higher, which forms a smooth drop. The Art Nouveau design style does not require any special action from the owner of the property. The main thing is that at the stage of arranging the fence, the wishes are fulfilled and the preferences of the owner of the territory are taken into account. In the future, you just need to water it on time and also fertilize the soil.

      Mixed type of fence design

      Example mixed type fence design

      However, this design option is possible if you divide the area in front of the fence, both inside the land plot and on the street side. Each such area is decorated with plants in different options landscape design. Different zones are united with each other using elements placed between them. This is done so that shrubs or coniferous trees do not merge into an incompatible composition of representatives of the plant world.

      Each owner of a plot of land will be able to choose the option for landscape design of a fence that seems most suitable to him according to his preferences.

      The most important thing is that there is a desire to decorate the fence with a beautiful landscape design, and the rest is a matter of skill and turning your fantasies into reality.

      Landscape design option with a hedge

      It is worth paying attention to the quality and that will enclose the territory of the site. To make the landscape design look harmonious and give a special atmosphere, select good material for erecting a fence. In a fence against which it is planned to arrange landscape design on the street, the following characteristics are important:

      Having picked up suitable look fencing the territory, you can at its best arrange a landscape design for the fence.

Arranging landscaping in front of a house is a rather difficult task. After all, you need to beautifully decorate a rather small piece of land - plant on it beautiful bushes and flowers, perhaps make a fence out of metal or wooden fence. This is where you choose to design the area near the house. Make a plan before starting work. It will help you determine the style of the composition and choose flowers for planting in the front garden.

The design of the area in front of the house may include dividing it into zones. Without a plan, decorating the area with your own hands will be difficult. You can miscalculate, and in the end it turns out that there was not enough money for everything planned or that part of the effort was wasted.

Design Basics

If you want to decorate a small area, do not forget about the main rule: big trees, shrubs - do not plant, structures - do not install.

High fences, which are mentioned in the last paragraph, can spoil the appearance, and even the atmosphere of the site, and disrupt the microclimate. This is explained by the fact that such a fence will disrupt air circulation. So, It is better to fence a small area chain-link or low picket fence.

What does the plan include?

First of all, decide on the design style. Thanks to this, you will save effort and money. Don't overdo anything. When drawing up a plan, you can use special computer programs, or simply make a drawing. Indicate on it the location of the house and other buildings.

Mark on the plan recreation areas and barbecues. Row computer programs allows you to mark the proposed locations for planting trees and shrubs. The plan can also indicate where the vegetable garden and flower beds will be.

Style selection

Main styles:

  • regular;
  • natural.

Regular. The main axis is provided here overall composition. Symmetrical plantings are created in relation to it. This style is ideal for large areas, although it is also suitable for a small area. In this case, the paths are made straight. Geometric shapes are strictly observed, the choice of which depends on the configuration of the site. If it is elongated and long, it is advisable to arrange rectangular flower beds.

Natural or landscape style. Provides for freer placement of plantings and all buildings. Straight paths can be abandoned. With the help of this style, the natural relief is played out, artificial depressions or hills are created. In a small area, you can make a pond over which you can build a bridge. If you don’t want to mess with the soil, you can make a flower garden by planting plants different heights, shades and shapes.

Enlarging the area visually

A visual increase in territory is possible through the installation of certain materials and shapes. The main emphasis is on lines, smooth and smoothed shapes.

Don't make it straight garden path. When it meanders between plants, the area visually increases. The inclusion of decorative elements and flower arrangements.

Plant plants that bloom for a long time, preferably until late autumn. Small area will decorate a dry stream well, decorative well or a miniature pond.

For visual enhancement, plants with light colors, for example, white or yellow. Crops are planted in the far corners of the dacha, not near the house. This technique will “lighten” the edges of the area.

Gardening methods

A few main rules:

Water features

Ponds and small reservoirs can serve both decorative and practical functions. Water can be used for irrigation. Lakes are also created. When constructing a pond, take care of the flora and fauna for it in advance. It may require special equipment to service it.

Water structures for the site:

  • water Mill;
  • fountain;
  • circulating stream;
  • cascade or waterfall.

Plants and flowers

Growing plants near your home requires constant attention and may also require cash injections. It is flowers and plants that fill the design with bright shades. You can arrange a small flower garden. In this case, stick to one color scheme. When arranging, classic plants can be used, or you can make an alpine slide. The choice largely determines general style.

Places for decoration and relaxation

The recreation area is given a special place. In this case, all buildings must be practical. The style of the entire design is always taken into account.

Most often they build:

  • playgrounds;
  • tool and equipment sheds;
  • gazebos;
  • tandoor with open kitchen.

To create coziness, decorative elements are used, for example, sculptures, patios, decorative fountains and flowerpots. Lighting has a special place, which helps to visually enlarge or reduce the area and create a simply fabulous atmosphere.

Decorative elements are almost always appropriate, the main thing is to choose them correctly so that they emphasize the style and create a feeling of harmony!

All homeowners pay special attention to how the appearance of their local area looks from the outside. In today's material I want to bring to your attention 25 landscaping ideas for the front of the house in modern style. What trends do experts propose, what ideas are being implemented in practice.

Various combinations of shrubs and conifers, as I have repeatedly said, now occupy one of the leading places in design. Mulching with wood chips colored to match your home will make the composition truly fit into the space.

We also don’t forget about flowers; they can be “woven” into the shrub ornament with a single-color line, as if emphasizing your individuality. IN in this example There is no colorful range, but the taste of the owner can be traced.

An interesting solution, it seems to me, is to place the path leading to the central entrance on the side, from the entrance to the garage. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to admire all the beauty of the plants as you move into the house.

Another similar example with a side path leading to the main entrance. It's pretty convenient solution for those who are going to build a garage on the side of the house. Pay attention to the plants - in this example there are no flowers, only shrubs, some of which are decorative foliage.

The shapes of flower beds in modern landscape design are the most bizarre, and even if one of the sides is straight, the others tend to be tortuous. It is recommended to make borders for flower beds from paving stones or bricks.

You can often find solutions where the flowerbed is made in the form of a kind of island. Now they have moved away from the alpine hills and began to make such islands. Of course, in the conditions of the Moscow region, the role of a palm tree can be taken over by a Christmas tree. I’ve seen ideas where the tree is even cut stylized to look like a palm tree.

Ball-shaped bushes are the basis of a modern flower bed in front of the house. Even blue spruce can be brought into line with the rounded style of the flower garden.

The construction of permanent borders will allow you to take the design concept to a regular level. Something from the classic European park school, plus inclusions of free thoughts, for example, the same blue spruce trees.

The photo shows an example of a gentle modern design in front of a private house. The idea of ​​a circular patio is original, as are the tussocks of cereals. The unevenness of the rectangular paving inserts with a border emphasizes the author’s non-standard vision.

Even if you don’t have much time for something mind-blowing, you can always plant shrubs, and hostas, if you have a big tree, giving shade. Pay attention to the path - most often the path to the main entrance is now taken from the side.

Even ordinary stones placed in a flowerbed will add stylish look your entrance composition, a couple of conifers, a couple of shrubs with beautiful foliage - and a pleasant look is ready!

In large flower beds, gravel inserts are appropriate, which will introduce a certain mosaic into the structure of the entire composition. By combining several shades you can visually improve the perception of your idea.

An original design solution for the front of the house. A large ceramic flowerpot is placed on a round platform; the steps and paths are uneven.

However, even a budget classic paved path with shrubs planted along it looks beautiful, with proper care and attention. In this case, you should create accents of bright plants in front of the entrance.

If you have a large space in the front of the house, then you can design it with a central island, which can accommodate a combination of classic and natural style.

By leaving a lawn in the center of the space, you create, as it were, two visual lines, the first is the outer contour, and the second is the far part, with taller plants.

The tiers in the area in front of the house will undoubtedly require increased attention on your part. But this composition looks incredibly beautiful, you can’t argue with that.

From complex to simple - tiers can also be formed from small raised flower beds. When you have little space at your disposal, it is better to leave more free space.

In some cases, the height of the hedge in front of the house can be increased, and a flower garden can be planted in front of it. low-growing annuals.

There will be no chaos in your flowerbed if you plant several identical plants, thereby forming a chord of color spots.

I really love shrubs, those that need to be trimmed and formed into a beautiful natural geometry. Plus conifers as accents that stand out against the background of this green carpet.

Do you remember recently I talked about shafts in modern landscape design? So, another idea from this concept is a trio of bright bushes, a trio of Christmas trees, mulch from shavings and the result is a discreet, fashionable composition.

A boulder stone can serve as a border for your flower bed; in those regions where there are no problems with stone, this is the most affordable solution.

Flowerbed - an island, as I already said, is now replacing the alpine hill. This is a kind of alternative for those who have not been able to tame rockeries. Everything is simpler on the island, but the appearance of such a piece is very attractive.

Well, in the end, returning to the first photo, I would like to draw your attention to the possibility of creating a bright flowering border from low-growing annuals, a lawn and a central raised flower bed. The circle shape will be ideal for it, and you can plant the same plants on it as in the border. In the background we see tubs of color variations.

I wish you creative inspiration, pleasant ideas and the possibility of their implementation on your summer cottage or in a private yard! As always, stay tuned and share ideas with your friends on social networks!