Digging a well: when and where to dig, how to dig it yourself, safety precautions. How to dig a well by hand on your own property How to dig a well for water

Residents country houses, developers and summer residents in the absence central water supply on their own plots they are forced to solve the water supply problem on their own. To feel comfortable away from the benefits of civilization, underground springs are used. It is possible to provide yourself, your garden and your household with water if you build a well with your own hands.

Water well in the courtyard of the house

It is very important to choose the right place for a hydraulic structure and dig it to the optimal depth. Then the composition and volume of water will be acceptable for use for domestic needs and drinking. In some regions Russian Federation Construction of wells up to the first aquifer level requires permission from local authorities.

In order for water to meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, be it a well in a country house or a personal plot, the place should not be located next to objects that pollute the soil and air:

  • gutters;
  • cesspools;
  • sheds for livestock;
  • storage facilities for fertilizers and chemicals;
  • highways.

The wells are filled with underground water located at a depth of 8-30 meters. This is the first aquifer, which is fed by precipitation, melted snow, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. That is why it is so important that the environment around is clean.

  • moisture-loving plants grow well;
  • morning fog is gathering;
  • mosquitoes and midges hover;
  • a pot with dried broken bricks dug to a depth of 1-1.5 m becomes heavier due to the absorption of water from the ground.

From ancient times to this day, underground springs have been searched for by dowsing. Read also in a separate article, we described in detail all known modern methods. Bend a fresh branch in a certain way and observe its behavior. Where the water occurs, it should vibrate. Metal frames or pendulums are used for the same purpose. The method is called dowsing. I have not received any official confirmation or denial.

More reliable research is carried out using engineering geophysics methods - electrical or seismic prospecting. Due to the high cost of testing on private sites, they are rarely used.

Perhaps the most informative source is the water level in your neighbors’ wells. It is most likely that the aquifer will be located in a similar manner. But there are exceptions. Aquifers are distributed unevenly, and quicksand may be present in the underground channel.

The location for the well is selected after a comprehensive analysis of signs of presence groundwater. In order not to reduce the productivity of the well, they retreat as far as possible from existing water intake structures. Read also on our website an article about what types there are and which one is better to choose, we have discussed in detail.

The best time to dig a well

The groundwater level varies throughout the year. Fluctuations in the depth of the liquid reach 2 m. The most suitable season for building a well is after a long drought at the end of summer or in the second half of winter, when the flow of precipitation into the soil is minimal. The filling of underground sources decreases naturally.

If you dig a well with your own hands after rains or in the off-season, it is possible that the water will go away in a couple of months and the mine will be empty.

The time for digging is chosen depending on the type of soil. Clay soils When winter comes, they freeze and the water in the capillaries turns into ice. Such land is very difficult to hollow out; it is easier to cultivate in the warm season. Sands and sandy loams remain loose despite frosts. A well can be dug in both summer and winter.

Installation of rings in winter

If difficulties arise in removing the top frozen layer of soil, specialized equipment can be used for this work. Below the freezing depth, which reaches 0.7-1.2 m in the European part of the country, the sands are already quite loose and accessible for processing.

Another argument in favor winter device wells - prices for excavation. They are significantly lower than in summer, when demand increases.

A team of three people digs a mine in 3-4 days. It has equipment and well-established technology. If you work alone, it will take much more time. Sometimes it takes weeks or even months - you need to select several cubes of rock. The work becomes more complicated due to precipitation, soil erosion and possible wall collapses. It is necessary to arrange a structure the right way so that you don’t have to clean the bottom again and take out dozens of buckets of spilled soil.

Types of wells

Man began to use man-made wells with the beginning of sedentary life about 7 thousand years ago. They were deep pits lined from the inside with wood or stone. Having settled in a new place, people first of all dug a source of water for themselves and their animals. Agriculture, especially in warm countries, cannot be imagined without irrigation and a canal system.

Wells differ in depth and method of extracting water:

  • Russian. A bucket was lowered into a shaft lined with logs using a gate. To prevent it from floating on the surface, a weight was attached to the edge of the container. The source was covered from above with a well house to prevent debris from entering.
  • Shaduf. IN ancient Egypt it was used to irrigate fields. The water was raised by a lever mechanism. Today, similar structures are still found in African and Asian countries.
  • Archimedes' spiral well. The water is extracted by a mechanism driven by a donkey walking in a circle.
  • Abyssinian. A pipe with a diameter of 25-63 mm is installed in a narrow well drilled to the underground channel and surface pump. To filter water, the end of the water conduit is equipped with a sieve tip.

The most common designs of wells in household plots and summer cottages are concrete rings immersed in the ground. The depth of the mines reaches 2-18 meters. The bottom is covered with a layer of sand, pebbles and crushed stone, which cleans the groundwater of impurities.

Well made of concrete rings

Concrete rings are produced in various sizes:

  • internal diameter - 70-200 mm;
  • height - 290-890 mm.

For water wells, structures with a diameter of 1000 mm and a height of 890 cm are used. They are installed one on top of the other. For a tight fit, the rim of the rings is formed in the form of a lock. The volume of one element is 0.23 m³. For a home building, 8-12 products are most often enough.

Well shaft type

The well consists of a water intake shaft, a trunk and a head, which rises above the ground.

There are three types of well shafts:

  • imperfect - the trunk is lowered to the upper boundary of the waterproof layer, filled through side surfaces and lower opening;
  • perfect - the bottom of the shaft rests on the underlying layer of clay, water enters only through the walls;
  • perfect with a sump - the trunk is deepened into the waterproof layer to create an additional reservoir.

If you improve the well with your own hands - arrange an expansion below the static water level, a kind of “tent” with a supply of liquid is formed.

The simplest and most common individual construction The mine design is imperfect. This inexpensive option, providing the daily need for water for household needs.

Important. An increase in the diameter or depth of a structure leads to an increase in labor costs and material consumption, which is unjustified in a suburban area.

Materials for the construction of wells

In the private sector they use following materials to form a well shaft:

  • Tree. The log frame is immersed in the shaft, creating the necessary support for the walls. Water seeps through the gaps and bottom. The lower part is made of beech, bog oak, ash, and elm. These rocks do not produce tannins or resinous substances. The upper crowns are made of pine, larch, and cedar. They are not afraid of moisture, do not rot, but are rich in resin.
  • Natural stone or brick. Wells made from these materials are durable and strong. The construction of mines is long and labor-intensive, but the water in them is clean, without impurities.
  • Concrete. The barrel is mounted from prefabricated rings or made from a monolith. In the first case, special attention must be paid to sealing the joints, otherwise contaminated surface runoff will enter the well.

The top of the structure is protected from precipitation, dust and animals by well houses with a lid. They are made from wood, stone, concrete. Covered with decorative materials.

Important. Often a well in a country house serves as a bright art object that attracts everyone's attention.

Bottom filter

The bottom filter protects the water from contamination by rising rock particles. It is made from clean, washed materials - quartz sand, pebbles, gravel, crushed stone.

Pour in the smaller fractions first, then the larger ones:

  • sand - 15-30 cm;
  • gravel - 15-30 cm;
  • river pebbles - 15-30 cm.

The higher the layer height, the better the cleaning. If the bottom is liquefied and water flows quickly, first lay wooden boards, leaving gaps, then filter materials.

Between layers to improve the organoleptic properties of water and neutralize toxic substances, it is recommended not to add a large number of shungite, zeolite or jadeite. These are natural minerals that people have used for healing since ancient times.

On quicksand, backfilling is mandatory, as the well will quickly become clogged and stop functioning. But the layers are laid in the opposite order - first large, then small fractions. In this case, heavy stones prevent the movement of sand in the underground channel. At the bottom as a base you need to put a shield made of oak, aspen, larch or of stainless steel.

Bottom filters are regularly cleaned and replaced with fresh ones. Otherwise, instead of benefit, they can cause harm.

Important. Regardless of presence in the well stone materials, it is recommended to additionally prepare drinking water - filter and boil.

Definition of an aquifer

When digging a well, the question arises of how deep to dive if water has already begun to seep through the walls of the shaft. To find out where it’s time to stop, it’s worth considering all the layers covered during digging.

Upper layer - fertile soil. Its thickness is 25-40 cm. Next, sedimentary rocks, sand and clay, which is an aquifer, alternate.

Between the impermeable layers, underground springs make their way. The closest to the surface is perched water, consisting of seeped sediments, melt water and random runoff. It is not suitable for domestic needs, it is too polluted, and the level is unstable and depends on the weather.

When constructing a well, they try to reach the second or third aquifer. Having passed through the thickness of the soil, the water is purified and becomes suitable for consumption.

When digging, you need to stop in time - there is a danger of passing through the aquifer and going deeper into a thick layer of clay. It is also possible for the mine to subsidence over time, which will lead to blockage of the water flow path. You need to navigate the neighboring hydraulic structures in order to “catch” the moment and avoid making a mistake.

Construction of a well from concrete rings

Before making a well with your own hands from concrete rings, determine the type of soil. The method of construction - open or closed - depends on this characteristic.

Open way

It is used on dense clay soils that hold their shape well. When digging mines, the walls do not crumble, and work can be carried out in less cramped conditions than with the closed method.

Sequence of open well device:

  1. They dig a shaft to the required depth.
  2. When the aquifer is reached, concrete rings are installed sequentially using a manipulator lift.
  3. The joints are fastened using rubber gaskets or solution.
  4. The sinuses are filled with coarse sand, the upper part is lined with clay to prevent perched water from getting inside.
  5. The rings are secured from the inside with staples and the seams are sealed.

After finishing the work, the walls are cleaned, washed, and the water is pumped out several times. Lay the bottom filter, install well house.

If, while digging a mine, the walls suddenly begin to crumble, further work is carried out using a closed method.

Closed method

This option is used for constructing wells on loose or marshy soils that do not retain their shape well. It is more difficult to work in a confined space; use a shovel with a shortened handle. But there is no risk of walls collapsing, and the rings can be installed without the use of lifting equipment.

Stages of constructing a well using a closed method:

  1. Cut off upper layer land.
  2. Install the first ring.
  3. They dig a mine from the inside, evenly clearing the space underneath from the ground. reinforced concrete structure. Under the influence of its own weight it falls.
  4. After the first ring is deepened, a second one is installed on it and the digging continues.
  5. The structures are installed sequentially until the aquifer is reached. The top of the last ring is left above the ground.
  6. The elements are fastened together with pads or brackets so that when the ground moves, they do not move relative to each other.
  7. The seams are sealed, washed, and the bottom filter is filled.

To facilitate the installation of a reinforced concrete shaft, the lower end is equipped with a shoe with knives or the edge is shaped into a cone. Rising water is pumped out drain pump. Mechanical or electric winches are used to lower a person into the shaft, lift buckets of earth and adjust the position of the ring during installation.

It is almost impossible to cope with the volume of work carried out in a closed way alone. Usually they invite a team that is equipped with everything necessary to quickly construct a well.

Working at depth is associated with risks to health and life. We must not forget about safety measures. A helmet is put on the head, the handle of the bucket is reinforced, and strong ropes or cables are used. Regularly monitor the reliability of fastenings and the serviceability of mechanisms.

Waterproofing seams

Waterproofing the seams between the rings is a necessary operation that will protect the water from contamination by external runoff. It is performed after the installation of the shaft, as well as during the repair of an existing structure if leaks are noticed.

Methods used to seal seams:

  • a hemp rope is placed in the gap and covered with cement mortar on top;
  • instead of rope, a bentonite swelling cord is used;
  • the joint is sealed with ready-made quick-acting hydraulic seals;
  • the solution is prepared on the basis liquid glass and fill the seams with it.

Before waterproofing works thoroughly clean the seams and moisten them if necessary. Materials that do not change the composition of water and are harmless to humans are used as sealants.

Commissioning and maintenance

Before starting operation, the walls of the well are thoroughly cleaned with metal brushes and washed. The water is pumped out until it is absolutely clean and transparent.

Maintenance consists of regular cleaning and repairs. If a deterioration in water quality is detected, its volume has decreased, mold or algae are present, and deposits have appeared on the walls of the shaft, the well must be cleaned.

The event is carried out manually or using mechanical equipment. All the water is pumped out of the well, a ladder is installed and, going down, the walls are cleaned with a metal scraper. Silt deposits are removed from the bottom, and the stone filter is partially or completely replaced. If the trunk is shallow, you can remove dirt without diving. Use a brush with a long handle.

After cleaning, you can disinfect the concrete walls with a bleach solution. After 24 hours, the water must be completely pumped out.

You can dig a well without hiring outside workers, with your own hands. You just need to study the step-by-step instructions.

Before construction, it is determined by what digging methods the work will be carried out: by alternately installing the upper rings or by finding the level of the aquifer. The method is chosen based on the depth of the water.

The method of sequential installation of rings is as follows. The ring is placed on the surface of the earth and they begin to select the soil inside. Over time, it itself sinks into the depths. To dig a level well, it is necessary to ensure strict verticality, otherwise, if there is a strong slope, the concrete sediment will stop. You can adjust this yourself by tying a plumb line and setting a level on top of the ring.

After the top edge is level with the soil, a second one is installed on the ring. The next ones are installed as necessary until the lower one drops to the aquifer. You can immediately install gaskets to seal the seams.

This method allows you to control the height and number of rings and not be afraid of soil shedding, since the digger is inside.

When performing this option, it must be taken into account that it is inconvenient for one person to dig and remove soil. It will be necessary to involve one more employee. In addition, you will need additional help when installing rings from above.

The second method is to initially excavate the well shaft and then install concrete once the aquifer is reached. This method is easier when digging, a person is not cramped inside the ring. It is possible to make deeper shafts. The rings are installed when the walls begin to crumble. Several rings are sealed against the ingress of flood and groundwater.

The disadvantages of this method are the following:

  • It is possible to miss the beginning of soil collapse, then the mine will suffer.
  • It is difficult to control the tightness of the structure; insulation is only possible from the outside.
  • The amount of earth to be filled between the shaft and the ring is uncontrollable, as is its density. Therefore, flood and rainwater may enter.

All work on the construction and operation of wells is carried out with mandatory compliance with safety regulations. It assumes:

Today it is not difficult to find a company that provides services for arranging a water source at a summer cottage. Let's find out how much it costs to dig a well in a country house and how to carry out this operation.

Companies offer concrete rings along with digging. The price of work, including materials, is approximately 4,200 rubles. for each ring from the first to the tenth. The next ones will cost more, since they must be additionally strengthened to withstand soil pressure.

If the materials are yours, then you will pay about 2000 rubles. for each ring. It is also necessary to include costs for related materials, which will amount to approximately 1000 rubles.

Additional installation of a well head (well house) will cost about 5,000 rubles.

Before you start organizing a source, you need to choose its location correctly, since the quality of the water depends on this, as well as the duration of operation of the well.

Let's figure out where to dig a well in the country.

  • Water passing under the top layers of soil tends to become polluted. Therefore, you cannot install a source near a drain. Wastewater, garbage and compost heaps.
  • When constructing a well, it is important to take into account the hydrogeological situation. So, for example, water in marshy area not suitable for drinking, since high water will penetrate into the well, along with which everything that comes in its way will enter the water.
  • It is advisable to locate the source near places of water consumption. This will reduce the cost of water supply. However, you should not make a well near the house; it should be at least five meters away from the home.

Now you need to decide when is the best time to dig a well in your dacha. The ideal period for organizing a water source is autumn - early winter, since at this time the lowest water level is observed.

In spring it is difficult to choose the appropriate depth, since due to snow melting the water level fluctuates within 1-2 meters.

After the location of the future source has been chosen, the main steps begin. To make work easier, it is recommended to use special devices and tools.

You will need a winch to lift the buckets, and you will also need to install a tripod through which a rope or rope will be thrown.

  1. Markings are made on the site intended for digging a well. It is taken into account that the diameter of the shaft should be 10 cm larger than the ring being installed.

It is difficult to immediately determine the required depth. Of course, you can focus on the well located nearby. But on average it takes about 8-12 rings.

  1. Next, they begin digging, and the rings are immersed one at a time, as the shaft is opened, to the appropriate depth, so that the ring rises 10-20 cm above the ground. The next ring is delivered to the work site on a cart that has a height corresponding to the protruding part of the ring. This will reduce the presence of a massive ring in weight to a minimum. The operation can be seen in the photo.
  1. After the first ring is immersed, the next ring is installed, whose weight forces the structure to sink down. The rings are fastened together with staples in the amount of at least three pieces. After installation, remove soil from the walls.
  1. When considering the question of how to dig a well at your dacha yourself, it is worth noting the methods for removing soil. There are two methods, the choice of which depends on the density of the earth. If it is soft, then it can be cut through and removed from the middle without any problems.

It will be difficult to manually dig a well with clay rock with your own hands; this will require the use of special tools.

  1. After installing two rings, the hole is deepened by 0.8 m, and the rings are dug in a circle so that they go deeper under their own weight. By laying hemp rope and applying a cement composition, the joints between the rings are sealed.
  1. The column is built up until water appears at the bottom. The liquid along with the sand is removed, and the well itself is left for twelve hours to allow it to fill with water.
  1. The next day I cleanse the source again. The procedure is carried out until a sufficient amount of relatively clean water. Cover the well with a lid and leave it for a day.
  2. Next, a filter is laid, consisting of a 10-centimeter layer of fine gravel and a thirty-centimeter layer of coarse gravel.

In order to know how to properly dig a well in a country house, you must not only be able to position the rings evenly, but also ensure their protection and reliable fastening.

The rings are connected with metal brackets, which are attached to bolts passing through the wall.

To prevent penetration of perched water into the source, the seam between the rings must be sealed with linen rope and cement mixture. Additionally with outside After digging in the rings, a layer of waterproofing is applied along the seams or even along the entire wall.

Many are convinced that such activities worsen water quality, but these words should not be believed. Water can become worse only if the water penetrates through the seams, which after some time will still become unusable.

The space dug around the well is filled with blue clay, and foam plastic is laid to prevent it from freezing (photo).

Related articles:

  • How to dig a well

Heading – wooden house above the well, not only performs a decorative function, but also prevents water pollution, preventing wind-blown debris from getting inside.

  1. First, a frame is built from beams or boards. First, four racks are installed, which are connected by the upper and lower trim.
  1. To arrange the roof you will need to organize roof trusses, on which the sheathing will then be mounted.
  1. The rafters cut at an angle are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.
  1. Then cutouts are made on the rafters where they will be connected by strapping.
  1. Installing jibs allows you to strengthen the structure. The rafters are fastened together with two boards, which are then lathed.
  1. After this, installation begins roofing material, which can be used as roofing material.
  1. The final stage is the installation of slate, which is attached to the roofing felt with special fasteners. Corner connections covered with wind boards.

After the main work on the construction of the house is completed, the installation of the door begins. It is a plank shield, the manufacture of which will not be difficult.

Cutting boards required sizes and connect them together wooden blocks with a cross section of 2.5x3 cm. For this, two bars on top and bottom of the door will be enough.

To ensure the rigidity of the structure, another bar is attached diagonally. After covering, the handle and latch are attached, the hinges are cut in and the door is installed on the house.

  1. As already stated, work on creating a well on your site begins with calculations and determining the location for digging.
  2. If you have already collected all the necessary information, you should start marking.
  3. After this, you need to start digging holes.
  4. It is necessary to dig to such a depth that the first ring, regardless of the type of installation (open or closed), does not go completely into the ground.
  5. As you already understand, the work is described using a closed installation method, due to the fact that it is much more common.
  6. After installing the first ring, there should be a protrusion of 10 centimeters. You can transport the ring into the dug hole using a cart. It should be the same height as the ledge. That is 10 centimeters. You must understand that even the installation of the first ring determines the quality of the future well. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully check its verticality. If the first ring is slightly distorted, further work may not go according to plan.
  7. Then the second concrete ring is installed. It is connected using special brackets.
  8. For two rings you will need at least three staples. Considering that the operating principle of the closed well installation method is to immerse the rings under their own pressure, it is necessary to dig a hole in the center of the rings.
  9. After installing the first two products, the structure should be deepened by 80 centimeters.
  10. After this, the rings are dug in a circle.
  11. If you are forced to work with soft soil, it must be removed from the middle of the ring. If we are talking about hard ground, then first you need to remove the soil under the rings. This will allow you to get rid of obstacles that may interfere with the immersion of the structure.
  12. After eliminating unnecessary soil and interference, you can work in standard mode, removing soil from the middle.
  13. To connect rings on soft ground, experts recommend using staples. Despite the existence of more modern designs– rings with locks, the above option is considered more optimal. This is due to the fact that rings with locks are not able to protect the rings from deformation in soft ground in winter time. They start to move. The brackets provide for this process and do not allow the structure to move.
  14. As you dig a hole, it is necessary to process the joints of the strung rings. To do this, a special sealant is used and a tarred hemp rope is installed. Additionally, it can be sealed using cement mortar. The walls of the shaft should be built up until water is visible.
  15. After sealing the rings and sealing the cracks, the sides must be compacted with clay. Additionally, you can sprinkle with earth. This will protect the well from rainwater, pollutants and other unnecessary elements.

Being the owner of your own country plot and not having your own well is probably not the most good option. Yes, of course, some holiday villages are equipped centralized system water supply, but it’s still better to be completely independent from the “whims” of public utilities. The well will also become a source of clean water drinking water, and will satisfy all household needs and provide watering for the garden plot, but only if it will be arranged correctly.

— materials and tools for carrying out waterproofing work.

Most modern wells are made of reinforced concrete rings. It is best to purchase products that have a “quarter” locking part for centered and tight fit of the rings to each other. Standard size rings – 1000 mm – internal diameter, 1160 – external, wall thickness – 80 mm, maximum height – 900 mm. Such a product (KS-10-9) weighs 600 kg. If necessary, you can purchase rings of the same diameter, but of a smaller height - 300, 500 or 600 mm. On the walls of such rings there are holes for inserting slings when hanging and lowering them into the shaft.

You should immediately warn against purchasing low-quality, illicit rings that are damaged or have already been used. Such savings here are not only inappropriate, but can also be dangerous, since the practice of arranging wells knows many cases of rupture, distortion, and bursting of rings with all possible consequences.

How many rings are needed is an individual question for each specific location. It is worth finding out from your neighbors how deep their well is; this figure should not change much. At the same time, the structure of the well itself is taken into account - the height of the water-bearing part itself, the trunk and the head.

Digging a well and installing rings

  • Work begins with markings on the soil surface. For these purposes, as well as to control compliance with the dimensions of future penetration, you need to build a simple device - a cross of two slats, with a length equal to the required diameter of the shaft.

Cross - a template for further work

If the ring has an outer diameter of 1160, then the shaft should be marked approximately 200 - 300 mm wider, i.e. Ø from 1350 to 1450 mm with the open method of constructing a well (more on this below). With the closed method, the minimum required gap is left - so that the ring fits into the shaft without distortion.

  • Remove the top layer of soil from the turf and begin to delve into the dense layers of soil.

All selected soil must be located at a distance of at least 3 meters from the pit from the work site. You can even immediately take it away, for example, to the place where you plan to build “ alpine slide" When the clay layer begins, it is better to store the selected clay separately - it will be useful in the future for waterproofing the well.

  • After going deep to the height of the first ring, install a tripod or other structure on which the lifting mechanisms, and further work can be planned in different ways:

1. You can install the first ring exactly and continue to dig under it - it will fall under its own weight.

As the settlement progresses, the next ring is installed on the first one, and they are fastened together with brackets - and so on until the aquifer. This method is called “closed”, and is more relevant on problematic, shifting soils, with quicksand, underground “rivers”, etc. Thus, the excavator always works in a concrete ring, which lowers with him as the soil is removed.

This method is not considered optimal, as it has many disadvantages. Thus, a big problem during excavation can be a large boulder caught under the wall of the ring - removing it will not be easy, and sometimes even impossible. But on the other hand, installation of subsequent rings does not require complex lifting equipment, since it is always carried out at the top.

2. The second method is called “open” and involves digging a shaft to the entire required depth and then installing rings. Disadvantages - a much larger volume of selected soil, difficulties with installing and fastening the rings (the work is carried out at a considerable depth), there is always a danger of shedding or even collapse of the mine walls, especially when unstable aquifers begin or quicksand breaks through the wall - the source of “overwater” .

3. Based on the above, the optimal method will probably be a mixed method. Initially, the work is carried out using the open method, but until the first sign of instability of the walls or the appearance of signs of perched water. Then reinforced concrete rings are immediately lowered to the excavated depth, and further soil excavation is carried out using a closed technology, with the deposition of an extendable well shaft. This is the approach most often used in practice.

  • The work becomes more complicated once the aquifer is reached - according to the rules, it is necessary to settle the trunk on at least one more, and better yet, two more rings. Often it is necessary to ensure constant pumping of incoming water. Before entering this layer, the joints of the lower rings must immediately be sealed with special cement-containing compositions.

  • The well shaft is extended in such a way that the top ring protrudes approximately 500 mm above ground level. In the future, this head can be formed by a frame or in another way; a crank mechanism is installed above it to lift the bucket.

Video: methods of digging wells from reinforced concrete rings

After completely tearing off the well along its entire depth, it is necessary to pump out all the water and silt from it in order to install a bottom filter.

Well bottom filter

Without this element, the water in the well will not have the purity that the owner probably expects. Springs gushing at the bottom of a well can raise turbidity, sand, and in the case of quicksand (extremely saturated with water flowing sand) will simply become overgrown and shallow very quickly.

The choice of bottom filter depends on the condition of the bottom - what kind of soil forms it:

  • If the bottom is dense clay through which springs flow, then, as a rule, the water will be clean, and there is not even a need for a bottom filter. Moreover, its installation can even reduce the debit of the well. Light turbidity, if any, can be easily eliminated with a regular household filtration system.
  • If the bottom is formed by soft clay, then it will be constantly eroded by streams of incoming water. The water becomes excessively cloudy, and it can only be taken from the top layer. To eliminate this drawback, you will need a direct bottom filter.

To do this, large stones or crushed stones are placed on the bottom, with maximum size, up to 150 200 mm. Then a layer of medium-sized gravel (fraction 20-30 mm), up to 150 mm thick, is poured. And a final layer of clean river pebbles, also up to 150 mm thick, is laid on top. The total thickness of the resulting filter reaches half a meter.

  • The sandy bottom through which water seeps in poses another danger. Any impact on it (for example, a lowered bucket) causes a rise in the sand mass, which rises to the top along with the water. It is impossible to install pumping equipment in such a well - sand will quickly disable it. However, everything can be solved by creating a reverse bottom filter that will prevent grains of sand from rising from the bottom.

In this case, the washed water is first poured onto the bottom. river sand. The second layer is river pebbles or gravel up to 10 mm in size (shungite can be used). And the top layer will be large gravel or pebbles ranging in size from 50 mm. The thickness of each layer is at least 150 mm.

  • The bottom is a pronounced quicksand - which means you can’t do without a special wooden shield. It is knocked together from aspen or oak boards and cut exactly to the size of the bottom of the well. A large number of holes with a diameter of 10 mm are drilled into the shield. It is then wrapped in geotextiles and placed on the bottom.

To prevent it from floating up, they press it down with large stones. At least a 200-300 mm layer of small pebbles or gravel is laid on top.

What safety measures are required when digging a well?

The work of digging a well is very specific and dangerous and requires special precautions.

  • First of all, the area should be fenced off and strangers, and especially children, should not be allowed into the work site.
  • You cannot store the selected soil closer than 3 meters from the mine, or even better, immediately take it to a safe distance. Within the same radius there should be no foreign objects or unused tools at all near the shaft.
  • All lifting mechanisms - construction sites, tripods, winches installed on them, gates, hoists and etc.. must be checked daily before starting work. The condition of ropes, slings, and rigging hooks is also carefully monitored. All lifting devices must have a reliable brake and locking system.
  • Buckets (tubs) for extracting soil must be tightly tied to ropes, and when working at a depth of more than 6 meters, they must also have a safety end.
  • Working at depth may be accompanied by the accumulation of gases in the mine, which can cause suffocation for the excavator. Before lowering it into the mine, the air quality must be checked - a burning candle is lowered into it. If it goes out, forced ventilation must be carried out, and then the test is repeated.
  • If there is a lack of oxygen during work, it is necessary to create conditions for forced ventilation. For these purposes, you can use a compressor, fan or other air blower (sometimes even a powerful vacuum cleaner), or install a metal furnace near the shaft, the vent of which is connected to a pipe lowered to the very bottom of the shaft.
  • It is imperative to warn the excavator by voice about objects being lowered or raised. A worker in a mine must wear a safety helmet, and the possibility of emergency evacuation must be provided.
  • When working using the ring deposition method, the upper unclosed edge of the shaft should not be more than 1 meter. If there are signs of instability of the shaft walls, work is immediately stopped until the cause is determined and the possibility of eliminating it is determined.

Typically, work on high-quality digging of wells is carried out by teams of experienced professionals who have their own specialized equipment. It is almost impossible for a beginner to cope with such a task - there are too many nuances familiar only to masters, and the work is fraught with too many dangers.

At this point, the construction of a well on a suburban site is far from completed. There is still serious work to be done on waterproofing, insulation, construction of a clay castle, concrete blind area, water pipes, head equipment and other stages. They will be discussed in more detail in other publications on our portal.

If your new suburban area is located far from the water supply network, then you will immediately face the issue of water supply. There are several options. One of them could be digging a well with your own hands. This is guaranteed to provide you with a constant source of drinking water. Digging wells like this with your own hands is not an easy task and requires certain knowledge.

For correct execution When digging and equipping a well with your own hands, you need to solve a number of problems: where it should be located, how to look for water, when to dig it, what technology to use when digging, and many others.

To find water to install a well, you need to have an idea of ​​what The groundwater there are. Depending on the depth of their occurrence, they are divided into the following types:

  • superficial;
  • ground;
  • artesian.

Surface water is close to the earth's surface and is not treated. This water should not be used for drinking.

Ground - lie shallow and are present in the nearest aquifer of the earth. These waters will be our goal when building a well with our own hands.

Artesian - waters that lie at a significant depth than groundwater. Such waters contain the most delicious and clean water. It is mined by drilling wells to quite great depths.

Choosing the time of year and place to build a well

Seasons significantly affect the construction of a well. Better times years for this - autumn or winter. IN This is the period when the aquifer is low. This will ensure that you can find groundwater at the proper depth and will always have water. Such work cannot be carried out in the spring. During this period, the snow actively melts and the groundwater level rises. Therefore, you may make a mistake in choosing the depth of the well, or it may happen that in the summer you will not have water.

Before you start digging a well with your own hands, you should make sure the depth of groundwater in your area. If your neighbors have a well near you, the easiest way is to ask them about it. If you do not have such an opportunity to determine the depth of groundwater, then to detect the aquifer you will have to drill a well. To do this, you need to have additional equipment.

In order to dig a well yourself, you need to know the composition of the soil on your site. If on your site sandy soil, then you will have to spend less effort, and when there is clay, it will be more difficult to dig a well. If there are a lot of large stones in the ground, then it is best to look for another place.

Choosing the type and design of a well

Well devices are divided into mine wells and tubular. To dig a well with your own hands, you should stop at the shaft device. A mine can be dug even with a shovel.

The well is usually consists of the following components:

  • the above-ground part, which serves to protect against the ingress of water and debris, as well as from freezing in winter;
  • trunk - the underground part of the well, which prevents soil from entering the well and also protects from groundwater;
  • water inlet - part of the well that serves to collect clean water;
  • additional devices for operating the well.

Well construction

When digging a well yourself, always do it with a partner. One of the workers who will work inside the mine, and the other will be on the surface lift a container with soil. To lift a container with soil, it is necessary to install a tripod with a hoist or a winch. This will make it easier to complete all types of work. It is advisable to adhere to the following safety requirements:

  1. The worker who will be in the middle of the shaft must be protected by a helmet.
  2. All ropes and ropes must be reliable and tested for strength.
  3. If a worker who is in a mine at great depths feels unwell, then it is necessary to determine the gas contamination using a candle. If the candle goes out, then you need to eliminate the gas contamination. This is best done with a fan.

Due to the fact that all work will be carried out manually, you must have the following tool:

During the work, it is necessary to test the strength of the ropes every day. Be sure to check the strength of all fasteners and parts that provide soil lifting daily. It is damp and cold in the middle of the mine, so you need to have appropriate warm and comfortable clothing, and also periodically go to the surface to rest. The dimensions of the shaft you dig with your own hands will depend on the diameter of the rings chosen. It is advisable to choose the sizes of concrete rings with internal diameter – 1 m.

This is the best option that can be easily handled without additional special lifting equipment. Choose the height of the rings based on your physical capabilities and additional assistants.

Before you start directly digging a well with your own hands, first mark the area and then start digging the shaft.

When the depth of the dug shaft is 0.5 - 1 m, then you need to install the first concrete ring inside. After this, you need to dig out the soil at the bottom of the shaft, installing rings on top, which will lower themselves due to their own weight.

The rings must be installed exactly in diameter, securing them with metal brackets. This must be done before the opening of the aquifer. This option is the safest. Sometimes they do it differently: first they dig a mine, and after that the rings are installed inside.

With this technology, the soil can collapse inward on the worker who is inside the mine, this is dangerous for his life.

When water appears at the bottom of the mine, it will be cloudy and dirty. You shouldn't be afraid of this. After the filter is installed, the water will gradually begin to purify and become suitable for drinking.

Before installing the filter, all water that will be at the bottom of the shaft must be removed. Then they dig out another layer of soil, going no more than 20 cm deep, remove all the dirt and level the bottom. At the bottom of the dug well, you need to pour a layer of coarse river sand of at least 30 cm, then put a layer of gravel or small crushed stone on top. The layer thickness should be approximately 20–25 cm.

The final stage will be to pour coarse gravel on top in a layer of no more than 20 cm. Before using the gravel, it is washed in a weak solution of bleach and water. If there is a large influx of water at the bottom of the shaft, then first you need to build a floor with holes from boards and place a filter on it.

Next, water from the well must be pumped out several times over two weeks. This water is suitable for use for various technical purposes. After this work, the water will gradually become clean and transparent. It is advisable to have this water analyzed in a laboratory to be completely sure of its safety. If your neighbors have a well nearby, then you don’t have to submit the water for analysis.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to build a well with your own hands. The video below shows the whole well digging process with your own hands. The video also demonstrates the entire technology for installing large rings with locks.

Construction of a clay castle

To prevent surface water, which may contain debris and dirt, from entering the well, a clay castle should be made around it. For this purpose, the well shaft is dug in from the outside along the perimeter of the ring to a depth of at least one meter, and clay is placed in the hole and compacted well. A clay mound is poured on top and compacted, which will facilitate the outflow of various waters from the well frame. On top of such a castle, an additional blind area is made of concrete.

Construction of the above-ground part of the well

The ground part that rises above the surface is called the head. The height of this part no more than 0.8 m. Most often the head is made of concrete rings.

In some cases, the ring is lined with wooden logs or beams for a more attractive appearance and imitation of a wooden frame. The roof is made of wood with large overhangs to prevent debris, leaves and precipitation from entering the well. Sometimes the roof is covered with metal tiles to better protect it from precipitation.

The well must have a strong lid with a lock. It must ensure protection of water from dust and dirt, as well as ensure safety during operation. The lid must close tightly and have a lock so that children cannot open it.

The gate used to lift the bucket of water can be made from logs with a diameter of 0.2 cm. A hole is made in the central part of each end of the gate, into which the gate axle and handle are then inserted.

The metal components of the gate are usually made separately to order or from improvised means. You need to put 2 washers on the side of the gate handle, and one on the other side.

The washers serve to prevent the gate from moving and contribute to its durability. For a more visual idea of ​​what design options there may be for the top of the well, you can watch the video below.

Now you have it all necessary knowledge on how to carry out work on digging a well without additional costs and with your own hands.

Since ancient times, wells have been a constant, renewable source of drinking water and water for domestic needs. Despite its simple appearance– few people know how to choose the right place for it and how to properly dig a well. But you can learn all these wisdom on your own.

Choosing a place for a well

In order to choose the right place for a well on your site, you just need to follow nature. As a rule, aquifers come close to those places where there is dense and high grass, where there is heavy dew in the morning and fog gathers in the evenings. There is also a rather exotic folk method, for example, the use of a pendulum or research using a vine.

The most in a simple way Determining the presence of an aquifer will involve checking the presence of a well at the neighbors. Aquifers usually extend over several square kilometers and the risk of making a mistake in this case is minimal. But when choosing a place for a well “in an open field,” it is still better to drill an exploration well first.

But when choosing a location, you need to decide. But it is also important to consider sanitary rules. The well on your site should be located as far as possible from potential sources of pollution, such as a landfill or cesspool.


Aquifers in the ground can be located at different depths and, depending on this, the water extracted from them can be called topwater, soil, groundwater and artesian.

If you intend to use water from the well exclusively for domestic use, for example for irrigation, it is enough to take water from a depth of up to 20 meters. The construction of a well of greater depth is considered impractical - in this case, with a large depth of the aquifer, it is better to drill a well and install a water pump. At the same time, the well should not be too shallow, otherwise the high water penetrating into it from horizons up to 5 meters will spoil the soil and ground water and make it unsuitable for drinking.

When choosing between a well and a well, the budget of your structure plays a decisive role. A well made from ready-made reinforced concrete rings will cost you less. In addition, high-quality ones will last in your well for at least half a century. Maintenance of a well also looks simpler compared to a well. In any case, removing sludge from the bottom of the well and replacing the filter bed is less labor-intensive than drilling a new well.

Digging a well correctly

In principle, you can start building a well at any time of the year. But it is best to do this in late autumn, when the ground has not yet frozen and is easy to dig, and the water in the soil has gone to a considerable depth. This will make your work easier and you will be able to get to a deeper, and therefore cleaner, more saturated aquifer. During the year, the groundwater level can rise and fall by up to two meters. Thus, the construction of a well at the maximum groundwater level can lead to the fact that in the hot summer there will simply be no water in it.

Well construction rules

There are no engineering-verified rules for the construction of wells. It's so ancient art that it remained outside the strict building regulations.

Practice developed over centuries shows that digging a well is best done by a team of three people. In this case, no mechanization is usually used. One person is constantly at the bottom, deepening the well shaft and filling buckets with selected soil. The second person uses a rope and a winch to pull out the selected soil in buckets and drag it to the dump. The third person is in reserve, and then there is a round-robin replacement. Working in the face at the bottom of the well is quite difficult - the temperature in this area does not exceed 10 degrees, and the atmosphere is not ventilated in any way.

To make it easier for workers to pull out buckets filled with earth, trestles are built above the well mouth and a gate is installed. However, with the modern level of mechanization, the head of a well shaft can also be equipped with an electric winch.

The simplest way to protect the walls of a well shaft is to use reinforced concrete rings. To do this, a finished ring is installed at the selected location. The soil is sampled inside the ring and it gradually enters the ground under the influence of gravity.

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Soil is also selected around the ring to approximately half the height. Firstly, this will allow the rings to be connected to each other, and secondly, it will then serve as a foundation pit for the formation of a hydraulic lock and blind area.

It is best to connect reinforced concrete rings together using transport eyes with steel wire. In order to achieve rigid fixation, the wire is twisted with a strong metal object.

Please note that the well rings must be exactly on top of each other. Their horizontal displacement can lead to the formation of cracks through which untreated groundwater will flow into the well.

The proximity of an aquifer can be determined by the cooling in the well shaft and by the appearance of fontanelles and dew on the walls.

The walls of the shaft are built up from rings up to the selected aquifer. Usually in one working diagram 2-3 rings 90 centimeters high are installed in the well.

At the bottom of the well, when the aquifer is reached, a filter pad is formed. For it, it is best to use river pebbles and quartz sand.

Prices for concrete rings

concrete rings

Protecting the well from surface water

Water in the well should come exclusively from below, through the filter pad. In order to prevent the entry of untreated groundwater - the joints between concrete rings waterproofed. For this it can be used liquid waterproofing applied by brush or roller.

The ring ditch near the well head must be filled with a mixture of sand and gravel, and then a hydraulic lock made of a layer of waterproof clay must be installed there.

After the well is first filled with water, all liquid must be pumped out. The easiest way to do this is with an electric pump. This procedure can be repeated several times - this way the well “swings”.

We design the well head

A lid or roof must be installed at the top of the well, which protects it from atmospheric moisture. The choice of design style for the headband of the well depends solely on the aesthetic preferences of the owner. Can be formed wooden frame and install a classic gate with a chain or cable. Or you can make a well in a high-tech style by equipping the well with an electric pump.

It is better to design a well some time after its construction is completed, when the soil around its head has settled. In this place it is necessary to make a blind area. It can be cast from concrete on sand and gravel bed, and lay it out using paving slabs.

What to choose: well or borehole

From the point of view of water purity, a well is not at all ideal building. Water intake into wells does not come from a very great depth and the degree of its purification leaves much to be desired. Well water cannot be compared to clean water from artesian well. After rains and during periods of high groundwater, the well may become cloudy. One of the decisive factors determining the purity of water in village public wells was intensive water intake, as a result of which the water constantly passed through the filter pad and was purified. When used individually, keeping the well clean is quite problematic.

Well maintenance

In order for the well on your site to serve you faithfully, it must be cleaned regularly. If any object gets into the well that can cause water contamination, measures must be taken immediately to remove it.

consists of regularly checking its condition, cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection. It is better to clean a regularly used well at least once a year.

To carry out cleaning work, all water is removed from the well. This is best done with an electric pump. After this, a worker descends into the well and, using a protected lamp, examines the condition of the inner surface of the well shaft.

Then the surface of the shaft is cleared of debris. Special attention should pay attention to any cracks or crevices that appear. It is urgent to take measures to seal them. For this purpose it is used cement-sand mortar with the addition of liquid glass or a special waterproofing additive. Also, cracks in the well can be sealed with special solutions. If there is a large gap, it is better to place crushed and soaked clay in its depth, forming a hydraulic lock, and then concrete the gap.

If you find that the filter pad is heavily soiled, it can also be replaced using the same materials.