What flowers are planted in May? What flowers to plant in open ground in May. Types of annual plants

Flowers can be grown using seedlings or sown with seeds directly in open ground. With the seedling method, crops flower earlier, but the seedless method is less labor-intensive, and therefore is very popular among gardeners.

Perennials, many types of annuals that do not have a very long period of time from planting to flowering, as well as plants that do not tolerate transplantation well - poppies, nasturtiums, eschscholzia, morning glory, matthiola, lupine, cornflowers, cosmos, etc. are planted directly into the ground.

The timing of spring planting depends on climate zone On average, seeds are sown from April to the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

In mid-April, you can sow seeds of alyssum, eschscholzia, sweet peas, flax, calendula, matthiola, poppies, godetia, sweet mignonette, and ornamental cereals in open ground.

Already at the end of April - beginning of May, delphiniums are planted, different types carnation, annual phlox, nasturtium, gypsophila, asters, various varieties marigolds, purslane.

At the end of May, crops are planted that germinate at high temperatures- morning glory, daisies, forget-me-nots, pansies.

Seeds of some flowers (asters, cornflowers, lavender, kochia, cosmos, lavatera, delphinium, yarrow, etc.) can be planted in the fall, before the first frost. This method allows for natural hardening and stratification, as well as earlier flowering.

Soil preparation

Before planting, the soil must be dug up and fertilizer applied. Heavy soil (clay, loam) is dug up just before sowing crops, as it tends to compact very quickly. It is a good idea to add compost, peat or sawdust to such soils (in the fall) to improve their structure. In loose and light fertile soils the seeds germinate well and amicably, thanks to this the plants flower earlier.

Planting seeds in the ground

Flower seeds can be pre-soaked in the solution special drugs– growth stimulants. This treatment will allow them not only to sprout faster, but also improve resistance to diseases, and also speed up further development shoots

Seeds that are too small are sown dry. For a more uniform distribution over the surface, they are sometimes mixed with sand.

The wet soil is first leveled with a rake, then the seeds are sown in special grooves or scattered and sprinkled with a layer of soil. Seeds that are too large are planted in separate holes (nests). Planting depth depends on the type of plant, but general rules equal to twice the diameter of the seed. They are then covered with a layer of soil and watered if necessary.

The seeds of some plants - purslane, petunias, etc., tend to germinate only in the light, so they are evenly scattered over the surface and not sprinkled, but only lightly pressed to the ground.

Before the first shoots sprout, the soil must always be kept moist. To reduce moisture loss, you can cover the surface of the soil with a film before the first shoots appear.

Ecology of life. As soon as the last spring frosts are over, which usually occurs at the end of April - beginning of May, gardeners begin to decorate flower beds en masse. It is the days of May that are most favorable for planting many annuals and perennials...

As soon as the last spring frosts are over, which usually occurs at the end of April - beginning of May, gardeners begin to decorate flower beds en masse. It is the days of May that are most favorable for planting many annuals and perennials, because the soil is still quite moist, but already warmed up. Seeds thrown into it germinate instantly, and seedlings take root painlessly and in a short time. Let's look at how flowers are planted in May and what dates are best to plant certain plants.

First half of May: planting seeds and seedlings

Since the beginning of May can be unpredictable, and after a lull in the sun the weather can present a surprise in the form of unexpected frosts, in the first half of the month seeds are planted and perennial bushes that are not afraid of cold weather are divided.

Sowing flowers: nuances in choosing a location

The seeds will lie in the soil for another 5-7 days until they germinate, so they are not afraid of frost. Therefore, annuals that have a short growing season can be planted with peace of mind.

This list includes:

Gypsophila. At this time they sow annual varieties in order to wait for luxurious flowering by the end of July. Perennials can be planted in the summer, when space becomes available after the bulbous plants bloom.

Nasturtium. It is a little afraid of frost, but due to long germination (up to 2 weeks) it manages to wait out the critical time in the soil. Do not choose too fertile soil for planting, otherwise the plant will “grow fat”: it produces luxurious green mass, but does not bloom well.

Asters. In May, annual varieties are planted, which will bloom closer to autumn. Unpretentious flower, withstanding both drought and frequent rains. The only caveat is that it suffers from late blight, so it should not be planted after nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes). Annual asters are planted in early May to wait for early flowering. It will come in mid-to-late August, when most of the plants have already bloomed. If the beginning of May turns out to be wet, then the seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 3 cm, and in dry weather they are planted deeper - 5-7 cm. By the way, thin-leaved varieties lend themselves well to corrective pruning, and they can be used to create living borders.

Daisies. These flowers are propagated both by seeds and by dividing the bush. At the beginning of May, old bushes are divided because the seeds need warmer weather (summer). Daisies can be planted even if they are in the flowering stage, you just have to cut off all the buds so that the plant does not waste energy on them. One of the newest design techniques decoration - planting daisies on the lawn. Since the plant is low-growing, the mower does not damage the sockets, but in early spring the lawn will be strewn with beautiful little stars.

If you want to propagate varietal daisies, do not use the seed method, as it does not retain the properties of the mother plant. Perfect option- dividing the Nivyanik bush. This is one of the names of everyone's favorite chamomile. In gardening, it is grown as both an annual and a perennial. In May, varieties with a two-year development cycle are planted. Niwberry is called the “child of the sun” because it does not tolerate shade at all, and in the wrong place it will punish you with poor flowering.

Purslane. Enough delicate flower who doesn't like the cold. But due to the long growing season (96 days), it is not worth planting later, since flowering will begin only in the fall. To protect crops from possible weather disasters, cover them with any non-woven material.

Dividing and planting perennials: who is not afraid of early transplantation?

May is the best time to propagate early flowering plants. They have just bloomed, have not yet had time to lay new flower buds, so they are ready to develop new territories.

In early May, 4-year-old bushes begin to divide primrose Try to break the bush into parts so that each has at least one powerful outlet. If you delay replanting until the end of May, the plant will suffer from the heat and will stop feeding the leaves with moisture. So you will have to water it more often, otherwise aboveground part may dry out completely.

By the way, open place detrimental to primroses. Their element is shadow. They feel great in tree trunks and under grapes. To ensure that primroses keep all their leaves healthy when planting, plant them on a cloudy day at the very beginning of the month, while there is enough moisture

That's exactly how they love it shady places And hosts. They also try to separate them at this time, before the heat sets in and daily watering is required.

The first half of the month is a good time to plant tubers begonias and cannas, gladioli bulbs. But if you sprouted cannas in tubs, then wait until 15-20 days, since their leaves are too sensitive to differences in night and day temperatures. In order for cannas to grow foliage in a short time, consider when frosts end in your area, and only after them plant seedlings

If there are old people sitting on the site iris bushes, which are already bare in the center and have protruded roots above the ground, you don’t have to wait until they bloom, but divide them before the plant sends out a flower arrow. All the same, such an iris will not bloom profusely, since it is cramped in the ground. Therefore, feel free to dig up the plant and divide it into smaller parts. The main thing is that in each division there remains a fan of at least 5 leaves. Then in June this fresh seedling will already bloom. Bare roots in the center of the iris bush indicate that it is time to divide the plant, because there will still not be good flowering

Planting seedlings and seedlings: prepare roses and petunias

Among the purchased plants that are planted in May, the most popular are roses and petunias. With roses, it is important not to miss the deadline if you want to see the first bloom this season. It is advisable to carry out planting work before May 15th. To do this, buy seedlings with an open or closed (in film) root system. Potted flowers for planting in May are also suitable, but it is better to postpone the dates to the 20th and later. These roses are grown in greenhouses and weather changes can have an impact Negative influence on flower buds. The “healthiest” seedling has three powerful stems and roots at least 20 cm long.

To saturate the plant with moisture , which will help you grow faster root system, before planting, immerse the seedlings in water for 2-3 hours and only after that proceed to planting. If you plant roses before May 10, then by mid-June your pets will produce these beautiful first flowers. A three-hour bath with a growth stimulator will saturate rose seedlings with life-giving moisture and help them recover from hibernation in refrigerators or basements

For petunia, which were bought as seedlings or grown on a windowsill, best time Planting dates are considered to be the days when the cherry blossoms fade. Already in mid-June, the plant will produce its first flowers both in open ground and in flowerpots or containers. If you sow with seeds, then you need to wait until the end of the month, because the seedlings need a stable thermal regime.

Planting in the ground is rarely used, since flowering dates shift to August. In addition, petunia seeds that are too small are difficult to scatter so rarely, so as not to thin out later, and any replanting shifts the flowering time.

Second half of May – planting heat-loving plants

If we analyze the calendars for planting flowers in May, developed by landscape designers, then in the second half of the month “frost plants” are sent into the ground - plants that do not tolerate cold nights at a young age.

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As soon as the last spring frosts are over, which usually occurs at the end of April - beginning of May, gardeners begin to decorate flower beds en masse. It is the days of May that are most favorable for planting many annuals and perennials, because the soil is still quite moist, but already warmed up. Seeds thrown into it germinate instantly, and seedlings take root painlessly and in a short time. Let's look at how flowers are planted in May and what dates are best to plant certain plants.

Since the beginning of May can be unpredictable, and after a lull in the sun the weather can present a surprise in the form of unexpected frosts, in the first half of the month seeds are planted and perennial bushes that are not afraid of cold weather are divided.

Sowing flowers: nuances in choosing a location

The seeds will lie in the soil for another 5-7 days until they germinate, so they are not afraid of frost. Therefore, annuals that have a short growing season can be planted with peace of mind.

This list includes:

Gypsophila. At this time, annual varieties are sown in order to wait for luxurious flowering by the end of July. Perennials can be planted in the summer, when space becomes available after the bulbous plants bloom.

Nasturtium. It is a little afraid of frost, but due to long germination (up to 2 weeks) it manages to wait out the critical time in the soil. Do not choose too fertile soil for planting, otherwise the plant will “grow fat”: it produces luxurious green mass, but does not bloom well.

In May, annual varieties are planted, which will bloom closer to autumn. An unpretentious flower that can withstand both drought and frequent rains. The only caveat is that it suffers from late blight, so it should not be planted after nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes).

Annual asters are planted in early May to wait for early flowering. It will come in mid-to-late August, when most of the plants have already bloomed.

Marigold. If the beginning of May turns out to be wet, then the seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 3 cm, and in dry weather they are planted deeper - 5-7 cm. By the way, thin-leaved varieties lend themselves well to corrective pruning, and they can be used to create living borders.

These flowers are propagated both by seeds and by dividing the bush. At the beginning of May, old bushes are divided because the seeds need warmer weather (summer). Daisies can be planted even if they are in the flowering stage, you just have to cut off all the buds so that the plant does not waste energy on them. One of the newest design techniques is planting daisies on the lawn. Since the plant is low-growing, the mower will not damage the rosettes, but in early spring the lawn will be strewn with beautiful little stars.

If you want to propagate varietal daisies, do not use the seed method, as it does not retain the properties of the mother plant. The ideal option is dividing the bush

Nivyanyk. This is one of the names of everyone's favorite chamomile. In gardening, it is grown as both an annual and a perennial. In May, varieties with a two-year development cycle are planted. Niwberry is called the “child of the sun” because it does not tolerate shade at all, and in the wrong place it will punish you with poor flowering.

Purslane. A rather delicate flower that does not like the cold. But due to the long growing season (96 days), it is not worth planting later, since flowering will begin only in the fall. To protect crops from possible weather disasters, cover them with any non-woven material.

Dividing and planting perennials: who is not afraid of early transplantation?

May is the best time to propagate early flowering plants. They have just bloomed, have not yet had time to lay new flower buds, so they are ready to develop new territories.

In early May, 4-year-old primrose bushes begin to be divided. Try to break the bush into parts so that each has at least one powerful outlet. If you delay replanting until the end of May, the plant will suffer from the heat and will stop feeding the leaves with moisture. So you will have to water it more often, otherwise the above-ground part may dry out completely. By the way, an open place is detrimental to primroses. Their element is shadow. They feel great in tree trunks and under grapes.

To ensure that primroses keep all their leaves healthy when planting, plant them on a cloudy day at the very beginning of the month, while there is enough moisture

This is exactly how they love shady places. They also try to separate them at this time, before the heat sets in and daily watering is required.

The first half of the month is a good time for planting begonia and canna tubers and gladioli bulbs. But if you sprouted cannas in tubs, then wait until 15-20 days, since their leaves are too sensitive to differences in night and day temperatures.

In order for cannas to grow foliage in a short time, consider when frosts end in your area, and only after them plant seedlings

If there are old ones sitting on the plot, which are already bare in the center and have protruded roots above the ground, you don’t have to wait until they bloom, but divide them before the plant sends out a flower arrow. All the same, such an iris will not bloom profusely, since it is cramped in the ground. Therefore, feel free to dig up the plant and divide it into smaller parts. The main thing is that in each division there remains a fan of at least 5 leaves. Then in June this fresh seedling will already bloom.

Bare roots in the center of the iris bush indicate that it is time to divide the plant, because there will still not be good flowering

Planting seedlings and seedlings: prepare roses and petunias

Among purchased plants that are planted in May, the most popular are petunias. With roses, it is important not to miss the deadline if you want to see the first bloom this season. It is advisable to carry out planting work before May 15th. To do this, buy seedlings with an open or closed (in film) root system. Potted flowers for planting in May are also suitable, but it is better to postpone the dates to the 20th and later. These roses are grown in greenhouses, and weather changes can have a negative impact on the flower buds.

The “healthiest” seedling has three powerful stems and roots at least 20 cm long. To saturate the plant with moisture, which will help to quickly grow the root system, before planting, immerse the seedlings in water for 2-3 hours and only after that proceed to planting.

If you plant roses before May 10, then by mid-June your pets will produce such beautiful first flowers

A three-hour bath with a growth stimulator will saturate rose seedlings with life-giving moisture and help them recover from hibernation in refrigerators or basements

For those that were bought as seedlings or grown on a windowsill, the best time for planting is considered to be the days when the cherries fade. Already in mid-June, the plant will produce its first flowers both in open ground and in flowerpots or containers. If you sow with seeds, then you need to wait until the end of the month, because the seedlings need a stable thermal regime. Planting in the ground is rarely used, since flowering dates shift to August. In addition, petunia seeds that are too small are difficult to scatter so rarely, so as not to thin out later, and any replanting shifts the flowering time.

Second half of May – planting heat-loving plants

If we analyze the calendars for planting flowers in May, developed by landscape designers, then in the second half of the month “frost plants” are sent into the ground - plants that do not tolerate cold nights at a young age. In this list tuberous begonias, cineraria seedlings and chrysanthemum cuttings, which were divided and planted in the fall.

At this time, plants also begin to be sown, the flowering of which will occur only in next year. Reserved for them separate place(not in flower beds, but further away, for example, in the vegetable garden), because this season the plants will be inconspicuous and will not be able to decorate the flower beds. Among them are viola (or tricolor violet), rudbeckia, forget-me-not, hesperis (night violet), etc. The flowers will be in the nursery until the end of August. Then they are transplanted into the flower beds where they will bloom next year.

It is enough to plant forget-me-nots as seedlings once, and next year they will begin to scatter throughout the flower beds by themselves, so you will have to adjust their plantings

When determining the specific date for sowing or planting seedlings, it is worth checking with lunar calendar to get to the day most favorable for arranging flower beds. It has been noticed that seeds planted on a positive day germinate faster and grow more actively than those whose planting occurred on a full moon or new moon.

Plant them in the countryside so that they are beautiful and have nice smell, but did not require daily and troublesome care? We offer several examples of unpretentious flowers that can be sown as early as May.

Petunia - bright inflorescences that delight the eye all summer

Petunia is the leader of our hit parade of balcony and garden flowers. There are several reasons for this:

  • variety of colors - white and black, blue and red, purple and pink, purple and yellow inflorescences with many shades and combinations;
  • large and expressive flowers, regular and double inflorescences;
  • nice smell;
  • ease of growing and caring for flowers;
  • long flowering period;
  • Possibility of growing both on site and in pots.
  • “Colored laces” are large flowers of different colors with a wavy white corolla;
  • “Avalanche”: “Red”, “White”, “Pink”, “Purple Star”, “Blue Star” - an avalanche of hanging flowers of bright and pastel shades;
  • "Aphrodite": "Salmon", "Pink" - these are magnificent flowers with wavy and fringed edges;
  • "Mistral Perli" - flowers with the most delicate two-tone color;
  • “Bordeaux” - flowers of bright burgundy color with fringed edges and others.

Cascade and hanging varieties Petunias, whose flowers hang beautifully from pots, serve as a wonderful decoration for verandas and balconies.

Petunia can be planted as seedlings. But, if at the end of May, if the weather is favorable, you plant the seeds immediately in open ground, they will quickly sprout and catch up with the planted seedlings. By the end of June you will be able to admire these wonderful flowers.

Soil preparation
We dig up the bed to the depth of a spade bayonet and add humus. We level the surface of the bed, make shallow holes,
We moisten the soil in them with a spray bottle. Mix small petunia seeds with dry sand in a ratio of 1:5 and evenly
sow, then press down lightly. We do not sprinkle too much soil - the seeds need light to germinate.

You can cover the holes with seeds with film, but leave space for free access of air. Water only when necessary and carefully, preferably with a spray bottle, so as not to wash out the seeds. If the sprouts sprout thickly, remove the excess seedlings by cutting them with scissors. There is no need to pull them out - you can damage the roots of other plants.

It is necessary to regularly fertilize the flowers. An excellent option would be mineral Arvi Fertis NPK 12-8-16+ME for flowers. With it, petunia quickly gains growth, resistance to diseases increases, the abundance and duration of flowering increases, buds and leaves acquire a more saturated color.

Initially, fertilizer is applied to the soil during its preparation, then the soil is sprinkled with fertilizers during growth - 20-40 g/m?. After several leaves appear on the stem, we water it once a week - add 5-10 g of fertilizer to a bucket of water.

Marigolds - plush children of the sun

If you want even more light and warmth in your area, plant marigolds. They can be planted in a narrow flowerbed along the path or in
container hanging from the wall. Or you can make an island in a flowerbed or borders from these flowers. erect Cerny Antigua F1 (orange or yellow), “Elіtsortnasinnya” Albatross (large creamy-white inflorescences), Legutko Fantastic (bends towards the center of the basket orange flowers) are funny flower balls. They are not picky about the soil and can withstand weather surprises.

Rejected marigolds are unpretentious to grow - red-brown with a yellow border of the Fiesta variety, orange-red
“Honeycomb”, anemone-shaped bicolor “Orange Flame”. French marigolds (Legutko Baby Marietta) have small inflorescences of yellow, orange, red and brown shades with a velvety surface. Marigolds smell like tarragon and bloom profusely.

In early May, you can plant marigold seeds in open ground. After 30-40 days you will admire the flowering of rejected marigolds, after 40-50 days - thin-leaved varieties of marigolds, after 50-70 days - erect marigolds. It should be noted that these flowers tolerate transplantation without pain even during flowering.

Morning glory - a carpet of bells

It can serve as both decoration of the site and protection from the scorching rays of the sun. Therefore it is advisable
planted near the gazebo, sunny terrace, as a screen in places where family members relax or children play. climbing plant reaches three meters in height, funnel-shaped flowers of various colors: dark purple, pink, blue, etc.

To plant morning glory you need:

  • Buy seeds of the varieties you like, for example, “Blue Star” Agropak - the flowers are large, up to 12 cm in diameter
  • funnel-shaped, bloom one after another.. Variety “Harlequin” Seeds of Ukraine are large, funnel-shaped flowers, white with stripes different colors, open only during the day, in cloudy weather and at night they close.
  • In May, if the weather is favorable, soak the seeds in warm water for 12 o'clock. Plant 2-3 seeds per hole in the ground. The distance between the holes is 25-30 cm.
  • In one and a half to two weeks, shoots will appear. The best temperature for their germination is +18°C.

Other flowers that can be planted in May

In early May, you can plant annuals. Garden variety “Shabo mixture”, which has flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, of various colors, terry cirrus “Mixture” - which has fringed flowers about three centimeters in diameter. The giant terry carnation variety "Shabo" is a heat-loving perennial, but is usually grown as an annual. Plant height 45cm, bush diameter 25cm. The plants are unpretentious, will grow equally well in the sun and in the shade, and tolerate lack of moisture and temperature changes. Carnation grows well in flower beds and rocky hills; it can be planted as a border or edging.

Hem Zaden Sunshine - beautiful plant with yellow, orange and red inflorescences-baskets 5-6 cm in
diameter Flowers appear in mid-summer and continue to bloom until the cold weather. Unpretentious, prefers moderate
hydration. Seeds should be planted in open ground in early May.

Rudbeckia "Daisy" is a beautiful, annual plant, 90-100 cm high, with yellow or yellow-orange flowers with brownish
brown spots on the petals. "Marmalade" is a plant 40 cm high with straight, highly branched
rough stems. Inflorescences are baskets with a diameter of 12-17 cm. Having planted in early May, we get abundant flowering from July until frost. It is unpretentious and can grow in the shade, although it blooms better in sunny areas. Resistant to pests and plant diseases.

A fragrant mixture is well suited for vertical gardening and decorating a site. Curly shoots or creeping ones,
up to 350 centimeters long. Flowers are up to 3-5 centimeters in diameter, of various colors, fragrant.

They bloom luxuriantly until frost. Varieties Drumondi Hem Zaden Fireball and Bright Extravaganza- bright large inflorescences with a diameter of up to 10 cm. If you plant the seeds in May, the phlox will bloom in August. The plants are unpretentious and drought-resistant.

Flowers Seeds of Ukraine "California" are cup-shaped and up to 6-7 cm in diameter, open only in
sunny days, abundant and long flowering from June until light frosts. The plant is not picky about soil and

Kermek pleases with flowers of rich tones: champlevé blue - bright blue, champlevé pink - pink, champlevé white, champlevé yellow - white and yellow, respectively. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm, the inflorescences are complex in the form of dense spikes of small flowers. Grows well in any soil; seeds must be sown in early May.

They will look beautiful on a balcony, flowerbed and alpine hill (succulent fleshy leaves, simple and double flowers of different shades), antirrinum or snapdragon (flowers in the form of an animal’s mouth in white, pink, yellow, red, purple).

Extremely unpretentious plant decorative is easy to grow even for a novice gardener. It is often used for design in rustic style. If you plant the seeds in early May, seedlings will appear within two weeks. Beautiful bright flowers will decorate the area from early summer to late autumn. The height of the stem, the size and color of the flowers depend on the variety.

They look beautiful on the site and remain fresh for a long time when cut. Plant the variety “Imperial” on the plot
mixture" or "Terry cornflower mixture". Their inflorescences are distinguished by their graceful shape, variety of colors and pleasant smell.

By growing flowers, you bring double joy into your life - the pleasure of watching how from a small seed
a living miracle grows, and there is aesthetic pleasure from flowers of the most incredible shapes and colors. Don’t be afraid to experiment - buy seeds of flowers unknown to you and get new impressions of beauty!

In May, almost all regions of our country already have above-zero temperatures, the sun is shining and the earth is warming up. Therefore the owners personal plots They are starting to plant vegetables and herbs. When the soil warms up enough, flower seeds can be planted in May. Of course, if you grow ornamental flowering plants as seedlings, they will begin to bloom in early summer or even in spring. However, in order not to bother with sowing, planting and replanting at home, you can sow flowers in open ground in May. In this case, they will decorate the flower beds with their blooms around mid-summer and will delight bright colors until the frosts.


A plant with bright orange, yellow, orange-yellow flowers can not only decorate a flower garden, but is also very useful . can be planted against the backdrop of tall plants with not very bright colors or plant a mix of bright orange nasturtiums and blue-violet bluebells. Cascading varieties of nasturtium are planted in flower pots and decorated with loggias, verandas, and gazebos.

The buds and leaves of the plant contain a lot, so they are used to make salads and treat many diseases.

If you have not grown nasturtium seedlings, sow the flower seeds in May so that you can admire the bright buds in July-August.

Calendula or marigold

Many gardeners grow varietal varieties in seedlings, and simple marigolds are sown in the ground in May. Calendula seeds will sprout in 7-10 days, and by the end of June or July, orange sunflowers will open on the plants. They will bloom until October or even November. Flowering times depend on weather conditions.


It blooms two to three months after germination, so flowers planted in May will decorate the area with their flowering at the end of July or August.

There are many varieties of viola that have the most different colors– plain, multi-colored, spotted, with contrasting strokes. Since pansies are biennial plants, they will bloom again in early spring the following year.


Tall plants about a meter high will bloom with bright flowers closer to August. Their petals can be red and copper, yellow-golden and bicolor. They bloom from one and a half to two months and grow well as tapeworms and against the background of tall blue delphiniums, in the center of the flower bed and along the edges of the paths.


Antirrinum is distinguished by interestingly shaped buds, the colors of which can be delicate or bright, single-color or multi-colored. The plants themselves can be low and up to one meter in height.

If planted in open ground in May, flowers will form and bloom on it in August, since the seeds of antirrinum take quite a long time to germinate.

Snapdragon looks beautiful in the same flower bed with nasturtiums and marigolds, in the middle of the flower garden, where alyssum grows along the edges. It can be planted against a background of conifers or decorative foliage plants.


Orange, yellow, red, brick and other bright colors have flowers marigolds. These very unpretentious flowers will bloom as early as July or even at the end of June if marigolds are planted in May.

Bright marigolds look beautiful in a flower bed with pink and lilac petunias, between blue flowers, against the background of not very bright dahlias and asters. Choosing flowers different varieties, you can use marigolds alone to create a beautiful and unusual flower garden.


The amaranth flower is a short or tall plant with unusual spike-shaped flowers that can be purple, green, red or golden in color. Amaranth seeds are sown in open ground in May, as soon as the soil warms up to +10 degrees. Amaranths grow quickly and bloom approximately three months after sowing the seeds.

Low varieties of amaranths can be planted in flower pots and used to decorate balconies, and tall plants with bright unusual flowers often used as a hedge.


A herbaceous plant with creeping or straight stems and large blue flowers, planted in May or even in summer. Periwinkle flowers can be not only blue, but also white, purple, and pink. Their flowering continues for a month. Periwinkles are used to decorate rocky hills, borders and shady areas of the garden. The plant has leathery, shiny green leaves that form a continuous carpet, so the area with periwinkle plantings looks beautiful even after flowering.


Most often grown by seedlings. However, if in early May the air temperature is no less than +10 degrees, you can plant these flowers, beloved by many, in the ground. For this they choose late varieties asters that will bloom closer to autumn.

Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are up to 4,000 varieties of asters, from which you can choose the ones suitable for decorating your garden plot.


A white, lilac, pink or purple carpet of small Iberis flowers will decorate a flower bed, borders, alpine slide or lawn. Iberis are planted in open ground in May. At correct landing and care, flowering will continue for two months.

Annual chrysanthemums

Annual chrysanthemums will bloom in early August if planted in May. Crops are carried out after termination spring frosts. From chrysanthemums you can make beautiful flower bed or hedge, choosing plants with large or small, simple or double, single-color or tricolor, bright or delicate flowers.

Now you know what flowers to sow in the ground in May. Decorating your country house or personal plot, remember that planting flowers in May is done after the soil has warmed up. The seeds of many plants do not germinate in cold soil.