How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment at home. How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment. Known methods of fighting bedbugs

Domestic bedbugs are a real disaster for humans: even cockroaches cannot compare with these insects in terms of the amount of harm they cause. They and their larvae mercilessly bite the entire family at night, literally eating small children, after which the skin itches and breaks out in a rash. How to kill bedbugs is the first question that worries a person if he has found “happiness” in the form of bloodsuckers in the house. Let's look at the main ways to get rid of biting scourges.

Bedbugs and their features

  • After spending the night in a hotel, hotel, with friends and relatives (they can crawl into things).
  • From neighbors - insects easily move through ventilation or even crawl into doors.
  • After bringing things from dry cleaning, wardrobe, storage room.
  • When purchasing used furniture.

Before treating the apartment, carefully inspect all secluded places for the presence of insects.

Attention: The consequences of bedbugs in an apartment can be serious - except allergic reactions Constant bites at night cause lack of sleep, chronic fatigue, neuroses and even depression!

When is it time to take action?

If you find bites on your skin, you need to think carefully. You shouldn’t immediately think about how and with what to kill bedbugs - you need to make sure of their presence. First, you should carefully examine the mattress or sofa, as well as all the nooks and crannies in the bedroom. It is almost impossible to notice small eggs, but adult insects usually sit side by side during the day in their nest, without running away from there.

There are other “symptoms” of the appearance of bedbugs:

  1. Blood stains on bed linen.
  2. Black crumbs (excrement) near the bed.
  3. The presence of skins that are shed by the larvae.

Bites on the body are also quite unusual. As a rule, the bug leaves a “path” of 3-5 bites, this is the only way it is completely saturated. Typically, such marks can be seen on the neck, arms, chest and other open places.

What to do if bedbugs are detected?

According to experts, insects can appear in any house or apartment, regardless of the sanitary condition of the home. However, cleanliness and the absence of places where dust accumulates and uncleaned secluded places will be the first step in getting rid of bedbugs. Cleaning will help kill bedbug eggs and captured adult insects, so you need to wear gloves and mechanically destroy all identified insect nests. You need to vacuum the carpets and immediately take out the trash, wash the cracks and corners, clean up all the loose pieces of wallpaper and linoleum.

In parallel with cleaning, you should wash linens, blankets, rugs, or treat things with hot steam. You can also take furniture and things out to the balcony to freeze or, on the contrary, leave them in the sun. Bedbugs can only live at room temperature!

What is the easiest way to kill bedbugs?

If there are a lot of bedbugs and you yourself are not able to cope with the insects, there is only one way out - calling professional service pest control

Whatever tool is chosen for the job, there is important tips for working with it:

  • Before starting work, carefully read the instructions.
  • Correctly calculate the consumption of the drug for preparing the solution.
  • Pre-make wet cleaning rooms, move furniture away from the walls.
  • Pack food, toothbrushes, and other personal belongings tightly, or better yet, put them on the balcony (food in the refrigerator).
  • It is good to treat all places where bedbugs may live, trying to maintain the approximate consumption of the working solution (this indicator is also indicated in the instructions).

  • After applying the chemical, leave the room immediately.
  • You can return to your apartment or house only after the time specified in the instructions has expired, and immediately ventilate your home well.
  • After 10 days, disinfestate again. Thus, the larvae of bedbugs that appeared during this time will be killed.

When using any insecticides, you should follow safety precautions - wear a respirator, gloves, goggles, and thick synthetic clothing on your body.

While treating a room for bedbugs, people with serious chronic diseases, children, the elderly, and pregnant women should not be there. Animals also need to be removed or removed from the apartment.

Tips to help get rid of bed bugs:

What remedies are there for bedbugs?

Here are the common brands of anti-bedbug medications:

  1. "Raptor spray." Includes poison from the pyrethroid group, paralyzes insects.
  2. Spray "Raid". Ideal for processing upholstered furniture.
  3. Aerosol "Combat". Equipped with a nozzle for penetrating hard to reach places, quickly kills bedbugs in nests.
  4. Aerosol "Dichlorvos". Easy to use, cheap, familiar to everyone and quite effective.

Powders, concentrates or microgranules for preparing solutions are usually more effective against blood-sucking insects. They contain one, but more often 2-3 active substances, and their effect is prolonged. This will help destroy those bedbugs that appear 10-30 days after disinfestation.

Some products can be scattered over bedbug habitats, others can be applied diluted with a brush. Powder preparations include:

  • "Klopoveron"
  • "Executioner",
  • "Insecticide"
  • "Diazinon"
  • "Chlorpyrifos"
  • "Neopine."

If the drugs deal with bedbugs very quickly - they penetrate the chitin and paralyze the insect - then their eggs are almost always preserved. But modern means are designed for long-term action, so after hatching the larvae are doomed. Only when the room is highly populated with bloodsuckers is it better to re-treat. Dead insects should be swept away immediately so that children and pets do not touch them, and treated areas should not be washed for about 20-30 days.

Attention: It is practically pointless to purchase crayons, traps, and sticky baits to kill insects. They only eat blood and will not be interested in other food offered.

Other measures to eliminate bedbugs in the house

  • Freezing. If you manage to take a bed, sofa or things with bedbugs out onto the balcony or outside in winter and leave them there for at least a couple of hours, all the insects will die. It is also possible to “freeze the apartment” by opening the windows, but there is a danger of bursting the heating pipes.

  • Steam treatment. Pouring water into a household steam generator and walking around secluded corners steam, you can kill most of the bedbugs and larvae. Some people also water insect nests with boiling water, which is also unfavorable for them.

  • Pouring bedbugs with a solution of vinegar, turpentine, kerosene. These methods are less effective, they will have to be carried out many times, and damage to furniture and things is almost guaranteed.

Having decided to get rid of parasites in any way, it is important to warn your neighbors. If they crawl to them through the ventilation, it will be a matter of time to get them again. Therefore, it is better to do a high-quality disinfestation once and forget about the problem, than to suffer forever from bedbug bites!

Harmful insects can enter the house along with people: on clothes, in a bag. They can be brought by guests, builders, any craftsmen, as well as the home owners themselves. Bedbugs can enter the house along with old or new furniture where they hide in the upholstery or cracks. After the purchase household appliances It is necessary to carefully examine the packaging and foam in which they like to hide. Sometimes they are even found in the devices themselves.

Typically, insects lead an active lifestyle at night, when everyone in the house is sleeping. By the smell and warmth emanating from a person or pet, they find the victim. The bug bites through the skin, releases an anesthetic liquid and begins to suck blood. IN daytime When it is light, harmful insects hide in secluded places.

By using modern means, which are available today a large number of on sale, you can quickly get rid of house bugs forever. Several forms of such drugs are available:

  • Aerosol;
  • Solution;
  • Powder.

The hardware store can tell you how to quickly get rid of bedbugs with the help of others chemicals. Thus, no less popular drugs for controlling domestic insects include Karbofos, Raptor, Delta Zone, Combat, Tetrix. All of them are quite effective in the fight against bed bugs. However, any insecticide has a negative effect on the human body.
Unlike Gektor, which is harmless to humans and animals and is easy to use.

Watch the video! How to get rid of bed bugs using Gektor

Watch the video! Remedies for bedbugs in the apartment

Folk remedies

Some home and apartment owners do not want to use chemicals to kill bedbugs. Then you can use folk remedies which have been used for a long time. You need to know that such methods are best carried out if there are not a large number of insects in the room.


To combat harmful insects, you can use 9% vinegar, which can repel them. To do this, use liquid to treat cracks, corners of baseboards and other places where bedbugs may be present. Such 2-3 procedures per day should be carried out over 3-4 days. At the same time, it is necessary to wipe all furniture, doors, window sills with the following solution: vinegar - 50 g, water - 50 g.


Turpentine in combination with other substances has a good poisoning effect on harmful insects, in particular bedbugs. Turpentine is made from coniferous trees. This liquid has a strong odor that bedbugs really don't like. For surface treatment, concentrated solutions are prepared, which include:

  1. boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), shavings laundry soap(50 g);
  2. turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
  3. carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid (5 ml);
  4. ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
  5. kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
  6. turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

The required set of components is combined and mixed well. Treatment can be carried out either by spraying or spreading with a brush. After applying the product, the room should be closed for a day. Then ventilate the apartment well and do wet cleaning.

The note! Treating premises with such an aggressive element as turpentine is also harmful to the human body and animals.

Heat treatment

In residential premises the air temperature is practically all year round It stays between 21 - 28° C. This environment is ideal for domestic insects. However, mature bedbugs and larvae are quite sensitive to temperature changes.

To protect their homes from bedbugs, owners often use plants such as:

  • Valerian;
  • Tea tree;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Chamomile.

Flowers and stems of these plants can be placed throughout all rooms. You can dry the plants and grind them into powder, which you can cover with. problem areas. Decoctions are also prepared and used to wipe surfaces.

Watch the video! It is possible to get rid of bedbugs with vinegar

Safety rules and processing steps

When using chemicals to control bedbugs, it is important to follow certain safety precautions. You also need to be careful when using such aggressive substances that are included in the composition. folk recipes:

  • In any case, vacate the house to be treated from its occupants;
  • Carefully study the recommendations for using the product;
  • Wear special clothing and protective equipment: glasses, gloves. After the procedure, wash everything well or throw it away;
  • Before processing, remove toys, dishes, clothes, and linen. Everything must be packed in bags. It is advisable to wash textiles immediately;
  • Place items that cannot be washed in plastic bags and leave in the cold or in a hot place;
  • Move the furniture to the middle of the room, remove paintings and carpets. Apply the product to cleaned surfaces. Carefully treat places where bedbugs nest, as well as cracks in furniture, walls, doors and window sills;
  • Walls should be treated 30-50 cm above and below;
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to close all windows and leave the room for a period of 1 to 3 days;
  • Then ventilate the entire apartment, and wipe the surfaces well with a soda solution. To prepare it, take 1 glass of the substance and dilute it in 1 liter of water.

Cleaning the bed and sofa

To clear bedbugs sleeping sofa or a bed, first the furniture should be disassembled if possible. Place all parts in an upright position and inspect them carefully. Remove the covers and wash them. With a special tool Treat all parts of the furniture against bedbugs, especially the bottom and backs.

Wash bed linen at high water temperature. Clean and dry the blankets, mattress and pillows. It is good to look through all the folds of the mattress and spray with insecticide. If possible, it is better to replace a mattress with bedbugs with a new one.


As experts advise, it is better to take all preventative measures than to then deal with removing harmful insects. It is imperative to inspect all the things that are brought into the house: furniture, equipment, a suitcase with things after the hotel.

During repairs, it is necessary to seal all holes and cracks that are in the floor, walls, along the threshold and window sill. If your neighbors have bedbugs in their apartment, you can use folk remedies to repel them.


It's difficult to get rid of bedbugs, but you can get them positive result. Quite a few are produced today effective drugs for insect control. If bedbug colonies have attacked the entire apartment house, then a specialized service can help get rid of them.

Watch the video! Destruction of bedbugs, treatment of the sofa before disinfestation of the apartment

Many people who are faced with the problem of bedbug infestation in their apartment prefer to immediately contact pest control services. Meanwhile, this expensive event may not provide the quick and long-term effect that residents are counting on.

At the same time, there are a great many ways to get rid of bedbugs on your own, and today everyone can literally take measures within a day that will completely disappear from the premises.

Today, the market is flooded with household insecticides that make it easy and inexpensive to carry out pest control yourself. The effectiveness of these products proves that independent destruction of bedbugs is quite possible.

Using aerosol insecticides for bedbugs

Aerosol products are best used locally - spray them over bedbug nests or places where they accumulate, because after application to the surface the drug does not retain its effectiveness for long.

Aerosols have one significant drawback: after spraying, a significant part of the poison enters the air and can penetrate the respiratory tract of a person or animal. Therefore, when working with sprays, it is important to strictly follow the instructions:

  • Before use, remove food and hide personal items
  • remove animals and children from the room, close the aquariums tightly and turn off the air intakes
  • wear personal protective equipment: mask or respirator, goggles, gloves, maybe a robe
  • open the windows wide
  • The can must be shaken thoroughly to mix the components of the product
  • spray areas where insects accumulate and secluded areas of the room, holding the can at arm's length. The distance to the spray object is approximately 20 cm. Do not use aerosols near switched-on electrical appliances or open fire. Try to spray so that you get a continuous line.
  • After treatment, you need to leave the windows open and leave the room for at least half an hour.

Before you remove bedbugs yourself using sprays, you need to make sure you have individual funds protection: gloves, cotton-gauze bandage or respirator, glasses. They will reduce the likelihood of the insecticide getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract and ensure proper safety during work.

Application of insecticidal powders and crayons

When people think about how to poison bedbugs themselves, they often rely on the advice of salespeople in a store or market. Many of them offer products in powder or chalk form that are supposedly very effective.

In fact, this form of release of the product does not always have an effect against bedbugs, because these insects will not eat the poisonous powder (as, for example, a cockroach could do) - bedbugs feed exclusively on blood. Therefore, only those powder insecticides that contain contact poison, and not just intestinal poison, can really work. The fight against such powders is quite effective, but takes time.

Self-extermination of bedbugs usually involves the use of the following insecticidal powders:

Destruction of bedbugs by heat treatment

House bugs, like all living beings, have their own temperature limits for existence. Therefore, when exterminating bedbugs yourself, you can use the old proven trick: in winter, take the infested sofa outside and leave it there for several hours.

If you have the opportunity to move out for a couple of days, you can “freeze out” the entire apartment, however, this is dangerous for plumbing (heating pipes may burst).

See also our experiments on bedbugs:

We catch bedbugs and test for them different means- see the results...

House bugs cannot tolerate temperatures of minus 22 degrees and below, and if the apartment is located in a region where such frosts occur, then such a method as freezing the room is worth taking note.

Folk remedies against bedbugs

There are also variants of mixtures that kill insects upon direct contact with them. Unfortunately, they do not have a prolonged action. There is no point in applying them throughout the apartment; you can only treat discovered nests of bed bugs:

  • a mixture of vinegar, naphthalene and 90% alcohol in equal parts;
  • pure denatured alcohol;
  • aviation kerosene.

It is worth remembering that independent cleaning only makes sense if the number of insects in the house is small. In addition, the use of toxic chemical substances requires strict safety precautions: the use of gloves, masks and goggles.

Denatured alcohol, alcohol and aviation fluid are highly flammable and should not be used near a fire source. In addition, these products are toxic to animals.

So, as you can see, exterminating bedbugs on your own in an apartment is not such an impossible task if you approach it wisely. It is possible to completely get rid of the bed bug population in a fairly short time, but there is always a risk of their re-infiltration, for example, from neighbors. Therefore, it is useful to act together with other residents of the house.

If it is not possible to come to an agreement with your neighbors, then you need to carry out constant preventive measures and protect your apartment from new penetration of bedbugs.

5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in an apartment

Sometimes the cause of bedbugs is buying furniture and clothes second-hand. Used items may already be “infested” with insects. But sometimes even the purchase of a new sofa cannot one hundred percent guarantee their absence.

Among the main factors influencing the appearance of bedbugs in a home located in the basement or on the first floor is the unsanitary condition of the basement (presence of rodents and stray animals, dampness, etc.).

Sometimes bedbugs enter an apartment during disinfection of neighbors. Indeed, in this case, they set out in search of new habitats.

How to recognize and find bedbugs? To do this you need to know about a number of characteristic features, allowing you to determine the presence of these particular insects in the apartment. After all, all actions to counter the proliferation of pests and their destruction directly depend on the type of individual.

If you suspect an undesirable neighborhood, you will first need to inspect those places where bedbugs are more likely to live. This can be a mattress (usually on the underside) or sofa upholstery, sheets and pillows, seams and folds on bedspreads, soft chairs and chairs, cracks in wooden furniture, bed frame and headboard, as well as areas behind carpets and paintings, peeling wallpaper, ceiling panels and baseboards, in the cracks of furniture structures.

If there are not enough indirect signs of the presence of bedbugs in the apartment, the owners are recommended to conduct an experiment. To do this, the bed should be made bed linen white, and at 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning get up and turn on the light. If there are bloodsuckers in the apartment, at least several individuals can be found in the bed.

Consequences of bites

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment if their presence has been detected? There is no point in putting off solving this problem. How to kill bedbugs? This will require operational step by step actions. Indeed, in addition to the discomfort that bites cause, they also carry more serious problems. This increases the likelihood of infection. For example, researchers have proven that the hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through insect feces. Moreover, infection can occur not only through tactile contact, but also by air, when a person inhales dust particles along with the air, which contain elements of the vital activity of bedbugs.

Sometimes, against the background of restless sleep, a person develops psychological disorders. He becomes irritable and nervous. In such cases, his resistance to stress and performance decreases.

Action plan

How to destroy bedbugs if the fact of their presence in the apartment has already been established? First of all, owners should develop an action plan. The main thing is not to panic, but to take consistent actions. There are plenty of means and methods for solving the problem of how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment.

If the bloodsuckers have settled in different places, and neighbors living in adjacent apartments have similar problems, then an independent fight against the bloodsuckers can drag on for a long time. In this case, it is recommended to immediately contact a disinfection service. If neighbors do not complain about bedbugs, then the insects can be removed yourself by using insecticidal preparations.

Mechanical method of dealing with bedbugs

This method is the safest, but the least effective. How to kill bedbugs at home using it? Under mechanically refers to the use of a vacuum cleaner, as well as wet cleaning. What are the features of such actions? The vacuum cleaner must be turned on at maximum power. This is necessary due to the fact that bedbugs cling very tenaciously to textile surfaces. Should be vacuumed upholstered furniture and toys, baseboards and carpets. The dust bag must be emptied by moving away from the house, and upon returning to the apartment, pour boiling water over it and wash in water whose temperature exceeds 60 degrees.

Means that destroy bedbugs are also steam and hot water. Their use will help exterminate insects that live in the most inaccessible places.

This process can be organized in several ways. The first of them involves the use of a steamer or steam generator. With these devices it is necessary to treat the furniture upholstery, as well as go through all the places where traces of bedbugs were detected during the detection of bedbugs.

How else can you kill bedbugs? To get rid of bloodsuckers, a hair dryer with a power exceeding 500 W is sometimes used. This unit heats the surfaces, changing the direction of the steam every two seconds.

Anyone who asked the question “how to destroy house bugs?” and decided to take advantage thermal method, it is important to act very carefully. After all high temperatures can easily ruin room decoration and the surface of wooden furniture.

The use of folk remedies

It is quite normal for a person to tolerate wormwood. However, with the help of this plant it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of bedbugs completely. The bitter aroma emitted by the plant only repels bloodsuckers for a short time.

How to kill bedbugs using folk remedies? To do this, you can use swamp blasphemous. This plant contains essential oil with iceol and cymol. It is these substances that give the bogulnik its specific smell.

It is always worth keeping in mind that the smoke of swamp blasphemous is poisonous. That is why before carrying out fumigation you need to make sure that there is no one else in the house. During the ritual, it is advisable for all residents to leave the apartment and return to it only after thoroughly ventilating each room.

Use of insecticidal preparations

Before you start fighting bedbugs with insecticides, you should study their classification and understand the features of using each of these types.

Types of chemicals

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment? The following can be used independently at home:

  1. Aerosols. These products are convenient to use, but are not as effective as other drugs. The cans offered to consumers, as a rule, have a universal purpose and are intended for destruction various types insects
  2. Emulsion concentrates. After spraying and drying of these products, a film is formed that prolongs the action of the insecticide. The disadvantage of such a drug is the likelihood of survival of individual individuals.
  3. Dusts (powders). These are highly concentrated poisons that are the most powerful insecticides. Using the powder, all infected surfaces are treated, as well as crevices and those paths along which insects are supposed to move. Such products are very toxic for people, and therefore they are independent use Not recommended.

Review of drugs

The Korean manufacturer offers the drug “Combat” for the destruction of bedbugs. It is produced in the form of a spray. The composition contains aromatic additives of mint and lemongrass. But it is worth keeping in mind that carrying out a full treatment with such an aerosol will cost no less than calling disinfection specialists.

The Russian product Karbofos is affordable and easy to use. This drug is optimal solution if necessary processing large areas. The solution is sprayed into bedbug nesting areas and left for 10-20 hours. After this, wipe the surfaces with a damp cloth.

A microencapsulated product called Get, based on chlorpyrifos, is also available for sale. This insecticide is odorless and is effective for a long time on treated areas.

Rules for working with chemicals

When using insecticides to kill bedbugs, it is necessary to comply with basic safety standards, namely:

Hidden areas that residents do not have to deal with in everyday life are subject to independent treatment;

Before work, food, personal belongings and utensils are removed or covered with plastic wrap;

Dilution of the drug to the desired consistency is carried out strictly according to the instructions;

The use of protective glasses, a respirator mask, and rubber gloves is mandatory;

How to get rid of bedbugs forever? Exterminating insects does not guarantee that they will not appear in your home in the future.

After all, if work is carried out only in one of the apartments of a multi-story building, then it will most likely give only a temporary effect. For the long-term effect of the measures taken, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures, which include:

Installation of a mesh with very small cells in the ventilation shaft;

Covering with alabaster or polyurethane foam holes behind sockets;

Replacement of old balcony and window blocks with plastic profiles;

Elimination of places with sagging wallpaper and old baseboards;

Getting rid of unnecessary extra things.

House bugs, or bed bugs, are bugs from 3 to 8 mm in length. In terms of body structure, they resemble their close but harmless relative - the stink bug, only their body cover is transparent and by color you can determine how long ago the bug drank blood. In fact, this is a rather voracious insect that can drink twice its own weight, that is, up to 8 mg of blood.

Cimex lectularius, and this is exactly what the name sounds like in Latin bed bug, belongs to the order of hemipteran insects, but they do not have wings. And they move quite slowly - only one and a half meters per minute. But this is enough to attack the victim, because active adults hide mainly in furniture.

What does a bed bug eat?

Contrary to popular belief, bedbugs do not carry dangerous diseases. Although viruses and bacteria, the causative agents of various diseases, can remain in their bodies for a long time.

How to get rid of bed bugs yourself?

Home owners need to decide for themselves how to get rid of bed bugs. Treatment with chemicals must be carried out strictly according to the instructions included with the insect control product. The procedure for their destruction is divided into several stages, since a one-time use of the selected product cannot immediately destroy the entire population.

Video on the topic

To date, there is no evidence that bedbugs transmit diseases. They like to hunt at night, but if they are very hungry, they also appear during the daytime. But their appearance in the house is always a great discomfort, so it is important to learn how to get rid of bedbugs as quickly as possible.

“Fighting bedbugs” must begin with determining the location of their main accumulation. By carefully examining the beds, sofas, armchairs, mattresses, you can find characteristics characteristic of. These include numerous black dots and empty skins. If bedbugs attack, then you can resort to a proven method - freezing the room. They do not tolerate temperatures below -19 degrees. So you can take your household somewhere and leave the doors to the balcony open for a long time.

Of the old ways to get rid of bedbugs, you can use boiling water, kerosene and turpentine, as well as ammonia. Books, electronics, and furniture should be treated with these solutions. If possible, small items can be taken out to the balcony. Bed linen, clothes, blankets and blankets must be washed and boiled. It is advisable to repeat all procedures after a week, since the bedbug eggs may not be completely destroyed.

A large number of insecticidal preparations have now been created that can mercilessly kill bedbugs. But these compounds are also dangerous for humans, so before using them you need to purchase a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. Before treating the room, you need to carry out wet cleaning. Place the furniture so that all its sides are accessible. If possible, the furniture can be disassembled.

Dilute the drug according to the instructions. If you use the drug incorrectly, it will be difficult to get rid of bedbugs. There should be no people or animals in the apartment. It is best to use a spray bottle. Then the insecticide will get into all the cracks and cracks. Places where bedbugs are found are treated especially carefully. The solution consumption is usually 50-100 ml per 1 sq.m. After treating small interior items and furniture, you need to spray the solution on all walls, floors, doorways, ventilation shafts. Thus, all escape routes for bedbugs will be blocked.

The struggle will be serious, but do not be afraid. The main thing is to start operational actions and everything will work out.