How to properly stick photo wallpaper on a wall. How to glue paper-based photo wallpaper with your own hands. How to stick photo wallpaper: prepare everything you need

Today we’ll look at how to glue photo wallpaper on the wall in detail. Everything is done with your own hands, so the price will not be significant. Although here you will have to observe principles and follow some rules. How to properly glue photo wallpaper on a wall will be discussed below.

Now let’s look at how to hang photo wallpaper on a wall point by point. This is a responsible and creative process. It's quite possible to change visual perception premises. It needs to be comfortable and attractive. First, you should look at the photos and videos and choose the right option. Let's look at the whole process in more detail.

Choosing the best glue for different types of wallpaper

It is no secret that a stingy person will pay twice. This expression is also relevant when selecting glue for gluing wallpaper such as vinyl. You have no right to make a mistake when wallpapering. And you won’t be able to re-glue the canvas again.

  • Before you decide to buy glue, you need to decide what type of wallpaper your wallpaper belongs to. All wallpapers can be divided in connection with this classification into such types as universal, as well as special. As for universal glue, it is suitable for any type of wallpaper, which is why it is named, and special glue exists for those wallpapers that have a vinyl coating.
  • On the wallpaper packaging you may find an inscription such as “For light wallpaper” or vice versa, this is very important for choosing adhesive.
  • As for light wallpapers, these include all wallpapers with paper covering, and heavy wallpapers include acrylic, vinyl (see), etc.
  • There are also cases when the wallpaper manufacturer indicates that the wallpaper is of medium weight. This type may include wallpapers such as acrylic and textile.
  • When choosing wallpaper glue, pay attention to the weight of the wallpaper, as well as the material from which the wallpaper is made. An important factor when choosing wallpaper and glue for it is humidity, as well as room temperature. Pay attention to what critical indicators the glue you choose has.

Note! When buying cheap glue, money will be thrown away. To make the right choice, you just need to carefully read the instructions on the packaging. What to do right choice When purchasing glue, trust trusted and popular companies. But you should not think that if the glue is the most expensive, then it will necessarily be of high quality. So, when buying glue, you should use the “golden” mean.

If vinyl wallpaper contains non-woven material, then you should choose non-woven adhesive. It is because of its composition that the glue received its name.

Choosing glue for heavy wallpaper

There is no definite and clear advice on this matter.

With a choice of glue for heavy wallpaper everything is quite simple:

  • For this type of wallpaper, you should choose an adhesive whose packaging indicates that the adhesive is intended for heavy wallpaper. But you should not choose glue labeled “universal” for such wallpaper.

Attention: Remember that before wallpapering you should apply it and leave it on for 3 to 5 minutes.

  • On this moment there are 4 types vinyl covering, let's consider them. The first type is solid, the second is dense, the third is heavy, and the fourth is foam. When you apply the base to heavy vinyl wallpaper, a fairly dense layer is formed, which in turn is durable and can prevent the coating from various mechanical damage.
  • Some people when sticking vinyl wallpaper use glue that is intended for gluing non-woven wallpaper. Practice has shown that there will be no harm from this, since non-woven wallpaper, like such a type of wallpaper as vinyl, is a heavy type. Don’t hesitate and apply the glue you choose with confidence!

What do you need to hang wallpaper?

It has become fashionable to hang photo wallpapers. To do this correctly and to make the photo wallpaper pleasing to your eyes, you should follow some rules. First you need to prepare necessary materials, which will be needed for wallpapering.

To hang photo wallpaper you will need:

  • The container in which you will mix the glue.
  • Natural glue base.
  • A special account that will be required to apply glue to the photo wallpaper.
  • A special roller that you will need to smooth the wallpaper.
  • To trim the edges of the photo wallpaper, you will need a utility knife.
  • A measuring device for measuring walls, namely a tape measure.
  • Also, in order to measure the evenness of the wall, you will need a level, as well as a simple pencil.

Before you start hanging photo wallpaper, make sure that your walls are even and smooth. That is, the walls are ready for photo wallpaper to be applied to them.

  • Before applying photo wallpaper to the walls, check personally that the walls are dry because this is extremely important. Check that there are no remnants of previous wallpaper on the walls, or any unevenness. If you find such defects, get rid of them with a spatula.
  • You can glue photo wallpapers in a room where the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees Celsius. Also, when gluing wallpaper, drafts should be avoided, as this can lead to various defects after the wallpaper has dried.
  • After we have prepared everything necessary for wallpapering, let's proceed. next stage. Lay out the photo wallpaper on flat surface, so that you can see the whole image.
  • Next, measure the wall on which the photo wallpaper will be placed, as well as the photo wallpaper itself. Next, use a pencil, as well as a level, and measure the wall on each segment on which the photo wallpaper will be placed. It is in this way that you can achieve the best result, and you will also make the process of gluing wallpaper easier.

Pasting photo wallpapers

The glue should be applied to the wallpaper according to the instructions found on the glue forging.

  • Apply glue to photo wallpaper using a special brush. If you find that the surface on the wall is not smooth enough, then apply not one layer of glue, but several. After the glue is applied to the canvas, attach it to the wall and use a roller to glue this panel, while smoothing it. Please note that smoothing of photo wallpaper occurs from the center to its edges. The same operation should be carried out with all the panels that you need to glue to the wall.
  • When you have started gluing the last final panel it is worth Special attention Make sure that the picture matches and is not distorted. In order to achieve perfect result The last panel should be placed on panel number one. Therefore, using the overlay method, the panels on top of each other will ensure that the design of your photo wallpaper will not be distorted.

  • To get rid of any glue that has seeped onto the front surface, use a clean and dry cloth. If there is a need to cut off the photo wallpaper, this should be done after it has completely dried. Cut photo wallpaper using a utility knife.

Tricks and secrets that you should use when hanging photo wallpapers

Experts have some secrets when it comes to gluing:

  • Before attaching a panel of photo wallpaper, it should first be opened with glue. After the glue is applied to the surface of the photo wallpaper, leave it until the glue begins to dry. After the glue has started to dry, attach them to the wall.
  • This operation must be performed in order to avoid unnecessary necessary moisture evaporated, and the surface of the photo wallpaper remained very sticky. The panel with photo wallpaper should be placed according to the mark on the wall, which should be made in advance.
  • An important and valuable piece of advice is how to smooth the surface of photo wallpaper and this should be done from the center to its edges. After the first strip is pasted, proceed to the next ones.
  • Glue the canvases either at the joint or with an overlap, which should not exceed five millimeters. If you find that small bubbles have formed after gluing the photo wallpaper, you should not worry, because after the glue has completely dried and excess moisture will go away, they will disappear on their own.

There is no exact time required for the photo wallpaper to dry completely, since it all depends on the humidity in the room, as well as the temperature. In the presence of optimal humidity, as well as the temperature, the wallpaper will dry in a few hours. Please note that after the glue is applied to the walls, the photo wallpaper should be installed within three hours.

Attention: To reduce the drying time of photo wallpaper, you can use infrared rays, as well as hot air, but the temperature should not exceed 60 degrees.

Top problems that arise in the installation of photo wallpaper

When thinking about how to glue photo wallpaper on a wall, you should immediately pay attention to the most common mistakes. Literally everyone accepts them.

Trimming photo wallpaper In most cases, the dimensions of photo wallpaper are larger than the wall on which they should be placed. To solve this issue, you need to trim the photo wallpaper using a utility knife.

In most cases, photo wallpaper is cut from the bottom, since you can easily hide the uneven edge behind the baseboard. To properly trim photo wallpaper, you should carefully measure it, then apply markings to the wall, which will help avoid defects.

Joints between canvases Great attention should be paid to the fact that the wallpaper must be glued neatly end to end.
  • Please note that when the glue gets on the paper, it stretches it and, as a result, contracts when it dries. It turns out that if you glue the wallpaper end to end, then the likelihood is that when the wallpaper dries, it will not look the same as it looked when you hung it.
  • You also cannot overexpose the glue on the photo wallpaper, as it can change its structure and negatively affect the result of the work.
  • Avoid getting glue on front side because it will spoil appearance. To ultimately get a beautiful picture, use the instructions in which you used everything in detail.
The picture was damaged while wallpapering When removing excess glue or smoothing wallpaper, use only a dry cloth. Since using a damp cloth can damage the surface of the image. You can also use a roller to smooth the surface, which should be applied from the center to the edges.
For what reasons does the canvas fall off? If you did not adhere to the technology of gluing photo wallpaper, it may fall off. To prevent this from happening, use the instructions and do not deviate from them.

You can find out how to stick photo wallpaper in various versions on the wall on the pages of our website. Here you need to choose the right glue and make proper markings. There are instructions for each step of this work.

IN everyone knows that paper photo wallpaper the most difficult to glue. They:

  • are easily damaged
  • you need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself, not the wall (although this is not necessary, you can do it the other way around, it’s even easier)
  • they dry out and come apart at the seams,
  • the seams will still be visible, so paper wallpaper It’s better to glue them with an overlap (if they have an edge).

But, they are cheap and beautiful! Although you will be exhausted working with them, or you will pay decent money to the craftsmen (from 400-500 rubles per m²) for gluing. But let’s get started and find out how to hang paper photo wallpaper on a wall with your own hands, learn the technology and nuances of gluing.


Preparation for gluing paper photo wallpapers

The walls for gluing paper photo wallpapers must be prepared as much as possible (!), they must be as smooth and as even as possible (plastered), well puttied, sanded and primed. When gluing photo wallpaper with your own hands, there should be perfect cleanliness, since any squeak or hair from a roller or brush will appear on such wallpaper. In general, you have to try hard if you want to get a quality result.

Before gluing, walk your hand along the wall, remove any possible debris, squeaks and hairs!

Unlike photo wallpapers on a non-woven basis, especially those that have a certain surface texture and hide many of the nuances of preparing the base, with paper photo wallpapers everything is more complicated.

Well, it seems clear that you need to CAREFULLY prepare the wall for paper photo wallpaper! Let's start gluing.

Gluing paper photo wallpaper to the wall

First of all, let’s stock up on tools, and, of course, the photo wallpaper itself. Here → is big choice photo wallpapers and if you haven’t purchased them yet, be sure to visit this site. And don't forget the glue!


Of the tools you will definitely need (but, again, not a fact, situations vary) will be needed:

  • a construction or stationery knife with replaceable blades (will be necessary for trimming wallpaper);
  • a pair of clean, dye-free cloths (ideally white waffle towels, to remove glue residues from the wall, floor and hands);
  • a rubberized roller for gluing wallpaper (it is not recommended to use plastic spatulas, as they can damage paper photo wallpaper (!), although it may come in handy);
  • a roller for applying glue, preferably foam rubber, since it will not leave lint on the wallpaper (you can use a poppy brush);
  • wide metal spatula (will be needed for trimming wallpaper under the fillet - ceiling plinth and in corners);
  • laser level, or plumb line, or bubble level(if the bubble level is small, you need a long, even strip to go with it, ideally as a rule, but, for example, a sheet of laminate will do, the main thing is that the strip is level) - used for marking the wall;
  • a simple pencil (for marking);
  • a bucket or basin for mixing glue, it is advisable to also have a tray for a roller;
  • a chair or stepladder if you work at heights.

Huge bright images on photo wallpapers in rooms and non-residential premises create a special atmosphere in the apartment, turning the life of its inhabitants into a real holiday and filling it with positivity. The decor can occupy a small fragment of the wall vertically or horizontally, one wall from top to bottom, be located at an angle, or cover all the walls of the room. Many types of photo wallpapers are produced, consisting of different quantities segments or panels - from 2 to 12. Before decorating the interior with a large landscape, images of flowers, animals, birds, waterfalls, stones, you need to carefully study how to glue photo wallpaper of eight or more parts to the wall.


When starting work, you need to check the tools that may be needed in the process and arrange them in convenient places. To hang photo wallpaper from 8 parts you need:

  • ladder;
  • level or plumb line;
  • roulette;
  • long ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • sponge for removing glue from the front side of photo wallpaper;
  • container with water;
  • glue container;
  • a piece of old cotton fabric for hands;
  • wallpaper knife;
  • wide and narrow brushes for applying glue;
  • plastic spatula;
  • a rubber or needle roller for smoothing pasted wallpaper.

Surface preparation

Before covering walls with photo wallpaper you should:

  • Remove the old coating with a spatula and remove the layer of dried glue.
  • Carefully level the surface - trim off bulges, fill cracks and chips.
  • Apply an even layer of primer, then wet cleaning premises so that no traces of debris and dust remain. Detailed instructions regarding the preparation of walls for gluing photo wallpaper from eight parts can be seen in the video.

Marking, numbering, preparation

For photo wallpapers consisting of large quantity parts, correct marking is especially important. You need to do the following:

  • Place on a flat, clean surface - the floor or big table– all parts of photo wallpaper to get an idea of ​​which wall they will look best on, which parts and in which places can be cut off without damaging the image, and to measure each panel to mark the wall.
  • Provide every element serial number from the wrong side and for convenience, fold it in a stack face down.
  • Mark the wall using a long ruler, a simple pencil, spirit level, drawing a vertical line from the ceiling to the floor a few centimeters from the corner.
  • Draw a grid along the first vertical line, the height and width of each cell of which should match the size of the panel.

Wallpaper gluing procedure

The sequence of work will be as follows:

  • Following the instructions, dilute the glue in a container and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. For each type of photo wallpaper, it is necessary to select a special composition indicated on the instructions for the wallpaper.

Advice. It is not recommended to use universal glue or a dubious composition for any photo wallpaper.

  • Glue the first segment and smooth it with a roller.
  • Sequentially stick all parts of the picture, moving in rows. Segments of photo wallpaper are glued overlapping. Excess strips can be carefully cut off with a wallpaper knife after gluing all the fragments.

Advice. Any glue that has stained the front side of the canvas must be carefully removed immediately with a damp, but not wet, sponge. Dried glue is removed with soapy water or water.

Features of gluing paper photo wallpapers

Important! You cannot use scraps of fabric for smoothing, as lint may appear on the surface.

If the paper photo wallpaper is pasted crookedly or with wrinkles, you will have to remove all the panels and, after cleaning the surface, start working again.

The nuances of gluing vinyl and non-woven wallpaper

Each type of wallpaper has its own gluing rules.

  • By gluing vinyl photo wallpaper onto paper based, adhesive composition should be applied to each segment of the canvas and to the wall, wait until the wallpaper is saturated, and only then proceed with gluing.
  • Non-woven photo wallpapers are not smeared with glue; the adhesive composition is applied only to the wall.
  • For vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing, the procedure is the same as for non-woven fabrics.

Photo wallpaper is a unique material that allows you to quickly and effectively transform a room and add a certain atmosphere to it. Select a suitable picture the right size- not a problem now. The problem, rather, will be that the existing choice will simply make your eyes run wide. All this is complemented by the possibility custom made wallpaper based on a given picture or photograph.

Correctly selected photo wallpapers can turn quite realistically living room into a piece of the coast, a house near the mountains, or give the atmosphere of a cozy European cafe - depending on what plot is chosen. It is very important to choose the right picture so as not to get the opposite effect. That is why below we will dwell on such questions as how to choose photo wallpapers, what are their main advantages and disadvantages, and, most importantly, how to hang photo wallpapers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Everyone probably knows what photo wallpaper is - it’s an image on paper or another base, which is glued to the wall in parts, and in the end you get a complete picture for the entire wall or part of it. Photo wallpaper how to finishing material It has a lot of advantages, the main ones being:

  • excellent appearance - photo wallpaper can imitate any landscape, still life, convey a pattern or even a photograph, thereby enlivening the room and giving it a certain mood;
  • as already noted, the choice is simply huge, there is the possibility of individual orders;
  • relatively quick way gluing, as well as relative durability. Thus, modern photo wallpapers are printed in such a way that they are practically not affected by sunlight and do not fade. Wallpaper can be glued with glue or be based on self-adhesive paper, so there is always a choice between several options. And the ability to coat photo wallpaper with varnish solves many issues of care and durability.

No matter how wonderful the aesthetic properties of photo wallpapers are, still without some shortcomings it didn't work out:

  • Photo wallpapers require a perfectly flat and smooth surface - only then will they look as impressive as possible and last a long time;
  • The process of gluing photo wallpaper, although it does not require special preparation, will still take some time and require attention, effort, perseverance and patience;
  • some low-quality photo wallpapers may come off over time, and you will have to re-glue them every now and then;
  • and, of course, the most important thing is not to make a mistake with the drawing, otherwise it will not bring pleasure, but complete irritation.

Selecting photo wallpaper

Concerning plot, then it would be stupid to advise anything here, because everyone designs the interior of a room at their own discretion. But some advice will still be appropriate. So, if you want to visually expand the space of the room, then it is better to choose photo wallpapers in cold tones, while warm ones are perfect if there is not enough space in the room. natural light. Depending on the purpose of the room, you can choose a specific theme, for example, cartoon characters for a children’s room, landscapes for the living room, and something delicious for the kitchen. It is important to coordinate the theme and colors with the interior.

Gluing overlapping photo wallpapers

Some photo wallpapers can be glued overlapping- This is also a very convenient way. After the first canvas is glued, you also glue the second one evenly and matching the pattern, and the edges will overlap each other. When the second fragment is already on the wall and a seam has been formed, you need to use a sharp utility knife to make a cut from top to bottom in the middle of the seam. Then the seam seems to open up, the excess in the form thin stripes are removed, a piece of the wall is coated with glue using a small brush, and the wallpaper is glued to the wall for good. Then everything is the same - the seam can be smoothed with a special roller. Many people note that it is in this way that photo wallpaper can be glued so that the seam is almost invisible, and this is very important for a textured material. You need to work with a knife clearly, but carefully so as not to damage the wall.

Next, pasting of the fragments continues in exactly the same way, taking into account the method used. If the photo wallpaper covers the entire wall, and you left a small part as allowance, then after completing the work, all the remains are carefully cut off with the same knife.

note that best results can be achieved if the room is kept optimal temperature– 18-20 degrees, humidity and no drafts. After the pasting work is completed, it is better not to ventilate or heat the room: such a taboo should be observed for at least 24 hours, and preferably 48 hours.

You need to devote a few words and self-adhesive photo wallpaper: Many people find that they are easier to work with because there is no need to use glue. However, this technique requires fairly high professionalism and preferably an assistant. After removing the paper protection, you need to work very quickly, since adhesive layer dries and sets very quickly. In this case, there is practically no chance to correct possible defects.

Possible defects

After a day, you can find some defects on the finished surface, although they were not there before. There may be several reasons for this.

Thus, most often they are formed bubbles, common cause which is a lack of glue, uneven smoothing of the wallpaper, uneven application of the primer, as a result of which the glue is simply absorbed into the walls. Temperature changes may also be the cause, but there is only one solution - you need to try to pierce the bubble with a syringe with glue and squeeze it out a little, smooth it out with a spatula. Carefully wipe off excess glue with a sponge.

Wallpaper can move away from the edges in the corners: the reasons may be the same as in the first case. Then you need to carefully cut with a knife and once again glue the places where they came off. Angle is generally enough problem area, and the joint here will most likely be visible.

Protecting photo wallpaper with varnish

Since photo wallpaper is still not the most reliable and resistant material, then to give it greater durability and a cleaning effect, you can use varnish to coat the finished surface. It is recommended to use any varnish on water based. Inexpensive option– Tex Pro varnish, it is available in glossy and semi-matte versions, has a characteristic smell that disappears after a few hours. A more expensive option is Multi-Brilliant Finish M LEF, which has a matte finish and is odorless.

The varnish is applied with a brush in several layers - optimally 2-3 layers. At least 1 hour should pass between each re-application. After the first layer has dried, you can rub it with a soft brush to create a small, effective shine, and repeat the procedure with each subsequent layer.

In conclusion

As a rule, caring for such coating does not cause difficulties. Photo wallpaper can be carefully wiped with a damp cloth, and if the paint has worn off somewhere, then paint on the missing fragment with a pencil. At proper care Photo wallpapers can last a long time on the wall, pleasing the owners, but it’s best not to use them near a source of constant splashes and drops of grease.