Sergei's name day according to the church calendar, the day of the angel Sergei. Sergei’s name day: dates according to the church calendar, how to congratulate the birthday boy on Angel’s Day

Sergei's name day is celebrated several times a year, and they are determined by church calendar. These are the days when the church remembers one of the great martyrs or saints who ever bore the name Sergei. In order to decide on the day of the child’s name, you need to look at the church calendar for Sergei’s name day. The one closest to the baby's date of birth will be his official name day. Angel Day is different in that it marks the day of the baptism of the child himself.

Sergei's name day according to the Orthodox calendar is celebrated several times a year. Today's generation no longer celebrates name days, although in times Kievan Rus this holiday was more important than a birthday. Then children were baptized 8 days after birth, and the name was chosen by the church, not by the parents. They looked at the saints' birthdays on the calendar and named them after the one whose date was closest to the day of the baby's baptism.

From that moment on, everyone thought that the child would receive unimaginable protection that would protect him all his life from all troubles and adversity in the person of this saint. It was believed that some qualities of the original bearer of the name were passed on to the child.

We celebrated very quietly, like a family, as it was religious holiday. Name days often fell during fasting, and therefore all dishes were prepared based on this. A traditional delicacy was a pie with the name Sergei on it. Name day and angel's day were celebrated in approximately the same way.

And now there are few birthday people who know what date Sergei’s day is. Name days usually fall on weekends, but if it is a weekday, then the celebration is moved to the next weekend.

They are usually celebrated 4 times a year in honor of great saints: January 15 - in honor of the Great Martyr Sergei, April 25 - in honor of the Patriarch of Constantinople, July 18 - in honor Reverend Abbot Radonezh, September 24 - Memorial Day Venerable Wonderworker Valaamsky.

But over time, the list of dates has expanded significantly:

Sergei's name day is not celebrated in December. In fact, Sergey is a relatively new name. Until the 21st century it was used as Sergius, and modern version appeared no more than 70 years ago.

Day Angel

The second most important holiday is the day of the angel Sergei, the date of which is agreed with the rector of the church. Usually children are baptized on the day when the church honors one of the bearers of the name. But now they are increasingly baptizing on ordinary days, when it is convenient for parents. Angel's Day and name day often coincide, and therefore many people think that they are the same holiday.

But this is not true, because holidays have different traditions and origins. Today's youth do not know what date is the day of the angel Sergei. There are a number of popular dates for celebrating your baptism according to the church calendar:

  • January 15 - in honor of the martyr of Svirsky;
  • January 27 - murdered Saint Sava;
  • April 2 - martyr tribune Sergius;
  • April 25 - in honor of the Patriarch of Constantinople;
  • June 1 - Hieromartyr Druzhinin;
  • June 7 is the day of remembrance of the Bishop of Shlisselburg;
  • July 11 - honor of St. Sergius of Russia;
  • July 18 - obedient Sergius;
  • July 23 - Martyr's Day;
  • August 7 - honor of the martyr of Malopinezh;
  • September 17 - in memory of the Monk Shukhtomsky;
  • September 27 - name day of the Sinai martyr;
  • November 29 is the day of memory of Sergei Mechev;
  • December 14 is the name day in honor of the Lyubomudny.

There is a stereotype that on this holiday it is customary to give everything related to church paraphernalia: icons, candles, literature. But this is optional. You can give an ordinary gift that will be useful in everyday life or will remain as a long-lasting memory.

Origin and meaning

The name is of Latin origin and means “high,” including “highly revered.” This is not the only meaning.

The second interpretation of the name is “God’s servant.” The name is suitable for calm and reasonable people, it has a pleasant sound and melody. Most saints with this name were church ministers or martyrs. It is believed that Sergei are born Orthodox people. Even if a child grew up in an unbelieving or Catholic family, he will still come to his faith at a more conscious age.

Diminutive forms: Seryozha, Seryonka, Gray, Seryoga, Serge. Church name- Sergius. Initially, the name has Etruscan roots. In Greece, there is a version that Sergestus was the founder of the Sergius family.

Characteristics of the name

As a child, the child is unsure of himself and somewhat weak. He grows up very obedient and dependent on his mother's affection. But as soon as the transition period begins, everything in his character changes. Rudeness and irritability appear in the character. Most likely, in his youth he will fall into bad company.

The passion for easy money and the influence of bad company can affect Sergei's future. But at the right moment he can stop if there is a person nearby who will support him. In the company he tries to be a leader, and he succeeds. Although he tries to build an impeccable reputation as an unshakable man, he tends to be sensitive. If he feels that the situation is getting out of control, he may cry.

These are very sentimental people. They are worried about everything in this world. The opinions of those around him are indifferent to him, but Seryozha will do everything so that they don’t think badly of him. Even at a conscious age, he may miss his childhood and his mother. No matter how old he is or how many children he has of his own, he will want to cling to his mother’s breast. He is a very gentle and family man.

The owners of this name are quite open people. They easily get along with other people and enjoy communication. Strength- intuition. Their whole life is built on an intuitive level and logic. They are used to working for themselves and cannot stand sitting in one place. Most often they become businessmen.

The most important thing in life is family. Moreover, they love a large and friendly family. She never forgets about her parents and plans to spend all holidays with all members of her family. He will choose a quiet and calm shy woman as the keeper of his hearth.

I can't stand laziness at work. If he works in a team, he will do everything to ensure that all members are safe. It is difficult for him to find new friends, so he takes care of the old ones and stands up for them like a mountain. He does not tolerate lies and does not lie himself. A very cheerful person with incredible optimism. He will always find benefits and emphasize advantages.

Seryozha often makes actors, writers, journalists or presenters. He is completely dedicated to his work. In fact, they are excellent workers for any campaign.

Compatibility with female names and talismans

In his youth, Sergei was very loving. He does not strive for a family early age. Therefore, he can afford fleeting romances or one-night stands. But once he meets a worthy girl, he will not allow her to be lost. He will achieve her by any means and will be faithful to her. In relationships with girls, he changes dramatically. From the powerful and strong Sergei, he turns into the gentle and sweet Seryozha.

Because of his romantic nature and desire to give all of himself to his beloved, he is often deceived. He experiences a breakup for a very long time and painfully, it will be difficult for him to open up to someone a second time. He is a wonderful family man and loves children. Even if he is married not once, but several times, he will have children from each woman. After all, as soon as he gets married, he immediately thinks about children. But at the same time he will take care of every child.

It is worth taking a closer look at the girls whose names are Agata, Vera, Tatyana, Nina or Lydia. You will have a good relationship with them and even a strong marriage. But it’s better not to let Antonina, Taisiya and Elena close to your heart. They are unlikely to be serious.

In order for luck to always accompany you in life, you need to know your talismans:

Many owners of the name became great people. List successful people can be listed endlessly. But here are some of them: Sergei Rachmaninov (composer), Bondarchuk (film director), Bezrukov (actor), Lazarev (singer), Yeseniy (poet), Asakov (poet), Botkin (doctor at the Tsar’s court), Krylov (singer) and other.

This beautiful name It has huge story origin. Its melody adds kindness and tenderness to the voice. It is not for nothing that this is one of the most popular names of our time.

Attention, TODAY only!

When is Sergei’s name day according to the church calendar?: April 2; June 1st; July 11, July 18; September 24; October 8, October 20.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Sergei:

From the Latin language - high, highly respected. The interpretation is somewhat dubious. In church and solemn official speeches of the past it was pronounced as Sergius: Saint Sergius of Radonezh, Patriarch of All Rus' Sergius. The symbol of personality is one that celebrates life. Main character traits, excitability, intuition, intelligence. The totem plant is wheat, the totem animal is the nightingale. Sergei's name day in the summer, all day and autumn.

Which interesting combination in the name Sergei there is a purely earthly beginning (wheat) and a heavenly, highly spiritual feeling (nightingale). Naturally, Sergei can not only put forward interesting ideas, but also to bring them to life. If assistants are needed, he always selects them himself! Living with him can be very difficult, since it is not known which side of his personality will manifest itself in this moment. Sergei always starts a job just great, but never finishes it.

Perhaps because Sergei is a highly excitable person, unusually irritable, especially in cases where someone does not agree with his point of view. Among the Sergeevs there are a lot of writers, actors, scientific workers, as well as managers at all levels who are able to look at the whole problem as a whole. They are attracted to work where creativity and talent for transformation are needed.

Sergei is extremely sensitive. Intuition gives him the opportunity to evaluate a person at first sight. As for his intellect, he has both a synthetic and an analytical way of thinking. This significantly expands his horizons, especially in solving very complex problems. And Sergei has them all the time. Usually he does not dare to express his feelings, because he is afraid that he will be misunderstood or considered primitive and funny

People with a character type like Sergei’s respect only what they love. His health is good, but it depends entirely on his mental state. The weak points in his body are the lower back, the sacrum, that is, the spine. In his sex life, Sergei is somewhat lacking in “hussar charm and inspiration,” as well as male determination - while he is thinking, the opportunity flies away. This applies to both work and love.

Sergei dreams of living somewhere on the sea coast, in own home, away from the bustle of society, in the circle of your family. Therefore, Sergei does not try to shine in high society at any cost. He's a big homebody. Well, if he does get ready to go on the road, he will move at the speed of a camel, in front of which lies the vast desert of life.

Congratulations on Sergei’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Sergei's name day and congratulate Sergei on his angel's day.

Happy Angel Day to you, Seryozha,

My dear, always be happy.

May every day be fine

And the years bring new things.

Let happiness fill your soul,

And the heart sings with love.

It's only getting better

May good luck await you everywhere.

The day of the angel you celebrate

Happy date will come into your life.

And all the good things you dream of,

Let it come true and let it come.

And the doors of happiness will open,

And everything that will be lived will not be in vain.

You must know one thing: we believe in you, Sergey!

And congratulations on your holiday!

The name Sergei means "high" and "clear"...

And how wonderful, my friend, is this name?

and your essence reflects souls,

you strive for heights... But just, look.

do not rush. Be wise, Sergey,

and fate will appreciate your wisdom, believe me,

protecting against daring unnecessary losses.

Determined according to the church calendar. These dates appear in it as days of remembrance of saints and great martyrs from

Name days have recently begun to return to modern life. Of course, in terms of significance they are inferior to the traditional birthday, although in Rus' it was the other way around.

Let's find out how Angel Sergei's Day was celebrated in the old days (and all other name days too), what gifts were given to the birthday boy, what the traditions of celebration were, as well as the dates of name days according to the church calendar.

Meaning of the name

Even Sergei themselves do not always know the origin and meaning of their name. It has Roman roots, was considered a family name there, and translated from Latin means “highly revered, high.”

The secret of name day

In Rus', before the revolution, on the 8th day of life. The naming took place in accordance with the church Saints - from them they chose the name of the saint whose memorial day was located next to the event of baptism.

The child henceforth acquired a patron in the person of a saint, who was supposed to protect him from all worldly troubles, not only the body, but also the soul, above all. It was also believed that he could be endowed with those holy qualities that were inherent in his “high” protector.

Name day holiday

Angel Sergei's Day was celebrated in the circle of family and friends, in a restrained, sincere atmosphere. Wide, noisy celebrations were not suitable for name days, since this day was intended to appeal to one’s spirituality and soul.

In addition, if the name day fell during the period of fasting, then the dishes were prepared based on this. Name day, you
those who fell were transferred to the next day off.

The main difference festive table there was a loaf that was being baked large sizes. They tried to give it an unusual shape - an elongated rectangle, an oval, an octagon. The name of the hero of the occasion was laid out with dough on the surface of the pie. This was a symbolic action, indicating the main “reason” for the holiday.

Angel Sergei Day

The date of the name day depends on when Sergei was born. According to the church calendar, name days fall on the following days and months:

  • in January: 15, 27;
  • in April: 2, 25;
  • in June: 1, 6;
  • in July: 11, 18;
  • in August: 25;
  • in September: 17, 24;
  • in October: 8, 11, 20, 23;
  • in November: 29;
  • in December: 11.

These are the days when Sergei celebrates his name day.

Angel Sergei Day: what to give and how to congratulate

A name day is a personal holiday, but not quite an ordinary one. If we turn again to the old days, then the birthday boy was given everything that connects a person with God and the church - icons, scriptures, lamps, candles, religious literature.

IN modern life The name day holiday has almost lost its original meaning and acquired the status of a secular event. Of course, this applies to people whose lives are not connected with religion and church. Therefore, today almost anything can be given on name days, although gifts are modest and are intended to express attention and respect to the hero of the occasion.

It will be very pleasant for any birthday person, including all Sergei, to receive a beautifully composed congratulation from the guests. For example, this:

"Dear Sergey!

I sincerely congratulate you on Angel’s Day and your name day!

I wish that your Protector and Heavenly Patron always protected you, protected you from adversity, sorrow and deprivation. I wish you to always be under His shadow, smile and enjoy life. Happy birthday to you, dear birthday boy, may we keep you safe and happy!”

  • January – 15, 27
  • March – 5
  • April – 2, 25
  • June – 1
  • July – 11, 18, 20
  • August – 25
  • September – 24
  • October – 8, 20, 23
  • November – 29
  • December – 11

The name comes from the ancient Roman, Latin "Sergius", the main meaning is "highly revered" and "worthy".

In the church code the name Sergius is adopted. Many famous saints were baptized with this name.

There are many options for pronouncing the name in everyday life: Serezhenka, Sergunka, Sergunya, Gray, Serezhka, Sergeika, Sergusha.

The name was mainly borne by the clergy, nobles and nobles. The peak of popularity occurred in the mid-twentieth century.

How to determine the name day date

Sometimes, a person, being already an adult, does not know the date of his name day. Church calendars contain several days of commemoration of one saint, and dozens of saints have the same names.

Then, any saint bearing the same name is chosen as heavenly intercessor. The nearest day after the date of birth will be the name day.

How to celebrate name days

You should pray fervently to the patron saint of your home or attend a church service. Then, you can celebrate Memorial Day by gathering your relatives at the table.

What to give for Angel's Day

  • Personalized icon, icon with the face of the patron saint
  • A book or collection of prayers
  • Candles of unusual shape, souvenirs purchased in a church shop

Characteristics of Sergei

In early childhood, an extremely sick and restless child. As you grow older, your health improves, and traits such as masculinity, energy, determination and stubbornness begin to be discerned in your character. Almost all representatives of the name have a pleasant appearance.

He is a kind and sincere person by nature, which does not prevent him from being quite closed. He prefers to deal with problems himself, without burdening his loved ones. Empathizes with other people's problems and is ready to help, regardless of time. He will find a solution to the most hopeless cases, you can trust him.

This is an obligatory performer, keeps promises. Prefers action to empty talk. In the team, he is valued for his friendliness and non-conflict nature. He is an outwardly calm and patient person, but can be aggressive, easily losing his temper. Touchy, but carefully hides it.

Sergey is an excellent professional in the business to which he devotes his life. He prefers to work alone and is not too talkative. Doesn't impose his opinion.

He will become an excellent actor, director, musician, photographer. Has artistic taste. The path of writing will submit to him, since he has good imagination, tends to reflect on the meaning of life.

The man plays sports professionally and devotes himself to military affairs and law enforcement.

He is partial to technology, travel, and loves being in nature. A connoisseur of pleasure, he often does not know the limits, does not think about the consequences.

He will choose a good housewife, a faithful and compliant woman as his wife. Does not strive to dominate the family, but always has his own opinion. A difficult partner, he can be unpredictable. Sergei is very jealous and will not forgive betrayal. May marry twice. In raising children, he hands over the reins to his wife.

Men like Sergei are attractive and remain in the memory for a long time.

Illustrious saints: life and spiritual achievement

  1. Sergius of Radonezh is a glorious son of the Russian land. He stood at the base of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, calling for a militia against the Tatar-Mongol Horde, blessing them for battle. Sergius was born to pious parents, and as a child he was an extremely quiet child, and learning was difficult. Overcoming the most difficult trials, he lived for two years in the forest in a log church, on the site of which the Trinity Monastery gradually appeared. Being its leader, he worked like a slave, exhausted from hunger. The reconciler of warring parties, the founder of more than four dozen monasteries and monasteries, performed many miracles, including the resurrection of a dead child. The Mother of God showed her face to him, promising him the protection of the Lavra forever. Sergius lived to a ripe old age and foresaw his departure in advance. Unique historical fact is that he was canonized during the lifetime of his disciples (others receive this honor centuries later). Sergius came up with the idea of ​​a monastic community, when all novices are equal and have no property. TO St. Sergius Radonezh is asked to get rid of vanity, humble pride, for children and students to study well, for guidance and for health.
  2. Sergius of Valaam preached the adoption of Orthodox teachings in Karelia, displacing the Swedish Catholics, who forcefully propagated their beliefs. Together with his brother Herman they founded the Valaam Monastery. Under Sergius, the eldership was revived, and numerous monasteries were established on individual islands.
  3. Sergius Malopinezhsky was raised by his parents to honor God and love reading. From the age of thirty he served in the Malopinezhsky volost and died at the age of 92. His fame was established as a humble, selfless, kind presbyter. There is evidence of miracles that occurred at his grave.
  4. Sergius of Rome was a military leader. He was a secret Christian. This fact was discovered by denunciation. Then, he was forced to bow to the idol, but he refused. He said he believed in Jesus. IN women's clothing, together with his associate Bacchus, they were led around the city to the ridicule of the people with iron hoops around their necks. Bacchus died without renouncing his faith, and Sergius was taken to a neighboring city for execution. He walked in iron boots that were filled with nails. Sergius's head was cut off with a sword. He is one of the very first canonized saints.

In church and solemn official speeches of the past it was pronounced as Sergius: Saint Sergius of Radonezh, Patriarch of All Rus' Sergius. The symbol of personality is one that celebrates life. Main character traits, excitability, intuition, intelligence. What an interesting combination in the name Sergei of a purely earthly principle (wheat) and a heavenly, highly spiritual feeling (nightingale). And Sergei has them all the time. In his sex life, Sergei is somewhat lacking in “hussar charm and inspiration,” as well as male determination - while he is thinking, the opportunity flies away.

To please with a gift for Sergei’s name day, you need to have a good understanding of his character and spiritual mood. After all, it has long been established that a name determines a person’s destiny and endows him with special energy. When preparing birthday greetings for this person, remember that Seryozha has a developed sense of self-esteem, is independent and values ​​practicality. A genuine evidence of your sincere sympathy for a person will be congratulations not only on his birthday, but also on the occasion of name day, which you can find out about thanks to the church Christmas calendar. So in 2018, as in any other year, there is not a single date when Sergei can be congratulated on Angel Day.

Sergei's name day - 11th month of the year

Name day dates are verified according to the calendar Sretensky Monastery. Note: new

As mentioned above, Sergei’s name day occurs more than once throughout the year. Especially with such a common name. To know exactly the day of your name day, you need to turn to the Orthodox calendar and write down the dates of all the days of the angel Sergei from there. For example, Sergei was born on April 10, which means that the day of the angel for this Sergei will come on April 14.

Name day - what is it?

Canonized as the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia on the Jubilee Bishops' Council Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000 for church-wide veneration. Reverend Martyr Sergius (Sergei Alexandrovich Krestnikov) was born on July 1, 1893 in the city of Moscow. In 1933, Father Sergius was elevated to the rank of archpriest. On November 3, 1937, Protodeacon Sergius was shot. In 1923, Father Sergius was released under an amnesty and returned to serve at the Trinity Church in the village of Faustovo. Hieromartyr Sergius (Stanislavlev) was born in 1884. He was a protodeacon in the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Vladykino. In 1919, Father Sergius was transferred to the temple Tikhvin icon Mother of God village Ivanovskoye. On November 27, Father Sergius was shot.

This means that from the moment of baptism, each person has a certain patron, or Guardian Angel. For Orthodox Christians, this is some kind of saint, whose name, in fact, they name the child. The main thing is not to forget about such days and sincerely pray, honoring the day of memory of your saint.

It is curious that in Rus' name days were not inferior to birthdays at all! After all, name day is the day on which the birthday boy turns to his soul and honors his saint of the same name. The main difference between Angel Day in Rus' was, of course, a large loaf.

The second version of the origin of the name Sergei says that it is just modern form such an outdated name as Sergius. The Church reveres this name very much, using its sound like “Sergius”. As you can see, Sergei’s name day falls at all times of the year, so it often doesn’t matter what date the boy was born, his date of birth will almost certainly be close to Sergei’s name day.

It means bright, clear, highly revered. A boy with this name is cheerful, kind, and sympathetic. He will always be true friend and will never leave his friend in trouble. Sergey has a subtle nature.

It’s hard to believe, but Sergei’s name day happens 61 times a year (according to the Gregorian calendar)! Traditionally, name day is the first day of remembrance of a saint after his birth. Sergei's name day (or Angel Day) is celebrated in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. All of Sergei’s name days can be easily determined by looking at the church calendar.