Ergonomic layouts. Ergonomics of space, or Is there life in a small apartment? For non-standard layouts – individual solutions

When designing an interior, we must not forget about ergonomics. Ergonomics is a science that comprehensively studies human activity in the “person - object - environment” system with the aim of optimizing work, life and leisure. Any type of household activity - cooking and eating, washing, dressing, etc. - requires sufficient and proper organization of space. Sufficient space allows you to carry out work without excessive effort, accurately, reliably and safely. The activities mentioned include the basic types of human posture and movements - standing, sitting, walking, squatting, lying down. Below are space options for different situations.

Space parameters for cooking and washing.

Space parameters in the bathroom and toilet.

Space parameters when moving at the table and at the counter

Parameters of space for movement in the workplace.

7.2. Spatial ratio

The ratio of the number of rooms and residents allows one to place in one way or another the required number of beds in the residential premises of the apartment. The placement of sleeping places in the premises, as an indicator of the use of the premises, characterizes the level of comfort of the apartment and its quality.

The area of ​​the common room (living room) in a one-room apartment must be at least 14 square meters. m, in apartments with 2 or more rooms - at least 16 sq. m. In comfortable apartments common room has an area of ​​24-30 sq. m.

The area of ​​the living room must be at least 8 square meters. m, for two people they take 10 - 12 sq.m., for a married couple (master bedroom) - 13 - 15 sq.m. m, which allows you to place a children's bed. In more comfortable apartments, a room for 1-2 people has an area of ​​12 - 14 square meters. m, spouses' bedroom - 16 - 18 sq. m. An excessive increase in the area of ​​the bedroom violates its scale and makes it uncomfortable. Area of ​​living room in attic floor two or more room apartments are allowed at least 7 square meters. m, provided that the common room has an area of ​​at least 16 square meters. m.

The kitchen area must be at least 8 square meters. m. In small one-room and small two-room apartments in city houses, it is allowed to design kitchens or kitchen niches of at least 5 square meters. m. Niche kitchens have an even smaller area, provided they are equipped with an electric stove and artificial exhaust ventilation.

The shower area is taken to be 1.7-2.25 square meters. m, combined bathroom - 3.3-3.85 sq. m, separate bathroom (restroom and bath) - ranging from 3 to 6 sq. m or more, restroom - 0.96-1.8 sq. m, bathroom - 2.6-3.3 sq. m. The minimum width of the latrine is 0.8 m and depth is 1.2 m.

The area of ​​the office can be different - from 10 sq. m in a comfortable home up to 30-40 sq. m or more in high-quality housing.

The comfortability of the layout of an apartment (or individual premises) is assessed based on a set of indicators - hygienic, functional, psychological, aesthetic, etc. But the main criterion for comfort and the basis for a good solution to all indicators of the apartment as a whole are the functional requirements.

As a result of studying life processes, their nomenclature was developed. It has been established that in a modern average apartment, 40 household processes are carried out that are necessary, widespread and characteristic of various families, regardless of lifestyle. To implement them, 20 spatial elements are required - functional zones of everyday processes.

The functional zone of the everyday process is the space in which the life process (or a group of related processes) is carried out, which has conditional boundaries. The dimensions of the functional area are set based on anthropometric and ergonomic requirements. The functional area of ​​the household process consists of three parts: a staging area where the equipment (furniture) of the process is placed, a working area intended for a person to use the necessary equipment, and a reserve area, which serves to move a person when performing the household process. The estimated composition of the functional area of ​​the apartment is established in accordance with the size of the family and the level of housing provision.

Functional zones are combined into groups of household processes according to their purpose and spatial conditions for their implementation. To ensure relaxation, the following groups of everyday processes are used: sleep, passive rest, personal hygiene, physical education, communication with nature, consumption of culture and communication; to implement everyday life, groups of everyday processes are used: raising children, preparing and eating food, economic activities and storing objects and belongings; To organize work, the following groups of functional zones are necessary: ​​professional work, study and self-education, amateur activities. Minimum dimensions between the outermost objects of adjacent zones should be 30 cm for rooms used by 1-3 people, and 50 cm for rooms intended for 4 or more people.

Groups of household processes are combined into groups of zones according to the nature of use and insulation requirements. There are several groups of functional areas in the apartment:

Personal areas for individual use;

Family areas for individual use;

Family common areas;

Family zones for group use;

Family service areas;

Family areas for long-term storage of items and belongings. Groups of zones most often form the premises of an apartment. The room is the main element of the spatial organization of the apartment, which includes functional areas of everyday processes and communication areas.

There are two main groups of apartment premises according to their purpose: residential and utility. Residential premises include a living room, dining room, office, library, children's room, bedroom, hall, etc. Utility rooms include: kitchen, hallway, bathroom, restroom, corridor, pantry, utility and work rooms, built-in closets, vestibule and open premises - balcony, loggia, veranda and terrace.

The planning parameters of each room (area, proportions, configuration, dimensions) are set depending on the number of functional zones. The number of rooms in an apartment depends on the level of housing provision and the degree of differentiation of zones.

The common living room is the main and largest room in the apartment for multifunctional and universal purposes, serves general family activities and is primarily intended for active forms of recreation (communication, amateur and professional activities for adults and children, receiving guests, leisure and information activities). Therefore, the collective image of the function of a common room in social housing can be characterized as receiving spiritual food.

So, the common room is a place for receiving guests and family communication, providing space for the joint life of all family members or family contacts: internal and external. Thus, it performs the functions of a living room, dining room, family room and study room (study) that make up a comfortable home

According to its purpose, the common living room requires a central position in the apartment.

Functional areas of the common room:

Eating (dining room);

Storage of leisure items;

Amateur and/or professional activities (occupations);


Quiet rest;

Watching TV.

The food area is located near the kitchen, not far from the entrance to the room or from the serving window; functional areas for communication and quiet relaxation are spatially combined (the same furniture), but used sequentially; areas for watching TV and listening to music are designed based on the minimum and most convenient distances between the device and the viewer (listener) (250-300 cm) away from the aisles.

Personal living rooms (bedrooms) are intended for passive forms recreation for adult family members and children. Bedrooms are designed for 1-2 people and a married couple. The main meaning of a personal living space is privacy, individualization of the use of living space.

Creating interior design project or interior items, a good specialist should never forget about the beauty of the creation and its functionality. After all, in addition to the appearance, which must certainly please the eye, a person should be comfortable and nothing should harm his health, no matter if we are talking about a computer mouse or an entire apartment.

That is why, IKarchitects decided to contact ergonomics. So necessary for today's science.

We will try to outline what ergonomics is and why it is needed.

In the traditional sense ergonomics is a science that takes care of adapting the space and objects surrounding a person for safe and effective use based on mental and physical condition person.

In 2010 International Association Ergonomics A broader definition has been adopted:

« The scientific discipline that studies the interaction of humans and other elements of a system, and the scope of application of the theory, principles, data and methods of this science to promote human well-being and optimize overall system performance.”

Basis for ergonomics consists of many sciences, ranging from anatomy to psychology. And its main task is to find optimal shapes and sizes and correct location items for the safest and most efficient life.

Ergonomics important for the design of any interior, starting from working area and ending with the sleeping area.

And everyone who respects himself designer And architect must know everything laws of ergonomics and apply them in design projects.

In this article we will focus in more detail on interior ergonomics. As you already understand, one of ergonomic postulates is correct zoning. We'll start with recreation areas.

Ergonomics of the rest area

IN recreation area furniture is designed taking into account the size of a person in a relaxed position, but the angle of the chair or sofa should not make it difficult to get up. In addition, a person must reach objects on the tea table without getting up from the sofa, only by moving his body. To do this, it is necessary that the shins of the person sitting are under the table, and the necessary space should be provided. Speaking of space, it is necessary to provide legroom for everyone sitting on the sofa. This is especially true for corner sofas.

The TV screen should be at an angle of at least 30 degrees to the side. The distance depends on the screen size. Based on the direction of relaxed gaze, the main line of sight, which is directed to the center of the image, should deviate downward by 7 degrees.

Today, a fireplace, classic or modern, is becoming fashionable. Typically, it is placed in recreation area, and as it tells us ergonomics, the dimensions of the fireplace must be proportional to the volume of the room to prevent overheating. You should also not place furniture near the fireplace.

Having talked about vacation, let's find out the features and general norms ergonomics of the working area, an important part of any interior.

Ergonomics of the working area

In order to properly design work area it is necessary to know exactly what industry a person works in, since the field of activity directly affects ergonomics of the workspace, but there are general provisions, which are inherent in every workplace. The height and shape of a chair and table are determined through the anatomical features of a person. The height of the chair depends on the height of the table, but it is desirable that back support be provided.

When working at a computer, you should be able to rest your elbows on the table, as well as place the necessary accessories.

Desk drawers should not be too low. The best option– this is the bottom edge of the box at the level of a person’s knee.

A person must sit and stand freely. If you want to save space, then swivel chair just for you. In addition, thanks to it, drawers and shelves can be installed on the side or behind the chair.

If it is necessary to equip several work areas in a room, then passages of at least 500 mm should be left.

Lighting- very important ergonomic aspect V workplace design. Your hands and body should not cast a shadow on the work surface, and the light source should not blind your eyes, so the table cover should not be enameled. Natural lighting will be ideal.

Ergonomics of the sleep area

Target bedroom ergonomics– provide a comfortable sleeping place. The size of the bed should be determined by the size of the owner. Perhaps a backrest for comfortable reading at night. Possibility of free approach to the bed for cleaning it.

And for comfort you can put a small bedside table.

Ergonomics of the eating area

The length of the table designed for eating by one person is 600mm. The depth depends on the number of dishes.

The height of the chair is determined by the height of the table, and the presence of back support is determined by the duration of the meal. It is important to ensure easy access to all chairs.

It's just general essays about ergonomics in the interior. You will find out more details ergonomic standards in other articles IKarchitects.

But remember, good designer must know ergonomics, and in IKarchitects work good specialists who will design a beautiful, ergonomic interior.

In the traditional sense, ergonomics is a science that deals with the adaptation of the space and objects around a person for safe and effective use based on the mental and physical state of a person.

The basis for ergonomics consists of many sciences, ranging from anatomy to psychology. And its main task is to find optimal shapes and sizes and the correct arrangement of objects for the safest and most efficient life.

Ergonomics is important for the design of any interior, from the work area to the sleeping area.

And every self-respecting designer and architect should know all the laws of ergonomics and apply them in design projects.

Many people believe that the field of study of ergonomics is only furniture, but this is not true. Ergonomics studies all components of the workplace and rest area, from the computer mouse to the temperature regime, and tries to establish the optimal parameters for each of these components for a person.

That is why one of the important components of the design project of your premises should be a scaled plan for arranging furniture, taking into account all the laws of ergonomics. After all, it is very important that a skillfully made design, with ideal color and texture combinations, is completely suitable for a comfortable and healthy existence.

Wherever a person is, at work or at home, he always wants to use products that are convenient and safe. Both design and ergonomics influence the enjoyment of using a particular item, so it is not surprising that these two separate areas flow seamlessly into each other. Currently in various industries professional designers collaborate with ergonomics specialists who provide various data on the physiological and biomechanical characteristics of a person, participate in the development and testing of L.A. Chernyavina’s products. Fundamentals of ergonomics in environmental design: tutorial/ L.A. Chernyavina. - Vladivostok: Publishing house VGUES, 2009. - 262 p. 167..

Based on psychological, hygienic and other standards, appropriate requirements for new items or equipment are developed so that they ultimately turn out to be convenient and comfortable to use, for example, Toothbrush curved so that its brush reaches the back surface of the teeth, reflex camera, which is comfortable to hold in your hands, or production equipment, providing high level security. Comfort, superior functionality and attractive appearance- all these requirements for created items can only be met by a competent combination of ergonomics and design.

One of the main concepts that ergonomics operates on is the anatomical features of a person. Anatomical factors are widely used in design. The designer's job is to ensure adaptation created products To to a specific person so that it is convenient and comfortable for the latter to use them. In particular, when designing a regular chair, designers consider the question of how high from the seat the curved back should be placed so that the person’s back can rest comfortably on it. To answer this not unimportant question, experts turn to ergonomics, where such a thing as the Akerblom Line has long existed. This is the average value that determines in what place our spine has a corresponding inward bend in the lumbar region (approximately 23 cm). Support for the spine must be provided at exactly this distance from the seat of the chair.

It should be noted that in ergonomics, special, flat mannequins are often used that reproduce the proportions of the human body. Based on this data, designers subsequently design new products or design working space, which would suit most people in terms of ergonomic parameters. Plus, of course, computer analysis and various modern software capabilities are used, as well as quite simple tools, such as quizzes or sheets, through which data is collected about what is somehow related to various factors in everyday or labor activity person, including the level of comfort and safety.

The application of ergonomic design principles has received widespread when designing furniture, in interior design of residential, office and production premises. Ergonomics considers all issues related to the components of a workspace or living area, ranging from a regular computer mouse to a suitable temperature conditions in a room designed according to the laws of ergonomics, a person acts almost intuitively - he can easily find the switch on the wall, color scheme interiors and consecration creates the right mood, inspiring or, on the contrary, calming Runge V.F., Manusevich Yu.P. Ergonomics in environmental design / V.F. Runge, Yu.P. Manusevich.- Architecture-S, 2007.-328 p.164..

For example, when developing furniture design and creating space for a recreation area, designers start from the anthropometry of a person who sits in a relaxed, calm position. The level of inclination of the seat must also be taken into account in order to ensure the convenience of getting up from a chair or stool. In various recreation areas, corner sofas are often installed, and ergonomic rules require the designer to arrange the furniture in such a way that a person sitting on such a sofa can freely position his legs and not disturb the people around him.

In residential areas associated with sleep, in particular in bedrooms, furniture is assembled and placed based on the size of the sleeping or lying person. Here, ergonomic factors prohibit placing the sofa with its extended side along outer wall room or the head of a sofa in a somewhat cramped space.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of ergonomics when organizing and designing work space. Interior designers have to start from the anatomical features of the person who sits at his desk. For example, when designing the area behind a work computer, ergonomics focuses attention, first of all, on the length of a person’s shin, since it is this that indicates the optimal height of his chair or chair. The ergonomics of the work area also provides for the fact that the height, area and inclination of the desktop is determined by the type of work performed by the employee.

All items necessary for work activity, according to ergonomic rules, are placed at an accessible distance from the table so that a person can use them without resorting to unnecessary effort Munitsikov V.M. Ergonomics: Textbook / V.M. Munitsikov. - M.: Logos, 2004.- 320 p. 240.. Ergonomics also requires increased attention from the designer to the organization of consecration. Consecration should not be intense and too bright, so as not to blind or unnecessarily strain a person’s eyes. It should contribute to comfortable work and a positive mood of a person.

So ergonomics is currently playing significant role in industrial and product design, in the creation of household products and the design of office equipment, as well as in interior design and room planning. This is a complex discipline that, to one degree or another, affects all issues related to the field of activity of a professional designer.

We choose an apartment and arrange furniture and appliances in it, based on our own ideas about what is proper and convenient. However, there is a whole set of rules and standards that help make any space ideal. Ergonomics deals with these issues.

Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that studies the interaction of humans and other elements of the system to ensure a prosperous existence. Ergonomics, in particular, is responsible for creating a comfortable apartment space. Knowledge of human psychology and anatomy is used in this science to create truly harmonious and safe housing with carefully thought out details. Let's find out what parameters an apartment must meet in order to be considered ergonomic.

Optimal height ceiling

In the room with low ceilings a feeling of pressure sets in, and with too high levels you will not feel safe and comfortable. Minimum height ceiling is determined by SNiP and living rooms and kitchens should not be less than 2.5 m. In corridors and halls, a height of 2.1 m is allowed. It is believed that this SNiP was based on Dürer’s research, expanded by the German architect Ernst Neufert.

Electrics: safe and convenient

Even electrical sockets and switches can be positioned in such a way that their use will be as convenient as possible. Their placement is not standardized by GOSTs or SNiPs, and therefore, when designing electrical wiring, one should be guided by safety rules and principles of ease of use.
It is recommended to place switches in the apartment at the entrance to the room, from the side door handle. In the Soviet Union, it was customary to install switches at a height of 160 cm from the floor - that is, approximately at eye level. Today, this option is chosen by parents who do not want small children to play with light. The modern norm is to install switches at a distance of 90 cm from the floor level, which allows you to turn the light off and on without raising your hand.

By modern standards, sockets, on the contrary, began to be installed lower. If Soviet citizens installed them at a height of 90-105 cm from the floor, now this height is 30 cm. This makes it more convenient to use household appliances and hide wires. The distance from the mounting point to the door and window should not be less than 10 cm. In residential premises, it is recommended to install at least one socket per six square meters. m. In the kitchen, sockets are placed in such a way that it is convenient to use certain equipment. For example, for a kettle, blender or food processor, sockets are installed above the countertop. The optimal number of outlets in the kitchen is determined by the number of appliances used. The bathroom must have at least two sockets - one for connection washing machine, the second for the hair dryer.

Bedroom layout based on ergonomic principles

Ergonomic rules for the bedroom are aimed at ensuring freedom of movement and creating conditions for rest and relaxation. good sleep. When designing a bedroom, consider the following recommendations:

  • The distance between the bed, other pieces of furniture and walls should be at least 70 cm. However, for elderly people this figure increases to one meter.
  • The passage from the door to the bed or to the window should be as straight as possible.
  • The optimal location of the bed is next to the window, but not less than 80 cm from the outer wall and radiator.
  • If you choose a double model, then you need to leave passages on both sides.
  • For safety reasons, do not install shelves at the head of the bed.

Ergonomics in work area design

Most of modern society Spends maximum working time in a sitting position. Therefore, creating a workplace according to ergonomic rules is especially important.

You can spend no more than 15 minutes a day on a stool or a regular chair without harm to your health. An uncomfortable chair will lead to headaches and problems with the spine and legs.

To sit correctly from an ergonomic point of view, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Your feet should be comfortably on the floor. The surface of the foot should form a 90° angle with the calf. This is achieved by adjusting the height of the chair.
  • In order for blood to flow freely, the knees must form an obtuse angle with the body.
  • The width and depth of the seat should be about 40 cm.
  • Chair armrests or height work surface should allow the formation of an obtuse angle between the forearm and hand.
  • The back of the chair should be tilted back slightly to ensure proper functioning. internal organs. It should also support your lower back.
  • Preference should be given to a chair equipped with a base with five casters.

Frequently used objects should be placed within a human hand coverage area of ​​35-40 cm. The monitor screen should be positioned 50 cm from the face and so that the center of the screen is located just below eye level. The area of ​​the table top should not be less than 1.20 m. The height of the table should be equal to the recommended European standards of 74 cm.

Lighting should be positioned so that the body does not cast a shadow on the workplace.

Comfortable kitchen

The arrangement of furniture in the kitchen is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the room. For narrow kitchen A linear layout is suitable, in which all interior items are placed along one wall. This arrangement is also suitable for a studio apartment. IN large kitchen you can use parallel or T-shaped arrangement of furniture, and for small space A corner or U-shaped layout is suitable.

Work triangle in the kitchen. Photo:

You can also take into account the concept of the kitchen work triangle in your room layout. The triangle includes cooking (stove), washing (sink) and storage (refrigerator) areas. According to this standard, it is believed that the distance between zones should be from 1.2 to 2.7 meters. The total sum of these distances should be between 4 and 8 meters. If the distance is too small, the kitchen will seem cramped, but if it is too large, the cooking process will be tedious.

When planning comfortable kitchen You should also consider the following tips:

  • For a comfortable seating at the table, a person needs about 60 square meters. cm space.
  • Hanging elements should be positioned so that their lower edge is at a level of approximately one and a half meters from the floor.
  • The width of passages in the kitchen must be at least 60 centimeters.

Living room created wisely

In a standard living room, the main thing is to successfully arrange pieces of furniture and what is considered a traditional TV in such a way as to ensure comfortable rest and communication.

It is recommended to place furniture items so that they do not block the path to windows and doors. If you want to place a sofa and armchairs, then the distance between them should not exceed two meters, otherwise it will be inconvenient for you to communicate with your interlocutor. For free passage, 92 cm is enough. If there is a coffee table nearby, position it in such a way that you can reach it with your hand without getting up, but at the same time so that you can stretch your legs. Optimal height coffee table– 30–45 cm.

When choosing a place for the TV, keep in mind that the distance from it to the seats starts from 2.5 m for a 17-inch screen and increases accordingly to the diagonal. So, with a 32" diagonal, the distance to the viewer should be 4 meters, with a 37" diagonal - 5 meters. Today it is generally accepted that the TV in the living room should be at eye level of a person sitting on the sofa or in an armchair.

The sofa should be chosen according to the expected number of owners and guests. For two, a sofa with a width of 1.75 m is suitable, but for a larger family or for entertaining guests, take a closer look at specimens with a width of 2.10 m. comfortable rest You should take a sofa with a seat at least 60 cm wide.
The height of the sofa or armchair in the living room and the slope of their backs should be such that the thigh and shin of the seated person are at an angle close to a straight line, and the soles of the feet rest completely on the floor.

Comfortable bathroom

Of course, bathrooms in some apartments do not allow you to “expand” in terms of the interior, and sometimes it is simply impossible to increase the distance between objects. But we can try to bring the interior closer to at least somewhat ergonomic. Ideally, the bathroom should be at least 1.7 m free space so that a person has the opportunity to stretch out his arms while drying himself with a towel.

Between each item plumbing equipment and walls in an ideal bathroom there should be at least 75 cm of free space. The distance from the shower or bathtub to the sink can be reduced to 30 cm, but no less than that. The towel holder and shelves with necessary items should be located no further than 70-90 cm from the shower or bath so that they are easy to reach.

When washing, a person bends down, and therefore there should be enough space in front of the sink for this - at least 55 cm. The washbasin bowl should be above the floor at a height of 80-110 cm.

The toilet should be positioned in such a way that there is at least 35-45 cm to the right and left of it, and 50 cm of free space in front. Holder toilet paper it needs to be mounted 20-30 cm in front of the edge of the toilet so that it can be comfortably reached with an outstretched arm. The height of the holder from the floor is 60-70 cm.
An ergonomic stationary shower corner should not be less than 75 by 75 cm in area for people of average build. Ideally, the shower stall should be at least 90 by 90 cm.

Arrangement home interior allows a person to reveal his creative characteristics and character. The location of objects, their dimensions, compatibility and functionality depend on the preferences of the residents. The ergonomic design of the room allows you to see the room not only artistically beautiful, but also the most practical.

What is ergonomic room design?

Ergonomics in the interior is a science that has whole line rules and regulations that help make any home ideal. In other words, ergonomic layout helps create comfortable conditions in a living space with well thought out details. Let's look at what characteristics an apartment should have to be considered ergonomic.

What does a one-room apartment in this style look like?

The layout of an apartment with an ergonomic design must comply with certain principles:

  • household items must be located in their places, that is, so that a particular resident feels comfortable and convenient;
  • free movement around the apartment - the ability to move freely around the room without bumping into any objects;
  • the design of the apartment should not contain unnecessary things, since the housing is filled unnecessary things, becomes cramped;
  • rational zoning of the apartment;
  • illumination of zones depending on their functions.

And also for ergonomic design V one-room apartment better buy functional furniture(folding, sliding, cabinets with plenty of storage space, etc.).

Modern new houses are designed taking into account the fact that today a person needs to place in it much more household items (than in the time of Khrushchev) for a comfortable stay.

If you are making repairs yourself (without involving a designer), then you need to calculate in advance what will be located or hung where.

Ergonomic room designs

Many ergonomic problems can be easily solved if, in preparation for repair work take into account the requirements for zoning housing area in advance. Each zone in the room has its own purpose. That's why functional solution for them will allow you to create your own unique ergonomic design.

Zoning space is the most difficult and primary task for creating comfortable living conditions. You can divide it into functional zones in several ways:

  • partitions made of glass, boards, glass blocks, or even “through” shelving;
  • in the interior of a small living room, use or build a column that will divide the space into 2 zones;
  • For ergonomic kitchen separate the cooking area from the dining area, for example, using a bar counter or a low partition;
  • For small room or rooms, you can use furniture placed close to each other (for example, put a bed against the back of a sofa).

The game will also help to separate the zones color shades in finishing and correctly placed lighting solution. And the ease of use of furniture in an ergonomic solution will ensure the absence of sharp edges and cabinet doors that open correctly.

In the kitchen

Previously, small kitchens were designed in such a way that their space was considered exclusively a place for preparing food, placing refrigeration equipment, stove and tiny working area. Therefore, it is quite difficult to fit diversity into such a kitchen. modern technology. Technical equipment For such a room, you have to choose a small-sized one, and most often built-in equipment. Furniture is purchased custom sizes for freer movement. Cabinets and shelves are hung along the entire perimeter of the walls, and the window sill is adapted for the workplace.

The arrangement of furniture is carried out taking into account the room. In the interior of a 3-meter kitchen, all items and utensils of daily use should be located “at hand.” It is preferable to store dishes in specialized boxes under a small corner sofa. It is better to place the furniture set linearly or at an angle. For dining area in relation to a folding table and chairs or a folding tabletop.

For ergonomic kitchen design, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • for comfortable accommodation for dining table 1 person preferably 60 sq. cm area;
  • wall cabinets and shelves must be hung so that their lower level is at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor;
  • The width of the passage should be 60 cm.

An ergonomic kitchen should also take into account constructive principle working triangle.

In the bathroom

A combined toilet and bathroom can save several meters of room space, but are not too good decision, if there is a person living in the house big family. For a small room it is preferable to install a shower stall. The distance between objects in a connected bathroom should be at least half a meter. It is best to install folding or sliding doors to save space.

IN separate bathroom, as a rule, there is enough space for opening the door, but many prefer to install the toilet either sideways or hanging for ergonomic space saving.


The bedroom is a place of relaxation and is also characterized by ergonomics, therefore extra items no use here either. As a rule, the sleeping place is placed in the central part of one of the walls, small cabinets are placed nearby and a wardrobe or chest of drawers is located. Many people install a dressing room, which is fenced off with a sliding screen. For good space in the bedroom, it is better to purchase a tall and compact wardrobe.

If space allows, you can build a small “office”, for example, place a desk or computer desk. However, you need to take into account that this zone should be located as far as possible from the sleeping area.


The main principle of an ergonomic children's room should be safety. In the design of the room, it is desirable to exclude sharp corners, slippery flooring, carpets and rugs, that is, everything that can injure a child.

When 2 or more children live together, it is advisable to allocate a small personal space to each. For an ergonomic children's room 9 sq. m. better to buy bunk bed on which it will be comfortable for children to lie. This will save space for the playing area.

Furniture in a nursery should not occupy more than 30% of the space. Therefore, near one of the walls you can put a compact wall bars or hang a horizontal bar in doorway. But, do not forget that when furnishing a nursery, 70% of the space should be left for normal physical development, that is, the child can move freely, run, tumble and play.

To summarize, we can say that in order for an apartment to become as ergonomic as possible, in some cases it is enough to simply remove all unnecessary things and replace bulky furniture with modern, compact ones. All interior items must be selected very carefully and according to their intended purpose, color scheme and form. Modern ergonomics will help revitalize and create complete comfort in any room. Therefore, show creativity and imagination when furnishing the apartment or use ready-made design solutions, which are freely available on the Internet.