Do-it-yourself children's house for dolls - drawings. How to make a dollhouse from plywood with your own hands - instructions and diagrams with dimensions. Required tools and materials

Ennobling your own suburban area, the owners apply all their imagination to this. Well-groomed paths, gazebos and terraces - all this is good for spending time with an adult family. But we can’t forget about children: themed games for fresh air will have the best impact on their health. In addition to the sandbox and swing, you can build a house for your child out of plywood with your own hands. There you can hide from short-term rain and come up with new entertainment.

A plywood house will decorate the area and make the child’s games fun and varied.

Construction takes little time and is not too expensive. First you need to draw a sketch of the future house on paper. Given the scale, one can immediately determine required quantity material. You should immediately calculate the location for construction and take into account that the tree should not be in the shade or damp. During operation, the parts will be coated with protective compounds. But this will not save if the children's area is constantly in contact with moisture. The question of how to make a house is not difficult if you purchase everything you need at once.

As an option for building a children's house, you can take doll models from your own child's toys. In addition, look through all the sketches and models offered by the Internet, or come up with your own.

Materials for work

To make a house you will need a jigsaw, a knife, a tape measure, self-tapping screws, and a screwdriver.

  1. Plywood. Its thickness varies from 8-12 mm. Based on the drawn sketch, the total area of ​​the parts is summed up and the required quantity is obtained if converted to standard sheets.
  2. Beam. A section of 50*50 mm should be sufficient unless the owners intend to build a permanent residential building.
  3. Soft tiles according to the size of the house roof.
  4. Plexiglas or plexiglass. Such windows will be safer than real glass.
  5. Beads for inserting windows.
  6. Fasteners These can be either nails or self-tapping screws. It is desirable that they be made from of stainless steel. The length is selected in accordance with the thickness of the plywood, so that the sharp ends do not protrude outward in any case - children climb everywhere, and injuries are unacceptable.
  7. The hinges are also stainless, for window and door shutters.
  8. Coating compositions – paints, varnishes, water-repellent mastics, etc. All chemistry must be on water based and have special markings. Volatile solvents and alkyd paints should be avoided - their compounds are dangerous to the health of children.

The process of making a plywood house.

  • hacksaw, jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • emery wheel or grinder;
  • brushes, rollers, trays, spray gun;
  • facilities personal protection– glasses, respirator, gloves;
  • vacuum cleaner for cleaning.
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Stages and features

When creating a house on paper, you need to take into account the age and height of the child. The theme of the “hut” depends on the first - big child, especially a boy, will want something fantastic or courageous, unlike kids, who still delight in a fairy tale. The size of the building depends on the second condition - the child should not crawl into it. And an adult should get there without hindrance. You need to enter with a slight bend. Optimal sizes The door height may be 30 cm higher than the child’s height and the roof slope may be at least 45°.

Drawing of a children's house made of plywood.

  1. A hacksaw is used to cut off pieces of timber for the future frame. All parts are sanded with sandpaper or machine and impregnated protective composition from mold and mildew.
  2. After this, the parts are cut out of plywood. If the design of the house is simple, like a box, then you can use an ordinary saw, but, as a rule, parents want to admire and create something unusual, so the parts can be wavy, round, and others. An electric jigsaw will come in handy here, allowing you to cut out any shape. Plywood elements are also cleaned and processed protective coatings. Considering that construction dust There will be a lot, it’s not a bad idea to use a vacuum cleaner and put on a respirator.
  3. While the parts of the future house are soaking and drying, you need to prepare a place for the building. It must meet several requirements: be visible; located in a dry place without shady or tall vegetation; located so that the area reserved for children's entertainment can also accommodate a sandbox with a swing.
  4. The ground is cleared of grass, covered with a layer of sand or expanded clay with limiters made of wooden planks. To protect the bottom from moisture, you can lay rubber or foam. The orphanage can also stand on supports, which will provide additional protection from contact with moisture.
  5. Construction of the frame. There is no special wisdom, you just have to take into account the width of the plywood parts and thus build a frame with a certain pitch of the beams. Children's house does not provide for being in it in cold weather, so we will not talk about any insulation. A layer of plywood with outside. Of course, when creating a house from plywood, some make it in the form of a miniature copy of the real thing, but this is for people who are passionate about the idea. If the owners are like that, you can dare and follow the instructions for building a real house.
  6. After the frame of the building is ready, construction of the roof begins. It should be gable and with such an inclination that it would be a problem for a child to climb into it. Flat ones are not recommended: jumping on the roof can break it and injure yourself. The work of installing the roof is also not difficult: they make the main frame from beams, then fill the sheathing, with a step corresponding to the width plywood sheet. After covering the roof, it must be covered with rain-protective material. Corrugated sheeting or slate are absolutely not suitable, they are heavy and the edges are sharp. Ruberoid or other chemical coating due to heating by the sun's rays, it will emit pungent odors - this is suitable for a residential building, but not for a children's building, due to the lowness of the structure. You can splurge on soft tiles– it is safe from any side and you only need a little of it.
  7. The frame is sheathed with ready-made elements using a screwdriver or hammer. It is necessary to ensure that the sharp ends of nails or screws do not protrude. If this does happen, the excess is cut off or filed off with a file. After covering, you need to seal all the cracks and joints of the plywood to avoid drafts. Suitable for this: polyurethane foam, as well as any other sealant. Unclean marks can be cut off after curing.
  8. After all the work done, the structure must first be primed, and then it can be painted. It is very convenient to use a paint sprayer or balloon options inside. Outside work is done with brushes and a roller. Coloring orphanage A great way to get your child involved in work. Having come up with a plot together, you can draw the outlines of a fairy tale or characters, allowing your child to color it later. Can be pasted over Orphanage all sorts of posters from his favorite comics. And then coat them with varnish. There are a lot of ways to decorate – which one to choose, the child will decide for himself, because this is his territory

The stores offer customers a wide range of all kinds of toys, including doll houses. Every girl dreams of getting one of them, while parents can easily make a beautiful and durable house for dolls in just a few days. Moreover, the child will be able to take an active part in the process and express all his wishes regarding size and design. To do Dollhouse do it yourself from plywood, you will need a diagram that you can draw yourself or find a ready-made one on the Internet.

We make a drawing of a dollhouse from plywood with the dimensions of all structural elements

A toy house and plywood cannot be built without a detailed drawing, which will show the dimensions of all its parts. To do this, you must first determine the approximate dimensions of the future house and imagine what shape it will be.

When reducing or increasing the structure, it should be remembered that all dimensions should also be changed proportionally.

The house consists of the following parts:

  1. Rear wall: pentagon shaped. Its sides are 76 cm, and its base is 106 cm. The upper side is an uneven triangle, the apex of which is at a height of 91 cm.
  2. Gender: has rectangular shape. Its dimensions are 106x38 cm.
  3. Second floor ceiling: rectangle with dimensions 104x36 cm.
  4. Side wall (2 parts): is a rectangle 36x76 cm.
  5. Internal wall with right side: rectangle 25x50 cm.
  6. Internal wall on the left side: rectangle 25x43 cm.
  7. Left side of the roof: rectangle measuring 76x39 cm.
  8. Right side of the roof: rectangle with parameters 45x39 cm.

How to make a dollhouse with your own hands from plywood: step-by-step guide

After cutting out the parts using a jigsaw or hacksaw, you need to carefully sand them with fine sandpaper, and then begin assembly. At this stage, windows of arbitrary sizes are cut out and also carefully processed with sandpaper.

Making a house step by step:

  1. The side walls are attached to the base using self-tapping screws and construction adhesive, and then the ceiling of the second floor and internal partitions.
  2. The roof is being installed.
  3. Decorative tiles made of cardboard, colored paper or other materials are glued to the roof.
  4. Next, the house is painted with paints (acrylic, gouache, watercolor);
  5. The rooms are covered with wallpaper, fabric, film.
  6. The floors are covered with pieces of linoleum, laminate, carpet, and felt.
  7. Furniture and interior items are being placed.

Near the house you can make a small garden, placed in a box, in which trees cut out of cardboard will grow.

If the parts were not cut too smoothly and a gap has formed between them, then it can be covered with wood putty and then painted over.

How to assemble a plywood house for children with your own hands quickly and easily

A small plywood house designed for games will appeal to any child. After all, he will have his own personal space there. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure yourself if you first make drawings and cut out the parts.

What you will need for work:

  • Sheets of plywood, the thickness of which is at least ten millimeters. The required quantity can be easily determined by adding up all the areas of future parts.
  • Timber for the frame measuring 40x40 or 50x50 mm.
  • Plexiglas or plastic for windows.
  • Door awnings.
  • Finishing materials (wallpaper, non-toxic paint, putty).

Blanks are made from timber and plywood and sanded with sandpaper until completely smooth. The frame is assembled from timber, and plywood blanks are attached to it. Next, windows and doors are installed. Then the house can be painted outside and inside or covered with wallpaper. Furniture is brought in. You can make decorations from leftover plywood and install them around the house. The children's playhouse is ready.

The fastening elements must be hidden so that the child cannot be injured.

We make a castle from plywood with our own hands: drawings and recommendations

Plywood is one of the easiest materials to process, so it can be used to make not only simple houses, but also beautiful castles for princesses and knights. To do this, you need to be patient and carefully draw every detail of the future castle. The drawings are made in a similar way to the drawings of a doll's house, but towers, balconies and terraces are added to the details. There are a lot of interesting models on thematic sites that are easy to build yourself.

Tools required for work:

  • The pencil is simple;
  • Ruler (simple and curly);
  • Jigsaw;
  • Screwdrivers or screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Tassels;
  • Fastening elements.

You can use ice cream sticks to fence balconies.

Beautiful furniture for dolls made of plywood: drawings and manufacturing methods

From plywood you can make almost any furniture for a toy house: beds, tables, chairs, cabinets, sofas, shelves. The furniture made according to the drawings turns out to be quite large, so it is suitable for both Barbie dolls and baby dolls.

Furniture parts can be glued or connected with self-tapping screws and furniture nails. Basically, plywood is taken, about 4 mm thick.

What you need to make furniture:

  • Pencil and paper;
  • Hand jigsaw;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Liquid nails or wood glue;
  • Paints and varnish.

When assembling small furniture, it is better to use glue, because fasteners can damage the parts.

For all furniture parts, you first need to draw and cut out a template. Then trace it on the plywood and cut out the structural elements with a jigsaw. The edges are sanded. The parts must be connected to each other, and then painted and varnished or covered with fabric using a stapler.

Making a house out of plywood for a doll with your own hands (video instructions)

You can make durable and beautiful toys from plywood that will delight your child for a long time. If you have drawings, free time and a little patience, this will not be difficult even for those who do not have any skills in this matter. And by showing your imagination, you can create real masterpieces that will cause surprise and delight not only in the child, but also in those around you.

Buying almost anything now is not a problem. But the beauty of making a dollhouse from plywood with your own hands is that you can also involve a child in this process. Suitable as source material use plywood - the durability of the structure, its wonderful appearance at relatively low costs are guaranteed. And cutting sheets and processing fragments will not cause any difficulties; All you need is a simple household tool.

What is a dollhouse? The banal answer that this is a spacious box in which a favorite toy and its outfits are stored is unlikely to be correct. You can make it yourself various options houses, differing in their configuration (vertical, horizontal), complexity of layout (several levels-floors, with many compartments-rooms). Exterior design– this is a completely separate conversation. If you turn on your imagination, you will be able to make do with what you have at hand. In addition to glue and colored paper, in any house there is always something left over after another renovation - pieces of wallpaper, film, fabric, and so on.

What plywood should I use? About making a dollhouse out of it - optimal solution, partially said. It should only be noted that it is being assembled for a child’s toy. It is the strength of the structure itself and its “ecological cleanliness” that should be the main criteria to be guided by when choosing products.

One of the problems that is solved in the process of making something with your own hands is reasonable savings. Consequently, there are practically no options for which plywood to choose - inexpensive, moisture-resistant and “environmentally friendly”. These criteria are fully met. By the way, they are often confused with FSF products, since it is difficult to distinguish these plywoods externally even for a specialist.

  • When choosing plywood, you need to pay attention to its markings. Most safe products is the one whose designation contains the letter E0. Such sheets contain a minimum of formaldehyde, and they are the most suitable for making a dollhouse.
  • The optimal plywood thickness is 5 mm. This choice combines light weight, structural strength and the convenience of strengthening it with nails.

Options for size charts

The linear parameters of the house depend on which doll it is being made for (and maybe for several) and where it will be installed. Therefore, it is more correct to familiarize yourself with the photos and drawings available, for example, on the Internet, and on the basis of this, inspired by your own ideas, draw up your own original diagram, most suitable for local conditions.

Features of making a dollhouse

Any dad can cut plywood into fragments of certain dimensions and configurations and connect them together according to the developed diagram. By this process no step by step instructions not required. But there are a number of nuances in working with FC, which House master should know.

To avoid “production” errors (and errors are inevitable even in measurements), similar parts of the house should be made according to the following scheme. First, one part, and then make sure it matches the required dimensions. And only then, using the workpiece as a template, cut out and process the rest. Otherwise, after assembly, it will turn out (more than likely) that the house will be somewhat skewed, and you will have to redo some things.

It is better to cut plywood electric jigsaw. WITH hand tools problems will arise - uneven cuts (not along the line, especially if it is figured), “tattered” ends of parts, partial peeling of the veneer in the working area.

Given the relatively small thickness of plywood, the joints practiced for solid wood blanks (saw cuts, tongue and groove) are unacceptable. Therefore, only by gluing with subsequent fixation at individual points with small nails. In terms of safety for the child’s health, it is better to use a casein composition. Such carpentry adhesives are most often used in modeling and making furniture with your own hands, and it is quite simple to buy a dry mixture and prepare the solution yourself. .

Both at the stage of assembling the dollhouse and after its manufacture, it is necessary to carefully process all the edges of the parts. Even if no defects are identified, it’s worth going through the “sandpaper” once again. Microscopic fractions, visually and imperceptible, are potential thorns. Don't forget about the tender hands of children!

Dads should take into account that girls (like all women) have their own secrets. Therefore, in the lower part of the dollhouse or on the side, you should provide drawers or boxes with doors in which you can hide something. Mini hinges are suitable for fastening the sashes (it’s easy to choose required sizes in any furniture shopping center).

If the size of the dollhouse is significant, then it is more advisable to first mount a frame from bars of a small cross-section, and then cover it with pieces of plywood.

When drawing up a diagram, it is worth considering that you plan to assemble not just a box for storing toys. Even himself small house will need some internal filling. What it will be - a mini-table, a crib - is another matter. But already at the design stage, it is necessary to provide for possible options and choose sizes so that the rooms are spacious enough.

Advice. When deciding how to decorate a dollhouse, do not forget that here, when choosing materials, you should take them into account component composition. Certain types of stains, oils, paints, and varnishes contain toxic substances.

If you really get excited about the idea, plan everything carefully and prepare in advance, then you can make a dollhouse with your own hands in just a few hours. Even half a day off is enough for the child to enjoy a home for his toy for a long time.

Just like boys dream of a tree house, girls also dream of a dollhouse for their favorite toys. Of course you can buy it, but nice house It costs quite an indecent amount of money, but you can’t buy a bad one for a child. It's another thing to do it yourself, but be prepared for it to take a lot of time. Especially if you don't have much experience. On average, it will take at least a week to make a doll house with your own hands.

Choosing material

You can make a doll house with your own hands from any sheet building material. The thickness of the material for a house about a meter high (on two floors) is 9-15 mm, for one-story houses it can be thinner. Let's look at the most common materials used in the construction of a dollhouse:

  • . Great choice, since it is durable, holds its shape well, can be glued and connected using nails and self-tapping screws. Cut plywood with a metal saw (with a fine tooth) or a jigsaw (manual or electric). The ends will need to be sanded well so that there is no possibility of driving in a splinter. Upon completion of the work, you can varnish or stain, paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • Drywall. After the repair, there are scraps left that can be used. To fasten the sheets together you will need tin corners (you can - perforated corner). You will have to attach it with special screws, but they will stick out from the back, so this is not the best option. You can try to “plant” it with glue, but you will have to align the cut lines to reduce glue consumption.

    A plasterboard dollhouse is one of the possible options

  • . The properties of the material are similar to plywood, the only difference being that it is moisture resistant and made from wood chips. Working with it is approximately the same as with plywood.

    OSB is also a good material

  • Cardboard. The most inexpensive and most delicate material that does not hold loads very well. The situation is better with cardboard for scrapbooking (you can buy it in craft stores). It is denser and more durable; it can be made into one-story houses or used for roofing. Connect using glue or staples from a stapler. To make the dollhouse more reliable, it is better to assemble a frame from planks and then cover it with cardboard.

  • Chipboard: regular or laminated (). The advantage of this material is that it can already be finishing. If you wish, you can order sawing of the entire “box” of the house with gluing of the edges from some furniture company. Then all that remains is to assemble. Moreover, it will be possible to use self-tapping screws or furniture fittings. There are three disadvantages - the material is too thick, which increases weight, formaldehyde emissions and fragility under lateral loads. If you can put up with the thickness and weight, then the release of formaldehyde should not be ignored. You need to look for ones with emission class E0-E1. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about fragility. Unless you use corners to connect parts, and this is not very beautiful.

  • Furniture panels. They are made from wooden planks glued together using wood glue. Perfect option for making a dollhouse: environmentally friendly, durable, easy to process. But furniture panels You can’t call them cheap, although they are not as expensive as an array. In any case, it can be used to make a box - the bottom, side walls and ceiling. The roof and back wall can be made from other materials (for example, fiberboard, plastic, etc.).

    Furniture board is an environmentally friendly and beautiful material

There are also options such as laminate, wooden lining, thin planed board. But they don't work with them that often. Anyway minimum thickness materials - 6-7 mm. Then the dollhouse will be reliable and will even support your child.

Features of working with plywood

Most often, plywood is used to make a dollhouse. As you probably know, she may be different brands. It is better to make a dollhouse with your own hands from sanded furniture plywood. Can I have them? coniferous species, but preferably from birch. It’s better not to take a construction one, even though it costs twice as much.

In general, working with plywood is not difficult. If you have a jigsaw and a jigsaw, cutting and preparing the parts will take a couple of hours. The only difficulty that may arise when making a two-story plywood doll house is the installation of the second floor ceiling. T-fastening plywood is not the easiest task.

The glue is not very reliable, and trying to install screw-type fasteners into the end with a thickness of 6 mm is difficult - the material can split, even with pre-drilled holes (the thinnest self-tapping screw is 1.8 mm). There are several options:

  • do it on nails (not very reliable, unless you coat it with additional glue);
  • install corners at the bottom (not very nice);
  • install a bead around the perimeter that will both support the floor and “work” ceiling plinth(the best option).

After cutting out the parts, all joints must be sanded well. First, use medium-grain wood sandpaper and gradually move on to fine sandpaper. Once the edge is smooth, you can begin assembly.

Dollhouse project

The first thing to start building a dollhouse is creating a project. You need to decide on the height and number of floors, the width of the room, the type of roof, and whether or not there will be a basement floor. Choose the number of floors as desired. This is arbitrary, but all other parameters must be calculated.

The size of the dollhouse depends on the size of the doll inhabitants. To make playing comfortable, the height of the ceilings in the rooms must be at least twice the height of the doll. For example, with a doll height of 22 cm, ceilings of 40-45 cm will provide enough space for them to move freely, but if the ceilings are even higher, it will be even more convenient to play. But you also need to take into account the child’s growth. The height of the topmost ceiling should be slightly below eye level. In this case, it will be convenient to play, and the dollhouse will be “growth-able” - its height will be enough for a couple of years.

The depth of doll rooms also depends on the height of the dolls, but also on the availability of free space. On average, the depth is 30-45 cm. This is enough to accommodate the entire furnishings. But it could be deeper.

The width of the dollhouse depends on the number of rooms in it. Here you decide depending on the available free space. In shape, the frame of a doll's house usually looks like a rectangle, but whether it is extended in length or in height - this is determined by each person. If the structure turns out to be rather large, you can attach furniture wheels to the bottom. This is very convenient - the toy turns out to be mobile.

You can draw the project itself in any design program, but if you don’t own them, it’s easier to do it on paper. Why do you need a dollhouse project? To calculate the amount of materials required for its manufacture, and without the dimensions and number of walls, you will definitely be mistaken.

Finishing features

Decorating a doll house with your own hands is not fewer questions than construction. In principle, you can use the same finishing methods as in apartments or houses. For example, in doll rooms, walls can be decorated in the following ways:

If you have chosen the option to “hang wallpaper”, it is easier to do this before the assembly stage. Even if there are several floors, the blanks are drawn out and wallpaper is glued. This is much easier than trying to cover the corners later.

The exterior decoration is not much different. Painting is most often used. This best option in terms of practicality and labor costs. If you want you can do something similar to decorative plaster. It can be imitated using gray toilet paper. You just need to choose thicker. It is torn into pieces, glued with PVA diluted with water (1 to 1), laid out on the walls, forming the desired relief. After drying, you can paint using acrylic paints. This and it can be used with colored or regular napkins.

Window and door decoration

Cutting windows in plywood, OSB, or any other material is not such a problem. First, using a drill and a drill bit, make a hole into which you can pass the saw blade. Next is a matter of technology. The cut hole is sanded until it is smooth, and then it is necessary to make the holes look like windows. For this you need frames and curtains. If desired, you can also make glass from transparent plastic bottles.

Frames with bindings can be made of white cardboard. Paste them after completion " finishing works" Children love to open/close doors, so it’s better to make them from thin plywood. Fasteners can be found - there are piano hinges or small furniture hinges. You can make deadbolts from wire and thin tubes.

Let there be light!

A house for dolls with lighting is aerobatics. Moreover, there is no need to fence the system with wires, converters, light bulbs and other electrical “stuffing”. There is a very simple and effective solution. Any more or less large lighting equipment store has small LED bulbs, battery operated. Moreover, they are mounted with Velcro. Each lamp is equipped with its own switch and operates on a voltage of several volts. In general, a very good solution.

These are non-volatile LED lamps

If you still want to make real light in a dollhouse, you need a 220/12 V converter or a battery with the appropriate voltage. You will also need light bulbs or LED Strip Light under the appropriate rating, a bunch of wires. In general, this path is much more difficult and requires much more time, but it is also a possible option.

How to make a roof

If the roof is planned to be ordinary - gable, the layout of the attic space or attic floor it is necessary to make sure that there is a partition in the center that will support the roof at the junction of the two halves of the roof. This is the easiest way. There are also more complex ones.

If you need a roof complex shape, we cut out several rafters from plywood that will define the shape. We attach them to the walls, cover them with some flexible material. It can be cardboard, fiberboard. The ends of the rafters are coated with glue (preferably carpentry glue), after which the material is laid. If the bend is too steep, additional fasteners may be needed. Usually thin small nails, like shoe nails, are used.

Photo options of different doll houses

Building a doll house is a creative process. You can make it the way you dream of your home, or recreate a house from a fairy tale or fantasy. And there are no restrictions here. Everything you want and how you want.

A one-story house is not so bad either. But you can put it on the table and play while sitting

So different…

This is how to make shutters

Despite the abundance of newfangled toys that fill children's departments, the dreams of little girls remain unchanged from generation to generation. And one of these dreams will definitely be a dollhouse. It’s easy to make this toy with your own hands. And the joy and delight of the little princess will delight the master. To create a doll's home, it is enough to arm yourself with available materials and inspiration.

The best gift for your daughter would be a dollhouse, which dad will make with his own hands. Before starting work, you should decide what the building will be like. Almost any materials are suitable for its creation, from cardboard boxes to the foam. However, it is worth taking care of the durability of the structure so that it does not fail at the most crucial moment.

The most practical and durable house is considered to be a house made of laminate or plywood. It’s more difficult to make, but the effort will pay off in spades, because a product made from such material will be difficult to distinguish from a store-bought one.

The structure of the building itself is a box without a front wall. Inside this box there are small compartments that act as rooms. Sometimes the house is made through, but it would be more practical to equip the building with a rear wall.

For aesthetic appearance in a “state of rest,” the house is also equipped with a front wall, which is attached using door hinges. Such a house can be closed so that the doll interior does not clutter the girl’s room.

Some craftsmen prefer to make a house on wheels. This design can be moved around the room or apartment. In this case, the front wall is simply necessary so that when moving, the sofa or the occupant of the house itself are not lost.

Plywood, laminate or wood

A house made of laminate will become a real masterpiece, so its creation must be taken seriously. To begin with, you should choose a drawing or draw a diagram yourself.

The diagram of a do-it-yourself plywood dollhouse provides for the dimensions of the walls and the outline of window and doorways. Of course, the parameters of the house can be changed at your discretion, respecting the proportions. You can also add rooms or balconies. It all depends on the wishes of the small customer and the amount of free time.

So, to create a house you will need:

  • Durable material, such as plywood.
  • PVA, as well as wood glue.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Tape measure, ruler, pencil.
  • Material for finishing walls and floors in a house. Self-adhesive film will do.
  • Wallpaper.

To draw identical details, for example, interior partitions, you can use a paper pattern. The remaining details of the house are drawn on paper, then transferred to plywood. The walls of the house are cut out of plywood. Windows are marked on the cut out parts and they are also cut out, doors are cut out.

Wood glue will help to put the parts together. You can strengthen the structure with small nails, which is especially important for large houses.

There is no urgent need for a roof, but its presence will be the logical conclusion of the construction. You can also cover it with cardboard and draw tiles on it.

The assembled house should be glued to a piece of plywood, somewhat wider than the base of the house itself. This will give it stability. Pieces of plywood sticking out on the sides can be played with. For example, make a lawn out of them covered with artificial grass.

It is recommended to wallpaper the walls even before assembling the house. You can do this in finished design, but it is much more convenient to collect already dried parts. The same goes for gender. However, it should be borne in mind that the glue is “capricious” for some surfaces.

You can decorate the interior of your home at your own discretion. Will come in handy doll furniture, textiles and rugs. You can also leave the question of the interior open, so that the owner will take care of its arrangement personally.

Drywall and other materials

If after the renovation there was drywall left, then fate itself ordered to create a masterpiece out of it for the little princess. From such durable and serious material you can make a real building with many floors, a bathroom and a kitchen.

Among the advantages of the material, it is worth noting the lightness of the design and White color drywall, making the house look neat. The comparative purity of the process is also considered a plus. For example, working with foam plastic will definitely bring a little snowfall into the workshop.

Using drywall you can make partitions between rooms and toy furniture. Wallpapering such walls is very convenient.

Airy home for barbie

A wonderful house for dolls can be made from packaging foam. You can give such a toy to older girls, since the foam is very fragile and is not suitable for children to play with.

Necessary materials:

A dollhouse should be made taking into account the age of its owner. To save space in the nursery, it is recommended to make the house tall. The attic room in it should be approximately at the child’s eye level.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a light house:

An interesting idea for decorating a house would be a printout various elements on the printer. For example, a picture with the image depths of the sea, glued to transparent plastic, will play the role of an aquarium. You can also print out landscapes and use them to simulate window openings. Dolls will love views of the mountains or sandy coastline.

Other construction options

To create a home for dolls, you don't have to be a woodworker or buy sheets of foam plastic. You can place toys in a house made from scrap materials.

Carton boxes

You can make a dollhouse out of a box. Making such a design with your own hands is interesting and simple. It is enough to glue the boxes one on top of the other, taking into account the height of the dolls, so that they all fit into the rooms.

No matter how thick the cardboard is, a house made from it requires compliance with certain rules. Interior partitions necessary in such a construction. They will play a role load-bearing walls. How more rooms will be on the same floor, the stronger the structure will be. You can use empty paper towel rolls as columns. They will support the ceiling of the house.

The aesthetic appearance of corrugated cardboard can be improved with the help of fabric that is used to cover the walls and floor of the house. Also, with the help of fabric wallpaper, the joints of the cardboard are hidden.

Racks and bookshelves

To create a house you can use ready-made bookshelves or racks. All work on such a project comes down to interior design, since the walls and roof of the building are already ready.

It is best to paint the shelf white or any light color. You can also paint climbing ivy or other architectural vegetation on the walls of your home.

You can cover the walls inside rooms with paper, wallpaper, or self-adhesive film. For flooring you can use pieces of carpet.

Heavy wooden structure It is recommended to move it tightly against the wall. As back wall you can use a sheet of plywood nailed to the rack itself.

mobile version

If there is not enough space in the children's room to install a bulky structure, you can make a house from compact materials. For example, document folders.

To do this you will need four cardboard folders. We decorate each page with wallpaper printed on a printer. You can also add textile applications in the form of furniture or curtains.

Before we make a house for dolls with our own hands, we measure the future residents. Having noted the growth of the doll, we cut off the top of the folder in the shape of a sharp roof. If the toys are too tall, leave the top edge of the folder square.

You can make a window hole in one of the walls. Movable parts, such as a table, will look great.

Those who want to make a doll house with their own hands will find it useful step-by-step master classes and ideas for decorating a miniature interior. The whole family will enjoy decorating such a house.