Flowers on the balcony in boxes: planting schemes with photos. Blooming balconies. Flower arrangements Schemes of flowering arrangements in balcony boxes

- a magnificent decoration of the facade of the house and a source of pride for the owner of the home. Unfortunately, to create such a piece of paradise on limited space It’s very difficult, because not all garden plants can grow in cramped boxes, and those that are still able to develop in closed ground do not always combine harmoniously with each other.

To create a mini-garden on your balcony, similar to those chic designer creations that show off in photos in florist magazines, you need not only to use suitable species plants, but also adhere to a certain planting scheme.

Flowers suitable for growing in balcony boxes and their planting schemes

Dreaming of heavenly gardens, immediately put aside the idea of ​​growing luxurious dahlias, proud gladioli and gorgeous daylilies in boxes, because all these magnificent flowers can only grow in spacious garden beds. In a small amount of soil, only the most unpretentious annuals feel good, the most beautifully flowering of which are petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums and morning glory.


Blooming profusely throughout the summer, drought-resistant, having a large number of varieties (among which ampelous, large-flowered, double and cascading forms stand out as particularly beautiful) petunias are truly ideal plants for balcony gardening.

Attention! Petunias are sun-loving, so they will develop well and bloom luxuriantly only on balconies facing west or south.

Petunias can withstand the vagaries of the weather and do not require daily care.

Petunia: beautiful and unpretentious flower for the balcony, which has rightfully gained popularity among beginner plant growers

The only difficulty in cultivating these subtropical beauties is the need to grow them through seedlings.

Advice. Not wanting to bother with germinating seeds, you can buy ready-made seedlings of petunias of various varieties at any gardening center.

The size and shape of the planting containers used, as well as the layout of the seedlings in them, depend on the type of petunias.

  • Multifloral bush varieties planted in narrow balcony boxes in one, less often in two rows. The distance between individual plants is maintained within 15-18 cm. In the case of double-row planting, petunias in the second row are not placed opposite the plants of the first row, but in the spaces between them. If the box is fixed on the parapet of the balcony, hanging plants are often planted in front of a row of bush petunias.
  • Seedlings of large-flowered and terry varieties Petunias are planted in boxes at twenty-centimeter intervals, hanging seedlings - at thirty-centimeter intervals.
  • Particularly powerful ampelous and cascading varieties of petunias are planted not in boxes, but in large hanging flower pots or large tall floor flowerpots. In this case, the plants are placed in planting containers one by one.

The variability in the color of petunias petals is very large. So that the floristic decoration of the balcony does not bother the eyes with the variegation and dissonance of flowers, plants are planted in boxes, the corollas of which are painted in the same or two (maximum three) colors that are in harmony with each other, for example, white - pink - blue or purple - lavender.


Golden-ocher, fiery orange or lemon-yellow “pompoms” of marigolds are a traditional decoration of city balconies and village front gardens.
Low-growing varieties of these delightful sunny flowers grow without problems in small wooden boxes and only need plenty of light and occasional watering.

Marigolds: a common plant in urban home front gardens

In order for the marigolds to cover the entire planting container with a luxurious cap, they are planted quite densely, according to a 20x20 cm pattern.

Advice. Unassuming, outbred (but very beautiful) orange “Chernobrivtsy”, blooming from the beginning of summer until the onset of cold weather, can be easily grown from seeds purchased from grandmothers at the collective farm market. More capricious, terry and unusually colored varietal marigolds are better grown in seedlings, and the seedlings themselves are purchased from a reputable floriculture center.


Basic information about nasturtiums:

morning glory

Shade-tolerant, fast-growing and densely entwining vines around any support provided to them. Morning glory – best flowers for decorating high, north-facing balconies. The heart-shaped, succulent leaves of these plants create a lush green carpet on the wall of any loggia, even a heavily shaded one, within a month. Its beauty is emphasized by large graceful bell flowers.

Morning glories are planted in balcony boxes according to a 20x20 cm pattern and a reliable vertical support is immediately built for them.

Morning glory: a good choice for balconies facing north

Garden flowers are capricious creatures and therefore often do not get along next to each other even in a spacious garden bed, not to mention cramped balcony boxes. To prevent annuals growing in a limited space from quarreling with each other, it is better to grow them in a monoculture. But if you want to experiment, then when selecting plants for planting in a single container, focus not only on their habit, but also on the similarity of requirements for growing conditions.

Video: Flowers on the balcony in boxes

Photo: Flowers on the balcony in boxes


Ideas for beautiful garden: photos and descriptions of compositions

flower arrangements in containers

Introducingto your attention options for container gardening, which is very fashionable option decoration of home, garden, cafe, restaurant, area near the office. The convenience of such landscaping lies not only in the ability to combine flowerpots with plantings and change flower arrangements, but also in the ability to replace flowerpots with plants that have lost their decorative value without compromising the overall appearance.

Our nursery provides services for creating flower arrangements in containers of your choice individual order. You can order planting in your flowerpots, or you can purchase flowerpots from us. In addition, we suggest purchasing flowerpots with already planted compositions.

Our publication will tell you how to choose and plant plants in flower containers correctly. "About container gardening"

Lush flowering of zonal pelargonium will worthy of decoration at home in the warm season.

Such a staircase, decorated with flowerpots with blooming pelargoniums, will never tire you!)))

Scarlet terry ivy-leaved pelargonium is very good against the background of a light wall of the house.

Ivy leaf pelargonium and bacopa attract “butterflies”!

Ivy-leaved pelargonium in a flowerpot, stylized as a cast-iron pot in which food was previously cooked, will fit perfectly into the rustic style.

Hanging wicker baskets with colorful ivy-leaved pelargonium pair beautifully with natural stone.

Modern hybrids of royal and violet-flowered pelargoniums have taken the best of both: they are resistant to high temperatures as violet-flowered and as delightful as royal ones. And at the exhibition in Essen in January 2012, a new product in this series was presented - Candy Flowers Strawberry Cream.

Magenta ivy-leaved pelargonium and cornflower blue ampelous lobelia Regatta.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium Balcon Noa.

The scarlet “tails” of Akalifa look very exotic and fresh in a hanging plant pot! And it is not surprising that the second name of this plant is foxtail.

Hybrid overhead begonia tuberose series Illumination They just create a waterfall of colors.

Bright semi flowers hanging begonia tuberoses Panorama Scarlet contrast beautifully with the white balcony boxes and the light facade of the house.

Despite its very aristocratic appearance, tuberose begonia looks quite organically in a log planter for decorating a country-style home.

Bush and hanging tuberose begonias look elegant in pots stylized as fireclay clay.

Begonia tuberose series Illumination in the flower pots they will delight you until late autumn.

New among ampelous tuberose begonias Illumination Golden Picotee will not leave anyone indifferent!

Begonia tuberose is very self-sufficient
plant, so it looks beautiful in mono plantings.
Left Primary Salmon, on right NonStop Yellow with Red Back.

Elegant feather grass will add the finest flowerpots with begonia tuberose Primary series fashionable cereal sound.

Gorgeous Fortuna Salmon Bicolour just incredibly similar to a rose! The outer petals are a delicate salmon color with a yellowish edge, and the center of the flower is apricot pink. The flowers look amazingly beautiful against the background of dark foliage!

Ampelous begonia multiflora is unusually good Flamboyant! A huge number of simple, slightly drooping flowers adorn this begonia throughout the season.

Charming ever-blooming double begonia DOUBLET!

Hybrid begonia Big Rose Bronze Leaf with slightly drooping inflorescences, they not only look luxurious, but will also adequately withstand all the vagaries of our summer.

Pots with begonia look interesting Big series and morning glory sweet potato with lime foliage. This composition is supported by Hosta plantain, which has leaves of a similar lime color.

Begonia Big series will delight you with its bright flowering until frost.

The photo shows a green-leaved hybrid with red flowers Big Red Green Leaf.

Hybrid begonia Babywing White amazes with its size! Only one plant is planted in a pot with a diameter of 35 cm!

Begonia Dragon Wing Rose thanks to its drooping flowers it can be used as an hanging plant. With very little care and infrequent watering, it will delight with abundant flowering until frost.

Composition of ever-flowering begonia, ampelous brachycoma and euphorbia.

The mono-planting looks quite self-sufficient ever-blooming begonia Ambassador Rose. Few annual flowers can boast such resistance to heat and lack of moisture as this begonia.

Elegant ampelous begonia series Summerwings Ideal for tall flowerpots and hanging flowerpots. Unlike the hanging begonia tuberose, this begonia will delight you with flowering in open sunny places. In addition, it is quite resistant to wind.

The charming Bolivian begonia Santa Cruz, despite its apparent fragility, is actually very hardy! Her long lashes don’t care about wind or rain. In addition, it can grow in full sun.

Rose remains the queen of flowers even in flowerpots! This standard rose has been living in a flower pot for 7 years! You just need to add it to the pots every spring. fertile soil, fertilize throughout the entire growing season and ensure wintering in a bright room where the air temperature does not drop below -5 degrees.

The finest feather grass with ampelous verbena, brachycoma and bidens gives the composition an airiness, and after watering, droplets of water sparkle for a very long time on the thin stems of the feather grass.

Small-flowered fuchsias are considered more resistant to adverse weather conditions than large-flowered hybrids.

Terry with huge flowers is simply amazing!

Bright fuchsia flowers Marinka look like ripe juicy berries.

Fuchsia Peachy actually looks a bit like a peach! And fuchsia Peachy is distinguished by its abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Ampelous fuchsias and calibrachoas of the same color look beautiful.

Fuchsias and New Guinea balsams equally love moisture and partial shade, so they can be planted together. Matched to match, they will create a beautiful flower arrangement.

Semi-ampel fuchsia Blue Angel And ampelous fuchsia Texas Longhorn complement each other perfectly, creating a waterfall of elegant flowers!

Composition in lilac tones of angelonia, zinnia and fuchsia. Angelonia- a fairly new plant in our gardens, which is very quickly gaining popularity. Quite drought-resistant, highly decorative, does not require shaping, blooms until frost, is not affected by pests and does not get sick.

And in this composition, pink and white angelonia are echoed by dorotheanthus and thyme, and lilac panicles of lavender harmoniously complement the lilac inflorescences of angelonia. Ivy combines beautifully with the bluish foliage of lavender and variegated mint, and the young plant slightly resembles the shape of dorotheanthus flowers.

Multi-colored calibrachoa and bidens will not leave anyone indifferent!

Hanging planter with asymmetrical planting of snow-white terry Surfinia Double White AndCalibrachoa is magenta in color with simple flowers.

Piercing blue - this is how one can describe the shade of heliotrope inflorescences Nagano. Despite its name, heliotrope is not a big fan of the sun's scorching rays. For abundant flowering The northeast side is quite suitable for him.

Place the heliotrope planter next to your gazebo or seating area. Heliotrope flowers exude a subtle vanilla aroma.

Ampelnaya Brachycoma Brasco Violet- a drought-resistant and profusely flowering plant with a mass of delicate, medium-sized flowers.

Alaya Surfinia Fanfara Red looks very impressive with lime-colored morning glory.

The planting in the pots is made in the same color scheme as the previous one, but the morning glory sweet potato is accompanied by scarlet zonal pelargonium, sanvitalia and dwarf zinnia, the latter two being surprisingly similar in shape - the only difference is the size of the flower.

Hybrid cleome soloizes - compact, drought-resistant, unpretentious!

Surfinia, bidens and helichrysum petiolate look like a summer bouquet.

Large-flowered terry surfinia and ampelous alyssum not only look beautiful thanks to the amazing combination of shades of lilac, but also create an amazing play of aromas.

This composition in a balcony box consists of zonal pelargonium, ampelous brachycoma, verbena and ampelous alyssum.

Magnificent terry and very fragrant matthiol Bedding Hot Cakes in combination with ampelous alyssum White Steam And Bicolor Pink Steam. The composition is complemented by flowerpots with matching terry Waller balhaminas.

Verbena duet Lipstick and Calibrachoa Kali Fuchsia.

And here zonal pelargonium, bidens, verbena, ampelous alyssum are complemented by aerial inflorescences of euphorbia.

Pots with a sufficient volume of soil make it possible to include quite a lot of plants in the composition without compromising their flowering. This flower mix contains zonal pelargonium, Drummond phlox, euphorbia and gypsophila.

Zonal magenta-colored pelargonium in cornflower blue foam of ampelous lobelia!

The composition of surfinia and ivy in a cone-shaped rattan wall-mounted planter looks restrained and noble.

A composition of ivy, chlorophytum and philondendron will decorate places where the sun does not reach at all.

In spring, an ampelous viola will elegantly decorate the yard in combination with any coniferous plant. Place this planter in partial shade and you will enjoy the bright colors for a long time!

A pot of primroses will brightly decorate your yard in early spring when after a long winter you really want it rich colors! Primroses, like all primroses, are not afraid of spring frosts.

For those who like to combine the beautiful and the unusual - strawberries in a pot! Moreover, it can be supplemented with a variety of plants.

The balcony along its entire impressive length is decorated with a composition of small-flowered lilac-colored surfinia, snow-white ampelous alyssum and lime morning glory sweet potato. At the bottom, the composition is supported by cleome planted in flowerpots.

It seems that the flower stand is simply wrapped in a garland of elegant flowers. A wonderful option for vertical gardening in places protected from strong gusts of wind. Surfinia Hot Red.

And here is another option for vertical gardening, made of surfinias in yellow, salmon and purple colors.

Surfinia and calibrachoa in a balcony box will elegantly decorate the front porch of the house.

Surfinia, calibrachoa and verbena perfectly complement each other, decorating the windows of the southern facade of the house.

Surfinia Hot Pink.

Lilac and rose - a noble combination!

Some varieties of surfinia also have a lovely aroma.

Bloom Surfinia Hot Red always so abundant that it seems as if she is floating in the air!

Small-flowered Surfinia Little Red Energy And Little Merlot retain their habit until the end of the season.

Grandiflora Surfinia duet Fanfare Salmon and small-flowered Little Violet.

Composition for a country style garden with zonal pelargonium, verbena and sanvitalia.

Scarlet ampelous pelargonium, lime morning glory sweet potato and tiny yellow sanvitalia flowers create a very beautiful composition!

Yellow rudbeckia looks impressive against the background different varieties morning glory.

There are few perennials that look so unusual and expressive as hanging plants in hanging pots.

Pagoda Bells turned out brilliantly!

Cornflower blue lobelia and calibrachoa create a summer meadow feel.

Pots with a large volume of soil allow you to create entire mobile flower beds! Heliotrope, hybrid verbena, bidens and a light haze of ampelous lobelia.

The lushly flowering hybrid verbena Magelana Lilac is complemented by the bright pink hybrid verbena Magelana Lipstick and the tone-on-tone calibrachoa Kali Fuchsia.

Gatsania is a wonderful drought-resistant plant that looks beautiful both in pots and in flower gardens. Variety with orange flowers Reminds me of a gerbera.

Plectranthus or Swedish ivy is a fast-growing hanging plant with pleasant aroma incense

And here the plectranthus is beautifully complemented by petunia pale yellow, which goes very well with the yellowish border of plectranthus leaves.

Waller's balsam is indispensable for vertical gardening in shady corners of the garden. In hanging flowerpots, Waller's balsam gradually takes on an ampelous shape.

Terry varieties of Waller's balsam resemble small roses. The abundant flowering of balsam will delight you until late autumn.

A variegated Waller's balsam with soft pink flowers planted in a white three-tier planter looks like a wedding decoration.

can be placed in a relaxation area and enjoy the aromas of fragrant herbs.

And tasty, and healthy, and beautiful!

Ampel strawberry Tristan Cherry in a pot! Not only bright pink flowers, but also large, sweet berries! Moreover, it blooms, grows and ripens at the same time until late autumn.

Wonderful "hedgehog" from roofing made you look younger it will be in a flowerpot original decoration for sunny places in the garden. This is not only unusual, but also absolutely low-maintenance. And such a “hedgehog” can easily spend the winter in open ground, if you dig it in the garden with or without a flower pot.

Chrysanthemum multifloraPo pcorn in a flowerpot will decorate the entrance to the house until the frost! And she doesn’t care about snow!

If we take into account the fact that chrysanthemum tolerates replanting completely painlessly even in bloom, then it is quite possible to grow it in the garden in the ground and plant it in a pot in mid-September. Although without flowers during the summer, the multiflora chrysanthemum is good for its “boxwood” balls!

Unusual "stone" roses Echeveria humpback flower They don’t require any maintenance at all and look very beautiful. A small occasional watering is, perhaps, all that is required to maintain the decorative appearance of this plant from May until frost.

May 8, 2017
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Do you want to set up a small greenhouse on your balcony, but you doubt that you can properly care for the plants? I'll tell you how to choose boxes and fastenings for them, and what flowers are suitable for different sides Sveta. And as a bonus, I will offer several planting schemes so that you can create beautiful compositions from plants.

Description of work stages

If you decide to grow flowers on the balcony, then first of all you need to solve two issues:

  1. Selection of containers and fastenings for it;
  2. Choosing plants depending on the location of the balcony.

Let's look at each aspect in detail.

Boxes and fixtures

All containers for growing flowers are divided into several types:

Illustration Description

Plastic containers. This balcony box with a flower tray is the most popular today.

Its main advantages:

  • a wide variety of colors;
  • different sizes;
  • light weight of products.

The plastic box withstands weather conditions well, which is also important. The price of such products is lower than that of any other solution.

Wooden crafts. If you want to make balcony flower boxes with your own hands, then choose this option. For production you need edged board 20-25 mm thick and 20 cm wide.

The photo shows the design; it is very simple, so even a novice master can handle the job.

Such products look attractive, but do not last long - the wood quickly begins to deteriorate from dampness.

Ceramic boxes. Most often they are designed for one plant and are small in size due to their significant mass. They are most often used as floor option, hanging them is not very convenient due to their heavy weight.

Boxes with automatic watering. Most modern type products consisting of a tray with water and a system of capillary tubes through which moisture flows to the roots of plants.

Thanks to this design, you can not water the flowers for 2-3 months. The price of such products starts from 900 rubles.

Until the plant roots reach a certain depth, the automatic watering system will not provide the necessary moisture. Therefore, at first you will still have to water the flowers by hand, remember this.

In addition to the material of manufacture, other aspects are taken into account when choosing:

  • The presence of drainage holes in the bottom. This is necessary to remove excess moisture and prevent rotting of the root system of flowers;
  • Drawer tray. It allows you to collect moisture and prevent it from spilling onto the floor or onto the heads of passers-by if the structure is located outside. Ready options most often they come complete with a pallet, for homemade ones you need to purchase suitable option separately;

  • Drawer sizes. Choose the best option for the plants you will grow. The universal option is 180x180 mm, this is enough for planting small plants in two rows. These are the options that are most often found on sale. The length can vary from 40 to 100 cm;

  • Drawer color. This aspect is much more important than you think. Color affects not only appearance your mini-flowerbed, but also regulates the degree of soil heating. On the south side it is better to place light-colored products so that the sun does not overheat the root system, and on the north side dark ones are more suitable.

Now let's figure out how to install boxes on the balcony. There are several mounting options:

  • Metal stands. They are most often made to fit a specific box size and have the exact width and length. There are suspended options, with hooks bent under the railings, and structures that are attached to a concrete or brick wall with anchor bolts. The option that is selected is would be better suited in your case;

  • Metal or plastic brackets . This option features holders that are adjustable to the width of the drawer. They can cling to the railing, or they can be attached to the surface. You can choose the holder to match the color of your drawers so that it does not catch your eye. Usually two brackets are used for one container, but if the box is wide and heavy, then it is better to use three elements.

How to hang a box on the wall? Use either the same holders or install shelves. Alternatively, you can use rope holders, which you can buy or weave.

First of all, decide which side the balcony is located on. The choice of colors depends on this. Let's look at the main options. On the south side it is best to plant the following:

Illustration Description

Calendula. It feels good in the sun and blooms very profusely and brightly. By combining several different varieties, you can create an interesting composition.

Petunia. It loves plenty of light and blooms very well in such conditions. This option is demanding on soil moisture. Therefore, sunny balconies will have to be watered twice a day.

Purslane. Many gardeners believe that these are the best flowers for a south-facing balcony. They tolerate light well and do not need frequent watering. They bloom very brightly and wildly.

Geranium. Another great option for a balcony. Very different beautiful flowering, easy to care for and does not require frequent watering.

In addition to these types of plants, you can plant many others: cacti, dahlias, phlox, morning glory, asters, cannas, mignonette, zinnia and much more. The seed store will tell you all the possible options.

Almost anything can be planted on the east and west sides, so there is no point in listing specific crops. What flowers to plant is up to you.

Let's figure out what to plant if you have a north side:

Illustration Description

Torenia. It does not require direct sunlight, so it blooms well on the north side. Requires constant watering and moisture.

Begonia. Excellent for shaded balconies, demanding on watering and fertilizers.

Fuchsia. Very beautiful plant, but also demanding care. Grows well on the north side.

Let's look at some schemes for planting flowers in boxes.

Boxes buried in flowers are a magnificent decoration for balconies and terraces.

If the balcony boxes are narrow and the volume of soil in them is small, plant the plants in one row.

Fast-growing ampelous petunias, calibrachoa petunias, geraniums, string and verbena look very beautiful in boxes. Plant, for example, different varieties of one type of annual plant, alternating them according to the color of the flowers, or try an unusual mixture of different species.

Spacious balcony boxes allow you to plant plants in two rows. In order for the fledglings to develop normally, the box must be at least 18 cm wide and the same depth.

Plant plants in holes and always offset. Place upright flowers like pelargonium, chrysanthemum or dimorphotheca in the back row.

On the sides and in front, plant plants with hanging shoots, such as ampelous verbena or scaevola, which can be alternated with lower flowers, such as heliotrope or ageratum. Along with the usual symmetrical plantings, you can also try asymmetrical plant placement.

Single row planting in a box: for example, plant 3 pink and 2 purple petunias, alternating them by color.
Double-row planting in a box: place upright plants in the background, and flowers with hanging shoots in front.
Our planting options and diagrams show what flowers you will need to plant in your balcony boxes and how to place them correctly.

All these compositions are designed for a flower box one meter long.

Schemes of flower arrangements for balcony boxes

1. For a balcony box in the sun

This mixture for a sunny location is made up of easy-to-care summer flowering plants that impress with their joyful play of colors - yellow, white and red.

Asymmetrical placement of plants is in fashion: in red colors on the right, pelargonium “Grand Prix”, petunia calibrachoa “Cherry” and cuphea (Cuphea) “Torpedo”, the flowers of which look like mouse faces with huge red ears, bloom.

White-flowered pelargonium "White" and bacopa "Taifun White" on the left side of the box are framed with silver leaves of immortelle (tsmina) "Silver Mini".

Evening primrose "African Sun" stands out with a bright yellow spot. Its large cup-shaped flowers appear from late May to October, but close in the shade and in bad weather. This perennial plant can overwinter in a frost-free location.

2. Pink and purple flowers In the box

The arrangement in this box is also intended for a sunny place.

To the left and right, bright pink verbena “Patio Purple” and purple “Patio Blue” form lush cushions. In the center are bicolor petunia "Sofia" and variegated sweet potato (Ipomoea) "Buntblaettrig".

This type of morning glory with multi-colored foliage is very original. Leaves with pink edges go well with the color of the flowers of other plants. Over the summer, sweet potatoes form climbing vines up to 2 m long, and underground - edible tubers the size of a fist (that's why they are called sweet potatoes).

3. Green and blue flower arrangement

This composition is original in its composition of plants and exquisite color combination.

Low-growing phlox Drummond with pink and blue inflorescences forms abundantly flowering cushions on the sides. Nestled next to each of them is a vervain: pink "Coral Pink" and blue-violet "Patio Blue".

In the center are taller plants: mealy sage (Salvia farinacea) and ornamental tobacco (Nicotiana) "Lemon Lime".

The soft green foliage of the "Gelb" sweet potato, which produces edible tubers in the fall, adds a special charm to the original mixture of colors. The contrast of its large leaves with the filigree silver shoots of the beautiful head (Calocephalus) is interesting.

This box should be placed in a sunny or slightly shaded area.

4. Composition for a balcony in the spirit of minimalism

This box is decorated simply, but, you see, impressively.

In the center is a soft lilac cloud of ampelous petunia "Pastell 2000", framed on both sides by petunia "Purpur" from the Sylvana group with small flowers that can withstand bad weather well.

Already from afar, the golden-yellow immortelle or Helichrysum bracteatum “Gold” catches the eye.

All of these varieties bloom profusely and are ideal for very sunny locations. Flowering continues until late autumn. In this case, faded flowers do not need to be plucked.

5. Balcony box with hanging flowers

This option proves how colorful decorative-leaved plants look.

Over the summer, coleus turns into a lush flaming bush, especially if after planting you pinch its shoots from time to time. It contrasts nicely with the light green foliage of the sweet potato 'Margerite'.

The colorful show for a sunny and semi-shaded place is completed by the pelargonium "Fireworks", the decorative buttercup "Sunny Star" and two hanging petunias: "Lilac wonder" and "Neopink".

6. Flower mix in a box on the balcony

The composition in pink and blue tones looks calm and harmonious from any angle.

Blue clouds of three "Mini Marine" heliotropes swirl in the background.

In front, with their flowering filigree shoots, ampelous plants have woven a lush blanket: on the sides there is a salmon-pink diascia "Coral belle", the middle is divided by verbena "Coral Pink" and scevola "Saphira", which is distinguished, perhaps, by one of the most beautiful shades of blue among balcony flowers .

The balcony, like any part of the apartment, needs design and attention. Turning this area into a warehouse is a bad idea, but making a garden or flower garden is a great idea! Flowers are an eco-friendly and joyful decoration for any space. Your imagination and a little knowledge will tell you how to decorate a balcony with flowers.

Choosing a location for a mini-garden

A balcony located on the sunny side is perfect for all plants. Some will need a little shading, but this can be done by those flowers that need an abundance of sun. For everyone, it is necessary to optimize the watering regime - you need to water more often and more abundantly. As a result, you will get a beautiful landscape under the windows, shading and Fresh air, and the flowers have a lot of oxygen, sun and active growth.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers on the north side or located in a draft? In this case, domestic perennial plants are placed closer to the wall of the house, flowering annuals are planted in pots and placed on the median line, climbing flowers will feel good on the parapet of the fence.

Pay attention so that the flower garden does not blend in with the color of the walls and is pleasing to the eye.. Against a red background brick wall white, green, yellow plants, but flowers with red leaves or flowers will become invisible. Correct the position of the background, fashion trend is a painted brick wall.

If changing color is not part of your plans, use plants with shading properties. color scheme. Wall-mounted planters are a good solution. They can be hung, fixed directly to the wall, and planted in them climbing plants, you will get a miniature vertical garden in front of the windows. It will look like the image below.

Annual plants:

Household perennial plants that live on the windowsills of our houses are loved, but they cannot always form a complete composition for a balcony garden. Sometimes it is even harmful to take them outside the apartment; a change in the microclimate can adversely affect its vital functions. The best option for organizing a green area on a balcony or loggia are unpretentious annual plants. When choosing plants for planting, consider their need for sunlight. The loggia often receives less light, so for this room it is better to choose plants with a low sun requirement. You can reliably find out what a balcony with mature plants will look like by looking at the illustration on a bag of seeds.

The best option for organizing a green area on a balcony or loggia are unpretentious annual plants!

For shaded spaces:

  1. Begonia: has all the decorative qualities and is easy to care for. A wide range of colors and a variety of varieties will make the open or closed space of the balcony an Eden. Climbing plants will help add luxury to begonia compositions.

  1. Sweet peas: used for both hanging and border decoration. Annual plants peas have many shades of colors, look decorative and require little care.

  1. Anemones: unpretentious plants with amazing diversity. You will be surprised by the splendor of flowering and ease of care.

For solar:

  1. Petunia: the ideal inhabitant in a limited space. The inflorescences are varied in shape, color and type. Climbing varieties are beautiful in hanging flowerpots and complex compositions; surface varieties cover the pot with a beautiful head of flowers. You can decorate your balcony with your own hands only with the help of different varieties of petunias. By planting several varieties in one pot, you will get an explosion of color, brightness and emotion.

  1. Geranium: a long-time resident of our latitudes. Excellent propagation by cuttings. Lives in summer period outside, winters in pots on the windowsill. Has a pronounced decorative effect leaves, flowers, shapes. Blooms almost all year round.

  1. Pansies: The friendly appearance of these flowers will delight you all season long with their variety of colors and shapes.

  1. Nasturtium: takes root in any pot and blooms gratefully until the cold weather. There are regular and climbing varieties. It will enhance any unsightly corner or wall.

Boxes, flowerpots, pots for the balcony garden

Flower containers can be divided into:

  1. Traditional clay pots. The best option for flowers - root system breathes, excess moisture is absorbed into the walls, natural environment.

  1. Clay glazed pots with decoration. A very beautiful container, but the brightness of the colors and glossy shine suppress the beauty of the flowers.

  1. Cast concrete bowls. Suitable for large tuberous plants, which is not relevant for our latitudes. But they are suitable for planting compositions of several plants.

  1. Hanging flowerpots. They are made from various materials from plastic to metal. Excellent for planting flowers and acting as a decorative component of balconies.

  1. Special flowerpots with fastening on the fence. There are several options from industrial to DIY. Small and large balconies are decorated with hanging flowerpots industrial production and made with your own hands

  1. Flower boxes for arrangements are made independently from scrap materials, or purchased in stores. Their materials are ceramics, plastic, wood. Often found decorative options in the form of wicker baskets, houses, animals.

You can decorate the external space of the apartment, balcony, loggia and window sills without any special financial costs. In most cases, inexpensive plastic pots are used for seasonal flowers; they do not have a bottom drain. It’s easy to make a hole for water drainage: heat a large nail on fire and attach it to the bottom. Choose a plastic planter with a view to repeated use, so the side should be such that you can attach a hook for hanging. Decorating loggias or external window sills with fresh flowers in pots is also convenient using hanging pots with abundantly flowering plants.

You can decorate the external space of the apartment, balcony, loggia and window sills without any special financial costs!

Additional decoration of pots will help you decorate your balcony with your own hands natural materials: sisal, moss, bamboo sticks, flexible tree branches. Boxes different sizes Suitable for creating flower arrangements.

Stands, hanging holders, flower tables

To arrange all the flowers and compositions on the balcony, additional funds are needed.

Pay attention to the hanging flower holders. They are comfortable, decorate the walls, and show off all the beauty of hanging plants. To understand what they look like, remember a standard birch tree with two stands under flower pots– this is the most prosaic, but still relevant option for hanging flowers on the wall. Multi-level shelves or shelves with one plane are suitable. Boxes made of wood and plastic are popular. It all depends on the amount of space on the wall or floor and the flowers that will live there.

Hanging flower holders are the most prosaic, but still relevant, option for hanging flowers on the wall!

Some pots can stand on the floor - important for tall plants near the wall. If the balcony is open, low-growing plants can be placed closer to the floor with a lattice fence; for compactness, they can be placed in boxes. If the outer side of the fence is sewn up, then the plants require placement in other available ways.

Numerous options for flower stands provide a lot of possibilities for balcony design. From miniature single pot stands to multi-tiered tables to suit your needs. Tables and shelves can be replaced with painted boxes of different heights. They are presented to choose from in any construction or specialized florist store or from photos from catalogs of online portals. Lightweight, inconspicuous metal structures are suitable for flowers that grow throughout the season; literally a month after planting the begonia, the stand will not be visible, but the beauty of the flower can be admired without interference. If the balcony is small, use more external window sill and fencing.

If the balcony is small, use more external window sill and fencing.

You can hang flowers in separate pots or decorate the outer perimeter of the fence with them. Self-made pendants for compositions will be much more attractive - exclusivity is always in trend. Flowers in boxes made of wood or plywood will complement the composition. Before you start landscaping your property, take a closer look at photos and videos - materials on the topic so that your mini-garden becomes beautiful.

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