Sconce: wall lamps in the interior. Wall sconces in the interior: varieties, shapes, design Wall sconces above the sofa in the living room

If in Soviet times almost the only source of light in the room was a ceiling chandelier, today, along with traditional lighting fixtures, designers widely use wall sconces. The use of such lamps in the interior opens up wide opportunities for the designer, because wall sconces can become not only an indispensable source of artificial light, but also solve a number of design problems. What types of sconces are there and how best to use them in the interior different rooms, today we will tell you.

Wall lamps sconces: types and purpose

Sconce lamps are lighting, which are installed directly on the wall using special brackets. Such lamps have many advantages: they are easy to install, do not require special care, but most importantly, they can be used not only as sources of artificial light, but also as decorative elements.

Most often, wall lights are used to enhance lighting in a specific area of ​​a room or to zone a room. For example, if you install a sconce near a sofa or bed, this will not only designate a relaxation area, but will also make reading as comfortable as possible.

With the help of wall sconces you can highlight this or that decorative item. Thus, sconces are most often used for artistic lighting of vases, figurines, canvases or collectibles. What can we say about the decorative role of such lighting devices?! A well-chosen and skillfully executed wall lamp can create a spectacular ensemble together with a ceiling chandelier or emphasize the chosen interior style.

Today, the range of wall sconces is so wide that you can get seriously confused. They all differ in design, texture, shape, color scheme, size and, of course, price.

According to the type of design, wall lamps can be divided into three types:

  1. Sconces installed on the wall using a special bracket with a lampshade or lampshade attached to it. Such models are highly decorative, can have any shape and are suitable for interior decoration in any style.
  2. Surface-mounted lamps are models with shades directly attached to the wall. Typically, such lamps have oval, round or rectangular shape. Most often, such models are used to illuminate bathrooms and toilets. Such lamps are also irreplaceable in rooms decorated in high-tech, modern, loft or minimalist styles.
  3. Models with hanging lamp ( pendant lamps). Like traditional sconces, pendant lights can come in a variety of designs, so they can be used as sources of artificial light in any room.

Contrary to popular belief, modern sconces are made not only from traditional materials– glass or plastic, but also made of metal, wood, textiles and bamboo.

The designs and shapes of lamps are just as varied, which can vary from ordinary round shades to fancy shapes. Wall lamps in the shape of a heart look unusual and original. Such lamps even in the most ordinary interior can add a romantic touch. But wall lamps, made in the shape of a torch or candle, will allow you to recreate the atmosphere of a medieval castle. In a word, the shape and design of modern wall lamps today amaze the imagination with their diversity.

Wall sconce lamps

Wall lights in the interior photo

Wall lamps photo

Proper use of wall lamps in the interior

Traditionally, sconce lamps are classified as local light sources and are used along with the main lighting in rooms. However, in some cases they are the main source of light, which is typical for small rooms, for example, hallways and bathrooms.

Wall lamps can become part of any interior style. Thus, round lamps made of mosaic glass, will be an excellent addition to the room in oriental style, and discreet steel lamps with white light will fit perfectly into a strict and laconic high-tech.

Sconce lamps can be installed in any room, from the corridor to the nursery, but we will consider the features of their placement in the most popular places: the bedroom, bathroom and living room.

Sconce for bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, sconce lamps not only serve as a source additional light, but also help create an atmosphere of intimacy. It is with the help of sconces that you can create soft and dim lighting that promotes relaxation, which is so necessary for a person going into the world of sleep.

Using sconces in a bedroom interior opens up wide possibilities for the designer: choosing lamps the desired shape and size, you can advantageously emphasize the bedside area, visually highlight this or that object, and hide the imperfections of the wall. Traditionally, sconces are installed at the head of the bed or near dressing table.

Sconce in the bedroom interior photo

Sconce for the bathroom

In the bathroom, mirror lighting is especially important. Therefore, bathroom wall sconces are usually installed on the sides of the mirror. However, this is far from the only function that sconces perform in a given room. Wall lights in the bathroom, as in any other living space, will help highlight the most significant areas and become an excellent replacement for a traditional chandelier. In addition, the use of sconces in bathroom lighting allows you to enrich and complicate the overall style of the room.

Sconce for the bathroom

Sconce for bathroom mirror

Bathroom sconces

Sconce in the bathroom photo

Bathroom sconce photo

13.03.2019 327

In interior design, a key role is played by lighting, thanks to which you can achieve a certain atmosphere and comfort. Most lamps are not only a source of light, but also a separate decoration, a decorative element. Wall sconces in the interior are universal; they emphasize the elegance of the room, unite all objects into a single composition, while simultaneously filling the room with light.

Sconce is a lighting fixture that is mounted directly on the wall, illuminating specific area rooms: sitting area, desk, sofa, etc. Big choice models, materials allows you to choose a lamp for any style or room. Let's figure out how to buy, what nuances to take into account.

The shape of lamps can be round, oval, in the form of flowers, candles, etc. Depending on the type of design, they are divided into:

  • closed. Simple geometric shape, are mainly made of glass. Mounted as close to the wall as possible, suitable for rooms with low ceilings;
  • open. The lampshade can be made of any material (glass, plastic, etc.) Light falls freely on walls and interior items;

  • directed. This is one light bulb on a movable base that allows you to change the direction of the light flow. Used to highlight individual decorative elements, mirrors, niches, etc.;

  • decorative. Made in the shape of flowers, birds, candles, etc. on a forged base. They complement the interior and emphasize its uniqueness.

When thinking about the style, consider the appearance, quality, and finish of the sconces. Another factor that needs to be considered is saturation, the intensity of the light. Imagine how organically the lamp will fit into general composition, will be appropriate in it.

The soft, diffused light of wall lamps relaxes and creates coziness. Before purchasing, consider the key nuances of your choice:

  • correspondence. The sconce must match the style of the room, design idea. Appearance selected depending on the design of the object next to which the lamp is installed. For example, if it is a mirror, then the shape and lampshade must match the mirror frame. To illuminate the paintings, diffused light is used, which does not create glare and does not distort the color of the paints. If it is installed near furniture, the fittings and material of the interior items are taken into account;

  • quantity. How many wall lights will be used in one room depends on the area and layout of the room. One 40W light bulb can illuminate 3-4 square meters. This is an approximate figure, because the color of the room determines how bright the light will be. The darker the color palette of the interior, the more light sources are needed for full illumination;

  • place. Before purchasing, you need to consider where the lamp will be installed. For example, for rooms with low ceilings, devices with an upward-facing light source are suitable. This will visually increase the height and correct shortcomings. IN dark rooms it is better to buy transparent lampshades made of glass, light plastic, etc. If the sconce is intended to illuminate a recreation area or bedroom, the switch is located at arm's length;

  • purpose and brightness. Depending on the function, the size, type of lamp, and light intensity are selected. For decorative lighting of objects interior will suit soft, diffused lighting. In a study, a place for reading, or handicrafts, it is better to choose models with a directional light source to illuminate a specific area;

  • material. When choosing, consider the temperature conditions of the room and humidity level. For example, metal sconces are not suitable for installation in the bathroom. It is better to buy materials here that are resistant to corrosion, mold, etc.

Lamps in rooms with glossy, stretch ceilings give off more light due to reflection from the surface. This composition will create volumetric lighting.

How to hang it correctly

The installation location determines how organically the sconce will fit into the overall composition, whether it will complement or spoil it. A well-chosen location will allow you to correct the shortcomings of the room ( low ceilings, narrow passage, etc.) For example, several lamps located in one row visually expand the corridor. Sconce lamps in the hallway interior, which hang 30 cm below the ceiling, illuminate the room much better.

The lamps will suit any room or interior. the main task– choose the right place for installation. For example, light directed downwards will highlight any unevenness on the walls, if any. To hide and correct paving imperfections:

  • install the light source 1.6 - 2 meters from the floor. At this distance, the light is evenly scattered throughout the room. Consider the overall height of the ceiling, the dimensions of the furniture;
  • if you attach the sconce closer to the ceiling, the atmosphere will be filled with solemnity, the room will visually become brighter, the ceiling will be high;
  • For comfortable lighting, fix the lamps in the middle of the wall;
  • to highlight a specific area (for relaxation, reading, handicrafts, etc.), the sconce is hung above the sofa, near the desk or armchair.

Also, with the help of directional light, you can additionally highlight paintings and decorative elements. To illuminate the mirrors, the light source is fixed from above.

Photo of a sconce in the interior above the sofa:

A sconce installed in front of the TV reflects on the screen and distorts the image, which significantly worsens the quality and viewing experience.

When installing, consider the direction of the light source. For comfortable reading, handicraft lampshades are directed downwards. When turned upward, they create the illusion of space. Light directed in different directions creates a unique play of shadows.

To achieve harmony and symmetry in the interior, sconces in a modern interior are attached in pairs on both sides of furniture and objects that need to be illuminated (bed, mirror, fireplace, etc.) Another way to create a single composition is to match the lampshades to the main chandelier. In a small room it is better not to use large lamps; they will look bulky.

The main task decorative lighting– highlighting with light individual parts premises. This allows you to focus attention and highlight functional areas in the interior.

Sconce in the living room

A chandelier sconce for a hall is appropriate in the interior of any room, the main thing is to choose the color, design and size. A living room located on the north side with one window will always be dark. In this case, in addition to the main one, ceiling chandelier additional lighting is required. Lamps are often installed on both sides of the sofa, above the armchairs. This allows you to create a cozy atmosphere that is conducive to relaxation and communication. The installation height depends on the height of the ceilings. Choose a place so that the switch is at arm's length, so you don't have to get up every time to turn on the light. Sconces in a classic interior are hung near objects or furniture that need to be emphasized (fireplace, paintings, etc.)

Photo of sconces in the living room interior:

With the help of lamps, the space can be divided into functional zones. This is true for rooms in which the living room is connected to a bedroom or study.

Installed above a sofa, armchair, sconces allow you to read and do handicrafts without disturbing others. The installation height should be sufficient so that the light flux completely illuminates the area without straining your eyesight. You can choose a place in a practical way: sit in a chair and raise your hand (hang it at palm level).

Black sconces in the interior suit the classic style and minimalism. They look impressive against the background of white or purple walls. You can complement the composition with black decorative elements (vases, figured candlesticks, figurines, etc.)

Sconce in the bedroom

To create coziness and give an atmosphere of intimacy, sconces are hung symmetrically on both sides of the bed. This arrangement allows you to read and work in bed without disturbing your partner. If the room has a night table or boudoir, they are also highlighted with lighting. The intensity of light and the design of lamps depend on the style of the bedroom and the prevailing colors. When choosing a place, consider some recommendations:

  • The lampshade should be high enough or away from the person so as not to overheat parts of the body during work (head, hands, etc.);
  • the light flux is directed down or up. Light directed towards the ceiling visually enlarges the room and emphasizes the originality of the interior. If the lighting is directed downwards, it should not be too intense so as not to strain the eyesight;
  • for convenience, choose lamps with the ability to adjust the lighting intensity. The switch is installed at arm's length to turn on the light without getting out of bed.

White sconces in the bedroom interior are combined with a monochrome style. When the room is located on sunny side, and it is dominated by bright hues, it is enough to install two lamps at the headboard. If the wallpaper is dark, you can hang additional shades on either side of the mirror or above the night table.

The sconce in the children's bedroom serves as a night light. The installation location must be such that a child cannot reach or break the lamp.

Sconce in the hallway

There are usually no windows in the corridor, so additional lighting is necessary here. Several compact lamps arranged in a row will visually enlarge the space and fill the room with light. If there are paintings or mirrors on the walls to create an accent in the interior, the light source is directed towards them.

Of course, wall lamps are not the main component of the interior. However, with them the design becomes harmonious and complete.

The first wall lamp arose in those distant times, when a man stuck a burning torch between the stones in his cave. The torches were replaced by candles, which late XIX centuries gradually replaced electric lamps. Sconces (wall lamps) have come a long way in evolution, and now with their help they not only improve room lighting, but also solve a number of design problems. We will share with you the secrets of placing sconces in various rooms.

Wall lamps and their varieties

The French word "bras" means "hand". Indeed: he extended his hand - and the lamp was turned on! Sconces became especially popular in the 17th century, when lamps made of bronze, copper, and glass replaced candelabra. The advent of electricity became the impetus for the manufacture of sconces of various types.

Today the range of wall lamps is very wide. With their help, you can highlight significant objects in the interior, divide the room into zones, and increase the illumination of the room. In addition, original sconces can act as an independent decorative item.

Sconces are easy to install and maintain. They are conventionally divided into several types:

  • Surface sconces. The lamp is structurally tightly pressed against the wall. Most often these are reflected light lamps. Such models are stylistically universal, varied in shape, color, texture and size.
  • Wall sconces on a bracket. The models are varied in design and materials. Sometimes a group of lampshades are placed on one common base: this design looks very original and creates good level illumination Such lamps look interesting in interiors different styles. Sometimes sconces are made in the form of several lamps on a common base.
  • Open lamps- sconces without a shade, often imitation candles. Perfect for interiors in classic style, Baroque or Rococo, for example, crystal wall sconces.
  • Sconce with directional light and adjustable base. These models can be controlled by directing them to the desired location. Directional sconces are perfect for high-tech interiors. Very convenient near mirrors, in reading areas. An example of such a lamp is a base with a lampshade that rotates freely.

How to choose a wall lamp?

To make a sconce a truly beautiful, appropriate and functional element of your interior, ask yourself a few questions:

  • In which room do you want to place the sconce?
  • what general style this room and its dimensions?
  • How many lighting fixtures are already in the room, what are they?
  • How many windows are there in the room and where are they located?
  • What is the original purpose of placing sconces: lighting or decor?
  • what is the humidity level in the room?

The answers to the questions will determine the parameters of the lamp that will suit you: size, color, shape, material, number of light sources, power, degree of protection. Let's take a closer look at choosing sconces for each specific room.

Wall lamp for bedroom and nursery

In bedrooms and children's rooms, lamps that provide soft, diffused light are appropriate. This lighting helps you relax and prepare for sleep. Models with thick lampshades and matte shades look great here. It is not recommended to place crystal and glass lamps in the nursery so that the child cannot get hurt if the lamp breaks.

It is very convenient if the brightness of the lighting can be changed if desired, changing the chamber light to a brighter one that is more convenient for reading. In a child's bedroom, a weak wall-mounted night light can burn all night so that the child is not afraid to sleep. Good to use for night lights LED bulbs, since they consume less electricity.

Traditionally, sconces in the bedroom are placed at the head of the bed: one sconce on each side of a double bed, or one lamp on the side of a single bed. In the nursery, a lamp near the chair is convenient, where the child is read a fairy tale before bed. It is important that a person sitting in a chair can turn on the sconce without getting up.

A sconce in the bedroom will decorate and add functionality to the bedside area and create accents in the interior. Wall lamps are convenient because they do not take up space. bedside table, leaving it for the necessary things: books, a glass of milk and flowers.

Wall lamps in the living room and office

In the living room and study, sconces set the rhythm of the interior and organize the space. A part of the room, highlighted by a pair of symmetrically placed sconces, acquires special meaning and integrity. As a rule, they try to highlight the area by the fireplace or other significant decorative elements, and focus attention on the bar counter. Sconces located on both sides of the sofa create cozy area for relax.

In the living room, sconces are most often placed exclusively in decorative purposes. An interesting composition is created by paired lamps above symmetrical pieces of furniture, sconces in wall niches, between windows.

Modern designers are increasingly using sconces to decorate living rooms, made in the same style, but with different color solutions. This approach refreshes the room and adds dynamics to it.

Sconces in the hallway and bathroom

For small rooms, often bathrooms and hallways, sconces can be the main source of light. But the traditional role of wall lamps is to illuminate the mirror and the most significant areas. Lamps whose design repeats some elements of the mirror frame look very impressive.

High humidity in the bathroom requires waterproof wall lights. Think about the combination of plumbing materials and fixtures.

You should not create too bright lighting in the hallway: a person enters this room after the street or entrance, and the light hitting the eyes can cause unpleasant sensations. If the corridor is long, its walls will be enlivened by a row of identical sconces.

Little tricks

  • It is convenient to buy sconces and chandeliers from the same series: this guarantees high-quality multi-level lighting and saves time when selecting stylistically suitable lamps.
  • Wall lamps help to zone a room. Use sconces installed symmetrically on the corresponding walls.
  • The lower the lighting, the calmer and more romantic the lighting.
  • A narrow space is visually expanded by a sequence of identical sconces. Such lamps should be compact enough so as not to create inconvenience. In a spacious and wide room, you can place sconces both on one and on opposite walls.
  • Do not place the sconce directly in front of the TV, otherwise the screen will glare. Place the device at a distance of a few centimeters on each side (depending on the light spot of the lamp, usually 50 cm) from the projection of the screen onto the wall.

The right wall lamp can add coziness to any room. The options for using sconces in the interior are innumerable, and using the materials on our blog, you can try to apply your knowledge in lighting design. , and receive new articles directly to your email!

For every home cozy atmosphere and comfort above all. Wall lamps (in the following photos) will serve not only as a source of lighting in the room, but also as an excellent decorative element. However, it is important to know how to choose the right piece of furniture so that it matches the furniture and decoration of the home. To do this, read our new publication. Dekorin will tell you the right solution!

Wall sconces: photos and selection rules

Before choosing any lamp model, you need to understand what exactly you want to illuminate with it. Thus, sconces are often used to illuminate the bedroom in the evening, highlight mirrors, paintings, as well as armchairs for comfortable reading books.

It is necessary to analyze the style in which the room is designed in order to choose the most harmonious option. It is important to decide whether the wall lamps in the interior will be the only source of lighting or whether it is planned to have a chandelier in the room. It is worth paying attention to such “little things” as the temperature and percentage of humidity in the room (applies to the bathroom and kitchen). Based on this, you need to select the material from which the wall lamp will be made.

Wall lamps: varieties

All types of sconces are beautiful in their own way, but it is important to find the most suitable option for a specific interior. Thus, all wall lamps can be divided into the following categories:

  1. The most common type is a lamp shade pressed against the wall and attached to a small strip. These are perhaps the most versatile sconces, because they suit every interior. The appearance of this lamp is quite simple and in some ways even minimalistic. Caring for such a piece of furniture is very easy, which is good news. The shape can be chosen to suit every taste (there are round, oval, rectangular and semicircular sconces). This version of the wall lamp is ideal for the corridor, and you can see this with the help of the following photo.
  2. An interesting option is a lamp with a lampshade, secured with a bracket. Such lamps provide soft and diffused light and wonderfully decorate the room. Such sconces are appropriate in any room and any interior (from classic to modern). Often such a lamp with a lampshade is made in the form of two lamps that have common ground. Such sconces can be placed symmetrically near a mirror or favorite painting.
  3. Wall lamps with pendant shade. Here the name itself tells about the design of such a sconce. Sometimes in such designs there is no lampshade at all, representing a simple light bulb without decoration. Often such sconces go one after another, thereby creating a real composition. In addition, the illumination of the room in this case only increases.

  • The European approach is additional source lighting. Used more to create an atmosphere of relaxation in the bedroom. The lighting is quite soft and does not interfere with subsequent sleep and rest of a person.
  • The American approach is that one lamp illuminates only part of the room, however, by including all the sconces, there is no need for general lighting of the bedroom.

Often in the bedroom, sconces are installed near the bed on both sides or near the dressing table. If you place wall lamps at the head of the bed, then pay attention to models with a light brightness control function. There are even sconces with a remote control, which is very convenient.

When lighting the area of ​​the dressing table with a mirror, try to install as much lighting as possible with different sides. This will allow you not to peer into the mirror when trying to put on or remove makeup.

Wall lamps in the bathroom: interesting photos

The main function of a sconce in a bathroom is to illuminate the mirror. Thus, it will be much more convenient to make hygiene procedures. It is worth choosing the most suitable option for placing wall lights in the bathroom: above the mirror or on the sides.

Remember that sconces in the bathroom should be functional rather than aesthetic. In addition, if your bathroom is small, then a pair of sconces can easily take on the role of main lighting. Properly selected wall lights for the bathtub can not only illuminate it, but also add warmth to a seemingly sterile and cold room.

We all try to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in our homes - we select a color palette, choose finishes and furniture that meet all our requirements, and lovingly decorate the resulting interior. And the lighting of our home is not the last place in the list of necessary measures to create a comfortable, practical and visually attractive living space.

Among possible options in organizing lighting in the rooms of apartments or households, the segment of wall lamps or sconces occupies a special place. Having come a long way from a simple torch, which primitive stuck between the stones of his cave, to forged metal, glass, copper and bronze, gilded products, the wall lamps of our time can easily be called art objects, their design is so original and unique.

Wall sconces got their name from French word, which means "hand". In fact, it is logical - just one movement of the hand and the lamp, located at the head of the bed or near the chair, is turned on.

Modern manufacturers of wall sconces provide customers with a wide range of models made from various materials using unique design solutions And unusual decor. Find an option that suits you in terms of style, method of execution, technical specifications and the cost is not difficult.

Depending on what exactly you will highlight using a wall sconce, you can start choosing one or another model of lighting fixture. After all, wall sconces play not only a functional, but also a decorative role - with their help you can zone a space, highlight especially significant interior items (a painting, a mirror or collectibles on the open shelf). Lamps that are attached to the wall near the head of the bed serve to illuminate the bedroom space in the evening. Wall sconces placed above the chair can create a cozy reading area. Lighting fixtures near the bathroom mirror or above the vanity create a place to apply makeup and style your look.

Before you go to the store to buy wall lighting fixtures, you need to clearly know the answers to the following questions:

  • what room are you choosing sconces for?
  • in what style the room has already been designed or renovation is planned;
  • whether the wall lamp will be the only device or whether the presence of a chandelier, built-in lamps or other types of lighting is also planned (not only the power of the light bulb for the wall sconce, but also its design and model will depend on this);
  • for what purpose will the lamp be installed on the wall - lighting an area, illuminating a reading area or decorative installation;
  • humidity level in the room and temperature changes (typical for lamps that will illuminate bathrooms or kitchen premises), the choice of material for manufacturing the lamp as a whole and its parts will depend on these parameters.

Types of wall lamps

There are a great many options for wall sconces, but there are common feature, which unites all the models presented in a wide range on sale - the method of fastening. From the point of view of configuration and purpose, all wall lamps can be divided into the following categories:

1. One of the simplest and most traditional forms of lamps is a lampshade pressed tightly against the wall, which is attached to a small tripod or bar (there are models with a mount built into the lampshade). Such lamp models look discreet, but at the same time they are very practical - they are easy to clean and externally they suit many stylistic trends. The shape of the lampshade can be either round or semicircular, or rectangular or oval. Depending on the shape of the lampshade, material and color palette, are created various models wall lamps that can be used for lighting public premises, and living rooms.

2. Wall lamps with a lampshade that is attached to a bracket. Such lighting devices not only perform an excellent lighting function (mostly soft diffused light), but also perfectly decorate the space. Such lamps may be appropriate in the most different interiors– from classic to country, from modern style to minimalist design.

Sometimes a lamp with a lampshade is made in the form of a pair of lamps having a common base. With the help of two such devices, located symmetrically on both sides of a mirror, picture or mantelpiece, you can create not only enough high level illumination, but also an interesting decorative composition.

3. Wall lamps with pendant shade. The name speaks for itself and denotes the design features. Sometimes the lampshade is shaped like a bowl or even looks like a light bulb without any design.

Sometimes similar models lamps are made in the form of a group of shades located on one common stand. This design looks original, not to mention the fact that three or four lamps can create a fairly high level of illumination and well illuminate the mirror area, for example.

4. Directional light flow luminaires can also be made in a wall-mounted version. The main feature of such models is that they can be directed by adjusting the flow of lighting. These wall lights are ideal for creating an area for reading or applying makeup.

Most often, such lamps are made in high-tech style or in a manner close to this style. But they can be appropriate not only in a modern interior.

A modification of directional light flow lamps can be considered devices that are a bar attached to the wall, on which a tripod with a lampshade or lampshade can be rotated.

Where and how to place wall lights?

Where would wall lighting be appropriate, in what rooms are they simply not replaceable, and in what rooms is it better not to use sconces for lighting? Designers all over the world can answer us in unison that wall lamps can be hung in any room of your home, it is only important to choose the right model that will fit organically into the existing or created interior, will meet what you need technical parameters and will not ruin the family budget.

Sconce for bedroom and nursery

For the bedroom, sconces with soft diffuse lighting are most often used. This perfect option to illuminate a sleeping room, to calm down, calm emotions and thoughts, and set the mood for relaxation.

Compared with table floor lamps or lamps, wall lamps have one significant advantage - they do not take up space on your bedside table or cabinet. But this surface is often quite loaded (books, phone, glass of water or even a houseplant).

Wall lamps in the interior of the living room and office

In the living room, wall sconces are often used as accents in the space above the fireplace. If your mantelpiece has interesting decor or hanging above the fireplace beautiful picture, then it is simply impossible not to illuminate this area. A pair of symmetrically placed wall lamps will cope with this task perfectly.

A pair of sconces located on both sides of the sofa will not only provide lighting to the household members sitting on it and their guests, but will also zone the space. Obviously, where there is soft sofa and lighting - there is an area for relaxation, reading, watching TV or just talking.

Sometimes wall lamps have a more decorative function, and if this happens, it is almost always in living rooms and boudoirs.

Wall lamps arranged in pairs bring symmetry to any room. If they are located above symmetrically placed objects or on both sides of a piece of furniture or an entire area, then the result is a complete, clear image that is certainly capable of decorating the room.

Bathroom and wall lighting fixtures

It is in the bathroom that you can find wall lamps in almost every house or apartment. In almost 100% of cases, wall sconces are located near the mirror, highlighting its surface and, accordingly, our reflection in it.

When choosing wall lamps for the bathroom, it is better to give preference to devices with simple and maximally closed shades in order to limit the penetration of moisture into the shade as much as possible. And, of course, you shouldn’t even consider sconce models with lampshades made of fabric and paper.

Lamps made in the Rococo or Baroque style, as a rule, have many decorative elements made of glass or transparent plastic. Such lighting fixtures can decorate a room in a classic style, adding a touch of luxury and glamor to its interior.

Paired wall lights are often sold complete with a central chandelier. By purchasing such an ensemble, you can not only provide your room with a multi-level lighting system, but also save yourself from the need to choose a ceiling fixture that is ideal for wall sconces.

If the design of wall sconces and the frame for the mirror near which they are located correspond to each other or even repeat some decorative elements of each other, then the result is always a harmonious, complete image of the space above the sink in the bathroom. But this zone is important not only as a segment for water procedures, but also as part of the decor of the room.

Open lamps without shades or lampshades are often made in the form of imitation candles, paying tribute to those times. When real wax candles. Nowadays, such models of lighting fixtures are increasingly used to create an interior in a classical or baroque style. Elegant and delicate designs of wall sconces in the form of candles can not only decorate classic interior, but also perfectly illuminate it.

Lamps that will be located in the bathroom are often made with chrome-plated parts and elements. As a result, using combinatorics with plumbing accessories, a harmonious image of the interior of the room for water treatments is created.

Wall sconces unusual design can transform a bathroom space. For example, wall lighting fixtures that imitate kerosene lamps fit very harmoniously into a country-style interior, bringing into it not only an element of rural life, but also a retro twist.

Hallways, corridors and other utilitarian spaces

In walkways and hallways, wall sconces are often used as the main and only source of lighting. In such rooms, devices with transparent shades and bright lamps. If you direct the flow of light towards the ceiling, you can visually increase the height of the room, but if the light flows down, a more intimate, romantic and cozy atmosphere will be created.

592 Dix https://www..pngDix 2015-05-20 09:29:13 2018-11-30 11:20:45 Wall sconces - beautiful and functional lighting in your house