Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Is it possible to breastfeed a child during pregnancy: breastfeeding rules and contraindications. Pregnancy and breastfeeding at the same time: contraindications

Physical activity of a child at 2 years old pleases every parent. The baby is constantly on the move, he jumps, climbs, chases a ball around the house, dances to cheerful music, clearly demonstrating his excellent physical shape. The intellectual development of a 2-year-old little man moves at the same rapid pace. His vocabulary expands, logical thinking is formed, memory and attention are strengthened. The pace at which the baby will absorb new knowledge depends on the efforts of the parents.

At two years of age, a child’s development is aimed at understanding the world around him and his own capabilities.

How to develop logical and mathematical thinking?

Logical and mathematical developmental exercises lead to the formation logical thinking. Classes consist of:

  • The concept of space and time. Invite your child to find the toy you have hidden. Help him by directing his search: “let’s look under the bed, in the closet drawer, behind the chair, maybe our bunny is hiding there.”
  • Ability to navigate the time of day. Closer to 3 years, the child must learn the difference between day and evening, morning and night, and distinguish between concepts such as today, tomorrow, yesterday. When rocking your baby to sleep, talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he did in the evening.
  • Sorting games. Take different buttons or pasta, cut out circles and squares from colored paper (the main thing is that they are not the same in size, color and shape). We sort by similarity. You can take pictures of vegetables and fruits and remind your child that the rabbit loves vegetables, and the monkey loves fruits. We put pictures in front of the animals.
  • Simple account. Start learning not with numbers, but with concepts that are accessible to your child. Count on your fingers, on the steps of the stairs. If the child is already showing his age on his fingers, offer to show him how old he will be.
  • We put together puzzles and pictures. Choose simple games of 2-3-4 parts for exercises. The process is complicated for a 2-year-old baby, it develops slowly, so the mother should help the baby at first.

Puzzles for kids should be very simple so that the baby can assemble them without outside help
  • “A lot is a little” - at 2 years old a child is ready for this concept (see also:).
  • Orientation in space. The child learns such concepts as right - left, higher - lower.
  • Comparison. Games with images in books or special pictures, allowing the child to compare actions and objects: “who eats what”, “where is whose tail”, “where is whose house” (we recommend reading:).
  • Finding a figure based on two characteristics. Place colored paper circles in front of the baby so that among them there are two yellow ones, a large one and a small one, or two red squares. different sizes. Ask your child to find each pair: two yellow circles or two red squares.

Studying the properties of objects

One of the most important skills for a child. A person is constantly surrounded by some objects. Knowing their properties, he easily finds use for them. The skill allows children to develop abstract thinking, teaches comparison, and develops the sense of touch and smell. The learning process consists of memorizing:

  • concepts about objects: long - short, high - low, wide - narrow;
  • warm - cold, smooth - rough, hard - soft (develops the sense of touch);
  • heavy - light;
  • identical - different (for 3 years);
  • taste and smell (helps to become aware of the sense of smell);
  • color characteristics of objects (helps you remember color names and teaches you to distinguish colors) (we recommend reading:);
  • geometric shapes and shapes (useful for spatial thinking) (we recommend reading:).

How to develop speech?

The first block of recommendations presents cognitive exercises that contribute to the general development of speech skills. The classes do not require special knowledge from adults, the main thing is your love and patience. Obviously, it is important for a 2-year-old child to do something interesting, otherwise he will not perceive the information positively. When starting to learn, remember that speech is at the heart of the full development of children. Parents should:

  1. Read children's books with your baby and look at the pictures in them. Be sure to discuss the events occurring in the fairy tale or story, carry them out detailed analysis. Ask your little listener leading questions and praise him for the correct answers.
  2. Organize a puppet theater. Buy attributes for family children's performances in the store or make them yourself. You will stage the first performance, then involve the little one in the action. Show how to control the dolls, entrust the little treasure with the role of puppeteer.
  3. Develop speech breathing. Teach your child to hold his breath while exhaling. Soap bubbles, playing the pipe, and blowing out candles are suitable for training. In the summer, invite him to blow dandelions. Breathing exercises help saturate the body with oxygen, activate the heart, nervous system, brain.
  4. Offer speech games. Complete phrase game: you tell your child the beginning of a phrase, and the baby finishes it. For example: “You have green in your room...”, “Our cat likes to sleep...”.

Reading and looking at pictures together promotes child development

Children aged 2 years, whose vocabulary already has certain words, even if they are a little distorted, will benefit from games and entertainment aimed at consolidating and expanding speech skills. Proceed as follows:

  • Ask your daughter or son simple questions about what they see in the window or what is happening on the street. It doesn’t matter that the answers will be monosyllabic, the main thing is that the child wants to answer.
  • Try to discuss with your child all the events happening in his life. Be interested in what he plays, how he ate, what toy he likes and why. Questioning will help expand your baby’s passive vocabulary and teach you to share his thoughts with you - this is an excellent foundation for future mutual understanding.
  • As a rule, by the age of 2, children are well aware of the fairy tales that are often read to them. Invite your child to tell them together: you start - he continues. For example: “The mouse waved its tail and what did the egg do? It broke. Right!". Be sure to praise your treasure for every correct answer.
  • Enrich your baby's vocabulary with adjectives. Frequently ask questions that begin with the word “what.” Your task is to encourage the child to come up with or remember the definition of an object or thing you said. It’s very good if he can remember at least one adjective on his own.

How to develop attention?

We keep the game content of the classes, but direct them towards training attention. The ability to concentrate, notice details, and think about a task will help your treasure in a school environment. We offer to keep your child busy:

  • Searching for something. The search can be carried out at home, on the street, from the window. Ask your child to point out the blue car in the parking lot or find the squirrel in the picture. The game does not require any additional attributes and can be played anywhere, you just need to interest the baby. Helps develop concentration.

During a walk, you can ask your child to find and show some thing, object, car, flower.
  • Lay out mittens, saucers, cups, and patterned hats. Select items so that each set contains the same elements of the design. The child’s task is to find a similar pattern on objects.
  • Construction of a house or tower according to a drawing. Buy the game in the store. Choose the product with the most simple drawing from two parts. The lesson is designed for a three year old child.
  • Find objects with one characteristic in the room or on the playground in the yard: soft, hard, white, round. There is no need to rush or prompt the baby; let him consciously make a choice,
  • We expand the search value of the previous game. The child’s task is to find things with two identical characteristics: large and round, small and soft.

Developing gross and fine motor skills

Child psychologists strongly connect motor skills with general development child. Every movement of the baby works on his intellectual and speech abilities. A child of two years old can be occupied with:

  • Finger gymnastics: modeling, appliqué, drawing.
  • A game with an insert frame.
  • Unfastening buttons, buttons, zippers. If you wish, let him learn how to fasten buttons and zippers.
  • We learn to take off and put on clothes (hats, socks, mittens).
  • Pour the water and pour the cereal using a funnel, kettle, jug, watering can (buy children's dishes).

Sensory boxes with cereals, pasta and legumes are a great helper in the development of fine motor skills (more details in the article:). Games can also be played in a single color - to consolidate it
  • Hand washing. We teach the baby to wash his hands on his own. Training is gentle, without coercion. At the same time, we show how to open and close the tap, squeeze liquid soap out of a bottle, and lather your hands with it.
  • Pour soapy water into a glass and give the baby a whisk to whisk the water.
  • We fill the saucer with water, put round balls (kinder containers) into it, give our son or daughter a spoon and ask us to catch the objects. Place the removed item in a glass without water.
  • We use a pipette or an enema to collect water: draw and pour.
  • We collect water with a sponge and squeeze out the sponge.
  • We take paper and a bottle. The child should crumple the paper tightly and push the resulting lump into the neck of the bottle.
  • Games with clothespins and lacing.
  • We make patterns from pasta, sticks, and beans.
  • We teach a child under 3 years old to connect dots on paper with lines. We use tasks in children's books and magazines.
  • We transfer small objects (beads, peas) with tweezers.
  • Selection of caps for bottles and jars. We teach them how to twist and unscrew them.
  • We play pyramid folding, use sorters and insert frames.

We continue to get acquainted with the world around us

In addition to certain exercises that help intellectual development child, his knowledge of the world around him should be expanded. Naturally, the information received must be accessible to the developing consciousness and correlated with age-related capabilities. We talk more about things we already know, watch a video, and start with animals:

  1. We study the details of animal life. Where they live, what they eat, what their body parts are called (horns, tail, hooves). We tell you what a person gets from a cow or sheep (milk, wool). Let's find out what their cubs are called.
  2. Let's get acquainted with the life of birds. We find out where they live, what they eat, and the names of their chicks. We pass on knowledge through a conversation with the child, telling him about what homemade and wild birds. What benefits do birds bring to humans, how do they live in the forest.
  3. Expanding knowledge about insects. An ant builds an anthill, a bee flies among flowers and collects pollen to make honey, a caterpillar eats leaves. The story about insects should be constructed in a positive way. Parents explain to the baby that all insects are alive, that they have children, that they, like us, breathe, they have their own purpose in the world around them.
  4. We observe natural phenomena (snow, rain, rainbows) and explain their occurrence. Why does it rain, where do snowflakes come from?
  5. We study trees and flowers characteristic of the family’s area of ​​residence. While walking in the park, name the trees you see. When you see a flower bed, show your son or daughter some flowers and tell them what they are called.
  6. We remember the names of fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, berries that we encounter in Everyday life. We check whether the baby remembers the names, offering to choose a pear or an apple.
  7. We understand the concepts of material, explain what the objects around us are made of (wood, metal, paper, glass, stone).

It is necessary to encourage the baby’s curiosity, providing answers to his questions whenever possible. If parents cannot explain a phenomenon, it makes sense to promise the child to return to the issue later, but just not forget about it.

The child will be interested in learning the names of plants that are encountered during a walk.

Expanding the range of concepts

The time has come to expand on topics that are understandable to children in a simple form. We give their simplest concepts without overloading the child’s attention with details. Make a note of future lessons for yourself day by day so that you strictly adhere to your planned plan. What topics to take for classes:

  • shop;
  • doctor, hospital;
  • family;
  • transport;
  • marine world (seas, oceans, ships);
  • railway (trains, rails, driver, carriage);
  • aquarium (fish, life underwater world, observation of the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • city.

We supplement knowledge of the world with information about a person and his activities, explore the world household appliances, get to know the professions. Take the following topics for discussion:

  • Human labor activity. We teach you to understand what a person does: mom sweeps the floor, washes the dishes, dad repairs the faucet. We cultivate respect for the work of others.
  • We study man. We teach parts of the body, talk about health and personal hygiene, and explain its meaning.
  • Introducing home household appliances, explaining its purpose. We talk about the correct handling of it, with cutlery, and point out the dangers.
  • Let's get acquainted with professions. We combine the topic with the study of other topics. For example, transport - driver, hospital - doctor.
  • For parents planning to take their baby to kindergarten, it is worth preparing him for new circumstances by playfully reproducing the situation of parting with his mother, sleeping in another house, meeting a teacher.

Days of introduction to professions are often held in kindergartens and schools, but nothing prevents parents from discussing this issue with their children even earlier

What helps intellectual development?

Our world is multifaceted, it contains music and painting, theater and ballet. Art is an important developmental tool for developing the intellectual abilities of children. The child needs to know and feel:

  • Music. Listen with your treasure to classical works that enlighten the soul and consciousness. Accompany the audition interesting stories, fairy tales. Children love funny children's songs; they remember the words with pleasure and start singing along. Use the Zheleznovs’ program when teaching your baby logorhythmics and encourage his attempts to dance.
  • Drawing. The art of the 2-year-old master is far from perfect, but these are no longer scribbles. Children at this age are able to consciously draw circles and lines; they make attempts to portray loved ones and themselves. They try to paint over the pictures without going beyond the edges of the image. Take part in the little person's creativity, draw a circle and invite him to continue drawing to make a sun. You can draw a girl and balls above her, let the baby finish drawing the strings for the balls. Use finger paints for painting.
  • Role-playing games. An excellent option for intellectual activities with children. Kids are happy to come up with the plots of such games themselves: they play shopping, treat dolls. Your participation in the action should be minimal, you can pretend to be sick or buy something in a store, but the main role The child has. If you have older children in your family, let them help you educate your brother or sister.

Arrange themed weeks for children dedicated to studying a specific topic. Fill them up spiritual world music and painting. Constantly engage in discussion about events and situations happening around him. Consider your child’s preferences, act gently, without pushing or giving orders, interest your child in activities, turning them into a game.

Active knowledge of the surrounding world occurs at the age of 2, 3 years. The baby repeats and copies the actions, words, gestures of parents and loved ones during the game. Toys are an excellent material for the development of a two-year-old child. With the help of them, little whychka learns color, shape, figures, learns to systematize and compare, develops logic, thinking, memory, coherent speech, and finger motor skills.

Tasks for the development of logical thinking in children 2-3 years old

Orientation in space. Game "The toy hid." Let the baby look for the hidden bear, listening to the adults' instructions: behind the sofa, on the nightstand, under a drawer, on the window, on the bottom shelf, above the table and similar clues.

The task “separating fruits and vegetables.” Cards with pictures of products should be laid out for the monkey and the rabbit.

Simple counting without numbers. Counting steps, fingers, toys, chopsticks, dishes.

Identifying and sorting shapes. Let the little one choose 2 red circles, 1 yellow square, 3 blue triangles or stripes from the set, and separate the small ones from the large ones.

Making a sequence of beads, pictures, cubes.

Collecting simple pictures from cut cards.

Matching and memorization tasks

Looking at the pictures little fidget learns to give them comparative characteristics: low or high, hard or soft, light - heavy object. Who lives in which house, distribute the animal and the cub.

Joint measurements: height, mass, volume, length.

Tasks for speech development of children 2-3 years old

Reading children's literature with your child, looking at illustrations, analyzing the content, memorizing short poems and sayings. Three-year-old toddlers can recite the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen” by heart.

Meaning breathing exercises. Bubble, blowing out candles, dandelions, and playing the pipe strengthen the respiratory system and help saturate the body with oxygen.

Tasks for making and guessing riddles. For example, finding a round object in the house Green colour, identifying a forest dweller by silhouette.

Conversation on the plot pictures “Seasons”. Sample questions: “Which sunshine? What are the birds doing? What does the bunny like? How is Nastya dressed? What is painted around the house?

Game "Finish the sentence." There is a red (mug) on ​​the table.

Tasks for developing the horizons of children 2-3 years old

Thanks to water coloring, you become familiar with color components. The coloring books have a variety of themes: plants, animals, fruits, home, everyday life.

Role-playing games in the store, daughters - mothers, drivers, doctors, cooks, musicians. Communication on a toy phone.

Discussions about family, seasons, days of the week, holidays.

Staging fairy tales: puppet, tabletop, finger theater.

Study assignment geographical map, globe, conversations about planets, space, cities and countries.

Carrying out simple experiments: transformation of water into ice, solubility of salt and sugar in water. Observing the change in colors when mixing colors.

Observing trees while walking: leaves, needles, fruits, seeds.

Consideration family photos, the task is to answer the questions “Who is this?”, “What is their name?”

Identifying a thing by its sound. A spoon in a glass is knocking, a bell is ringing, a piece of paper is rustling. Let the little know-it-all by sound, without seeing the object, identify and name things.

Getting to know the life of birds, animals, plants, insects, observing natural phenomena. The baby's curiosity should be encouraged and requests and questions should be responded to.

Tasks for finger training for children 2-3 years old

Sorting, pouring, sorting, fastening, unfastening buttons, fasteners, buttons, loops, grains.

Making crafts, playing with pasta, beans, peas, arranging beads.

Drawing with finger paints, gouache, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, modeling from dough and plasticine.

Tasks “circle the odds and objects”.

Cutting paper with children's scissors along simple and complex lines, building structures from cubes, mosaics, Legos.

Drawing on semolina. Scatter semolina on a tray and you can depict the sun, a ball, rain, paths, flowers, waves.

Unscrewing and screwing caps on jars, packages, bottles, putting small items into large boxes.

Putting on and taking off clothing independently: hat, mittens, socks, zipping.

Activities that do not require special knowledge and preparation will help raise a child harmoniously and teach him discipline, order, and neatness.

Giving the child independence when completing tasks, treating him with respect without giving orders, slowness and patience will help parents achieve the desired result and interest their beloved little one.

Video tasks for children 2-3 years old

Educational games for 2-year-old children will help your baby not to “stand still.” They are aimed at improving mental, intellectual, social and physical qualities, which by that time have already been formed to some extent.

How to develop a child at 2 years old

You cannot start this super-responsible activity spontaneously. First, it is important for parents to analyze what skills their little one has already acquired. By that time, children should have mastered the following skills:

  • walk;
  • bounce;
  • maintain balance;
  • kick the ball;
  • build a tower from cubes;
  • wash your hands yourself;
  • eat without getting dirty;
  • know up to 200 words;
  • repeat small ;
  • imitate the behavior of adults.

Developmental activities for children 2 years old are aimed at improving the following aspects of the child’s personality:

  • physical;
  • emotional;
  • social;
  • intellectual and so on.

Games that develop memory

Such tasks help memorize various types of information that are complex. At the same time, auditory and visual memory is trained. These games use educational pictures for children 2 years old. These classes are very exciting. Children 2 years old experience mass positive emotions. Educational games can be like this:

  1. "Find a match." The adult shows the little one a picture, then hides it and asks the little one to find the same one.
  2. "What's in the picture?" Children are given a card depicting several objects or some kind of plot. Then the adult takes the picture and asks questions about what he saw.
  3. “What disappeared?” The mother lays out toys or game cards on the table, then removes one thing and asks the child to say what has disappeared.
  4. "My Adventures" In the evening or the next morning, an adult can ask the baby to tell what he did on the playground or in the park.

Games that develop thinking

These logical tasks help 2-year-old children compare the information provided to them, analyze it and establish basic patterns. The skills acquired through such educational games will later help children solve complex school problems and cope with everyday hardships. Such tasks teach students to reason and make their own conclusions. Here are some educational games for 2-year-old children that can be used:

  1. "Puzzles"– they may initially consist of 2-4 elements;
  2. Sorting items by characteristics– by size, color ratio, shape, type of material from which they are made;
  3. "Who eats what"– for such a game, children 2 years old will need special educational cards;
  4. Comparison of concepts- a lot - a little, high - low, soft - hard, and so on;
  5. Puzzles– the baby must recognize an object or animal by description;
  6. "Part and Whole"- the essence of such buildings is so that children can recognize who is in front of them by looking at a fragment (tail, paw, trunk or something else).

Games that develop attention

These tasks will require 2 years of perseverance from children. In addition, they will teach the little ones to concentrate on a specific object. Educational games for children to focus on may be the following:

  • "hide and seek";
  • “find an object by silhouette”;
  • “find a pair”;
  • “which piece broke off from the picture”;
  • search for objects - according to 1 or 2 signs;
  • “find the same pattern” and so on.

Games that develop speech

Such exciting activities are aimed at enriching vocabulary toddler. Initially, adults may encounter the fact that the baby responds in “childish language.” Psychologists and speech therapists agree that all little ones who begin to understand educational games for 2-year-old children go through this stage. After a while, they begin to respond like adults.

Games that develop a child’s speech at 2 years old can be:

  1. "Question answer". The adult asks the child in a simplified form what he sees in the picture.
  2. Discussion of what you read- rhyme, fairy tale, story.
  3. Learning to use epithets in speech. You need to help your child not just mention certain objects, telling what he sees in the picture, but describe them.
  4. "Storyteller". A 2-year-old child, together with an adult, is trying to retell short stories.
  5. Studying prepositions, adverbs and pronouns with your child.
  6. Listening to songs and fairy tales.
  7. Getting to know new subjects. It is important not just to name them, but to show what elements they are made of, what they are needed for, and so on.

Educational games for 2 year old children at home

For such exciting activities, purchased kits or improvised means can be used. Little ones really like these games. They can be aimed at developing various skills and abilities of children. Children 2 years old really like modeling. Such developmental activities for children may include the following exercises:

  • rolling out;
  • game with dough;
  • working with a plastic knife;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or dough.

In addition, educational activities for 2-year-old children at home can include drawing. First, the baby masters making simple lines: paths, straight and wavy. In the same period, children learn to choose the right colors: if they draw the sun - yellow, grass - green, sea - blue, and so on. In addition, during such classes the child masters working with a brush.

Also, educational games for children 2 years old stimulate fine and gross motor skills. These may include the following activities:

  • fastening Velcro;
  • pouring cereals;
  • modeling;
  • applications;
  • whisking soap foam;
  • collecting water with a sponge;
  • creasing paper;
  • game with clothespins;
  • making patterns using pasta and cereals;
  • transferring beads with tweezers.

Educational computer games for children 2 years old

Disputes continue between grandparents and parents over whether it is possible to sit in front of a monitor at that age. People of the old school believe that the best educational games for improving the skills of 2-year-old children are running around in the yard. They argue this point of view by saying that the computer’s vision deteriorates, the child’s posture deteriorates, and the child becomes nervous. However, if you approach such a developmental activity wisely, you won’t have to reap all these consequences.

The child should have time limits for being at the computer. In addition, parents should be responsible about what game to play for their child. There are developmental programs for children 2 years old. Their essence is that the baby needs to turn over the picture, complete the house, collect or find the one who is hiding. Such activities are very exciting.

Educational board games for children 2 years old

By this age, the child is already able to perceive elementary rules and can manipulate objects offered to him. However, home educational games for children 2 years old are somewhat different from those board cards that are intended for older children. There are 3 main differences:

  1. Simplicity of the rules.
  2. The game ends before the fidget can get bored.
  3. All elements are made of natural durable material.

There are such educational aids:

  • educational games for children 2 years old - coloring pages;
  • cards for studying transport, seasons, professions, and so on;
  • grocery store game;
  • “edible-inedible” cards;
  • manual “learning time” and others.

Educational outdoor games for children 2 years old

If you follow all the rules and advice, then at least two years must pass after pregnancy to have your next baby. How much time does the body need to recover completely after breastfeeding, gestation, childbirth. During this period, everything necessary will appear in the body nutrients and minerals. When such time is not maintained, the female body finds itself in harsh conditions and must spend its own resources to fully function in order to support the life of the born child. The next pregnancy becomes risky.

What to expect for an older child

For an infant, the most useful and nutritious product is always mother's milk. It is best suited for the baby and is rich in unique, valuable vitamins. This is very important in the first six months of a child’s life, since his gastrointestinal tract cannot yet digest other types of foods, so the value of mother’s milk during this period is especially significant. But, there is one nuance - this is that during a new pregnancy the mother begins to experience hormonal changes. Due to this, the milk can change the taste, which will be unusual and unpleasant for the baby, as a result of which the child may refuse to breastfeed. Of course, then the baby needs to be switched to feeding with artificial formula.

There is no need to worry ahead of time, this happens, but not always. The mother herself makes the decision whether to feed her baby breast milk or not, it depends on the age of the child and, of course, his health. Medical experts do not recommend abandoning breastfeeding if the child was born premature, has a tendency to allergies, stomach diseases, has received antibiotics, or has signs of rickets. It will be good for the baby's health if breastfeeding continues for at least six months.

Maternal health

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is subjected to various loads, stresses and changes, each process and each organ begins to work differently. When a woman is expecting a baby, and during this period breastfeeds an existing one, then this is a threat to a second pregnancy. It is difficult for the body to cope with such loads. After the examination, the gynecologist must decide together with the mother whether her body can cope with this or not. This situation is assessed according to certain criteria:

  • how old is the woman;
  • what was her health like before pregnancy;
  • whether there are chronic diseases;
  • how the previous pregnancy and the current one proceeded;
  • is there a threat of pregnancy failure;
  • How does the pregnant mother feel at this moment?

The mother’s well-being is an important indicator, but test results are no less important. For example, if the level of hemoglobin in the blood is low, it means that the body does not have enough iron. But if it drops to a critical level, then this threatens the development of intrauterine fetal hypoxia. That is, the supply of oxygen through the placenta is small, there is not enough of it, and subsequently this negatively affects the development of the baby’s nervous system.

Mid pregnancy

When a mother breastfeeds, her pituitary gland releases oxytocin. This hormone is needed to contract the muscles of the uterus during childbirth. But it is worth saying that until the twentieth week of pregnancy, that is, its middle, the nerve cells of the uterine muscles do not show sensitivity to oxytocin. This means that if the pregnancy proceeds normally and the uterus is healthy, then the possibility of premature birth during breastfeeding is possible only after the 28th week of pregnancy. Oxytocin does not cause contractions in the uterus before this period.

Typically, breastfeeding stops no later than the twentieth week, in the second trimester. During this period, milk is already produced in smaller quantities. It is important to know that if complications of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, abortion in previous pregnancies are possible, hemoglobin has dropped, there is severe toxicosis, diseases of the uterus, etc., then this is a good reason to stop breastfeeding much earlier - up to 12 weeks.

Fact! Breastfeeding is often stopped due to increased sensitivity of the nipples that appears during a new pregnancy. This happens differently for each woman, at different weeks of pregnancy.

Maintaining the body

After the woman talks to her doctor and receives advice from him, she decides whether to continue breastfeeding or not. If this decision is positive, then you should take care of your body, now more than ever it needs a balanced and proper diet.

A pregnant woman will benefit from vitamins for pregnant women, but you should not pay much attention to medications; the body will better accept a natural, food-grade vitamin. Also, you should not take everything in a row, it can oversaturate the body with individual components and not the most in the best possible way affect the unborn baby. Pay more attention to minerals and vitamins that are at risk; they are most in demand by the body during pregnancy and breastfeeding. These vitamins include calcium and magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus and of course iron.

Main construction material during pregnancy it is a protein, so it is worth eating more foods containing it. After a pregnant woman stops breastfeeding, she still needs to take vitamins, since before that the body worked at maximum levels and now it will not need such care.

Avoid the appearance of jealousy and competition

When a second child appears, it is important not to forget about the feelings, sensations and, of course, the condition of the older baby. After a second child appears in the family, jealousy and competition arise. This happens even when children are very young. For example, breastfeeding, which of the children in the family is more important and who will get mother’s milk? To similar situations did not arise, for this it is necessary to stop breastfeeding the older child at least a couple of months before the second child arrives. This will help not to disturb the consciousness of the older child, so he will not have the association that he was weaned due to the appearance of a brother or sister. Otherwise, it can only make the situation worse. It is easier for a child to forget details in at a young age- the smaller the child, the faster he will forget about it. Of course, if there are no contraindications, the baby can be fed as much as needed. Mother's milk means a lot to his tiny body and is of high value.

When a child is one and a half years old or older, memories of breastfeeding may appear in his memory, and he will try to return to this way of feeding. It is often difficult for a child to tolerate being welcomed into a family. younger brother or sisters. It is not always possible to stop breastfeeding before a new pregnancy, so the mother must make sure that weaning her older child is as painless as possible for him. So that the grown-up child accepts the appearance of the little one normally, and does not experience any mental trauma. In each family, the eldest child reacts differently to the arrival of a new family member and it may be that he will also reach for the breast and try to eat milk. What to do is up to the mother to decide.

An older child’s body no longer needs vitamins as much breast milk, which cannot be said about the younger toddler, but for the older one, breastfeeding is beneficial from a psychological point of view. If you have the opportunity to continue feeding your second child, then do not refuse it.

Video: breastfeeding during pregnancy