White cockroaches in the apartment - what kind of albinos are these? White cockroaches - why they are dangerous, simple ways to fight them Why are cockroaches white

Scientists have long debated how white cockroaches appeared. For a long time, cases were considered to be isolated cases of albinism. However, after a series of studies, this version was refuted and was replaced by new speculation.

Having noticed an unusual insect in the house, a person is afraid that this is a mutant that will be impossible to exterminate. However, as practice has shown, white cockroaches at home are not much more dangerous than the black Prussians who are accustomed to us.

Among the common versions of why white cockroaches appeared in the apartment are the following:

  • Mutated insect under the influence of polluted ecology. Changes occurred at the genetic level.
  • A new species of insects that has not been studied by science.
  • White color is albinism, which often occurs in all types of animals, as well as in humans.
  • However, it was possible to notice that the color was absent only in those individuals that had been without contact with the sun’s rays for a long time.

Such assumptions may seem unfounded, since there are confirmed facts according to which such mutations are not characteristic of insects.

Existing facts

Exact guesses about white cockroaches and why they arose:

What are they

So what are these insects? This is just an insect larva that has recently shed its chitinous shell. During this period, the outer integument is very soft and devoid of pigment. After several hours, the color gradually returns.

This phenomenon is common and directly related to reproduction. Sometimes the cause of color change is associated with contact with strong chemicals. For example, in contact with chlorine, which is a strong toxic substance. Causes discoloration of the chemical coating.

Such individuals stand out significantly from total mass, since chemistry affects the entire body, internal organs, causing rapid death. You can determine the presence of white cockroaches in an apartment using the example in the photo.

Myths about white cockroaches

Appearance in an apartment or house

These cockroaches can be found in an apartment in cases where ordinary individuals are repeatedly seen. They enter the home through neighbors, things brought home, household appliances and other migration routes. For example, through the ventilation system.

The favorite place for cockroaches to move is ventilation system. With its help, it is possible to penetrate into any apartment, and then quickly multiply. They also freely seep into narrow door cracks, holes in the floor, and through pipelines. Sometimes they fall on clothes while a person is moving in the entrance.

Why are they dangerous?

What can the presence of these insects lead to? Often cause attacks of allergies and asthma. The shed shells turn into dust and quickly spread throughout the room, causing irritation of the human mucous membrane. As a result, asthmatic attacks occur.

The fight against white cockroaches is the same as with other species. This will require specialized chemicals, traps, white powder against cockroaches, the necessary methods are suitable as additional measures.

If the color change is associated with the use of an insecticide, then it should be replaced, since it does not affect the insect itself. This occurs due to a weak reagent, expiration date, or insect resistance to the drug.

The destruction of insects begins with the preparation of the premises. It is as follows:

  1. All spilled liquids and wet plants are removed.
  2. The premises are thoroughly cleaned. Food products are removed, everything is hermetically covered. Dirty things are folded, all bags are closed. Old bags should be thrown away.
  3. General cleaning, as well as clearing furniture and moving it away from the walls provides full access to all hard to reach places, where insects settle as a matter of course. You can additionally place special traps for cockroaches, the alluring smell of which will attract insects.
  4. Children and animals must be removed from the premises.
  5. It is recommended to carry out the treatment simultaneously in several apartments in the house. Thus, insects will not run to new safe places. It will be possible to accurately destroy one or several populations of cockroaches at a time.

There are several effective ways extermination of cockroaches. These include:

  1. Application of insecticides. Requires correct selection means for high results. Available on the domestic market wide choose budget and foreign drugs against insects.
  2. Freezing. The method is based on the survival of cockroaches by lowering the room temperature to -50C.
  3. Poisoned baits. Used for preventive purposes.
  4. Traps. They have proven themselves well along with insecticides.

Additionally, as an exotic method, praying mantises and geckos are introduced, which manage to exterminate a significant part of the insects. For temperate climates, an alternative is the flycatcher, a large centipede with long legs that feeds on cockroaches.

Insects can be destroyed in a few hours using insecticides. However, additional preparation is required before processing. Popular products are Raptor, Raid, Forsyth, Combat, Microfos, and boric acid. Removing cockroaches is a difficult procedure, since insects quickly adapt to insecticides.

Places to buy poison

Using traps

They can be mounted on walls, inclined surfaces, or in any place where insects actively accumulate. Most require regular inspection and destruction of any found individuals. Many of them work automatically. Have high efficiency V rural areas. You can make it yourself.

Signs and dreams

There are many superstitions and customs associated with cockroaches. Why do young girls and married ladies dream about:

  1. If insects run in groups from the house to daytime, then this symbolizes a fire.
  2. If it fell on a sick person, it means the illness will last a very long time and be difficult.
  3. Seeing one white one in a group of dark cockroaches portends severe frosts.

White cockroaches are included in the dream book. Sometimes indicates good events. One of the signs of seeing small representatives of this species in a dream is associated with financial gain, an unexpected inheritance. Long-awaited prosperity, money and family expansion will appear in the house.

Seeing a cockroach in a dream unmarried girl portends a rich groom. For a married woman, big troubles.

When we meet simple red Prussians at home, we are not particularly surprised, thinking to ourselves: “Cockroaches, like cockroaches!” But as soon as we see it crawling along the wall of our house white cockroach– we immediately become horrified and think: “Isn’t this a dream?” We don’t know what to expect from this “specimen”; we think that its unusual color is associated with some kind of mutation.

Where did they fall on our heads?

How do they look? Common and white cockroaches inhabiting residential buildings have:

  • A fairly narrow oval-shaped body, reaching a length of about 1.5 centimeters.
  • Set of 6 feet with special devices, thanks to which cockroaches can move even along walls and ceilings.
  • Long mustache.
  • The wings, which are small in females, but in males, almost entirely protect the abdomen.
  • Chitinous shell of different colors.

But what if the color of the shell that white cockroaches have in the apartment turns out to be white? Will this mean that the creature has undergone mutation? Does this type of cockroach pose a danger to you and me? Will they disturb our sleep? Let's figure it out. Most likely, white cockroaches are found in your home due to the following reasons.

Natural shedding process

In order to figure out where white cockroaches could have gotten into your home, and to keep your healthy sleep, you need to delve into the features of the reproduction process of these creatures:

  • After fertilization has occurred, the female begins to develop a special capsule called an ootheca.
  • Each capsule contains from 12 to 40 eggs, depending on the type of cockroach.
  • The capsule is stored inside the female until the eggs are completely ripe.
  • When the female gets rid of the ootheca, the so-called young nymphs begin to be born from the eggs - these are cubs wearing a white shell.
  • After several hours, their cover becomes tougher and darker.
  • As they develop, the cub will molt at least 6 times, since their coat does not stretch.
  • In the process of crawling out of the old shell, the cub again acquires a white color and will begin to darken only after 5 - 6 hours.

From here we conclude that an albino is not something scary. These are just the larvae of ordinary black and red cockroaches going through a long molting process (they are not so often seen on open place), but at a time when you are already overcome by sleep, they can run out of the shelter to search for food. Quite often they get entangled in glue traps, attracted by the scent of the bait.

If albino is still a mutation

This thought may actually disrupt your normal sleep. Sometimes the white color of the cover can actually be a sign of a mutation experienced by an insect due to an increased level of radiation. Under its influence, the structure of cells changes. For this reason, cockroaches can not only change the color of their cover, but also acquire special immunity to a variety of external factors. If a lot of white cockroaches (let's call them albino) appear in some place, then this may be one of the signs that there is high radiation there.

However, this is unlikely to apply to your apartment in a densely populated city, so be calm about your restful sleep.


In the process of combating a pest such as albino in your home, insecticides using chlorine can be used. This component has special bleaching properties, which leads to the fact that an albino who has inhaled a chlorine-containing poison and survives afterward may acquire a white color for some time. So don't be alarmed and take care of your sleep! Gradually, the poison will be removed from its body, and the chitinous cover of the insect will acquire a natural color.

In nature, cases of albinos being born are not uncommon. They are more common among people and large animals. Characteristic feature Albinos have white skin color, which sets them apart from their relatives. This natural phenomenon did not spare cockroaches either. Among them, insects with a white color are also identified.

Albino cockroaches are practically no different from other representatives of their species. The difference between them is only in the color of the cover. Moreover, cockroaches with a red color are milky white at a certain period of their life. It takes cockroaches a little time to change from one color to another. This explains the fact that white pests are registered by people quite rarely.

Causes of white cockroaches

All cockroaches, regardless of their species and habitat, have a chitinous shell, also known as a cuticle. It contains a certain set of cells responsible for the characteristic color of the insect. Melanocytes (cells) are chemically similar to those found in the body of mammals.

There are several types of color:

  • cuticular;
  • hypodermal;
  • subhypodermal.

In Tarkans, the pigment paint is of the cuticular type, which is highly resistant to various factors. It is located in the outer shell. The peculiarity of cuticular color is that after the death of an insect, the color of its chitinous shell remains unchanged for a fairly long period of time.

In some insects, the cells responsible for the production of pigment are located in soft tissues under the exoskeleton. In such cases, they speak of the presence of a hypodermal or subhypodermal color. Melanocytes in these insects are less resistant to exposure to external factors. Therefore, after the death of, for example, a dragonfly, it loses its green color, which transforms into grayish-brown.

It is the cells that produce melanin that form the color of the integument of representatives of the animal world. Thus, under the influence of sunlight, human skin darkens. The same thing happens in the world of insects. Chemical composition The cells in red cockroaches differ from the pigments that the black representatives of this type of insect contain. Therefore, the former are characterized by a more saturated color of the chitinous shell.

The fact that household pests are born white can be explained quite simply: the larvae have thin integuments in which the concentration of melanin-producing cells is very low. As a result, in newborns the outer shell is almost transparent.

Within a few days after hatching from the eggs, the active development of the chitinous cover occurs. At the same time, the concentration of pigment increases, as a result of which the body shell of insects acquires a natural color.

The above means that in the first days the larva is always white. Therefore, if a small pest with this color is found at home, then with a high degree of confidence we can talk about the presence of insects that have recently hatched from the ootheca (the sac that contains the eggs). A total of one female domestic cockroach, characteristic of Russian houses, can bear up to 30 new individuals.

The ootheca is located at the end of the insect's abdomen. This sac provides protection to the eggs, thereby increasing the likelihood of hatching larvae (nymphs). A number of cockroaches lay an ootheca, from which young individuals hatch within a few days. Other insects carry this pouch until the larvae are born.

The appearance of adult white cockroaches is explained by the peculiarities of their development. The chitinous shell is a kind of frame with a rigid structure. These structural features impose certain restrictions: chitin is difficult to change. The larva develops very quickly, so the shell cannot keep up with it.

As a result, by the time the nymph reaches the state of an adult, she manages to molt up to 7 times. That is, for normal development The cockroach needs to constantly shed its chitinous shell. As soon as this process is completed, the insect again acquires a white color. The chitinous shell grows again within several hours (or several days). After the specified period of time, the cockroach becomes dark again, since the concentration of pigment in its integument has reached the desired level.

White insects lack wings. They form before the last molt. And no more than 20% of all larvae survive to this stage of development.

The latter indicator is explained by the fact that the absence of traditional color unmasks the cockroach: it becomes especially noticeable to predators in natural conditions a habitat. In the process of evolutionary development, the insect body has developed mechanisms that trigger active processes of cell transformation. As a result, today cockroaches acquire the traditional black color after another moult within a few hours.

In nature, there are completely white insects, the outer shell of which remains this way for a long time. These cockroaches mainly live in caves and other areas where sunlight does not penetrate.

All of the above indicates the following:

  • the appearance of white insects in an apartment is a very rare occurrence;
  • the light color of the shell of cockroaches is not an unusual mutation, but represents a natural process of development of larvae into adults;
  • white cockroaches lead the same lifestyle as other representatives of this type of insect;
  • Light-shelled cockroaches are no more dangerous than regular cockroaches.

The same control methods can be used against white cockroaches as against other representatives of this type of insect.

Where do white cockroaches live in the apartment?

During the next molting of a cockroach, several events occur:

  • the pest loses its dense exoskeleton;
  • its shell mainly consists of soft tissue;
  • The cockroach turns white.

As a result of the processes that have occurred, the domestic pest becomes more noticeable to predators and humans. Therefore, during the molting period, until a new chitinous shell is formed, the cockroach often settles in secluded, inaccessible places.

The likelihood of finding a white insect on the walls or floor is extremely low. They usually crawl out of secluded places in cases where a person has treated his apartment with pesticides. Impact chemical substances leads to the fact that the cockroach loses orientation in space, which is why it leaves secluded places.

Under normal conditions, white pests are localized where predators cannot reach them. Insects hide until their body color takes on the traditional color.

Mostly people encounter white house pests while cleaning. Cockroaches hide under the bottom of furniture, under rugs, ventilation holes and other places.

During the molting period, pests become inactive. This is explained by the peculiarities of the processes occurring in their body. People should not be afraid of white cockroaches. They are not dangerous and differ from other representatives of their species only in the color of their shell. During molting, it is much easier to catch a white cockroach than other “relatives”.

Household pests live for about a year. During this period, molting takes up to three days. Due to the fact that the change in chitin forces cockroaches to look for secluded places, the likelihood of encountering a white insect even in the presence of a large colony is extremely low.

Albino cockroaches in nature

There are a huge number of various types cockroaches Some of them are light in color.

For example, Blaberus giganteus lives on the territory of the South American continent. This insect has large translucent wings that also hide a white body. Blaberus giganteus is popular among terrarium hobbyists for its unusual color. The South American cockroach grows up to eight centimeters in length. It is possible to explain why Blaberus giganteus has a white body and light wings if you find out its habitat. The cockroach spends almost its entire life in dry foliage, in which the original color hides the insect well.

Blaberus craniifer has a partially white body. He, like the cockroach above, lives in the territory South America. In the tropics there are many different pests, the outer shell of which is painted in bright hues. Moreover, like domestic cockroaches, the larvae of these insects remain white for several days after emergence.

Are there really albino cockroaches?

It was said above that special cells that produce melanin are responsible for the color of the outer shell of cockroaches. The latter determines the color of the integument not only of insects, but also of large animals, including humans. From this we can conclude that since albinos appear among mammals, then they can also be found in the population of cockroaches.

The permanent white color is explained by the fact that melanocytes do not produce a special pigment. Despite the fact that among mammals, albinos are found relatively high frequency, in the world of insects they are rare. This means that it is very difficult to find a true white cockroach that does not change color between molts.

This fact can be explained by the following reasons:

  1. Special gene mutations that occur quite rarely are responsible for the development of albinism among animals and insects. Research shows that in a colony of one million common cockroaches, the likelihood of a true white pest appearing is extremely low.
  2. The white color greatly unmasks insects in their natural habitat. Therefore, more often they die due to the actions of predators while still in the larval stage.

To summarize, we can say the following:

  • a white cockroach is no different from dark ones;
  • the insect acquires a white color during the molting period, when it sheds the old chitinous shell;
  • the molting period takes several hours (less often several days);
  • during molting, pests try to settle in secluded places, so they are difficult to find;
  • real albino cockroaches exist, but are very rare;
  • white cockroaches are no more dangerous than ordinary ones.

You can fight white household pests with the same means that help get rid of dark cockroaches. During the molting period, insects lose their previous mobility, so it is easier to catch them.

There are 7,570 species of cockroaches in the world. Only a few of them settle inside people’s homes and live at the expense of humans, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

If red cockroaches or brown insects cause disgust in many people and a desire to get rid of them as quickly as possible, then white cockroaches often shock people, causing fear and panic.

Are cockroaches white?

Albinism is a phenomenon that affects people, animals, and plants. The absence of the pigment melanin in mammals or chlorophyll in plants affects the disappearance of the skin, coat, and eye color inherent to the species. At the same time, the skin and hair of albinos become white.

White cockroaches also exist in nature. These pests have a body shape, number of paws, mustaches, and ability to move similar to their red relatives. Their only difference is color.

This insect body color is not associated with melanin. Although the cockroach is called white, it is not an albino.


White Cockroach

Why are they this color

The white cockroach is not an exotic creature or an albino, but an ordinary red-haired pest. The reason why the cockroach turned white is commonplace - molting. Throughout its life, the insect sheds its shell 5 to 8 times. This is due to the fact that the hard chitinous cover does not grow parallel to the body of the Prussian.

This is why it is vital for insects of this species to molt.

A cockroach that has just hatched from its shell becomes vulnerable, hides as far as possible, climbing into nooks and crannies, cracks. Despite the fact that all species of cockroaches that live near people molt and change color at certain periods of their lives, it is rare to see a white cockroach in a home.

You should not be surprised to find several non-standard colored pests indoors. This happens due to the breeding habits of insects.

The female lays 30–40 eggs at a time, which subsequently, turning from larvae into adults, develop equally and, accordingly, molt at the same time.

Also, small white individuals can be observed during the period of hatching from eggs. Subsequently, the nymphs become adults and take on standard view red cockroach.

Bleach lightens the chitinous surface of the pest's body to white.

Where do they appear in the apartment?

During molting, cockroaches are vulnerable: their body is not covered with a protective shell, and a different color from the usual does not contribute to the necessary camouflage. Therefore, insects wait out this process, as a rule, in secluded places.

Most likely, you will not be able to see the pest on a wall, floor or table during the molting period. The exception is an insect that is disoriented for some reason. The usual behavior for the pest when shedding its shell is to choose a convenient shelter and wait there for the usual state of body cover for a cockroach.

Having discovered such a “guest”, you should not be afraid and attribute dangerous characteristics to it. This is the same red-haired, only more vulnerable and less agile, white Prussian.

It is much easier to cope with the elimination of such an insect, because the mobility and activity of white individuals during molting is seriously reduced.

The period of stay of a cockroach in white color is short, takes from 2 to 3 days. Therefore, a meeting between a person and a white individual, if it is not poisoned with chlorine, happens very rarely.

Where are they most often found?

When getting rid of insects by using insecticides, you should remember that Prussians prefer to hide in remote places, unnoticeable to humans. White cockroaches hide especially carefully.

Most often, during molting, individuals hide in cracks in walls, furniture, piles of rubbish that have not been moved for a long time, behind baseboards. At this time, white pests do not always leave their shelter even to search for food.

What danger do they pose to humans?

A cockroach, regardless of color, always causes a lot of negative feelings.

  • Pests of this species are able to move within apartment building, wandering from basements, ventilation shafts or attics to people's apartments. At the same time, Prussians carry many dangerous organisms on their paws and antennae. Cockroaches are carriers of various diseases, including dysentery and tuberculosis. Prussians also carry worm eggs, leaving them on the table or dishes.
  • Cockroaches damage more than just food. They are capable of ruining important papers by leaving feces on them or shedding their chitinous shell. Traces of insects on light-colored furniture, walls, and ceilings are also unpleasant.
  • The presence of Prussians in the house has a negative impact on nervous system person. While moving along the joints of peeling wallpaper or paper, insects create a noise that can drive some people to death. nervous breakdown.
  • Often, hiding in the body household appliances, albino cockroaches damage it, leaving behind feces on vulnerable parts and mechanisms.

Can a white cat bite a person?

Prussians often bite people, causing unpleasant wounds on the surface of the skin and redness. However, white representatives of this species of insects are unlikely to harm humans due to their special vulnerability during molting.

Regardless of how dangerous Prussian bites are, you should not be afraid of being bitten by a white cockroach; the likelihood of such an incident is negligible.

Are they classified as strong allergens?

Leaving behind excrement and chitinous cover, the white cockroach emits a special smell. This aroma, which is not perceptible to humans, can cause a severe attack of allergies in people prone to such body reactions.

What feelings do you get when you see a cockroach in your kitchen, and maybe not just one, but a whole flock. Of course you feel disgusted because these nasty insects are getting everywhere. With their appearance in your apartment, you will never be sure that your products are not spoiled.

Most often, the most common type of cockroach that appears in our homes is the red cockroach, and there is an even larger one – the black cockroach. But besides these two, there is another type of cockroach that people encounter much less often - white cockroaches. They are even more disgusting than red or black ones, in this article we will discuss what kind of insects these are - white cockroaches in the apartment, where they come from, what harm they can cause to property and health, and also how to deal with them.

It’s interesting that Wikipedia doesn’t say anything about this cockroach, why? It turns out that there is simply no such insect, there is a red cockroach, there is a black cockroach, but there is no white cockroach. So what kind of insect is this? The white cockroach is not the new kind cockroaches, this is not even a mutant, not an albino cockroach, evolved from a red or black cockroach. This is an ordinary red cockroach during the molting period.

But why do they so rarely catch our eye?

  • Firstly, while the cockroach is molting, it is less mobile, which means it is more exposed to danger, so during such periods of its life it hides. By the way, they hide anywhere, for example, they can climb into washing machine, in a cabinet, and even in a vacuum cleaner, in any electrical appliances.
  • Secondly, the molting process is short, about one day, and white cockroaches become ordinary again.
  • Thirdly, only young cockroaches molt, they are still small and not so bold, but after molting they already turn into adult cockroaches, gaining brown pigment and impudence.

Despite their youth and defenselessness, white cockroaches, thanks to physiological processes inside their body, they become gluttonous. And despite their fear, under the cover of darkness they emerge from their hiding places in search of food. At this time, white cockroaches are much more vulnerable, so even a small contact of toxic chemicals on their body causes death.

As already written at the beginning of the article, a white cockroach is the same cockroach, only during molting, but it is the white cockroach that becomes even more dangerous to human health. He, like the red and black ones, carries pathogens of various infectious diseases on his paws.

Since the white cockroach is very voracious, its movement around the apartment, toilets, garbage chutes and other places becomes more frequent, and therefore it can carry tens of times more germs in the same period of time.

Crawling around the apartment at night, these insects will not miss a single corner in search of food. Even in the refrigerator, the food will not be safe; if necessary, the cockroach will gnaw through the sealing rubber and get to the food.

Mashenka chalk helps fight cockroaches; we apply it around the trash can and near the baseboards.

Ways of cockroaches appearing in an apartment

In the modern scenario of life, it is impossible to block cockroaches’ access to our homes. They move freely around vertical surfaces, and therefore can get from the street directly to the kitchen through ventilation shafts. The grilles on the ventilation holes and the nets themselves are not a barrier for cockroaches.

Cockroaches have strong jaws and, if necessary, they can easily chew through nylon mesh. In addition, we can bring cockroaches home ourselves, for example, with vegetables from a nearby supermarket, or from vacation, after spending the night in one of the hotels. Insects can get into bags and suitcases and hide in clothing or under linings.

Each cockroach, when moving, always leaves behind a special trail using the secretion it secretes, and even if you destroy cockroaches in your home, there is no guarantee that new cockroaches will not follow the trail they left. Especially if you have all the conditions for their good life and successful reproduction.

Is it possible to prevent a second wave of invasion?

It would seem that you have carried out a fairly successful operation to combat cockroaches, but no one can give you guarantees that the cockroaches will not return. As often happens in apartment buildings, cockroaches simply move from one apartment to another. And it's quite possible that your turn could come quickly. What to do to delay or even prevent this moment.

Try to follow the tips given below, and maybe the next time you visit your apartment, cockroaches will no longer like it:

  1. After each meal, remove all leftover food from the table.
  2. Clean the dining room thoroughly so that not a single crumb remains on the table or floor.
  3. Don't leave the trash can filled overnight, especially if there is food scraps in it.
  4. Wipe the sink dry after each dishwashing and close the drain hole; cockroaches need to block all access to water.
  5. For the same purpose, make sure that there is no water under the bathtub, near the toilet, or under the sink. If a cockroach does not find water in the apartment, then it leaves.

A cockroach can live without food for about a month, but it needs water every day. Therefore, take the condition of the pipes and plumbing in your apartment seriously; this is the main component of your victory over white cockroaches.

How to defeat the white pest - a proven remedy

Methods of fighting white cockroaches are, in principle, no different from fighting similar red or black cockroaches. The cockroach is the most adaptable insect; in the event of a nuclear disaster on earth, cockroaches will survive. They can adapt to any environment, and over time they also begin to get used to the chemistry that we use.

Therefore, if after treating the apartment the cockroaches have not disappeared, then it’s time to change the product. If you have never poisoned cockroaches before, and this will be your first fight, then first you can try simpler and less dangerous means for humans.

You should immediately warn that if there are pets or small children in the apartment, then this method will not suit you. Because your family may try these poison balls out of curiosity.
We prepare a mixture for cockroaches, it includes:

  • Boiled egg.
  • Boiled potatoes without skin.
  • Bag boric acid(sold at the pharmacy or in the gardening department).

1 sachet (10 grams) of boric acid will be enough to make poison for cockroaches. Take all 3 ingredients (acid, yolk, and potatoes), mix. The result is yellow flour. We roll small balls from this flour and place the balls around the apartment in insect habitats.

During the day, the balls can be removed, and at night they can be laid out again. But we must warn you right away: the process will not be quick! Only after 1-3 weeks will the cockroaches become poisoned and disappear.

A serious factor in this duel with cockroaches will be the complete lack of access for insects to water! If they have water, they will cope with the poison, and all your efforts will be in vain, and the cockroaches will develop immunity.

Do not buy cheap, unknown-made products, they may have no effect on cockroaches, but you may suffer seriously. It’s better to turn to world-famous brands, you have to pay many times more for them, but they are worth it. The cockroaches will fully appreciate your generosity, and may disappear after one dose of poisoning.

If you notice cockroaches a short time after chemical attack appear in your apartment again, it means things are bad, they have mutated.

It looks funny, and it is unlikely, but in any electrical appliance that has cracks, there may be cockroaches. They hide in them during daylight hours, and at night they come out in search of prey.
A white cockroach can settle in the lower part gas stove, where it’s not so hot, but warm enough for comfortable living. They can also get into a microwave oven and even into a toaster that you, for example, haven’t used for a long time.

Cockroaches inside a laptop.

Getting them out of appliances is not as easy as it might seem. For example, if cockroaches got into a laptop, and they can do this, then they can only be taken out after complete disassembly, the same goes for a TV or computer system unit.

In winter, in severe frost, the equipment can be placed outside for several hours - the white cockroach will freeze. You cannot turn on the equipment immediately, only after it has warmed up in the apartment. But under no circumstances spray chemicals inside the devices, it’s not a fact that you will poison the cockroaches, but the microcircuits can be damaged.

As an option: if there are cockroaches in the equipment, take a sealed bag, put the equipment inside, and carefully apply anti-cockroach gel around the perimeter of the body. Then seal the bag tightly to prevent air from entering. Leave it on for a few days. Perhaps you won’t have to disassemble the equipment later.
If you take the fight against white cockroaches seriously, you will definitely win. The most important thing is support perfect cleanliness after expelling the cockroaches, so that they do not have the desire to return.

In the video: how to make poison to fight cockroaches with your own hands.