Log sauna: pros and cons of designs. Projects of bathhouses made of chopped logs Chopped bathhouses made of logs

The construction of a turnkey bathhouse at low cost today is topical issue for many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Our company offers the construction of a bathhouse from chopped logs according to standard solutions, as well as according to customer projects. Individual design usually expensive and long in terms of execution time. Standard buildings are distinguished by their versatility and some simplicity combined with an affordable price.

Moscow has always been distinguished by interesting architecture, and its residents are accustomed to seeing around them both ancient and modern buildings worthy of the highest praise. Therefore, even a bathhouse should fit organically into the overall plan of the house and site.

Log sauna projects

Our company is ready to offer solutions for any size of site. Choose standard turnkey bathhouse projects based on your capabilities and preferences from “economy” class to large-sized buildings. There are no special site requirements for assembly, except flat surface plot. The project may include gazebos, benches, barbecue areas and much more. They complement the bath complex and make the area attractive appearance.

Often, future bathhouse owners want to place a swimming pool nearby, as well as an indoor or open terrace. No problem - we have them on our website finished projects, which already includes all the necessary elements for comfortable rest. At the same time, you may notice that the main client factor, price, is the most attractive in the wooden housing construction market. The choice of projects is so large that there is no need to create and approve a new one. Bathhouse projects made from chopped logs can be ordered through the website by leaving a request, or by calling the specified phone number.

The construction of the log house for the baths will begin immediately after the preliminary conditions have been agreed upon. You can be sure that your dream of a bathhouse is in the reliable hands of professionals in their field and will soon be realized taking into account all your wishes.

A log bathhouse today is not at all difficult to implement, because there is ready-made ideas and projects. It is important to use a little imagination, apply design talent (your own or an attracted specialist) and a standard project turns into an exclusive one. Here it is important to calculate the material, select the correct construction method and find responsible specialists.

At correct selection and careful control at all stages of construction, your money will not be thrown away, the construction plan will not be violated and the log house of the bathhouse will appear on the site on time. Result of execution full list works - Tsar Bath, delighting you with its beauty, the ideal quality of your vacation spot, truly responsible for its options - price. We will be happy to help you with this. You can ask us all questions by phone or using the form feedback Online.

None of the lucky owners own bathhouse I didn’t think for a second about the question of what to build from. The choice is clear - wood. This is not only a classic and a tribute to tradition, but also a reasonable move:

  • prices for projects wooden baths made from chopped logs are surprisingly pleasant. Just right for a wallet of any size;
  • the material that forms the basis of the construction creates a unique atmosphere of a real bathhouse, which promotes relaxation and tranquility;
  • wood resistance to adverse conditions and durability are guaranteed;
  • no need for additional interior decoration- another significant plus.

Finally, wooden structures are built so quickly that you will very soon be able to enjoy all the benefits of owning your own bathhouse.

Free design and turnkey construction

The Marie Loghouse company is ready to make your dream of building a log bathhouse come true and do it inexpensively. Acceptable prices do not occur on empty space. It's all about well-done work and availability own production, in which we carefully process each log and ensure that no defective material reaches the construction site.

All clients of the company can use the service free design. This means that the bathhouse of your dreams will be exactly the way you imagined it.

The convenience of cooperation is evident already at the very first stage, when the company’s specialists work out the project in detail and describe all stages construction work. You will be reliably protected from missed deadlines and increased prices for building materials.

Prices from the manufacturer, as well as work done quickly and conscientiously - this is what “Mari Log” is proud of and can provide to every client.

“Treat yourself with a park and a broom!”, calls for a Russian proverb. What could it be better than a bath on a day off to cleanse your body and relax your soul? It is not surprising that, remembering the primordial Russian traditions, the owners country houses And country cottages More and more people are ordering turnkey log baths.

What are the advantages of chopped baths?

There are many companies on the market offering to create a building according to the most various projects and from the most different materials. Our offer for you is hand-cut logs. Why, what are its advantages?


Hand-cut logs preserve the unique structure of the tree. It is not so susceptible to deformation, drying out, and premature cracks, since it is preserved protective layer, located under the bark. This building material is distinguished by a number of positive qualities:

  • increased strength and thermal insulation properties, which is necessary for a bath. Since these are logs from the winter forest, they are especially dense and durable;
  • good resistance to mold and insects even without treatment, although you still need to use an antiseptic;
  • interesting and at the same time natural appearance: the log is not cylindered, therefore it retains its natural pattern and texture, only “smoothed” with a plane for smoothness;
  • long service life. If treated with care, both children and grandchildren will use the bathhouse;
  • What’s especially good for building a bathhouse is that winter wood can withstand high humidity and temperature changes; it will serve you faithfully without any problems.

Buy chopped sauna

A few tips when buying a log cabin.

  1. To ensure that your log house is truly made from winter wood, order it better in autumn, and build somewhere in February. Then in the summer it will be possible to begin interior decoration.
  2. Try to order the entire set of lumber from one reliable supplier, and do not waste time.
  3. The manufacturer must be direct. For example, our materials are from the manufacturer, and the prices are appropriate.
  4. Check the quality of building materials before starting to assemble the log house. However, our specialists will do all this themselves, and you won’t have to bother.
  5. Calculate in advance where the bathhouse will be located, where the windows and doors will open, whether the log house will interfere with free passage in the yard, whether it will be convenient to walk from the house to the bathhouse - this question is especially relevant in winter.
  6. Order turnkey construction - this way we will take care of the hassle from building the foundation to laying the roof, and you will simply enjoy the steam room.

The RuSrub company promises: such an important thing as a chopped bathhouse can be bought here relatively inexpensively from very high-quality wood from the northern Vologda forest. We take care of all our customers, building as we would build for ourselves.

A log bathhouse can proudly bear the name of an environmentally friendly building. Log wood, like a natural air conditioner, purifies the air and regulates its humidity. Log resin saturates the space with bactericidal substances. Consider the construction of a bathhouse from chopped logs.

Designing a bathhouse from chopped logs

Before you start designing, sketch out a plan of your future bathhouse on paper, decide on its size and orientation on the ground.

To this we add a few more tips:

  • A large sauna will require a lot of fuel to heat. So choose minimum dimensions premises convenient for relaxation of a certain number of people at the same time. On average, there should be 2–3 sq.m. per person. area.
  • The classic layout of the bathhouse includes three rooms - a steam room, a shower room and an entrance hall, which can be combined with a relaxation room. The dressing room usually occupies half of the entire area of ​​the building.
  • If performed in a bath mansard roof, then the room under it can be used for overnight accommodation or, for example, a billiard room.
  • A bathhouse with a terrace will look more substantial and will give extra bed for relaxation in the summer.
  • The location of the stove must be planned in such a way as to ensure simultaneous heating of all rooms.
  • The roof for a bathhouse is usually gable. If the structure is an extension, it is more rational to make a pitched roof.
  • To avoid temperature losses of any wooden frame requires a warm and heavy roof. Norwegian roofs with soil on their surface and a plant lawn are very popular.
  • It is better to place the entrance to the bathhouse on the south side; there is usually less snow here.
For a bathhouse made of chopped logs, projects can be standard or individual. Standard projects are posted by manufacturing companies wooden log houses in the media and the Internet. After creating a mental image of the desired building, you can select the appropriate project and simply buy it. If this is not enough, the standard project is modified by the designers taking into account your additions. When ordering an individual project, it is compiled best option taking into account the climate and geological conditions of the customer’s area.

The cost of the walls of a log bathhouse made of chopped logs is on average 4,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m. building area.

Choosing a bathhouse material from chopped logs

For a sauna log house, pine, spruce or aspen wood is usually used. Try to buy wood harvested in winter. It is more resistant to temperature changes. Due to affordability and ease of processing, pine logs are often used for log houses. Their wood is resistant to atmospheric influences and rotting.

For wooden walls For baths, you cannot use logs with blue spots, noticeable curvature and cracks around the branches - signs of a rotten core of the tree. Do not buy overdried wood - its wood is difficult to process.

Chopped logs, unlike rounded ones, are processed manually. This method allows you to remove the sapwood of the trunk with minimal damage to its protective layer. Therefore, in addition to increased durability, chopped logs have a number of advantages: less cracking and moisture absorption of the material, higher biological resistance to fungus or insects, a variety of choice of log diameters, and a variety of styles for construction.

The disadvantages of chopped logs are very conditional: the cost of work manual preparation the material is quite high, the quality and appearance of the constructed log house directly depends on the experience of the performers.

To build a bathhouse from chopped logs we will need:
  1. Beech or birch dowels;
  2. Inter-row insulation - jute fabric or moss;
  3. Logs made of timber for the ceiling and subfloor;
  4. Logs;
  5. Boards 250 mm;
  6. Rafter beam;
  7. Waterproofing film;
  8. Fastening elements;
  9. Roll thermal insulation;
  10. Material for roofing;
  11. Antiseptic and fire retardant for wood processing.

Construction of a bathhouse from chopped logs

After designing and purchasing materials, we can begin building our bathhouse. We will build a foundation, erect a wooden frame and roof, lay engineering Communication and we will carry out the finishing of the premises. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Construction of a foundation for a bathhouse made of chopped logs

Under log house We will make a strip foundation.

To build it you need:

  • Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future building.
  • Install and secure wooden formwork.
  • Make metal frames from reinforcement d12 mm.
  • Place the frames in the formwork and connect them with binding wire.
  • Fill the formwork with M200 concrete to the design level.
  • Apply roofing felt waterproofing on the hardened concrete of the foundation.
The base of the foundation should be 100–200 mm below the soil freezing level in your region. In the body of the foundation, before pouring it, it is necessary to provide embedded sleeves for the passage of communications into the building - water supply, power cables, sewerage and ventilation.

On weak soils Pile foundations are used with low design resistance.

Construction of sauna walls from chopped logs

Wooden structures can be subject to destruction when exposed to moisture, damage by insects, fungus and mold. To prevent this from happening, before installation, the wood of the products is treated with special compounds - antiseptics deep penetration. The compositions can be applied with a brush or spray, being especially careful when working with the bowls and grooves of chopped logs.

After they dry, subsequent treatment is carried out with a fire retardant - a fire retardant that forms on wooden surfaces special film that reduces the risk of fire.

After preparing the logs, you can begin installing the log house:
  1. Its first crowns are adjusted and installed on the foundation. The upper and middle crowns are adjusted on the ground, and then disassembled and installed on the frame. This eliminates labor-intensive work at height.
  2. During the construction of walls, the crowns are laid alternating between the top and butt parts of the log, since it retains the natural topography of the trunk - the top is narrower than the butt. Rows of logs are installed horizontally, the process is controlled using a building level.
  3. For the location of doors, prepare 2 lower crowns and 5 upper ones, for windows - 5 lower crowns and 3 top ones.
  4. Due to the presence of chopped logs various diameters in one log house, their joining requires special skills. Therefore, pay attention to the photo of bathhouses made of chopped logs and the video about the construction of chopped walls.
  5. To ensure a tight fit of the crowns to each other, longitudinal semicircular grooves are made in the lower part of the logs. For vertical stability of the wall, the logs are connected using birch or oak dowels, which are driven into prepared holes, have a pitch of 200 mm and are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  6. The intersection of the crowns is carried out by cutting into a bowl. This method ensures the tightness of the corners and retains heat in the building.
  7. To eliminate heat losses in the bathhouse, a seal is placed between its logs. They use tow, moss or linen batting. This procedure is called caulking. After the shrinkage of the building is completed, it must be repeated in about five years.

Chopped log baths are considered more durable large diameter. This is due to the smaller number of crowns of their log houses and, as a result, more reliable performance in operation. Such baths belong to elite buildings, since their log houses are made of healthy cedar and larch species. At proper care these houses can stand for hundreds of years.

Construction of a bathhouse roof from chopped logs

To install the roof it is necessary to collect wooden structure, consisting of support bars, rafter legs and lathing. The lower fastenings of the rafters are made using sliding joints. This is done to prevent deformation of the roof during shrinkage of log logs. Slope gable roof- 18–44 degrees, and single slope - from 25 to 30 degrees.

Slate, corrugated sheeting, metal tiles, ondulin and other materials can serve as roofing. To prevent the walls of the log house from getting wet, the roof must be equipped with a drainage system.

Communications and finishing of a bathhouse made of chopped logs

A bathhouse, like any residential building, must be provided with running water, electricity, sewerage, heating and ventilation. The work on setting up these systems is very responsible. Therefore it must be carried out experienced specialists, familiar with Building Codes and safety rules.

Bathhouses made from logs do not require special finishing. The log has an attractive natural texture. Washing department can be finished with moisture-resistant materials. The steam room is lined with aspen or linden wood, which has low thermal conductivity. When finishing the premises, windows and doors are installed, floors are laid, ceilings are hemmed, shelves are hung, an interfloor staircase is installed, and a lot of other pleasant work is done in the new bathhouse.

The process of building a bathhouse from chopped logs is presented in the video:

Thus, a person’s presence in a log building has a healing effect on his health, so be very careful when building a bathhouse.

Chopped logs are a traditional and time-tested material for construction. Bath from chopped logs has many advantages compared to buildings made of rounded logs or profiled timber. “Russian Mansions” offers services for the construction of baths in the original Russian style, but with modern amenities.

Bathhouse projects, their advantages and construction stages

In our catalog you will find standard projects chopped baths: compact one-story, spacious two-story bath complexes, bathhouses with an attic.

Each building has 3 basic rooms: a dressing room, a steam room, and a place to relax.

We can add a veranda to the project, which will serve as a resting place for fresh air in between visits to the steam room.

We will build a bathhouse according to a standard or individual project, taking into account your wishes for its layout and area.

Advantages of chopped baths

Why do most sauna lovers choose chopped logs for construction? The advantages are associated with minimal surface treatment of hand-cut wood:

  • high strength and resistance to fungi and bacteria with minimal impregnation;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties: the temperature in the steam room lasts longer than in bathhouses made of logs that have undergone more intensive mechanical treatment;
  • chopped logs practically do not dry out due to the preservation of protective organic resins in the wood, so they are more durable and practically do not form cracks after shrinkage.

Technological process

The construction of a turnkey bathhouse from chopped logs is a multi-stage process that has its own specifics. "Russian Mansions" offers the full range of construction work: from design to interior finishing. Stages:

  • project development. The customer chooses the scheme finished bath from the catalog or orders individual project. At this stage, the dimensions of the building are determined, the depth of the foundation and other parameters are calculated;
  • foundation installation;
  • installation of a log house: during this process, insulation is installed in the groove between the logs;
  • end processing: we use a composition that prevents cracking of the log house;
  • impregnation protective antiseptics- the key to the longevity of your bath;
  • floor construction;
  • installation rafter system and roofs;
  • carrying out interior work: installation of bath equipment, flooring.

At each stage we only use quality materials and components.

What's included in the price

Order chopped bath turnkey means that at the end you will receive a bathhouse ready for use. The price includes design, installation of the foundation, frame, surface treatment, installation of equipment and Finishing work. The cost is discussed before concluding the contract. Call and ask the managers of Russian Mansions how much your bathhouse will cost.