What kind of system is absenteeism? Causes and consequences of absenteeism. Political absenteeism: causes, types, problems, consequences, examples



(lat. absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycotting by voters of elections, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise of human rights and obligations. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the indifferent attitude of the population towards political life, the philistine idea of ​​individual people that nothing depends on them in politics ", politics" is not my business, "etc. Such a view is contrary to the foundations of the constitutional order. Russian Federation... If “a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution reads: "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs both directly and through their representatives." But this right, in unity with the freedom of a person, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life, in the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the social and political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we emphasize that, having a common and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of social management, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the "top", and form a passive personality. Absenteeism is present in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its causes are manifold: citizens' lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; lack of political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Political science. Dictionary. - M: RSU... V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens who have an active right to vote; evasion of voters from voting in elections of representative bodies, the head of state. Absenteeism is caused, as a rule, by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their trust in state authorities, low level political competence of voters, low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has Negative influence because it reduces the legitimacy of the authorities and indicates the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is prosecuted; agricultural: a form of land tenure in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives a cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Political Science: A Reference Dictionary. comp. Prof. I. I. Sanzharevsky. 2010 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU... V.N. Konovalov. 2010.


See what "Absenteeism" is in other dictionaries:

    - (absent from Latin absens). Passion for travel or for living outside one's own home country... Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov AN, 1910. ABSENTHEISM 1) the residence of landowners outside their estates; 2) ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    absenteeism- a, m. absentéisme m. English absenteism lat. 1834. Rey 1998. 1. Long absence, living outside his estate, fatherland. Poppy. 1908. The government is unable to heal an ancient ulcer from which agriculture suffered ... ... Historical Dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (absenteeism) Avoiding work without a valid reason; often it is a one-day absence from work due to illness, but without a visit to the doctor. Absenteeism is most common in large organizations where it can get serious ... ... Business glossary

    - [sente], absenteeism, pl. no, husband. (from Latin absens absent) (book). Avoiding visits related to the performance of any public duties. In the last elections, absenteeism of voters was not noticed. Show absenteeism ... ... Explanatory dictionary Ushakova

    Avoiding visits related to the execution of any k. public duties (Ushakov) See ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin absens absent) in science constitutional law a term meaning the voluntary non-participation of voters in voting in an election or referendum ... Legal Dictionary

    - (from the Latin absentia - absence), evasion of voters from voting in elections for the president, parliament, etc. Usually it is about 15% of the electoral corps ... Modern encyclopedia

    Agricultural, a form of land tenure, in which the owner of the land, not participating in the production process, receives a cash income in the form of rent or profit ... Modern encyclopedia

The level of absenteeism in the state characterizes the state of the political system, the attitude of citizens towards it. Ignoring voting can be both a form of passive approval of the existing political situation, and vice versa - a form of expression of dissatisfaction with the authorities, distrust, leading to a person's alienation from political processes.

Thus, there are two main groups among absenteeism:

1) a group of citizens whose decision not to vote is not an expression of their political position and demonstrates conformal behavior;

2) a group of citizens expressing their protest in this way.

The level of absentee sentiments is influenced by many factors that can be conditionally divided into objective and subjective.

Objective factors include such factors as the level and type of elections, the level economic development and the social status of the voter, his demographic characteristics.

The subjective ones include the individual and psychological qualities of the voter, the specifics of his culture, including political, social - psychological condition at the time of the election.

The number of those who do not vote is largely determined by the level of elections. At the local and regional level elections, there are significantly fewer voters than at the federal level. When predicting voter turnout in elections, one should also take into account the specifics of the socio-economic situation. As a rule, with an increase in the degree of economic development, the level of political development decreases, which can be traced to the example of developed countries.

The number of absenteeists varies by age group. As a person grows up and his level of education rises, political activity increases.

Subjective factors not only explain the reasons for refusal to vote, but also link manifestations of absenteeism with alienation from politics. Evasion of voters from voting - special case avoidance of participation in political life in general, an indicator of indifferent attitude towards it. L. Ya. Gozman and E.B. Shestopal, characterizing the causes of absenteeism, identified factors that have a depressing effect on the intensity of political participation: a feeling of powerlessness and frustrating features of self-awareness. The feeling of powerlessness in most cases suppresses the desire to take part in politics, rarely leads to extra-institutional forms of political activity.

The above factors are associated with one of the main reasons for absenteeism - distrust of political institutions and processes. Mistrust gives rise to such a form of political alienation as self-alienation, manifested in absenteeism. Undoubtedly, absenteeism is a natural historical phenomenon that appeared with the spread of universal suffrage, with the granting of the right to participate in political life to groups that were not interested in this.

Today absenteeism is an integral part of the political life of a state that has chosen a democratic path of development.

Other reasons for absenteeism leading to electoral conflict include:

1. Low political and legal culture of the population, giving rise to indifference to the political process and alienation from him.

2. Reasons of a general social and general political nature. As an example: long-term economic difficulties, the solution of which the results of the elections significant influence do not show, a low level of trust in the acting authorities, low prestige of the deputy corps in the eyes of the population).

3. Reasons associated with the imperfection of legislation and the work of election commissions. As noted by experts, after each elections held both at the federal and regional levels, shortcomings and imperfections of the legislation are revealed, which leads to the introduction of a number of significant amendments to the main electoral law, i.e. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights of Citizens and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”. The very presence of such shortcomings provokes mistrust among the population.

4. Reasons related to the peculiarity of a particular election campaign. In particular, an unattractive candidate, uninteresting campaigning.

5. Reasons of a random nature. For example, weather conditions, the state of health of the voter.

It should be noted that absenteeism is a form of electoral conflict. The following provisions can be distinguished that most fully characterize absenteeism as an electoral conflict:

1. Absenteeism is a type of electoral conflict that is very diverse. The latter manifests itself not only in participation or non-participation in elections, but also in evasion from voting, as well as in “indifferent” (conformal) voting, in protest voting, etc. Each of the above forms of voter behavior testifies to the acceptance or refutation of a whole range of social and political norms and values.

2. Absenteeism is, first of all, the deliberate evasion of voters from voting for political reasons.

3. Absenteeism is an indicator of the alienation of citizens from power and property, a form of political protest against the existing political system, political regime, form of power, and the established social system as a whole. Because of what the electoral conflict arises.

4. Absenteeism in its extreme manifestations acquires the features of political extremism. Fertile ground for the expansion of extremist sentiments are social crises and conflicts, violations of democratic rights and freedoms, the collapse of moral guidelines and values.

5. Political extremism and absenteeism are manifested among the most active part of the population. Changing the current political situation is the main direction of their activities. When the political aspirations of extremists and absenteeism intersect or coincide, extreme forms of political transformations are possible. It may seem that the “silent” and “passive” constitute a minority in a society, but at a certain moment, for example, in an election, it may manifest itself as a “silent majority”.

6. Voter absenteeism reflects not a rejection of politics as such, but a rejection of established modes of political action. Such an assessment suggests that with the next exacerbation of the political situation or any serious turn to other ways of implementing politics: the potential energy of the masses can be transformed into political action or conflict.

7. Absenteeism is a natural historical phenomenon, an integral attribute of a political system built on the principles of democracy and freedom. It is a phenomenon of the political life of any democratic society and rule of law that has entered the downward branch of its development. The wide spread of absenteeism, both in the countries of classical democracy and those that have recently embarked on the path of democratic development, is associated with the growth of dysfunctional processes in their political systems, the exhaustion of the creative potential of historically established democratic institutions, the emergence of a "subject" type of political culture among the broad masses under the influence of the media.

8. The scale of absenteeism and the forms of its manifestation are directly related to the historical conditions of the establishment of democratic institutions, with differences in the mentality of peoples, with the existence of various traditions and customs in a given society.

9. The interpretation of the electoral conflict (one of the types of which is absenteeism), which is present in the works of Western authors, deserves a critical assessment, because it is extremely broad and equals electoral conflict and political conflict. Meanwhile, the electoral conflict is only one of the forms of political conflict. Electoral conflict value-orientational contradictions over the choice of a certain political force, existing in the form of either a political institution or a personified image.

10. Voter turnout is significantly influenced by many factors, including the type of elections, the characteristics of the region, the specifics of the election campaign, the level of education, the type of settlement, the type of political culture that dominates in society, and the type of electoral system. Voter participation rates are lower in countries with a majoritarian or majority-proportional system of counting methods, and higher in countries with a proportional electoral system.

Thus, absenteeism in modern society visible for a long time, is stable. Not yet clear signs narrowing its scope. At the same time, the political elite, parties, society as a whole cannot show indifference to this phenomenon, which does not fit into the contour of the democratic process. Since absenteeism is a multifactorial phenomenon in nature and conditionality, taking it into account will make it possible to concentrate efforts on eliminating problem points in the political space. Absenteeism negatively affects the development of the electoral process. In addition, he demonstrates the dissatisfaction of the population with the possibilities of political choice. Further study of the content, factors, reasons influencing the emergence and spread of absenteeism seems to be an important condition for expanding the space of political activity of the masses in Russian society.

The term political absenteeism appeared in the first half of the 20th century. American scientists began to use it, describing the unwillingness of citizens to participate in the political life of the country, and primarily in elections. Studies of the phenomenon of political absenteeism have generated many theories and hypotheses explaining its causes and consequences.


According to political science, political absenteeism is the self-elimination of voters from participating in any kind of voting. Modern ones are a clear demonstration of this phenomenon. According to statistics, in many states where elections are held, more than half of the citizens eligible to vote do not participate.

Political absenteeism has many shapes and shades. A person who does not attend elections is not at all completely isolated from relations with the authorities. Regardless of his political position, he remains a citizen and a taxpayer. Non-participation in such cases applies only to those activities in which a person can prove himself as an active person, for example, to determine his own attitude towards a party or candidates for the post of deputy.

Features of political absenteeism

Electoral passivity can exist only in states where there is no external compulsion to political activities... She is excluded in totalitarian societies, where, as a rule, participation in fake elections is mandatory. In such countries, the leading position is occupied by the only party, altering it to suit itself. Political absenteeism in a democratic system arises when a person is deprived of duty and receives rights. By disposing of them, he may not participate in the elections.

Political absenteeism distorts the voting results, since, as a result, the elections demonstrate the point of view of only those who came to the polling stations. For many, passivity is a form of protest. For the most part, citizens who ignore elections demonstrate distrust of the system by their behavior. In all democracies, the prevailing point of view is that elections are a tool of manipulation. People do not go to them because they are convinced that in any case their votes will be counted bypassing the legal procedure or the result will be distorted in some other less obvious way. Conversely, in totalitarian states, where there is a semblance of elections, almost all voters attend the polling stations. This pattern is a paradox only at first glance.

Absenteeism and extremism

In some cases, the consequences of political absenteeism can turn into political extremism. Although voters with this behavior do not go to vote, this does not mean that they are indifferent to what is happening in their country. Since absenteeism is a mild form of protest, it means that this protest can develop into something more. The alienation of voters from the system is fertile ground for further growth of discontent.

Due to the silence of "passive" citizens, there may be a feeling that there are not so many of them. However, when these disaffected people reach the extreme point of their rejection of the authorities, they take active steps to change the situation in the state. It is at this moment that you can clearly see how many such citizens are in the country. Different types of political absenteeism unite completely different people... Many of them do not at all deny politics as a phenomenon, but only oppose the existing system.

Abuse of passivity of citizens

The scale and danger of political absenteeism depend on many factors: maturity state system, national mentality, customs and traditions of a particular society. Some theorists explain this phenomenon as limited electoral participation. However, this idea is contrary to basic democratic principles. Any state power in such a system is legitimized through referendums and elections. These tools allow citizens to govern their own state.

Limited electoral participation is the exclusion of certain segments of the population from political life. Such a principle can lead to meritocracy or oligarchy, when only the “best” and “chosen” have access to government. Such consequences of political absenteeism completely outlive democracy. Elections as a way of forming the will of the statistical majority cease to work.

Absenteeism in Russia

In the 90s, political absenteeism in Russia showed itself in all its glory. Many residents of the country refused to participate in public life... They were disappointed by loud political slogans and empty shelves in shops across the street.

Several points of view about absenteeism have been formed in domestic science. In Russia, this phenomenon is a kind of behavior that is manifested in the evasion of participation in elections and other political actions. Plus, it's an apathetic and indifferent attitude. Inaction can also be called absenteeism, but it is not always dictated by indifferent views. If we consider this behavior as a manifestation of the will of citizens, then it can even be called one of the signs of the development of democracy. This judgment will be correct if we discard the cases when the state uses such an attitude of citizens, which is changing the political system without regard to "passive" voters.

The legitimacy of power

The most important problem of political absenteeism is the fact that in the case of voting by a small part of society, it is impossible to talk about a truly nationwide vote. At the same time, in all democracies, from a social point of view, the structure of polling station visitors is very different from the structure of society as a whole. This leads to discrimination against entire groups of the population and the infringement of their interests.

The increase in the number of voters participating in the elections gives the authorities more legitimacy. Often, candidates for deputies, presidents, etc. try to find additional support precisely among the passive population, which has not yet decided on its choice. Politicians who manage to make such citizens their supporters, as a rule, win elections.

Factors influencing absenteeism

The activity of citizens in elections can fluctuate depending on regional characteristics, level of education, type of settlement. Each country has its own political culture - a set of social norms related to the electoral process.

In addition, each campaign has its own individual characteristics... Statistics show that in states with a proportional electoral system, voter turnout is higher than in those where a majority-proportional or simply majority system has been established.

Electoral behavior

Disengagement from political life often stems from disappointment with the authorities. This pattern is especially pronounced at the regional level. The number of passive voters increases when the municipal government continues to ignore the interests of citizens every political cycle.

Rejection from politics comes after officials do not solve the problems that worry the residents of their city in their everyday life. Comparing the market economy, some scientists have identified the following pattern. Electoral behavior becomes active when a person realizes that he will receive some kind of income from his actions. If in the economy it comes about money, voters want to see tangible changes for the better in their lives. If they do not come, then there is apathy and unwillingness to get involved in politics.

History of the study of the phenomenon

Understanding the phenomenon of absenteeism began in late XIX- the beginning of the XX century. The first studies were carried out at the Chicago School of Political Science by scholars Charles Edward Merriam and Gossell. In 1924, they conducted a sociological survey of ordinary Americans. The experiment was carried out in order to determine the motives of the voters who evaded the elections.

Further study of the topic was continued by Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and other sociologists. In 1954, Angus Campbell, in his book The Voter Makes a Decision, analyzed the work of his predecessors and built his own theory. The researcher realized that participation or non-participation in elections is determined by a number of factors, which together form a system. By the end of the 20th century, several hypotheses appeared explaining the problems of political absenteeism and the reasons for its appearance.

Social capital theory

This theory appeared thanks to the book "Fundamentals social theory"Written by James Coleman. In it, the author introduced the concept of "social capital" into widespread use. The term describes the totality of collective relations in society, which operates according to the market economic principle. Therefore, the author called it "capital".

Initially, Coleman's theory had nothing to do with what has become known as "political absenteeism." Examples of the use of the scientist's ideas appeared in working together Neil Carlson, John Bram and Wendy Rahn. With the help of this term, they explained the regularity of citizens' participation in elections.

Scientists have compared the election campaigns of politicians with the fulfillment of obligations to ordinary residents of the country. Citizens have their own answer to this in the form of attending elections. Democracy is born only in the interaction of these two groups. Elections are a "ritual of solidarity" for the values ​​of free societies with an open political system... The more trust between voters and candidates, the more ballots will be put into the ballot box. Coming to the site, the individual is not only involved in the political and social process, but also expands his own sphere of interests. At the same time, each citizen has a growing circle of acquaintances with whom he has to argue or seek a compromise. All of this develops the skills needed to participate in elections.

Influence of society

With the increase in the share of citizens interested in the electoral process, the actual social capital also grows. This theory does not explain what political absenteeism can lead to, but shows its nature and genesis. A great example for this hypothesis is Italy, which can be divided into two regions. In the north of the country, horizontally integrated social ties are developed between people of the same class, wealth, lifestyle, etc. It is easier for them to interact with each other and find common points of contact. From this regularity, social capital and a solidary positive attitude towards elections grow.

The situation is different in southern Italy, where there are many rich landowners and poor citizens. There is a whole chasm between them. Such a vertical social connection does not contribute to the cooperation of residents with each other. People who find themselves in the lowest social strata lose faith in politics and take little interest in election campaigns. Political absenteeism is much more common in this region. The reasons for the difference between the north and south of Italy lie in the heterogeneous social structure society.

Absenteeism is an indifferent attitude of people to their socio-political rights; a characteristic manifestation of absenteeism is the deliberate evasion of voters (electorate) from voting

The first information about absenteeism appeared in the III century BC. Currently, a significant part of the Roman citizens, who, unlike the Athenians, did not receive any remuneration for participating in the political process, and could not afford frequent and private participation in meetings.

Today in many countries of the world it is considered normal when from a third to a half of voters come to polling stations, and in some places only 1/10 of the electorate votes.In most liberal states, it is believed that not going to elections is the same right of a free person as the rest, which guarantees a person a civilized society In Ukraine, participation in voting is voluntary, and there are examples in the world when the law is established, so that non-participation in elections in Italy leads to moral sanctions, in Mexico - to a fine or imprisonment, in Greece and Austria - to imprisonment for a term of Id months up to one Rocoque.

There are two main types of reasons for absenteeism:

1) related to the peculiarities of a particular election campaign, when, for certain reasons, the elections are not interesting: nominated candidates are dull, there is no genuine competition in the elections, etc .;

2) related to the general political, social and economic situation in the country

OVLazarenko and OO Lazorenko believe that absenteeism as a type of political behavior of an individual are:

1) a trait of her character, life position, manifested in the absence of a need, habit, desire for political action;

2) a worldview focused, for example, on internal improvement

Among the reasons for absenteeism, we note a low level of political culture, infantilism or awareness of one's own political powerlessness, inability to influence political decision-making, alienation of my own political values ​​and needs from the possibilities of their satisfaction, a high level of voters' distrust of political institutions, etc.

Absenteeism is a reflection of the desire of people to distance themselves from politics, in which some of them see a vain and ambitious competition of group and selfish interests.According to MRokar, in the modern suspension, in which the influence of religion is very weak, everything tragic and sacred is associated with politics. lives up to their expectations, they are disappointed in it, and as one of the consequences - absenteeism.

41. The electoral system of the Republic of Belarus

Belarus, Belarus, the Republic of Belarus (Belorussian Republic of Belarus) is a presidential republic, a unitary state.

The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was adopted by the Parliament on March 15, 1994. In November 1996, 70.5 percent of voters supported the presidential version of the new Constitution, which would significantly expand the powers of the head of state. In 2004, amendments and additions were also made to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of state and is elected by direct elections for a term of 5 years. One and the same person can hold the office of the President of the Republic of Belarus for more than two consecutive terms.

In accordance with the Constitution, parliament - the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus - is the highest legislative body of Belarus. Consists of two chambers - the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic, the term of office of the parliament is 4 years.

The House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus (Belarusian Chamber of the Pradstauniko National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus) is the lower house of the Parliament of Belarus. The composition of the House of Representatives is 110 deputies.

Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus - the upper house of the parliament of the Republic of Belarus. The Council of the Republic consists of 64 senators.

Elections of the President of Belarus are held according to the majoritarian electoral system with an absolute majority - to be elected in the first round, a candidate needs to receive more than 50 percent of the votes. The elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus are considered valid if more than half of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus included in the voter list took part in the voting. If none of the candidates received the required number of votes in the first round, a second round of voting for two candidates shall be held no later than within two weeks.

The election of deputies to the House of Representatives is carried out on the basis of universal, free, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot. Elections are held in single-member constituencies.

The Council of the Republic is the chamber of territorial representation. Eight members of the Council of the Republic are elected from each region and the city of Minsk at meetings of deputies of local councils. In addition to them, eight members of the Council of the Republic are appointed by the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The turnout threshold for the elections of deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus is more than 50 percent of voters for the first round and more than 25 percent for the second round. If the indicated voter turnout thresholds are not reached, then repeated elections are held.

In accordance with the legislation, early termination of the powers of the chambers of parliament is possible. Upon termination of the powers of one of the chambers, the powers of the other chamber may be terminated.

The next elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus will be held on December 19, 2010. The decision on the date of their holding was adopted on September 14, 2010 by the Belarusian parliament. The CEC of the Republic of Belarus registered 10 candidates, including the incumbent President Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko.

In observing the elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus from the Russian side, it is planned that observers will participate in international missions through the CIS and OSCE, as well as on a bilateral basis.

Ushakov's dictionary


absentee zm[sente], absenteeism, pl. No, husband.(from lat. absens - absent) ( books.). Evasion of visits related to the performance of any public duties. In the last elections, absenteeism of voters was not noticed. Exhibit absenteeism (absent from meetings).

Political Science: A Reference Dictionary


(from lat. absentia - absence)

non-participation in voting in elections or referendums of citizens who have an active right to vote; evasion of voters from voting in elections of representative bodies, the head of state. Absenteeism is caused, as a rule, by the apoliticality of citizens, the loss of their confidence in state authorities, the low level of political competence of voters, and the low significance of election results for citizens. Absenteeism has a negative impact, since it reduces the legitimacy of the authorities and testifies to the alienation of citizens from the state; in some countries (Italy, Belgium, Greece, Austria) is prosecuted; agricultural: a form of land tenure in which the owner of the land, without participating in the production process, receives a cash income in the form of rent or profit.

Modern economic dictionary. 1999


(from lat. absentia - absence)

1) lack of an owner, form of land use; In which the land is separated from the owner, who receives monetary income in the form of rent, but does not participate in the processing and industrial use of the land;

2) absence of an employee at work, absence from work, without a valid reason.

Political science. Glossary of terms


(lat. absentis - absent) - one of the forms of deliberate boycotting by voters of elections, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise of human rights and obligations. In broad terms, absenteeism can be understood as the fact of the population's indifference to political life, the philistine idea of ​​individual people that nothing depends on them in politics, ”politics“ is not my business, ”and so on. Such a view contradicts the foundations of the constitutional order of the Russian Federation. If “a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value,” then their manifestation in political life presupposes a rejection of absenteeism and apoliticality. Article 32 of the Constitution reads: "Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the management of state affairs both directly and through their representatives." But this right, in unity with the freedom of a person, gives him the opportunity not to participate in political life, in the election campaign. Thus, absenteeism acts as a sign of human freedom in society. But freedom from non-participation in political life turns into the formation of an absent consciousness, indifference to the social and political affairs of society and the state. Therefore, we emphasize that, having a common and political culture, a person is obliged to freely exercise his rights in political life. Mass absenteeism can blow up the democratic mechanisms of social management, make the population an object of manipulation, absolutely subject to the "top", and form a passive personality. Absenteeism is present in any society: developed and undeveloped, democratic and totalitarian, etc. Its causes are manifold: citizens' lack of faith in the effectiveness of political institutions; lack of political culture; struggle for situational satisfaction of interests and others.

Shpak V.Yu.

Terminological dictionary of a librarian on socio-economic topics


manifestation of the indifferent attitude of the population to political life, avoidance of participation in it. It gets a concentrated expression in the evasion of voters from participating in voting at elections of different levels.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from Latin absentia - absence), evasion of voters from voting in elections of representative bodies, head of state, etc.

Ozhegov Dictionary

ABSENTE AND ZM [sente], a, m.(book). Evasion of voters from participation in elections to state bodies.

| adj. absentee, oh, oh.

Efremova's Dictionary


Evasion of voters from participation in elections to state bodies.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(English Absenteeism, from absent - absent) - a word that owes its origin to the well-known plight of Ireland and denotes the constant absence of the large landowners there from their estates. In this absence they saw the main reason impoverishment and savagery of the Irish people, because thanks to this, large sums of money were taken from the country, which the landowners spent outside of it. This view, however, put forward, is undoubtedly unfounded, for the producers of a certain country must base their existence on their own incomes, and not on the incomes of absent fellow citizens. But the matter is presented quite differently if, as it is in Ireland, the absent are the owners of almost all the land and instead of a large middle class they have almost all the available capital, and at the same time the welfare of the whole country, while more than 60% of the rest agricultural families base their existence on such tiny leases and run such a microscopic economy that with difficulty can only provide them with the most necessary for life. In view of this normal distribution capital in the absence of landowners themselves becomes extremely inconvenient. The absence of personal, generally useful activities of landowners living outside the country is always an irreparable evil. There is no direct agreement between the owners and tenants, the mediation of outsiders who have nothing to do with either the people or the country is always one-sidedly directed only towards obtaining as much as possible for their client and at the same time enriching themselves. It was even proposed to restrict Irish A. by forcible retention of landowners or the imposition of a special tax on absentees. But the first would be too strong an encroachment on personal freedom, the second would not help much, both means would significantly reduce the value of land ownership in Ireland. The sale of estates on the basis of the Encumbered Estates Act (1849) did not achieve its goal of facilitating the formation of a sedentary class of small and medium landowners, but only increased the number of foreign owners, since the buyers were exclusively British and Scots. Manifested in modern times the agrarian movement and the assassinations associated with it can, of course, only worsen the evil. In general, Irish Armenia is not a solitary evil, but the result of the general unhappy state of the country, which can only be corrected by deep and radical reforms of its entire economic and social system (see Vol. Ireland ).