World Safer Internet Day. International Safer Internet Day

Digital technologies are increasingly entering our daily life. Therefore, ensuring security on the Internet is one of the most pressing requirements of modernity and progress. A safe and positive Internet is not only about special security programs. This is, first of all, an abundance of positive content, knowledge of ordinary users about the basics of security, and public consensus regarding norms of behavior on the Internet. This is also a public-government partnership aimed at increasing the level of Internet security for ordinary users. And also these are Internet opportunities and services that come to the aid of people in almost any problem situation.

Since 2005, the main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world has been non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. All countries are members of Insafe European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia.

Each of the organization’s national centers is involved in the implementation at the local level educational programs Internet safety issues, operates a helpline and works with young people to provide an evidence-based, multi-faceted approach to improving the Internet.

Within a few years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework and become a truly international holiday, celebrated on five continents.

In 2015, Safer Internet Day was celebrated in more than 110 countries around the world. In total, more than a thousand events were held in the participating countries under the motto “Let's create a positive Internet together!”

The slogan for Safer Internet Day 2016 is: “Play your part in creating a safer Internet!” (Play your part for a better Internet!).

Countries that do not have their own national centers submit their pre-applications for participation in worldwide events to the Insafe network.

In Russia, Internet Safety Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National Internet Security Node in Russia", which later became the Center for Security in the Information Society "NeDopusti!", which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of events International Day safe Internet on the territory of Russia.

The official Russian part of the worldwide events dedicated to International Safer Internet Day is Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days leading up to it. In 2016, it runs from February 2 to February 9 inclusive. The Week's events take place both in Moscow and in more than 40 regions of Russia.

The Safe Runet Week was first held in 2008 on the initiative of a regional public organization"Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week has been the ROCIT project "Safe Internet Center". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been included in the official events of the International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries peace.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our everyday security.

Conferences are traditionally held as part of the Week, round tables, “direct lines” with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults, competitions are announced or their results are summed up, quizzes, information campaigns, television interviews are held - events of various formats and for different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Internet Day in Russia is celebrated on September 30. The celebration of World Wide Web Day was initiated in 1998 by IT Infoart Stars, which sent out a proposal to firms and organizations to designate September 30 as Internet Day and conduct a census of the “Runet population” - at that time they counted one million users.

RT received seven European Internet OscarsIn particular, RT’s interactive multimedia special project “Chernobyl 30”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, awarded silver and bronze awards.

In other countries, International Internet Day is celebrated on April 4, the day of the medieval Archbishop of Seville, Saint Isidore, who created one of the prototypes modern Internet- 20-volume encyclopedia of human knowledge. It is this saint who is considered the heavenly patron of the World Wide Web.

According to Rosstat, 70.1% of the population aged 15-72 years use the Internet, 72.1% of households in Russia have access to the Internet.

According to the study Russian Association electronic communications (RAEC), the number of Internet users in Russia in 2015 increased by 9.2% - to 80.5 million people. According to the study, 66.5 million people went online every day, in rural areas half of the population uses the Internet.

According to experts, by the end of 2017 the share of users over 18 years of age who use the Internet daily will increase to 70.04% (optimistic scenario - 80.55%), and by the end of 2020 - 76.32% or 84.48%, respectively. .

As RAEC notes, the mobile Internet audience increased by 12.5% ​​in 2015. In 2015, 39.6% of users accessed the Internet from smartphones, and 25.8% from tablets. By the end of 2016, these indicators are projected to increase to 47.3% and 26.1%, respectively. Desktop computers, laptops or netbooks were used by 66.7% of the Internet audience in 2015; by the end of 2016, this share is expected to decrease to 65.1%. RAEC also predicts an increase in the audience accessing the network from televisions (with the Smart TV function) to 11.5% in 2016 from 10.9% in 2015.

Last year, we spent an average of 148 minutes a day online, mobile internet- 110 minutes. Most often, Russians go online to search for information, communicate on social networks, read news, correspond by e-mail, view photos, and download videos and music.

According to experts, on the Internet.

In 2015, about 2 million people worked in companies and organizations related to online markets (including the self-employed population).

The Internet has become an integral part of the life of Russians. Most users of all age categories are confident that without the Internet their lives will change significantly. More than 80% of users of all ages believe that the Internet has brought more good than bad.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On September 30 in Russia, everyone whose professional activity is connected with the Internet, as well as users who cannot imagine life without the World Wide Web, can celebrate Internet Day.

Interestingly, the date of the Russian holiday does not coincide with International Internet Day, which is traditionally celebrated in different countries April, 4. This day is dedicated to Saint Isidore of Seville. The Archbishop of Seville, who lived in the 6th and 7th centuries AD, was the author of a multi-volume encyclopedia, popular in the Middle Ages, a body of then-current knowledge about the world. This merit has made the saint a modern patron of the Internet.

The history of the origin of the national holiday

Since the late 90s of the last century, a tradition has emerged in Russia to celebrate Internet Day on the last day of September. The date of the celebration was proposed by the company IT Infoart Stars, which initiated the counting of Runet users. By this time their number had just reached one million.

The first time the holiday was celebrated en masse in Moscow was in 1998. Then only two hundred people took part in the event, but already next year the celebration became much larger. A festival dedicated to Internet technologies was timed to coincide with the date, among the many participants of which were both domestic and foreign companies. During the week, the festival included various thematic competitions, seminars and other events, a significant part of which were broadcast online.

Internet in Russia today

Despite its youth, Runet is developing rapidly and has great prospects for the future. The importance of creating a Russian-language segment of the World Wide Web cannot be overestimated.

From an economic point of view, the Internet is a huge and promising market for the sale of goods, services and professional qualities of specialists in various fields.

As an educational resource, it makes unique sources of knowledge and different kinds distance learning, which saves effort, time and money.

A large and constantly increasing number of sites in Russian allows users who do not speak Russian to access information. foreign languages. Using online services, you can make purchases, pay utilities and other services, receive professional advice and mail without leaving your home.

Finally, the Internet has become universal remedy communications. Generations have already grown up for whom communication on the Internet is completely natural. Development of popular social networks allows you to renew and maintain contacts with relatives, acquaintances and people with similar interests.

The number of network users is constantly growing. On this moment According to statistics, every second resident of Russia has home Internet, not to mention the increasingly accessible and sophisticated mobile communication devices.

02.02.2016 | World Safer Internet Day

02/07/2017 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses are publicly demonstrated safe work with the Network, points are marked collaboration over the problem of the state and civil society. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.

02/06/2018 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses for safe work with the Internet are publicly demonstrated, points of joint work on the problem of the state and civil society are noted. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.

02/05/2019 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses for safe work with the Internet are publicly demonstrated, points of joint work on the problem of the state and civil society are noted. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.

02/05/2013 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses for safe work with the Internet are publicly demonstrated, points of joint work on the problem of the state and civil society are noted. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.

02/04/2014 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses for safe work with the Internet are publicly demonstrated, points of joint work on the problem of the state and civil society are noted. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.

02/03/2015 | World Safer Internet Day

Another name is International Safer Internet Day - a holiday celebrated on the first Tuesday of February. The idea of ​​the celebration belongs to the European Commission (January 2004), which was supported by the European non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. The main coordinator of the Day is the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). By decision of the European Commission in 2004, a special day was established dedicated to public rejection of aggressive Internet content. On this day, results are summed up and plans are outlined to counter the penetration of such information into the minds of fellow citizens, methods and training courses for safe work with the Internet are publicly demonstrated, points of joint work on the problem of the state and civil society are noted. This day is, among other things, a day of combating drug propaganda on the Internet.