DIY wind engine. How to make a wind generator with your own hands: useful tips. Base and articulated mast

From ancient times to today humanity is trying to find alternative energy sources. But, despite progress in absolutely all industries without exception and the regular introduction of innovative methods of generating power into production, the most reliable and widespread are still natural resources - water, wind, etc. And if an ordinary consumer may have problems with the installation of a hydroelectric power station , then almost every owner is able to equip such a mechanism as a windmill for a private home. It is about this device, it technical specifications, types and features of installation will be discussed further.

What is a wind generator?

Such a mechanism is a product whose main purpose is to convert wind energy into electrical voltage. Similar devices, which are called windmills among consumers, have been used since the dawn of our era, only their form was, of course, different. Today, such a device has been significantly improved.

The main resource for such a mechanism is wind. Based on observations made, based on its speed and density, experts find out exactly what height should be to place this device, how many blades it should have, etc. Generators for wind turbines are produced at specialized enterprises, but many owners prefer to make such a mechanism on their own using improvised means. But before we talk about the features of this process, we should find out how such a mechanism functions.

The principle of operation of a homemade windmill

The familiar airplane turbine is very similar to the system of this generator. The main difference is that in a windmill the rotation of the blades does not occur due to the operation of a powerful engine. The operation is based on free wind energy, which is absorbed and subsequently converted into electricity needed by the owners.

As a rule, the shape of the blades is selected so that any, even the slightest, breath is noticeable, and the mechanism immediately reacts to it. Although the rotation speed often appears low, small gears spin much faster than large ones, which is not always noticeable at first glance. Working in this way, the mechanism does an excellent job of accelerating the blades and energy is produced in the required volume.

Main advantages of wind generators

The undeniable advantages of such products include the following:

Environmental Safety. A wind turbine for a private home does not affect the state of the atmosphere in any way and does not emit any harmful exhausts or gases into the air, since fuel is not required for its operation;

As it becomes clear, this mechanism is very beneficial from an economic point of view, since you will not have to spend money on fuel. All costs will be associated only with the installation of the structural parts of the windmill, and in particular its generator.

However, this functional device However, there are also some negative characteristics that cannot be ignored.

Disadvantages of wind turbines

The main disadvantage of the product is the inability to control the speed of its operation, which explains the constant difference in the amount of energy produced. To put it simply, in the absence of wind, there is an inevitable need to use another source that already operates on some kind of fuel.

In addition, from an ergonomic point of view, such installations are not very convenient, since they take up a lot of space. In addition, for maximum effect, it is best to place them on a hill rather than on flat terrain.

When installing a vertical windmill, it is extremely important to coordinate its installation with your neighbors, since there are cases when this mechanism acts as a serious interference for television antennas, and the noise level is sometimes too high.

Horizontal wind generator design

The difference between the two above-mentioned types of these mechanisms lies in the location of the axis. The horizontal option is more common for providing electricity small buildings private type and consists of the following structural components:

  1. Rotor shaft.
  2. Transmission.
  3. Directly generator.
  4. Brake system.

Before making a windmill, you should clearly understand that the blades of such a product must be made of durable metal, able to withstand the elements. Thanks to the gearbox, the entire mechanism functions reliably. To prevent unforeseen situations, it is possible to install an additional motor capable of generating electrical energy.

Operation of a vertical wind turbine

This system is equipped with a rotor shaft that is no longer horizontal, but straight. The main advantage of this design is that the free energy obtained from the air is produced regardless of any specific one. In addition, it is absolutely not necessary to mount such a mechanism in an open area; unlike a horizontal model, it can be installed inside a building.

Generators for a windmill equipped vertically operate very simply. The incoming energy is converted into electricity due to the rotating blades, which, in turn, work thanks to the rotor shaft. In this case, the resulting voltage can always not only be directed to a living space, but also connected to specific equipment or device.

Materials for assembling a wind generator

The configuration of such a homemade device does not include any parts that are difficult to obtain; as a rule, all elements are freely available on the market or on the farm. So, the mechanism is mounted using the following materials:

  • for windmill 12 V;
  • a regular battery of the same power;
  • cookware made of aluminum or of stainless steel, for example, a bucket or large pan;
  • car relay;
  • switch in the form of a button;
  • a special device for measuring voltage - a voltmeter;
  • wires of the required length;
  • technical tools - drill, screwdriver, wire cutters;
  • fasteners in the form of nuts, bolts and washers.

Having all the above materials available, you can begin to assemble a horizontal or vertical windmill.

Manufacturing process

If the blades of the device are made from a bucket, then it should be divided into 4 parts, observing the proportions of the future parts, and then, without reaching the end, cut out the elements with special scissors designed for metal.

At the bottom and on the pulley it is necessary to mark and drill holes for fastening the bolts. It is important that the resulting openings are located symmetrically to each other, otherwise, while rotating, the windmill may tilt.

After this, the blades should be bent slightly. Wind turbine generators can spin in different sides, so here it is necessary to take into account in which direction it is moving in order to move the metal parts in that direction. The bend angle directly affects the rotation speed.

The bucket with prepared blades is attached to the pulley using bolts.

Next, a generator is connected to the system. By correctly aligning all the wires, you can achieve uninterrupted operation equipment and provide electricity not only to residential premises, but also to additional communications such as burglar alarm, video surveillance, etc.

There are other assembly options that use completely different parts, one of which is a magnet for a windmill generator. But a product made from a car battery is the easiest to install and operate.

How to protect a wind generator from a hurricane?

There are cases when the use of such a device is extremely undesirable. This is especially true for those situations when the speed of wind gusts exceeds 8-9 m/s. In this case homemade product needs some protection.

During bad weather, it is best to cover wind turbine generators with a side shovel. This mechanism has earned wide popularity among consumers largely due to the simplicity of its design. This shovel is mounted from a standard profile pipe having a cross-section of 20x40x2.5 mm and an ordinary sheet of steel, the thickness of which should not exceed 1-2 mm.

The spring holding such an element can be any material made of carbon steel and treated with zinc.

Having installed this protective agent, you can be confident about the integrity of the generator, since even the strongest wind will not be able to cause any mechanical damage to it. This also applies to the entire design of the product.

Proper care of a homemade windmill

In order for equipment created at home to function normally, you should follow the following recommendations for its operation:

  1. A few weeks after the first start-up, the wind generator must be lowered and the reliability of all fastenings checked.
  2. All structural parts of the generator must be lubricated with oil at least twice a year.
  3. If you notice that the blades are rotating crookedly or constantly shaking, the windmill should be lowered immediately and all faults should be corrected immediately.
  4. The current receiver brushes should be checked at least once a year. This will avoid possible troubles associated with a short circuit in the network.
  5. Painting of the structural parts of the entire mechanism can be done once every 2-3 years.

Thus, we can say with confidence that it is much easier and cheaper to operate homemade windmills. Generators, the prices of which are quite high, are best made by hand rather than purchasing expensive factory equipment. It is only important to comply with all assembly conventions, and then the resulting device will work for a long time and reliably.

Wind power generators continue to gain popularity. They are most often interested in people living in rural areas and having the opportunity to install such impressive structures on their sites. But, given the high cost of this equipment, not everyone can afford to buy it. Let's see how to make a wind generator with your own hands and save money on creating your own alternative source of electrical energy.

Wind generator - source of electricity

Utility rates are raised at least once a year. And if you look closely, in some years the price of the same electricity rises twice – the numbers in payment documents grow like mushrooms after rain. Naturally, all this hits the pocket of the consumer, whose income does not show such sustainable growth. And real incomes, as statistics show, show a downward trend.

Until recently, it was possible to combat rising electricity tariffs in one simple but illegal way - using a neodymium magnet. This product was applied to the flow meter body, causing it to stop. But we strongly do not recommend using this technique - it is unsafe, illegal, and the fine if caught will be such that it will not seem small.

The scheme was simply great, but later it stopped working for the following reasons:

Increasingly frequent control rounds began to identify unscrupulous owners en masse.

  • Control rounds have become more frequent - representatives of regulatory authorities are visiting houses;
  • Special stickers began to be stuck on meters - under the influence of a magnetic field they darken, exposing the offender;
  • The counters have become immune to magnetic field– electronic accounting units are installed here.

Therefore, people began to pay attention to alternative sources of electricity, for example, wind generators.

Another way to expose a violator stealing electricity is to conduct an examination of the level of magnetization of the meter, which easily reveals facts of theft.

Windmills for home use are becoming commonplace in areas where wind blows frequently. A wind power generator uses the energy of wind air flows to generate electricity. To do this, they are equipped with blades that drive the generator rotors. The received electricity is converted into D.C., after which it is transferred to consumers or stored in batteries.

Wind generators for a private home, both home-made and factory-assembled, can be the main or auxiliary sources of electricity. Here's a typical example of how an auxiliary source works - it heats water in a boiler or powers low-voltage household lights, while the rest of the household appliances run on the main power supply. It is also possible to work as the main source of electricity in homes not connected to electrical networks. Here they feed:

  • Chandeliers and lamps;
  • Large household appliances;
  • Heating appliances and much more.

Accordingly, in order to heat your home, you need to make or purchase a 10 kW wind power plant - this should be enough for all needs.

A wind power plant can power both traditional electrical appliances and low-voltage ones - they operate on 12 or 24 volts. A 220 V wind generator is made according to a scheme using inverter converters with electricity stored in batteries. Wind generators for 12, 24 or 36 V are simpler - they use simpler battery charge controllers with stabilizers.

Homemade wind generator for home and its features

Before we tell you how to make a windmill to generate electricity, let's talk about why you can't use a factory model. Factory wind generators are indeed more efficient than their homemade counterparts. Everything that can be done in production will be more reliable than what can be done in artisanal conditions. This rule also applies to wind generators.

Self-manufacturing of a wind generator is advantageous due to its low cost. Factory samples with a power from 3 kW to 5 kW will cost 150-220 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Such a high price explains the inaccessibility of store-bought models for most consumers, because it also affects the payback period - in some cases it reaches 10-12 years, although some models “pay off” much earlier.

Factory-built wind power plants for home use are more reliable and less likely to break down. But each breakdown can lead to huge costs for spare parts. As for homemade products, they are easy to repair yourself, since they are assembled from scrap materials. This justifies the far from perfect design.

Yes, it will be very difficult to make a 30 kW wind generator with your own hands, but anyone who knows how to work with tools will be able to assemble a small wind turbine of low power and provide for themselves required quantity electricity.

Diagram of a homemade wind generator - main components

Making a homemade wind generator at home is relatively easy. Below you can see a simple drawing explaining the location of the individual components. According to this drawing, we need to make or prepare the following components:

Scheme of a homemade windmill.

  • Blades - they can be made from a variety of materials;
  • Generator for a wind generator - you can purchase a ready-made one or make it yourself;
  • Tail section – directs the blades in the direction of the wind, allowing for maximum efficiency;
  • Multiplier – increases the rotation speed of the generator shaft (rotor);
  • Mounting mast - all of the above components will be held on it;
  • Tension cables - hold the entire structure and prevent it from falling from gusts of wind;
  • The charge controller, batteries and inverter provide conversion, stabilization and accumulation of the received electricity.

We will try to make a simple rotary wind generator with you.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a wind generator

Make a windmill out of plastic bottles even a child can do it. It will spin merrily in the wind, making noise. There is a huge number of different schemes for constructing such wind turbines, in which the axis of rotation can be located both vertically and horizontally. These things don’t generate electricity, but they do a great job of driving moles away. personal plots, which harm plants and dig their burrows everywhere.

Homemade wind generator for the home is somewhat similar to a bottle windmill like this. Only it is larger in size and has a more serious design. But if you attach a small motor to such a windmill, it can become a source of electricity and even power some electrical thing, for example, an LED - its power is not enough for more. By looking at the diagram of such a “toy”, you can understand how to make a full-fledged wind generator.

Making a generator for a windmill

In order to assemble a wind power plant, we need a generator, and one with self-excitation. In other words, its design must contain magnets that induce electricity in the windings. This is exactly how some electric motors are designed, for example, in screwdrivers. But you won’t be able to make a decent wind generator from a screwdriver - the power will be simply ridiculous, and will only be enough to operate a small LED lamp at most.

It’s also not possible to make a wind power plant from a self-generator - it uses an excitation winding powered by a battery, so it’s not suitable for us. From a household fan, we can only make a scarecrow for birds attacking the garden. Therefore, you need to look for a normal self-exciting generator of suitable power. Better yet, splurge and buy a store-bought model.

It is really more profitable to buy a generator than to make it - the efficiency of a factory-made model will be higher than that of a home-made one.

Let's see how to make a generator for our windmill with our own hands.

Its maximum power is 3-3.5 kW. For this we need:

  • Stator - it is made of two pieces sheet metal, cut in the shape of circles with a diameter of 500 mm. On each circle along the edge (slightly retreating from the edge) 12 neodymium magnets with a diameter of 50 mm are glued. Their poles must alternate. We prepare the second circle in a similar way, but only the poles here should be shifted;
  • Rotor - it is a structure of 9 coils wound with copper wire with a diameter of 3 mm in varnish insulation. We make 70 turns in each coil, although some sources recommend making 90 turns. To place the coils, it is necessary to make a base of non-magnetic material;
  • Axle - it must be made exactly in the center of the rotor. Moreover, there should be no beating; the structure must be carefully centered, otherwise it will quickly be broken by the wind.

We place the stators and the rotor - the rotor itself rotates between the stators. A distance of 2 mm is maintained between these elements. We connect all the windings according to the diagram below so that we get a single-phase alternating current source.

We make blades

In this review, we are making a fairly powerful wind generator - its power will be up to 3-3.5 kW at strong wind or up to 1.5 or 2 kW in medium winds. Moreover, it will turn out to be quite silent, unlike generators with electric motors. Next you need to think about the location of the blades. We have decided to make a simple three-blade horizontal wind generator. One could also think about a vertical wind generator, but in this case the wind energy utilization factor will be lower - on average 0.3.

If you make a vertical wind generator, then it will have only one advantage - it will be able to work in any wind direction.

The easiest way to make simple blades at home. For their manufacture, you can use various materials:

  • Wood, however, over time it can crack and dry out;
  • Polypropylene - this type of plastic is suitable for low-power generators;
  • Metal is a reliable and durable material from which blades of any size can be made (duralumin, used in aviation, is good).

A small table will help you estimate the diameter of the blades. Check the approximate wind speed at your local location and find out what diameter the wind generator blades need to be made.

Making blades for a wind generator is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to ensure that our entire structure is balanced - otherwise strong gusts of wind will quickly break it. Balancing is performed by adjusting the length of the blades. After this, we combine the blades with the rotor of our wind generator and install the structure on the installation site to which the tail section is attached.

Startup and testing

The most important thing in the future is to choose the right place to install the mast. It must be positioned strictly vertically. The generator with blades is placed as high as possible, where the wind is stronger. Make sure that there are no forest plantations nearby, separately standing trees, houses and large structures that block air flows - if there is any interference, place the wind generator at a distance from them.

As soon as the wind generator starts moving, you need to do the following - connect a multimeter to the generator outlet and check for voltage. Now the system is ready for full operation; all that remains is to decide what voltage will be supplied to the house and how this will happen.

Connecting consumers

We have already managed to make a low-noise windmill, and quite powerful one at that. Now it's time to connect the electronics to it. When assembling 220V wind generators with your own hands, you need to take care of purchasing inverter converters. The efficiency of these devices reaches 99%, so losses in converting the supplied direct current into alternating current with a voltage of 220 Volts will be minimal. In total, the system will have three additional nodes:

  • Battery pack – accumulates excess generated electricity for future use. These surpluses are used to feed consumers during periods of calm or when there is very little wind;

For a long time, humanity has been using the power of the wind for its own purposes. Windmills, sailing ships They are familiar to many; they are written about in books and historical films are made. Nowadays, the wind power generator has not lost its relevance, because with its help you can get free electricity in your dacha, which can come in handy if the power goes out. Let's talk about homemade windmills, which can be assembled from scrap materials and available parts at a minimum cost. For you, we have provided one detailed instruction with pictures, as well as video ideas for several more assembly options. So, let's look at how to make a wind generator with your own hands at home.

Assembly instructions

There are several types of wind turbines, namely horizontal, vertical and turbine. They have fundamental differences, their pros and cons. However, the operating principle of all wind generators is the same - wind energy is converted into electrical energy and accumulated in batteries, and from them is used for human needs. The most common type is horizontal.

He is familiar and recognizable. The advantage of a horizontal wind generator is its higher efficiency compared to others, since the windmill blades are always exposed to air flow. The disadvantages include the high wind requirement - it must be stronger than 5 meters per second. This type of windmill is the easiest to make, which is why home craftsmen often take it as a basis.

If you decide to try your hand at assembling a wind generator yourself, here are some recommendations.

You need to start with the generator - this is the heart of the system; the design of the screw assembly will depend on its parameters. Domestic and imported automobile generators are suitable for this; there is information about the use of stepper motors from printers or other office equipment. You can also use a bicycle wheel motor to make your own windmill to generate electricity. In general, almost any motor or generator can be used, but it must be tested for efficiency.

Having decided on the energy converter, you need to assemble a gear unit to increase the speed on the generator shaft. One revolution of the propeller should be equal to 4-5 revolutions on the shaft of the generator unit. However, these parameters are selected individually, based on the power and characteristics of your generator and blade assembly. The gearbox can be a part from an angle grinder or a system of belts and rollers.

When the gearbox-generator assembly is assembled, we begin to determine its torque resistance (grams per millimeter). To do this, you need to make an arm with a counterweight on the shaft of the future installation, and using a weight, find out at what weight the arm will go down. An acceptable result is less than 200 grams per meter. The size of the shoulder in this case is taken as the length of the blade.

Many people think that the more blades, the better. This is not entirely true. We need high speeds, and many propellers create greater wind resistance, since we make them at home, as a result of which at some point the oncoming flow slows down the propeller and the efficiency of the installation drops. You can use a two-blade propeller. Such a propeller can spin at more than 1000 rpm in normal winds. You can make the blades of a homemade wind generator from improvised materials - from plywood and galvanization, to plastic from water pipes(as in the photo below). The main condition is that the material must be light and durable.

A lightweight propeller will increase the efficiency of the windmill and sensitivity to air flow. Do not forget to balance the air wheel and remove irregularities, otherwise you will hear howling and howling while the generator is operating, and vibrations will lead to rapid wear of parts.

Next important element, this is the tail. It will keep the wheel in the wind flow, and rotate the structure if its direction changes.

It's up to you to decide whether to make a current collector or not. This will complicate the design, but will eliminate frequent twisting of the wire, which can lead to cable breaks. Of course, in its absence, you will sometimes have to unwind the wire yourself. During the test run of the wind generator, do not forget about safety precautions; spinning blades pose a great danger.

A tuned and balanced wind turbine is installed on a mast at least 7 meters high from the ground, secured with spacer cables. Next, an equally important component is the storage battery. The most commonly used car battery is acid-acid battery. You cannot connect the output of a homemade wind generator directly to the battery; this must be done through a charging relay or controller, which you can assemble yourself or purchase ready-made.

The principle of operation of the relay comes down to monitoring the charge and load. If the battery is fully charged, it switches the generator and battery to load ballast, the system strives to always be charged, preventing overcharging, and does not leave the generator without load. A windmill without load can spin up quite strongly and damage the insulation in the windings with the generated potential. In addition, high speeds can cause mechanical destruction of wind generator elements. Next is a voltage converter from 12 to 220 volts 50 Hz for connecting household appliances.

Now the Internet is full of diagrams and drawings where craftsmen show how to make a wind generator using powerful magnets yourself. Whether they are as effective as they promise is a moot point. But it’s worth trying to assemble a wind power generating installation for your home, and then decide how to improve it. It is important to gain experience and then you can take a swing at a more serious device. The freedom and variety of homemade windmills is so vast, and element base is varied that there is no point in describing them all, the main meaning remains the same - the wind flow spins the propeller, the gearbox increases the shaft speed, the generator produces voltage, then the controller maintains the charge level on the battery, and energy is already taken from it for various needs. Using this principle, you can make a wind generator with your own hands at home. We hope our detailed instructions with photo examples explained to you how to make suitable model windmill for home or cottage. We also recommend that you watch master classes on assembling a homemade device in video format.

Visual video lessons

To easily make a wind generator to generate electricity at home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with ready-made ideas on video examples:

So we have provided all the simplest and affordable ideas assembling a homemade windmill. As you can see, even a child can easily make some models of devices. There are many other homemade options: with powerful magnets, with complex blades, etc. These designs should be repeated only if you have some experience in this matter, you should start with simple circuits. If you want to make a wind generator so that it works and is used for its intended purpose, proceed according to the instructions we provide. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments.

IN modern realities Every homeowner is well aware of the constant increase in the cost of utilities - this also applies to electrical energy. Therefore, to create comfortable conditions living in suburban housing construction, both in summer and winter, you will have to either pay for energy supply services, or find an alternative way out of the current situation, since natural energy sources are free.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands - step by step guide

The territory of our state is mostly plains. Despite the fact that in cities the access to wind is blocked by high-rise buildings, strong air currents rage outside the city. That's why self-production wind generator - the only one correct solution to provide country house electricity. But first you need to figure out which model is suitable for self-production.


A rotary windmill is a simple converting device that is easy to make with your own hands. Naturally, such a product will not be able to provide electricity to a country mansion, but for country house will do just fine. It will allow you to illuminate not only residential buildings, but also outbuildings and even paths in the garden. To independently assemble a unit with a power of up to 1500 watts, you need to prepare Consumables and components from the following list:

Naturally, you need to have a minimum set of tools: scissors for cutting metal, a grinder, a measuring tape, a pencil, a set of wrenches and screwdrivers, a drill with drills and pliers.

Step by Step Actions

Assembly begins with the manufacture of the rotor and alteration of the pulley, for which a certain sequence of work is followed.

To connect the battery, conductors with a 4 mm cross-section and a length of no more than 100 cm are used. Consumers are connected with conductors with a cross-section of 2 mm. It is important to include a 220V DC to AC voltage converter in the open circuit according to the terminal contact diagram.

Pros and cons of the design

If all the manipulations are done correctly, then the device will last quite a long time. When using a sufficiently powerful battery and a suitable inverter up to 1.5 kW, you can provide power to street and indoor lighting, a refrigerator and a TV. Making such a windmill is very simple and cost-effective. This product is easy to repair and unpretentious to use. It is very reliable in terms of operation and does not make noise, annoying the inhabitants of the house. However, the rotary windmill has low efficiency and its operation depends on the presence of wind.

An axial design with an iron-free stator based on neodymium permanent magnets appeared on the territory of our state not so long ago due to the unavailability of component parts. But today, powerful magnets are not uncommon, and the cost of them has dropped significantly compared to a few years ago.

The basis of such a generator is a hub with brake discs from a passenger car. If this is not a new part, then it is advisable to overhaul it and change lubricants and bearings.

Placement and installation of neodymium magnets

Work begins with gluing magnets onto the rotor disk. For this purpose, 20 magnets are used. and dimensions 2.5 by 0.8 cm. To change the number of poles, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • a single-phase generator implies the number of magnets corresponding to the number of poles;
  • in the case of a three-phase device, a ratio of 2/3 of poles and coils is maintained, respectively;
  • The placement of magnets should occur with alternating poles; to simplify their distribution, it is better to use ready-made template made from cardboard.

If possible, it is advisable to use magnets rectangular shape, since in round analogues the concentration of magnetic fields occurs in the center, and not over the entire surface. It is important to meet the condition that magnets facing each other have opposite poles. In order to determine the poles, magnets are brought close to each other, and the attracting sides are positive, therefore the repulsive sides are negative.

A special one is used to attach the magnets. adhesive composition, after which, to increase strength, reinforcement is performed using epoxy resin. For this purpose, magnetic elements are filled with it. To prevent the resin from spreading, sides are made using ordinary plasticine.

Three-phase and single-phase type unit

Single-phase stators are inferior in their parameters to their three-phase counterparts, since vibration increases with increasing load. This is due to the difference in current amplitude resulting from the variability of its output over a certain period of time. In turn, in the three-phase analogue there is no such problem. This made it possible to increase the output of a three-phase generator by almost 50% compared to a single-phase model. Plus, due to the absence of additional vibration, no extraneous noise is created during operation of the device.

Winding coils

Every electrician knows that before starting to wind a coil, it is important to preliminary calculations. A homemade 220V wind generator is a device that operates at low speeds. It is necessary to ensure that battery charging starts at 100 rpm.

Based on these parameters, winding all the coils will require no more than 1200 turns. To determine the turns for one coil, you need to simply divide the total indicators by the number of individual elements.

To increase the power of a low-speed windmill, the number of poles is increased. In this case, the frequency of the current in the coils will increase. The winding of the coils should be thick copper wires. This will reduce the resistance value and, therefore, increase the current strength. It is important to consider that with a sharp increase in voltage, the current can be completely spent on the resistance of the windings. To simplify winding, you can use a special machine.

In accordance with the number and thickness of magnets attached to the disks, the performance characteristics of the device change. To find out what power indicators will ultimately be obtained, it is enough to wind one element and rotate it in the unit. To determine power characteristics, voltage is measured at certain speeds.

Often the coil is made round, but it is advisable to extend it slightly. In this case, there will be more copper in each sector, and the arrangement of turns becomes denser. By diameter internal hole the coil must be equal to the dimensions of the magnet. When manufacturing the stator, it is important to take into account that its thickness must be equal to the parameters of the magnets.

Usually plywood is used as a blank for the stator, but it is quite possible to make markings on a paper sheet by drawing sectors for the coils, and use regular plasticine for borders. To give strength to the product, fiberglass is used, located at the bottom of the mold on top of the coils. It is important that the epoxy resin does not stick to the mold. To do this, it is covered with wax on top. The coils are fixedly fixed to each other, and the ends of the phases are brought out. After that, all the wires are connected according to a star or triangle pattern. To test the finished device, it is rotated manually.

Usually the final height of the mast is 6 meters, but if possible it is better to double it. Because of this, it is used to secure it. concrete base. The fastening must be such that the pipe can be easily lifted and lowered using a winch. A screw is fixed at the upper end of the pipe.

To make a screw, you need a PVC pipe, the cross-section of which should be 16 cm. A two-meter long screw with six blades is cut from the pipe. The optimal shape of the blades is determined experimentally, which allows increasing torque at minimum speed. To retract the propeller from strong gusts of wind, a folding tail is used. The generated electricity is stored in batteries.

Video: homemade wind generator

After consideration available options wind generators, each homeowner will be able to decide on a device suitable for his purposes. Each of them has its own positive sides, and negative qualities. You can especially feel the effectiveness of a wind turbine outside the city, where there is constant movement of air masses.

The amounts you have to pay for utilities are growing every year. This is especially true for electricity. But not everyone knows that you can literally get it out of thin air, or more precisely, with the help of the power of the wind.

Thanks to which this is possible, they are called wind generators. Purchasing such equipment will not be cheap. However, you can save money by making a vertical windmill with your own hands.

Unlike other methods of generating energy, wind turbines have many advantages, such as:

  • environmental friendliness
  • work without fuel
  • energy saving
  • easy maintenance
  • use of an inexhaustible source of energy

In addition, a good windmill will make the house an autonomous point for generating electricity.

There are practically no disadvantages to wind generators, however, they do have minor disadvantages:

  • high cost of installations (factory models)
  • noisiness
  • excess energy requires additional batteries
  • power variability

The last drawback is the most significant, however, it can be eliminated by adding batteries to the installation. In addition, the effect of wind generators depends entirely on the variability of weather conditions.

As you can see, a wind generator has more advantages, which indicates the profitability of its use.

Who benefits from it?

There are a lot of types of wind generators, and even more so, subtypes. Which device should be installed on which one depends on the following factors:

  • local wind speed
  • device purpose
  • estimated cost

Before directly installing a wind turbine, you need to think several times about whether the costs will pay off. First, you need to determine the wind speed and direction in the area intended for installation.

You can obtain this information in two ways: yourself or contact your local weather service. The first option will require a portable station, which can be rented or purchased.

The advantage of independent measurements is their accuracy; however, a full-fledged study will require at least one year. The data obtained from the weather service will have approximate values, but will not require the cost and time for additional calculations.

To install a wind turbine, the annual wind speed must be at least 4.5 m/s-5 m/s.

At values ​​of about 4-5 m/s, the energy generated by an average power generator will be equal to 250 kW-hours per month. This is enough to provide electricity to a house for 3-4 people with heating and hot water. A wind turbine can generate up to 3 thousand kW-hours per year. The cost of installing such a wind generator is approximately 180 thousand rubles.

Creating your own installation is much cheaper. It is worth taking into account the constant increase in electricity tariffs. Thus, a wind generator can become a good alternative source electricity.

Where to install

Choosing a location to install a wind turbine is one of the most important steps. The best option there will be a free high point. It is important that the wind generator is not located below the level of nearby buildings that will obstruct the wind flow.

The most suitable places for installing wind generators are: steppes, shores of reservoirs, deserts and hills. In such areas, strong and constant winds most often blow.

In apartment buildings or urban environments, you can place the generator on the roof. This procedure should be agreed upon with the relevant authorities. In order to make sure that the vibrations of the windmill will not harm the roof, it is worth studying its design.

To avoid annoying noise from the generator, it should be installed at a distance of 15-25 m from residential buildings.

One of the main parameters of a windmill is the location of the rotation mechanism (shaft) relative to the earth’s surface. Based on this feature, devices are divided into horizontal and vertical.

The first ones work according to the principle windmill: the mechanism rotates in search of wind and the blades move from the slightest air currents.

This type of device produces a large number of electricity, which will be plenty for a private home.

Wind turbines with vertical axis rotations will be ideal solution to provide electricity small area or private production.

In addition, such a device has the following advantages:

  • regardless of wind direction
  • not affected by weather conditions
  • works even at low speeds
  • The blade area is 2 times larger than that of horizontal wind turbines

U vertical wind generator There are also disadvantages: low efficiency and high noise level. But, these disadvantages are insignificant in comparison with the overall benefits of the device.

So, a horizontal windmill can be installed directly on the roof, but a vertical one should be kept at a distance.

How to turn wind into heat

Even a low-power windmill can provide heat for an entire house. One of the easiest to implement is a heating system with natural circulation.

By installing a vertical windmill with your own hands for heating, you can save a decent amount. In addition, when using a natural circulation system together with wind generator no need to spend money on a pump.

The heating circuit includes:

  • Boiler
  • Conductive straight pipe (to deliver heated water)
  • Radiators
  • Return pipe (for delivering cooled water back)

The boiler is installed below the level of the entire system. This is necessary to ensure natural delivery water in it.

Using direct and return pipes radiators are connected in series, respectively, to the upper and lower parts of the boiler. The water heated in it will be squeezed upward, falling one by one into the radiators.

This system will allow you to significantly save on heating your home. In addition, it will regulate the temperature in the room.

Wind generator components

To construct even the simplest vertical windmill with your own hands (220 V), you need to purchase the main components:

  • rotor - the moving part of the generator
  • blades
  • mast – can have a different design (tripod, pyramid)
  • stator - coils of copper wire are located on it
  • battery
  • inverter - converts direct current into alternating current
  • controller – designed to “brake” the generator when its power exceeds the set value

It is best to use sheet plastic to make blades. Other materials are subject to severe deformation and damage. How larger area intended part, the denser the plastic should be.

When choosing a material, it is important to make sure that it is exactly high quality PVC, otherwise you will have to spend money again on new components and make complex calculations.

Thus, to create your own windmill you will not need expensive or rare parts.

Vertical windmill vs horizontal

To understand which wind turbine design works more efficiently, it is worth taking a closer look at the features of each of them. The horizontal generator has the following advantages:

  • effective in any direction of air flow
  • takes a lot less space compared to vertical
  • operates at high speeds even at low wind speeds
  • has a simple design
  • doesn't make noise

In addition, horizontal wind generators are made of lightweight materials and can even be installed on a lamppost. When placed along the road, such structures work even in calm weather.

The service life of both types of wind generators is approximately the same. Proper care and maintenance allow them to work effectively for up to 25 years. In horizontal wind turbines, the main load falls on the hub and bearing assembly. Vertical products experience more pressure on the blades.

The biggest difference between these types of wind turbines is their price. Horizontal ones cost owners of such structures much more.
It is better to use such a windmill in areas with increased turbulence and frequent changes in wind direction. Vertical ones are more suitable for terrain open type with a constant wind speed above 4.5 m/s.

Based on the comparison results, many summer residents choose vertical type wind generator.

Preparation of vertical windmill parts

The blades are made from various materials. The main condition is that they must be light.

The simplest option would be to make blades from PVC pipe.

They are less susceptible to sunlight and are quite durable.

For vertical wind turbine 4 parts are created from PVC and 2 from tin. The latter are cut in the shape of semicircles and attached to both sides of the pipe.

The blades are attached to the frame in a circle. The radius of rotation of the blades will be 690 mm. The height of each blade is 700 mm.

When assembling the rotor, you will need the following parts:

  • 6 neodymium magnets and 2 ferrite
  • discs with a diameter of 230 mm (2 pieces)

Neodymium magnets should be placed on one disk, and do not forget to change their polarity, alternating during installation. An angle of 60 degrees must be maintained between them, with a diameter of 165 mm. Ferrite magnets should be attached to disk 2 in the same way. Then they need to be filled with glue.

In order to start making the stator, you need to wind 9 coils of 60 turns each. Typically used for this copper wire 1 mm in diameter. The coils are then soldered together as follows:

  • start 1 connects with end 4
  • 4 – from 7

The second phase is assembled in exactly the same way, only soldering occurs from the second coil, and accordingly, the third phase is soldered to coil 3. A special mold needs to be made from plywood. A piece of fiberglass is placed in it, and then the coils.

The final stage is filling the structure with glue. A day later, the stator is ready for work.

Now that all the parts of the generator are made, they just need to be connected:

  • Studs will subsequently be present in the upper one. For them you need to make holes (4 pieces). They are designed to smoothly “land” the rotor in place.
  • Holes are also made in the stator for the bracket.
  • The lower rotor rests on it (magnets up).
  • Then the stator is laid.
  • The second rotor is placed on top with the magnets facing down. The parts are fixed to each other using nuts.

The design of the vertical generator also requires detailed consideration. Its main disadvantages include low efficiency and a larger number of parts compared to horizontal ones. On the other hand, such a product can work effectively even in low winds.

A horizontal generator is more reliable because it can withstand strong gusts of wind. The noiselessness of this type of design is also one of its most important advantages. You can even install a horizontal windmill on the roof of a residential building.

Thus, assembling the main parts of the windmill is not very difficult.

Wind generator design

A wind generator consists of a wheel with blades attached to it, a gearbox (converts and transmits torque), a battery and an inverter.
The product structure is assembled as follows:

  • Preparation of a three-point reinforced foundation.
  • The mast is made from durable pipes(you can take water ones). It should carry the rotor higher than the attic.
  • Screwing the generator to the finished mast.
  • Attaching the frame with blades to the generator.
  • Attaching the mast to the foundation and additionally securing it using a brace.

Collection electrical network is also carried out in a certain sequence.

The windmill must produce three-phase alternating current, converted to direct current using a bridge rectifier. To control the charge level, a standard automotive relay is used. An inverter is connected to the battery, which produces 220 V AC.

Thus, we get following results operation of a finished windmill at different wind speeds:

  • 5 m/s – 15W
  • 10.4 m/s – 45 W
  • 15.4 m/s – 75 W
  • 18 m/s – 163 W

There are several ways to increase the energy output of a generator. For example, if you increase the height of the mast to 26 meters, the average annual wind speed increases to 30%. At the same time, 1.5 times more electricity is generated. This is ensured by eliminating the influence of buildings and trees on the speed of air flows.

So, in order for a windmill to work efficiently, you need to calculate its design characteristics in advance.

Windmill care

The following procedures are carried out as regular maintenance of the structure:

  • Lubrication of moving parts (at least 2 times a year)
  • tightening bolts and electrical connections
  • checking mechanisms for rust and loose stretch marks
  • blade breakage control

The most common windmill damage is blade separation. In winter, a crust of ice appears on them. Frequent cleaning will extend the life of the structure.
Parts are painted as needed. Once a year you need to completely inspect the structure for damage.

A homemade windmill is very different in power values ​​from factory products. This is due to inaccurate calculations. Horizontal wind turbine with a theoretical power of 101 W it will produce only 90, and a vertical one with 69 W will produce about 60.

In order not to be disappointed in the low performance of a home-made design, it is worth making it with design parameters 2 times higher than necessary.

Thus, assembling a vertical wind turbine is a fairly simple option for providing a residential building with electricity. This is due to the ease of assembly of the structure, the low cost of the project and the high efficiency of the device. In addition, it requires minimal maintenance and produces electricity constantly. How to make a windmill yourself is shown in the video: