Smart home development. How to make a smart home with your own hands: what smart things and sensors you will need. Lighting control systems

Due to the rapid growth in popularity of intelligent home equipment control system, “ smart House“, the market offers many of its combinations and options, both complete expensive ones and separate circuits for installing a “smart home” system with your own hands.

How much are “smart homes” today?

The price of smart homes fluctuates quite widely. This does not depend on the “appetites” of the companies, but on the technologies, functions and equipment used in the installation of the system. For 1-2-room apartments, complete equipment with popular functions of an intelligent complex with installation and connection can cost from 4 thousand to 15 thousand USD. Let’s compare, in a cottage the price for “smart houses” starts from 6.5 thousand.

An automated control system is not a cheap pleasure and, moreover, its price depends on the presence of various functions in the kit. Some of them are included by default and significantly add value overall, although, for example, they may not be used at all by the owners.

By the way! Popular functions include: lighting control, climate control, security and safety.

That is why the question of whether it is possible to install a smart home system with your own hands is relevant for those who want to save money on installation and selection of equipment.

In fact, the technology and equipment for installation are not as complicated as it seems. And if the money issue is not the last thing for you, then you can only choose minimum required functions, as well as independently install the Smart Home system.

Advantages of self-installation

The installation price is about 30% of the total cost of the complex. Therefore, independent construction of automated equipment is a way to significantly save on price. In addition, in this case, you can independently select elements from one reliable manufacturer and, if desired, add or change the functions of the entire complex.

Experts say that if a person needs to cover all functions, then it is better to take ready-made option complex, which will cost the consumer 400 thousand rubles plus additional installation costs. “And if you want to save money and are ready to do everything by hand, then you can dig around yourself and assemble a good system for 40+ thousand rubles,” forum user Oleg shares his calculations.

You can independently equip your home with intelligent automation in two variations: purchasing a ready-made budget option with ready-made diagrams installation, or creating and developing a project from scratch.

Ready-made smart home systems allow for simple DIY installation, without complex programming. They most often have a wireless communication channel, so their installation is possible without dust and dirt.


  • Installation of a smart home system begins with drawing up a project. You must decide what you want to see ideally in terms of functionality. Most often this is control of lights, doors, heating, and alarms. It is also important to understand how you will manage it all.

Sit down quietly and think about what is important to you to have in your home automation system. Full technical task It's better to write it down on paper. This should include the desired number of light points and switches, as well as their type, approximate load level, number of devices controlled automatically (heating, heated floors), number of sensors.

Such a task will make it possible to determine exactly how many and which interfaces will be interfaced with other automation devices.

  • Next comes the purchase of equipment. According to the project, you will need to buy a variety of controllers, servers, wires, and so on.

It depends on what communication model yours will support. automated system, information exchange protocols are being purchased. This can be communication via electrical wiring, via separate wires or via Wi-Fi radio signal. Remember, if the repair has already been done, it is better to choose a wireless communication channel so as not to re-dug the walls, laying meters of cables. The type of controller also depends on the type of communication.

  • Selecting a management server. Here you can install a PC touch panel with server software or a special panel. The latter costs more, but is considered more effective.

It is important to understand that control of all functions smart home can be carried out not only when you are at home, but also remotely. For example, by mobile phone or via the Internet. From anywhere on the planet, you can simply send an SMS message to the intelligent system with an order to “turn on” the desired sensor so that the action is performed.

  1. Laying cables.
  2. Commissioning works. At the final stage finishing works you must install server, switchboard and other equipment, connect cable products.
  3. Programming, setting up and testing for compatibility of all installed systems. This is one of the most critical stages of work. It is necessary to perform basic programming of individual elements, configure the upper level of automation and test the software.

How much will the equipment cost?

As for the equipment and prices for it, here you can decide for yourself which equipment to use. Conventional household appliances differ in price from “smart appliances” by a factor of 2, but according to experts, for example, the same air conditioner in a smart home system will play a key role and it is better not to save on it.

Where can I find the diagrams?

Schemes ready budget options Intelligent automation for the home is offered by the manufacturers themselves. At self-installation By own project You can rely on diagrams posted online on various forums dedicated to the smart home system. The circuit in this case will be tested for personal experience a person recommending his own option for laying and connecting automated communications.

When will the system pay for itself?

Smart home fully equipped, installed by specialists It’s not cheap, but it will pay for itself in 5-8 years thanks to the possibility of saving on electricity, gas, water, heat, etc. . But if you mount this yourself intelligent system, you can not only reduce the cost of purchasing expensive automation, but also periodically supplement the smart complex with new equipment depending on your needs. Well, if you don’t yet have enough money for a smart home, then you can buy an apartment in a new building in Krasnodar in the Chocolate residential complex and Matryoshki residential complex.

Video about setting up a smart home system.

You can briefly describe what a smart home is in a couple of sentences. Firstly, the system in question using innovative technologies allows you to automate the operation of lighting, television and other equipment according to specified parameters.

Secondly, the complex performs fire and security functions throughout the day. In addition, the system can adjust and control the position of sliding gates, blinds and other devices. Today, such a kit is available in luxury homes, as well as to anyone who has the necessary financial means. This design allows a person to get maximum comfort when minimum costs their labor and time for everyday problems.

What is a smart home?

Briefly, this concept includes the implementation latest technologies in household equipment. Many people have heard and seen about such a system on the Internet or on television. This equipment is especially relevant for owners of country cottages who want to simplify and automate the management of communications and housing elements as much as possible.

Many parts from the general complex have been used in shopping centers and offices for many years. These elements include: ventilation and air conditioning controls, video cameras, information portals, motion sensors and much more. If these components are combined into one whole, we can briefly describe what a smart home is.

The basis of an intelligent building includes an integrated approach that allows, through the interaction of various systems with each other, to organize centralized control from a single control panel.

History of creation

What is a smart home? Let's briefly look at the history of its creation below. Residents of the United States were initially introduced to this system. Back in the 70s of the last century, scientists from the Washington Intellectual University implemented an entire program to use living space using the most modern technologies and existing current life support systems.

A similar invention appeared on the domestic market only a quarter of a century later. The innovation did not find much enthusiasm among the population, given the high cost of the system itself and the difficulties with its operation. Since at that time energy resources cost pennies, I couldn’t find a house with intelligence wide application in the post-Soviet space. Only in the early 2000s did the implementation begin similar system, since the computer sphere, as well as the audio and television markets, began to actively develop.


Wealthy compatriots liked such schemes. A symbol of a good life has become the ability to control all functions in household equipment without leaving the couch. Such designs have become a status attribute successful owner private house. Potential customers were largely attracted to the project by the fact that all functionality was implemented by pressing several buttons on the remote control.

Briefly about the advantages of a smart home, we can say that, with the ability to access the Internet, it regulates almost all processes in the absence of the owners of the home. This includes not only the safety of the building, but also all the processes that occur in it. This solution allows you to almost completely control the situation at a remote distance.


Next, we will consider in general what a “smart home” system is. Summary it comes down to the fact that it makes it possible to shift most of the household chores to artificial intelligence. Experts note a steady increase in demand for this type of technology. Now all tasks can be programmed in a certain sequence and the required mode, after which control is carried out by pressing one or two buttons.

Many luxury new buildings, especially in the capital, are equipped with a “smart home” system at the design stage. In city apartments similar technology more in demand in terms of entertainment (multiroom, lighting control). But for country houses and cottages, the “smart home” option (what it is is briefly outlined in the previous paragraphs) is a way to optimize life support systems. Modern residential buildings are complex engineering structure, which has various smart technologies.

IN country houses branched ones are used Electricity of the net, air conditioning, ventilation, thermal insulation units. In addition, it is installed automatic systems opening blinds and gates, controlling the temperature and volume of water in the pool. This multifunctionality is the main argument in favor of a smart home, which allows you to combine the entire engineering part of your home into a single, manageable complex.

Smart home: brief description

Country cottages are usually equipped with special security system, which includes a variety of sensors and controllers. As a rule, such a smart home includes a control unit for climate control, lighting, watering and fire extinguishing. In principle, the capabilities of the technology under consideration are quite wide, so the option can be selected individually, depending on the requirements and wishes of the owner.

The disadvantages of a smart home (the features of which we have already mentioned briefly) are, first of all, its high cost. Not everyone can afford such luxury. average price a standard set on the domestic market is about 2.5-3 million rubles. However, the technology is in demand among wealthy people. Experts suggest that the cost of intelligent home management will gradually decrease, as happened in Europe and America.

As foreign statistics show, despite the high cost of the project under consideration, it pays off relatively quickly. It is worth considering that a smart home is closely related to computer science. It is worth briefly mentioning the main advantage of the system. A smart home allows you to reduce operating costs of all types utilities. As long-term observations show, you can save up to 30% on electricity, 40% on water, and up to 50% on heating.

It is worth noting that more than 25% of country houses outside the Moscow Ring Road are already fully or partially equipped with intelligent control. At the same time, the figure continues to grow steadily.


What is a class 7 smart home? Briefly, this is a system that involves the intellectualization not of individual buildings, but of entire villages. Cottages in such a settlement are united by management in a single one. This solution allows you to respond in a timely manner to various emergency and emergency situations. All information from meters and other systems, in case of critical value, is transmitted to the general command post.

For example, the owner of a cottage is away and a fire occurs. Information about the accident is sent to mobile phone the owner and to the dispatch center. To eliminate the problem, a monitoring device is provided to determine the source of the failure.

In addition, a unified intelligent control of houses will ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to cottages, redistributing the load between all buildings in the village equally. This greatly simplifies monitoring the status of each building connected to a common console.

What's next?

Most experts suggest that such villages represent the future of all luxury real estate outside the city. Smart houses, like entire settlements, will undoubtedly find their consumers. Experts predict that soon buildings that do not have at least partial intellectual equipment will be more difficult to sell.

Many experts note that the mass implementation of “smart” villages in our country is still an unrealized dream, the implementation of which is too early to talk about. Such settlements can be counted on one hand. And if we take into account that foreign analogues provide an access control system, fire alarm, lighting control, data system about available vehicles, adjustment of drainage and drinking system, then there are no truly “smart villages” even in elite areas of the Moscow region.

Bottom line

In the future, experts predict the inevitable development of smart houses and villages. They attribute this to the ability of a smart home to regulate the climate and adapt to other external and internal factors. Such technologies refer to optimal existence in the era of technological development.

Building a smart home with your own hands can be difficult for a person who does not have special education. Of course, everything can be made much easier by purchasing ready-made smart home modules. However, it is better to create the system yourself.

What is a “smart home”

Before starting work on self-creation various amenities, you need to understand what a smart home system is and what it is capable of.

A smart home cannot be characterized by two or three functions. For a shorter definition, it should be said that in such a system all communications are connected to a computer and controlled with its help. The system carefully monitors the temperature in the rooms of the house, observes and records images from video cameras. By using computer technology you can adjust the light, floor or radiator temperature, turn on various electrical appliances and much more.

The degree to which the house is equipped with various modules is determined by the connected equipment or the imagination and creative skills of the master.

Why is it better to start installing such a system in your home yourself? Because in this case the owner himself will be able to regulate various modules, complicate and modify them. He will have in his hands the open source code of the system, which he will be able to correct at his own discretion. Ready-made modules and kits do not provide such freedom of action. They are completely dependent on the development company.

Another advantage of independent development is that the specialist will not spend a lot of money either on installing modules or on repairs. If a ready-made kit is supplied, then any modification will be quite expensive. In addition, the kit itself will also be a significant expense.

What a smart home system can do depends largely on the imagination of its creator.

Where to start

You need to start arranging a smart home with the most basic things.

  1. You will need a computer.
  2. You will have to create a website for your home, where various functions will be reflected.
  3. You will need to install special software (programs). To do this, you will need to check compatibility software with a computer".
  4. Make a diagram.
  5. The first functions to be connected may be the simplest ones. You can start with a home monitoring system and indoor temperature control.

Arrangement details

  1. Installing a local server on Linux.
  2. Apache server settings.
  3. Using Linux you can organize a video surveillance system. This requires ZoneMinder.
  4. You need to create a website for a smart home using Apache.
  5. For surveillance, you can install various alarms and USB cameras. You also need to install temperature sensors and install the appropriate software.

This is the minimum set with which you can start arranging a smart home. Having understood the details of such operations, you can move on to more complex things. In order to inexpensively create a full-fledged control system for various communications and equipment functions in the premises of the house, there is no need to invent anything. On the Internet you can find a lot of solutions to create comfort and coziness.

Some masters have been posting their developments for a long time and inviting users to try them out.

Creating a website for your home can seem like one of the most difficult parts. In fact, a ready-made website module can be found on the Internet today. For those who want to start developing on their own, you need to do the following.

  1. Understand PHP and learn to work with MySQL.
  2. The control system for smart home functions will be based on various scripts. They do not need to be developed, most of them are available to users. You just need to understand the installation sequence.
  3. The scripts will run regularly and update information about the system state.
  4. The JQuery library will also come in handy. With its help you can even create an excellent appearance site without studying cascading style sheets.
  5. Working with databases can be made easier if you use an engine to manage the site.

Smart home functions

The functions and possibilities of a smart home are almost limitless. Therefore, only a few of them will have to be considered.

The light can be adjusted using several devices. For example, dimmers can be installed to regulate light levels. Such devices, however, will only work in certain cases. They will not work in fluorescent lamps.

The disadvantage of dimmers is a constant light background noise.

Switches are installed in the place where light switches are usually located. With their help, the light can be turned on and off.


Household appliances can be turned on and off using the same switches as in the case of light control.

There is no need to make all systems at home completely automatic. It is better to leave the option of normal manual control. Otherwise, in case of problems, you will have to work hard.


The surveillance system can be equipped so that cameras located in the house can be monitored even from the workplace. This is not very difficult; a video camera system can be installed as the first function of a future smart home. The essence of this technology is that the signal from the cameras is transmitted to a specific computer. Data from sensors and cameras can even be received on portable devices.

Along with video cameras, you can also install motion sensors. They will work on the same principle. To set up software on your computer, you just need to download the appropriate modules from open source. In order to be able to regulate and modify the code in the future, you will have to understand a little about the structure of such systems. It's easier than learning programming.

Desire and work will help you overcome obstacles in mastering the fascinating science of creating a smart home. You just need to not be afraid of the new, and over time you will even become passionate about the process.


We bring to your attention the following videos on the topic of creating a smart home:

Imagine this: you come home, and a warm dinner is already waiting for you in the kitchen, the lights are cozy in the living room, the laundry is washed and ironed, the floors are vacuumed and washed, the flowers are watered, and the pets are fed. And you didn't put any effort into it. Introduced?

This is exactly how a “smart home” works. This is a home management system engineering networks, which takes care of all daily worries and routine. For many people, Smart Home technologies still remain something fantastic and unthinkable. But experts are confident that in 20-30 years everything country cottages and city apartments will become “smart”.

Smart Home and Smart House: what is the difference

First, let's define the terms. Today, two different concepts are often confused: “smart home” (Smart Home) and “smart building” (Smart House). And this, although close in meaning, is not quite the same thing.

  • Smart House (Smart Home)- an automated electronics complex that carries out routine household chores. For example, it can make coffee, heat up dinner, turn on the air conditioner, open the door to let a pet out, etc. Smart Home is created in one, individual household and serves the interests of a specific user/family. Let us add that in our country the concept of “smart home” also includes “multiroom” (while in the West these are two different terms). To put it simply, a multiroom system is a centralized control of all multimedia devices in your apartment: TV, computer, laptop, speaker system.
  • Smart building (Smart House) is a technology common in the United States that allows you to automate the management of a large multi-apartment residential complex. Smart House controls the operation of central water, gas, electricity, heating and security. In Russia, such technologies are still a novelty, but over time, there is no doubt that “smart buildings” will appear in all large and small cities of our country.

So, we figured out what Smart Home is and why it should not be confused with Smart House. Now let's move on to the question: how does a “smart home” work?

How does the smart home system work?

Principle Smart work Home is built almost like in science fiction films. You give a command (“turn on the heater!”) - the system executes it (the heater is on). How exactly does all this happen? Depending on the Smart Home modification, there are two main options:

  • In the first case, “live” human participation is necessary. You must personally ask the system to perform this or that action using your voice, smartphone or remote control (whichever is more convenient for you). The user command is sent to the central processor, which entrusts its implementation to a specific device.
  • In the second case, direct human participation is not required. Various sensors and clocks come into play. For example, a computer makes a decision to turn on or off an air conditioner based on the readings of temperature sensors. And when a motion sensor in the apartment is triggered (during your absence), the central processor turns on the alarm. And so on. At a certain point in time, in accordance with the user settings, the system warms up the kettle and prepares coffee; switches the TV to your favorite series; waters flowers. This list can be continued for a very long time.

Thus, the Smart Home system includes three main elements:

  1. sensors that receive signals and information from environment;
  2. a central processor (hub) that processes these signals and makes decisions;
  3. executing devices (actuators) that receive instructions from the hub and directly perform tasks around the house.

Modern smart home systems allow for a wide variety of actuators. These could be smart sockets, video surveillance systems, controlled thermostats, climate control systems, smart door locks, alarm systems, robot vacuum cleaners, etc. We will tell you more about the whole variety of Smart Home devices below.

Communication: wired or wireless

All elements of the system can be connected to each other via wired or wireless communication. The use of wires may seem archaic, but it provides high level reliability. Therefore, even the most advanced industry flagships such as AMX and Evika use cable connection.

On the other hand, wireless communication via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is much more modern, more convenient and gives more possibilities. Including increased actuator control range. Some Smart Home manufacturers offer combination solutions that combine both wired and wireless communications.

The topic “Smart Home” is already on everyone’s lips. They talk about it, they invest in it, they develop it... On this topic, to such giants as Siemens, General Electric etc. seemingly not entirely specialized companies joined, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple.

There is no single standard on the topic, just as there are no instructions, they say, “do this and that,” so theoretically, anyone can build their own smart home and exactly the way they want, and therefore I could not miss this topic and actively joined it. I won’t say that I ate the dog with smart houses... no, rather, I took the bite, but nevertheless, based on my experience and my observations, I will try to post a detailed... mmm... How-To? No, it won't work. Review? That’s not it either... More likely, it will be parting words or some set of advice.

Theater begins with a hanger, and I will start by dotting all the “Is” right away, so that readers do not have any unfounded negativity or simply some kind of misunderstanding during the reading process.

The most important thing is that the article is intended for people who have not yet really understood whether they even need this “Smart Home” and whether they need to get involved in this topic?

Now the term.
Let's be honest, "Smart Home" is not only such a system with artificial intelligence, who talks to you in the morning in the bathroom (while you shave) and cooks you dinner while you drive home. There is no need to confuse the system with the wife.

Smart home is any an automation/automation system (or a complex of automation/automation systems), which somehow, even the smallest fraction, makes your life easier. It doesn’t matter what it is: automatically turning off the light in the toilet after a person leaves and closes the door, or a system that itself waters house flowers, feeds your beloved cat and shuts off a leaking water supply pipe if you stay late at work. If something in your home is triggered based on some kind of algorithm, then it can already be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality.

Also, a “Smart Home” is not only a mansion stuffed with electronics, but also an apartment in which your automation and/or control system operates, i.e. " Smart apartment" - this is also a “Smart Home” and further in the text we will use this very term.

In general, there is no need for a person to be excessively boring, and to get into a debate on the question of how smart the “Smart House” turned out to be, which was made by student Kolya, is, in my opinion, a disrespect for the work of that same Kolya. Did he do it? Does it work and control something? Great, well done! Let it continue to grow above itself.

Let's return to the topic.

We want to build our “Smart Home”, where to start? From purchase, construction? No, in this case, as in all engineering problems, you need to start with paper, or rather, with a project. Will it be a piece of chewed paper with diagrams and drawings that only you can understand, or will it be something drawn in *CAD... the main thing is that at least you understand what is depicted there.

Don’t be afraid to describe “long-term plans”; write down and think through everything, even what you can do in the very distant future. It’s better to think about everything now because then it will be too late. This is an experience paid for with the blood of many engineers who stepped on numerous mistakes.

What should you pay attention to?

1. Users

Consider how the system you introduce will be handled by users, i.e. residents of your home or members of your family. Will people who are not technically savvy (old people, children or a wife - it doesn’t matter who exactly) be able to use this? Scenario like: “Honey, the light in the toilet is about to turn on, now I’m just updating the firmware to the Arduino.” doesn't fit. Imagine that you are renting out your system to a rich “redneck” bandit, who, seeing your switches with LED backlight will tell you: " This... hear, what kind of crap is this? Where is there to go?". What is obvious to you may not be completely clear to others.

2. Technology

Wired or wireless. If it’s wired, then you need to make plans for laying all necessary cables(and better with a large margin). Where to lay out the walls, where to place sockets and automation elements - everything should be on the diagram. If the system is wireless, then think about where the transmitters/receivers will be located, where the signal repeaters will be located.
Now you remember this, in a month, when there is a lot of information, your head will be a mess and something will be forgotten.

3. Executor

Who will do all this? Are you yourself or a hired company specializing in the topic? It will be cheaper to do it yourself, but it will require you to delve deeply into the issue. We will still rely on self-deployment, because the category of the article is “Do it yourself”, right?

4. Autonomy

When thinking through the functionality and capabilities of a smart home, always count on the fact that there will be no Internet in the house. Of course, many smart guys will object to me, they say, you need to think about the possibility of pairing with something in the outside world... think it through, lay it out, no one argues, but your smart home should work properly in complete autonomy/isolation mode. It may be difficult for a person living in a metropolis to understand how it is possible to have no Internet at all... GPRS, ADSL, at least there should be something back up? No no and one more time no! Nothing may happen, but it should work All.

Here's an example:
You have built a funny system: say “Nafanya, turn on the multicooker/light in the toilet” and the system turns off the multicooker or the light in the toilet, simultaneously saying “Turning it on.” But suddenly, due to the evil hackers of Al-Qaeda, the network of your provider fell off, followed by the network of your mobile operator Rupor, which provides you with a backup LTE channel. Naturally, Google TTS, which was the basis of your voice control system, fell off and the smart home in the blink of an eye turned into a dumb dumbass who couldn’t turn on anything. Make it possible to manually control, or even better, make the system so that it can, for example, read the weather out loud without Google's voice service. It's difficult, but it's possible. Nobody said that deploying a Smart Home is like installing MS Office.

Second example:
You managed to control your smart home through an Android application, but after the malicious hacker attack described above, your smartphone was unable to contact the cloud service and command the smart home to turn off the forgotten iron. Write your own application that can work remotely via a mobile operator’s 2G network or via Wi-Fi if you are within the coverage area of ​​your home access point.

5. Next moment, which must be remembered when designing, follows from the previous one: The “core” of your automation system.

Your home may have a router (ADSL, LTE or some other), a switch or some other network switching device, but a smart home must be controlled by a “core” - a separate and independent device. Under no circumstances combine network traffic management and home management in one piece of hardware. Nowadays there are many routers on which you can install firmware with a miniature copy of Linux, and many people who are familiar with this topic try to attach everything that comes to mind to such routers. Personally, I love routers that allow me to fine-tune everything I need more precisely, but I don’t think it’s right to install controls on a device that wasn’t originally designed for it.
Your home may be left completely without a network, but home automation should work, or vice versa, home automation may “fail,” but this should not drag down the work of the LAN (local area network).

6. Kernel placement

Underneath all this fuss with the router, switch, control system core, backup power systems, etc. need to be highlighted separate place: wardrobe, closet, closed niche/mezzanine. Anything where there is ventilation (the equipment will get hot and you need to think about cooling) and where it won't be in the way/in your eyes. Your system should not spoil general view housing and make negative changes to home comfort.

If you have a basement, then it is better to deploy your “mission control center” there.

7. Expenses

Perhaps this should have been inserted somewhere closer to the beginning, but if the previous points were not fully worked out, then the matter may not come to expenses.
The most important thing to know is that a Smart Home is a damn expensive endeavor. You can do something yourself (etch boards, program microcontrollers), but this will only reduce your costs, and not eliminate them altogether.
The next most important thing to consider at this point is duplication. The purchase of any equipment and performers should be doubled and always rounded up. In your home, for each performer (switches, sensors, etc.) there should be a backup in the stash (unless, of course, a third-party organization is involved in servicing your home). Don't count on the fact that if something breaks, you will go to the store and buy it.

The tension jumped. Although the protection worked, some of the built-in light switches burned out. I You got sick yesterday and are lying at home with a temperature of 39.2 degrees. Let's say that you are a courageous man (that's a pun), and, not caring about your health, you decided to get out of bed and replace all the switches yourself, but... with what? Understudy.

Have you decided to place a camera in front of the entrance? Buy two. Have you figured out that you need 12 smart switches around the house? Buy 24. Do you think it’s possible that all 12 will fly out at once? It happens, unfortunately, that the very first thing you have to duplicate is the system kernel.

Bottom line

I described a negligible part of the beginning of such a large and interesting project for most “techies” as the “Smart Home”. This topic affects almost all areas of IT: networks, programming, administration, automation, electrical and electronics... and this makes it a complex topic that requires a special approach. This is clear from what I wrote above, but if it’s not visible, it means the writer in me has never matured.

It’s impossible to cram the entire text into one article; I’ve already shortened it enough, so there will be at least one more part of the material, which, in principle, will contain advice/recommendations on choosing software and hardware. It sounds a little strange, they say, there is such a variety of technologies, what advice can there be? However, there are tips and recommendations even in such a situation.

Thanks to everyone for your attention, and to those who read all this to the end.