Glass partitions and stained glass windows in the apartment. Interior partitions with stained glass using techniques. Types of stained glass partitions

The main purpose of stained glass partitions is to divide a room into several zones without significant changes in its architectural design. But at the same time, thanks to the transparency of the decorative element and the double-sided arrangement of the pattern, there is no feeling of enclosed space. Due to the ability to transmit light from artificial or natural sources, stained glass partitions are devoid of monumentality and leave the impression of airiness and lightness. But in addition to utilitarian functions, they also decorate the room, creating a unique play of glass and light

Stained glass partition in the interior

Stained glass was first used to create partitions by the American Frank Lloyd Wright at the beginning of the 20th century. European masters liked this idea, and soon it was impossible to imagine a respectable and rich house without such a decorative element. But if at that time only select members of society could afford such luxury, today stained glass partitions have become more affordable.

Our company produces decorative stained glass partitions that are ideal for any room, and the variety of manufacturing technologies allows you to choose harmonious combination with an interior in any style. You can learn more about each option by following the menu links.

In interiors

In furniture


Advantages and disadvantages of stained glass partitions

The main advantage of stained glass partitions is the combination of functionality with extraordinary decorative effect. They are not only stunningly beautiful, but also belong to utilitarian interior items, fulfilling their purpose. Stained glass partitions also have the following advantages:

  • strength and durability of decorative elements;
  • resistance to negative impacts moisture and sunlight;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • accessibility for consumers with any budget due to a variety of manufacturing technologies;
  • good sound insulation;
  • a variety of styles, allowing you to choose a design for any room.

The list of disadvantages of stained glass partitions is determined by technical characteristics stained glass windows of a certain type. For example, products made using Tiffany technology are significantly more expensive compared to film technology or photo printing. Variants of classic stained glass are characterized by significant mass. To prevent the consequences of possible negative situations, you need to carefully consider the location of partitions and the safety of their use.

The advantages and disadvantages of stained glass partitions can be considered, taking into account the features of each technique:

Technique manufacturing

Deadlines manufacturing

Complexity manufacturing

Price Weight Strength Moisture resistance Durability

Admissibilitylarge sizes

Tiffany ** *** *** *** *** ** *** ***
Faceted *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ***
Classical *** *** *** *** ** ** *** ***
Fusing *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Sandblasting * * * * *** *** *** ***
Painted ** *** ** * *** ** ** ***
Film ** ** ** * * * * ***
Photo printing * * * * * *** ** ***
Jellied ** ** ** * ** ** ** ***

If you follow the menu link, you can learn more about the features of stained glass partitions made using different technologies, designs of arches and screens and examples of the skill of our artists and designers.

Types of stained glass partitions

Stained glass partitions can be sliding, stationary, mobile and in the form of inserts in partitions made of brick, plasterboard or wood. Each type has its own characteristics and scope of application.

Stationary . They are a stationary structure made from many pieces of colored glass and play the role of load-bearing wall. Stationary partitions especially in demand in small apartments, since, delimiting the space, they preserve its airiness.

Sliding. Suitable for rooms thatthere is no need to strictly divide into zones, for example, the dining room and the kitchen.

Screen. It is a variant of a mobile partition that can be used in both residential and office premises. Located opposite the windows, they protect from bright light, and partitioning off part of the room creates the necessary atmosphere.

Arch. This is not exactly a partition, but rather a type of design for a doorway, which can also be decorated with stained glass. As a rule, techniques that do not give the “wrong side” effect are chosen for decoration.

Stained glass inserts serve to decorate the interior and allow you to refine any surface, adding sophistication and sophistication to it. The variety of design features of partitions is complemented by a variety of stained glass manufacturing technologies.

Techniques for making stained glass partitions

The technologies that are used today for the manufacture of stained glass partitions make it possible to produce products of any size and stylistic direction. The choice of graphic solution and color scheme depends only on the wishes of the consumer and the imagination of designers and artists, as well as on the characteristics of a particular stained glass technique.

Type of stained glass Peculiarities


Making stained glass using this technique involves joining many glass fragments wrapped in copper tape into a single picture using lead-tin solder. The Tiffany technique is ideal for creating voluminous and textured stained glass; the resulting compositions are durable and resistant to temperature changes.


For stained glass using the fusing technique, the ground fragments of the image are assembled on a skim glass base according to the sketch, and then sintered in a special oven, which allows you to change temperature regime and receive products with unusual texture. Using the method of overlaying individual stained glass elements, you can achieve a three-dimensional effect, give the image a “watercolor” look and emphasize its relief.


The production of interior items using the film stained glass technique is carried out using polymer films various shades. The joints between the individual elements of the image are glued with a lead or tin profile, and then the tape is rolled with a roller. To additionally fix stained glass fragments, clamps are used. Film stained glass is an affordable way to create decorative items and at the same time very successfully imitates the more complex and expensive Tiffany technique. However, it is not so durable - the film can be damaged by a sharp object during operation, so dust should be removed from it soft cloth lint-free and do not use abrasive cleaning agents.


The principle of manufacturing stained glass is to fill color zones previously delimited using polymer or lead tape. For filling, liquid varnishes and paints are used, which are applied to the surface of the glass with brushes or using an airbrush. After decoration, the stained glass window, depending on the type of materials, is dried naturally or subjected to heat treatment.

Photo printing

To produce photo stained glass windows, direct printing technology or creating images using polymer film is used.

Shape and color scheme drawings can be very diverse. Stained glass using photo printing technique refers to inexpensive options interior decor. They are quite strong and durable, but can fade and therefore should not be placed near light sources.


Faceted stained glass windows are made using cut, ground and polished glass that has been chamfered. Prepared glass fragments are fixed with glue on a base sheet - this is one of the methods. The second is based on the use of a profile made of copper or brass: individual elements are assembled into geometric patterns and secured in the profile. For faceted stained glass, thick glass is used, which enhances the refraction of light and visual effect this phenomenon.


The technology for creating etched stained glass differs from other manufacturing techniques. The essence of this method is the influence of chemical components, which include hydrofluoric acid. It reacts with the main element of glass - silicon dioxide, resulting in a matte surface. Templates are used to create images.


The essence of the stained glass sandblasting technique is to process glass surface using a powerful jet of air and an abrasive material, which is most often used as sand. By changing the pressure power and the size of the sand grains, it is possible to obtain roughness of varying degrees. Sandblasting stained glass allows you to create durable images, both color and monochrome, standard or three-dimensional. This technique is one of the options for budget decoration.


The creation of painted stained glass windows is made using acrylic or varnish (solvent) paints. Depending on the features of the image, painting is performed with an imitation of soldered contours applied with paint, or in a free technique reminiscent of a painting.

To make the resulting design more resistant to external damage, painted stained glass windows are fired in a kiln or coated with a protective varnish. Since this technique is done by hand, each resulting product is unique and inimitable.

Materials for stained glass partitions

For the manufacture of stained glass partitions, glass, wood, forged elements made of metal and plasterboard. Each material has its own characteristics, which determine the scope of its application.

  • Glass. They are distinguished by their high ability to transmit light and create the effect of airiness of space, even if they are large in size and complex. constructive solution. They are used for both office and residential premises in a modern style. Any stained glass technique is suitable for making glass partitions, provided that solid sheet glass is used as the base.
  • Forged. Present perfect combination materials: fragile glass and durable metal complement each other, and even the simplest partition looks like a real work of art. Forged stained glass partitions look natural in a country house or apartment, the interior of which emphasizes the status of the owner. To make such products, you can use any technique, the main thing is that it matches the style of the rooms being decorated.
  • Plasterboard. Plasterboard partitions allow you to organize the surrounding space without resorting to significant changes to the interior. This is a convenient and cost-effective way to update the decor of a room, and also makes it possible to use any stained glass technique without restrictions. The versatility of plasterboard and its performance properties make it possible to combine partitions made of this material with inserts made using different techniques.
  • Wooden . Stained glass partitions made of wood evoke a feeling of lightness and solidity at the same time. Reliable and durable wooden frame made of expensive wood emphasizes the fragility and elegance of glass. The most suitable techniques for making stained glass for wooden partitions are fusing, classic, Tiffany and painted. They will highlight the natural warm tones of wood and allow you to create unique item interior

Application of stained glass partitions

The choice of a specific stained glass technique for making partitions largely depends on the conditions of their use.

  • Hallway . It is a kind of calling card for both a city apartment and country house and therefore must impress guests. For partitions in the hallway, you can use Tiffany technology, faceted or stacked stained glass. You can also combine exclusive techniques with more accessible ones.
  • Living room. Serves for receiving guests and relaxing for the whole family, so partitions should not only have status, but also embody the wishes of customers. In this case, any stained glass technique will do; the choice of a specific type depends on material capabilities and taste preferences. The main thing is to choose a harmonious combination of the interior of the room and the partition.
  • Kitchen. Is different high humidity, therefore, for the manufacture of stained glass partitions, it is necessary to choose a technique that will retain its properties in such conditions. Stained glass made using Tiffany technology, fusing, chemically matted or sandblasted are ideal for them.
  • Bathroom. It is characterized by maximum humidity, so for stained glass partitions it is advisable to choose frosted products, with direct photo printing or made using the fusing technique.
  • Bedroom. It is intended for sleep and relaxation, so its interior is usually distinguished by calm tones. In a similar color scheme The partition must also be maintained, which can be made using sophisticated technology or more affordable film panels.
  • Children's room. The main criterion for choosing a technique for making stained glass is to ensure maximum safety for the child, so you need to use durable stained glass. The best photo stained glass window is made using tempered glass or triplex.
  • Office rooms. The choice of technique depends on the purpose of the partition. It is better to install an expensive stained glass window in the manager’s office self made, such as Tiffany, classic or fusing. Relatively inexpensive film, poured or painted stained glass windows made in corporate colors are ideal for an office. If a stained glass window is installed in a store, then it decorative design must be combined with the status of the product being sold.

Cost of stained glass partitions

The main factor influencing the formation of the cost of stained glass partitions is the choice of technology for their production. The price of a product made using Tiffany or fusing technology will be much more expensive than more affordable images made using polymer films or photo printing. In addition, the following factors influence the cost of stained glass:

  • types of partitions (stationary, sliding, screen or mobile);
  • base material (glass, wood, forged metal or drywall);
  • product dimensions;
  • design features partitions (for sliding models folding or rotating sections, as well as fittings may be required);
  • presence of backlight;
  • rendering additional services(installation, delivery).

Our workshop carries out all the work on the production of stained glass partitions using our own modern equipment, therefore we are able to reduce costs and offer all products at an affordable price..

Stained glass partitions from our studio

The popularity enjoyed by stained glass partitions is due to their versatility. With the help of these decorative elements, you can make the necessary adjustments to the surrounding space and decorate the interior, giving it a unique charm. How harmoniously the stained glass window will fit into the design of the room depends on correct selection images and manufacturing quality of glass panels and partitions.Our artists and craftsmen have the necessary experience and impeccable taste, so they will be able to choose for you manufacturing techniques and decorative design in such a way that the stained glass partition will correspond to the purpose of the room and fit perfectly into its style. Place an order in our workshop and you will receive a product that will fulfill all your wishes and transform the interior of your home or office.

Order stained glass partitions by affordable prices. Own production. Free designer visit fast production, guarantee.

Making stained glass

Stained glass. This word smells of ancient castles, palace decoration, theater, and museum exhibitions. Today the situation has changed. If you decide to buy or order stained glass partitions to create a unique room, pay attention to stained glass windows made of colored glass.

Previously available only to the noble class, stained glass partitions in the interior are now easy to find in ordinary apartments, in office premises. They will emphasize the good taste of the owners and decorate the room with exquisite decoration. Stained glass partitions decorated with forged elements look great. They decorate effectively:

  • stylish restaurants
  • nightclubs, photo studio
  • beauty salon, hotel lobby.

In the house stained glass doors will become the starting point of style rhenium. A bright, elegant apartment, with beautiful glass paintings, will be the envy of friends and family. The cost of stained glass partitions is comparable to the pre-crisis situation. Stained glass windows never fade, remaining a shining spot that matches any interior. They can decorate:

  • niche in the wall, ceiling
  • screens, furniture facade
  • interior partition.

Contact the professionals

Making stained glass partitions requires special training and good skills. The skill and artistic taste of specialists in creating stained glass - exclusive glass paintings - meets the most demanding needs of our customers. The studio's artists will create an individual project, taking into account all the client's wishes.

Masters who have accumulated invaluable experience in creating stained glass of any shape, size and genre scenes will create a unique work of art. High-quality images on glass, forged elements, etching - everything is possible when creating stained glass partitions, photos of which can be found on the website of the art salon.
Glass artists are skilled special technologies. You can buy stained glass partitions in an art salon. Choose an option to suit your taste. You will receive the ordered glass sheet or a finished product with stained glass (doors, partitions, screens) within the specified time frame. Popular types of stained glass:

  • Tiffany, mosaic
  • fusing, painted
  • mirror, classic.

The constructed stained glass partitions, the price of which is negotiated individually, will be durable. We use high-quality materials when creating colored glass products. Ultraviolet radiation and rain streams have no power over stained glass canvas. It doesn't lose his original appearance long years.

Once upon a time, only temples and cathedrals were decorated with such paintings made from colored glass, but since the 19th century, along with the Art Nouveau style, stained glass windows also came to the interior of residential buildings, firmly settled in it and became a method of creating unique design dwellings.

It is a mistaken belief that stained glass windows in the interior are appropriate only in huge mansions; they have no place in an apartment. And this pleasure is very expensive. Modern technologies make it possible to make the production of stained glass windows affordable, placing them harmoniously in the interior even small apartment, On the contrary, here stained glass windows - in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway - will become a means visual expansion space.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Initially, stained glass consisted of carefully selected pieces of glass connected to each other by metal partitions that created the outline of the pattern and served as a frame for the glass. This is how stained glass was made in medieval times, and this technology is still used today.

This is a classic stained glass window. In addition to this technology, other types of stained glass are distinguished in modern design art.

  • Painted. A pseudo-stained glass window, not made up of individual fragments, but painted with special paints inside a three-dimensional contour. Then the drawing is covered with a fixing compound. Its advantage is that it is produced quickly, is affordable and gives great opportunities– you can create any pattern to suit the style of the room, which is why it is one of the most popular types of stained glass.
  • Sandblasting. It is created by sandblasting glass and is more often used for the facades of sliding wardrobes, interior doors, and partitions.
  • Mosaic. This type of stained glass is similar to the classic one, the difference is that the pattern is laid out from pieces of glass of the same size.
  • Fusing. To create it, colored glass fragments are baked; in addition, small foreign particles can be included in them - for example, pieces of wire.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

In addition to these, it is necessary to highlight etched stained glass, which is based on the ability of hydrofluoric acid to burn through glass. Thanks to this, you can create deep contours, and the drawing turns out voluminous. Stained glass is painted in the same way as painted glass.

Important! A variant of classic stained glass is called Tiffany style. For such mosaic designs, copper foil is used, due to which the outline becomes thinner and the design becomes more elegant. Tiffany stained glass windows allow the use of even small glass, so they are more openwork and light.

Stained glass also includes the film type - the simplest and cheap way create an imitation of stained glass painting on a transparent surface. The glass is simply pasted over with multi-colored elements cut from an adhesive-based film. The outline is applied with special paint.

Various types of stained glass differ in the complexity and cost of work and the materials used, but all of them allow you to create a unique interior.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

Stained glass in the interior

Initially, decorative stained glass windows were invented to fill the window opening. Today, not only windows, but also doorways and niches are decorated using glass mosaics; they are also used to create decorative items - lampshades, decorative screens, boxes and vases are created by craftsmen using stained glass techniques.

If we talk about the interior decoration of a home, the most popular places for using stained glass technology are:

  • window openings - completely or partially;
  • doors;
  • ceilings;
  • niches in the room.

Stained glass windows will be appropriate in any room - they can be placed in the bedroom or living room, as well as in the bathroom or hallway. Only theirs can be different functional purpose: if in the dining room and children's room they are intended to become an element of stylization, then in the bathroom and hallway they can also have a practical function - to close the room from the view of prying eyes.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

Window stained glass

A stained glass window is more appropriate for a country house or mansion. Agree, in a multi-storey reinforced concrete tower such a design somewhere on the 10th floor level will look ridiculous, but in a private house such a design will make it noticeable against the background of other similar ones. Stained glass windows in the interior will decorate not only the classic style, but also:

  • avant-garde;
  • neoclassicism;
  • modern;
  • Art Deco.

English and Scottish designs will successfully complement stained glass windows country houses. Floral, landscape scenes, sea spaces are themes for decorating houses in modern styles.

A continuous light belt of bay windows visually expands the room, and a stained glass window in light colors will create a special play of light. It is difficult to decorate a room with such windows with curtains: stained glass will only slightly dim the bright daylight and hide what is happening inside the room from prying eyes. Decorated with stained glass paintings adjacent to the house will look interesting. closed veranda with panoramic windows. Small pieces of glass will create an indescribable atmosphere of something mysterious, magical and at the same time cozy.

If you want to recreate the decoration of an ancient castle, Tiffany styles and fusing allow you to transform Vacation home in a medieval home - stained glass windows with arches will ideally complement the stylization, not only of the interior decoration, but also of the exterior of the house.

Important! It is worth making stained glass windows in rooms where there are no such high requirements for lighting. In the office, for example, it will be dark. The need to strain your eyesight and use artificial light sources while working will become annoying. And in a bright, spacious living room or bedroom, such windows will not cause discomfort.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

Doors with stained glass

This is the most popular way to use stained glass in the interior. Interior doors become a means of stylization, a unique decorative element. In addition, they are a way to hide from prying eyes what is happening behind the door, for example, in a bedroom or children's room, saving the owners from the need to install a solid door.

In a nursery, a stained glass pattern on the door can become a continuation of the fairy-tale theme chosen for the decoration of the walls: the windows of a princess’s palace in a girl’s nursery, or the porthole of an underwater bathyscaphe or spaceship in a boy’s bedroom. The avant-garde style in a teenager's room allows pieces of multi-colored glass inserted into the doors, arranged in a certain order or chaotically.

Doors with stained glass painting will decorate the interior in classic style. Correctly selected subjects will complement the Mediterranean, oriental designs living room.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

Stained glass ceiling

If several centuries ago glass mosaics were often decorated high ceilings rich houses, theaters, now this design is becoming popular again, and not only for styling public institutions - restaurants, theaters, hotel lobbies, but also in residential buildings. Modern technologies make it possible to securely fasten sheets of glass at any height. If you properly install lighting between the main and suspended stained glass ceiling, the effect will be simply amazing.

Important! You can make transparent stained glass not the entire ceiling in a room, for example, a living room or bedroom, but only part of a multi-level ceiling - this will make no less an impression.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

Decorative stained glass

Stained glass windows in the interior are often used not for practical purposes - to close a window or doorway, but for purely decorative purposes. For example, a stained glass panel irregular shape in a wall niche will make the room cozier, brighter, you can also use a picture of small pieces of glass to visually add light to dark hallway– all you need to do is place a couple stained glass panels on the walls.

False windows with a stained glass insert will look impressive, for example, in a bathroom. The window in this room is new trend, and its absence can be compensated for by imitation with glass mosaic. You definitely need to illuminate the false window from the inside, this will add realism, and the stained glass window will sparkle in a new way.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

In the spacious living room mosaic panel will create the impression of festivity and pomp. It can be placed on one of the walls, or using this technique you can build a partition that zones the room. It would be successful to use such zoning of a living room combined with a kitchen if the total area is sufficient. You can replace the part of the wall separating the living room from the hallway with a stained glass partition.

Designers recommend such partitions as a unifying element of two adjacent rooms - they seem to flow into one another, while zoning the space and filling both rooms with light. When the lamps are turned on in the evening, a magical atmosphere is created - the stained glass window casts light from the illuminated room onto the dark area.

Apartment interior with stained glass

Interior design of a room with multi-colored stained glass

Unusual stained glass window in apartment design

Stained glass and furniture

Furniture with stained glass is an excellent solution for many styles. Cabinets with stained glass fronts would be appropriate in the kitchen, display cases for dishes in the living room, cabinet doors and dressing rooms in the bedroom and hallway. Mirrored pseudo-stained glass or sandblasted glass is often ordered for sliding wardrobes.

A light screen with stained glass inserts can become a decorative item in the bedroom. Its purpose is more decorative, although it can cover part of the space of the room without affecting the illumination of the hidden area.

Original, stylish - mosaic tabletop for a small coffee table. Shelves and cabinet doors in the bathroom are another use of mosaic technology. Such items are used to create exclusivity in the interior.

Design of a room with stained glass

Colored stained glass in the interior

Stylish things

Stained glass in the interior is not only huge windows and door inserts. The decoration will be complemented by lamps with mosaic lampshades, boxes, and vases made using this technique. A frame framing a wall mirror will enliven a small hallway, just like a stained glass one coffee table in a spacious hall.

The main thing is not to overload the space; it is better to have a few such items, but they will become a design element and will be combined with it in color so as not to stand out from the overall decoration of the home. The choice of technology will depend on the design of the room: classic stained glass should not be used in modern high-tech, minimalism, loft styles. But that doesn't mean that glass mosaic and modernity are two incompatible things. Geometric patterns, suitable subjects and modern technologies decorations will help you create an unusual and cozy home, distinguished by exclusivity and originality.

Video: DIY stained glass

Stained glass partitions and stained glass wall filling- a common way of zoning space and decorating interiors.

Using stained glass partitions you can visually expand the room, create the feeling of a single space from several rooms and a special atmosphere filled with lightness, play of color and light. Stained glass partitions rarely carry only a functional load; on the contrary, they always become an important stylistic element of the interior.

Types and designs of stained glass partitions

Interior stained glass partitions can be either stationary or sliding. The basic design of the partitions can be made,. In the case of sliding stained glass partitions, the quality of the mechanisms and fittings plays an important role.

Stained glass walls- a special case of stationary stained glass partitions, when the stained glass window occupies the entire surface of the partition, between adjacent walls or partitions and from floor to ceiling, and looks like a single monolithic whole. In this case, increased attention is paid to the strength and reliability of the power structure of the stained glass partition.

You can order the creation of a turnkey stained glass partition (from design development to installation),
production of individual stained glass windows and structures or ask us any questions

Stained glass screen- another special case of stained glass partitions. As a rule, a stained glass screen is a lighter and more compact structure, stationary or sliding, used to fence off or zone a small interior space. There are also options for fully portable, mobile stained glass screens. In this case, much attention is paid to the stability and ease of use of the stained glass screen.

As a rule, if the area of ​​​​the stained glass panel in the partition exceeds 0.6 sq.m., special reinforcement is required (for example, sticking a stained glass window onto a solid clear glass) or breakdown of stained glass metal or wooden structure into segments.

When creating stained glass partitions, we use various technologies and our many years of experience and developments

Over the years of work, the stained glass workshop has accumulated an extensive, large archive of design and. In search of a style and design solution stained glass partition You can always take advantage of our developments. If you already have an idea for your future stained glass window, our artists will help you realize it, taking into account the subtleties stained glass technologies, listening to all your wishes.

The sunlight pouring through the colorful stained glass window is, you see, a stunning sight. Stained glass windows are associated with pomp and even monumentality, since stained glass windows most often decorate the buildings of museums and churches. Therefore, many people are sure that stained glass windows have no place in the interior of a residential building. In addition, it is generally accepted that stained glass is very expensive and clearly not designed for the average interior.

However, both of these are not entirely true. It's worth saying that stained glass in the interior residential buildings were used back in the 19th century, when the Art Nouveau style came into fashion. As for the cost of stained glass, modern technologies have made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of their production, which, of course, affected the price. Stained glass is not such a luxury these days as one might think. Moreover, there are pseudo-stained glass windows available to everyone.

Types of stained glass depending on manufacturing technique

Transparent pieces of glass, cut according to a pattern, are held together with a metal broach (partition). At the joints the broach is soldered. The result is a single structure made of glass and metal, and the metal not only serves as a frame, but also forms the outline of the lines of the design. This technique has changed little since the Middle Ages.

Stained glass windows made using the Tiffany technique are also called classic. The peculiarity of this technology is that copper foil is used to hold the glass together. The stained glass pattern is lighter, more elegant, and the outline is thinner. The Tiffany technique allows you to use smaller glass, so stained glass windows turn out to be openwork.

The surface of the glass, whole (pseudo-stained glass) or assembled from fragments, is painted with transparent paints.

The glass surface is covered with special colored films with an adhesive base.

The stained glass window consists of a group of glasses that have been sandblasted.

This stained glass window usually has a geometric structure. It is assembled from modules of almost identical size, which can be pre-processed using one of the techniques.

This stained glass window is created by baking multi-colored glass fragments or by incorporating foreign elements into the glass (for example, “baking” wire into the glass).

Transparent glass is taken, a pattern is drawn on it, and colored glass fragments are laid out in several layers. The composition is then placed in an oven heated to a certain temperature. In the oven, all layers are sintered and become one.

The basis is the ability of hydrofluoric acid to destroy glass. Using special stencils that protect glass from destruction, craftsmen create deep contours of designs of any complexity.

And that’s not all the techniques for creating modern stained glass! There are other interesting and original techniques. Thus, all stained glass windows are very different, and their prices can vary significantly.

It is interesting that stained glass, originally invented by man to fill window openings, today it performs its main function less and less often. Much more popular are various decorative elements from stained glass in the interior. First of all, these are various accessories made using stained glass: for example, boxes, lamp shades, screens, etc.

Becoming increasingly popular doors with stained glass. In general, today the sale of interior doors with a variety of glass inserts is very common. Various glass processing techniques transform ordinary interior doors into a real work of art and an elegant interior decoration.

Stained glass for doors is maximally protected (for example, thanks to the triplex technology), and although they look very fragile, in fact there is no need to worry about their reliability.

Interior doors with stained glass windows create stunning effects associated with the play of light. In addition, they set the tone for the entire interior, making it gloomy on one side and ceremonial on the other.

In those interiors where stained glass windows are used, especially interior ones (whether doors or partitions), a certain mystery reigns. Still, associations with Gothic churches and ancient museums make themselves felt.

Stained glass partitions, stained glass walls and screens in the interior

Stained glass partitions are less common than interior doors with stained glass, but this design technique is also attracting increasing interest.

Like any glass wall, it is light, even airy. This is especially important when the goal is not to isolate one space from another, but only to separate them. Firstly, thanks to the transparency of the partition, the rooms seem to flow into one another. Secondly, the “two-sidedness” of such partitions introduces a common element into both spaces.

Stained glass partitions look great in spacious rooms, filled with light - both natural and artificial. Stained glass partitions allow soft colored light to pass through during the day, and in the evening, when the lamps are turned on, the partition itself becomes a kind of “ lighting device”, pouring light into a darker space.

Beautiful and so unusual pieces of furniture with stained glass. For example, stained glass can be glass for a living room display case or inserts into the facades of kitchen furniture. You can and even need to support the stained glass theme with stained glass accessories: lamps, decorative items (for example, vases), a chandelier, etc. You can also make stained glass glass doors sliding wardrobes. You can also order mirrored pseudo-stained glass windows for the wardrobe.

Stained glass in the interior for wall decoration

Stained glass picture or stained glass panel

These elements do not carry any practical functions, but they become bright interior decoration. Stained glass paintings are suitable for spacious hallways, living rooms, and formal dining rooms. Stained glass paintings and panels, as a rule, are made to order for a specific interior, so they fit perfectly into its theme, making the room festive and elegant.

Stained glass for niches and other complex structures

Various niches and projections are still relevant. However, volumetric wall structures made of plasterboard, plywood, etc. have become so widespread that it is difficult to surprise anyone with their design.

The shapes are repeated, but the use of unusual materials allows you to create something extraordinary. Stained glass windows will also help with this. Internal walls The niches can be covered with a stained glass screen behind which there is lighting. A stained glass niche with light pouring through can make an impression.

If a niche is mounted to create a false window, stained glass will come in handy here too. But in any case, backlighting is needed - the false window will then sparkle and become the most realistic.

Stained glass in the interior: ceiling

A few centuries ago, stained glass windows were popular in Europe. ceiling lamps, which decorated not only the premises of theaters, museums and expensive restaurants, but also residential buildings. True, only rich people could afford such luxury.

Today this pleasure is also not the cheapest, but quite affordable, especially if we are not talking about Tiffany stained glass windows. There are reliable ceiling structures (frames) that allow you to hold sheets of almost any material on the ceiling: metal, wood, mirrors and, of course, glass.

Film or painted multilayer pseudo-stained glass windows are most often used for production. Essentially it's just glass dropped ceilings with painting, but what an effect! Of course, a completely stained-glass ceiling in an apartment will not always fit into the interior, but small ceiling structures with stained-glass windows look very original. Between the base ceiling and suspended structure Of course, it is very advisable to install lighting so that the stained glass window opens in all its glory.

Color and style of stained glass in the interior: how to choose

You can choose any ornament and any theme. Some people prefer narrative stained glass windows in the interior on a household or even religious theme. Of course, such stained glass windows are appropriate only in luxurious interiors in the Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic style, etc.

For niches and false windows Landscape themes with realistic mountains, ocean beaches, and rainbow skies are often chosen.

Floral-themed stained glass windows are especially popular for residential interiors., repeating motifs from old projects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Art Nouveau style. Such floral stained glass windows will look great in interiors in the art nouveau, art deco, neoclassical, and avant-garde styles.

It is also successful to use them in themed interiors- floral, English, Scottish, etc.

Classic stained glass windows in the Tiffany style suitable for interiors in almost any style, with the exception of ultra-modern, minimalist, technical ones.

IN modern interiors you can use stained glass windows made according to one of latest technologies, with geometric patterns and plot painting on a suitable theme (for example, an urban plot).

When choosing stained glass for your interior, you need to take into account not only the style of the room, but also the prevailing colors. It is worth turning to those colors that are present in furniture, decor, textiles, so that the stained glass window does not stand out too much from the overall picture.

Stained glass in the interior: in what rooms is it appropriate?

Almost all of them. - it's fashionable today. The shelves and doors of bathroom furniture are made of stained glass. You can also find stained glass and pseudo-stained glass bathroom accessories in stores. If there is a window in the bathroom, it is often made of stained glass. Well, if there is no window, then they create a stained glass false window with lighting.

According to many, they are the most appropriate. Here you can make a stained glass half-partition, install a showcase with a stained glass door, or order a stained glass screen for the fireplace. The stained glass painting will become the dominant decorative item. Of course, you should not use too many stained glass elements in one room - two or three matching items will be quite enough.

Can be used: this, as already mentioned, is stained glass inserts in kitchen facades, a stained glass chandelier or sconce, ceiling structure with pseudo-stained glass (for example, above work area or over the island).

Small stained glass panels can be made from small colored glass. You need to make a pattern out of the pieces of glass, then solder them with tin, using lead wire for the “frame,” that is, to connect the pieces of glass.

Easiest way to do it at home pseudo stained glass, using dark nitro paint for the contours of the picture, and special stained glass paints to fill the contours and the rest of the space. It is better to take textured glass for stained glass.

You can use special paints for painting on glass to paint windows and mirrors. To do this you will need stencils, brushes, paints and a little patience. The glass must be removed and placed on a flat horizontal surface - only in this case can a neat painting be obtained.

If you want to make a painting on already installed windows, it is better to use special self-adhesive films for stained glass (English technology). Translucent color stickers are available, so you don’t even have to cut out the ornament yourself.

Well, for activities with children there are creativity kits - plastic stencils for stained glass with clear depressed or convex contours, which are filled with safe stained glass paints. By choosing suitable stencils, you can make a stained glass (pseudo-stained glass) window in the nursery.

Real stained glass for large surfaces, components design elements interior design, of course, should be ordered from professionals, fortunately in our country there are now many stained glass workshops that use the most different techniques: from the classic Tiffany technique and fusing to painting on solid glass.