How much does it cost to connect to the sewer system of a private house? How to connect a house to a central sewer system. Connection to the central sewerage: problems and solutions

Of course, in modern home Today you can’t live without a well-equipped sewer system. And in any case, it would not be superfluous to find out at least general outline: sewer connection diagrams - what they can be. After all, it’s one thing to trust the will of master plumbers, and quite another to be able to fix everything yourself if something happens.

What general principles should be followed?

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of schemes for arranging a sewer system, there are also some general principles, which can be used as a guide.

Sewerage - component water supply and drainage systems designed to remove solid and liquid waste products

As a rule, in a private house the sewage system consists of:

  • Central riser;
  • smaller diameter: all wastewater flows through them into the riser;
  • Horizontally located pipes of larger diameter: through them, water flows directly into the sewer system, wastewater treatment plants etc.;
  • Elements of plumbing equipment: sink, toilet, bidet, etc.

Traditionally, the kitchen and bathrooms are located in close proximity to each other. This is done in order to reduce the number of joints and pipes to the maximum possible minimum in order to facilitate the removal of waste water into the system. After all, the bathroom and kitchen account for up to 90 percent of all Wastewater.

If we're talking about about a multi-story building, it makes sense to place bathrooms, toilet rooms and kitchens below each other. In this case, it will be possible to place all plumbing fixtures simply on top of each other, thereby simplifying the sewer construction scheme as much as possible.

Important! If the house has a complex system plumbing equipment, as well as a large number of all kinds of branches, then you should think about installing a special sewage pump. This pump may also be required if, for example, it is not possible to provide the sewer pipes with the necessary natural slope.

What to consider when drawing up a sewerage connection diagram

In fact, there can be quite a lot of factors that can influence the drawing up of a sewerage connection diagram.

Sewerage - complex engineering structures and sanitary measures that ensure the collection and disposal of contaminated water outside populated areas, as well as their purification and neutralization before disposal.

But in any case, you will have to take into account the following:

  • Landscape features of the area where the sewerage system is being installed. It is important that the natural slope of the pipes is ensured. cesspool should be located at the lowest point of the system. Then the wastewater will be able to flow down by gravity - under the influence of gravity;
  • Soil type: sandy, clayey, etc. This will determine at what depth the sewer pipes will have to be placed, how labor-intensive the process of digging a trench will be, and whether the soil will have to be further strengthened;
  • Soil freezing depth. This parameter will affect the nature of the organization of insulation of the sewer system, the choice of pipe materials, etc.

Of course, you will also have to take into account other individual characteristics this specific area.

What material to choose for laying pipes

If in earlier times craftsmen were not spoiled by the abundance of all kinds of materials from which sewer pipes could be purchased, now the picture is exactly the opposite. However, it is precisely the enormous wealth of choice that determines its complexity. However, we can safely recommend polyvinyl chloride. Pipes made from these materials are distinguished by both low weight and resistance to corrosion. In addition, such pipes are easy to install: they do not require the use of welding machine. In principle, even the most novice master can handle their installation quite easily.

PVC pipes are products made of polyvinyl chloride intended for the installation of pipelines for various purposes.

There is no need to fear that PVC pipes will begin to emit aggressive chemicals during operation. chemical substances: They are completely non-toxic.

However, in addition to pipes, additional devices may be needed in the form of fittings, sewer hatches, connecting rings, adapters, etc. The joints of all these devices will need to be treated with a special sealant.

When choosing the diameter of sewer pipes, you need to be guided by several factors. For example, this is the number of plumbing points connected to the sewer. The more there are, the correspondingly it will be necessary to choose pipes of larger diameter. Otherwise, the entire system will simply “choke”, unable to cope with the volume of water.

But one way or another, the diameter of the pipe passing from plumbing fixture, must be either greater than or equal to the diameter of its drain pipe. The diameter of the pipe for the riser must be at least 10 centimeters. If you do not plan to connect a toilet to it, then you can limit yourself to a diameter of 5 centimeters.

The more plumbing points in a building, the thicker the drain pipes needed to be.

In this case, the following rule must be observed: the length of the pipe leading from the plumbing equipment to the riser should not be more than 3 meters. As for the toilet, this distance is reduced to one meter. If it is absolutely necessary to increase this distance, then you will have to take pipes with a larger diameter.

The importance of making a preliminary plan

Before you begin directly installing the sewer system, you need to draw up a preliminary detailed diagram on paper. In this case, it is necessary to indicate what pipe material, what length and what diameter will be needed in a particular section of the system. All necessary additional devices in the form of splitters, adapters, etc. are also indicated. In the future, this will allow you to avoid many unforeseen difficulties during installation work.

As practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, all plumbing fixtures are connected to one central riser. But, if there are many such devices, or they are spread across different rooms, which are far apart from each other, then more such risers will be required.

A properly drawn up sewerage plan will allow you to qualitatively recreate the system, taking into account all the necessary factors.

If sewerage is installed in a private house, then a diagram should also be included in the plan external sewerage. After all, in addition to the elements internal sewerage, it will also be necessary to provide for the arrangement drain hole, trenches, inspection wells, etc.

Sewage connection according to the diagram

As soon as the project is ready, you can proceed directly to installation work on site. Typical scheme for a private home this will include:

  1. Sewer riser;
  2. Toilet, washbasin or sink, as well as a bathroom;
  3. Siphons for all these plumbing devices;
  4. Toilet flush tank;
  5. Attaching couplings to the wall;
  6. Connecting pipes running at some angle to the riser.

Of course, if necessary, this diagram can be changed at your discretion, but the typical picture looks exactly like this.

A siphon is a plumbing element. It is a pipe bent in several places through which water is drained into sewer system.

The sewer riser is connected to pipes using horizontally located pipes of equal or even greater diameter than the riser. The pipes can be placed in the basement, basement or under the floor. It is also necessary to provide for inspection wells, which are required in places where pipes turn.

All pipes of the system must be connected into one single pipe large diameter, which, in turn, is removed from the house and connected to the external sewer system. Sewer pipes are attached to the walls using special clamps.

Options for connecting a house's sewer system to the central system

If there is already a centralized sewer system outside the house, then there are several options for how to join it:

  • Insertion using a tee;
  • Insertion using an adapter.

In the first case, you will need to cut out a piece of the main pipe and build a tee into it. The tee itself is secured to the pipe using a coupling, then all joints are welded.
More modern version can be considered a special adapter. It also crashes into the main pipe.

Tees for pipes are a part with three gaps that connects the components of the pipeline and is installed at its branch points.

In any case, it will be necessary to shut off the central sewerage system and, of course, obtain permission to carry out cutting-in work. Otherwise, a rather large fine cannot be avoided. The law even provides for imprisonment in case of unauthorized connection to the central sewer system.

What experts say

Vladimir, service company employee: Many people forget to obtain written permission from their neighbors before starting work. This can lead to many difficulties and conflicts in the future. So in any case, it is better to take care of their consent to sewerage in advance. As for the slope of the pipe, the rule works here: for every meter of pipe, the change in height should be from 2 to 15 centimeters.

Anton: All elements of plumbing equipment must be equipped with S-shaped or U-shaped siphons, which would provide a natural water seal for unpleasant odors that could get inside the house from the sewer.

Bottom line

In principle, installing a sewer system on your own is not such a big deal. difficult task. It is made easier by the fact that in the vast majority of cases one can be guided standard schemes to connect. But, when faced with unforeseen difficulties, do not hesitate to ask for help from qualified craftsmen.

It seems that there is no particular need to describe all the advantages that sewerage as such has. It's quite hard to imagine today modern house without her. And in many cases, it is preferable to choose the method of connecting the internal sewer system of the house to the central one. However, a central sewer connection involves not only its different types, but also certain difficulties associated with it.

What benefits and benefits does this offer?

This method offers many advantages.

Firstly, it will be possible to significantly save on the purchase of pipes and other equipment, construction and maintenance work.

Secondly, you won’t have to: after all, this is handled by the relevant service organization.

Connection to the central municipal sewer system - this profitable solution, which will save the owner of the house from unnecessary hassle and financial costs.

Thirdly, insertion work, as a rule, is also carried out by a special company. Of course, you can do this yourself, but you will need to know many of the subtleties of the process, and in any case, the quality of the connection will be controlled by a water utility worker.

How can you connect a central sewer system to your home?

First of all, you will need to decide exactly how the connection to the main sewer system will be carried out. There are mainly two types:

  • Mixed connection - it is suitable if there is a single pipeline for sewerage mixed type- that is, both for storm drains and for the sewerage system of a residential building;
  • Separate connections are made separately for storm sewers and separately for home sewers. In this case, you will need to make two taps.

The main stages of connecting a residential building to the central sewer system

All stages of the work can be divided into:

  1. Collection of necessary documents and coordination with neighbors;
  2. Preparation adjoining plot lying in front central pipe sewerage;
  3. Direct connection to the central sewerage system;
  4. Putting the sewerage system into operation.
  5. In principle, all this can be entrusted to specialists, including the collection of documents. Or you can try to save quite a considerable amount and do it yourself. But you should prepare for certain labor and time costs, as well as nerve-wracking costs.

The main package of documents when registering a connection to the municipal sewer system includes a notarized permission from the owners of nearby houses.

Collection of the necessary package of documents

Oddly enough, you should still start with “pieces of paper”. Indeed, in case of non-approval of the project or other legal problems, all preparatory and installation work will be reduced to zero. If you neglect the collection of documents, then unauthorized insertion will lead to additional expenses associated with dismantling the system and paying a fine. So, here is a list of documents that will need to be collected:

  • Plans of the site and the house itself, on which sewer installation diagrams should be drawn indicating all the parameters of the system. These plans are carried out by companies specializing in geodetic examination.
  • Technical connection conditions. They are developed by organizations that directly service sewer communications.
  • Project to connect home branch to trunk system. This document is drawn up by a design specialist. To draw it up, the specialist will need to present the previously received plan and technical specifications.
  • This project will also require coordination with the water utility and the architectural department.
  • You will also need to select and approve a company, which will then directly connect the branch.

Sewerage laying diagrams are always drawn on the site and house plans, indicating all the parameters of the system.

In addition, you should take care in advance of obtaining permission from your neighbors. And it is better if this consent is obtained in writing.

How can you prepare your site before cutting in?

Before the arrival of the utility services that will connect to the main pipeline, each owner can prepare the area in front of the house with their own or third-party forces. It will be necessary, firstly, to carry out the output outside. Secondly, lay pipes leading from the house to the main pipe.

It's not very difficult to do this. But a number of points will need to be taken into account. First of all, regarding the depth of the trench. In most cases, a depth of one and a half to two meters is enough. Here everything depends on the nature of the soil and the degree of its freezing. If necessary, you also need to take additional care of organizing insulation for the pipes.

It is also necessary to ensure a natural slope along which the wastewater will drain into the pipe. Here you should adhere to the rule: for every meter of pipe, the difference in height should be 2-3 centimeters. If the slope is shallow, the water will not flow fast enough to wash away solids. If it is too large, then it will simply flow forward and not have time to capture the same solid particles. In any case, congestion is inevitable over time.

Important! The trench is covered with gravel or sand cushion. The sand cushion also spills copiously with water. And only then can pipes be laid in the trench. As a rule, these are PVC pipes. They are durable and non-toxic, and are also resistant to corrosion.

Pipes should be laid with a socket in the direction of the water flow - so that solid particles do not get stuck at the joints. Otherwise, ice will quickly form around them in the cold season. Which, again, will inevitably lead to congestion. The joints must be carefully sealed.

Preparing the connection to the central system at own plot carried out independently by the owners of the house, according to a pre-agreed plan.

Before digging a trench, it is necessary to connect the outlet pipe from the house to the sewer pipeline, and also conduct a test run of water. In this case, there should be no leaks along the entire length of the pipeline. And the output should be exactly the same amount of water as was poured into the sewer. If this rule is not followed, then most likely there is an error in observing the required slope.

Finally, if everything goes according to plan, you can start digging the trench. In this case, all the earth that was dug must be used. The resulting embankment will settle over time, but there will be no dents in the ground where melt and rain water will accumulate.

Direct connection to the central system

But the connection of the internal sewerage with central system, as a rule, is carried out by a service company. In some cases, the owner may be allowed to carry out the tie-in on his own. One way or another, a representative of the water utility must be present and must sign the act of work performed. By doing this, he confirms that all the work was carried out correctly and that the sewer system can begin to be used.

The connection of the internal sewerage system to the central system is carried out by a specialized service company.

How to connect to a storm drain

In addition to the home sewer system, which drains water from plumbing equipment, a connection to a central storm sewer may also be required. It’s better to do it anyway separate connection to these systems, since a single sewer may not cope with double flow. In this case, this connection can be made in two ways:

  • Installation of a drainage system for a private household with stormwater drainage into a special tank. For this purpose, a special container is installed on the site to collect melt and rainwater. They can then be used for certain economic needs. Of course, such water cannot be consumed as food! The best option is to install it in front of the natural filter tank. For example, a small sump can serve as such.
  • You can also direct the drains to the central one. However, this can only be done if all the necessary permitting documents. In this case, pipes with storm drains are laid to the collector of the main system.

In both cases, the presence of specialists will be mandatory. The only difference is at what stage of the work they will connect.

Valery Prikhodko – housing and communal services worker: In the case of connecting water supply and domestic sewerage, it will be convenient to arrange all the pipes in one trench. Upstairs getting settled water pipes, and sewer - from below. This will significantly save effort and time during subsequent system maintenance.

Alexei: You need to plan the trench as straight as possible - without kinks or elevation changes. To do this, simply stretch a thick cord. If a change in direction cannot be avoided, then inspection wells must be provided in these places.

What's the result?

In short, making a connection to the central sewer system may in many cases be the most the best option. But at the same time, each owner will have to choose: try to do everything on their own and save money, or entrust the work to specialists, overpaying, but saving themselves from installation work and running around the authorities.

Eco-friendly homestead: Owners land plots, leading construction residential buildings, always face the problem of drainage and disposal of wastewater. Let's figure out how to do it correct connection to a centralized network.

Land owners who are constructing residential buildings are always faced with the problem of drainage and disposal of wastewater. There can be two solutions: installation autonomous system or connection to centralized network. The latter is only possible if the highway passes close to the site. Practice shows that most developers prefer the latter option and connect to centralized sewerage. Let's figure out how to do it right.

It is generally accepted that autonomous sewerage is more practical and beneficial for the owner. This is a rather controversial issue, given that the arrangement of such a system can be carried out different ways, on which its cost and effectiveness will depend. The owner of a sewerage system embedded in a centralized network is guaranteed to receive significant benefits. He does not need to control the quality and quantity of wastewater, and does not have to spend a lot of money on purchasing, installing and maintaining equipment. In addition, the centralized network can be used for as long as desired, provided, of course, that payments are made regularly.

You should start designing the insert by choosing one of two possible options connections. Two types of sewerage are usually laid on the site: storm and domestic. Provided that there is only one pipe in the centralized main, a mixed connection is carried out. If there are pipelines for each type of sewerage system, separate connections are made.

Next, you need to decide who will deal with all issues related to connection. You must understand that this event is quite troublesome. It will take a lot of effort and free time. Anyone who does not want to go through the authorities can contact sewer connection companies. They will independently resolve all issues and carry out necessary work. It is clear that their services will not be free. Considering that the sewer line from the house to the point of connection is financed by the developer, all this will result in a decent amount. Therefore, it is quite possible that there will be those who will do everything on their own.

First you will need to collect a package of documents, which includes:
- Technical conditions for the planned connection. They must be ordered from an organization that services utility lines.

Plan of the building and the site on which it is located. - Project for inserting a sewer pipeline into the main line. Its development should be carried out by a specialist designer based on the information provided to him technical specifications and situational plan.

Coordination of a new project in the Architectural Department and the water utility. - A document confirming the consent of the owners of houses located in areas adjacent to the land ownership to conduct construction work near their buildings. For pipelines passing through areas where thermal and Electricity of the net, and there is also a roadway, additional permits will be required from the relevant organizations.

By the time the collection of documentation is completed, it is necessary to decide on the organization that will carry out the tie-in and enter into a contract with it standard contract. It is worth immediately warning those who believe that all the above-described activities are too troublesome. Unauthorized connection is punishable by a hefty fine and mandatory forced dismantling of the laid branch. All work is carried out at the expense of the unauthorized developer. Combined with the fine, the losses are impressive.

The pipeline is laid by the developer up to the tie-in site. According to SNiPs, the sewage system from the household before connecting to the main line must be pulled so as to enter the drop well. The branch must approach the device above the drain level and enter it at a given angle. This must be taken into account when designing the pipeline and determining the depth at which it will be laid. It must pass below the freezing level of the soil. The average pipe laying depth is about one and a half meters. It is influenced by the type of terrain, character groundwater and type of soil.

When designing a branch, you should try to avoid turns in the highway. It is optimal that there are none at all. If this does not work, you should try to make turns as shallow as possible. If it is necessary to turn the pipeline more than 90°, an inspection well must be installed at the turning point. The same design is installed on a long-distance highway, this allows you to monitor the condition of the system.

Another important point: sewer pipe slope. It should be about 1.5-2 cm per linear meter. A smaller or larger slope of the line will contribute to the formation of blockages. The pipes are laid in a trench on sandy or gravel bed about 15 cm high. Small recesses are made under the sockets of the parts. If a collective tie-in is carried out, an inspection well must be installed in the entry areas of each of the households.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the storm drain. You should not connect it to a sewage collector. This will unjustifiably increase the load on the highway and can lead to big troubles. Storm sewer can be arranged in two ways. The first is to direct wastewater to a storm sewer in a centralized network. The second is to mount drainage system with output to a special reservoir, from which, as necessary, it will be possible to take water for irrigation of the site and for other needs.

There may be several ways to connect the sewer system of a private building to a centralized network. None of them can be accomplished completely on your own. In any case, specialists must be involved at a certain stage.

Therefore, perhaps the best option would be to conclude an agreement with a company that, from the very beginning, will take care of all issues related to the coordination, organization and implementation of all necessary activities. This way, the home owner will be able to save time and save himself from endless trips to various authorities. published

During the construction of the house, it came to the sewage system... In the technical conditions issued when obtaining a building permit, it is written simply and without any fuss - “waterproofed septic tank”. But I don’t really want to call the sewers every month, or even earlier. The neighbors, who, by the way, have the same thing written in the technical specifications, made it even simpler - 3 1.5-meter rings WITHOUT A BOTTOM... Like, there are no wells nearby, the water is from the water supply, the neighbors above almost pour it into the ditch. .. Again, no one will dive there unless the SES checks. Yes, and this is unlikely, to be honest. But this method somehow disgusts me...
In short, I began to think, count, and consult with everyone. One of my colleagues suddenly asked, “Do you live in a deaf village?” It doesn’t seem to be a village (a settlement of regional significance in the Yaroslavl region). “Do you have sewerage there?” “Well, of course, we have a whole bunch of five-story buildings.” “So connect to the central one, don’t be wise!”
This conversation, as they say, sank into my soul. “Why not?”, I think. I went to our glorious housing and communal services department, or whatever it’s called. They were very happy and surprised. We say that we are always happy to support the initiative of residents, we will help in any way we can, in addition, we will then connect to this pipe only with your permission (and there, in principle, there are many people who can be connected there). Here I must say about the location of my house. On a quick fix I sketched out a small plan.
My house is highlighted in black. Existing sewerage – in bold. Accordingly, I had two connection options - 1. To a well, which is 200m away, 2. To a well, which is 150m away. Naturally, the shorter the better, especially since the pleasure is not cheap - 1000 rubles / m + every 50 m well, its price is about 10,000 rubles. But the slope, as can be seen from the diagram, is towards my house. And it’s more logical to connect using the first option. That's what the housing and communal services told me. There is a natural slope in that direction, there is a field there - dig - I don’t want to. I agreed with two neighbors, so the amount divided by three did not seem so big. Moreover, there are a couple more houses under construction along the route of the proposed sewerage system, so there is hope that they will be connected in the future... In general, in the housing and communal services we agreed that closer to the beginning of November (this was in October) we will conclude an agreement with them and they are laying everything before winter.
In early November I come to the housing and communal services department. And then they tell me - our master went to your site, measured everything, in principle, you can connect to another well (which is 150 m away), there is a slight slope in your direction. And here there are a lot of advantages - 150 m instead of 200 m, a whole bunch of neighbors with whom you can share the costs, beauty. Well, let’s dig there, I say, I don’t mind, as long as it doesn’t freeze, otherwise it won’t be deep. No, what are you saying, we’ve been doing this for a long time. Over there in G... they actually built 250 m of sewerage across the surface - it doesn’t freeze! (Wizards, damn it!). In general, I gave an advance of 70,000, they signed an “agreement” (such a joke, I laughed until I cried, but that’s a different story). Well, in general, we started work in 3 days.
We spent half a day digging for something there, then I decided to go and see what was going on there. Here they are Chief Engineer going there. On the way, he tells me that the master intended something wrong, and it turns out that the pipe will go a little higher. But it’s okay, throw snow on it in winter, and that’s it. We arrive - the picture is this: from the existing well, into which they made an insert, we have already walked about 40 m (there, according to calculations, there should be the first new well) to my house, respectively, about 100 m. And the pipe is already running about 40 centimeters from surfaces. The engineer tells me - well, the master made a big slope of the pipe, he made a slight mistake (although I came during installation - they scalded almost without a slope). But supposedly closer to my house there will be a rise in relief, but here it’s just a hole, they will bring soil and fill it up.
Well, then, let's dig further. We spent another day fiddling around. The delivery of soil was expressed in this way - I had piles on my site after the foundation was built - you can, I say, take them and level them anyway. So they leveled one pile - about the volume of a car. Thank you anyway.
Then the director of this housing and communal services calls me - come, she says, we can’t do anything here. I arrive - she starts to rub it into me - you need to raise the site, it’s low, your foundation is low, you’ll still be raising the house - and. etc. In general, at first they told me that the pipe would come out of the ground 50 cm below the level of my foundation. In principle, it’s tolerable, insulating it better, if the line from the house is not very long, you can... Then they say, they say, it’s 10 cm lower than the top of the foundation (level with the ground - that’s what they said, but in reality, I think there It would have been an aqueduct.)
In short, doubts overwhelmed me. We agreed with them - the work was stopped, I will think about it, I will consult what I should do next. I was thinking about making a pressure line from the house, or pouring a lot of it there. In the end, I brought two more or less knowledgeable people to the site, including the colleague who recommended it))). They, only looking at the first well made by the masters, not reaching my house, offered to send them to a known address. Regarding “whether it will freeze or not,” my colleague suggested we pee directly into this new well and take a look. Now, he says, the temperature is about minus 1, and then it will freeze (the depth of the well there is no more than 30-40 cm).
In short, we decided to return the money. True, the agreement was like this - we will take 5-7 thousand from you, we bore the expenses... Choke, I think you still have to hire a tractor, connect electricity, etc. in short, quarrel with you... In the end they returned it money minus 6000)))). So I was left without a central sewer system.
By the way, there was another connection option, everything is fine there with a slope, where the length is longer. When the problems started, I suggested to them - let’s connect there? After all, they themselves wanted to be there first. Not at all - there is quicksand, too much rubble to cover, it will be expensive, in general, we won’t do it there, make a sump. The question of why they were offered there in the first place remained unanswered...
Now I’m thinking about how to make a septic tank...

Every owner of a future private home dreams of comfortable conditions accommodation. Comfort is impossible without quality system sewerage. If you decide to build it yourself, then before digging a pit, you need to check whether there is a central sewerage system near the house. If the city sewer is located next to a private house, there is a need to connect to the system.

If you look with an unprofessional eye at the process of installing a sewer system in a private house or apartment, you may not see a fundamental difference. When considering the details, there are significant differences. The advantages of laying a sewer system in a private house are obvious. In the bathroom of the apartment you will not be able to place plumbing equipment the way you want and your sewer system is constantly dependent on the decency of your neighbors.

Connection to the central sewer system of a private house

You can do it yourself by connecting the sewer system of a private house to the city sewer system, but to do this you need to obtain the appropriate certificates and approvals. This is problematic, but it will save a significant amount of your budget, which can be spent on other needs of a private home. You should not connect the sewer illegally, because you will then have to pay a large fine and spend a considerable amount on dismantling.

Preparation stages:

  • Construction of an inspection well on the site, with which you can monitor the system, as well as carry out maintenance and repair work.
  • Digging a trench for the pipe and connecting it to the central well.
  • Compound internal system and pipeline devices.

Advantages of connecting to the central sewer system of a private house

  • Significant savings on the purchase, installation and maintenance of autonomous sewer systems.
  • Long term use of sewerage, subject to regular payment.
  • There is no need to control the quality and quantity of water.

preparing trenches and laying pipes for connection to the central sewer system

First steps

First you need to decide on the type of connection. Separate is used when connecting two types of sewerage - storm and domestic. With a mixed connection, one large pipe is installed, which is connected to common system. Box in city ​​sewerage is impossible without visiting the city water utility, where you need to get permission to connect to the city sewerage system. If technical capabilities allow, you will be easily issued the necessary document. Next, you need to call a specialist to draw up a plan and apply a laying diagram on it; you also need to conclude an agreement on drawing up a project, which is approved by a representative of the water utility, as well as an architect. Neighbors must sign permits for work near their homes and plots. Finally, the water utility signs an agreement to receive sewage waste.

If the pipeline runs above the site, then there is a need to install a pressure sewer:

  • Using the principle of a septic tank, a receiving well with a sump for wastewater is built.
  • A pressure water supply is connected to the inspection well, from which wastewater will flow by gravity into the city network.

There are several ways to connect a branch to a sewer pipe:

  1. Install the tee on the cut piece of pipe. They put it on using a coupling and weld the joints.
  2. Connection via adapter adapter. But in this case, it is necessary to turn off the water in the system, make a hole with a drill, tighten the adapter, and tighten the bolts. If there are no bolts, then tighten the nuts on a degreased surface.

Entrust this process to specialists, since the absence of leaks and proper operation of the system depend on the quality of the insertion.

When digging a trench, you need to choose the right width so that there is room for laying parts. Don't forget to compact the bottom well and start preparing a bed of sand and gravel mixture. It needs to be compacted at the beginning and two meters from the well. For external pipelines in a private house, cast iron or polymer pipes are used.

preparation of sewer pipes

Sequence of laying water supply:

  1. The pipes are positioned with the socket down.
  2. Carry out thorough cleaning of the joints.
  3. The joint parts must be well lubricated with soap.
  4. Measure the length and insert the pipe all the way into the socket.

The entire pipeline is laid according to this scheme. Before backfilling, check the slope of the pipes. First, the pipe is covered with sand to a depth of 5-10 cm, then it is necessary to water it so that the sand subsides, and then the soil is filled.

After you have resolved the issue with the central sewer system, think about how to remove it from the site rainwater. This is a simple procedure, but please note that during heavy rain the receiving well will overflow and sewage will pour out. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to make a separate connection, because the central pipeline is capable of more than a private sewer system. In case of unpleasant surprises from the water utility, or other nuances in which it is impossible to connect to the city network, install a separate tank on the site to collect rainwater. The reservoir is cooled by the soil. Due to the low temperature, algae and bacteria multiply in it. If you lay a drain to it and install a filter, then debris will not get into the tank. Water from the container can be used for watering the garden or other household (non-drinking) purposes.

connecting pipes to the central sewer

Pipeline testing stages:

  1. There is a need to determine the correct installation of the system and the accuracy of the joining, so external lines must be laid without rubber rings.
  2. This stage is carried out after installation of the system, when the pipes and septic tanks are not yet backfilled. The system is subjected maximum load in all areas. At this stage, you can visually identify existing problems, see defects and damage.

At self-installation sewer pipes The following mistakes should be avoided:

  • Check the slope of the pipe during design and assembly.
  • Do not use excessive force during socket installation, as this may damage the seal. To avoid breakage, use Vaseline as a lubricant.
  • If you do not have experience with adhesive joints, then use a socket joint, as it is easier to assemble.
  • Improper fastening of pipes leads to their sagging and destruction of rubber seals.

Connection problems

There is a possibility that from the sewer branch to the house there may be various engineering Communication, heating networks, electricity networks, gas. Connection is not possible:

  • if there are several communications between the house and the city sewer;
  • when the system becomes dilapidated;
  • when passing underground private system with high connection prices.

sewer connection rules

In such situations, it is possible to install an autonomous system for wastewater treatment. Water must be pumped out of septic tanks twice a year; the waste sludge can be used as fertilizer. The unprecedented demand for modern autonomous sewerage is due to several reasons and advantages:

  • Thanks to the durable body, the plastic does not deform and is not subject to corrosive changes.
  • The installation is compact and easy to assemble, lightweight, and takes up little space on the site.
  • No special maintenance is required, there is no need for the services of vacuum cleaners, used sludge does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Long service life – 50 years.

The only drawback of autonomous sewerage stations– dependence on electricity, i.e. the installation is not recommended for use in areas where there are power outages. Before installing a septic tank, you need to decide how many family members will live in the house and calculate how many liters of water to purchase a sewer system for.

Regardless of what choice you made - you chose a city sewer system or decided on an autonomous one, remember that it is better to entrust installation and connection to professionals. This way, you will relieve yourself of unnecessary responsibility and avoid large financial costs for expensive repairs. Specialists themselves will determine the location for installing a septic tank or laying a trench to the city sewerage system. In addition, they can help with registration necessary documents. You will receive a high-quality service, and will also be able to enjoy the benefits of civilization for a long time.