How much glue is needed for 5 rolls of wallpaper? Wallpaper glue for non-woven wallpaper. How much wallpaper glue do you need?


Dec 03, 2015

In most cases, the packaging of wallpaper glue indicates its consumption per square meter. However, in reality, there is almost always excess glue left or not enough and you have to run to the store for new packaging. What this is connected with and how to correctly calculate the consumption rate of wallpaper glue per 1 m2, we will talk in this article.

Let's start with the fact that a plastered wall absorbs glue well, and if it is not applied to it first, then you will have to use more glue than the amount indicated on the package, approximately +5-10 g per square meter.

The second point on which the consumption of wallpaper glue will depend is the area to be covered. When completely covering walls with wallpaper, calculations must be based on the entire area of ​​the walls. If you plan not to affect the space behind the furniture or implement other design ideas, not the entire surface of the walls will be covered with wallpaper, so you will need less glue. In this case, from the total area of ​​the walls it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​those areas that will not be covered with wallpaper.

The third point that you should pay attention to when calculating the consumption rate of wallpaper glue is the type of wallpaper. In some cases (paper wallpaper), the glue is applied to the wallpaper itself, in others (non-woven, vinyl) - to the wall. Different absorbent properties of surfaces and drying speed determine different consumption glue.

Finally, in order to achieve best result For each type of wallpaper you need to use a different glue. This information is always indicated on the packaging.

How much wallpaper glue do you need?

Consider the above data when starting to calculate the consumption per m 2.

We will provide a formula for calculating average consumption, which you, of course, can use in your own calculations, taking into account the nuances of your apartment or house.

1. Calculate the area 2 perpendicular walls in a rectangular room, and then multiply the resulting figure by 2. To calculate the area of ​​a long wall, multiply its height by its length. For example, 2.8 m * 4 m = 11.2 m 2. Similarly, we calculate the area of ​​the short wall: 2.8 m * 3 m = 8.4 m 2. Next, we calculate the total area of ​​the walls in the room: (11.2 m2 * 2) + (8.4 m2 * 2) = 22.4 m2 + 16.8 m2 = 39.2 m2.

In such calculations, specialists subtract door and window openings from the total area. However, if you do not consider yourself a professional in this matter, we recommend not to experiment. The remainder of the wallpaper may be needed, for example, to cover the wall behind the radiator or to replace scraps that were lost when combining the pattern, and the glue will be useful for gluing the joints.

2. Calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper. For example, let's take paper ones. Their standard width 0.53 m. Usually the roll length is about 10.5 m. The number of rolls is calculated as follows:

39.2 m2: (10.5 m* 0.53 m) = 7 rolls.

3. Next, we calculate the consumption of wallpaper glue, For example, . The glue packaging indicates the consumption - 6/9 rolls. We conclude that to paste a room with an area of ​​39.2 m2 you will need 1 package of glue. When diluting, follow the proportions of water and adhesive indicated on the package.

For non-woven and vinyl wallpaper The calculation is carried out in a similar way, taking into account the larger roll width.

When making repairs - and, in particular, when gluing wallpaper - it is necessary to accurately calculate the consumption various materials, which are applied. With wallpaper, everything is quite simple, because their consumption approximately corresponds to the area of ​​the walls, you only need to make a small error for various potential errors, and also, if there are overlapping places or holes in the wallpaper, then on them.

The amount of glue directly depends on the method of applying it to the wallpaper.

Everything is much more complicated with glue. Its consumption depends on many factors. We can identify a number of key ones, which will be discussed further.

Wallpaper type

As you know, wallpaper has several varieties, on which their characteristics depend. One of the characteristics on which glue consumption depends is the thickness of the wallpaper, which must be taken into account.

  • If we take paper ones, the thinnest ones, then they require the least gram of glue per m2. Moreover, any glue is suitable for them.
  • If a person chooses vinyl, jute, wallpaper with fiberglass, and so on, then not only does the total consumption increase, but there is also a need to select special types glue. Moreover, it is often necessary to select not just a strong glue, but also a special type, for example, glue with a fungicide for waterproof wallpaper.

The need for priming

Sometimes the surface is not one hundred percent ready to hang wallpaper on. In this case, it is necessary to pre-treat the surface. And this will also directly affect the overall glue consumption.

If you take approximate figures, then when pre-priming, you need to add 5-10 extra grams of glue for each m2.

Surface type

Consumption also directly depends on what kind of material the gluing is carried out on. For example, if it is wood or fiberboard, then the consumption will be minimal. The reason is that the glue penetrates very quickly into the top layers and sticks very quickly. With other materials everything is somewhat more complicated.

On flat surface Wallpaper sticks easily

For example, concrete, stone or plaster do not have the same properties, so they require several more glue. Therefore, when working with such surfaces, feel free to add 5-10% to the amount calculated in advance.

Average consumption

To roughly understand what exactly the consumption of this or that glue will be, you need to pay attention to the turnover of its pack. Usually it indicates the approximate amount of glue required for gluing wallpaper of one type or another. It is difficult to give universal figures, because each brand adhesive composition has its own distinct features.

Information on the back of the wallpaper paste pack

If we take some average indicators, then for thin paper wallpaper usually it is 15 grams per m2. If you take thicker wallpaper, for example, vinyl, then this figure can reach up to 50 grams per m2.

That is, you can roughly estimate that the average consumption will be something like 20-30 grams per m2.

But, again, you still need to study the information on the pack as carefully as possible in order to take into account the features various types glue and various wallpapers.

Counting principle

When you know approximately how much glue is needed for each m2, you need to start calculating. They are carried out quite simply. It is necessary to measure the length of the walls and the height of the ceilings for each room. Based on this, you can calculate the area of ​​each wall.

Next, you need to subtract from this area those areas that will not be used in any way, for example, windows or doors; their area is also very easy to measure. After this, it is worth making adjustments to the surface - whether a preliminary primer is needed, or in this case it is realistic to do without it, as well as its type.

Priming walls with wallpaper glue before gluing

Next, using the instructions on the back of the package, you need to calculate the approximate glue consumption in this case, based on the type of wallpaper you have. If for some unknown reason it turns out that you have glue without the original packaging, then you can take the approximate values ​​that were given just above.

After this, you simply need to multiply the data from the packaging by the total area of ​​wallpaper in each room. You can take a little more glue so that in the future, if you need to re-glue any part, there will be a reserve. As a result, you will come up with a number, usually several kilograms, which will indicate exactly how much glue you will need. If you suddenly need to paste over the ceiling as well, it must also be taken into account.

Bright wallpaper on the ceiling

Remember that buying a little more glue will cost smart solution, but it’s no longer worth buying it for future use, because each glue has its own expiration date, and gluing is already dangerous, and besides, it will no longer be so effective. It turns out that you will simply waste the extra money without winning anything.

Which glue is more economical

If you want to choose glue that will be used most economically, then you should give preference to liquid variations. Their quality will be the highest, they will not have lumps or other imperfections. But there is a catch, which is that these adhesives are more expensive than others. So, in an effort to save money, you may end up spending more money.

Before starting repairs, every owner wants to know exactly the consumption of wallpaper per 1 m2. Popular nowadays online calculator wallpaper consumption as a service is useful and useful for comparison, but it was invented for the lazy and rich.

Even the most best programs will not give accurate data if it is planned. He won’t tell you whether you need to glue behind the furniture, what allowance to make on the niches, whether you need to take into account doors and windows, and finally, how much and what kind of glue you need to buy.

From here, the conclusion naturally suggests itself that it is much more economical to do everything yourself. In fact, the instructions by which the calculations are performed are elementary simple.

Of course, when compared with the counting speed online systems, then you will have to devote more time to this, by as much as 15 minutes. But such time costs are more than offset by cost savings, especially if the price of the material is serious.

Roll material counting

  • All such calculations begin with calculating the perimeter of the room. The easiest way out is to add the length and width and multiply by 2. For example, if the room correct form 3x4m, then the total perimeter will be 14m².
  • It’s good if everything is geometrically simple and of the correct shape. Often, in most apartments there must be various kinds niches or projections. In this case, it is better not to be lazy and measure it with your own hands, on the floor using a tape measure.
  • Experts differ on whether it is necessary to subtract windows and doors from the total area to be covered.. In theory, of course, it should be subtracted; high-class professionals do just that. But if you do not have the proper experience, then it is better to leave everything together. This tolerance may be used for various kinds of bends and trims.
  • The question of whether it is necessary to paste the walls behind the furniture remains on the conscience of the owners. In our opinion, if you are the owner of a good, high-quality headset and there is no point in changing it, then you should not glue wallpaper behind it. In this case, when taking measurements, there is no need to take into account the wall covered by furniture.

Advice: if the wall behind the furniture will not be covered with wallpaper, it must be well primed to prevent mold or mildew from forming. Most affordable option, coat the surface with wallpaper glue.

  • For canvases with a ready-made pattern, such a value as “rapport” must be taken into account.. Rapport is the step with which the pattern is repeated on the canvas. Most manufacturers indicate this value directly in the passport. To properly combine the pattern, you need to add the size of the repeat to the height of the canvas.
  • The height of the canvas is determined based on the height of the ceilings. The repeat value is added to this value, plus experts advise leaving a tolerance for trimming; it is within 7 - 10 cm.
  • When counting strips, you should start from the width of the roll. The market is currently dominated by two standard sizes, this is 1 m and 53 cm. The instructions on the packaging must necessarily contain all this data. The total perimeter of the room must be divided by the width of the strip, the resulting value is rounded up to the nearest whole value. For example, the perimeter of a room we already know is 14 m, we divide these 14 m by the roll width of 53 cm, and after rounding we get 27 strips.
  • You can calculate how many strips will come out of one roll by dividing the ceiling height, plus repeat, plus trimming allowance, by the length of the roll. Moreover, in this case it should be rounded to reverse side, to a lower value.

Important: the amount of wallpaper for the ceiling is calculated slightly differently. The total square footage of the ceiling should be multiplied by a factor of 1.2. You will get the wallpaper consumption rate per 1 m2. To translate given value into rolls, it should be divided by the width of the web.

  • After performing all these calculations, experts advise purchasing 1 extra roll as a reserve. If you do not have the proper experience, then when pasting with your own hands, there is a high probability of ruining 1 - 2 stripes. Plus, this supply may come in handy in the future if the coating gets dirty or damaged.

A few words about liquid wallpaper

  • Liquid wallpaper is finishing coat somewhat reminiscent of plaster. The mass is made on the basis of glue, cellulose fibers and special additives. It is supplied to the retail chain in dry form and prepared immediately before use.
  • This coating can be applied manually, using or by machine using a special sprayer. On average, manufacturers promise that 1 kg of dry mixture is enough for 4 - 5 m² of wall. But you should not start from this value when calculating.
  • Recommended application thickness for perfect walls fluctuates between 1.5 - 2.5 mm. But such walls are rare. Plus great importance has professionalism. If you are doing this for the first time, then 1 kg of dry mixture will be enough for a maximum of 3 m². But don’t be discouraged, as a rule, in 2 – 3 hours you will fill your hand.
  • It is best to use a spray bottle. With a good pistol, even an amateur can work calmly and productively. When applying a solution to the wall, it is easy to simply control the thickness of the spraying and with this option, the consumption of the same kilogram of dry mixture increases to 5 - 7 m².

Advice: much less composition will be needed if you first apply a special primer to the wall; it will close small pores and reduce the consumption of liquid wallpaper.

  • Regardless of your level of professionalism, experts advise when purchasing dry composition to make a reserve of at least 500g. It may go towards unplanned expenses during spraying or be useful for fragmentary repairs later.

Glue consumption

  • We figured out how to calculate the amount of wallpaper, there is one small point left, to calculate the glue consumption for the wallpaper. As a rule, all manufacturers indicate this value on the packaging. But you shouldn’t trust these data completely, since they are, to put it mildly, somewhat overestimated.
  • In practice, if you act strictly according to the instructions, the quality of the pasting may not meet your expectations. Therefore, we recommend making the composition a little thicker; accordingly, the consumption of wallpaper glue will increase by 1 m2. On average, compared to passport data, the overspending will be about 10%.
  • For light, thin canvases, this value will be about 15 - 20 g of dry glue per 1 m².
  • Heavy vinyl or non-woven fabric will carry about 45 - 50g per 1m².
  • For this you need to add another 5 – 10g per 1m².
  • Compared to wallpaper, the price of glue is relatively low, so it is better to take it with a small supply than to run out and buy more later.

The video in this article shows the principle of mixing glue.


No specialist can calculate with 100% accuracy, down to a few centimeters or grams. required quantity material. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, the data will be averaged, because for the same room, different types of wallpaper are used differently. The only question is how approximate they will be.

The video in this article shows the technology of wallpapering a room.

To make wallpapering go quickly, experts calculate many parameters: the size of the wallpaper, the working area and the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2. The consumption rates of the adhesive material depend on what type of wallpaper is used for gluing. Knowing the exact calculations of glue consumption, you can avoid some mistakes:

  • unnecessary expense;
  • additional purchase of material;
  • loss of time;
  • incorrect estimate calculation.

Counting principle

There is no difficulty in calculating how much wallpaper glue you need. Professional adhesives, such as "ProMASTER" have special markings on the packaging regarding consumption, but if such information is missing, then you can calculate without the help of a specialist required amount glue, spending just a couple of minutes. To do this you need:

  • measure the height and length of the walls, and then determine the area for gluing;
  • using these numbers, calculate the area that is not subject to gluing - windows, doors and other obstacles;
  • take account additional processing walls and priming.

Sometimes it is indicated on the packaging total square meters, for which the entire amount of glue is enough. Having this information and the total area for gluing, using simple arithmetic calculations, the approximate consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 is calculated.

Attention! It will not be superfluous to purchase glue with a reserve, but not too much, it has a limited shelf life, after which it becomes unsuitable for use.

Consumption of wallpaper glue for non-woven wallpaper

The consumption of glue for non-woven wallpaper should be calculated based not on its thickness or manufacturer's brand, but on the structure of the canvas for gluing. The thicker the wallpaper, the thicker the layer of glue it will require. Non-woven fabric has one or more layers.

On average 0.8 kg of dry glue (10 kg of finished glue mixture) enough for 66 m2. Consequently, about 12 grams of dry mixture are consumed per square meter. The adhesive consumption can also be affected by the tools that will be used and the experience of applying the adhesive composition. Using a roller or brush, glue consumption increases significantly. Specialists use a wallpaper lubricating device.

Wallpaper adhesive consumption for vinyl wallpaper

For gluing light vinyl wallpaper, the same amount of glue is used as for heavy vinyl wallpaper. When using a primer, its consumption will be higher. On average, 5 rolls will require 150 grams of dry glue.

Regardless of the type of wallpaper, the preparation of glue remains the same and does not require the use of any special skills:

  • Warm water is filled into the container;
  • Dry glue from the packaging is gradually poured in. At the same time, the composition is continuously mixed;
  • glue is added until the composition reaches medium viscosity;
  • after preparing the composition, it settles for 5-7 minutes, after which it is mixed again;
  • it's time to start gluing.

High-quality glue can be in open state no more than 2 hours at temperatures above +20 degrees Celsius. Good glue does not smell and does not emit any odors.

Consumption of wallpaper glue for glass wallpaper

Pour cool water into a clean bucket, see our table below for the amount of water. Start stirring the water quickly and pour out the contents of the package at the same time. Wait 3-5 minutes and then stir a second time. The glue is ready.

Table: wallpaper glue consumption per 1m2 for different types of wallpaper

Types of wallpaper glue, their characteristics and properties

How to choose wallpaper glue

When choosing wallpaper glue, you must proceed from the information about the wallpaper itself, which is written on the label for it. The consumption of wallpaper glue per 1m2 is always written on the packaging (see photo). You can refer to our table.

In the production of wallpaper glue, there are several types of adhesives, these are:

  • wallpaper adhesive for paper based: light single-layer, duplex (embossed and smooth), corrugated, ceiling, washable; heavy wallpaper (coarse fiber), structural, foam wallpaper.
  • Adhesive for vinyl wallpaper. As part of the adhesive for vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, methylcellulose is added to the main components (starch and antifungal additives) (find out how long it takes non-woven wallpaper to dry);
  • Universal adhesive intended for different types wallpaper The universal glue is based on modified starch and components that prevent the appearance of fungus.
  • In addition to adhesives special purpose A universal adhesive is also available. This glue can be used for wallpaper of any type. It contains esters of modified starch and antifungal substances.

What is wallpaper glue made of?

If the wallpaper is ordinary paper and the room is dry, then the simplest glue consisting of starch essence (methylcellulose) and a small amount of antiseptics up to 2-3% will do. But all other types of wallpaper, as well as high room humidity, require more specialized types of glue.

In addition, special types of glue will be required in case of wallpapering in difficult conditions, for example, in cold rooms where dampness and draft are constantly present. If it is necessary to cover large areas and carry out complex work under the ceiling, you may also need special types of wallpaper glue. Vinyl, non-woven, fabric or metallized wallpaper require a higher content of PVC and PVA emulsions - up to 50%. The packaging of such glue may indicate that this glue is used for fiberglass.

Correspondence of adhesive to the type of wallpaper and surface to be pasted

The more PVA emulsion in the wallpaper glue, the faster and better this glue will work. Heavy vinyl or fabric wallpaper, as well as areas of pasting on the ceiling, are best glued with this glue, since it is necessary high level adhesion. The same goes for the surface. For example, when gluing directly onto concrete, you need glue with a high PVA content.

In addition, if the walls and ceiling are made of plywood, fiberboard or boards, then you need glue with a high content of antiseptics, the quantity and composition of which must be indicated on the packaging. The same goes for rooms with high humidity.

Optimal glue consumption

The glue consumption depends on the degree of wetness of the surface to be glued. If you need to paste over wooden walls or fiberboard, then glue consumption will be minimal, since the glue will quickly penetrate into upper layer material and wallpaper stick immediately. But if the surface does not absorb, for example, stone, concrete, plaster, or when it is not smooth and rough, then the glue consumption increases. It needs to be placed more on the wallpaper; it is possible that the walls will have to be primed with the same glue before pasting.

Therefore, the glue consumption indicated on the packaging is very arbitrary. Calculate the glue as indicated on the package and add 10%. If you use a dry mixture that needs to be dissolved in water, then nothing bad will happen if you have a small additional amount of glue in stock.

If the surface is capricious and rough, or you are gluing wallpaper to the ceiling, then this reserve will be used to give the paste a thicker consistency, which will make the work much easier and make the wallpaper lie down the first time. How larger area pasting, the more profitable it is to buy glue.

But! Glue should not be purchased for future use, since it has a shelf life, and you cannot store an open package of even a dry mixture for a long time. Therefore, you should not buy a large package in anticipation of the distant future if the obvious consumption of the mixture for the upcoming pasting is much less.

The most accurate wallpaper glue is ready-made, liquid. It applies better to the surface, lays smoother, and there are no lumps. The only disadvantages of liquid wallpaper glue are the undesirability of long-term storage of an open container and its price. But if you have dear heavy wallpaper and you are going to stick them on concrete or putty in a room with high humidity, then you need a good, ready-made liquid glue, preferably labeled “for fiberglass.”

Why glue it tightly?

If many people think that tightly glued wallpaper is a very good result, this is not always true. After 5-7 years, any wallpaper needs to be replaced, so a really good result is when the wallpaper stays tight for the same 5-7 years, does not peel off or peel off, but is easily removed during the next renovation.

It is important to know that the technology of application and consumption of wallpaper glue of the “Universal” brand will differ depending on the wallpaper to which it is applied. All adhesives, regardless of components, are diluted with water in strict accordance with the instructions supplied with it and the number of rolls of wallpaper (see table). Read our article on how to hang wallpaper with your own hands.

Video: choosing wallpaper glue