An example of filling out an estimate. Examples of standard documents when preparing estimates. Estimate for survey work

No construction is complete without careful planning. After registration project documentation prepare estimates for construction work. Based on this paper, the customer and contractor can plan expenses and set the optimal cost of payment. At the end of the article you can download examples of estimates for free.

The estimate for the work is prepared on the basis of the building design. Such a document is prepared for both large buildings and small structures on summer cottage.

The estimate includes the following information:

  • list of materials to be purchased;
  • prices for these materials;
  • labor costs;
  • the period of time required to complete the work;
  • the need to perform work that requires special skills is highlighted in separate paragraphs.

To prepare an estimate for repairs construction works, you can seek help from estimate organizations that specialize in preparing such documents. It can be compiled directly by the designers. Along with the cost of materials, they will immediately provide information on the amount of payment for the work.

Before the start of construction, the customer has the right to familiarize himself with the estimate documentation. In such a situation, he will be able to evaluate his financial opportunities. If necessary, the estimate for construction work will be adjusted. In particular, to reduce the final cost, you can use cheaper materials or reduce the size of the object.

Budgeting theory

In order not only to begin construction, but also to successfully complete it, all costs must be included in the estimate. In this case, there will be no unexpected costs in excess of the allocated limit.

In theory, the estimated cost includes:

  1. Direct costs.
  2. Overheads.
  3. Planned savings.

Direct costs constitute the most significant share estimated cost. This is where the cost of materials, equipment and workers' wages is included.

Important! Material costs in most cases range from 40 to 60 percent of all direct costs.

To calculate the cost of materials, you will need to take into account the price per unit and the total consumption. To get information on the first point, just go to the nearest building supplies store.

With the second indicator the situation is more complicated. On the one hand, to find out the details, you can download relevant literature. However, if there are several dozen types of work to be performed, it is very easy to make a mistake in the calculations. If you want to make adjustments, the calculation becomes even more difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare an estimate using special programs (for example, DefSmeta Free, Micrometa, My Estimate and others). Worth downloading and ready-made samples estimate documentation.

Calculation of direct costs - wages

As was shown in the list above, along with the cost of materials, certain prices are also set for workers’ labor. Payment is calculated based on two indicators. Labor costs are multiplied by the hourly rate.

Let's figure out what these concepts mean.

  1. Labor costs represent the established standard of time required for a specialist to perform a certain job. This indicator is measured in hours.
  2. The hourly rate reflects how much a worker should receive for one hour of work. To calculate this indicator, use a simple formula. The average worker's salary is 30,000 rubles. This amount is divided by the number of working days in the month (there are 22 of them) and the number of hours of work per day (in most cases the working day lasts 8 hours). This way you can calculate the hourly rate: 30,000/22/8 = 170 rubles.

How to make an estimate based on such calculations? For example, you need to calculate how much it will cost to lay tiles in a room of 18 square meters. The hourly rate is 170 rubles. Labor costs for this type of work are equivalent to two and a half hours. Thus, you can calculate 170 * 2.5 * 18 = 7,650 rubles. This gives the total cost of laying tiles in this room.

Also, when calculating direct costs in the construction estimate, you will need to take into account the costs of operating machinery and equipment.

Important! To avoid disagreements when paying for services, it is worthwhile to specify the scope of work in detail in the estimate.

If you download examples of estimates and use special programs, it will be easier to understand the list related work. A well-written document in Excel will make the contractor’s work easier, since he will not have to carry out unplanned work and make adjustments to the estimate.

What other cost items are included in the estimate?

Overhead costs that should be reflected in the estimate include funds allocated for servicing the facility under construction and organizing the work. They represent approximately a fifth of direct costs.

Important! If the entire construction is entrusted to one contractor, then one estimate is drawn up. However, if for different types works hired various contractors, examples of estimates are compiled for each of them separately.

Overhead costs may include, but are not limited to, the costs of delivering materials, moving materials, cleaning and disposal. construction waste. These costs are not always taken into account in construction estimates, but they should be given enough attention.

Another item in the estimate is planned savings, also called estimated profit. It reaches 10-15 percent of the amount of direct costs and overhead costs. These funds are taken to pay tax contributions, develop the enterprise and similar needs.

Basically, estimated profits are transferred to organizations. If a team of workers is involved in construction, as a rule, their work is paid directly. When an organization acts as a contractor, you need to be prepared to incur additional costs.

Is it possible to handle the design yourself?

As already mentioned, you should contact a specialized company or the designers themselves to prepare an estimate.

If a smaller-scale construction is planned, the customer can try to prepare the form himself. When drawing up estimates, it is important to focus on the theory of price formation. It is also worth using specialized programs.

It is equally important to take as a basis ready-made examples estimates Further forms 2017 can be downloaded in the form of Word and Excel documents.

An estimate is one of the most important documents from which the repair, construction or reconstruction of any facility begins. Drawing up an estimate for apartment renovation is a mandatory procedure that is primarily necessary for the Customer. This fundamental document must be prepared as an annex to the contract.


Calculation of estimates for apartment renovations is carried out by a specialist - estimator. To begin with, our specialist goes to the repair site, inspects the premises, takes measurements of the premises, gets acquainted with the condition of the floors, ceilings, walls, windows and doors, finds out the individual wishes of the Customer and receives technical specifications.

Based on all the information received and measurements of the premises, design documentation, an estimate for major renovation apartments. You can, perhaps, do without an estimate only if you are carrying out small redecorating or partial renovation of the interior. But still, an estimate is always needed; a description of the types of work included in the estimate undoubtedly provides a number of advantages when working on a construction site during repairs. Thanks to the preliminary estimate, the Customer receives detailed information on the list of types of work and materials required for repairs, and also sees an accurate calculation of the cost of these finishing works and materials.

Typical commercial estimate It looks like an Excel table, which must indicate the types of work, units of measurement and cost. Our company uses the services of experienced estimators; we also constantly monitor prices for building materials, which allows us to significantly save money.

You, as a customer, have the opportunity to control the progress of work and expense items. When choosing a contractor to carry out work, it is the analysis of the estimate that gives a complete picture of the cost of the work and allows you to evaluate the professionalism of the contractor.

We can immediately tell you that the prices for comprehensive renovation significantly lower than for certain types of work. Each order is individual! The cost of services depends on the types of work and their volume. Moreover, the larger the volume, the lower the price for repairs - Finishing work.

Sample estimate for finishing work


Name of works



Price, rub

Amount, rub

De installation work, taking out the trash


Cleaning walls down to concrete (from wallpaper, putty)

Cleaning the ceiling down to the concrete (high-pressure paint, putty

Cleaning the floor down to concrete (from the old coating)

Other dismantling

Dismantling the baseboard

Taking out the trash

Removal of construction waste

Electrical work

Wiring of electrical, telephone and television networks in walls and ceilings

Installation of sockets, switches, spotlights, automatic machines

Plastering walls and leveling the floor (screed)

Primer for concrete walls and ceilings

Leveling ceilings (improved plaster)

Wall leveling (improved plaster)

Painting works

Wall putty

Ceiling putty

Pasting walls vinyl wallpaper

Ceiling painting water-based paint in 3 layers

Cleaning and painting pipes with heat-resistant paint

Carpentry work

Laying the ceiling cornice, filling and painting (foam or polyurethane, width up to 3 cm)

Tile work

Masonry ceramic tiles on the floor


Repeated cleaning throughout the renovation and at the end of the renovation

Total for finishing work:





Sample estimate for rough material




Price according to estimate, rub

Estimated amount, rub

Materials according to the main estimate

Plaster mixture "Rotband"

Betonokontakt mixture, 5kg

Insulating tape

Mounting boxes

Junction boxes

Alabaster G-5 ( gray) 20kg each

Copper wire in double insulation PUNP 3x1.5

Copper wire in double insulation PUNP 3x2.5

Putty "Vitonit-LR" (Fin.)

Ready-made finishing putty SHEETROCK 5.6kg (3.5l) ready putty

bucket 3.5l

Primer deep penetration, canister 10l

Latex-based water-based paint Fincolor Euro-7, white matte 9l

Tile adhesive Fliesenkleber KNAUF, 25kg

Polyethylene rolls 3 m wide

Dowels, screws, self-tapping screws, nails, bolts and other fasteners

Consumables and auxiliary materials, one-time tool

Total for construction and finishing materials

Transport costs, loading, overhead, contingencies, tool depreciation, budgeting, etc. from the cost of materials

Total with transportation costs and other expenses

Dismantling, construction and finishing works, waste removal

TOTAL according to estimated costs






For an approximate estimate of the cost of renovation of premises, use our online calculator. On our online repair cost calculator, you can calculate approximate cost repair work with rough materials. You just need to choose the type of repair (cosmetic repairs, major repairs, European-quality renovation), select the name of the room in which you are going to make repairs, then enter the area of ​​​​the room in square meters by gender, and the rest Online calculator it will calculate everything itself and display it in the column Total approximate estimated cost your renovation of premises.

Premises renovation cost calculator - online

If you do not want to manually calculate the floor area or you did not understand something when describing the calculations, then you can use our calculator and calculate floor or ceiling area automatically.

For calculation it is necessary measure in meters length, width of the room and enter the data in order by filling out the form and you will automatically receive a calculation floor or ceiling area in square meters.

Calculator for calculating floor and ceiling area

N We won’t bog you down with tedious mathematical calculations. You just need to measure the basic parameters, and the wallpaper calculator itself will roughly calculate required quantity wallpaper for your room. Those who want more accurate calculations and measurements can read the article above How to calculate how much wallpaper you need.

The most important stage of the project is the preparation and subsequent completion of the estimate. This is done at the final stage of preparation for its implementation. Based on the prepared financial document, a calendar plan for the implementation of the undertaking and delivery schedules are drawn up necessary materials and equipment. Let's look further at examples of estimates and how to draw them up correctly.

Download examples

The estimate is a financial document that includes the prices of all work performed and necessary tools and materials. In addition, it always includes overhead costs (about 15% of the total amount), unforeseen costs (2%) and the profit of the contractor (10-15%).

Basic principles of budgeting

Usually the organization that will carry out the work handles the calculations. She must coordinate all her actions with the customer. The more detailed all processes and materials are described (down to the number and brand of screws), the better. However, often in practice a simplified version is used, where only the main types of work, units of measurement, quantities, prices and costs of processes are indicated.

An example of an estimate for renovation work on a room in an apartment in a simplified version:

No. Title of works Units Quantity Price for 1 unit Cost of work
1 Dismantling partitions sq.m. 50 350 17500
2 Removing the balcony door PC. 1 1100 1100
3 Installation of partitions (foam blocks) sq.m. 50 600 30000
4 Plastering walls and partitions sq.m. 200 200 40000
5 Double putty, priming and painting of prepared surfaces sq.m. 200 3000 34000
6 Installation of a balcony door PC. 1 270 3000
7 Plastering slopes (windows and doors) sq.m. 16 250 4320
8 Improvement of slopes (putty, primer, painting) sq.m. 16 4000
Total according to estimate 133920

This sample estimate is applicable for making calculations for small-scale projects, and the entered data, if necessary, can easily be adjusted by agreement with the customer. It is not described here exactly how many bags of putty or cans of paint are required to complete necessary work. The parties agree on the price per unit of measurement and the total cost, and the details (purchase of materials, transportation costs, removal of construction waste) are borne by the contractor.

Let's look at an example of an estimate compiled using a different method. In this case, all the necessary resources to complete the work at each stage are outlined.

At the request of the customer, the estimator or contractor can prepare several versions of estimates taking into account various components (brand, price and quantity of materials, volume of work, quantity and technical indicators equipment used, number of workers).

In what form are estimate documents drawn up?

For various types works are applied different shapes preparation of financial documents. Let us pay attention to an example of an estimate for design and survey work (design and survey work), which is drawn up in accordance with form 3p. It is an annex to the contract between the parties, the cost here is determined by labor costs. Form 3p estimate is used to calculate the cost of research, design, environmental engineering, engineering and survey work.

Often such estimates consist of two tables. In the first, the level of labor costs is determined, and in the second, the cost of the work performed is calculated. The cost of work is proportional to the time spent on all processes and the remuneration of designers. The second table may also include other costs, such as depreciation, freight and travel costs, and material costs.

For construction work, other forms of estimates are provided:

  • Local is prepared for a specific type of work performed; it takes into account the costs of individual sections of construction or repair work.
  • The object one is formed within the framework of one object, combining all local estimates and their calculations related to this object. Its adjustment is made based on the data from the working documentation.
  • The summary estimate is based on site estimates and characterizes the total final cost of constructing a structure or building.

If it is not possible to draw up an accurate estimate due to the fact that there is no complete clarity on the specification of the materials used or changes will still be made to the project, then local and site-specific estimates can be drawn up. Also often used are estimates drawn up in the form KS-2 (act of acceptance of work performed) and KS-3 (certificate of costs and value of work performed).

From non-profit organizations, including budgetary ones, legislation requires the annual preparation of estimates of income and expenses.

Computer programs for financial calculations

Nowadays, many software products have been developed that can be used to prepare various financial documents. With a certain degree of convention, they can be divided into two groups:

  • Free. They can be freely found on the Internet, on thematic sites. Such programs have minimal functionality and allow you to perform the most simple calculations and do not have the function of updating regulatory bases.
  • Professional. They are used by specialists and require the purchase of a software and service product. The most popular and functional are “”, “GRAND Smeta”, “1C: Contractor”, “Turbosmeta”, etc.

However, even in the familiar program Microsoft Excel You can also easily create an estimate template for the implementation of the required project.

To fill out the estimate, just enter the necessary indicators into the created form, all calculations will be carried out automatically.

If the project requires a large volume of work various works and impressive investments, then you should not undertake such serious calculations yourself without special knowledge. It is better to contact specialists who know modern technologies production and the current market situation building materials. They will be able to give an objective picture of the expected costs and offer options for its possible optimization. By saving on the services of an estimator, you can lose more and not realize your plan at all.

Local estimates for certain types of construction and installation work, as well as the cost of equipment, are drawn up based on the following data:

  • parameters of buildings, structures, their parts and structural elements adopted in design decisions;
  • volumes of work taken from the construction and installation work sheets and determined based on design materials;
  • nomenclature and quantity of equipment, furniture and inventory adopted from custom specifications, statements and other design materials;
  • current estimated standards and indicators for types of work, structural elements, as well as market prices and tariffs for industrial and technical products and services.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) is prepared:

  • For buildings and structures: for construction work, special construction work, internal sanitary and technical work, internal electrical lighting, electric power plants, for the installation and purchase of technological and other types of equipment, instrumentation and automation, low-current devices (communications, alarm system, etc.), purchase of fixtures, furniture, equipment, etc.;
  • For general site work: vertical planning, installation utility networks, paths and roads, landscaping, small architectural forms and etc.

When designing complex buildings and structures carried out by several design organizations, as well as when forming the estimated cost for start-up complexes, it is allowed to draw up two or more works for the same type of work local estimates nal calculations (estimates).

In local estimate calculations (estimates), data is grouped into sections according to individual structural elements buildings (structures), types of work and devices in accordance with technological sequence works and taking into account the specific features of individual types of construction. Buildings and structures can be divided into an underground part ("zero cycle" work) and an above-ground part.

Local estimate calculation (estimate) may have sections:

  • for construction work - excavation; foundations and walls of the underground part; walls; frame; ceilings, partitions; floors and bases; coverings and roofs; filling openings; stairs and platforms; Finishing work; various works(porches, blind areas, etc.), etc.;
  • for special construction work - foundations for equipment; special grounds; channels and pits; lining, lining and insulation; chemical protective coatings and so on.;
  • for internal sanitary and technical work - water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc.;
  • equipment installation - purchase and installation technological equipment; process pipelines; metal constructions(related to equipment installation), etc.

The cost of work in local estimates (estimates) as part of the estimate documentation can be given in two price levels:

  • at the basic level, determined on the basis of the current estimated norms and prices of 2001;
  • at the current (forecast) level, determined on the basis of prices prevailing at the time of drawing up estimates or predicted for the period of construction.

4.6. When preparing local estimates, prices from the corresponding collections are used, and in each position of the local estimate, a standard code is indicated, consisting of the collection number (two characters), section number (two characters), serial number tables in this section (three characters) and the serial number of the norm in this table (one to two characters). The parameters of individual characteristics (length, height, area, mass, etc.) given with the word “to” should be understood inclusive, and with the word “from” - excluding the specified value, i.e. over.

When drawing up local estimates (estimates), the conditions of work and complicating factors are taken into account.

When referring in local estimates (estimates) to the technical part or introductory instructions of price collections or other regulations in the column “code, standards numbers and resource codes” after the collection number and price, the initial letters PM or VU and the number of the corresponding item are indicated, for example: PM-5 or VU-4, and when taking into account in the positions of local estimates (estimates) coefficients (given in Appendix No. 1), taking into account the conditions of work, column 2 of the estimate indicates the value of this coefficient, as well as the abbreviated name and paragraph of the regulatory document.

When preparing local estimates (estimates) for reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment existing enterprises, buildings and structures, complicating factors and conditions for the production of such work are taken into account using the appropriate coefficients given in the relevant collections of estimate standards and prices ("General Provisions").

Work performed during the repair and reconstruction of buildings and structures, similar technological processes in new construction, should be standardized according to the relevant collections of GESN-2001 for construction and special construction work (except for the norms of the collection of GESN No. 46 “Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures”) using coefficients of 1.15 to the labor cost standards and 1.25 to the standards operating time construction machines. The specified coefficients may be used in conjunction with the coefficients given in Appendix No. 1 to this Methodology.

When carrying out excavation work on the territory allocated for construction in places classified in accordance with the established procedure as areas of former military operations, it is recommended to apply a coefficient of 1.4 to prices for excavating soil to a depth of up to 2 meters with excavators or bulldozers, as well as for uprooting stumps .

For work whose production technology includes welding of metal structures, rolled metal, steel pipes, sheet metal, embedded parts and other metal products, elemental estimate standards and unit prices are developed based on the conditions of using carbon steel.

When using of stainless steel It is recommended to apply a coefficient of 1.15 to the labor cost standards provided for in unit prices.

Costs determined by local cost estimates (budgets) may include direct costs, overhead, and estimated profit.

Direct costs take into account the cost of resources required to complete the work:

  • material (materials, products, structures, equipment, furniture, inventory);
  • technical (operation of construction machines and mechanisms);
  • labor (funds for remuneration of workers, as well as machinists, taken into account in the cost of operating construction machines and mechanisms).

As part of direct costs, separate lines may take into account the difference in the cost of electricity received from mobile power plants compared to the cost of electricity supplied by the Russian energy system, and other costs.

Overhead costs take into account the costs of construction and installation organizations associated with the creation general conditions production, its maintenance, organization and management.

The estimated profit includes the amount of funds necessary to cover individual (general) expenses of construction and installation organizations for the development of production, social sphere and financial incentives.

Accrual of overhead costs and estimated profit when drawing up local estimates (estimates) without dividing into sections is made at the end of the estimate calculation (estimate), after the total of direct costs, and when forming by sections - at the end of each section and in general according to the estimate calculation (estimate ).

When using the resource or resource-index method, it is recommended to use sample No. 4 (Appendix No. 2), in which the allocation and summation of resource indicators are carried out with the determination of cost in appropriate level prices, or sample No. 5 (Appendix No. 2), on the basis of which resource indicators are identified and summarized as part of the local resource list, and then the cost of work (cost amount) is determined using sample No. 4.

In cases where, in accordance with design solutions dismantling of structures or demolition of buildings and structures is carried out using structures, materials and products suitable for reuse; based on the results of local estimates (estimates) for dismantling, demolition (relocation) of buildings and structures, refundable amounts are given for reference (amounts that reduce the amount of capital allocated by the customer investments). These amounts are not excluded from the total of the local estimate (estimate) and from the volume of work performed. They are shown in a separate line called “Including refundable amounts” and are determined on the basis of the items and quantities of structures, materials and products received for subsequent use, also given after the calculation (estimate). The cost of such structures, materials and products as part of refundable amounts is determined at the price of possible sales minus from these amounts the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivering them to storage locations.

The cost of materials obtained through incidental mining (stone, crushed stone, sand, timber, etc.), if it is possible to sell them, is recommended to be taken into account at prices prevailing in the region.

If it is impossible to use or sell materials from dismantling or associated mining, their cost is not taken into account in the refund amounts.

It is recommended to distinguish structures, materials and products taken into account in refund amounts from the so-called revolving materials (formwork, fastening, etc.) used in accordance with the technology construction production several times when performing certain types of work.

When performing certain types of work in accordance with construction technology individual materials(formwork, fastening, etc.) are used several times, i.e. turn around. Their repeated turnover is taken into account in estimate standards and prices compiled on their basis for the corresponding structures and types of work. In cases where it is impossible to achieve the standard turnover rate of industrial formwork, fastenings, etc. at a facility, which must be justified by the PIC, the standard is adjusted.

The cost of equipment, furniture and inventory is included in local estimates (estimates).

When using equipment included in the fixed assets, suitable for further operation and planned for dismantling and transferring to a building under construction (reconstruction), local estimates (estimates) provide only funds for dismantling and re-installation of this equipment, and the result of the estimate is shown for reference its book value, taken into account in the general cost limit to determine the technical and economic indicators of the project.

Drawing up estimates for construction work is mandatory, since almost every project has a budget that needs approval. In the article we will talk about the basic principles of developing construction estimates and how the Business.Ru service will help in drawing up estimates.

What you will learn about:

Basic principles of budgeting

Any estimate is made in order to have an implementation plan specific project, but also solves other problems. For example, drawing up estimates for construction and other repair work is necessary to:

  • separate the money needed for various materials, procedures and works;
  • understand and tell the customer how much construction will cost;
  • manage cash flows evenly and correctly, in accordance with time and requirements;
  • check the financial feasibility of a particular design.

The construction estimate shows the cost of materials and work that are necessary for each of the processes separately.

Traditionally, the estimate is an annex to the contract for the provision of construction services.

The functionality for drawing up estimates is one of the new products of the Business.Ru service. This is useful for entrepreneurs and system users who are engaged in construction or finishing work professionally. Also, the ability to draw up construction estimates will simplify communication with contractors for store owners who delve into the process of repairing their facilities.

The principles for drawing up estimates are prescribed in the special guide “Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation” MDS 81-35-2004.

According to him, there are several types of estimates. Basically, the document defines estimates when working with government orders and official bodies.

Types of construction estimates

MDS 81-35-2004 identifies the following types of construction estimates:

  • local estimates (primary documents for the construction of large objects and structures: buildings, roads, etc. at a basic price level and with a forecast);
  • object estimates (documents with figures from local estimates, compiled with prices of the current year);
  • summary estimates (created on the basis of previous documents, as well as on the basis of the expected costs of operating the administrative apparatus). They determine the final limit of funds that will be required for the construction of objects.

Important! Methodological recommendations are necessary for professional estimators for large government orders or construction companies. When preparing such estimates, they usually use directories with prices for 2000, and then change them using a coefficient.

If we're talking about O small companies when working with private companies or individuals, a simpler version of the estimate is drawn up. The type of such document differs according to the areas of construction: a general estimate for construction work, as well as an estimate for finishing, electrical, design, plumbing, roofing, installation and other types of work.

An estimate for construction work is necessary if there is a global project ahead: from the construction of a new building to the addition of a new premises.

The sample estimate for construction work differs from other estimates in a large number of positions. For example, it may indicate not only a list of installation, but also dismantling work.

A sample estimate for construction work looks like this:

You can create a sample estimate for construction work yourself in an Excel spreadsheet, or you can use special services for preparing estimates. For example, this functionality is available in the cloud accounting system Business.Ru.

Based on the results of work in the service ready estimate is also uploaded to Excel, where it can be further corrected.

Electrical installation work is the whole range of repair work related to electrical wiring. These include complete and partial replacement electrical wiring, electrical wiring in a new building and even installation of an electrical panel, sockets and lamps.

The peculiarity of such a document is that the basis of the estimate is a list of works with costs. Make an estimate for electric installation work You can use the Business.Ru service.

Example of an estimate for electrical installation work:

After the contract between the contractor and the customer, a store with electrical equipment is selected where the purchase will be made (or the equipment is purchased by the client himself through the online store).

Design work is the first stage in the construction of a building. When designing a structure, the estimate takes into account the remuneration of specialists. Usually the estimate for design work compiled according to special reference books where wages and coefficients are calculated. Such a document has a small number of columns.

Example of an estimate for design work:

Sour cream renovation work can be very diverse. It includes sections related to finishing or minor repairs.

An example of an estimate for repair work to level the walls in a room where radiators were already installed:

Plumbing work is a group of works related to the installation and replacement of plumbing and sewer pipes, as well as with the installation and dismantling of washbasins, toilets, taps, radiators, etc.

Small private companies and individual entrepreneurs make estimates for plumbing work without taking into account methodological recommendations on wages.

A sample estimate for plumbing work is presented below:

As with the general estimate for construction work, the estimate for roofing usually contains not only installation, but also dismantling work.

The picture shows a sample estimate for roofing work in an administrative building:

Welding work is usually prepared as a separate estimate only by professional estimators in large construction companies taking into account methodological recommendations.

However, if minor welding work, then the estimate for welding work can be carried out in more simple programs for preparing documents. For example, in cloud service"Business.Ru".

Sample fragment of an estimate for welding work:

If work is carried out with excavation of soil or, conversely, backfilling it (into holes), such work is called earthwork.

The estimate for excavation work usually includes the cost of the work itself (wages for workers and foreman), as well as Consumables: shovels, bags, etc.

This is what a fragment of a sample estimate for earthworks looks like, made according to methodological recommendations:

Dismantling work is a set of works associated with the destruction of a building or part of it (for example, walls, windows, doors, etc.).

Typically, in such a document, in addition to the cost of dismantling work, the fee for removing garbage from the floor, collecting and removing garbage to a landfill is indicated.

Sample estimate for dismantling work:

Installation work is a set of works related to the installation of something. The estimate for installation work includes calculation of the price of the equipment, as well as the cost of its installation.

In the Business.Ru program, you can create a similar estimate that will help sell a set of goods for the installation of technically complex products. For example, when implementing systems “ smart House"or an electronic barrier.

By the way, a sample estimate for barrier installation work, which a store could print for a client, is presented below:

Commissioning works - a set of works after installation of equipment: checking and adjusting all processes. Typically, estimates for commissioning are drawn up in large construction companies, taking into account the codes and positions of the standards specified in special reference books.

Sample estimate for commissioning work:

Finishing work is the final stage of repair. For example, work on wallpapering, laying laminate flooring, installing doors, etc.

A sample estimate for finishing work in one of the office rooms is presented below. It includes finishing of the ceiling, walls and floor.

Estimate for work and materials

Estimate for work and materials - a simplified type of estimate that is used when minor repairs. For example, if your store just needs to paint the walls, the sample labor and materials estimate will only include the cost of paint and refinishing.

Estimate for survey work

Survey work is a list of works necessary to explore the construction site. The survey estimate includes both economic and technical work.

Economic calculations include studies that substantiate the benefits of constructing a building in this particular location. Technical is a set of matters in the field of geology and geodesy, which are also carried out before construction.

The sample estimate for survey work mainly includes costs for salaries, as well as for the delivery of specialists to the site of the proposed construction (gasoline, car rental, etc.).

The concept of estimated cost in construction

Determining the estimated cost is used not only by estimators, but also by all foremen who draw up estimates without taking into account standards. In the very general idea The estimated cost is the amount of money earmarked for construction. It represents the final amount on which the contractor and the customer rely to determine the amount of financing.

When calculating the estimated cost, prices for construction goods, costs for equipment (rent, purchase), removal and delivery, costs for wages workers and their manager.

The estimated cost is determined by direct and overhead costs, as well as the estimated profit of the organization.

Direct costs include the cost of materials, operation of machinery and mechanisms, as well as wages of employees.

Overhead in construction estimate– indirect cash costs associated with the organization of work. These include, for example, remuneration for the administrative apparatus, payment for the use of programs for drawing up estimates and other documentation, the use of mobile communications, rental of administrative premises, etc.

Estimated profit is money to cover the costs of contractors and stimulate the work of workers (for example, bonuses for overtime).

Top 5 mistakes when drawing up estimates

When preparing construction estimates, errors periodically occur. Here are the top 5 most common mistakes.

  1. No budget at all. The customer meets with the foreman and finds out the prices for the work in words. The contractor was recommended by a friend, so the future client does not doubt his honesty and simply inquires about the prices in order to estimate the costs.

As a result, the amount of construction or repair costs exceeds all permissible limits. After all, if there is no specific agreement on materials, the contractor will buy more construction materials than required.

  1. There is no scope of work. The construction estimate may simply indicate the amount of costs for a particular action (for example, repairs utility room), but the scope of work is not listed.

As a result, it turns out that when drawing up the estimate, the contractor indicated only the main work on this object, and forgot additional, smaller ones (on purpose or by accident - it doesn’t matter in this case). The client has to pay extra.

For example, in a store the ceiling is being leveled. The contractor decided to use mesh and minimum layer plaster. But during the removal of the old coating, very large joints between the slabs are discovered, which requires 5 times more plaster consumption. The client's repair costs are rising.

  1. Additional work in the estimate. This error may be accidental or special. Sometimes non-professional builders do not know about simpler technology and assume a more complex set of works. Additional work may appear in the estimate intentionally in order to increase the cost of labor.
  2. Exceeding the quantity of materials in the estimate. Overestimating the amount of materials by more than 15% of what is required is not the contractor's insurance, but a mistake. After all, in order to make a good construction estimate, for example, for the renovation of a store, you need to measure all the walls, windows, doorways, check the unevenness of surfaces, etc. However, rarely does a contractor approach calculations so thoroughly.
  3. Not all work is included in the estimate. An unscrupulous contractor may spend the bulk of the estimate preparatory work. The customer, without fully considering the estimate, but only seeing the final amount, sees that the price suits him, and signs the contract.

As a result, the contractor performs rough work and disappears. The customer, having carefully looked at the estimate, sees that he really only paid for the preparatory part. As a result, such an “error” in the construction estimate leads to overpayment.