DIY garage shelves from a corner. DIY garage shelves - various options made of wood and metal. Manufacturing process: step-by-step instructions

None of the car owners will refuse to install convenient racks in their garage; it is simply impossible to do without them, since there are a great many necessary things that should always be at hand.

In this article, we will tell you what materials garage shelving is made from, how to make them yourself, according to the size of your specific room, how to arrange it more conveniently so that tools and spare parts are neatly stored, and there is space and order in the garage.

Types of racks

First, you need to decide what kind of rack to make in the garage so that it is convenient, functional and takes up minimal space; let’s look at the main types:

  1. Stationary rack designed for a specific location, its design does not imply movement or disassembly, for strength and stability it is attached to the wall, ceiling or floor with dowels, brackets or anchors. The shelves on such a rack are made non-removable.
  2. Collapsible rack It is assembled like a designer with bolts. It is good because you can change the location, height, width of the shelves, as well as move it, add or reduce the number of sections.

  1. The design is similar to the collapsible one, but is placed on wheels or a trolley. The disadvantage of this type is that it limits the load, it is usually small in size, it can be rolled out onto the street or, if necessary, moved around the garage.
  2. designed for storing long materials, tires, wheels in a suspended state; this design is usually made complete with a regular rack and occupies a small part of the garage wall. It consists of racks on which brackets are attached.

If you have decided what kind of rack to make for the garage, then let's look at the materials for its manufacture.

Garage Shelving Materials

Wooden or metal shelving is especially popular in garages; there is also plastic, but it is less durable and quickly deteriorates. Alternatively, you can combine materials, e.g. wooden frame and plastic shelves, but again such shelves cannot withstand heavy loads, and this factor is most important in the garage, since most storage items have considerable weight.

Let's talk about the advantages, disadvantages and production of shelving from each material.

Wooden shelving

The most affordable wood in terms of cost and availability is pine; a rack made from it will last a considerable time, but it is quite fragile and can quickly be destroyed.

In order not to build a new rack every five years, for reliability and greater durability it is still better to choose harder types of wood, for example, oak or larch.

  • Making wooden shelving with your own hands is cheaper and easier.
  • No specialists required and additional tools, it is enough to have a standard carpenter’s set on hand - a hacksaw, a hammer, an ax.
  • It is easy to make a wooden rack of the desired size and configuration.
  • A failed section or shelf can always be replaced with a new one without laborious disassembly of the entire structure.

The disadvantages of a wooden rack include its stationary nature. It is good if you do not need to rearrange or move it, since moving the structure will lead to its loosening or even breakage. This type is usually installed “permanently” and is permanently attached to the walls or floor.

It should also be said about the increased fire hazard of wooden shelving. And in combination with oil and other flammable compounds that wood absorbs well, the risk of fire increases.

Important! Before making shelving in the garage, you need to decide on the dimensions; the safe passage between the car and the shelving shelves must be at least 1 meter to avoid accidental mechanical damage to the car and ease of movement.

Features of manufacturing wooden shelving

When installing a wooden structure, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • All elements of the rack must be treated with an antiseptic against rotting and fire retardant impregnation, which reduces the risk of fire. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of the boards, because they require repeated application of protective agents.

  • It is better to make the height of the rack match the ceiling to increase functionality, and the length to fit the size of the wall.
  • At each end, a gap of 50–100 mm is left between the wall and the rack for ease of installation.
  • Assembly is carried out using self-tapping screws; to increase the strength of the structure, metal corners are installed at the joints under the shelves.
  • The width of the shelves is determined independently, but it is not recommended to make it more than 50–60 cm; shelves that are too deep are not entirely convenient to use.
  • For the racks, a 100x100 mm beam is taken, the crossbars are made from a beam of a smaller cross-section, for example, 50x70 or 50x50 mm.
  • It is recommended to make the distance between the racks no more than 1 m; boards on long shelves can sag and break under heavy spare parts, and short ones will not accommodate everything you need.

  • The wood should not have rot, wormholes, knots, cracks, or blue stains, which are especially susceptible to rotting over time.
  • The shelves are covered with boards 100x50 or 100x40 mm, or with chipboard sheets.
  • For round parts, some shelves have a side to prevent them from falling.
  • A homemade wooden garage rack is reinforced with stringers (diagonal braces) for structural rigidity on the back side and at the ends.
  • For safety and stability, it is recommended to place large shelves at the bottom of the rack for bulky and heavy items, and smaller ones in the middle and at the top for lighter items.

A properly built wooden garage rack with your own hands will serve you for many years, but it will have to be covered periodically protective compounds and paint with wear-resistant paint.

Metal shelving

Steel shelves are more labor-intensive to assemble, their price is quite high, but metal is much stronger than wood, and its service life is many times longer. You can, of course, order a ready-made set of collapsible shelving, detailed instructions will help to install it quickly and efficiently, but it will be more expensive.

It will be cheaper to assemble garage shelving yourself, especially since in this case you can use used metal. You will need to remove rust from it with a special compound, prime it with anti-corrosion impregnation and paint it with durable metal paint.

Metal shelving for garage

Advantages of metal shelving:

  • Strength and durability.
  • High resistance to gasoline, oil, and aggressive chemical environments.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to mold, mildew and other microorganisms.
  • Fire safety.
  • Insensitive to seasonal temperature changes.

In other words, you get almost eternal steel structure, it will serve as long as it is needed without replacement or until you get tired of it.

Important! It is better to assemble the racks by welding; this method will give the structure rigidity and additional strength. If this option is not suitable, then bolts are used.

Features of manufacturing and assembly of metal shelving

As already mentioned, shelving in the garage can be made from used metal, but a number of measures will have to be taken to ensure its continued service.

If you decide to purchase new material, then it is best to take galvanization, it does not require additional processing surfaces. Chrome-plated or nickel-plated elements are perfect for arranging shelving, but the cost of such a design will be much higher.

How to make a shelving unit in the garage? If you adhere to the following recommendations, you can get an excellent, strong and durable design.


  • For the external vertical posts of the frame, you can take a round or profile pipe, a channel, a large corner, you must remember that the main load will be distributed on them, so it is not recommended to save on the cross-sectional dimensions of the products.
  • It is desirable that all racks be solid, but if you have to join them, then the joints must be given Special attention, for strength it is better to weld them together.

  • Installation locations must be marked on the racks horizontal connections under the shelves. It is important that they are in the same plane.
  • The distance between the racks is 80–100 cm, the height of the shelves decreases from the bottom to the top.
  • You can leave space on top for a high shelf to store bulky, lightweight items.
  • It is best to assemble the frame by welding, constantly checking with a level and a construction angle the verticality and horizontality of the parts, as well as the angles of connection of the shelves with the racks.
  • For the frame crossbars, a 50x50 or 50x70 mm corner is perfect, the shelf of which will serve as a side to protect against things falling or rolling away.
  • The diagonals of the finished frame must be checked, and intersecting stringers made of reinforcement must be installed at the back for additional structural rigidity.
  • Under the shelves where you plan to place massive objects, it is recommended to weld 1-2 additional stiffeners.

Important! It is advisable to make the lower shelves, on which heavy objects will be stored, from metal, preferably corrugated; for the upper shelves, boards or chipboards are used.

  • Since the board does not bend well, it is better to install it in the frame across the rack.
  • Welded joints are treated with an anti-corrosion agent, the entire rack is primed and coated with durable, wear-resistant paint.

The photos and videos in this article provide tips and tricks on this topic; we hope that we have helped you understand the structure of garage shelving.

Probably, each of the men who acquired a garage was faced with the problem of storing necessary things and tools. They are always dangling underfoot, and some are even impossible to find. In order to save space in small room and thereby systematize and put in their places all the tools and more, and they came up with shelves and racks for the garage. You can make them the way you want, and how it’s convenient for you, even on the entire wall, on two walls, or you can attach one shelf. There are even ceiling shelf options.

However, such shelves are not safe, but sometimes they are the only ones suitable for the type of garage. It is best, of course, to stick to the classic options. In addition, shelves in the garage with your own hands will last much longer; looking at and using them will be doubly pleasant.

The material for the shelving is either wood or metal. Wooden racks cannot be partially disassembled; they are secured using bolts, screws and nails. Such racks are attached to the wall and cannot be moved. The second type of racks is welded. They are completely non-separable due to the fact that all metal parts are welded together. Collapsible racks can also be made from metal. They are fastened with special bolts, but such structures can hardly be called stable, because during assembly a so-called backlash is formed. To achieve greater stability and rigidity, they are fixed to the walls. This is done very simply. A plate with metal holes is attached to the outer racks with bolts or welded, and a so-called “crutch” is inserted into it. Before installing the crutch, you need to drill a hole at the level of the plate in the wall itself with a diameter smaller than the hole in the plate.

Both types of rack structures have good statistics on service life, but for some reason the main choice falls on welded racks. Collapsible racks are selected for specific occasions; there are several of them. In the first, the possibility of moving to another garage cannot be ruled out, but moving a huge non-demountable structure to another garage, and if it is far away, is very difficult, since such racks can weigh several tons. Partial removal will make the task of transporting the rack much easier. The second case involves the absence of a welding machine, unless, of course, the rack is made manually at home. But in general, almost everyone chooses welded racks, especially if the assembler has experience in working with a welding machine, because then the work will move much faster, and welded racks are particularly stable and strong.

The trading market presents its own version of shelving. A certain type of rack is sold, which is made of corners and grooves. They are quite stable and easy to use, and besides the fact that they can be disassembled, there is also a small function for rearranging the shelves. This way you can arrange the shelves at the desired height. It would seem that the racks are ideal, what could be even better. However, their price is very disappointing. Because they cost exorbitantly.

The design of the racks itself is not complicated. There are a few basic details rack design:

  • Racks;
  • Crossbars;
  • Shelves.

There are cases when transverse steel posts are welded diagonally on the rear wall of the rack along the outer posts. Such measures are used to achieve increased durability by compensating for lateral loads.

The size and height of the rack and shelves is determined by the estimated things that will be stored on it. The main thing is to maintain the required distance between the racks, which are located in the same section. This distance directly depends on the stability and rigidity of the material from which the rack is constructed. In any case, the shelves should never bend under the load you plan to give it. If you are not going to load your rack too much, then the distance between spans can be made no more than 2 meters, but for heavy loads it is best to leave up to 1.5 meters and no more. If you planned to make a rack along the entire length of the wall and it is really mediocre in size, then when assembling the rack you must weld the intermediate posts and the distance between the spans should also not reach more than 2 meters.

It is imperative to say something about the shelves of the rack, or more precisely about their height. The first shelf from the bottom should be at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the floor and, as a rule, this shelf is filled with the heaviest things. Subsequent shelves are made on any comfortable height, but for example, a shelf height of 30 centimeters will not be practical and not entirely convenient, but 35-37 centimeters is already much better, by the way, this is the height that is considered standard. Check the desired height you can use a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. It should easily fit between the shelves and be removed in the same way. Just in centimeters, this is how it turns out, and it is this height that is standard and convenient for use.

Look at the DIY garage shelves photo.

As you may have already read above, there are not so many materials for shelving - wooden and metal. Of course, it is easier to work with wood, and they are not very heavy in weight, but the main disadvantage of wooden racks is their inability to withstand a large mass. As for the metal ones, they weigh tons, but they are also capable of holding even a hippopotamus, if, of course, all the steps of assembling and welding the racks were carried out correctly and according to the instructions.

Undoubtedly, the main aspect is also the price. If you buy metal material for shelving in retail chains, the cost will be almost the same as if you bought a ready-made shelving. But there is an option to purchase material at metal warehouses. They sell metal whips ranging in size from 6 to 12 meters. The next step will be cutting the metal rods into the required sections along the specified length. This can be done directly at the metal depot, but you will have to pay extra for such a service, but the price for it is not too high. This way, you can save almost 20 to 30 percent of your expenses.

Wood materials differ significantly in cost from metal. But don’t think that you can save a lot by making a wooden one instead of a metal one. As a rule, racks are made from elite and premium wood, and they are, to put it mildly, not cheap.

As you know, garage conditions are not the best, especially for wooden structures. Constant temperature changes, humidity, dampness, frost, heat - all this has a very detrimental effect on wood material. If you want your wooden shelving to serve you for at least a couple of years, you must treat the material with special protective, antibacterial agents. Wood treatment compounds are best purchased for outdoor use, as the conditions indicated are very similar to those in a garage that does not have heating. If desired, compositions can be selected that will tint the wood so that it will not require painting later. You can work with the processed material only after final drying.

Let's see how to make shelves in the garage with your own hands from wood:

All pieces of wood shelving are joined using the quarter-foot or half-foot method, which is a common practice for carpenters. If this method is not within your power, then you can nail the bars end to end. But with such a connection it is necessary to use corners and metal plates to increase stability. The rack elements are fastened with nails, but when using corners and overhead plates, fastening with self-tapping screws is also possible.

The standard dimensions of the racks are 50 by 50 millimeters. The crossbars can be made from exactly the same block, only slightly smaller in size - 50 by 30 millimeters. For flooring you need:

  • Planks with a thickness of at least 21 millimeters;
  • Moisture-resistant plywood in a thickness of 10 millimeters;
  • Laminated chipboard;
  • Oriented Strand Board (OSB).

Planks and plywood are cheaper in cost. Laminated chipboard seems to be a more expensive material, but its huge advantage is that it does not require systematic painting or painting at all. In order not to shell out large amounts of money, you can buy materials at sawmill bases, where they are sold in packs and their cost is much different from new ones. The only disadvantage of such a purchase is that the materials may be scratched.

There is another one small nuance. Shelves made of Chipboard material They have a side cut and when moisture gets on them they can swell and crumble. To avoid this disaster, you need to treat the sections with silicone.

Wooden shelves DIY photo options in the garage.

If your choice fell on metallic look shelving, there are so many materials to choose from. There are two versions from which you can make both shelves and rack stands; there are also standard materials with which “warehouses” are created. Those intended for other purposes can also be used. metal materials, for example, cable channels and cable racks, which are originally used in communications.

What materials are needed to create a metal frame:

  • Metal corner 3-4 millimeters thick. Corner shelves should be 25-40 centimeters wide, but you need to take into account the volume of loads that will be carried out in the future;
  • You can also take profile pipes. They are less susceptible to deformation and are very difficult to twist or bend. And in comparison with corners, profile pipes are more elastic. The required pipe sizes for racks are approximately from 40 by 40 millimeters and up to 50 by 50 millimeters, for crossbars from 40 by 25 millimeters and up to 50 by 25 millimeters;
  • Profile pipes are intended for racks, but crossbars are made from corners. The thickness of the metal should be 2-3 millimeters, the width of the shelves starts from 25 millimeters and above. The corners should be turned out by laying the flooring, something like a nest;

After constructing the frame, flooring is needed. It is made from exactly the same materials as when forming wooden racks. Chipboard, OSB, plywood, board are taken and cut to the required size. Some people make flooring not only from wood, but also resort to very non-standard way– sheet metal. IN wooden structures This method is not supported due to the high mass of this material, but laying it on a metal frame is quite possible.

The most standard and base material the flooring still remains the good old plank. The most reliable and also inexpensive flooring. For such purposes, floorboards are used (they have a minimum number of burrs); their thickness should be from 21 millimeters. Be sure to be treated with antiseptic and protective equipment to prevent wood from swelling from moisture and other external influences. If desired, you can paint the wooden shelves.

The advantage of metal shelves is that they can withstand heavy loads, although they have a fairly low thickness, there are also disadvantages and this is very loud noise During operation, the shelves can rust and because of this they need to be sanded and painted very often. By the way, the metal frame also needs to be treated and painted so that rust does not appear.

Several features during the assembly of metal shelving

Metal racks have two assembly options. The first is to weld the required parts using a welding machine, and the second is to connect each part with bolts. As for the welding method, as for me, there are no questions, but with bolts it’s a little more complicated. When welding where corners are used, they are welded with an overlap of 5 millimeters. After laying out the shelves, such a small difference will not be noticed at all. There is an option of welding after cutting off the excess part of the corner and making a butt joint, but in this case it will take a lot of time to trim the excess parts of the corner.

But with bolts everything is different. First you need to connect the side parts with the shelves, and only then attach them to the rest of the frame. To connect, you need to screw in two bolts, this will help achieve greater stability.

There is a classic, or rather factory version of a shelf (stand) for tools. Buy perforated a metal sheet, on which all the necessary tools are hung. The only drawback of such a stand is the cost.

Do not despair! Of course, there are many ideas that you can do at home with your own hands and here are some of them:

  • You need to take a board, chipboard, or plywood, mark in the right color on it under each tool that will hang there, and fill it with nails or screw in self-tapping screws. Not a bad option, and it’s also done quickly, but it’s not exactly beautiful and elegant, but it’s convenient and I did it myself;
  • If you have nowhere to put heavier tools, for example large keys or knobs, you can take a mesh, screw it to the wall and weld hooks of the required size from wire. Uncomplicated and easy option and a way to quickly get out of a difficult situation;

There are a lot of such examples that can be given, and all of them are taken from life. Everyone gets out and comes up with their own original ideas, which a lot of people are soon starting to use. Such tool stands can be made from almost any material that is at hand. Turn on your imagination and create, because any thing made with your own hands is the fruit of creativity.

Convenient and spacious storage systems help to place tools in a small room, car parts, Consumables and other important little things that clutter up the space. To make shelves and racks for the garage with your own hands, it is important to decide on the materials, take measurements of the room, develop a design and layout, and think through options. You can take note of ideas with hanging shelves or collapsible racks, which will significantly save space.

Convenient wardrobe rack

Which shelves and shelving structures are suitable for the garage?

The easiest way to arrange a garage ready-made systems by selecting stylish option with a simple fastening mechanism. But it’s not always possible to guess with the dimensions of the shelves, and besides, not all purchased options will be as functional and reliable as we would like. It’s more convenient, more profitable and more logical to make a shelf or rack yourself. As a result you will get:

  • saving space;
  • eliminating clutter;
  • convenient storage of tools and other things;
  • giving the garage (hangar) a well-groomed, lived-in appearance.

Metal structures are the most practical and durable

The most common materials for the manufacture of garage shelf sections are wood and metal, less often plastic. The most practical are combined structures made of wood and metal. According to assembly options, racks can be:

  • Stationary, designed for a specific place in the room. This rack is assembled once and attached to the wall (ceiling or floor) with brackets.
  • Mobile – with the possibility of rearrangement, which is provided by the mobile base. The rack is mounted on wheels or a trolley, but in this case it is important to control the load without cluttering it with massive equipment.
  • Collapsible - the height and number of shelves in which you can change and rearrange them.
  • Suspended - attached to walls or ceilings in any convenient location.
  • Designs of a more exotic type, for example, rotating. Such shelves in the garage look very stylish, but they are not suitable for storing large tools; they are ideal for screwdrivers and self-tapping screws.

Don’t forget about the principle: the more, the more functional, convenient, and spacious

When planning the size of the racks and the number of shelves in them, it is important to proceed from the dimensions of your garage.

Calculations and ready-made diagrams of racking systems

First of all, it is important to decide on the materials for self-made shelving in the garage, the most suitable ones are wood and metal:

  • The advantages of metal are durability and strength.
  • Wood systems They are distinguished by their lightness, practicality, ease of operation, and low manufacturing and assembly costs.

Scheme of a simple garage shelving

A tool rack is a massive and quite complex structure, so it is wiser to begin its construction by preparing a diagram or drawing. Even making sketches yourself is not difficult if you take accurate measurements and correctly calculate the dimensions of the shelves and the parameters of the base for them. Correct measurements– this is a guarantee of functional shelves and order.

Assembly diagram of one of the sections

To make it easier to make a rack with your own hands, study the drawings, diagrams and photos of options tested in practice.

Drawing of a rack made of pipes with wooden shelves

More on preparatory stage It is worth thinking about the method of connecting the shelves to the frame, as well as about attaching the structure itself to the walls or floor. The height of the product plays a role. If the room has low ceilings, then it is advisable to make a rack up to the ceiling surface, without leaving a centimeter of free space.

Usually the rack is placed close to the wall

Before you build shelving in your garage, determine the distance between shelves. Make the bottom ones the most spacious - they are the most suitable for placing large equipment, massive tools and wheels. And the upper shelves should be lower to avoid surface deflection and to ensure the stability of the entire system; small utensils will fit there.

Drawing of a metal stand

Niches that are too narrow will make the storage impractical, and niches that are too deep will make it inconvenient to use. The optimal depth of shelves for shelving is 50-60 cm. As for the width of the shelves - the distance between the vertical supports of the shelving structure, it is recommended to make this value equal to 100-120 cm, depending on the dimensions of the items that will be stored on it.

Classic scheme

How to make the simplest wooden rack

Most often, garage owners make a wooden rack with their own hands:

  • the cost of such a structure is lower than that of a metal one;
  • The assembly principle is quick and simple (no need to use welding);
  • convenience, aesthetics, naturalness;
  • relatively long service life, acceptable strength indicators.

Drawing of a wooden shelving unit for a garage

  1. First of all, choose the material for racks and shelves. Oak or other hardwoods are ideal, but pine can also be used.
  2. Vertical racks are made of timber with a section of 10x10 cm or 10x5 cm. A smaller beam or board can also be used as crossbars between the shelves.
  3. The shelves, according to measurements, are cut from a sheet of chipboard. To extend the service life and reduce the risk of board fire, before assembling the structure, it is important to treat all wooden parts with an antiseptic solution.
  4. Mark the racks vertically and mark the places where the shelves will be attached. The rack is assembled using self-tapping screws, tenons, and wood glue. The best option The shelves are secured to the base using metal corners.
  5. After assembly, it is important to paint or varnish the product, carefully treating the ends.

Idea for a corner wooden shelving unit

To make a self-made wooden rack more stable, it is advisable to attach it to the garage wall metal brackets.

Video: Simple wooden shelving

Wooden rack with metal frame

Steel structure for garage shelving – perfect option. Although it is more expensive, there are advantages, such as high strength, immunity to moisture, mildew and mold, fire resistance and decades of service. But in order to make such a rack a little cheaper and lighter, it is better to make shelves for it from wood.

A simple version of a combined wooden rack, metal base and corner

Preparing materials and tools for assembly

You can make racks for such a garage rack from rectangular pipes or profiles with a width of one side of no more than 5 cm, and for crossbars use a 30 mm corner.

The frame is made from a corner with the expectation that the thickness of the shelf will be 1.5-3 cm. The crossbars from the corner can be welded to the vertical guides, but it is more rational to bolt them. This option will come in handy if you want to change the height.

Shelves can be made from chipboard sheets or plywood according to pre-calibrated dimensions, but their width must be at least 1.5 cm - this will ensure strength. In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • drill or screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw;
  • corner, level.

Option for small garage with a workbench

Manufacturing technique and assembly of the rack

Assemble the system on free space, and when the frame is ready, it is screwed to the wall. The manufacturing scheme for a metal garage rack looks like this:

  1. The prepared components for the structure are cut with a grinder in accordance with the measurements taken.
  2. The vertical placement of shelves is marked on the racks.
  3. The corners are welded or bolted to the racks, while strictly observing the angles so that the structure does not come out crooked.

Shelf made of chipboard on a frame made of metal corner

  1. The metal frame is coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
  2. Shelves are cut from chipboard or plywood, after which it is important to try them on to the finished frame, placing them across.
  3. The finished shelves are sanded, painted, attached to the metal frame with self-tapping screws, fitting closely to each other.

The finished rack is attached to the garage wall with steel brackets

Video: Master class on building a metal shelving

Manufacturing of a stationary storage system

Sometimes it is more practical to make a permanent shelving unit for the garage, that is, an option that is mounted on site, attached to the wall. Let's take a closer look at the assembly diagram of this design:

  1. Markings are made on the wall for fasteners, holes are drilled and dowels are driven in.
  2. Metal profile or wooden beams cut according to the diagram.
  3. The far racks are fixed to the wall, each measured strictly according to its level.

Each rack must be parallel to adjacent slats

  1. The frame is connected by horizontal binders from corners along the width (according to the height of future shelves).
  2. The front pillars are installed and connected to the side strips on which the shelves will lie.
  3. The front verticals are fastened, after which they form flooring from boards or lay plywood shelves in the prepared grooves.

Metal and wood wall shelves

The shelf is the most convenient and practical option for storing tools in the garage. The main requirement is that it should not sag under the weight of the load that you place on it.

Simple storage system along the walls

Simple and practical wooden shelves

To make functional shelves To store tools in the garage, follow these recommendations:

  • width – 1-1.5 m;
  • depth – up to 50 cm;
  • height if we're talking about about a multi-tier shelf - 30-60 cm.

Multi-tiered wooden shelf for the garage

To make a wooden shelf for a garage with your own hands, take all measurements in advance and prepare a sketch. Next, vertical posts and a frame are made; a standard square beam, for example, 10 cm by 10 cm, is suitable for this.

For the shelf itself, a planed board or plywood is suitable. You can attach the board to the base using self-tapping screws, and to the racks using a metal corner. The finished product is varnished or painted.

Metal frame for wall shelves

Durable metal structures

Metal garage shelves are designed for storing bulk and heavy equipment, therefore, to connect their components it is better to use welding:

  1. The first step is to create a sketch that contains dimensions and reflects the design features.
  2. You need to take care of the frame elements in advance - corner blanks.
  3. The racks and frame are welded; an alternative is to bolt the frame to the racks.
  4. The shelves can be cut out of perforated steel or, by analogy with shelving, from plywood or chipboard, 2-2.5 cm thick.
  5. Wooden elements, if any, are coated with a fire retardant.
  6. The entire structure is assembled using self-tapping screws and coated with a fire-resistant compound.

You can attach such a shelf with dowels if the wall is not cinder block.

Hanging tool shelves

With all the diversity hanging models shelves for garages, they are conventionally divided into wall and ceiling. The first ones can be open or closed, have back wall or attached directly to the wall of the building. For fastening, a corner is most often used, wooden base and hung on anchors. Depending on the type of fastening, wall shelves can be either stationary or removable.

Hanging wall shelf

Ceiling shelves are located under the ceiling and attached directly to it. They can be hung by hooks welded into beams on the ceiling, or by special studs. If necessary, they can be quickly dismantled. For all their mobility and practicality, such shelves are quite shaky and do not allow for placement of heavy tools or fragile things.

Video: How to do it yourself simple shelf to the garage

Self-made racks and shelves will decorate your garage, becoming not only a practical accessory for storing tools, but also a stylish addition to the interior. If you approach the issue of manufacturing rationally, you will not only save money spent on arranging the premises for the car, but also restore order by placing all things in their places.

Many men use the garage for more than just parking. Often, tools or old things are stored in the garage that are a pity to throw away, and there is no room for them in the apartment. Also, the building often undergoes repairs or other work that requires tools and bulky materials. Thus, the structure often becomes similar to a warehouse.

Wall or hanging shelves in the garage are a great way to store many things without cluttering the usable space of the room.

Durable and reliable material designed for heavy loads. Metal shelves can withstand heavy weight, they are convenient for storing parts and tools. The metal is also durable and wear-resistant. If the material is coated with a special composition against corrosion and rust, then structures made from it can last for many decades.

Unlike metal, wood is more affordable. Easy to process, does not require welding work. Wooden shelves can also serve for a long time; the only drawback is their low resistance to changes in temperature and humidity conditions.

To improve wear resistance and durability wooden elements shelves, it is necessary to periodically coat the material with special covering paints. This will help the wood avoid rotting, deformation and damage by pests.

Other materials, such as plastic, plywood, stone, are rarely used for making shelves.

Design variations of suspended shelves

Can be open or closed. With or without back wall. Most often, a metal corner and a wooden base are used to make such structures. Suspended on the walls with anchors. The type of fastening can be permanent or dismantled.

These structures are made of metal angle, wooden base, a special cable or a metal round profile fixed to special anchors is used as side walls.

These shelves are hung on special hooks, hammered or brewed into ceiling beams ceilings The advantages of ceiling shelves are quick dismantling if necessary. Disadvantages - rather shaky design, which can sway when touched.

It is not recommended to store expensive tools or fragile items on such shelves.

Shelf in the form of a shield for tools

This design is equipped with small shelves for storing small items and special hanging fittings. The shield consists of a strong back wall, fixed to the wall with anchors. Shelves, special hooks or tool holders are mounted on the wall.

This shelf is very convenient for carpentry and plumbing work. Most often, such a shield is hung in front of the workbench so that everything necessary tools were at hand. Sometimes the shield is equipped with additional lighting in the form of a lamp on a movable leg.

If you want to save money usable area premises, then you can make a hanging shelf with your own hands and attach it to the ceiling.

Materials required for the manufacture of the structure

Tools for work

  1. Drill with a drill bit for wood. The diameter of the drill must match the diameter of the stud.
  2. A hammer drill for drilling holes in the ceiling for mounting anchors. The drill should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the anchor.
  3. Wrenches, their markings must match the size of the nuts used.
  4. Jigsaw.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Bubble level.

Work order

Step 1. To begin, a shelf is cut out of a sheet of plywood or fiberboard required width and length.

It is worth knowing that it is recommended to place load-bearing studs at an average load on the material every 60-70 cm. If the shelf is longer, then over time the plywood or fiberboard sheet will noticeably bend and sag.

Step 2. To enhance the strength of the material, you can attach a metal profile equipped with internal stiffeners to the ends of the slab.

Step 3. Holes for pins are marked along the edges of the shelf. It is worth knowing that it is advisable to drill 5-7 cm from the edges of the slab. If the holes are located too close to the ends, the material may crumble under the weight of the items placed on the shelf.

Step 4. After the holes are drilled, you need to attach the shelf to the ceiling and use a pencil to transfer the location of the holes to the ceiling. This way the structure will be positioned without distortion and you won’t have to worry about the studs becoming deformed.

Holes for anchors are drilled in the ceiling and dust is removed from them. The anchors are driven into the concrete all the way and the nuts are tightened.

Long metal studs connect to anchors placed on the ceiling. The connection is secured using coupling nuts. It is also advisable to secure the connection with an additional regular nut, which is screwed onto the thread of the stud.

Step 5. After the studs are firmly fixed to the ceiling, the period of installation of the shelf begins. A nut is screwed onto the stud, then a washer. After this, a shelf is strung on the ends of the studs.

The shelf is fixed using a Grover washer and a control nut. The washers protect the shelf holes from breaking under loads. The bushing serves as protection against loosening of the fastening nut. You can use two nuts for safety and greater structural strength. The final adjustment of fastening fittings is carried out according to the level.

This hanging shelf will significantly save space in the garage. The only drawback is the mobility of the structure. You can eliminate it using a special metal corner. One edge of the corner is attached to the wall, the second - to the base of the shelf. In this way, the entire suspended structure. Also, a metal corner will strengthen the shelf, which will affect its durability.

DIY tool shelf

In order to have all the small tools at hand during plumbing or carpentry work, you can think over and make a special shield. Shield shelves are not distinguished by their high load-carrying capacity and strength; heavy tools cannot be stored on them, but for small and necessary things that always get lost, this design will be ideal.

It is important to know!

  1. It is advisable to hang a shelf with a tool on a plastered wall, otherwise condensation will accumulate between the brick or block surface and the wall of the shelf. Constant high humidity will negatively affect the shield material and may cause it to deform or rot.
  2. Average load per one square meter shield surface should not exceed 14 kg. Weighting the structure will lead to rapid destruction.
  3. The height of the shield is determined by the height of the garage owner. The top edge of the shelf should not be higher than human height. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to take tools from the shield.
  4. If shelves are designed on the shield, it is not advisable to make them closed. This will also make the job more difficult. All small tools and parts must be in the public domain.

How to make a shield with your own hands

Materials and tools

Step 1. First you need to select the dimensions of the shield. Most often, such a shelf is fixed in front of the workbench at which a person is working. repair work. It is desirable that the width of the shield is not much larger than the dimensions of the workbench.

Step 2. Then a shield is cut out of plywood or other material. Places for small shelves are immediately marked on it.

Step 3. Then, using a jigsaw, the shelves with side walls are cut out. The side walls of the shelves can be made the same size as the length of the shield. Next, using long self-tapping screws, the shelf structure is assembled and attached to the surface of the shield. A place for storing jars and boxes with nails and other small things is ready.

Step 4. Attaching hooks. To do this, holes are drilled in the shield and dowels are driven into them and special threaded hooks are screwed in. It is advisable to think in advance where and what kind of tool will be located. Based on this, the hooks are drilled.

Lugs or brackets are then attached to the back wall to secure the shelf to the wall. Final stage- mounting the shelf on the wall. Holes are drilled using a hammer drill and anchors are driven into them. If the shelf is fastened “tightly”, then you can strengthen the fixation of the structure using a special washer, which will prevent the eyes from sliding off the anchor.

A simple and convenient shield for tools and parts is ready. If you have all the tools and materials, you can make it in a few hours.

Video - Small shelves on the wall for storing keys and other tools

First, let's figure out what types of racks there are and what materials they can be made from.

By type of design, racks are divided into:

  1. Not mobile (stationary) shelves. Such shelves are “tightly” attached to the garage wall and can stand for a long time. This is the most stable type of shelving that can support the heaviest items and tools.
  2. Modular shelving systems. Such shelving systems are sold in many construction and furniture stores. They can be quickly and easily assembled and disassembled. You can also add new segments to them if you wish.
  3. Mobile (movable) racks on wheels. They are small in size and have limited weight. They are convenient because they can be moved to another place at any time without dismantling the rack.
  4. Hanging shelves. Mounted on walls or under the ceiling. Not intended for storing heavy items.
  5. Small rotating racks. They are very convenient to store small tools, parts, cables and other necessary “trifles”. But you can rarely find them on sale.

Watch the video to see what they look like homemade shelving for garage:

Garage storage systems can be made from different materials:

  • metal. The strongest and most durable type of shelving. They are not afraid of temperature changes, do not burn and can withstand any weight;
  • tree. Such racks are cheaper than metal ones and less durable due to frequent changes in temperature and humidity levels inside the garage;
  • plastic. Structures with shelves made of this material are the cheapest and lightest in weight. Designed for storing light items;
  • combination of several materials. For example, a wooden frame and plastic shelves.

The required type of structure is chosen based on the weight of things and the amount of free space for storing which shelves and racks are made in the garage.

What do-it-yourself garage shelving looks like - photo:

Optimal dimensions and distance to the car

The dimensions of the storage structure depend on the number of things designed for storage and the size of the garage itself. Small garages often have just a few hanging shelves for storage. In large and spacious garages it is advisable to do large rack occupies one of the walls.

Below we present the most optimal sizes garage shelving:

  1. Width. The most common and convenient shelf width: 1 meter.
  2. Height. Recommended height of each shelf: 30-50 centimeters.
  3. Depth. 50-60 centimeters will be quite enough to accommodate objects of different sizes.

Place shelves where they belong won't interfere passage and restrict movement. Also Necessarily take into account that minimum distance from the rack to the car - 1 meter.

Do-it-yourself shelving in the garage: preparation before production

So, you've decided to make your own garage shelving. Before you begin making shelves from any material, you must carry out the necessary preparation for this.

Preparatory stage. Taking measurements and making a drawing.

First of all, decide on the size of the structure and then take all the necessary measurements.

  • start by measuring the height and width of your future shelving;
  • then think about it required amount shelves and their height;
  • decide on the material of the shelves;
  • draw the desired look on paper finished design. Having a drawing in front of your eyes will make it easier for you to make a shelving unit.

How to make shelving in the garage with your own hands - photo drawings:

How to make shelving in the garage: metal and wood?

You have decided to make a shelving unit out of steel and have already drawn up a drawing. Now let's move on to the next stage.

Stage 2. Purchase of materials.

Make a list of the quantity of materials you need and their sizes, then feel free to go to any hardware store. To make the frame you will need a steel channel and corners. If you want to make a completely steel structure, then buy required quantity sheets of metal. If your plans are to make wooden shelves on metal frame, then you will need blocks of wood, plywood or chipboard.

Stage 3. Preparing tools.

To make shelves you need the following tools and equipment:

  • electric drill;
  • angle grinder (grinder);
  • screwdriver;
  • if you want to weld rack parts, you will need welding machine and electrodes;
  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • bubble or laser level;
  • screws, bolts, nails, dowels;
  • construction tape;
  • pencil.

Stage 4. Metal cutting process.

In accordance with the dimensions and drawing, we carefully and slowly cut the metal vertical (supports and sections) and horizontal (shelves) parts of the rack.

Stage 5. Assembly of the structure.

At first we fix And install the frame. For greater reliability, you can attach it to the wall and ceiling using dowels or special screws.

After installing the vertical racks, proceed to attaching the shelves. You can bolt them on or weld them to the frame. Don't forget to use a level when doing this.

Stage 6. Painting.

To prevent the rack from becoming rusty over time, it must be prime And coat with special anti-corrosion paint.

If you want to make wooden shelving for your garage for storage and already have finished drawing , then you can move on to the next step.

Stage 2. Purchase of materials.

The most common wood garage shelving materials are: oak And pine. Vertical and transverse posts are made of timber different sizes, and for shelves you can buy boards, sheets of plywood or chipboard.

Important! Consider the wood carefully before purchasing. It should be dry and without visible defects.

Stage 3. Required Tools and construction equipment:

  • electric tools: drill, grinder, screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • level;
  • nails, screws, self-tapping screws, bolts.

Stage 4. Cutting wooden parts.
Adhering to the required dimensions and drawing, we cut everything wooden supports and racks and then shelves. Processing all details are special antiseptic, intended for wood.

Stage 5. Assembly of the structure.

First, we assemble and secure the entire frame, after which we attach the shelves to it using metal corners and M5 bolts. Checking strength of the finished structure and once again measure the evenness of all surfaces and corners with a level.

Stage 6. We carefully and without haste paint the structure to prevent it from rotting and the formation of mold on it. We're waiting for her completely dry, and then install it in the chosen location. That's it, your rack is ready!

How to make a garage rack with your own hands from a profile:

So, now you know how to make wooden or metal garage shelving with your own hands. At first glance, this is enough difficult process having a lot nuances.

But, nevertheless, to make a rack - everyone can do it. All you have to do is take all the measurements correctly and without haste and follow the step-by-step instructions. A DIY shelving unit will serve you well long years.

Useful video

How to make a wooden shelving unit for your garage with your own hands, see below: