Heating and cooking furnaces designed by Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov brick kilns: classification, options, construction. Basic installation rules

I.V. made a great contribution to the development of furnace business. Kuznetsov, who devoted almost his entire life to the invention and improvement of a large number of new furnace designs. He purposefully worked to ensure that his developments worked effectively and benefited people.

The improvement of previously designed thermal structures is based on equipping them with more streamlined capabilities. Thus, in some models the firebox underwent changes, heat retention increased, certain equipment was added, etc. The fact that the structures created by Kuznetsov work efficiently has long been proven by their great popularity and many years of operation. Positive reviews about Kuznetsov stoves motivate many to self-production household heating devices. In this case, you can save a little, but you need to select the right materials and strictly follow the Kuznetsov stove ordering scheme.

Kuznetsov proposed a completely new approach to building a brick oven. As you know, traditionally designed kilns have channels through which hot gases move, heating the brick. The main factor supporting this process is traction. This forced method of heating the furnace body is characterized by uneven heat distribution. In addition, it often leads to the formation of cracks in the walls of the structure. When building such a stove, which takes up quite a lot of space in the room, a lot of bricks are used.

The question also arises regarding the availability of space for installing a heat exchanger. This device loses the service life specified by the manufacturer if it is placed in the firebox itself. Constant contact with fire has a detrimental effect on the strength characteristics of the heat exchanger. This proximity also leads to deterioration of fuel combustion conditions, a decrease in the efficiency of the furnace and the formation of a large amount of soot.

In a furnace built according to the Kuznetsov method, gases move freely.

This design is based on installing caps inside it, which are vessels turned upside down. On some stove models, the hoods may have top holes. The vessels are located in different orders, but the main condition for their placement is the presence of vertical hollow slits between them, called dry seam. The space thus formed is wide up to 3 cm do not fill with either a heat insulator or a solution. As a result, gases move freely, moving from one bell jar to another.

To make it easier to imagine operating diagram of the Kuznetsov bell furnace, you need to visualize in your imagination a fire lit in the open air. As a result of the fact that the air has unlimited access to the flame, little heat comes from the fire, which is immediately dissipated in space. You can change the nature of the process of heating the air around the fire if you cover it with a bell-shaped vessel, for example, a large cauldron. At the same time, it is important to leave a gap at the bottom so as not to completely extinguish the flame. As a result, hot gas naturally rises to the bottom of the cauldron and restricts the access of air coming from outside. After the heat is transferred to the walls of the vessel, it, going down to the open opening, gradually cools and comes out, and its place is taken by the next portion of heat.

This self-regulating process is characterized by the possibility of dosing outside air and keeping the heated gas in the vessel until it cools completely.

The principle described above is used in Kuznetsov furnaces, for which they are immediately used two caps, connected with a dry seam. This non-standard design helps to increase the efficiency of transferring a sufficient amount of heat from the stove to the room where it is installed. Hot gases first fill the first bell, thereby heating its walls, and then, cooling, give way to a hot flow that rises from the furnace.

Trying to optimize this process, the inventor, even at its first stage, which begins after the firebox, decided divide the flow of gases according to their temperature. For this purpose, he used a partition to separate the hood space from the firebox. In this case, the barrier does not reach the bottom of the vessel. As a result of this separation, hot gases immediately rush to the roof of the bell, and a flow of lower temperature is directed along the dry seam through a gap in the partition. Thus, due to the accumulation of hot gases under the roof and the presence of a barrier, air enters the first hood only in the required quantity. This promotes complete combustion of the fuel with the formation of a certain amount of ash.

A similar process of gas movement occurs in the cap installed above the first one.

Less hot combustion products are placed at the bottom of the vessel, and hot gases tend to the roof and, when cooled, transfer heat to the brick walls. Then they go down and out through the chimney. By equipping the stove with two hoods, in which natural injection and movement of gases occurs, the creation of forced draft in the chimney pipe is not required.

Types of stoves

Kuznetsov bell-type stoves, designed primarily for domestic use, are built to perform specific functions. The following are distinguished: types of such structures:

  • cooking type - for cooking food;
  • heating – to provide living space with heat;
  • baths Kuznetsov stoves - for heating baths;
  • street stoves take the form of simple barbecues or entire stove complexes;
  • for baking bread often combined with other types of stoves;
  • stoves-fireplaces , performing rather an aesthetic role.

Only the most common types of Kuznetsov furnaces are named here. Often specialists create combined versions of such structures, distinguished by their versatility. Everyone is well familiar, for example, with a heating and cooking stove, thanks to which you can heat your house and cook food.

Strengths of Kuznetsov furnaces

More specifically, we can highlight the following advantages Kuznetsov's designs:


Example of work.

Before you start building a Kuznetsov bell furnace with your own hands, you need to clearly know what role will it play in the house or on the garden plot?. More than 150 drawings of furnaces developed by Kuznetsov are presented for public use. Everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves, but here we will look at the technology for constructing a fairly simple Kuznetsov bell-type stove with our own hands for heating a living space.

When designing the installation of a two-bell Kuznetsov stove with your own hands in the first stages of building a house, make sure that it can evenly heat all residential premises. It is not entirely convenient to build such a structure in a house that has already been completely built. Nevertheless, if such a need arises, then why not try on such a project. It is only important when determining the location of the chimney to pay attention to the location of the supporting structures and beams.

The foundation for the stove needs to be planned either together with the construction of the foundation for the house, or in an already finished building, but you should prepare for the fact that the process will be labor-intensive and time-consuming.

Preparatory work

Kuznetsov’s do-it-yourself bell furnace at the initial stage of construction involves laying foundation. To complete this process you need to stock up bayonet and shovel, as well as the following materials:

  • sand (3 parts), cement (1 part) and water to prepare the solution;
  • reinforcing rod of medium section;
  • plastic film;
  • board for constructing formwork.

Foundation work must be performed in the following order:

After pouring, the freshly prepared foundation should be left alone for 5-7 days, or even more (20-25). It is important to foresee the time allotted for the base to completely harden and dry. In this case, there is no need to rush. The longer the foundation stands, the higher its strength and stability of the entire furnace structure will be.

Meeting Basic Requirements

Some points during construction:

  1. The brick from which the internal fireproof shell is constructed tends to expand when heated. Therefore, it is so important to ensure the independence of this part of the furnace from its entire structure.
  2. The refractory shell inside the furnace is created by being mounted on an edge. Drawings do not always convey this point, but it should be taken into account. When installing simple clay bricks, freedom of action on the part of the master is allowed.
  3. Using wire, you need to tie them together in every 3 rows of bricks.
  4. When installing all metal fixtures, it is important to allow space to allow for possible expansion. A special gasket is used to limit the contact of metal products with the brickwork.
  5. After completing the construction of the Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands, it is recommended to use a refractory compound for processing bricks.
  6. The bell furnace should be put into operation gradually, starting with heating at a minimum temperature and then increasing it.

Preparation of tools and basic materials

You can thoroughly prepare for the construction of a Kuznetsov furnace with your own hands only when you have it at hand. Bulgarian equipped with diamond discs, and hammer drill with a mixer attachment. In addition, it is necessary to deliver to the installation site of the heating device the following materials:

Important points

The correct ordering of the Kuznetsov bell-type furnace will allow for uniform heating of the walls and ensure excellent draft.

Before starting laying, many craftsmen lay roofing material. However, we recommend lay a layer of foil, which, having the ability to reflect, will better retain heat.

The heat transfer of the device largely depends on the number of compartments created in it. However, to build the warmest bell-type furnace, when building them, it is important to observe the order of laying and volume conditions.

What it looks like.


The dream of every city dweller is to have suburban area with a comfortable and well-equipped residential building. However, comfort and convenience are ensured, first of all, by connecting such a house to the central heating system and gas mains. Moreover, if almost all modern country houses are connected to electricity, then central heating systems and gas supply for them are still a rare case.

Of course, in such a situation, you can use appropriate electrical devices or build a fireplace in the house. However, the best multi-purpose solution would be to install a brick kiln.


Kuznetsov stove - Brick heater is a highly efficient heat retainer built from ceramic bricks. Hot gases generated during the rapid and clean combustion of fuel in a firebox equipped with a sealed fireplace door pass through a series of channels and chambers, saturating the stone masses with heat. Correct brick oven then radiates heat into the room area. The high thermal mass maintains a constant thermal output, usually one firebox per day is sufficient. The advantage of such brick heaters is the high thermal power of the devices, since the amount of heat received from one firebox is distributed evenly over 12 to 24 hours. High efficiency and low level soot emissions from these heating furnaces is an advantage for energy efficient homes using different types fuels such as wood, etc.

Large brick regular Kuznetsov stoves, heating systems, are best used on a daily basis. Such heaters take a long time, with a full load of fuel, to warm up to normal operating temperatures when cold, and as such are not very suitable for occasional use. Periodic use of such heaters is not recommended!

Free movement of gases in the furnace

Correct location

The main purpose of any furnace is heating; its location must be chosen to provide heat in the most efficient way. Kuznetsov furnace are infrared heaters, which provide the greatest heat by direct radiation. Thus, maximum power is achieved with the correct positioning. Therefore, the center of the room is always right choice. A wise decision is to place it as a divider between functional spaces, such as the kitchen and living room or living room and bedroom.

Try to avoid placing the stove next to outer wall or, even worse, place it in a niche in an outside wall (a typical location for conventional fireplaces) if you want to keep the heat inside the room.

The choice of a stove of one type or another and its location in the house, in addition to the owner’s preferences, depends on the intended purpose of the stove, the size of the house and its level of thermal insulation, the number and size of windows. In addition, for normal operation and repairs, access to the furnace must be free from all sides, that is, none of the sides of the furnace should simultaneously enter any of the external walls Houses.


Optimal thermal conductivity;

Long service life without repair;

Ease of maintenance;

Lack of external communications;

Possibility of use for cooking food with special taste;

Unique design and maximum comfort.

Types of Kuznetsov brick kilns

Designed exclusively for heating the home;

Intended exclusively for cooking;

Combined - for heating the house and cooking.

The most popular types of brick kilns are:

Traditional Russian trains RTIK. They are used for heating the house, cooking, and have a special shelf used for “warm” rest, drying and storing firewood and other purposes;

- Heating and cooking furnaces HOVIC. They are used for heating the home and cooking, and have a hotplate, oven and compartments for drying mushrooms. The advantage of the Swedish oven is its significantly smaller size.

There are both Various types heating stoves OIK and heating stoves with a fireplace OIK K, and other types of stoves for homes, both combined and purpose-built, in Russia they are used very often (Bread HK, heaters for baths, oriental heaters for cooking in a cauldron, etc.).

Construction process

Despite such diversity, it is mandatory components All Kuznetsov furnaces are:

A solid reinforced concrete or rubble stone strip foundation, separate from the foundation of the house. Typically, the installation of a stove is planned simultaneously with the construction of a house, but if such an idea arises when a house has already been built, the foundation for the stove should be installed separately. In this case, the foundation extends 5 cm or more beyond its edges, an insulating layer (usually roofing felt) is laid on it, then asbestos, roofing iron and a lining made of mineral wool or felt;

A firebox, the size of which is strictly linked to the size of the stove;

An ash pit that requires constant and thorough cleaning;

Grate for placing solid fuel on it;

The chimney also requires regular and high-quality cleaning.

Laying each row of bricks when building a kiln is the most difficult process. This is the only case when each brick of each row and each built-in element of the furnace are laid in a strictly defined sequence and according to precise technology.

Thus, the first and second rows of bricks are installed on the foundation with a solid slab, and it is not recommended to fill the empty areas formed in the middle with scrap; the ash ash pan door is installed on the second row, and the ash ash pan itself is constructed from the third to the fifth row, etc.

The order and sequence of such construction is established by so-called schemes - orders; At the same time, experts recommend first building a dry model of the stove, and then, having disassembled and numbered each brick and every part, laying out the stove in real life.

Video Project of Kuznetsov's bell furnace:


The main requirement for any type of oven is its safety. In addition to the fact that the use of a constant open fire in a house always sharply increases the risk of fire, the combustion of any type of fuel produces carbon dioxide, which is extremely dangerous for humans, which, due to structural defects or improper use leads to carbon dioxide poisoning.

Therefore, if the owner of the house does not have stove construction skills, the construction of the stove should be entrusted to a master, despite the high cost of this work. Only a specialist will be able to lay bricks in the kiln correctly with minimal gaps and correctly install the chimney and pipe, taking into account all possible nuances of its operation, including the prevailing wind direction.

About the author-inventor

IGOR VIKTOROVICH KUZNETSOV is the author of many inventions concerning the designs of household brick bell-type stoves for various purposes and different capacities: heating, heating-cooking, Russian stoves, stoves for baths with regulation of water heating and regulation of temperature and humidity conditions in the steam room of the bath. He patented these designs, combined with fireplaces, while the walls of the fireplace are heated and are part of the stove. I.V. Kuznetsov developed stoves for various functional purposes with built-in water boilers for use as a reserve in water heating systems. Now he is the chairman of the socially oriented NP “Development of the Kuznetsov Furnace System”

I.V. Kuznetsov began designing furnaces back in 1962 and devoted most of his life to this. He constantly invented new designs and constantly improved them. Kuznetsov's furnaces were developed personally and using his own technology. This technology is wonderfully suitable for stoves, which are still used in modern homes. Kuznetsov stoves fit well into the interior of the house and guarantee high-quality heat. From the very beginning of his activity, his stoves did not need advertising, since positive reviews about them spread from one customer to another.

Kuznetsov furnace designs: types and purpose of structures

Household Kuznetsov furnaces are different in their purpose. If its purpose is cooking, then this is a cooking stove. Heating stoves are used to heat the premises. Bath stoves are installed in the baths. To improve the aesthetic appearance of the room, install a fireplace (fireplace stove).

It is possible to build mixed types of stoves. They even create entire complexes with multifunctional purposes. Very in great demand and the heating and cooking stoves of I.V. Kuznetsov are popular.

The main indicator that I.V. strived for in his developments. Kuznetsov, he considered increasing the efficiency of the furnace. He supplemented his furnaces with improved properties. One he installed optional equipment, others made changes to the firebox, others had increased heat conservation.

Division of furnaces depending on their purpose:

  • Cooking ovens;
  • Heating stoves;
  • Brick sauna stove;
  • Just a barbecue or outdoor complexes;
  • Bread oven;
  • Heating and cooking complexes;
  • Fireplace stove.

All these designs have proven their high quality through wide popularity and many years of operation. During his entire career, Kuznetsov developed a large number of furnace designs. The projects themselves and their drawings are provided on the website of V.I. Kuznetsova. Heating stoves by Igor Kuznetsov are marked - OIK. The orders on the stove differ in the presence of letters in the abbreviation. If it is a heating and cooking stove, then an HVAC, if there is a stove bench, then the name will have the letter “L”, etc.

How to make Kuznetsov brick stoves with your own hands

IN AND. Kuznetsov developed a large number of furnace designs. Some types of stoves can be made with your own hands. To do this, you will need the order of the furnaces and their drawings.

Before you start building any type of stove yourself, we recommend that you understand the principle of operation and the features of its design.

Many, knowing about the positive reviews about Kuznetsov’s stoves, and also in order to save money, begin to build them themselves. Everything will work out, of course, but for this you need to use the appropriate materials and strictly follow the procedures.

Materials used for the construction of the Kuznetsov furnace:

  • Fireclay brick;
  • Clay brick brand M150;
  • Good quality clay;
  • Cleaned sand;
  • Metal fittings.

For the construction of internal masonry, fireclay bricks are used. According to the order, you can calculate its quantity. For the construction of external masonry they use clay brick, preferably brand M 150. Its quantity is also calculated using the same procedure. It is recommended to use clay for mortar only good quality. Purified sand for masonry is used twice as much as clay. You can use commercially available clay-sand mixtures. For 500 bricks you will need about 0.2 cubic meters. m of clay-sand mixture. In addition, you will need grate bars, two doors (blower and furnace), two steel corners and five meters of wire. Kuznetsov’s book “Building stoves and fireplaces: a practical guide” will help you build the structure you need. It presents all types and designs of stoves and fireplaces.

Operating principle of Kuznetsov bell furnaces: ordering

The operating principle of Kuznetsov furnaces is not complicated. When building a furnace, it is necessary to carry out all work according to drawings, diagrams and, of course, use procedures.

The order for Kuznetsov’s stoves is a set of drawings, where the master will be shown the order of laying out each row of bricks separately.

All Kuznetsov bell furnaces operate on the principle of separating combustion products. This principle lies in the fact that the gas generated as a result of fuel combustion is divided into two streams: cold and hot. The movement of gases inside the furnace design is very well thought out. Hot air is retained in the oven and retains heat for a long time. Cold air quickly flies into the chimney through a specially made recess. A furnace operating on this principle is called a bell-type (dome) furnace. Inside such a furnace, the hearth is combined with its lower part and forms something like a hood. It then acts as a gas separator into two streams. The flow of hot air rises and is retained in the hood, thus concentrating heat.

Advantages of Kuznetsov stoves:

  • Economical;
  • Long-term heat retention;
  • Slight soot formation;
  • No need for frequent cleaning;
  • Possible choice different forms and design.

The high efficiency rate (95%) of Kuznetsov furnaces is the result of a fundamentally new development and design features. For comparison, a traditional Russian stove has an efficiency of 25-40%. If Kuznetsov’s stoves have disadvantages, then there are few of them, and they are lost against the background of their advantages.

Do-it-yourself two-bell ovens: help from a specialist

I.V. Kuznetsov and his associates developed and built a huge number of furnaces for various purposes. Of all the variety of these designs, the two-bell stove deserves special attention.

The design of the Kuznetsov two-bell furnace is simple. But building it yourself is very difficult. To avoid mistakes during construction, you need a real stove maker and his help.

The presence of several domes in the furnace design makes it possible to make maximum use of fuel energy. Kuznetsov stoves with water heating are of particular interest. So called brick boilers KIK series. The two-bell heating and cooking stove has two autonomous operating modes.

Autonomous modes of the heating and cooking furnace:

  • Summer;
  • Winter.

A two-bell heating and cooking stove is designed so that thermal energy is maximally accumulated and stored longer. This model has two autonomous modes. In the warm season, the oven is used for the cooking process. At this time, the existing valve blocks all other parts of the structure. Hot air does not enter there and all elements can remain cold. In winter, all valves open, hot air moves freely through the channels. Hot air masses, staying inside for a long time, warm up the brick walls and exit through chimney.

Kuznetsov's fireplace stove: ordering

Kuznetsov's fireplace stove is a large heat storage device. A brick structure that looks like a fireplace and is as warm as a stove. Due to its mass, the fireplace stove heats the room in a unique way.

The main difference between fireplace stoves and other heating structures is their ability to accumulate heat. The heat is retained in the mass of the structure and then slowly released into the room.

The construction of fireplace stoves is a complex matter, but if you wish, you can do everything yourself. To begin such a complex process, you must have the procedures at hand. Kuznetsov's fireplace stove has a lot of advantages.

Advantages of fireplace stoves:

  • The beauty and grace of stonework;
  • Efficiency of brick heater;
  • Low carbon monoxide and soot emissions;
  • Long-term maintenance of a comfortable temperature in the house;
  • Economical.

Some fireplace lovers make them look like works of art by decorating them with grates and decorative elements, using the services of a blacksmith. You can feel the pleasant sensation of radiant heat if you equip your Vacation home or a dacha with such a fireplace stove.

Kuznetsov heating and cooking stoves (video)

The profession of a stove maker has long been respected and in demand. Craftsmen, even without the appropriate education, built stoves of excellent quality. One of them was Gnusin D.E. He was born in 1862 in the Yaroslavl province. Steam-ventilation ovens Gnusin D.E. were very economical.

Speaking about the art of designing and building brick stoves, one cannot help but recall one of the most talented Russian stove masters of our time - I.V. Kuznetsov. His name is on a par with such famous stove developers of the past as V.E. Grum-Grzhimailo and I.S. Podgorodnikov. Igor Vladimirovich has over one and a half hundred developments brought to life, and Kuznetsov’s bell-type furnaces have gained wide popularity both in the post-Soviet space and abroad. In this article we will try to figure out what the secret of the success of these developments is, and also consider the types of Kuznetsov furnaces.

A little theory

Traditional home stoves with hobs, “Dutch” and “Swedish”, despite their design differences, are united by one thing general feature. It affects the operating efficiency of these thermal appliances - this natural craving chimney. Without draft, none of the majority of known stoves will function; solid fuel boilers are not far behind in this regard.

Let’s make a reservation: none, except Kuznetsov’s, because only the brainchild of Igor Vladimirovich does not require natural traction for its work.

Secret efficient work What distinguishes Kuznetsov’s two-bell furnaces from all others lies in the principle of free flow of gases, which does not require additional external energy.

This theory is described in great detail and in an accessible way in articles posted by the inventor on the pages of his own web resource www.stove.ru. There are also publicly available designs of furnaces that have already been put into operation. We will look at the theory briefly, comparing the traditional method of burning solid fuels with the processes occurring in a bell furnace. So, in a conventional or duct stove of the “Dutch” type, the movement of air and combustion products is due to the presence of draft in the chimney pipe.

Natural craving is external factor, valid depending on:

  • height difference between the entrance to the ash pit and the upper section of the pipe;
  • differences in temperatures of outside air and flue gases;
  • wind load.

That is, the draft is present even when the heater is inactive, as long as the damper is open. In the operating mode of the furnace, the draft increases many times, the speed of the gases increases sharply. As a result, a lot of air enters the firebox, the combustion temperature drops, and the efficiency of wood burning decreases. By limiting the access of air with a damper, we force the fuel to smolder with a lack of oxygen, which is also not the optimal mode for extracting thermal energy from wood.

A proper stove with high efficiency should remove maximum heat from combustion products so that it does not fly out into the chimney. In practice, this is not so easy to implement and here’s why:

  • when the damper is open, hot gases quickly move through the brick channels, not having time to transfer heat to the walls;
  • if the damper is closed, the flow speed will decrease, but the material of the channels is not able to absorb all the generated heat and transfer it into the room, so some of the energy still flies out into the pipe.

For these reasons, the efficiency of use of almost all existing furnaces rarely reaches 60%. Kuznetsov's developments successfully solved both problems; the efficiency of fuel combustion and the efficiency of using the released heat are about 80%. Not every boiler operating on solid fuels can produce such an indicator. I.V. Kuznetsov outlined the basics of designing furnaces in accordance with the principle of free flow of gases, which we will consider below.

Kuznetsov furnace diagram

In order to visualize the principle of operation of the furnace, we will give a primitive example. Imagine a small fire burning in an open space. Air access is unlimited, but the combustion temperature is low, and heat is randomly dissipated in all directions. If you cover the flame with a large vat - a cap, leaving sufficient clearance below, the fire will not go out, but the nature of the process will change.

Hot gases will naturally rise to the upper zone of the vat and create an obstacle to the unlimited flow of air from the outside. And only by giving off heat to the walls of the vat will they cool, sink towards the opening and gradually come out, giving way to a more heated flow. Thus, exactly as much air as is needed to burn the fuel will enter the combustion zone. Heated gases cannot be displaced by cold air until they cool down; the process becomes self-regulating.

The trick is that the construction of furnaces according to the Kuznetsov system uses not one bell, but two, connected to each other by a vertical channel. The purpose of this improvement is to solve the problem of efficient transfer of combustion heat into the room space. Combustion products with a high temperature rise under the arch of the first bell, giving off heat to its walls. As a result, the gases cool and begin to fall down under their own weight and the pressure of the rising hot flow from the furnace.

In process optimization I.V. Kuznetsov went even further; he invented a method for separating the gas flow by temperature at the first stage of the process - immediately after the firebox. To do this, the space of the hood is separated from the firebox by a partition that does not reach the vault itself. Thanks to this, the hot flow immediately enters the upper zone. For gases with a lower temperature, a dry seam in Kuznetsov furnaces is intended, arranged in a partition in the form of a slot of a given size. The essence of the processes is shown below in the furnace diagram:

As a result, a constant turbulent movement of gases with a uniform temperature distribution is formed under the first cap. This leads to the fact that more air than required cannot enter the oven; hot products under the arch and the partition will not let it in. Under such conditions, the fuel burns entirely, leaving waste in accordance with the ash content.

In the second, upper cap, the same movement occurs. Products with low temperatures spread below, while hot gases rise under the roof and continue to cool, transferring energy to the brick walls. Having cooled, they fall along the vertical partition, after which they enter the chimney.

Gas pressure is constantly present in the upper and lower hoods; under its influence, they are encouraged to move naturally; chimney draft is not needed.

Types of Kuznetsov stoves

All orders of Kuznetsov furnaces (they are publicly available on the developer’s resource) can be divided into the following groups:

  • sauna stoves (BIK series);
  • brick boilers for heating and heating water for domestic hot water needs (KIK series);
  • heating stoves (OIK series);
  • heating and cooking stoves (OVIK series);
  • other (bread, heater, greenhouse and Russian ovens).

We will selectively consider the most popular types of stoves - heating and bathing.

Bath stoves

Principle of operation sauna stoves Kuznetsov remains unchanged - the natural movement of gases through two bells. Another thing is that there is a heater here, which needs to be heated thoroughly to obtain high-quality steam. The developer proposed and is still using an optimal technical solution, where the stone backfill is placed in an oven made of heat-resistant steel. The oven is located directly above the firebox.

The thermal energy accumulated in the lower and upper hoods is used to heat water and heat not only the steam room, but also all adjacent rooms. The water coil is installed under the first hood so that it can be easily repaired or replaced. The installation location can be determined by studying the drawings of the furnaces.

In addition to ready-made modifications of sauna stoves I.V. Kuznetsov gives recommendations on their correct installation, on the layout of premises in order to select the optimal option. There is also a choice, among the developments there are small furnaces for heating small baths, as well as more serious models with large tanks for heating water.

Water-heated stoves

Modern Kuznetsov stoves with water heating of the KIK series (brick boilers) are of particular interest. In essence, this is a bell-type boiler, lined with brick and having a good efficiency - about 70-80%, that is, similar to its iron “brothers”. How is this achieved? high efficiency, we described above.

1 or 2 registers made of steel pipes are built into the body of the furnace (depending on power). Ready-made boiler modifications have a range of capacities of 17, 34 and 63 kW. In addition, the author also offers dual-circuit models with the ability to heat water for household needs. In his recommendations for the construction of such heaters, I.V. Kuznetsov points out that to increase the efficiency and efficiency of operation, the body of a brick boiler should be insulated with basalt fiber.

Most dome furnace models have a modern technical solution that ensures afterburning of the combustible component of flue gases. For this purpose, a secondary air supply is organized under the arch of the upper hood or another place, depending on the design. When using wood of appropriate quality, such a heating device will function as a pyrolysis furnace.


We've laid out a lot of useful theory about blacksmiths, but translating the theory into brick and mortar and then into a heating appliance is not so easy. The inventor himself or another person from his team can be of great help in consultations on this topic. If you have the desire and at least a little experience in the stove business, then the Kuznetsov bell-type stove, made by yourself, will certainly please you with its impeccable work.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov bell stove: diagram, order, drawings, water-heated stoves

How do Kuznetsov bell furnaces differ from all others? Operating principle of a dome stove, functional diagram, existing varieties.

Kuznetsov two-bell furnace

Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov is known to stove makers all over the world. His contribution to the development of new designs heating devices cannot be overstated. Main principle, which forms the basis of any construction called “ Kuznetsov furnace"is as follows: they operate using physical principles that cause hot gases to move upward.

General idea of ​​the design of a two-bell furnace

Furnaces operating using the principle mentioned above have sufficient simple design. This is a pair of caps placed one above the other or next to each other. The cap, in this case, is a brick glass turned upside down. The latter is supported by walls and columns made of brick. The cap has a couple of holes in its lower part. One of them is the input. Heated gases flow through it. The second is on days off. This is where cold gases come out.

The considered scheme has a cap located on top. The role of the hole for removing gases, in this case, is played by the entrance to the exhaust pipe. Exhaust gases flow from the lower hood to the upper hood through a special vertical channel. In the same cap for such a design as two-bell furnace, a firebox is equipped, laid out in strict accordance with existing rules. High-temperature gases cool down as they move, giving off their heat to supporting structures and walls.

The operating principle underlying the design of a two-bell furnace

Heated gases in such a furnace design do not require the creation of draft to move. It arises due to the difference in weight that gas layers have when heated to different temperatures. The lightest ones, having the highest temperature, rise upward, under the roof of the hood. And heavy cold ones collect at the bottom of the hood. In this case, gases with intermediate temperature values ​​move from the base to the ceiling of the bell and back, creating turbulence. This helps the walls of the bell to warm up much better. With increasing temperature, a overpressure. This also contributes to an increase in heat absorption by the walls that form it. In this case, heat transfer occurs due to convection. Thermal energy is transferred directly by gas jets. For furnace models that operate on electricity, draft creation is not necessary. If heating is carried out with wood, then combustion products are removed due to the generated draft. In such cases, a certain volume of heated gases, the so-called, is formed under the roof of the bell. "bag". It is an ideal option for a combustion chamber for exhaust gases.

The main properties inherent in this operating principle

  • The cap, which has bell furnace, can be given any volume and shape (there are realized designs with volumes of 5.0 m3);
  • Thermal energy moves due to natural physical laws;
  • Gas turbulence forms inside the hood structure;
  • Gases with the highest possible temperature are collected under the arches of the bell;
  • Cold gases enter the transition channel;
  • An increase in temperature under the hood leads to an increase in pressure;
  • In each arbitrarily selected horizontal section, the walls of the bell are heated equally. The heating index increases when moving from lower to upper horizons;
  • Source giving thermal energy, can be placed at any point in the lower zone of the 1st cap. This does not affect the heating pattern;
  • Multiple heat sources are acceptable;
  • If the scheme of sequential placement of the 1st and 2nd caps on top of each other is implemented, uniform heating of the structure is achieved over all horizontal sections of the structure. The cap located below absorbs more energy given off by heated gases than each next one.

Taking these properties into account allows you to correctly calculate and design furnaces of the mentioned design.

Advantages of Kuznetsov double-bell furnaces

Professional stove makers, speaking about the works of I.V. Kuznetsov, use the general term “blacksmithing”. The main advantages of the designs of the furnaces in question, which explain their demand around the world, are:

  • Significant efficiency, the average of which is 80%;
  • The designs make it possible to obtain significant combustion temperatures of any type of fuel without using materials and technologies that require their production in industrial conditions;
  • The versatility of stoves that can operate on any type of fuel, burning it to ash. In this case, practically no soot is deposited;
  • Easy to care for. Even soot burns in these furnaces, so they can be cleaned once every few years;
  • Uniform heat transfer during the time passing between fireboxes is organically combined with lower material consumption of the structure;
  • Structurally, it is possible to integrate a water heating circuit, which practically does not worsen specifications designs of such a furnace;
  • Excellent draft using a short chimney length. This simplifies and makes the construction and installation of the stove in question cheaper;
  • The appearance of the product can be given taking into account the overall design of the room in which the two-bell oven is installed. At the same time, its performance characteristics do not deteriorate;
  • The draft is redistributed automatically through the channels during the transition from heating the furnace to its cooling, which eliminates the possibility of waste. You can practically not close the view. It is used in the vast majority of cases, only in emergency situations.

The latter is achieved due to the fact that the flow of gases arising under the influence of draft is directed through downstream channels past the hot parts of the body of such a furnace. During combustion, convective currents that form pull air along with them. This allows you to do without a special ventilation system for the facility in which the stove is located.

The design of a two-bell furnace allows you to completely eliminate a number of problems inherent in furnaces of other designs when using a viewer. Heat can be blown out through the view when strong wind, or cold air may fall into the furnace when reverse draft occurs. In any blacksmithing this is completely excluded, because air currents are directed past those elements that it can cool off.

Possible design options

The most important advantage of such a system is its significant flexibility. It is possible to design and install stoves of different sizes, shapes and purposes that have the necessary functions.

A hot water boiler and an electric heater, an oven and a hob, a steam generator or heat accumulator, thermal inserts used for organizing heater-type heating, etc. are perfectly mounted in the existing hood. There are completed projects in which the size of the cap reaches five cubic meters.

The technology of bell-type furnaces makes it possible to implement modern technologies in their designs, automate the processes of combustion and heat transfer regulation.

Applying existing systems recycling can be used to heat buildings of different designs with similar stoves.

Kuznetsovka furnaces can be manufactured in a multi-story version and used to solve a wide range of problems. There are projects that can operate on electricity, with the implementation of an economical energy consumption mode in their designs (energy is accumulated at night).

In two-bell furnaces it is possible to install a boiler for hot water supply or heating. The combustion process here occurs at significant temperatures. This allows the maximum to fully utilize all the energy of the fuel. In these furnaces, it is not the coolant that is heated, but a special heat accumulator, which allows for more significant heating (from 4 to 6). As a result, the storage capacity of such a system increases.

The designs of sauna stoves simultaneously heat all its main rooms, heat water, perform ventilation, and prepare steam of the required quality, including superheated dry steam. Some models allow you to regulate the TVR in the bathhouse, quickly warm up any room, heat it, etc.

Features of work

Blacksmiths are multifunctional. All models have bottom heating. Regardless of the type of energy carrier (wood or electricity), the same heating pattern is achieved. The entire structure warms up completely. At the same time, it is possible to implement the operation of an open fireplace, which allows the possibility of cooking pancakes in a frying pan over coals (without the need to turn them over) or kebabs, or a Russian hotpot. In the latter case, you can cook any food.

Another characteristic of such stoves is technical quality. The longer a conventional stove is heated, the higher the temperature to which the chimney walls are heated. Accordingly, the amount of heat that can be absorbed by them from the exhaust flue gases is reduced. Accordingly, they are removed hotter, which reduces the efficiency of operating furnaces.

In two-bell furnaces, increasing the firing time does not have a noticeable effect on reducing efficiency, because all excess heat is accumulated in the bag of the upper hood.

Before you start laying the furnace, carry out its calculation and ordering. The question regarding the laying of a specific model is the topic of a separate article.

External masonry should be done with single clay bricks 250*120*65. It is recommended to use grade M150 and higher. Fireproof masonry elements are made of fireclay bricks of grades ШБ-8 (250*123*65) or Ш5 (230*114*40). The recommended width of external masonry joints should not exceed five millimeters.

The approximate amount of brick required, without taking into account the needs for foundation work and pipe laying, is determined as follows: the number of bricks needed to lay the first row should be multiplied by the number of rows (according to the order) and by the filling factor (for such furnaces it is equal to 0.8). The resulting quantity is quite enough to lay the furnace, including culling, as well as possible combat. The pipe will require a brick, the quantity of which is calculated as follows: 4-6 pieces per row, taking into account the required pipe height. The need for refractory bricks is considered piece by piece, according to the order.

If we are talking about external masonry ordinary brick, then the approximate thickness of each row is 70 mm (with a seam thickness of five millimeters).

When purchasing fireclay bricks, you should request a certificate, because there is a high probability of purchasing a cheaper, acid-resistant one instead. Visually they are practically no different. However, the latter does not withstand high temperatures. Try heating the tip of the brick with a blowtorch. The acid-resistant one will be destroyed.

It is prohibited to use refractory bricks in the same masonry as ordinary bricks. They have different linear expansion and thermal conductivity coefficients. Therefore, when such masonry is heated, its integrity is damaged.

It should be taken into account that fireclay bricks heat up more quickly and strongly than ordinary bricks and expand to a greater length. To compensate for elongations due to heating that occurred in fire-resistant and conventional masonry, a five-millimeter gap is left, which is filled (at the choice of the stove-maker):

  • in width and length - cardboard (multi-silicon thermal insulation, basalt, etc.);
  • in height (seams arising between the masonry and the installed stove appliances), filled with kaolin or basalt wool.

Kuznetsov two-bell stove, Professional stove maker

An article about Kuznetsov’s two-bell furnaces. General overview, basic properties, possible design options and tips for laying two-bell stoves.

DIY Kuznetsov stoves

A disadvantage of most furnace designs is their low productivity coefficient. This is the result of flue gases escaping too quickly. The problem can be solved by lengthening the chimney, but the draft will then decrease, as well as the combustion intensity.

DIY Kuznetsov stoves

When designing a brick stove, the main tasks are:

  • ensuring good traction;
  • increasing heat transfer of the entire volume of generated thermal energy.

These tasks are mutually exclusive, so you need to find “ golden mean"so that the smoke lingers as long as possible, but the draft does not deteriorate. One of the best solutions to this problem is the Kuznetsov furnace.

Design Features

DIY Kuznetsov stoves

All existing furnaces Kuznetsov (and there are more than 150 of them) can be divided into several groups according to the function they perform:

  • baths;
  • cooking (for cooking);
  • heating;
  • grills;
  • fireplaces;
  • complex.

Important! The most popular of them are combined cooking and heating structures.

The furnaces described above work on the same principle. Directly behind the combustion chamber there is an air cap that separates the hot smoky gases. The entrance hole here is located at the bottom, and not at the top, as was done before. The heated gases in the bell rise upward, and the cooled and, accordingly, heavier gases come out. Soon the hot gases also cool down and leave the bell in the same way.

Skeptics even today consider the described technology to be ineffective - smoke retention should lead to deterioration in draft. In fact, everything is not so, and the fallacy of this opinion is quite easy to prove.

  1. The air rarefaction indicator under the hood is 0.18 hPa, which is relative to normal pressure in the atmosphere can be considered a negative value. Hence natural convection.
  2. To others important point is the open door of the blower. It compresses the air flow, regularly replacing the rarefied air under the hood.
  3. The length of the pipe also plays an important role. This is the air pipeline that passes the entire flow of smoke gases and, therefore, ensures the maximum speed of their movement.

Important! With the help of a Kuznetsov stove, you can provide not only individual heating, but also a supply of hot water. For this purpose, the rear part of the hood is equipped with a steel heat exchanger.

What can such a strange chimney provide?

  1. Stratification of smoke gases by temperature directly after the combustion chamber.
  2. In the path of gases, you can install not one, but two or three caps at once. As a result, the smoke will give off more heat, and the structure itself will consist of several zones with a permanent temperature.
  3. The hood is located next to the firebox and smoky gases that have not yet given up their heat enter it. As a result, ash, carbon monoxide and volatile hydrocarbons, which in a conventional stove are carried away by the chimney, burn out under the hood in this design. This leads to increased heat transfer and minimizes the amount of soot in the chimney.
  4. Thanks to natural convection, combustion products are physically unable to leave the stove before they give up all the heat.
  5. The heat exchanger in the Kuznetsov furnace, unlike other types of construction, is located in the hood, that is, outside the combustion chamber. It cannot in any way affect the temperature of the fire and, as a result, does not reduce efficiency.

Now - directly to the construction process.

What will be required at work?

When performing the entire complex of activities you will need:

  • solid brick, 754 pcs.;

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov stoves: construction technology

Building a stove of this type is quite simple, even for people doing this for the first time. It is important that the construction technology, as well as the order, are observed.

Stage 1. Foundation

If the base for the stove is made at the same time as the foundation of the house, you only need to adjust the dimensions to the chosen design. But if there is none, then it is undesirable to connect it to the main foundation - it is better to fill it separately and make it slightly wider (12-15 cm) than the area of ​​​​the future building.

I. Kuznetsov himself advises building a solid foundation from sand-lime brick.

Stage 2. Laying

Important! You should think about it in advance correct location chimney indoors and on the roof. It must meet certain requirements (see figure). Only after this can construction begin.

A detailed arrangement of the Kuznetsov furnace can be seen in the image below.

Rows No. 1 and No. 2 must be laid out from fireclay bricks. The main thing is not to use for this the solution that was mixed earlier for the construction of the foundation. From row No. 2 you can start removing the smoke channels, but it is advisable to make the bottom of the oven somewhat thicker.

For smoke channels that improve heat transfer, four cleanouts are installed: one at the back, the second in the ashpit, the third and fourth at the side. The length and width of the cleanings are determined individually, and a building level and angle are used to check horizontality/verticality.

Important! The main difficulty may be laying half bricks. For better cutting, it is advisable to use a grinder.

A wall is formed between the blower and the rest of the furnace, as well as all internal partitions. When laying row No. 5, a grate is installed.

Kuznetsov furnace. Masonry

In rows Nos. 17-18, an overlapping cap is constructed, and in No. 21 a pair of passages are left running along the left and right inner walls.

In general, having a clear order in hand, building a Kuznetsov stove is quite simple and, as a rule, no difficulties arise.

Construction of the Kuznetsov furnace

Stage 3. Verification

Upon completion of the masonry, it is necessary to carry out the first kindling. A minimal amount of fuel is used so that the structure heats up slowly. At the same time, the furnace will be fired, its functionality will be checked, as well as the tightness of the connections of the doors and valves. If the slightest defects are detected, they should be corrected immediately.

Important! The maximum power of the described design is 10 kW - this is quite enough for an ordinary country house.

What else you should know

The combustion chamber is connected to the hood by a vertical slot, which is called a dry seam. The need for such constructive solution caused by convection currents moving in both compartments. A portion of the flue gas containing a large amount of steam is drawn into the combustion chamber to be re-cycled, which improves the combustion of volatile particles and causes turbulence.

The blower is filled with air not only through the grate, but also from above, through cavities in the walls. Again, this is required for complete combustion of volatile particles, because the air entering through the grate, when reaching the top of the torch, practically does not contain oxygen.

Above the combustion chamber is a grate of refractory bricks called a catalyst. It heats up to high temperatures and, as it were, burns out everything that remains after incomplete combustion fuel.

  1. You cannot make the combustion chamber part of the bell, because the fuel must burn in a limited space to create enough high temperature. If you connect the hood to the firebox, you get a traditional Russian stove, but with poor draft.
  2. Firing should begin at a minimum temperature, gradually increasing the intensity of combustion.
  3. At high temperatures, the brick expands, which is why the internal fireclay box can “hang”, that is, empty space is formed on all its sides.
  4. Upon completion of the masonry, it is advisable to cover the entire brick with a special refractory compound.
  5. Every second row of masonry should be laid with steel wire to strengthen the bond.
  6. Doors and other metal elements should be installed taking into account the fact that they expand at high temperatures. To separate the metal from the brick, you need to use a special gasket.

As a conclusion

As you can see, the simplest cooking and heating structure by I. Kuznetsov can be built with your own hands. But if you plan to install a multifunctional stove or the installation technology itself seems too complicated, then you need to turn to experienced stove makers. They will do everything quickly, taking into account all the features, and the finished structure will serve for many years.

Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov stoves - step-by-step instructions!

Find out about Kuznetsov stoves with your own hands! Design features, construction technology of the Kuznetsov furnace, ordering, photo + video.

Kuznetsov furnaces: design and principles of operation, advantages, variations, drawings

Kuznetsov's stoves are well known not only to stove makers - they heat many homes in Russia and abroad. I.V. Kuznetsov has been working on improving furnaces since 1962 and has gathered around him a strong team of like-minded people. The team has more than one and a half hundred developments, covering almost the entire range household stoves, see fig.

Some of the furnaces of I.V. Kuznetsov

Many would like to build one of Kuznetsov’s stoves with their own hands, and this article will help them. But we are not going to reveal some hidden secrets of the “blacksmiths” - they simply do not exist. On Igor Viktorovich’s website stove.ru, those interested will find a huge array of stove information for free: from information on the design and construction of stoves to detailed drawings and recommendations for installing a stove in a house and constructing a blind area around a building with stove heating. We also do not intend to criticize or correct anything in this home-stove encyclopedia: we are, to put it mildly, far from I.V. Kuznetsov in the oven business.

The purpose of this article is to provide a kind of introduction to Kuznetsov’s body of information, allowing one to more freely navigate the source material. Let us explain with an example why this is necessary.

Let's say I'm a generalist auto mechanic with extensive experience and want to pass it on to others who are interested. A car is a complicated thing. If I begin to get distracted along the way, explaining in detail that how running and caster (let’s assume that readers are not exactly dummies, now everyone drives) affect the handling and directional stability of the car, and the valve timing diagram affects fuel consumption depending on road conditions. conditions, and so on, I will eventually become confused to the point that I myself will no longer understand how the car I drive works. Willy-nilly, I will have to present the material, albeit “on the fingers,” but in a professional, fluent manner.

However, it will be a little difficult to read even for specialists like me, but for an amateur it will make his head spin. Therefore, I will need someone to help me, who can be called a “half-teapot”. In fact, he is not a kettle at all; he can adjust the suspension and set the valve lifters himself. But in this case, his task is to describe how the entire filling of the car is assembled into one whole, controlled according to the principle: “steer with the steering wheel, gas with the gas, brake with the brake.”

In the automotive industry of the USSR similar situation arose in the late 50s and early 60s, when the industry began producing cars for wide sale to the public. Then the super bestseller of that time, “How a Car Works,” was published. Edited by none other than the most important designer of the legendary “Victory”, A. A. Lipgart.

Information “from the recipient” will not yet allow you to start working: it does not provide deep knowledge that will allow you to at least intuitively figure things out along the way required values numerical parameters. But it is essentially fundamental: mastering it, a professional text can be read with understanding and faster. And, if somewhere in it something is still unclear, it no longer causes loss and wandering, but simply a mark in the mind: this is what you need to find out in more detail.

The government has not yet adopted any landmark resolutions on stoves and stove heating. But their role in household heat and power engineering in times of energy shortage is undeniable: already a heating stove with an efficiency of 70%, when used on a large scale, will provide fuel savings on a national scale, because The designs of new heating plants include heat losses in the mains of 35%, and it is not yet possible to reduce them. So, with the popularization of stove knowledge, you have to figure it out yourself, without being either Lipgart or Kuznetsov. Well, let's try.

Why blacksmiths?

But is it worth focusing specifically on Kuznetsov’s stoves? Worth it because they are worth it. From the very beginning, Igor Viktorovich viewed Russian-style stoves not as a protected relic of the past or an expensive luxury item, but as an indispensable attribute of the economical energy sector of the future, which is now the present. The rest realized, as they say, when the roast rooster pecked.

As a result - a 4 kW Kuznetsovka heats a house of 100 square meters. m. just like the branded 12 kW firebox from there. Which, by the way, does not speak about the invention of a perpetual motion machine, but about the fact that branded advertisers are creating their prospectuses, perhaps, sniffing out the “path of happiness.” In any case, it is a fact that Kuznetsov constantly receives orders from the USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, which themselves are not trailing behind the furnaces. Specifically, the advantages of blacksmiths are as follows:

  • High efficiency - 80% is not surprising for Kuznetsov furnaces.
  • High temperature of fuel combustion without the use of technologies and materials that require industrial production.
  • As the first consequence of the previous one - omnivorousness. In blacksmiths, any fuel burns to ash, and soot deposition is minimal.
  • The second consequence is easy care: because. Soot also burns, Kuznetsov stoves may not be cleaned for years.
  • Less material consumption combined with uniform heat transfer between fireboxes: in a city apartment with central heating the temperature fluctuates more during the day than in a house heated by a blacksmith stove with 2 fireboxes per day.
  • Wide possibilities for integrating a water heating circuit without compromising the technical parameters of the furnace.
  • Good draft with a short chimney, which reduces the cost and simplifies construction and installation work during its construction.
  • The plasticity of the design and appearance as a consequence of the two-bell design (see below): without deteriorating the stove, it can be designed to suit almost any room and design requirements.
  • Automatic redistribution of thrust among the channels during the transition from heating to cooling, which guarantees against waste: the view almost never needs to be closed; it is intended more for emergency operating modes.

Note: The method of thrust redistribution invented by I.V. Kuznetsov is fundamentally different from the well-known gas view. Through it, the flow created by the draft is passed past the heated parts of the furnace body by special downstream channels, and when the flame burns in the firebox, convection from it pulls the air flow towards itself. As a result, a separate room ventilation system is not required. In addition, the gas view can be blown out reverse thrust when blowing into a pipe, or, conversely, pulling it out in a strong wind, and in a blacksmith any air flow will pass by everything that it could cool out.


Most of the advantages of Kuznetsov furnaces come from the principle of free passage of gases. Let us explain again with an example.

Let's imagine a stove with a complex system of smoke ducts: an ethermark, a four-five-turn Dutch oven. In this cramped labyrinth, strong turbulence will inevitably arise. Have you heard the furnace humming? This is only a minor manifestation of the vortex energy raging within her. And there’s nowhere to get it from except from the fuel stash. If the channels are long and narrow enough, then at first glance there is nothing terrible here: the vortices, by the time they reach the pipe, will dissipate, cooling, and will still give their energy to the body of the furnace, and it to the room. But in reality, nuances appear, which will be discussed later in the text. Because of them, the efficiency of a channel furnace over 60% is an exceptional rarity.

In a channel stove, while it is being heated, a huge flow of energy rushes about, and only a small part of it can be used for heating or heating water without disturbing its operation. Such a furnace is somewhat similar to a nuclear reactor. Don’t be alarmed, just because of the synergy, i.e. along the paths of energy circulation in it. A nuclear reactor has to be loaded with tens of times more fuel than is necessary to ensure the design energy output. Otherwise, the neutrons will simply fly out without having time to meet the uranium atoms ready to receive them. In a channel furnace, hot vortices, without having time to cool, will fly out into the chimney or, conversely, will cool down immediately, producing smoke and soot.

But the Kuznetsovkas (details below) are closer in synergy to the thermonuclear reactors of the future. “Thermonylus” sounds scary, but this is only due to its association with the hydrogen bomb. In fact, fusion reactors are quite safe.

Why? Because they generate exactly as much energy as the consumer needs, and the technological power reserve required for rarefied plasma is scanty. If suddenly the chamber of a tokamak or stellarator suddenly completely collapses, the plasma will be completely emitted (there are no heavy atoms in it) and will cool down before it reaches the walls of the room. The repairmen will curse - maybe the duty department is sharpening their laces - but after 5 minutes. will be able to blunt to elimination without protective equipment.

So what do Kuznetsov furnaces have in common with thermonuclear reactors? The fact that the energy of the flue gases, thanks to the principle of free passage, does not scroll many times in the flow until it is pushed into the body of the furnace, but saturates it immediately. And now she has nowhere to go from there except into the room and/or the water heating register.

First: cap on cap

The principle of constructing a furnace, which makes it possible to realize the advantages of free movement of gases, has been known for a long time. This is a two-bell furnace, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. Let's start the analysis with his left pose.

Schemes of two-bell furnaces

The outside air enters through the ash vent 1 into the firebox 2. The firebox can be equipped with a tapering nozzle - a heil - in which a gas view is formed in a single-bell furnace: the light heated gases under the hood with their pressure do not allow the heavy outside cold air to “blow through”, like water into an overturned cup. But in double-bell furnaces, the gas inlet often turns out to be unstable due to the draft from the second bell. Therefore, two-bell furnaces were rarely built before Kuznetsov.

Immediately after kindling, when the lightest and most energetic fractions of the fuel burn, combustion occurs in a mode close to the most efficient pyrolysis. In Kuznetsov furnaces - in pyrolysis mode, they are specially designed that way. Pyrolysis gases burn out under the roof 4 of the first bell 3. The under-roof space of the first bell is similar to the afterburner of a pure pyrolysis furnace.

Pyrolysis combustion under the hood turns out to be self-regulating: if the fuel is very hot, the “cushion” of burning gases expands downward; the vault of the cap does not allow it to go up. Because of this, the outflow of flue gases is difficult, because it goes down. Accordingly, the thrust weakens and the combustion subsides a little. If the combustion weakens, the opposite happens.

When the combustion transitions to a low-activity mode or the coals are smoldering, both hoods simply work as heat sinks for channel furnaces, collecting residual heat from the fuel. But in Dutch and Swedish pipes it mostly “whizzes” into the pipe: according to Bernoulli’s well-known hydrodynamic law, in a narrow channel the flow speed will be greater. And under the hoods, the residual gases will slowly stir until their heat goes into the brick.

Note: in channel furnaces, when there is a strong wind outside, you often have to remove still smoldering coals from the firebox and close the viewer, otherwise all the heat will “whistle” until the fuel burns down to ash. In bell-type stoves, this harmful effect does not exist - the sharp expansion from the chimney into the bell does not allow the wind to clear up in the stove, and you can calmly wait until the fuel gives up its energy reserve to the last calorie.

The ideal two-bell stove is round in plan. Then her body 5 is also the second cap. It also has an invisible thermochemical reaction zone 6 under the vault. It neutralizes the remains of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) and nitrogen oxides formed in the firebox due to a significantly higher combustion temperature than in a flame furnace. Only carbon dioxide and water vapor go into chimney 7.

Although round brick stove The usual type can be folded, but if it is a two-bell one, it is difficult to install cleaning doors in it, and it is difficult to clean it (one day, yes, you will have to). Therefore, in practice, two-bell stoves are made, if we draw an analogy with electronics, not according to a parallel, but according to a cascade sequential scheme: the second hood is placed on the first and the hoods are connected to each other by chimneys (or one continuous wide gap) from the rear of the stove, right pos. in Fig. In this case, the efficiency of a brick kiln drops by only 1-2 percentage points.

Note: In order for the gas view in a round two-hood to be stable, except for hurricane winds, the annular gap L2 between the first and second hoods must be wider than the same L1 between the firebox and the first hood.

In both cases, a hot water register of any type can be built into the second hood without any fear. The main heat to the furnace body is transferred under the arch of the first hood. This, by the way, is also one of the reasons why two-caps were not used before: with cheap fuel, a small increase in efficiency did not pay for the complexity of the work, and washing in the kitchen in a trough was then commonplace.

And at the same time, the gases fit under the second cap, on the one hand, sufficiently cooled and reacted so that the heat exchanger can be made of ordinary structural materials without fear of its burning out and soot deposition on it. On the other hand, the temperature in the second bell with a furnace efficiency of 80% will be in the range of 200-400 degrees, which provides just enough temperature gradient for efficient heat transfer to water.

About multi-caps

In principle, it is possible to make a round bell-type furnace as a multi-stage one; each cascade - 2 caps, with a hole in the roof and a blank top, as shown in Fig. With three cascades (6 bells), the design, which can be conventionally called a furnace with free flow of gases (left position in the figure), can be made self-adjusting for any fuel, from fuel oil to dung, with an efficiency of up to 97-98% in any combustion mode . However, it cannot be accurately calculated analytically, and computer modeling requires a fairly powerful hardware and software platform.

Schemes of multi-bell furnaces

A furnace with even (with a hole in the roof) caps brought to its hearth (right position in the figure) is, in principle, capable of showing an efficiency of 85-90%, depending on the combustion mode and type of fuel. But both of them, firstly, are very difficult to clean. Secondly, the first cap turns out to be very small, and the temperature under it will be quite pyrolysis, about 1500 degrees. No metal can withstand it, except platinum. Tungsten will burn out like a light bulb with a broken bulb. No one has yet determined experimentally whether the lining for pyrolysis furnaces will hold up in weight.

Note: The black dotted lines in the pictures are not metal structures. These are generatrices (parabolas and straight lines) of the corresponding sizes: the diameters of the smoke holes and the distances of the lower edges of the caps from the hearth.

Nothing works on bare principles. In order for a theoretically absolutely correct stove to heat, dry and cook well, it must also be made correctly in the material. In relation to bell-type furnaces (and especially double-bell furnaces), this means that the thermal load on the material must be high. Making a bell furnace massive, with thick walls, is like lighting a fire in a cave. To feel the warmth, you need to sit next to the fire, and there will be soot...

Take a look at fig. It contains drawings and orders of some Kuznetsov stoves: a bathhouse, a heating and cooking stove, a double-circuit hot water boiler and an improved Russian stove with a stove bench. Not being an experienced stove maker, it is clear that the material per unit of power output (500 W * sq. m outer surface) in the Kuznetsov furnace goes one and a half to two times less than in traditional ones. In general, any bell-type oven is “emptier” inside than a channel oven of equal power.

Orders of some Kuznetsov furnaces

On the one hand, this is good, but the brick masonry mortar they cost money. But on the other hand, it requires careful development and adherence to construction technology (see below). The heat load, which would not cause a pile of cobblestones to move, would destroy a thin brick wall even during the accelerating fire.

Structural mechanics are also important for Kuznetsov furnaces. The strength of the wall with clay mortar decreases much faster when its thickness decreases than with cement-sand mortar. Therefore, the foundation for these furnaces must be done especially carefully in strict accordance with the author’s recommendations. They must be strictly followed during construction.

Note: I.V. Kuznetsov allows freely copying his materials for himself, for construction, but objects to republications. However, the pictures in Fig. small. An amateur cannot build anything using them, but a master knows where to get full-fledged drawings. Therefore, we hope that Igor Viktorovich will forgive us this small borrowing for the benefit of the cause.

Third: step right, step left...

High loads on the material in Kuznetsov furnaces require not only careful design development, but also compliance with some fundamental design principles. The main one is a floating firebox made of fireclay bricks of the ShB-8 or Sh-5 brand. The body of the furnace is made of ceramic brick of a grade not lower than M150.

What does a floating firebox mean? Firstly, there must be a dry seam around it entirely, or in places precisely calculated by the author. Making it is not so easy: after laying out the last row of fireclay (unless otherwise specified in the specification for the stove), the clay mortar from the seams between the fireclay and ordinary bricks is picked out, and instead of it, gaskets made of mineral cardboard - basalt, kaolin, etc. are inserted. .

Unlinked and linked building modules

Secondly, it is necessary to strictly observe the principle of incoherence of modules. What it is is shown in Fig. No protrusions of fireclay should fit into the grooves of ordinary bricks, and vice versa, even with damping joints. TKR and heat capacity of fireclay differ significantly from “brick” ones, and the firebox connected to the body of the furnace will tear the masonry during kindling. The “blacksmith’s” firebox should be a compact module installed in a nest made of ordinary brick. The author explains in detail how to arrange its exit into the chimney on the website.

You must also strictly follow his recommendations regarding the selection and preparation of materials. “Kuznetsovkas”, although made of brick, are high-tech, and tolerate replacement with ersatz and negligence no more than a rocket or submarine tolerates replacement of titanium and composites with tin. The consequences, however, will not be so catastrophic, but you will also have to see them at home, and not read them in the news. And pay out of your own pocket.

In general, in terms of technology: a Kuznetsov stove can be built by a diligent, attentive and careful beginner. But a truly experienced stove maker, half-drunk but thoughtlessly laying out really very good stove or Dutch, it will definitely fail on Kuznetsov’s stove.

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Drawing homemade stove Kuznetsova

However, “blacksmithing” is not some kind of unspeakable miracle. There have already been many amateurs and professional craftsmen who not only repeat Igor Viktorovich’s original designs, but also create their own. In Fig. on the right is a drawing, and in Fig. in the section - the order of one of them.

She has two features. The first is kindling moves on the 21st row. They are quite similar to Kuznetsov’s idle air passages, but they are included in the work during kindling, speeding up and facilitating it. On a flame or smoldering, their throughput does not allow for the escape of gases, and these channels are drowned out by gas plugs.

The second is sawn along, and even at an angle, bricks in the 17th, 28th and some other rows. In fact, both stove makers and just builders know that bricks are not sawed lengthwise. But this belief arose at a time when the concept of “angle drill”, aka grinder, did not exist. People only heard about diamond tools back then, saying that they were used somewhere in the secret workshops of military factories.

But it’s still impossible to saw a brick lengthwise with a grinder while it’s in weight; its strength will drop below the minimum limit due to the beating of the tool in your hands. There are two options, the first: install the tool in a frame with a walking vertical plane lever to create a cutting machine. You can make this yourself, there are ready-made ones for sale.

Ordering a homemade Kuznetsov stove

Another method is suitable if the farm has a circular machine with at least 1500 rpm, and better - 2500-3000. Then a diamond wheel for stone is tucked into it instead of a standard toothed saw. This option is preferable: a support board with an angle stop provides a much cleaner and more accurate cut. And if necessary, you can finish it on the other side without the risk of getting a high step on the cut.

More about round ones

Round stoves theoretically have a lot of advantages, but they are not very convenient in the house. However, there is considerable demand for compact mobile ovens, and here the extremely high efficiency of round multi-caps can be a decisive factor, because as the size of the furnace decreases, its efficiency drops sharply due to the square-cube law.

Such furnaces, of course, would have to be made of metal. This solves the problem of cleaning; the stove can be made collapsible. But the choice of metals suitable for the ratio of heat capacity and thermal conductivity is extremely limited. The only inexpensive ones are cast iron, but it is heavy and fragile.

However, there is a lighter and stronger metal material with similar properties. These are products of powder metallurgy. In relation to scissor knives, “powdered crap” is quite justified, but for a stove in which nothing works for shear, powdered parts can be a godsend.

The second problem, which has already been mentioned, is the heat-resistant lining on the arch of the first cap. If it can be solved, then perhaps the works and efforts of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsov will bear fruit that is more extensive and significant than it now seems.

Kuznetsov bell stove: do-it-yourself masonry, diagrams, ordering

Kuznetsov stoves: design and principles of operation, advantages, variations, drawings Kuznetsov stoves are well known not only to stove makers - they heat many houses in Russia and abroad.

Building a good brick oven is both hard work, skill and art. And this art, and traditions, and principles were passed on from generation to generation. I.V. Kuznetsov not only follows traditions, but develops them and is looking for new ways to solve an old problem that is very relevant today: how to get maximum furnace performance while using a minimum of fuel.

Operating principle

Kuznetsov suggested new principle construction of brick kilns. In all previously invented/designed models, hot gases move through channels. Passing through them, they heat the brick and cool themselves. Movement is possible only if there is traction. With this forced operating principle, the heating of the housing is uneven, which leads to the formation of cracks. A large number of bricks occupy almost the entire space, and there is nowhere to put a heat exchanger if necessary. Just place it in the firebox, where it will come into contact with the flame, which is why its service life is very limited. In addition, the heat exchanger located in the combustion zone takes away a significant part of the thermal energy, worsening the fuel combustion conditions, which reduces the efficiency of the furnace and increases the amount of soot.

Kuznetsov uses a different principle of gas movement in the furnace - free. The oven consists of caps - vessels turned upside down (with or without a hole at the top - different in different models). The caps can be located above each other or one after the other, but they must communicate with each other using a dry seam - a space of 2-3 cm, unfilled with a solution or heat insulator, through which gases pass from one cap to another.

The first hood and firebox are combined into a single space. With such a device, this is what happens. The hottest gases rise to the top. For some time they remain at the top, where they transfer part of the thermal energy to the walls and cool down themselves. As they cool, they sink down, and hotter ones rise to take their place. With this construction, the movement of air masses occurs only due to natural physical processes.

You can clearly demonstrate the process by blowing a stream of smoke into a glass turned upside down. It rises up, reaches the top, then the cooled part of the smoke along the walls falls down. Noticeably the same processes, only much more complex, take place in the oven.

In the figure, red arrows show a diagram of the movement of hot air in bell-type furnaces. Blue arrows show the movement of cold air entering the oven. Obviously, it will not rise up, because it weighs more, but will go down and have almost no effect on the overall temperature in the bell, as shown in the figure on the right.

But one hood is not enough for effective heat extraction, which is why most furnaces have two or three domes, depending on the power. Almost the same processes occur in them as in the first one: hotter gases are at the top, heating the masonry, cold gases pass below and exit into the chimney. A heat exchanger or any other device necessary for any purpose is located in the upper zone of the second vault. No open fire, only hot gases and very efficient heat removal: high-temperature air currents constantly flow. Moreover, heating the coolant, stones or water in the tank does not have any effect on the combustion processes: they are separated from the firebox by a brick wall.

The design of stoves of different configurations and purposes is different, but they “consume” little fuel and remain hot for a long time. This is evidenced by the reviews of the owners. For example, in a house made of timber, such a stove is built. At -25 o C, 5 logs of wood are heated in the morning and evening (in total, about 18 kg of firewood per day). It’s +25 o C in the house and it’s not cold in the morning. At temperatures “overboard” down to -10 o C, they are heated once. So there are no questions about efficiency. If there are any questions, it is about the choice of performer. After all, the parameters of its operation depend on how correctly and competently the stove is built. And you can’t make it quickly: medium-sized and without bells and whistles, it takes 2-3 weeks of work. In general, with reviews about Kuznetsov’s stoves, everything is simple: people are happy. The pleasure is certainly not cheap, but it is definitely worth it. This is confirmed by all owners of such stoves. There are no difficulties in operation, they are economical and not capricious, they give off heat for a very long time and heat up quickly.

Advantages of dome stoves

This principle is used in many furnaces for various purposes. There can be several caps, they can have a symmetrical or asymmetrical structure, located side by side (horizontally) or one above the other (this option is often used to save space). This feature makes it possible to design stoves of any type and configuration, for any room and conditions. At the same time, the characteristics remain high: efficiency above 80% is almost the norm for Kuznetsov dome stoves.

Any devices can be installed in the second hood: hob, heat exchanger, heater, hot water tank, bread oven, etc. There are many modifications and they all have one thing in common: high efficiency, economy, uniform heating. Moreover, when the caps are positioned vertically, the bottom heats up more intensely than the top. So it’s comfortable to be in a room with such a stove.

It should be noted that much less brick is required for the construction of such a furnace: more empty space inside. Therefore, the oven warms up faster. But, characteristically, it does not cool down faster. Everything happens exactly the other way around: Kuznetsov’s dome stoves produce much smaller daily temperature fluctuations than more massive analogues with a large number of channels. And all because the hottest part of the gases remains in the hoods, and the coldest part settles down and is removed from the furnace. Thus, the oven cools down more slowly.

Due to the fact that there are no or almost no narrow channels, the bell furnace has less resistance air flow, so the chimneys are shorter. Therefore, it is easier to build, and the foundation is not so massive, although it is definitely needed.

After kindling and reaching operating mode, there is no need to regulate the operation of the stove with free movement of gases. The process turns out to be self-regulating. If the fuel flares up very strongly, the amount of hot gases at the top increases and squeezes colder ones into the second bell. And the colder ones include air coming from the blower. If there is a lack of air, the flame goes out, there are fewer hot gases, they rise higher and more air enters from below. The combustion is reactivated. Therefore, although there are valves in Kuznetsov’s two-bell furnaces, they are used extremely rarely, mainly for non-standard modes.

Automatic regulation of the combustion process leads to almost complete combustion of any fuel. That is, such a stove is omnivorous and not particularly demanding on fuel conditions. When using wet fuel, it takes longer for it to reach normal mode, but then the process stabilizes and the resulting soot burns out. This, by the way, is another advantage of dome stoves: they need to be cleaned very rarely, since there is little ash left and the soot burns.

Types of Kuznetsov furnaces

As mentioned above, the caps can be positioned in different ways, which is why there are a lot of options. The ability to install any heat exchange device in the second dome without damaging the combustion process also contributes to the presence of many different thermal units. At the same time, devices with any type of combustion can be designed according to this principle: upper, lower, pyrolysis, layer-by-layer, etc. They all have some specifics, but can be implemented. On Kuznetsov’s website, projects for various purposes are posted in order. They can be downloaded freely for personal use, but republication is not encouraged.

There are Kuznetsov stoves for two-story houses, and they heat both levels. Moreover, there are such units with beds. Heating can be of the convection type (only from the walls of the stove) or a water heat exchanger can be inserted inside. Then such a unit is called a boiler and is designated KIK. Four ready-made water-heating brick boilers with a capacity of 16 kW, 17 kW, 34 kW, 64 kW are publicly available on Kuznetsov’s official website. They can have a built-in tank for heating water for domestic needs. The boiler needs to be tied with metal corners, if necessary, it can be insulated, a reinforcing mesh should be laid on top and plastered.

There are many more options for convection ovens. In the section of heating and cooking furnaces without the use of fireclay bricks, OVIC, there are 25 different projects. There are three options for a heating and cooking stove with a fireplace. The fireplace can be located on the side (right or left). Such options are marked OVIK BK (side fireplace), there is an option with a stove bench and an OVIK BK 13l fireplace. For a fireplace located at the rear, the marking is OVIC ZK (rear fireplace).

Purely heating thermal units are marked IOC. Orders that have a bed have the letters “lie” or “L” in their names; if there is an oven, the letter “D” is added. Heating stoves also have options with fireplaces. They are marked OIK K. There are calorific furnaces PKIK1X. A separate category includes ovens for greenhouses and bread ovens.

Heating stove Kuznetsov OIK. Impressive

Kuznetsov's Russian stoves are marked RTIC; a total of 10 models are laid out, two of which have stove benches. They have the usual configuration of a cooking chamber, the mouth of which must have a sealed valve. If the chamber is not sealed, the oven will not work normally.

In the section of stoves for baths, Kuznetsov immediately offers an option for planning the premises, indicating the dimensions and showing how you can “fit” it in suitable models. After all, bathhouses are usually small, and while a metal stove can be placed in it easily, a large brick stove is already problematic. And you need to take into account many factors: where will the fire be fired from, where will the steam come out and the hottest part of the stove. And here they are offered ready-made options. Very convenient and worth saying a big thank you to the author! The stoves themselves are placed in a separate category and are marked with BIC.

This video offers a design of a furnace designed according to the principle of constructing furnaces proposed by Kuznetsov. The first half talks about the movement of gases and how it works, about the principles of controlling the operation of a particular model. The second comments on the masonry process. Very useful and educational video.

For laying the body and chimney, it is recommended to use ordinary clay solid brick. Brand M150 and higher, size 250*120*65 mm. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of bricks for Kuznetsov stoves: you need to multiply the number of rows of the model you have chosen by 0.8. This amount is enough to lay the hull (taking into account the battle and rejection). For the chimney you need to count separately. The calculation scheme is slightly different: you know how many bricks are in one row, multiply by the number of rows (each is different depending on the dimensions of the stove and the height of the building), add 10% for the battle and get the required number.

For the fireclay core (if any), Sh-5 (230*114*40 mm) or ShB-8 (250*123*65 mm) is recommended. Its quantity is calculated individually according to the scheme. The core in Kuznetsov furnaces is not connected to the body, that is, there are no common points of contact between them. Between the two parallel walls, the body and the fireclay core, there should be a gap of 5-6 mm. To make it easier to withstand, you can wrap the finished core (usually it is placed first) with ordinary packaging cardboard of the appropriate thickness. Instead for better thermal insulation the firebox can be lined with a heat insulator, basalt cardboard, for example.

The height of the rows of ceramic bricks does not coincide with the height of the rows of fireclay. They do not need to be adjusted one after the other. It is important to maintain verticality and horizontality, monitor angles, as well as the recommended seam width. And then everything will be as it should be. In reality, the dimensions of ceramic bricks differ from the standard 250*120*65 mm. If the deviations are not critical, they can be corrected with a seam. Therefore, when calculating stoves and their heights, they take the height of the brick with the seam. It should be 70 mm. But you cannot make a seam larger than 7 mm, so look for a brick of suitable quality and size.

At the top, in the places where the fireclay laying ends, there are compensation gaps that take into account the different expansion coefficients of the materials. It is imperative to follow them: the expansion of fireclay bricks is greater than that of ceramic bricks, and if there is no such gap, the core will after some time break the masonry on top due to the fact that it expands more strongly.

The size of the gap must be calculated according to the marks in order. The height of the last row of fireclay is marked on the drawings. Calculate the height of the ceramic brick wall yourself: multiply the number of rows by the height of the row with the seam (70mm) and get the required value. It should be 10-15 mm greater than the height of the fireclay. This gap is compensatory and it must be present. The resulting void is filled with stone basalt wool (not glass wool, but one that has a use temperature above 1200 o C).

If there are columns and internal walls inside (usually a quarter thick), the brick can be laid flat or on edge in them. There is no difference, do what is more convenient. There are places in the drawings where in one row there is a brick placed flat and on its edge. In this case, it needs to be adjusted to size (cut).

There are also nuances in the installation locations of furnace castings. Due to the specifics of the program, the drawings above the firebox door show ceramic bricks, but fireclay needs to be placed there on edge. When there is a difference in height, the voids are filled with cut fireclay plates. There remains a gap of 5 mm between the metal parts and the masonry - again due to different temperature expansions. A suitable heat insulator (with an operating temperature of 1200 o C) is placed in this gap.

Now about the mortar: for laying the body (made of ceramic bricks), clay or clay-sand mortar is used. For laying fire-resistant fireclay, purchased compounds (fire-resistant mastics) are used. Kuznetsov does not recommend soaking the brick before laying it. If you need to do this, then only with secondary raw materials. Immediately after completion, the oven must be dried, even if you do not put it into operation immediately. If this is not done, then during the first few fires there will be a smell of fumes.


There are a lot of subtleties and nuances in the construction of brick kilns and this is not an easy task. Nevertheless, it is possible to make a Kuznetsov stove with your own hands: the instructions and diagrams are provided by the author for free use. With appropriate explanations and if there is a desire, anything can be done.