Clothing and appearance of a business man and woman. The appearance of a business person is the first thing people see

Specifics entrepreneurial activity makes very serious demands on the appearance of its participants. Over time, general rules have emerged that reflect the appearance business man. Appearance a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability and respectability. Neat, tastefully dressed, smart - this is the appearance of a business person, who is favorably perceived by surrounding partners and clients. And the point here is not some kind of sophistication of taste, but the fact that the appearance of such a person testifies to his respect for people. Like any professional group of people, entrepreneurs have a certain stereotype regarding clothing. Having visited any international fair or exhibition, you will notice that most of the booth participants show an unusual similarity of views in choosing the color of a tie, shirt or suit. Nowadays, many entrepreneurs are listed with design advice. In their opinion, the fundamental principles when compiling a wardrobe should be the versatility of clothing. If you have a lot of things in your wardrobe that are rarely used, it means your wardrobe is not put together correctly.

Surprisingly, the modern business world is conservative when it comes to fashion. During working hours, it is customary to wear lighter suits than at receptions, and the tones of suits in the summer must be lighter than in winter time. Suits in bright colors, as a rule, are not worn during working hours. The shirt is also chosen in light colors, often white. The color of the tie is also important. There is a rule that the tie must be the same tone as the shirt and suit, but lighter or darker, or the suit and tie must be in contrasting colors. Currently, preference is given to ties of not very bright colors, as well as ties without a pattern or pattern, although just a few years ago, “company owners” almost universally wore ties in burgundy tones with usually dark blue suits. True, this was typical of younger managers who wanted to look fashionable and elegant. In a business setting, it is not recommended to wear shirts with small sleeves, since it is considered elegant for the cuffs of the shirt to be visible from under the sleeves of the jacket (approximately two centimeters). Although, obviously, in very hot weather you will look more natural in a shirt with small sleeves than in a suit, constantly wiping the sweat from your face. On a business trip, a manager often does not know where and how he will spend the day, whether or not he will have time to return to the hotel and change clothes according to the occasion. Therefore, a dark blue or dark gray suit is the more common type for each option. As for shoes, it is better to wear dark-colored shoes. In summer, dark-colored shoes are not necessary with a light suit, but in any case, not sandals. If possible, the color of the shoes is selected to match color palette suit. It is better to have socks that are not very colorful and catchy, preferably gray or black, and brown ones for a beige-brown suit. It should also be borne in mind that socks and a tie, based on their own coloring, must be in harmony. Men now wear a hat and gloves more often than not with a raincoat or coat to protect them from the cold. And yet the hat must also match the outerwear. Hats are worn in lighter colors in spring and summer, and black in autumn and winter.

It is not recommended to wear velor hats, as well as dark hats with coats and suits of a non-dark color. Our businessmen, as well as participants in international exhibitions and fairs, are obliged to understand these kinds of rules, since when they are abroad, out of politeness, they are obliged to adapt to the regulations in force there regarding costume. There are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from an entrepreneur to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Such “signs of success” are platinum lighters with monograms, watches with diamonds, and cufflinks with precious stones, and super expensive cars. Ostentatious luxury is simply forgiven for the Arab rich - it corresponds to their generally accepted appearance and behavior. But the stereotype of a “good Russian businessman” is completely different: this is a newcomer who does not have a huge fortune, whose natural talent, ability to quickly learn intelligence and the enormous potential abilities of his country so far compensate for some crudeness, lack of knowledge and capital. But serious Japanese etiquette prohibits removing jackets or loosening ties even during negotiations, except when the head of your partners’ delegation allows this to be done, making it clear that the time has come for informal negotiations. By the way, there is even a special international term “no thai session” - “meeting without ties.” So, for the first contact and subsequent negotiations with foreign partners, you should wear a thoroughly cleaned and ironed suit with a light-colored shirt and tie to match. European and American customs are even more liberal. But they also categorically prohibit appearing at negotiations in a shirt and tie, not to mention sports shirts, even if the heat is unbearable. True, air conditioning in offices and cars, as well as a wide selection of light suits, help foreign entrepreneurs withstand such restrictions. You should not appear at negotiations in jackets, sweatpants, jeans, or leather jackets, which self-respecting business people wear at best for country walks. But there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a “heavy metal” concert may sport an earring in his ear and have a hairstyle in the form of a ponytail grabbed with a ribbon. And for an art dealer, colorful jackets and silk scarves are quite appropriate. Foreign businessmen carefully watch the details and meticulously take them into account in their own conclusions. For example, a scary impression is created by short, folded socks that reveal the bare leg of the entrepreneur when he sits cross-legged. Socks that are spotless and without holes are especially necessary in the land of the rising sun, since there you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant. A crumpled, stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping glasses with the end of a tie also spoil the impression. We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression of even a quite decent suit. You need to give up the simple-minded habit of complementing a suit and tie with sandals from which your socks are peeking out, and avoid very strong colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing you should strive for is a general impression of neatness, neatness and even some pedantry in clothing. This should force your partner to think that you will be just as smart in business. For a lady entrepreneur who wants to achieve a sensation when concluding contracts or in business negotiations, it is not at all important to keep the thought of her own appearance in her head, moreover, to put it at the service of business. Women's clothing is distinguished by its classic cut, discreet colors and versatility. Evening dresses made of sexy chiffon and chic trouser suits with patterns reminiscent of impressionist paintings are quite suitable for parties and cocktails, but appearing in such outfits at work means ruining your career.

All over the world, the main clothing for work is a suit. You can only wear a dress in hot weather and only in a plain color. A business lady's wardrobe must have two or three skirts, jackets, and two or three blouses. You need to change your clothes more often, because wearing the same thing every day gets boring and dampens your mood. You should not shorten your skirt too much in blind obedience to fashion; you should also not wear things that emphasize your attractiveness (tight sweaters, jeans). It may turn out that men, instead of listening to you in negotiations, will pay attention to your merits. In addition, they may get the impression that you are primarily offering to make sure of the beauty of your figure, and not business qualities. Hairstyle, makeup and jewelry must organically complement a business suit. The hairstyle must be serious, but at the same time stylish. Decorations should be as small as possible, but at the same time they should not be abandoned. Cosmetics should only be visible at close range. Experts recommend taking more preventive cosmetics than decorative ones. Perfume should be consumed in such quantity that its smell is barely perceptible. And, naturally, it must be an excellent perfume. But the most important thing is your peculiarity. It's not about how you dress, but how you feel. If you smile, listen intently to your interlocutor and do not overdo it with feminine tricks, such as “playing with the eyes” or “accidentally” exposing your knee, you are guaranteed a sensation. However, sometimes ladies' tricks don't hurt. But everything is in moderation.

What do you think is more important? inner person or external? What is the first thing people notice when they meet you? Of course, it is very important to have inner beauty, read a lot and develop your mental abilities. However, when meeting a stranger, there is no knowledge of a previously read book or the logical abilities of our brain. A stranger will pay attention to our appearance, how neatly we are dressed, whether our skin and hair are well-groomed. By the appearance of a person, you can understand his character, whether the person strives to achieve heights in life or whether he is comfortable in his current situation.

The appearance of a business person is a kind of level of self-esteem of an individual. If a person is successful or strives to become so, is confident in the future, knows what he wants from life, then self-esteem will be at top level. And, accordingly, confidence in one’s superiority and the desire to look at the level of the highest status increases.

How to increase your self-esteem?

How to transform yourself so that strangers know at first sight that the person standing in front of them is successful and satisfied with himself?

Of course, relying only on external data and neatness in clothing would be reckless. We evaluate the appearance of a business person for a few seconds; this is not enough to make a final conclusion about what kind of person is in front of us.

The rest of the time we talk with the interlocutor, determining his mental abilities. Having a fresh and attractive appearance and knowing how to conduct a conversation correctly, you build self-esteem and self-confidence.

Knowing how to take care of your appearance, you can easily go to an interview, date, or find interesting acquaintances. You will notice the positive attitude of the people around you towards you.

“One meets people by their clothes...” This proverb briefly and comprehensively answers the question of what importance clothes have in creating an image. The ability to choose clothes “to suit you” and, more importantly, to wear them in a good manner is an important part of image.

Clothes are a kind of calling card. She is providing psychological impact on communication partners, often predetermining their attitude towards each other. Why does clothing become so important that the entire image can be instantly destroyed by the wrong choice of detail?

Since time immemorial, clothing, in addition to its main functions - protection and decoration - carries information about the owner, a kind of code that one must be able to read. An experienced eye will immediately notice how skillfully you are dressed, whether the suit suits your figure, whether it matches your character and temperament, whether it helps or not to hide flaws, whether you can understand and feel the situation in which you are. Your status psychological characteristics, social role, thoughts and feelings - everything will be reflected in the costume.

I would like to emphasize that it is very important to remember two important concepts proposed by the Swiss psychologist Max Luther: “aesthetic elegance” and “psychological elegance”.

Aesthetic elegance is a quality in which each element of clothing is selected in color, shape, pattern and all elements are consistent with each other.

Psychological elegance is the ability to create your own harmony, a “zest” that is unique only to you. Considering these two concepts, you will be able to dress individually and with taste, feel comfortable in a “second skin”, knowing exactly what you want to tell the world about yourself and what reaction you expect to receive in return.

Social role purpose of clothing

First of all, it is necessary to note the social role purpose of clothing.

So, there is the concept of “white collar”, “blue collar”. Many people know that it refers to the technical intelligentsia and departmental officials. A number of enterprises have branded clothing. It is characterized not only by a certain style, but also by a variety of colors. Therefore, workers, employees and managers can easily be distinguished by their work clothes. By the way, this disciplines employees and facilitates their communication contacts.

There are salon clothes - for official visits. These include a tailcoat and a tuxedo. Their wearing is strictly regulated. Thus, people do not walk the streets in a tailcoat without a coat or raincoat, and a tuxedo is not worn for events starting before 5 p.m. Many domestic emigrants in search of work in the United States have more than once realized how ineffective their visits to employers were if they showed up in a wrinkled suit, without a tie, and with unkempt hair.

Of course, we cannot absolutize the importance of clothing in our lives. However, let us not forget that it is expressive, attracts people’s gaze, evoking specific emotions in them.

One of the principles of self-presentation of a business person strongly recommends: if you want to be in the forefront of business people, your clothes today should correspond to the position you would like to occupy tomorrow. Thus, a leader simply needs a respectable appearance, and some conservatism in his clothing is usually perceived as a symbol of stability.

Clothes say a lot about our personality. For example, extroverts prefer unusual outfits, while introverts prefer sophisticated ones. The former give preference bright colors, and the second - cold. Extroverts love a large number of jewelry, while the style of introverts is simple and modest.

  • 1) with her functional purpose(work, home, guests, official reception);
  • 2) with your age;
  • 3) with your physical data.

The cut of clothing determines how your body shape will look. Even a thin person will appear fuller if he wears a jacket with square shoulders and wide, baggy trousers. Right choice The cut of clothing can often hide what we consider to be flaws in our figure.

As observers, we react differently to different geometric shapes and give them certain qualities. Collars, pockets and lapels round shape will have more soft look than parts that have a strict geometric shape and a large number of sharp corners. A simple wool crewneck sweater will give you a relaxed, approachable look, while a formal suit with sharp edges will give you a relaxed, approachable look. geometric shapes- authority and severity.

If you don't want your clothes to distract the other person from you and what you're saying, avoid outfits with too many details - pockets, zippers, etc. complex shape collars, shiny buttons.


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

2. Appearance of a business person

3. Business man's suit

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

3.2 Men's shoes

4. Business woman suit

5. Accessories


1. Etiquette in the culture of appearance

When seeing a person for the first time, people involuntarily pay attention to his appearance. “Clothes make up ninety percent of what people see when they look at you,” says Debra Guy Cox, image consultant. Clothes affect others because, regardless of a person’s consciousness, they are instantly recorded by his senses. Therefore, it is not in vain that they say that a person is first judged by his appearance, then by his conversation, and then by the interior of his office. Appearance, as a rule, reflects the inner, moral content of a person. "People make judgments about us—who we are, where we live and where we've been—based on just one look at what we wear," Cox says. A person's culture is emphasized by his clothing. It is, in a way, a person’s calling card. Clothes convey information to communication partners about a person, his tastes, and his membership in a particular social or professional class.

Tastefully selected clothes, accessories, and a neat appearance make him confident, collected, and energetic. It was not for nothing that Rockefeller started his business by buying himself an expensive suit with his last money and becoming a member of the golf club. “The ability to dress is more important than the ability to enter a room or the ability to bow. Nothing catches the eye like a person’s clothes,” they taught in the old days. Looking at an entrepreneur for the first time, one immediately gets an impression of him and his well-being. Great importance has the color of the clothes. The influence of color is a powerful psychological irritant: it can calm down, put partners in a “businesslike mood”, in a certain situation it can cause hostility or, on the contrary, positive emotions. Color signals are perceived by partners on a subconscious level. This explains the “secret” power of their influence. According to M. Luscher, the creator of the color test, widely known in modern psychodiagnostics, each color has its own psychological meaning. This is confirmed by domestic psychologists. Clothing must correspond to the place, time, and nature of the event. You need to know how to wear it correctly. The lighter the suit, the best quality he must be.

2. Appearance of a business person

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner his suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

Trust is only given to those who are well dressed and well-combed, who have a sense of taste and proportion. We can say that in business, too, people are “meeted by their clothes,” and only then other qualities are assessed - punctuality, clarity, qualifications, faithfulness to one’s word, etc. That is why many requirements are placed on the appearance of a business person, his everyday suit (not to mention special occasions).

At the same time, there is no need to try to suppress your partners with the richness of your appearance, which indicates your powerful creditworthiness. Mostly industrial developed countries heavy gold rings, chains and bracelets, a conspicuous watch or an excessively colorful tie can only raise doubts about your seriousness.

True, there are regions (for example, the Arab East) where it is not only allowed, but even required from a businessman to demonstrate luxury as a clear evidence of his prosperity. Such “signs of success” include platinum lighters with monograms, watches with diamonds, cufflinks with precious stones, and super-expensive cars.

3. Business man's suit

A business suit is like business card businessman. No business suit - no for the community of business people and the businessman himself. It is not for nothing that in the distant 19th century, the future billionaire Rockefeller began his path to success by investing not in business, but in himself: he spent literally his last money on two important acquisitions: the first acquisition was an expensive business suit, the second was a membership card in a prestigious golf club . The suit created an image, the card provided acquaintances and personal connections. He was a wise and far-sighted man, this Rockefeller!

Both for the first contact and for subsequent business meetings with important domestic and foreign partners, it is worth wearing a thoroughly cleaned and ironed suit with a light-colored shirt and tie to match.

You shouldn't appear on business meetings in jackets, sports trousers, jeans, and also in leather jackets, which self-respecting businessmen wear at best for country walks.

However, there are special areas of business where extravagant outfits are allowed as a kind of trademark and a sign of belonging to the workshop. For example, the manager of a rock singer or the organizer of a heavy metal concert may sport an earring in his ear and have a hairstyle in the form of a ribbon ponytail. And for an art dealer, colorful jackets and silk scarves are quite befitting of a bohemian style.

Businessmen who strive for success pay careful attention to details and meticulously incorporate them into their conclusions. For example, a monstrous impression is made by short, folded socks that reveal the white calves of a businessman when he sits with his legs crossed. Clean, hole-free socks are especially necessary in Japan, where you have to take off your shoes when entering a house or restaurant.

A stale handkerchief, a half-torn button, or the habit of wiping your glasses with the end of your tie spoil the impression.

We must not forget about shoes - dusty and cracked shoes can spoil the impression of even a quite decent suit. We must discard the simple-minded domestic habit of complementing a jacket and tie with sandals from which thread socks peek out, and avoid overly odorous colognes and aftershave lotions. And in general, the main thing you should strive for is a general impression of neatness, neatness, and even some pedantry in clothing. This should make your partner think that you will be so smart in business.

3.1 Jacket, shirt, tie

Outwardly, the businessman is easy to distinguish from all other men: he looks confident, stable, and dressed quite conservatively. If a rich slacker chooses expensive and sophisticated clothes with a pretense of chic, people of liberal professions - non-standard, workers - simple and reliable, young people - sports, then a business man is unthinkable without a men's suit, which in its entirety consists of a “three piece” (jacket, trousers) , vest), and in the standard version the same without the vest.

Clothes shape the appearance of a business person. It attracts the attention of people concerned with interpersonal relationships. In the words of Alison Lurie, author of The Language of Dress: "...sociologists tell us that a language of signs, a nonverbal system of communication." The main thing in men's clothing is a suit. Most common following styles men's suits: English; European; modified European; American "bag"

A mandatory accessory for a classic men's suit is a jacket. It must be worn during any visit.

The bottom button of the jacket is never fastened. The rest must be buttoned up in an official setting - on the podium, when entering any room, etc. You should also dance only in a buttoned jacket. You can only unfasten it if you are sitting at a table or in the auditorium. You can take off your jacket at official events only after the host, the guest of honor - in a word, the first person at the reception - has done so. And if this very first person, despite the sweltering heat, sits in a jacket as if nothing had happened, those present of lower rank can only mentally send curses to this immune high temperature and other people's problems are a blockhead. Only when visiting close friends can you take off your jacket without waiting for the owner to do so. But first you should ask the owner for permission to do this. Late autumn, winter, in early spring, V evening time It is better to wear a dark jacket. IN daytime In summer, a light suit is preferable; in hot weather, a cotton one is preferable. The suit can be plain, small striped or checkered, but without sharp contrasts. For business negotiations It is recommended to wear plain suits in grey, charcoal, navy blue or black. The most common suit in the business world is a two-piece suit, but a three-piece suit is also acceptable. A black suit is intended for the most formal occasions. All other clothing details are selected to match the suit.

The cut of the jacket - double-breasted or single-breasted, with wide or narrow lapels - depends not only on fashion. A single-breasted jacket with two buttons shows the mobility of a businessman, his reaction speed, and dynamism. A double-breasted jacket speaks of the ability to retain achievements, reasonable distribution of funds or investments, reliability and resilience in the face of any disasters. Double-breasted suits are contraindicated for all overweight people, even those of normal or relatively tall height. They make their owners real fatties.

In addition to the width of the wrap, jackets are also distinguished by the presence of slits, of which there may be two, one, or none at all. A jacket without vents is called European. It looks attractive only on slender men. For fat men and even men of normal build, but with a tummy or wide hips, the European type of jacket is contraindicated. It fits perfectly only on tall and thin people. And only if they are worth it. You can sit in such a jacket without discomfort, only by unbuttoning it completely.

An American jacket with one vent is more comfortable when walking and is less dependent on a person’s build. But it is also not very comfortable: in order to sit down, it needs to be unfastened. The most reliable in this regard is an English jacket with two vents. It is quite easy to sit in it, since the jacket immediately diverges to the sides at the back and does not interfere with the fit. You don't have to unfasten it completely. The fact is that it is customary to never put the bottom button through a loop, so as not to interfere with free movement.


IN modern world in conditions of increased competition business conversation becomes an important factor determining the success of not only an individual person, but also an entire company or organization.

“You are greeted by your clothes, you are escorted by your mind,” says popular wisdom.

Many people ignore this rule very often. However, consciously or unconsciously, we judge others by their appearance. According to some studies, 55% of the impressions we make on other people are determined by what they see (skin and hair color, appearance, posture, facial expressions and gestures, facial expression, type of eye contact); the remaining 45% of impressions are determined by what people hear (the meaning of speech, its tempo, pitch of voice, clarity of speech, pronunciation, etc.).

When we meet a person for the first time, seeing how he is dressed, what he looks like, we judge not only his appearance, but also his Who He. And vice versa, knowing what kind of person we are about to meet, we can mentally imagine him. Believing that each category of people looks a certain way, and seeing a person who corresponds to these ideas, we automatically assign him to one category or another. And then we expect certain actions and appropriate behavior from him.

It must be remembered that clothing reflects and emphasizes individuality and characterizes a business person as a person. The choice of clothing is determined by the field of upcoming activity and position: for example, the clothing of bankers is distinguished by conservatism, which is not welcome in creative circles.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since for a potential partner a suit serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business.

In this paper we will look at the features of business attire etiquette.

The work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion and bibliography.

Appearance of a business man

The transition from the original forms of market relations to civilized ones increasingly actualizes the meaning and implementation and business etiquette. Etiquette is a set of rules of behavior that regulate the external manifestations of human relationships (dealing with others, forms of communication and greetings, behavior in in public places, manners and clothing).

To a large extent, our initial impression of other people is based on their external appearance. All other things being equal, people more easily accept the position of a person towards whom they have an emotionally positive attitude, and vice versa, it is more difficult to accept (and often reject) the position of a person towards whom they have an emotionally negative attitude.

The work environment imposes certain requirements on the appearance of a business person. In the fashion world, a certain concept has long been established - “business suit”. He, of course, takes into account the latest trends and trends in fashion, but at the same time remains strict and conservative to a certain extent.

When selecting a suit in a broad sense words (i.e., taking into account all the accompanying components), a business person should be guided by the following general rules: unity of style; style matching specific situation; reasonable minimization of the color scheme (the so-called “three-color rule”); color comparability color scheme; compatibility of material texture; comparability of the nature of the pattern in various components of clothing; compliance of the quality level of accessories (shoes, paper folders, briefcase, etc.) with the quality of the main suit.

In the process of preparing for negotiations, you should pay attention to the choice of a business suit. Even very high-quality, expensive and fashionable things can look tasteless if you do not comply with the condition of unity of style. Your suit and accessories should be combined not only in color and texture of the material, but also look like a single stylistic whole. You cannot mix “powerful” and “accessible” or sporty and purely business style in one suit.

An “imperious” or “powerful” style of clothing (a dark suit with straight “hard” shoulders, a white shirt, a traditional dim tie, moccasin shoes) corresponds to the situation of a responsible meeting or important negotiations. However, if you want to create a relaxed atmosphere and eliminate distance, it is better to use an “accessible” style, such as a less formal gray suit with “soft” shoulders.

If you are faced with the problem of a clothing style that is too “severe” or too “soft,” try to solve it with the help of color. A dark business suit can be “revitalized” with a light (but not white) shirt or a tie that is a little brighter than usual. A suit in an “accessible” style can be kept in one color scheme of muted tones, then it will look more formal.

At an interview, based on the results of which a decision will be made to fill a vacant position, your appearance should indicate that you will easily join the ranks of the organization’s employees, since you have a corporate image (and therefore, you place a high value on corporate values).

When seeking a promotion, dress as you would for the job you want to do. This way, management can more quickly introduce you to this position.

The details of one suit must also satisfy such a requirement as compatibility, that is, match each other in the following parameters:

colors (the details of the costume should not sharply contrast with each other, it is unacceptable to combine “incompatible” colors, such as bright red and bright green, unless the situation or uniform requires it), it is best to follow the “three colors” rule ;

texture of the material (suit items should not be made of fabric of clearly different textures and densities, for example, heavy wool and silk);

seasonality (light summer trousers and skirts next to heavy winter jackets will look out of place).

The most important color is the one closest to the face. Shirts, blouses, ties, and scarves should be in shades that match not only the color of the suit, but also your face and decorate it.

For a business person, accessories often have a functional meaning: the briefcase contains Required documents, a watch helps you manage your time correctly. People pay attention to these accessories because they are used constantly.

Too many accessories make a person's appearance appear fussy and can be distracting. The impression should be made by the results of the work, and not by what you have in your hands. Make sure that all the little things are functional. At the same time, we should not forget that sometimes it is the details that “logically complete” your image. Details should contribute to, and not hinder, the overall perception of you as a qualified specialist and pleasant conversationalist.

Typically, clothing depends on your lifestyle and place of work. In industries such as finance, law, politics, accounting, consulting, wearing formal clothing is almost mandatory. In other industries, such as media or advertising, much more freedom is allowed.

However, it should be noted that the main rule that one should strive to follow when choosing a business suit in all its components is the general impression of neatness and neatness. This should make your partner think that you will be just as careful in business.

And we should not forget that “clothes” are only seen off, therefore “clothing” when meeting and communicating is largely a determining factor.