Do-it-yourself dollhouse made of plywood, box, cardboard, wood: diagram, drawings with dimensions. How to make a dollhouse for Barbie, Monster High? Do-it-yourself dollhouse Diagram of a plywood dollhouse

There probably isn't a little girl in the world who doesn't dream of a doll's house. You can buy a variety of toy cottages in stores that look like real ones. It's worth trying to make a house with my own hands. The mini-house is designed for small dolls and other toys that a child plays with. It can be made from beautiful box with compartments, plywood, fabric. The house will also serve as a small closet for toys.

Making the design will not take much time or effort, and will require a minimum amount of materials; the child will definitely be delighted! A simple way to please your little one is to make a dollhouse with your own hands from cardboard, boxes, or plywood. We will tell you how to do this below.

Hanging house from a box for Lalalupsy and other small dolls

What you will need:

  • square box;
  • colored tape, adhesive tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper for scrapbooking.

How to make a house - step by step

DIY cardboard floor house

Before you start work, choose the appropriate house plans, you should figure out what material is best to use, how you need to cut holes, glue rooms together so that the structure is strong and stable.

How to choose cardboard, boxes?

Important material– boxes, or rather the cardboard from which the boxes are made. Difference various types cardboard is shown in the photo below:

The cardboard structures shown in the left photo are strong, stable, and do not deform under the weight of subsequent floors. The cardboard floor shown in the right photo may sag under the weight of the next floor, and the work will have to start again.

How to cut out rooms correctly?

Cutting out rooms is not easy. After looking at many photos of houses, you can see that some of the openings have a frame. This is the most convenient option holes. Removing the entire side is a mistake! Such a room will tremble, fall apart, and look unsightly. The frame (albeit without the bottom part) needs to be cut out and in cardboard boxes, which need to be combined, increasing the interior of the rooms. To understand what we are talking about, it is worth looking at the visual aids in the form of pictures below.

Here's how to create a room from one box: you need to mark the future access hole, leave 5 centimeters for the frame, and cut the hole.

Step-by-step drawings of a house consisting of two boxes

Connecting rooms - stitching walls

To Dollhouse ik has not fallen apart, you need to ensure a strong connection between the rooms. Reliable way connecting rooms from cardboard boxes– stitching.


  • gypsy needle,
  • thick thread,
  • pliers.

The cardboard is sewn together using simple large stitches.

Regardless of whether boxes are combined with an open connector or with a door opening, we always follow the rule: sew along the edge!

It is necessary to “immobilize” the boxes in work areas, where they can move or move apart under the influence of the applied glue, which will make it difficult to work and easily spoil the final result. Below are 3 examples of stitching rooms.

In the drawing, 2 boxes without holes are connected. You need to “grab” the middle in several places so that the cardboard does not move after gluing.
The second drawing shows an example of stitching boxes with a hole.

Note. In this and the following drawings, for better visibility of the seams, some of the walls of the rooms are “hidden”.

The third drawing shows an example of stitching boxes with a hole for a door.

Connecting ceilings to floors

  1. The ceiling and floor need to be sewn close to the edge - this is the same rule for walls and ceilings.
  2. There is a second rule: you need to immobilize the “dangling” elements - the parts indicated in the figure below:

Now let's start sewing. The outer edges are sewn first, then the inner ones.

At the end, we fasten the dangling elements and sew along the line of their contact.

Attention. Dangling elements located on the floor of the upper floor and on the ceiling of the lower floor, if they do not overlap, we hem each one. The diagrams below represent such a situation I:

What to do if the dangling elements do not touch each other, and you get a hole?

  • If the situation occurs on the ceiling, it’s okay.
  • If there is a hole in the floor, it needs to be closed.

There are 3 ways to close the hole.

  1. The first is to choose a different box.
  2. The second is to rotate the cardboard box 180 degrees vertically (the hole will move to the ceiling).
  3. The third is to fill the hole, you need to insert a piece of cardboard of the appropriate size (the same thickness as the whole cardboard), then sew it on as shown in the diagram below.

Shapes and sizes

Above is the basic knowledge about sewing dollhouse from cardboard boxes. Which option to choose depends on the builder. By choosing boxes, you can manipulate the size, distribution of rooms, create a tiny one-story house or a huge multi-level villa. Below are several diagrams depicting adding further floors to the dollhouse. Boxes may have different heights, width, depth, giving the house a special shape.

Photos of cardboard house design

Plywood dollhouse, photo

A plywood house is a real challenge. Plywood is more difficult to work with than cardboard. It is worth preparing for work in advance. What is important is the plan, the design of the house, drawn on a sheet with dimensions. Below are instructions on how to build a dollhouse out of plywood step by step.


It is advisable to draw the project on a sheet of paper in a checkered pattern. The scale may look like this: 2 cells on a sheet = 10 centimeters. It's so easy to calculate the actual dimensions of the house. The house can be made small or a larger structure - with 2-3 floors.

  • Small house in the diagram it has dimensions: width – 60, height – 57 centimeters.
  • Big house, presented in the picture, is 120 centimeters high and 80 centimeters wide. Depth – 22 centimeters.

Calculation of the amount of materials, necessary tools

Below is the calculation for production big house.

Necessary materials:

  • plywood hardwood 4 mm thick, dimensions 90/22 centimeters (side walls) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 80 × 22 centimeters (bottom and top part structures) – 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 79.2 × 22 centimeters (floors) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 50 × 22 centimeters (roof) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 30 × 22 centimeters ( interior walls) - 2 pieces;
  • plywood 4 mm, dimensions 60 × 20 centimeters (facade wall with chimney);
  • laminated fiberboard 3 mm 120 × 80 centimeters (back wall);
  • acrylic paint for wood.

Tools and accessories:

  • wood glue;
  • hammer, nails;
  • jigsaw;
  • sponge roller;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Painting plywood. Plywood elements need to be coated with acrylic paint. Ready product painting is much more difficult. Hypoallergenic paints are now available that dry in 20-30 minutes. The paints are non-toxic, odorless, and can be used indoors.
  2. Construction of a rectangular frame. When the paint is dry, you can begin building the rectangular cottage. You will need: 4 mm plywood, dimensions 90 × 22 cm (side walls) - 2 pieces; plywood 4 mm, dimensions 80 × 22 cm (lower and upper parts of the structure) - 2 pieces. You need to apply glue to the tangent edges of the individual plywood elements, aligning them with each other at right angles, and fasten the joint with small nails. 4mm plywood is very fragile, so precise nailing is important. Attention, the use of glue is necessary! Without its binding properties, the nails will fall out of the plywood, and the work will be done in vain.
  3. Building individual floors. The next step is to attach the shelves, which will serve as the floor for the individual floors. The shelves consist of 2 sheets of plywood measuring 79.2 x 22 cm each. In the project, each floor has a height of 30 cm. On a rectangular structure, measure 30 cm from the base, then another 60 centimeters from the base. Draw horizontal line, marking the place where the first shelf is attached, draw it with glue, attach the shelf to the line. Do similar work 60 cm from the base. Then nail the 2 shelves to the side walls.
  4. Rear wall cutout. It's time to make a back wall from laminated fiberboard measuring 120 × 80 cm. long sides measure the slabs 30 cm from the top edge. Mark the center of the top edge - this is the future roof. Draw 2 lines from the top of the roof to the places marked at a height of 30 centimeters from above, you will get the outline of a triangle. Using a jigsaw, cut out the shape of a house along the drawn lines.
  5. Rear wall mounting. We cover the edges of the fiberboard with glue, attach it to the house, and secure it with nails.
  6. Roof. For the roof we used 2 pieces of plywood 50 × 22 centimeters each. Coat the triangular edges of the fiberboard and one shorter edge of the plywood with glue. Glue the roof to the edge of the house by joining both sheets of plywood at right angles. Strengthen the structure with nails.
  7. Chimney. From plywood measuring 60 × 20 cm, we cut out the shape of a chimney with a fragment of the facade. Don't forget to cut out the bathroom door. The first element needs to be glued, then nailed to the edge of the top shelf and roof.
  8. Dividing walls. Final stage construction - insertion of dividing partitions to form separate rooms. Use 2 plywood 30 × 22 centimeters. You need to place the plywood in the space of your choice between the floors. You can move them freely, changing the size and location of the rooms.

Below are several unique hand-made plywood dollhouses.

Wooden house - master class

The products presented below will require experience and skill. A father can make a wooden house, who will spare no time and effort to please the baby.

DIY house bag – photo

Mom can make the next house. Original idea- bag house. Sewing it is not difficult. The girl will be able to take the bag to kindergarten and play with her friends for a walk.


Every girl can spend hours playing with her favorite dolls and toys. Previously, you could often find a father in the garage, carefully building a dollhouse for his beloved daughter.

After all, such a gift was the ultimate dream of any little princess. It is worth noting that in those days it was much more difficult. There was not such an abundance of cheap and available materials, from which one could easily build a palace for dolls.

Today we will present you 12 dollhouse projects for your little angel.

DIY projects of houses built from scratch

Ana White's first DIY project is a kid's dream. It includes three floors with seven rooms, including a bathroom and a toilet.

The entire structure is made from natural and environmentally friendly pure materials, so nothing will harm the child’s health during the game.

There are also special rollers that will make moving the structure around the room much easier. The height of the house is designed for a standard Barbie, so there will be no problems with choosing a suitable doll, and your girl will be satisfied!

Another idea from Ana White. Unlike the previous one, it is designed for smaller dolls. But this house is more detailed interior decoration and furniture. The idea of ​​using family and children's photographs as decorations is especially well applied here.

Here we see a slight modification of the first project. Caring father I decided to please my daughter with a gorgeous Christmas present! If you make a house yourself, the number of floors and rooms is limited only by your imagination and capabilities. A huge advantage its creation will take into account the wishes and preferences of the child.

This amazing project from Young House Love pleases with its simplicity and magnificent design. Due to the open front panel, the house is very convenient to use. In order to secure it and protect it from falling, it can be easily attached to the wall.

The interior decoration of the rooms looks especially beautiful. A variety of colored paper and highly detailed furniture are used to create the design.

The next DIY project is similar in design to the previous one. However, the designers from Under the Sycamore decided to use vintage fabrics with colorful patterns as wallpaper.

Such a house can be an excellent gift for a daughter, granddaughter, younger sister or niece, and adding a few sentimental accents will make it even more meaningful and dear to the heart.

Give your furniture a second life by turning it into a Beautiful Dollhouse

Naturally, not everyone has sufficient quantity time and skills to create a complex DIY project from scratch. However, do not despair, you can find a way out of any situation!

To create a house you can easily use old and unnecessary furniture, because having a ready-made frame, it is much easier to design and decorate it than to start everything from the very beginning.

Here we see an amazing bookshelf transformation idea from Simple as That. Everything looks very nice and neat. Several shelves can be turned into miniature furniture and used for games, while others are useful for storing things and toys.

Do you want to please your daughter with a long-awaited toy without resorting to serious expenses? Then feel free to start designing a tower of CDs. All you need is to build a roof, cut out some windows and add a couple of decorative elements.

Then cover the structure with several layers of paint. Here is a wonderful Delightful dollhouse and it’s ready!

Another design option for such a tower. This time using natural wood. This house is perfect for playing in the garden or yard. You can also please your daughter with dolls and furniture self made, unless of course you have certain carpentry skills.

The next idea was kindly presented by the designers from Neon Fresh. To do this, it was necessary to fasten two bedside tables, and use sheets of plywood to create partitions for the floors and interior walls.

Finally, the interior and exterior of the future house are decorated and the rooms are filled with furniture. All! Awesome DIY project is ready!

Thinking outside the box

Do you want to surprise your child with something unusual? Try this idea from Hart and Sew. It is a portable house in a suitcase. This idea allows you to make an interesting and comfortable house for dolls, into which you can put all the toys away after finishing the game.

In addition, it is very convenient to move around the room. Such a functional house does not take up much space; you can even store it under the bed.

The next project is just for those who have absolutely no space for massive structures. You'll need some sewing skills to recreate this idea from Checkout Girls. The whole point is that the furniture is held on by Velcro and can be easily moved from room to room. The panel is hung on the wall, which organizes space for games and creativity.

A grand solution for a dollhouse

This is a truly grandiose and magnificent project that has no analogues. It took Mad’s Mouse House designers 11 months to create the house. This is not just a toy, but a real work of art, one might say, a museum piece!

It hits everything: general design, created from old logs, and a huge number of floors and rooms. Look at the interiors and furniture! Everything looks so natural, as if reduced copies exactly replicate the originals.

Such a masterpiece will be the best gift for your daughter, and will become one of the most significant events in her life.

We hope you have received enough ideas for creativity, met the inspiration that has come and are already rushing to the garage or workshop to please your girl with an amazing gift for the next holiday.

Remember the main thing: a little patience, and you will succeed! Approach the process creatively and with love. Then this house will give your child a lot of impressions and memories for a lifetime.

Boards glued together from several layers of veneer are used not only in furniture production, but also in construction. At the same time, you can even make a doll house out of plywood with your own hands, delighting not only your little daughter, but also her mother. After all, working with plywood is just as easy, even if your hand has not yet gotten used to woodworking tools.

Plywood house for children

Ready-made houses for dolls either cost exorbitant amounts of money, or are too low-quality and unreliable for active children's games. But with the help of imagination and a minimal set of tools for working with wood, you can create a fairytale castle, spending a minimum of money on it.

Preparing to create a do-it-yourself plywood house

The first thing you need to decide is the size of the house. The ceilings in the rooms should be high enough so that the girl’s favorite doll fits in full height and there was still some space left. After all, otherwise the game will not be so interesting if the toys have to be literally squeezed into place. It is also worthwhile to provide space for toy furniture in advance - a crib, a table with chairs or kitchen set should also fit comfortably.

By measuring children's toys and the children's room, you can roughly imagine the size of the future house. If a girl plays with small figures up to 20 cm high, the house can even be made three-story, but for Barbie dolls it is better not to build buildings higher than two floors. Otherwise, the baby simply won’t reach the top! If the size of the nursery allows it, it is better to make a low but wide house with a large number of rooms - and it will be interesting to play, and there is no fear that the child will climb to the top.

When general dimensions approximately clear, you should draw a drawing. For such a simple structure, a hand drawing on a checkered piece of paper will suffice.

But you should not neglect the drawings - after all, after cutting the sheet of plywood, it will no longer be possible to correct anything if there is a very large difference in the sizes of the parts.

For creating fairy house you will need:

  • plywood sheets - 9 or 12 mm thick;
  • jigsaw and drill with wood drill bit;
  • pencil and triangle ruler;
  • small nails and a hammer;
  • plastic corners for shelves (optional, they increase the reliability of the structure);
  • wood glue;
  • decorative paint;
  • paint brushes;
  • autonomous LED lamps.

After the drawing has been drawn and all the materials have been purchased, you can start cutting the plywood:

  1. The dimensions of the parts are transferred with a pencil onto the plywood. The correctness of the angles is checked with a triangle ruler - all right angles must be exactly 90 degrees, otherwise the house cannot be assembled.
  2. The parts of the house are cut out with a jigsaw. To work with plywood, use a knife with a fine tooth to avoid chipping. The work is very painstaking - you need to cut exactly along the lines so that the parts fit together exactly.
  3. After cutting, the ends of the products are well sanded - after all, no one wants the little princess to get a splinter in her finger. When choosing plywood, you should also pay attention to whether both sides are sanded. Otherwise, you will have to sand it yourself, which will complicate the process of building a house.
  4. Openings for windows and doors are cut in the walls. To do this, holes are drilled in the corners with a drill, sufficient for the passage of a jigsaw knife. And straight cuts are made with a jigsaw. You can make them as rectangular openings, which will then be closed with shutters on hinges, or you can make permanent windows by carefully cutting out four squares.

When the parts are ready, you can proceed directly to assembling the doll house.

Assembling a doll house

The process itself is quite simple, although it requires compliance with some rules:

  1. Since plywood is a multi-layer material, it is not recommended to screw self-tapping screws into the ends of the parts, because they can burst apart. Therefore, all parts are assembled using wood glue. To secure the assembly more reliably, you can use thin nails or furniture nails. plastic corners. The latter will spoil the overall impression of the house, so they will need to be decorated to match the interior elements.
  2. When the assembly is completed, you should once again check the edges and surface for skidding and go over with sandpaper again.
  3. When painting a house, you should choose the most environmentally friendly paints. For example, acrylic enamels for children's institutions. And to diversify color scheme, tinting pastes are perfect - you can use them to create both bright and pastel shades.
  4. The more fun the house is decorated, the more children like it. But at the same time, it is worth choosing its color scheme so that it matches the interior of the room. Then all family members will be happy!

To add realism to the house, it is advisable to electrify it. And then it will be possible to turn on the lights in individual rooms, adding variety to the games, and even use the dollhouse as a night light. If you don’t have the skills to work with wiring, autonomous battery-powered LED lights will come to the rescue. Fortunately, there is now a huge selection of them both in colors and sizes.

And they are attached with double-sided tape.

And so that there is always order in the nursery, outside the house can be closed with doors imitating façade wall with windows. And then the closed house turns into an element of decor, and there is no need to frantically clean everything if guests suddenly arrive.

The video shows the entire process of building a doll house - from purchasing materials to final painting.

Plywood house for adults

Construction plywood can also be used as sheathing frame house. Lightweight and durable material eliminates the need to pour an expensive buried foundation. In this case, you can get by with simple wall cladding plywood sheets, using a similar finish in an original way.

Foundation and frame of a light house

For a small one-story frame house it is quite enough columnar foundation. If the soil is not heaving, the depth of the foundation can be 30-50 cm; on heaving soil, the pillars are dug 15-20 cm below the freezing level (approximately 150-200 cm).

The height of the grillage (post wrapping) above ground level depends on the personal preferences of the owners. So, you can pour a concrete grillage directly on the ground (for a flat area) or raise it up to 1 m above the ground (for frequently flooded areas).

The distance between the pillars depends on the load on the foundation. But general rules are the same for any home:

  • the minimum economically justified distance is 1 m;
  • maximum safe distance – 2 m;
  • in places of high load (where it is planned to install a boiler or a large bathroom), additional supports must be provided;
  • poles must be installed at intersections load-bearing walls, regardless of the distance to the neighboring pole.

It is important not to forget to lay down two layers waterproofing material to stop the capillary rise of moisture from the foundation pillars to the framing tree.

Construction of the frame begins with corner posts, which are fixed with jibs. After this, intermediate posts are installed and the entire frame is tied together with the beams of the upper frame.

After this you can add crossbars window and doorways, as well as short additional racks.

Plywood sheathing of walls and subfloor

Sheathing walls and floors with plywood is extremely simple. To do this, you will need a pneumatic nail gun or a screwdriver for self-tapping screws and a jigsaw or hand saw with small teeth. Armed with the sheets, you can begin:

The process for installing a plywood subfloor is exactly the same. After waterproofing and insulation have been laid between the floor joists, plywood sheets can be laid.

The special charm of plywood is its woody texture. Therefore, if you wish, you can seal the joints between the sheets with wood putty, cover the entire floor with varnish and not bother with laying laminate flooring.

Solid plywood sheathing

Continuous sheathing is required for soft tiles, as well as for roofs with a slight slope and any type of roof. Its device is also not complicated:

Sheathing the frame of a house with plywood is so difficult! So it’s worth trying your hand at working with wood, and you can start practicing from a house on the playground.

Every girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge number of them on store shelves. But such pleasure is not cheap, and the assortment is the same.

We offer to please your child with a handmade gift. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to make the house one of a kind.

In addition, this will be a wonderful pastime for the whole family during leisure time.

There are many special training programs for making doll houses with your own hands. You can use a wide variety of building materials: boards, plywood, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on dollhouses is not made, or it is made removable or opening so that your child can put dolls there, change the decor in the rooms, and tidy up.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a dollhouse with your own hands!

Dollhouses made of plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. Distinctive feature from “brothers” - stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But making such a house requires male strength.

If you try, such a house will be indistinguishable from the store version.

Diagrams and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if you have technical inclinations, you can try to draw it yourself. There are also photos of finished dollhouses on the Internet.

To make a house we will need:

  • thicker plywood (from 7 mm);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive floor;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little imagination and patience.

Let’s get to work, having first decided on the dimensions of the dollhouse (they will depend on the dimensions of the “tenants”):

  • we cut out the walls of the future house from plywood or laminate;
  • we cut out windows and doors in them;
  • we glue the walls together; it is also fashionable to use construction nails or staples;
  • we make a roof, it can be either flat or sloping. To give real look you can use corrugated cardboard and then paint it;
  • We fasten the resulting structure to the foundation - a sheet larger than the house itself. On an unused area you can make flower beds, sidewalks, a platform, and a parking lot;
  • we glue wallpaper and lay floors;
  • furnish the house with furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made from pieces of fabric, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

Dollhouses made of plasterboard

Many household parents, after renovations, leave the remaining building materials to gather dust on the balcony in the hope that they will come in handy someday. Their time has come! Drywall can make an excellent dollhouse.

The good thing about a house made from this material is that it is very light and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will need to be handled more carefully - it will be quite fragile.

The layout of such a house is no different from a product made of plywood or laminate. But assembling such a house is much easier, and there are many more layout options - with the help of partitions you can divide the rooms between each other.

Foam houses

To assemble such a house we will need:


  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • canape sticks;
  • rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • dye;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pieces of plinth for the ceiling

Let's get started:

  • make a diagram;
  • cut out walls from foam plastic;
  • we make doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls using toothpicks, then glue the walls together;
  • for the strength of the roof, we first install it on top of the walls bamboo sticks, and only then glue the roof to the walls;
  • we make a ladder from wooden rulers or the same polystyrene foam;
  • You can also use toothpicks for railings;
  • in addition, if desired, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace from polystyrene foam;
  • painting the house;
  • We decorate the house inside as in the previous description.

Houses made from bookshelves and cabinets

House from old furniture it won’t be difficult to do - after all, the walls are already ready.

All that remains is to cut windows and doors in them, and think about what to make the roof out of, if necessary.

It can also be made from the materials described above. We arrange the furniture, let the cat in - happy housewarming!

Cardboard houses

For this design we will need:


  • cardboard;
  • house detail templates;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

We are building a house:

  • if you have big piece cardboard, then we do not cut it, but bend it in places according to the diagram, and then glue its component parts together.
  • install interior partitions made of cardboard, they will serve not only to delimit space, but also to fasten the frame structure.
  • Let's get started with renovations and furnishings!

House made of boxes

The simplest and fastest option. All you have to do is pick required quantity boxes (depending on the number of rooms), we fasten them together using a stapler, having previously placed them on their sides so that the top of the box serves as an exit.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right time to rearrange, tidy up, etc.

We cut out windows and doors. Let's start designing the frame.


House made from paper folders

It requires four folders. We cover them from the inside with wallpaper or printed sheets with decorative items and household appliances in a plane.

We cut out windows in the folders, install the folders vertically, and fasten them with the help of clips that are included with each folder. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it takes up virtually no space and can even be folded up.

Using a thick piece of fabric we make back wall– it will serve as the foundation. We sew a rectangular base for the house. We make pockets to which the cardboard for the floors will then be attached. We attach ribbons to both corners of the pockets.

All that remains is to sew the pockets with a rectangular base on one edge so that the ribbons end up with reverse side. Floors using tapes and sewing the tapes to the back wall. Let's decorate the house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing is to show your imagination! A wonderful gift it will also be suitable for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking lot, etc.

Photo of a dollhouse with your own hands

Just like boys dream of a tree house, girls also dream of a dollhouse for their favorite toys. Of course you can buy it, but nice house It costs quite an indecent amount of money, but you can’t buy a bad one for a child. It's another thing to do it yourself, but be prepared for it to take a lot of time. Especially if you don't have much experience. On average, it will take at least a week to make a doll house with your own hands.

Choosing material

You can make a doll house with your own hands from any sheet building material. The thickness of the material for a house about a meter high (on two floors) is 9-15 mm, for one-story houses it can be thinner. Let's look at the most common materials used in the construction of a dollhouse:

  • . Great choice, since it is durable, holds its shape well, can be glued and connected using nails and self-tapping screws. Cut plywood with a metal saw (with a fine tooth) or a jigsaw (manual or electric). The ends will need to be sanded well so that there is no possibility of driving in a splinter. Upon completion of the work, you can varnish or stain, paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • Drywall. After the repair, there are scraps left that can be used. To fasten the sheets together you will need tin corners (you can - perforated corner). You will have to attach it with special screws, but they will stick out from the back, so this is not the best option. You can try to “plant” it with glue, but you will have to align the cut lines to reduce glue consumption.

    A plasterboard dollhouse is one of the possible options

  • . The properties of the material are similar to plywood, the only difference being that it is moisture resistant and made from wood chips. Working with it is approximately the same as with plywood.

    OSB is also a good material

  • Cardboard. The most inexpensive and most delicate material that does not hold loads very well. The situation is better with cardboard for scrapbooking (you can buy it in craft stores). It is denser and more durable; it can be made into one-story houses or used for roofing. Connect using glue or staples from a stapler. To make the dollhouse more reliable, it is better to assemble a frame from planks and then cover it with cardboard.

  • Chipboard: regular or laminated (). The advantage of this material is that it can already be finishing. If you wish, you can order sawing of the entire “box” of the house with gluing of the edges from some furniture company. Then all that remains is to assemble. Moreover, it will be possible to use self-tapping screws or furniture fittings. There are three disadvantages - the material is too thick, which increases weight, formaldehyde emissions and fragility under lateral loads. If you can put up with the thickness and weight, then the release of formaldehyde should not be ignored. You need to look for ones with emission class E0-E1. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about fragility. Unless you use corners to connect parts, and this is not very beautiful.

  • Furniture panels. They are made from wooden planks glued together using wood glue. Perfect option for making a dollhouse: environmentally friendly, durable, easy to process. But furniture panels You can’t call them cheap, although they are not as expensive as an array. In any case, it can be used to make a box - the bottom, side walls and ceiling. The roof and back wall can be made from other materials (for example, fiberboard, plastic, etc.).

    Furniture board is an environmentally friendly and beautiful material

There are also options such as laminate, wooden lining, thin planed board. But they don't work with them that often. Anyway minimum thickness materials - 6-7 mm. Then the dollhouse will be reliable and will even support your child.

Features of working with plywood

Most often, plywood is used to make a dollhouse. As you probably know, she may be different brands. It is better to make a dollhouse with your own hands from sanded furniture plywood. Can I have them? coniferous species, but preferably from birch. It’s better not to take a construction one, even though it costs twice as much.

In general, working with plywood is not difficult. If you have a jigsaw and a jigsaw, cutting and preparing the parts will take a couple of hours. The only difficulty that may arise when making a two-story plywood doll house is the installation of the second floor ceiling. T-fastening plywood is not the easiest task.

The glue is not very reliable, and trying to install screw-type fasteners into the end with a thickness of 6 mm is difficult - the material can split, even with pre-drilled holes (the thinnest self-tapping screw is 1.8 mm). There are several options:

  • do it on nails (not very reliable, unless you coat it with additional glue);
  • install corners at the bottom (not very nice);
  • install a bead around the perimeter that will both support the floor and “work” ceiling plinth(the best option).

After cutting out the parts, all joints must be sanded well. First, use medium-grain wood sandpaper and gradually move on to fine sandpaper. Once the edge is smooth, you can begin assembly.

Dollhouse project

The first thing to start building a dollhouse is creating a project. You need to decide on the height and number of floors, the width of the room, the type of roof, and whether or not there will be a basement floor. Choose the number of floors as desired. This is arbitrary, but all other parameters must be calculated.

The size of the dollhouse depends on the size of the doll inhabitants. To make playing comfortable, the height of the ceilings in the rooms must be at least twice the height of the doll. For example, with a doll height of 22 cm, ceilings of 40-45 cm will provide enough space for them to move freely, but if the ceilings are even higher, it will be even more convenient to play. But you also need to take into account the child’s growth. The height of the topmost ceiling should be slightly below eye level. In this case, it will be convenient to play, and the dollhouse will be “growth-able” - its height will be enough for a couple of years.

The depth of doll rooms also depends on the height of the dolls, but also on the availability of free space. On average, the depth is 30-45 cm. This is enough to accommodate the entire furnishings. But it could be deeper.

The width of the dollhouse depends on the number of rooms in it. Here you decide depending on the available free space. In shape, the frame of a doll's house usually looks like a rectangle, but whether it is extended in length or in height - this is determined by each person. If the structure turns out to be rather large, you can attach furniture wheels to the bottom. This is very convenient - the toy turns out to be mobile.

You can draw the project itself in any design program, but if you don’t own them, it’s easier to do it on paper. Why do you need a dollhouse project? To calculate the amount of materials required for its manufacture, and without the dimensions and number of walls, you will definitely be mistaken.

Finishing features

Decorating a doll house with your own hands is not fewer questions than construction. In principle, you can use the same finishing methods as in apartments or houses. For example, in doll rooms, walls can be decorated in the following ways:

If you have chosen the option to “hang wallpaper”, it is easier to do this before the assembly stage. Even if there are several floors, the blanks are drawn out and wallpaper is glued. This is much easier than trying to cover the corners later.

The exterior decoration is not much different. Painting is most often used. This best option in terms of practicality and labor costs. If you want you can do something similar to decorative plaster. It can be imitated using gray toilet paper. You just need to choose thicker. It is torn into pieces, glued with PVA diluted with water (1 to 1), laid out on the walls, forming the desired relief. After drying, you can paint using acrylic paints. This and it can be used with colored or regular napkins.

Window and door decoration

Cutting windows in plywood, OSB, or any other material is not such a problem. First, using a drill and a drill bit, make a hole into which you can pass the saw blade. Next is a matter of technology. The cut hole is polished until it is smooth, and then it is necessary to make the holes look like windows. For this you need frames and curtains. If desired, you can also make glass from transparent plastic bottles.

Frames with bindings can be made from cardboard white. Paste them after completion " finishing works" Children love to open/close doors, so it’s better to make them from thin plywood. Fasteners can be found - there are piano hinges or small furniture hinges. You can make deadbolts from wire and thin tubes.

Let there be light!

A house for dolls with lighting is aerobatics. Moreover, there is no need to fence the system with wires, converters, light bulbs and other electrical “stuffing”. There is a very simple and effective solution. Any more or less large lighting equipment store has small LED bulbs, battery operated. Moreover, they are mounted with Velcro. Each lamp is equipped with its own switch and operates on a voltage of several volts. In general, a very good solution.

These are non-volatile LED lamps

If you still want to make real light in a dollhouse, you need a 220/12 V converter or a battery with the appropriate voltage. You will also need light bulbs or LED Strip Light under the appropriate rating, a bunch of wires. In general, this path is much more difficult and requires much more time, but it is also a possible option.

How to make a roof

If the roof is planned to be ordinary - gable, the layout of the attic space or attic floor it is necessary to make sure that there is a partition in the center that will support the roof at the junction of the two halves of the roof. This is the easiest way. There are also more complex ones.

If you need a roof complex shape, we cut out several rafters from plywood that will define the shape. We attach them to the walls, cover them with some flexible material. It can be cardboard, fiberboard. The ends of the rafters are coated with glue (preferably carpentry glue), after which the material is laid. If the bend is too steep, additional fasteners may be needed. Usually thin small nails, like shoe nails, are used.

Photo options of different doll houses

Building a doll house is a creative process. You can make it the way you dream of your home, or recreate a house from a fairy tale or fantasy. And there are no restrictions here. Everything you want and how you want.

A one-story house is not so bad either. But you can put it on the table and play while sitting

So different…

This is how to make shutters