What methods can be used to eliminate the stench from new furniture? How to get rid of the unpleasant smell coming from a sofa, the best ways How to get rid of the smell of new furniture

Main feature The comfortable life of any person is furniture. The purchase of this important attribute in houses and apartments evokes a lot of positive emotions among housewives. Updating cabinets, sofas and beds not only decorates the interior of a living space, but also adds coziness and warmth to it. But unfortunately, spoil positive emotions There may be an unexpected situation in the form of an unpleasant odor emitted by the furniture. In this case, you should not be upset. There are many effective methods combat this problem. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to get rid of the smell of new furniture.

Initially, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to solving this issue. It is worth determining the cause specific aroma. The following sources of its occurrence are identified:

  • The smell of the material from which the furniture is made. It is made from wooden materials, which are covered with a layer of varnish or paint. This creates an industrial aroma. It tends to erode quickly, you can simply not wait for this and solve the problem today. Less toxic is furniture made from natural materials. Its main part is made of natural wood and textiles.
  • Excessive room humidity. When you purchase new furniture and place it in an apartment where the humidity level is more than 60%, the furniture begins to smell rotten. If dampness in the house is not removed in time, cabinets and sofas become filled with mold, which is dangerous to the life and health of household members.
  • Chemical treatment of furniture. A manufacturer of cabinets, sofas and chairs treats materials with chemicals. This is done to prevent insects from infesting the furniture. This way our furniture is protected from negative impact environment. This scent is the most difficult to remove.

Only by completely removing traces of the specific smell of new furniture can you fully enjoy your new furniture.

Consequences of breathing polluted air

The specific aromas of new furniture bring us a number of inconveniences and great harm to our body. Sofa manufacturers treat materials with chemicals that contain poison. Over time, these substances begin to evaporate and fill the air throughout the house. A person begins to breathe this muck. Owner modern furniture and his family members get sick often. Such smells cause headaches and nausea. In advanced cases, oncology may develop. For these reasons, action must be taken immediately. There are cases when apartment residents like a specific smell, but it negatively affects their health.

Household methods for eliminating odor

IN modern world there are many ways to deal with pleasant smell furniture. The main ones are:

Ventilation of living space. Before you start fighting the aroma, try to simply ventilate it. Open all windows. Open all the cabinets and unfold the sofa. After some time, the smell will definitely disappear forever. Carry out ventilation procedures several times a day. The more often ventilation is carried out, the faster it will leave you. bad smell. Be prepared for the fact that this method of getting rid of the problem may take two to three weeks.

Usage technical device . If you prefer to use quick ways action, an ozonizer device would be suitable. He will help a lot. This device generates ozone from oxygen in the house. It will also help you refresh the air in the room and rid it of harmful components. It is worth noting that ozone in large quantities has a detrimental effect on the health of residents, for example, it can cause migraines. Therefore, it can only be useful in moderation. The cost of this device is usually high, as is its efficiency. Not every consumer can afford it. It can be replaced with a liquid that is applied to the surface of the furniture, covering it protective film. This film prevents the evaporation of chemical aromas.

Available means

There are many folk ways solutions to this problem. They consist in using the simplest means at hand. Usually every housewife has one of these. Namely:

  • Baking soda. It will effectively help remove the irritant. Most often, the smell comes from the varnish that covers the furniture. Therefore, place plates of soda throughout the room where the furniture is located. It quickly absorbs the smell.
  • Bagged tea. Tea bags must be hung on room doors.
  • Activated carbon. An excellent sorbent for neutralizing various odors. Grind a few charcoal tablets and place them in a saucer. Place in the corners of the room.
  • Ammonia. Wipe the surface of the furniture with the solution ammonia and water. Three drops of this product will be enough.
  • Natural coffe. Is an excellent air freshener. It is enough to pour a few grains into a plastic cup or another small container and place it indoors. For prevention, you can put it in bags in closets and chests of drawers.
  • Vinegar solution. Its pungent odor can neutralize other odors. It produces disinfection. Prepare the cleanser. Half a glass of water and half a glass of vinegar. Wipe the cabinets with this solution using a napkin.
  • Essential oils. After the airing procedure, you can put bottles of essential oils in sofas and chests of drawers. With their pleasant smell they neutralize the remaining aroma of new furniture.
  • Salt, sugar or cloves. Place in small bags on closet shelves.
  • Heater. Sometimes, there are situations when a person purchases new furniture with an already musty smell. This happens when the furniture was stored in a damp room before purchase. In this case, be sure to dry the furniture thoroughly. Because you can’t dry furniture in the open sun. A simple heater or fireplace will come to the rescue. Turn it on for three hours in the room where the furniture is located. There will be no trace left of the dampness of the furniture.
  • Lemon or lemon acid. Squeeze lemon juice and dilute with running water. Wipe the surface of the sofa. You can replace it with a solution of citric acid in water. This is very effective method, which quickly removes unpleasant odors and leaves behind freshness.

I would like to emphasize that the means at hand are effective and budget options eliminating the problem. They are easily accessible and every housewife has them in her home. If these products do not help eliminate the smell, then you will have to replace it. For example, in a sofa, it might be worth changing the upholstery. It's cheaper than buying new furniture.

Purchased funds

You can find it in any household chemical store big choice special means to neutralize unpleasant air. The price on the market for such products is not very high. When using purchased products, be sure to read the instructions. Some of them may be intended only for chipboard furniture. Getting them on soft tissue can lead to irreversible consequences. Some purchased products already contain air fresheners. After their use, no additional refreshment is required.

There are quite a few ways to remove specific odors. They all differ in their effectiveness and the amount of time spent. In order to choose the right method, you must be guided by the following circumstances:

  • Availability at hand simple means. If you have chosen this method of struggle, then if you don’t have soda at home, you can, for example, replace it with vinegar, salt or ammonia.
  • Depending on the cause of the odor. If the source of a specific odor is the furniture upholstery, due to its treatment with chemicals, then methods for materials with chipboard will not be suitable. The main thing is to choose the right way to solve the issue. Otherwise, due to your inexperience, you can only aggravate the problem.
  • Depending on your budget. If you need to choose a cheaper option, then choose the means at hand. The most expensive way is to buy an ozonizer. In just a few hours you will forget about the problem of unpleasant odor.

To prevent the appearance of a specific smell of new furniture, you need to follow just a few simple rules:

  1. Buy new cabinets and sofas from trusted manufacturers and sellers. Furniture should be made only from natural materials. Sellers of new furniture should store upholstered furniture in dry areas to prevent moisture from penetrating into the furniture.
  2. Furniture delivery should only be carried out by specialists. If the surface is damaged during transportation of a sofa or cabinet, this may lead to the appearance of a specific odor.
  3. After arranging new furniture, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  4. Wipe new furniture with a damp cloth.
  5. To prevent odor, place bags of cinnamon or vanillin sticks in the closet shelves and sofa.

If you follow all these rules, then the problem of the smell of a new sofa or closet will not overtake you.

Hard to imagine modern apartment no sofa. And so, you purchased it, it is already in the room, new and beautiful. But here's the problem: it doesn't smell like roses at all, and not even like clean New furniture. Why is this happening? new sofa It smells like chemicals, what should you do in this situation? Do we really have to try to return it to the store or can the situation still be corrected? Let's look at this issue in this article.

Dangerous components of the sofa

An unpleasant odor may indicate that the sofa contains parts that may be hazardous to health. Let's look at what the sofa is made of and what can be harmful to health.

The basis

The frame includes chipboard. In order to hold this material together, they use synthetic glue, one of its components is phenol-formaldehyde resin. This substance is extremely toxic, and it is also volatile.

Important! The release of carcinogenic substances occurs for more than ten years, which leads to the emergence of the most various diseases. Increased fumes occur if furniture is installed near a heating radiator.

Determining chipboard in a sofa is quite simple: it will be too heavy.

But don’t think that the smell of a new sofa is associated only with this material.

Important! Chipboard is quite safe if the entire surface has been laminated or covered with a special protective paint.


Polyurethane foam is often used as a filler. Its composition includes toluene, but it causes harm only during combustion. This can be avoided by not placing furniture near possible ignition sources.

Important! If the furniture is made in China, it most often contains bags of dimethyl furamate, which protects against mold. When this substance is in a dry, warm room, it begins to evaporate, which leads to irritation on the skin.

Exterior decor

There may also be toxic substances in the upholstery. Eg:

  • when dyeing leather, they use aniline, a colorless, toxic liquid with a pungent odor;
  • When tanning leather, chromium compounds are used.

In high concentrations, these substances can lead to poisoning.

Important! The presence of a strong chemical odor and uneven coloring of the skin should be alarming. Besides, leather sofa can't be cheap!

Getting rid of the smell

Is it possible to remove the smell of a new sofa? We pretty much know why the new sofa smells. But how to get rid of this? In the production of furniture, a variety of chemical components are used:

  • Dyes and impregnations;
  • Resins with formaldehyde;
  • Antifungal fungicides;
  • Polishes, varnishes and solvents.

Important! According to experts, it is better to plan the purchase and assembly of a new sofa on days when you have the opportunity to leave your home for a couple of days. If left indoors open window– the specific smell will disappear.

The smell from a new sofa - what to do when you can’t cope with airing alone. In this case, it will be necessary to treat not only the sofa, but also the entire room in which it is located. However, such measures may not help immediately; the smell will simply become less intense.

What not to do?

When you buy a sofa, everyone tries to kill the smell with an air freshener or a neutralizing spray. However, this is completely wrong. As a result, you saturate the air with chemicals even more, and such a measure will save the situation for only ten minutes, then it will only get worse.

Important! To increase the efficiency of weathering, increased air microcirculation in the room is required.

We begin the fight against the unpleasant odor

Well, the new sofa stinks, what should I do?

  1. First of all, for a couple of weeks we get rid of unnecessary items in the room where the new furniture will be placed. We remove absolutely all clutter.
  2. You should definitely get rid of wool carpets, as they absorb all odors perfectly.
  3. We vacuum everything left in the room. This especially applies to the sofa. There is definitely some chip dust left in it, and that could be the source of the smell. Using a vacuum cleaner, clean the inside of the sofa, the back side and the area at the legs.

Important! It will take a lot of time for the characteristic persistent smell of new furniture to disappear. Both in winter and in summer you will have to constantly open the window; air conditioning will not help here.

The next step will be the use of sorbents of natural origin. In the room itself, in the sofa, and on the floor under it, we lay out gauze bags containing aromatic herbs: lemon balm, mint or thyme. Or you can cover the sofa itself with flavored tea bags, and pour a couple of spoons of ground coffee under it.

The following tools will also be useful to you:

  • You can lay a dry sheet on the sofa, and sprinkle fine sea salt and flavorings on top of it. Thanks to this, odors become less intense.
  • You can safely pour baking soda onto the sofa itself. After this, it is shaken off with a soft brush, and the surfaces around are vacuumed.
  • It is possible to use a damp terry sheet - it must first be soaked in a solution containing vinegar or aqueous peroxide.

Important! If someone in your household has an allergic reaction, it is better not to use the sofa for sleeping for a while.

Video material

How harmless a sofa is can be determined by observing the behavior of pets. They sense all smells much more strongly. If the animal sleeps peacefully near the new furniture, you can relax. If you haven't been able to get rid of the smell within a few weeks, you should sound the alarm. Otherwise, both you and your loved ones may suffer from poisoning.

Buying new furniture is always a long-awaited and pleasant event. However, in addition to joy, it can cause a lot of trouble, one of which is a specific aroma. The materials used in the production of new furniture give off an unpleasant odor that is quite difficult to remove. But nothing is impossible in the world, and if you are wondering how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, the tips given in our article will certainly be useful to you. We have made sure that readers find a solution to this problem.

How to get rid of the smell of new furniture

Getting rid of the smell of new furniture using specialized products

Modern manufacturers of technical devices have long developed a device that can eliminate even the most unpleasant and corrosive aroma in a fairly short period of time. Such a device is an ozonator. The essence of its work is to generate ozone from atmospheric air, which is a neutralizer of any odor. To eliminate the smell accompanying new pieces of furniture as quickly and effectively as possible, you just need to turn on the ozonizer in indoors and leave it running for several hours. In addition to eliminating odors, the ozonator also disinfects the air and neutralizes harmful compounds that may be present in chemical processing products used in new furniture.

However, the cost of the ozonizer can hardly be called affordable, and its purchase justified, because You can remove the smell of new furniture using more available funds. For example, in specialized stores you can find an odor eliminating liquid that also successfully copes with its task. The diluted liquid is applied to the surface of a wooden or plastic furniture, creating a kind of film that prevents the spread of odor. Odor eliminator liquid is a very effective assistant in the fight against unpleasant odors, however, it is not recommended for allergy sufferers to use it and, moreover, this liquid can only be used on furniture made of chipboard, plastic or wood.

Smell from new furniture what to do

Eliminating the smell of new furniture using improvised means

To understand what to do to eliminate smell from furniture, you first need to find its root cause. The most strongly specific aroma comes from chipboard and varnish used to coat furniture. In chipboard, especially if the material is the same high quality, formaldehyde is used - a reactive substance that not only causes discomfort, but also adversely affects human health. In this case, experts recommend using odor-absorbing substances. They are tea and table salt. In the room where the new furniture is located, you need to place tea bags or bags of salt. If the source of the unpleasant odor is a closet, bookshelves, table, chest of drawers or nightstands, place absorbent substances in all compartments of these pieces of furniture. In this case, cabinet doors and shelves should be left open for several days. When the specific smell does not cause discomfort, ventilate the room well and wipe the surface of the furniture with a weak aqueous solution with the addition of lemon juice.

How to remove the smell of new furniture

How to remove unpleasant odor from upholstered furniture

If the source of the unpleasant odor is upholstered furniture, spread out the sofas and armchairs as much as possible and ventilate the room. It is recommended to put lemon and orange peels in containers for storing laundry, as well as near furniture, which are good neutralizers of unpleasant odors. Instead of citrus peels, you can place a saucer with vinegar in the room or use special aromatic sachets with essential oils.

How to eliminate odor from new furniture

Removing odors from upholstered furniture can be quite a painstaking task if it smells musty. If a similar aroma is emitted by new furniture, most likely it has been in such conditions for a long time. high humidity and dampness. In this case, in addition to the above recommendations, you need to create a draft in the room for the whole day, and then turn on a heater or fireplace that dries the air. If, despite all the manipulations, you still smell musty, you may need to have your furniture cleaned because... It is possible that the source of the smell is in the deep layers of the upholstery.

Removing odor from upholstered furniture

Effective odor removal from upholstered furniture

A new one can also emit a specific smell. leather furniture. If you are not one of those who like the smell of craftsmanship, unfold your leather sofa or armchairs, then open all the windows in the room. When the initial smell has disappeared a little, place a container of freshly ground coffee near the products, lay out citrus fruit skins, absorbent, a bag of salt or tea bags. But keep in mind that during the production process, leather furniture undergoes extensive chemical treatment, so the aroma emanating from it can last for several months.

Getting rid of the smell of old furniture

If the smell of new furniture most likely leaves no trace after a while, then the aroma old furniture It will only get worse every day. To eliminate discomfort and remove the smell of old furniture, first of all you need to wipe the surface of the products with a vinegar solution or a manganese solution. When the liquid dries well, put any absorbent substances inside the furniture - salt, tea, natural coffee, citric acid, etc. It is also recommended to wipe the surface of old furniture from time to time with special disinfectants, because It is possible that the cause of the musty aroma lies in the spread of bacteria and fungus.

Over time, any furniture begins to emit aromas that may not always seem pleasant. How to get rid of the smell of old furniture without resorting to such radical measures as changing the decor in the apartment is of interest to many housewives.

There are many simple products for caring for interior items, after using which the furniture will no longer smell musty. Most often, old furniture smells due to the development of bacterial or fungal colonies in it. This is due to the fact that the chest of drawers, wardrobe or sofa was in a poorly ventilated room with a high level of humidity for a long time. If the activity of microorganisms does not lead to destructive consequences for objects, then the situation can be corrected by using self-prepared antiseptics.

After using them, you just need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room will help prevent the reappearance of unpleasant odors.
  2. You should periodically open the doors of cabinets, tables, chests of drawers, etc.
  3. It is necessary to ensure free circulation of air around interior items.
  4. Of course, it is better to eliminate the cause of the increase in humidity in the room, but to do this you need to move the furniture away from the walls.
  5. Do not allow dust to accumulate on furniture, which can also be a source of odor. Furniture requires systematic cleaning.

Returning to the topic of home antiseptics, we cannot fail to mention chlorine-based compounds intended for bleaching. Bleach (for example, “Whiteness”) can be dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:5. It is recommended to carry out the treatment in inconspicuous places, since chlorine compounds contribute to fading of the lining. Chlorinated products can hardly be used on upholstered furniture, the upholstery of which may lose original color.

Nevertheless, treatment with them quite effectively frees surfaces from microorganisms and the odor that accompanies their vital activity, but you should not completely rely on the miraculous properties of chlorinated compounds. Soak them up solid wood not worth it. Chlorine vapor will not penetrate into the deep layers of the material being processed, and water that gets into them can provoke a more active development of microflora.

Advice! You can get rid of the smell of old furniture coming from the depths of the closet by using vinegar.

It is better to use an apple one, but an ordinary table variety also copes well with its duties. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar is diluted in ½ glass of water. A sponge or piece soaked in liquid soft fabric wipe all surfaces, joints and corners of the interior item. After this, the furniture is wiped again with a dry cloth. Vinegar penetrates well into the depths of the material, destroying microflora at the root, but you should not wipe furniture with too wet rags.

The vinegar treatment procedure can be carried out again after 7-10 days.

Works like vinegar water solution potassium permanganate. The treatment composition should be pale pink. A more saturated one can color the surface.

Removing odor from upholstered furniture

For upholstered furniture it is better to prepare detergent based:

  • water (2 glasses);
  • liquid soap (20 ml);
  • citric acid (1 tsp);
  • vinegar (1 tsp).

The composition must be mixed until a thick foam forms. It is applied to the upholstery with a sponge and left for 2-3 hours. It is advisable that the piece of furniture is located in a well-ventilated room. Dried foam is removed from the upholstery with a brush.

If possible, you can put lemon, orange, etc. peels under the upholstery.

Eliminating odor with sorbing agents

Citrus peels are active sorbents. How to get rid of the smell of old furniture with their help?

Advice! You can place lemon, grapefruit, orange or lime peels in the corners of shelves and drawers.

Can act as an odor absorber ground coffee(it is better to place it in a linen bag), crushed Activated carbon, cooking and sea ​​salt, citric acid, baking soda powder (bulk sorbent is placed in bowls).

The complex and lengthy renovation has been completed, the design has been invented, and all that remains is to buy new furniture. Sometimes the furnishings of an apartment entail an unpleasant consequence - an unpleasant odor. The beauty of the interior is overshadowed by the background smell, which, as a rule, does not please family members.

Where does this smell come from and how to deal with it? Which folk remedies and can chemicals be used? Will special household appliances help solve the problem? The answers are in the article.

Why does new furniture smell?

Obviously, new furniture smells of “manufacturing.” This is formaldehyde, which is included in the composition laminated coating Laminated chipboard, and glue evaporation, and others chemical substances emitting an unpleasant odor. It not only causes discomfort, but can also be hazardous to health. The cheaper the furniture, the more toxic substances are used in production and the greater the chance of poisoning.

For example, budget options for cabinet and upholstered furniture and waste from the woodworking industry are inseparable concepts. To create such furniture, various resins and pastes are used.

Beloved by many, chipboard is nothing more than wood shavings held together chemical compounds, such as formaldehyde and phenol. The human olfactory organ may not even detect them, while other symptoms - headache, allergic reactions- they will certainly give a “distress signal”.

Chips and open “corners” of furniture are the most dangerous; shavings and resin emit the most toxic odor.

Although quality materials (natural wood, leather) are less toxic and hazardous to health, they can also bring their own smell into the house. It is not as obvious and unpleasant as furniture made from cheap materials, but over time it can cause allergies, asthma and discomfort in children and the elderly.

The varnish that is often used to cover also makes its contribution. wooden furniture. He radiates harmful substances, settling in the air, and can also cause damage to the health of household members.

Find out how to get rid of a thick layer of smoke at home.

The problem of a specific smell from new furniture can be solved using available products and special chemicals.

On a note! Regardless of the cost, quality and material of the furniture and the “loudness” of the manufacturer’s brand, all its items - chairs, cabinets, hallways, sofas, beds - can be sources of extraneous odors. Even if they don't seem unpleasant, they can cause harm to your health. The sources of the most dangerous odors are open side cuts, chips, and cracks.

Folk remedies and their use

Folk remedies are a budget alternative to special compounds and devices that help get rid of the smell of new furniture.

First of all, after purchasing upholstered furniture, you need to unfold it, open all the doors and drawers of the cabinet so that all hidden places are ventilated. If the weather permits, you need to open the windows and leave them open for a while, at least for a few hours. Of course, if the air temperature outside has dropped to -25 degrees and a snowstorm is blowing, you shouldn’t do this.

Handy means to eliminate odor:

  • You can put tea bags or bags of salt in the corners of shelves and drawers, as well as on upholstered furniture. They do an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors. After 12-24 hours, the bags can be thrown away and the room ventilated again.
  • Orange peels are an excellent way to combat unpleasant odors. They are placed around the furniture and left for several hours, and then the apartment is ventilated.
  • If upholstered furniture smells damp, it needs a draft. You can place the sofa on the balcony if the climate allows, or simply leave the windows open all day. After this, the upholstered furniture should be placed near the heater, all windows should be closed and not only the furniture, but also the apartment should be thoroughly dried.
  • Many forums recommend using a vinegar solution to get rid of furniture “aroma.” We advise you to think several times before placing a saucer of vinegar near a new piece of furniture. Yes, it will really do the job, but it will be much more difficult and longer to eliminate the smell of vinegar. Plus, it is unsafe if there are animals in the house.
  • Tea and salt mixture. Large leaf tea is mixed with salt in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is placed in small containers and placed on the shelves of racks, cabinets, kitchen set. Once the smell is eliminated, the containers are removed.
  • Fragrant essential oils have long been popular in caring for upholstered furniture. If a new sofa, armchair, sofa or ottoman “smells”, you need to remove all pillows and removable covers, assemble the furniture and place open jars of essential oils under all removable elements.
  • Upholstered furniture, including leather, will quickly stop emitting aroma if bags of coffee beans are placed around and on top.

Special means

Currently, stores with household chemicals We are ready to offer special products that eliminate unpleasant odors: destroyers, absorbers and fresheners. There are separate products for wood, chipboard, plastic, as well as furniture made of leather and textiles.

Their advantages: convenience and economy of use, favorable price, pleasant smell. However, the own aromas of these products can cause allergies in household members, and this is their only drawback.

Liquid for eliminating odors has become increasingly common. It is used for furniture made of wood or plastic. The essence of the work is simple: it creates a kind of invisible film on the body and “blocks” the release of unwanted aromas.

Technical devices


The most expensive, but most effective way to get rid of nasty odors from new furniture is an ozonizer. This is a relatively young device that generates ozone from atmospheric air, thereby destroying any odor.

The ozonator will cope with its task in a few hours: just plug the device into an outlet in a closed room.

Since this device is expensive, it is worth considering whether it is necessary to buy it. If we're talking about If you only want to neutralize the smell of one piece of furniture, then it’s easier to resort to more budget-friendly alternative methods.

If there are pets, children in the house, there is construction outside the window, the apartment is small, or an allergy sufferer lives in the house, purchasing an ozonator will be justified. It not only completely destroys all odors, but also disinfects the air and neutralizes harmful compounds.

There are two groups of filters:

  • Dry;
  • Wet.

Depending on the type of filter, purifiers can perform different functions: remove dust and animal hair, allergens, and unpleasant odors. Only those purifiers that have an adsorption-catalytic filter can cope with the latter.

The disadvantages of the devices are their high cost, energy consumption and noise level.

The smell of new furniture is almost inevitable, regardless of the cost and material of the cabinet or sofa. Some people may even like these “flavors”, but this does not exclude the possibility negative consequences. You definitely need to get rid of them, and as quickly as possible: ventilate the apartment and use folk or special means or devices.

Find out more after watching the next video useful information on how to eliminate the smell of new furniture in your home: