How to make a tandoor at the dacha with your own hands. Do-it-yourself tandoor oven. Earthen tandoor, this is how bread is baked in Armenia

Do-it-yourself tandoor: features of the structure. Principle of operation. How and what to cook in the oven. Installation options for tandoors. Type of fuel for the stove. Methods for making a structure.

Do-it-yourself tandoor: methods for making a real Uzbek stove in photographs.

The tandoor is a multifunctional oven in which you can cook any dish of oriental cuisine, using a minimum amount of fuel. The structure can be stationary or portable, made of clay or brick. Hardwood is used as fuel for the tandoor. This oven can be purchased at finished form or make a tandoor with your own hands, following certain stages of the technological process.

Tandoor is a multifunctional oven used in traditional oriental cuisine

Portable tandoor for metal legs can be installed in any convenient place

The Uzbek tandoor in the form of a clay jug-shaped cauldron turned upside down is installed on a foundation that rises 20 cm above the ground and goes just as deep into it. The structure is mainly located in the open area of ​​the yard. Above the foundation there is a built-in ash pit, closed with a door. A cast iron grate is installed above the opening. Next, a chamber is placed in the form of a dome with a smooth inner surface covered with a layer of clay.

The structure is covered with brick, creating a small air gap, which is filled with salt or sand, due to which the temperature inside the tandoor remains high for six hours.

Firewood or coal is placed through the top hole. After the fuel burns out completely, the soot that covers the inner surface falls off, leaving the coating clean. This means that you can load food into the oven. Before baking, the resulting ash is removed. In the case of meat, this is not necessary. Pieces of dough are glued to the inner surface of the oven.

Many tandoors are equipped with a blower for easy ash removal

In a barbecue tandoor, skewers with meat are hung vertically on a special rack, point down. A cauldron with pilaf is placed on the neck of the structure. Next, the tandoor is covered with a lid on top, and the vent is closed. Cooking time depends on the dish and is 15-45 minutes.

The kindling process depends on the time of year. IN winter period the temperature should gradually increase, so the wood chips are lit first, and then the main fuel is added. In summer you can do without pre-ignition. After the tandoor has cooled completely, it is recommended to completely clear it of ash. Fat deposited on the inner surface of the structure will burn off during subsequent use of the product.

A tandoor in the form of a ceramic hemisphere with a round hole can be above ground, underground or portable. The first design option is installed on flat surface horizontally or vertically depending on the orientation of the tandoor. Fuel is loaded through the side or top opening, respectively. The draft occurs through a blower located in the lower part of the furnace. According to reviews from owners, ground-type tandoor is the most popular among other options.

In a tandoor you can cook just about anything - vegetables, meat, fish, etc.

An earthen or pit tandoor is partially or completely submerged underground. Kindling is carried out through the top hole, which also serves to load products. To maintain the necessary traction, a pipe is connected to the bottom of the product, which is buried in the ground at an angle of 450.

A portable tandoor can be installed anywhere. The product is made of fireclay clay in the form of a barrel or jug. Depending on the weight of the oven, tandoor comes in four types: small (up to 50 kg), medium (50-79 kg), large (80-100 kg), very large (over 100 kg). This design is additionally equipped with carrying handles and legs on which it is installed. Also included with the product are skewers, racks, hooks and attachments.

Mobile tandoors have thick walls (up to 70 mm), additionally reinforced with steel strips. For such structures it is necessary to ensure proper protection from moisture during storage, so it is recommended to purchase special covers.

Tnadyr is often used for baking

What type of fuel can be used for tandoors

Traditional tandoors use hardwood or charcoal as fuel. The product is a thick-walled pot with a lid, made of refractory clay. For air flow and ash removal, there is a special hole at the bottom of the product. Firewood is loaded through the top opening. After they are completely burned, you can start cooking. Such products are characterized by the lowest price. You can buy a tandoor from 5,500 rubles.

There are tandoors that use gas as fuel. Such designs are usually used in cafes, bakeries and restaurants. You can install such a tandoor in your home kitchen, but in this case you should worry about purchasing a good hood to remove exhaust air.

Thanks to its design, the tandoor is able to maintain high temperatures inside for quite a long time.

The jug is made from baked white clay and is placed inside a metal body. To preserve heat for a long time, the voids are filled with heat-insulating material in the form of sand, fine expanded clay or salt. Gas ovens are easy to use and do not emit harmful substances and economical. However, the dishes do not have the characteristic smoke smell.

For home cooking, you can purchase an electric tandoor, for which heating elements serve as the heat source. They are located around the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. These are convenient and compact products that do not require firewood and do not emit soot or smoke. The electric tandoor for flatbreads is made of metal. The inside of the product has a ceramic coating. The design of such fryers is varied, which allows you to choose the product to suit your needs. certain style interior

Electric tandoors are equipped with mini-computers that control the cooking process by regulating temperature and humidity. You can also buy a tandoor for barbecue and baking, where firewood can be used along with electricity.

Tandoor is an ancient traditional national Uzbek oven-broiler

How much does a tandoor cost depending on the type and type of fuel

The cost of tandoors is influenced by many factors: material of manufacture, type of firebox, design, dimensions of the product and the presence of additional accessories. The products are presented in a wide price range, so any buyer can choose an option to suit their budget.

A large family tandoor can be chosen from a number of wood-fueled household products, such as: Hunter, Nomad, Big Sarmatian and Middle. The height of the structure is in the range of 63-105 cm. Such clay products surprise with their interesting design. Broken glass, brick, natural and fake diamond, which allows you to create original patterns and ornaments on the surface. average price tandoor is 8500-20000 rubles.

Electric tandoors are very popular today. Customer reviews of such products are positive. Advantage electric models is the possibility of installing them not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The structures are made of refractory clay and heated by heating elements. You can buy an electric tandoor for an average of 15,000-80,000 rubles.

Modern tandoors are made mainly from ceramic clay

What can you cook in a tandoor? Almost any dish. This oven is used for cooking flatbreads, samsa, vegetables, fish and various dishes from meat. It does not use open fire, but heat coming from the walls of the structure. This is ideal for baking best quality. Many recipes for dishes cooked in tandoor can be found on the Internet.

Before starting the first fire, the inner surface of the tandoor is lubricated with cotton-based oil. Then the oven is heated throughout the day, so that the dough cakes will not stick to the clay surface.

Thanks to the ability of the tandoor to maintain temperature, dishes cook faster, and also become juicy and aromatic

Flatbreads should be moistened before baking in the tandoor to ensure better adhesion of the dough to the surface. To collect fat dripping from meat dishes, a special bowl is used, which is located under the meat.

You can cook barbecue and pizza in the tandoor. However, for this you need to purchase additional element in the form of a grate, which is attached to the neck of the structure using special fasteners and lowers to the middle of the furnace. IN large tandoor You can place a pan or kettle on the grill to prepare aromatic pilaf or shurpa.

When preparing shashlik or kebab, skewers are placed in the opening of the tandoor or can be hung on a transverse iron rod. In this case, the neck is covered with a lid. The time spent preparing dishes is much less than when using a barbecue or oven. For pork or lamb it will take 18-25 minutes, for beef - 30-35 minutes, for fish and poultry - 8-15 minutes, for vegetables - 5-7 minutes.

It takes 8-15 minutes to cook fish in a tandoor.

You can place a pan with tough, sinewy meat in a half-cooled tandoor and leave it until the morning. The next day, this product in any dish will melt in your mouth.

Preparing the composition for making a clay tandoor with your own hands

The traditional Uzbek clay tandoor is not built with your own hands, but is molded from clay. A special composition of the material is used here. You will need kaolin clay, which has good plasticity and high thermal insulation properties. To prevent the body of the tandoor from cracking under the influence of high temperatures, camel or sheep wool with a fiber length of 1-1.5 cm is added to the clay mixture. Before making a tandoor, you should prepare molding sand, which consists of clay, salt, sand and wool, in a ratio of 4:1:1:2.

The clay is first cleaned of foreign impurities, rubbed through a sieve, mixed and soaked for 48 hours. The remaining elements are added to the prepared substance. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until a viscous state is formed, reminiscent of the consistency of sour cream. Next, the prepared composition should be left for 7 days so that it dries and acquires the necessary condition. During given period The mixture should be stirred periodically to ensure it dries evenly. Any water that collects on top must be drained.

Traditional Uzbek tandoor is molded from clay using special technology

The less moisture remains in the molding composition, the lower the risk of cracking of the tandoor during firing. The mixture is suitable for further use when the consistency resembles plasticine.

How to make a tandoor with your own hands: the traditional version

The method of making a tandoor from clay is called the strip method, since the material is used to make long strips about 2-3 cm thick, 20-25 cm wide and 2 m long.

The manufacture of the oven should be carried out in the shade under a canopy so that the clay does not lose its elasticity when it dries quickly under the influence of sunlight.

The prepared strips must be left to dry in the sun for some time. Next, a bowl without a bottom is formed from them. The product is placed in a ring with smooth walls. It is recommended to use a metal barrel as a frame for forming the lower part of the product, which will need to be removed immediately. To prevent the clay from sticking to the metal, it should be lubricated with sunflower oil.

To build a tandoor, a specially prepared mixture of clay is used

Then one or two strips need to be attached to the bottom of the product to form a part of the jug that tapers towards the top, which looks like a dome. Next, the process of compacting the walls is carried out. For this, two tools are used: a metal or wooden trowel in the shape of a disk with smooth rounded edges and a wooden spatula with embossed diagonal stripes.

You need to hold the trowel in one hand and press it against the inner surface of the product, and from the outside through the clay wall you should gently tap it with a spatula. This process helps compact the clay and form a pattern on the surface in the form of diagonal stripes.
The final stage is to form the upper part of the tandoor neck with your own hands. The oven narrows at the top. The diameter of the neck should be two times smaller than the bottom of the jug. The clay is compacted and leveled in the same way as for the main part of the tandoor.

The finished product is transferred to the shade for final drying for 30 days. After the product is completely dry, its inner surface should be lubricated with a generous layer of sunflower oil.

Tandoors can be various sizes- large ones are intended for production purposes

Preparing a site for installing a finished clay inlay

There are two options for installing a clay tandoor: on a foundation followed by brick lining and underground. The location for installation of the product is selected in advance.

If the finished clay insert will be located in a recess, it is necessary to prepare a foundation pit, the depth of which is determined by the height of the product. His top part should protrude 7-10 cm from the ground. Thus, the earth performs the function of preserving heat. An additional blower should be installed at the bottom of the tandoor.

To create a foundation, you need to dig a pit. It can be round or square in shape. This depends on the configuration of the thermal casing in the form of a brick wall around the tandoor. The second option is more preferable, since a sufficient gap is formed between the inlay and the wall, which is filled with a heat-accumulating or heat-insulating composition. The size of the pit should exceed the dimensions of the bottom part of the insert by 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit is 15-17 cm.

The tandoor can be installed either on a base or made in the form of a pit

The pit is filled with sand in a layer of 5 cm and compacted well. Next, crushed stone of the middle fraction is added with reinforcement mesh laid, which makes it possible to obtain an additional reinforcing layer. Then formwork is performed with a height of 10-15 cm. The foundation should rise above ground level by 5-7 cm to eliminate the possibility of the masonry being washed away by storm water. A concrete solution consisting of gravel, cement and sand is poured into the formwork. The surface is leveled according to the rule. You can study the installation process in more detail in the video “Do-It-Yourself Tandoor”.

Installation of a clay inlay with the construction of a brick wall

After completely dry The formwork is removed from the concrete base. The surface is marked according to the dimensions of the clay tab for construction brick wall. First, a brick platform is made with an open area for arranging the ash chamber channel, which is closed with a special door. Can be mounted in a brick tab metal pipe. It is recommended to install a damper in it, thanks to which the amount of incoming air can be adjusted. The damper can close completely.

A cast iron grate is placed on the ash chamber, where fuel combustion occurs. The ash enters the ash pit, from which it is easily removed through the open door. A clay tab is installed on top of the grate on the platform. For reliability and sealing, the joint between the lower edge of the jug and the brick base is covered with a clay solution. Then a brick wall is erected around the entire perimeter of the tab. The gap between the structure and the tandoor is filled with expanded clay, sand or salt. The brick wall reaches the height of the insert.

Making a tandoor with your own hands from a barrel

In homemade products, the space between the tandoor and the outer frame is filled with sand, expanded clay or other fire-resistant material

The traditional version of making a tandoor from clay requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. The surface is often crooked, and the clay can subsequently crack. To avoid such troubles, a simplified technology was developed. It is based on making your own tandoor from a 200 liter barrel. The essence of the method is to create clay walls around a wooden product.

To build a tandoor with your own hands, you will need kaolin clay, vegetable oil, fine fireclay sand, a wooden barrel with iron hoops and sheep or camel wool. The first step is to fill the barrel to the top with water for 24 hours. This is necessary for impregnation and swelling of the wood. Next, you should prepare a molding mixture of clay, sand and wool in a ratio of 2:4:1, which should dry and become plastic.

All the water is drained from the barrel. It must dry completely, after which its inner surface is soaked in sunflower oil for 24 hours. Then the inside of the barrel is covered with a clay mixture 4-5 cm thick. The composition should be well leveled, wetting your hands with water, so that the result is as smooth a surface as possible. Moving up to the neck, the layer of clay must be increased, due to which the upper part of the oven narrows. At the bottom of the structure there is a small hole for free passage of air.

After manufacturing and firing, the tandoor is decorated with patterns and painted

The structure must dry completely in a dry, dark and ventilated place for 3-4 weeks. After this, the iron hoops are removed and the wooden barrel is dismantled, leaving the clay structure intact. The finished frame is installed on a thick sand cushion, where it is fired. To improve the thermal insulation qualities, you can make a brick wall around the stove.

Do-it-yourself brick tandoor: step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos of the process stages

The traditional version of the tandoor is made from kaolin clay. This is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process that requires the involvement of a specialist or requires high level skill. To simplify the task, but still get the desired result, you can make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. The simplest option for making a home stove consists of several processes, each of which will be described in detail in this article.

For construction you will need the following list of building materials:

  • kiln brick;
  • wooden template;
  • masonry sand mixture;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • kaolin;
  • reinforcing mesh.

Preparing a brick base for installing a tandoor

To finish the stove, a solution consisting of clay, salt, sand and wool in a ratio of 4:1:1:2 is used. Sheep or camel wool acts as a reinforcing element and contributes to good thermal insulation. The mortar for laying brick rows is prepared in the same way (with the exception of wool). The brick for the tandoor should be silicate or red heat-resistant, which can withstand high temperatures for a long time.

Before building a tandoor, it is necessary to prepare the foundation. To do this, prepare a round pit with a diameter several centimeters larger than the size future design. A sand cushion 10 cm thick is created at the bottom, which is covered with a metal mesh made from thick wire or reinforcement rods. Next the hole is filled concrete mortar, which is carefully aligned using an iron rule. Be sure to check the levelness of the surface by using a level. Then the lower part of the future dome-shaped chamber is marked, defining the outer boundaries of the walls.

To provide reliable waterproofing concrete foundation must be covered with a sheet of roofing material.

A clay structure is installed on the base and lined with bricks

Before making a tandoor yourself, a brick base is prepared on the foundation. Three rows of fireclay bricks are laid on the concrete surface: the first is placed along the pit, the second - across, the third - along. The elements of the two lower layers are laid tightly together without the use of mortar. For the top row, a clay mixture is used. The created foundation must be fixed with pieces of reinforcement on all sides. The rods are driven into the ground. Their height above the ground is equal to the mark of the top row of masonry.

How to make a tandoor from brick: step-by-step instructions

After concrete base has gained the necessary strength, you can begin to build a brick tandoor. Photos that can be found on the Internet clearly display the sequence of actions. The diameter of the bottom part will be 1 m, and the height of the structure will be 130 cm. At the first stage, markings for the future furnace are carried out. The first row of the foundation is laid with an opening for the blower chamber. Clay mortar is used for masonry. The second row covers the chamber, leaving a window in its central part, where a cast-iron grate is mounted.

Starting from the third row, the wall of the structure is erected around the circumference. The bricks are laid in the traditional way. From the inside, the surface is coated with a thick layer of clay, which should be as smooth as possible. Twelve rows are built in this way. Next, you should begin to form the tandoor dome. To do this, each subsequent row is shifted towards the center by a certain distance, which is calculated in advance.

The construction of a brick tandoor is the most common option for a summer cottage

Knowing that the diameter of the oven is 1 m, it is necessary to take into account that the neck should be twice as narrow. This value should be achieved after 10 rows, which will correspond to a structure height of 130 cm. Having performed a simple arithmetic calculation, we come to the conclusion that each subsequent row should be shifted 5 cm to the center.

In order to make a tandoor with a smooth inner surface, the edges of the bricks that will be turned inward should be processed with a grinder. The surface can also be leveled using a clay mixture, constantly moistening it with water. After completion of the masonry process, a jug-shaped structure with a smooth inner surface is obtained.

Next, the exterior of the tandoor is finished using clay mortar. All seams must be well sealed. The steps that were formed during the construction of the dome must be completely hidden. After the stove has dried, which will happen in 2-3 days, you can make the first kindling.
Then they begin to build the outer wall of the tandoor, which comes close to the brick dome-shaped structure. The height of the structure is equal to the height of the inner chamber. The wall is made whole, except for the area opposite the blower hole, where a window is left. For better thermal insulation the space between the outer wall and the inside of the furnace is filled with fine-grained expanded clay, sand or salt.

The outside of the tandoor can be finished with brick, stone or paving stones

The upper part of the tandoor can be finished with stone or brick bonded with clay, which will provide a complete structure.

Building a brick tandoor with your own hands: a simplified version

The previous option requires some skill to create an arched brick vault. You can build a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands using a simplified method. For this it is recommended to use old brick. As masonry mortar You can purchase a ready-made heat-resistant mixture at hardware store, intended for the construction of fireplaces and stoves. To prepare the solution, you must strictly follow the instructions written on the product packaging.

According to the do-it-yourself tandoor drawing, the brick is laid in a circle, the diameter of which is determined at the planning stage. Usually it is 50-70 cm. Using a wooden frame, the brick is placed on the end, forming a circle. Can be used for installation sand mortar, which consists of fireclay clay, the necessary plasticizers and quartz sand. This composition is very plastic, sets quickly and will not crack when fired.

To build a tandoor, it is better to use refractory bricks that can withstand very high temperatures.

The first row is laid without breaks. A small hole should be left in the second row, which will be used as a blower in the future. This could be a small window with an iron door or a chimney. The third row is laid out completely. If the height of a brick tandoor is 100-120 cm, four rows of bricks are sufficient, the horizontality of each of which is controlled using a level.

When constructing each new row, it should be tied with steel wire. Its ends are twisted and hidden in the gaps between the bricks. When creating the last row, you need to form a tapering neck. For this purpose, the brick should be laid with some inclination inside the tandoor. The video shows the entire construction process in more detail.

Do-it-yourself tandoor made of brick: coating and cladding the structure

At the end construction work The process of coating and lining the brick tandoor is carried out. To the internal and outer surface Fireproof clay is applied to the structure. The thickness of the layer is at least 1.5-2 cm. There must be at least two such layers. The second is applied 2-3 days after the first has dried. To ensure uniform drying, the structure should be covered with plastic film.

After coating with clay, the structure should be allowed to dry thoroughly and only then the first kindling should be carried out.

It is recommended to moisten the brick before applying the coating layer. This will promote uniform and gradual drying of the clay solution.

The inner surface must be perfectly smooth, so the clay mixture is leveled by constantly wetting it with water. In the upper part of the oven, a metal ring 30-50 mm high is mounted around the hole, thanks to which the area where the lid is installed is separated from the rest of the surface. Space from her outside it is filled with clay to the edge of the wall.

For coating brickwork You can use finely ground fireclay mortar.

The final stage of tandoor production is its firing, which can be performed 3-4 hours after completion of the coating and finishing work. The structure is completely filled with firewood, a fire is lit inside the stove, which gradually heats the walls of the structure to 400°C. It is necessary that the fuel burns completely, after which the stove must cool slowly. This process not only helps dry the structure, but also fires and hardens the clay.

Sectional diagram of a tandoor and the process of cooking kebabs in it

After all work is completed, the tandoor should be left for 7 days. During this time, you can make a wooden cover, thanks to which the heat will be retained inside the structure.

Since ancient times, the tandoor has served as an indispensable attribute of national Uzbek cuisine. Today it is widely used in private households. You can cook any dish in such an oven. Thanks to the special operating principle, it is possible to create not only a real masterpiece of culinary art, but also significantly save on fuel.​_

How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands: video

In order to build a tandoor on your site, it is not necessary to seek the services of a professional stove maker. But consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous.

The furnace structure can be built from bricks, clay and even from a barrel.

Preparing to build a tandoor

Making a furnace starts with choosing a project.

The owner compares the idea with the available resources, solves the problem, for what purpose he needs a device.

After this, it is determined whether the tandoor will be on a platform with wheels or in a mini version, which can be placed under a canopy, or even on a table.

Tools and materials

Do-it-yourself tandoor constructed using materials:

  • bricks;
  • fireclay clay;
  • construction mixture;
  • stone blocks;
  • sheep wool;
  • barrels (if created on its basis);
  • metal sheet for the pallet;

  • boards

Tools you will need:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • Master OK;
  • grinder with diamond wheel;
  • trowel;
  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors.

Will come in handy scoop, wooden handle, kit skewers and brackets for them, lattice.

Important! Better fitkaolin or fireclay clay. Some stove makers recommend red. There is only one general condition: the mass must be mixed well, otherwise cracks are guaranteed.

How much does construction cost?

In total, you will have to spend from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. Compared to the price list of tandoor masters, whose prices sometimes reach up to 100 thousand, this seems like a savings.

You need to understand that an inexperienced master may not achieve an ideal result the first time.

In 90% of cases the tandoors of such owners crack already at the first use, and fireclay clay alone will be required for each alteration approximately one and a half thousand rubles.

Add to this the efforts that may not be successful.

How to build a tandoor with your own hands?

Construction of the tandoor is underway in several stages and varies depending on the type of material from which the device is made.

How to make the foundation yourself

For a tandoor you will need an empty platform with a raised platform (not clay!). Approximately crushed stone is poured onto it fifteen centimeter layer. The depth of the foundation will be 0.4 m, protrusion above the ground - 0.1 m. All this is covered with sheets waterproofing material.

Attention! Distance from the tandoor to any buildings - not less than 15 m!

How to build a brick device, its installation

A stationary tandoor is placed on a dry stone platform, preferably with an elevation. Ceramic clay or white refractory bricks and stone blocks are suitable for constructing the device.

Construction begins from the foundation. A round hole is dug for it, with a radius 60-65 cm. A thick ( 20 cm) sand layer.

Then a stove is installed in the shape of an inverted jug or bowl. You can lay bricks horizontally or vertically.

Horizontal The masonry retains heat better, but it will take longer to tinker with it. On vertical need to less bricks, the building is erected much faster.

In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, do it first masonry without mortar(the so-called order). In the right places, the brick is cut with a diamond wheel.

Important! Make sure to maintain the shape of the inverted vessel: tandoor widens at the bottom and narrows at the top. If this is neglected, the heat will not hold and the food will not cook properly.

Upon completion of work the inner surface is cleaned tandoor from adhering clay or building mixture. External seams are sealed with dry clay. Next, a layer of clay, mixed with finely chopped grass. The outer part, if desired, is covered with tiles or stone plates.

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How to make a unit from a wooden barrel

The most ordinary one is suitable for tandoor. two hundred liter barrel: metal, wood or even plastic. The main thing is that it is intact, without cracks, corrosion or patches. It is better if the hoops do not hold well, this will make the work much easier. The inside of a wooden vessel is impregnated with cottonseed oil (if it is not available, any vegetable oil) for approximately twelve hours.

The walls are leveled, then the body of the future tandoor is dried within a week under incandescent lamps.

After this, the wooden template is removed and the body is fired.

The design made of an iron barrel is the most budget option. How to install it?

At the iron barrel remove the bottom, cut through blower hole. The inside of the container is finished with brick, and the top is coated with construction staff or clay.

Reference. Some stove makers are sure that insulation optional, others argue otherwise.

Can be used as an insulating layer foil covering. Cotton wool, as practice shows, greatly complicates the work; the brick “wanders” on it - it deviates from the given place, gets knocked down, and is difficult to fix in the desired position.

The vent is lined with brick in the shape of a trapezoid, with the narrower part facing inward.

Outside the iron tandoor can be do not cover with insulation.

According to the builders, this design reliably retains heat even without it.

If desired, to the device wheels are attached, on which it can be rolled, for example, into a gazebo.

Attention! It is permissible to move the tandoor only after the firewood has completely burned out!

Drying and initial firing of a homemade tandoor oven

The finished tandoor is dried for about a month and a half, then calcined on wood chips three times. Each burn lasts about four hours, the tandoor is heated as hot as possible. Small wood chips and paper are suitable for the first time, for subsequent times - firewood.

Important! Make sure that The blower cover fits tightly to the hole. For this, a brick is often used, which is adjusted to the size of the blower using a diamond wheel.

First, paper or a handful of coal is set on fire, then wood chips and small firewood are added until the temperature reaches thousand degrees. Using the blower cover, you can increase or, conversely, decrease the heat.

Possible problems during construction

It seems that building a tandoor with your own hands is not fraught with difficulties. But this impression is deceptive.

Masonry for tandoor should be perfectly flat and smooth. To achieve this, you need a properly constructed drawing and diagram.

If you are an inexperienced stove maker, your tandoor will most likely crack. This is due to various factors:

  • failure to comply with proportions when mixing clay;
  • poor quality building mixture;
  • insufficient mixing.

Suitable for holding bricks together red or fireclay clay, they add to it liquid glass. IN mortar can add Terracotta glue, this will give the product strength.

Anyone who likes to relax in the countryside cannot help but love barbecue. What could be tastier than meat grilled over charcoal, topped with a fragrant sauce, and flavored with a pinch of oriental spices? The answer is simple - only meat baked in a brick tandoor.

A brick tandoor is a Turkish oven that allows you to cook simply incredible kebabs. The secret is that the meat is baked as evenly as possible. A similar effect can be achieved due to the balanced distribution of heat.

You've probably had to deal with a situation more than once when some pieces of kebab are fried to a black crust, while others are almost raw. The fact is that the coals under the skewers are unevenly located and also have different temperatures. The result of such baking is obvious.

A brick tandoor is a completely different matter. The unique design of the oven allows you to forget about undercooked meat. Each piece will be exceptionally tasty and crispy. Moreover, you can not only bake lamb, veal or pork in the tandoor. You can make delicious oriental flatbreads in it. Which will not only pamper your family and friends with exquisite taste, but will also be healthy.

What is tandoor

This furnace is similar to most structures of this type, but has some differences. The main material of the inner surface is ceramic. Coal, brushwood or firewood can be used as fuel.

In appearance, a brick tandoor resembles a clay jug lined with brick. The fuel is placed directly inside and ignited. As soon as the wood turns into coals, the kebabs are placed inside the tandoor. They can be placed with a sharp end on the foundation or hung by a hook on a pre-prepared perch.

Important ! Indisputable dignity A tandoor made of brick ensures long-term heat retention. This allows you to make more than one batch of delicious baked meat.

This stove came to us from distant Mesopotamia and later became extremely popular among the peoples of Asia. As a result, it’s hard to imagine many oriental cuisines without this miracle machine.

How does it work

Let's look at an example of a classic Uzbek tandoor made of brick. In appearance, such a stove can be compared to a clay cauldron. Only they turned it upside down, changing the top and bottom places.

There is a special hole at the bottom, it is also called an inlet. The clay base is traditionally covered with bricks. Between the clay base and the brick a small layer air. It needs to be filled with salt or sand. The first option is preferable.

Coal is placed inside through the top hole. There are also versions of a brick tandoor with a side hole, but in the traditional Uzbek version, such a design is practically not used.

Important ! A DIY brick tandoor has one significant drawback. The ash has to be removed through the top hole, and this is not very convenient (this does not apply to portable structures).

For greater convenience in preparing shish kebab, the Uzbek version has a special grill. Of course, you can just as easily put vegetables or pieces of fish on it. Equally good baking is guaranteed.

Attention ! If you make a brick tandoor correctly with your own hands, then you can cook food in it for 6 hours after one kindling.

The secret of such incredible heat-saving characteristics lies in the materials used to create the structure. All of them have phenomenal heat storage properties. With due diligence, the furnace walls can be heated to 400 degrees Celsius.

If you are preparing flatbreads and not meat, the walls will first need to be cleaned of soot and ash that may have accumulated from previous heating sessions. It is in a brick tandoor that you can cook the now popular Uzbek flatbreads.

Types of tandoor

The type of tandoor primarily depends on the location of its installation. Depending on this parameter, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • pit tandoor,
  • portable tandoor,
  • ground tandoor.

We will consider the process of building a ground-based brick tandoor. The fact is that a pit tandoor is mainly used for heating rooms, and a portable one is a kind of variation of a regular barbecue.

Step-by-step instructions for building a tandoor


Any important project begins with preparation. Of course, from the point of view of construction science, a brick tandoor cannot be called a complex structure. However, to create a stove that is durable and easy to use, careful preparation is necessary.

The preparatory process begins with the collection necessary materials. Since there are several brick tandoor designs, the basic set can vary greatly. In our case it includes:

  • one hundred and fifty kilograms of sand and gravel mixture;
  • mesh (each cell 5 cm) - two square meters;
  • six or seven kilograms of cement M40050;
  • asbestos fiber - six kilograms;
  • fireclay bricks 50-70 pieces;
  • fireproof paint 1 liter;
  • fiberglass reinforcement six millimeters in cross-section (at least 15 meters);
  • fireproof mixture for masonry - 20 kilograms;
  • steel wire with a cross-section of 3 millimeters -15 meters.

When the entire set of materials for creating a stove has been assembled, you need to take care of a set of tools. Most of them can be found in utility room any country house, but some will still have to be purchased. To build a brick tandoor with your own hands you will need:

  • plaster rule
  • container in which concrete will be mixed,
  • putty knife,
  • Bulgarian,
  • diamond wheels for working on ceramics,
  • paint brush.

As you can see, the list of necessary tools is not very long. Assembling this kit is not difficult.


A brick tandoor will work outdoors. That's why he needs reliable foundation, which can ensure a stable position of the structure. A lot depends on the soil on which the building will be built. If the soil is clayey, a reinforced foundation will be needed.

The best option for working on heavy soils is columnar foundation. If the soil is light and consists mainly of sand, simply cast a monolithic concrete slab. This will be more than enough.

The area of ​​a brick tandoor will be 100 by 100 centimeters. To support such a structure, the thickness of the slab must be at least 10 centimeters. Along the entire perimeter of the foundation, soil must be removed 15 cm deep.

Important ! In the corners of the future slab, you need to make recesses of 70-90 cm. Their diameter should be no more than 12-15 cm.

After the holes are drilled in the corners, they need to be reinforced. Here we need diameters of six millimeters. At the end steel structures filled with concrete.

The recipe for creating concrete of the required consistency is as follows: take three parts of sand, add one part of gravel (fraction size up to 1 cm) and the same amount of cement of a brand no worse than PC 400. As a result, the mixture will resemble thick gray sour cream.

It is very important to correctly calculate the amount of solution needed for pouring. It is best to focus on the pit. To prevent discrepancies in levels, use formwork. Place it on the bottom of the pit five centimeters high. To avoid wasting time knocking together wooden structures, take container tape.

You need to pour sand at the bottom of the pit. The height of the layer cannot exceed the height of the formwork. The sand is watered. This helps prevent the formation of cavities. Only after this can the formwork be laid monolithic slab.

Important ! The layer of sand in the foundation plays the role of a damper cushion.

The formwork for a monolithic slab for a brick tandoor, built with your own hands, is best made from ordinary roofing boards. Their width should be exactly 15 centimeters, ten of which are buried in the ground, and only five rise above it. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the sand.

Important ! Before pouring concrete, everything must be leveled using a level.

The setting time of concrete is at least 72 hours. Ideally, you should wait seven days before installing the tandoor oven on a new foundation. If pouring occurs in the summer, then the foundation must be moistened with water from time to time to prevent drying out and, as a result, the formation of cracks and chips.


For the base you need fireclay bricks. Please note that the combustion temperature of coal is very high and ordinary red blocks of baked clay may simply not withstand such a load.

Fireclay brick not only has outstanding fireproof properties, it also does not absorb moisture and is quite dense in order to withstand the weight of the tandoor.

Another important advantage of fireclay bricks is its resistance to temperature changes. This is why it is ideal for creating outdoor stove tandoor Such bricks tolerate frost well and do not crack with the advent of warming.

The base of the oven should be made in the shape of a circle. To do this, take a suitable pattern and outline it with chalk. The diameter of the pattern is exactly 75 centimeters. Place the bricks in order. And only at the end, using a cutting wheel, cut off unnecessary parts and corners, forming an ideal base.

Attention ! Place the required roofing material on the concrete base. It will provide reliable waterproofing.

Take the refractory oven mixture for fireclay bricks and mix it thoroughly. Next, use a spatula to apply it to the roofing material.


The rule for masonry is made with the expectation that the brick base of the tandoor should correspond to its height. The ratio of neck to base is 1/3. To assemble the rule you will need a pole at least one meter high. Base length 30 cm.

Attention ! The step between the guides should be 25 centimeters.

To make a pattern, take a piece of plywood. The bed slats are ideal. The part on which the mattress is placed.

Making tandoor walls

Bricks must be laid vertically. Therefore, you need to spend a sufficient amount of solution so that the structural elements are firmly held together. The inner edges of the tandoor bricks should be close to each other.

Important ! All seams must be thoroughly coated with the solution.

The first row of brick tandoor is tied together with steel wire. After the structure is fastened, the ends of the wire are twisted and hidden in one of the seams. The same needs to be done with the second and third rows.

In the second row of a brick tandoor built with your own hands, the bricks are cut into wedges. In this case, the internal edges are laid as tightly as possible, the external ones, in turn, are carefully coated with the solution.

After the construction of the main brick tandoor structure is completed, you can begin plastering. To do this you will need a special oven mixture. Its thickness should not be less than 10 mm. The upper edge is made in the form of a roller.

Wait for the layer of plaster to dry. For this entire period, the brick tandoor is covered with cellophane film. This precaution is necessary to protect the structure from harmful external factors such as rain and direct sunlight.

Important ! Excessive heat can damage an unfinished brick tandoor just as much as high humidity.

After the plaster has hardened, you will need to cover the surface with acrylic fireproof paint. You can also use whitewash. Must be cleaned before use inner space brick tandoor from dirt and sagging. A special broom is ideal for this job.

Lovers of country holidays cannot imagine their pastime at the dacha without barbecue. And really, could there be anything tastier than fresh meat, richly flavored with spices and thoroughly fried charcoal? If such a thing exists in nature, then it can only be meat that is baked in a brick tandoor. For those who don’t know, a tandoor is a special Turkish oven that produces kebab with simply incredible taste. And the whole secret of such an exquisite taste is that the meat is baked extremely evenly, and solely due to the fact that the spread of heat in such a design is balanced. So, today we will find out how to build a tandoor with our own hands, get acquainted with the possible options and provide detailed manufacturing instructions.

How to make a tandoor on your own

Option #1. Traditional clay tandoor

According to the ancient technology mentioned earlier, a true tandoor should be sculpted, not built. Moreover, kaolin clay (ideally of Akhangar origin), which has excellent thermal insulation qualities, should be used for this. To prevent the furnace body from cracking under the influence of high temperatures, sheep or camel wool is added to the clay. Making an authentic tandoor is extremely difficult, since Asian craftsmen are not very clear about the exact composition of kaolin clay. Simply put, you will have to perform all manipulations “by eye”, constantly conducting experiments.

An approximate manufacturing technology for the classic version of the described furnace looks approximately as follows.

Step 1. To make a tandoor with your own hands, you need to mix clay with wool (the length of the fibers of the latter should be about 1-1.5 cm). The result should be a fairly viscous mixture, reminiscent of sour cream in consistency.

Step 2. Next, you need to wait 7 days for the resulting composition to dry and achieve the required condition. During all these days, the mixture should be stirred periodically so that drying occurs evenly. All water that accumulates on top must be removed immediately (it cannot be mixed into the composition).

Note! The lower the moisture concentration in the composition, the lower the risk that the oven will crack during drying or firing. When the preparation period is over, the consistency of the mixture should resemble dense plasticine, suitable for modeling.

Step 3. From the resulting “plasticine” you need to mold long sheets of oblong shape with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters. From these plates, gradually moving in a circle, you need to build a tandoor.

Traditional dimensions look something like this:

  • the neck should be 50-60 centimeters in diameter;
  • before narrowing, the diameter should correspond to 100 centimeters;
  • The recommended height of the structure is from 100 to 150 centimeters.

It is necessary to leave a hole in the bottom side of the case through which air will flow inside.

Step 4. When the oven is ready, it is transferred to the shade and left for another 30 days to dry.

Step 5. The walls must be lined with fireclay bricks, and adhesive composition in this case, it can be either kaolin clay itself or a special clay oven mixture that contains plasticizers and quartz sand. Sand or salt must be poured into the cavity between the resulting layers, periodically compacting while filling.

Step 6. The inner surface is coated with cotton oil.

Step 7 After this, all that remains is to fire finished oven, that is, to bring the material to the state of ceramics. The temperature should increase gradually and not very quickly. The duration of firing can reach 24 hours, this is explained by the fact that if raw clay is subjected to sudden heating, it can crack.

Video – Traditional tandoor: technology and interesting facts

Option #2. Making a tandoor with your own hands from a barrel (simplified technology)

It's no secret that making such a stove using the technology described above is extremely difficult, especially in the absence of special skills and knowledge. And many home craftsmen will confirm this. The surfaces turn out to be crooked, and the clay often cracks when drying. To avoid this kind of trouble, a simpler “recipe” for this design was developed, which is based on creating clay walls around a barrel made of wood.

To create such an Asian oven, you need to prepare in advance:

  • kaolin clay;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fireclay sand (and its fraction should not exceed 0.5 millimeters);
  • a wooden barrel with iron hoops;
  • wool (one of the options listed above).

Now let’s find out how to make a tandoor from all this with your own hands. First, fill a barrel full of water and wait at least 24 hours for the wood to soak and swell. After this, mix wool (0.5 parts), sand (2 parts) and clay (1 part), wait a few days until the resulting mixture dries. The next step is to drain the water and completely dry the wood. The internal surfaces of the barrel are processed using vegetable oil, after which they are soaked overnight. Next, the inside of the barrel is covered with a 4- or 5-centimeter layer of the resulting clay mixture. The composition is leveled with wet hands so that the walls are as smooth as possible. As you move upward, the thickness of the clay layer should increase, that is, the neck of the kiln should gradually narrow. Traditionally, it is necessary to leave a small hole at the bottom through which air from outside will enter the housing.

Note! To dry, the structure should be moved to a ventilated, shaded and dry place. The process may take 3 to 4 weeks. Over time, the barrel will begin to lag behind the clay walls.

When everything is dry, the iron hoops must be removed and the barrel itself removed from the tandoor. Next, the stove is installed on a thick “cushion” of sand and fired, that is, it is melted for the first time. It is necessary to light a small flame inside and maintain it for approximately 6 hours, periodically loading small portions of fuel. After this time, the stove is covered with something, the fire is turned up higher and eventually brought to the maximum level. It is important that the tandoor cools down slowly afterwards.

If desired, you can additionally insulate the stove to improve its thermal insulation qualities. To do this, you can build brick walls around it.

Option #3. We make a tandoor from bricks on our own

So, making a classic version of the stove is quite difficult, we have already found out. What’s more, not all masters succeed in this! Therefore, in order to simplify the task and not take unnecessary risks, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the technology of making a brick tandoor - this way you are guaranteed to get the desired result, despite the fact that the finished stove will be very different from the traditional version described above.

First you need to prepare:

  • stove brick;
  • wooden template;
  • masonry sand mixture;
  • cement;
  • kaolin;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • sand.

The main thing is just beginning - the manufacturing procedure itself. The process consists of several stages, let's look at the details of each of them.

First stage. Base

Select a suitable flat area on which the future tandoor will be located with your own hands. Dig a round hole there, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the planned diameter of the structure. Fill the bottom of the resulting hole with a “cushion” of sand (the thickness should be about 10 centimeters).

Cover the finished “pillow” with an iron mesh constructed from reinforcing rods or thick wire.

Fill the hole concrete mixture, carefully align everything using iron rule. Don't forget to check the levelness of the surface using horizontal level. Now wait at least 7 days for the mortar to set and the concrete surface to regain its original strength.

Second phase. Brick walls

Start laying the brick in a circle, the diameter of which you designated at the planning stage. As a rule, this is about 100 centimeters. Place the bricks on the end and, using the frame as shown in the image below, begin to form a circle. For installation, use only a kiln solution consisting of fireclay clay, appropriate plasticizers and, of course, quartz sand. This will ensure that the composition will not crack when fired, will set quickly and will generally be plastic.

Traditionally leave the body at the bottom small hole, which during operation will serve as a blower. This can be either a small window equipped with an iron door or a chimney.

If the height of the stove is 100-120 centimeters, then four rows of bricks will be enough. Typically, when laying the last row, a tapering neck should be formed in parallel; therefore, the brick at this stage should be laid with a slight inclination towards the inside.

Third stage. We carry out coating and cladding

Coat the internal and external surfaces of the constructed furnace with refractory clay, the thickness of which should be approximately 5 centimeters. In addition, decorate the body of the tandoor with natural stone - so ready product will look more attractive.

Fourth stage. We fire the kiln

Let us immediately make a reservation that the firing procedure in this case is performed in the same way as in the previous two options. It is necessary to light a fire inside the tandoor, the walls of the oven must gradually heat up to a high temperature (more precisely, up to 400 degrees), and then slowly - and this is very important! - cool down.

For a more detailed look at how to build a brick tandoor at home, we recommend that you watch the thematic video below.

Video - Making a tandoor with your own hands

Features of operation

There are a number of requirements that must be followed when using a stove such as a tandoor. Let's start with kindling. Here a lot depends on the time of year. In winter, for example, the temperature should increase gradually - first light the wood chips, let them burn, after which you can add the main fuel. In the summer, it is quite possible to do without preliminary kindling with wood chips. As for the volume of fuel, it should be 2/3 of the total volume of the stove. You can put more, but in this case a lot of thermal energy will simply evaporate without heating the walls of the case.

As for temperature restrictions, there are none at all for tandoor. Use it whenever you want, the main thing is not to forget what is said in the previous paragraph.

Cleaning the stove is also not difficult: just take a dustpan, poker and collect the ash. If fat gets on the walls, don’t worry - it will simply burn off during subsequent use.

Advantages of using the design

The problem of poorly cooked kebabs is familiar to everyone: with poor-quality heat treatment, part of the meat is fried to a black crust, while the remaining pieces turn out almost raw. Why is this happening? The reason is the uneven distribution of coals under the skewers, as well as the fact that they are coals with different temperature indicators. And the results of such roasting are described above.

But a brick tandoor is a completely different thing. Thanks to its unique design, this oven allows you to completely forget about such an unpleasant thing as undercooked meat. Another advantage of the tandoor is that not only meat is baked in it, but also traditional oriental flatbreads - tasty, and at the same time very healthy for the body.

Tandoor - design features of the stove

The design of such a furnace is very similar to most structures of this kind, but some differences still exist. Thus, the inner surface is made of an unusual (at least for such ovens) material - ceramics. But both wood and coal can serve as fuel (brushwood can also be used).

Externally, a brick tandoor is very similar to a hypertrophied clay jug, which was lined with brick. Coal or wood is placed directly inside the structure and then set on fire. Then, when the fuel turns into coal, the kebabs are placed in the oven. Typically, the meat can be hung on a hook to a special pole, which should be taken care of in advance, and placed with the sharp end on the foundation.

Note! Another advantage that a brick tandoor has is that it retains heat for quite a long time. Thanks to this, you can have time to make several batches of baked meat at once.

An interesting fact: the described stove first appeared in distant Mesopotamia, and soon gained considerable popularity among Asian peoples. It is for this reason that a number of oriental kitchens cannot be imagined without this miracle oven.

Operating principle

To find out how to make, you must first become familiar with the operating principle of this design. As an example, let's take a look at the classic Uzbek tandoor made of brick. Outwardly, such a tandoor is comparable to a clay cauldron, but only turned upside down (it’s as if the top has been swapped with the bottom). At the bottom of the furnace there is a special hole, which is also called a blower.

The base, made of clay, is covered with brick. What is important is that a small air gap remains between the inner and outer layers, which is subsequently filled with sand or salt (the latter option is more preferable).

The fuel is placed into the housing through a hole located on top. Although there are versions of the stove in which it is located on the side, this arrangement is practically never found in the classic Uzbek version.

Note! The main disadvantage of the tandoor is that ash is removed from the body through the upper hole, which for obvious reasons is very inconvenient (this does not apply to portable stoves).

And to make it more convenient to fry shish kebab, the oven of the Uzbek version has a special grate. You can place not only meat on such a grill, but also, for example, fish or vegetables. All these products are guaranteed to bake equally well.

Note! If the tandoor is built competently and in compliance with technology, then you can cook on it within six hours after one-time kindling.

What is the secret of such high heat-saving properties of the structure? And the secret lies in the materials from which such stoves are constructed. Such materials have simply incredible heat-accumulating properties: for example, if you try hard, the walls of the tandoor can be heated to a temperature of 400 degrees.

As for the varieties of tandoor, the classification in this case is based on the installation location of the device - according to this parameter, the described stoves can be:

  • pit;
  • ground;
  • portable.

Today’s article will look at several options for creating a tandoor at home, but special attention will be paid to making a brick stove. This is explained by the fact that, for example, a portable structure is, in fact, a type of barbecue, while a pit structure is used in most cases for heating small rooms. So let's get started.

Do-it-yourself tandoor. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Creating a miracle oven called tandoor, common in Asia, in your yard or on your property is not an easy task. But if you follow it step by step detailed instructions, then you will get a reliable and durable unit.

Laying the foundation as a foundation.

The first step is to dig a hole for a shallow foundation. The finished pit is filled with 10 cm of sand, which will retain the heat. A metal mesh is installed on top of the sand, which will need to be filled with concrete. The concrete surface is leveled and must be checked building level.

Advice! Carry out the first stage in advance, since it will take about a week for the concrete to completely harden and gain strength.

Construction of tandoor walls

To build walls for you you will need a large sandstone stone, an arch-blower, roofing felt and cement. You can build a tandoor with your own hands from brick or other stone at your discretion.

From roofing felt several rectangular pieces are cut out and attached to cement, forming a circle, as in the photo;

The finished product is attached to cement arch;

Arm yourself with a spatula and start laying on the cement in a circle stones;

Check with construction level uniformity of the top sandstone stones. If necessary, level the level with cement;

how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. Photo

When laying between some stones, place pieces wire. They will help in the future to better hold expanded clay with cement.

Lining from the inside:

Dilute in a separate container expanded clay With cement in a one to one ratio;

Take a leaf roofing felt or PVC 5 mm thick and the same height as your future stove. Roll it into a cylinder, secure it with tape and place it inside the oven;

The radius of the cylinder must be significantly smaller than the radius of the furnace so that there is a distance between them;

Fill the cylinder temporarily stones so that they keep its shape;

Begin to fill the empty space between the walls of the cylinder and the prepared oven cement-expanded clay mixture;

After it has dried, first remove the stones, and then the cylinder itself from the structure;

If necessary, level the surface of the walls inside with a spatula or trowel;

Build a small ledge in a circle at the bottom of the tandoor, avoiding the place near the arch. Pay attention to the photo, bricks are used there as a temporary support for the tape holding the mixture;

Install the slab from marble on top of the walls.

Clay coating:

IN equal parts clay, straw and sand are mixed.

Advice! Fireclay clay is excellent for finishing a home tandoor.

The finished mixture, 3-5 cm thick, needs to be evenly covered with the entire inner surface until it becomes smooth;

You need to wait for the clay to dry completely naturally or help it with a lamp or fan.

Closing the holes

Buy a metal door for the arch and a cover for the top opening.

DIY tandoor in the country. Photo

Checking the oven in operation

Do-it-yourself tandoor is ready. To check the performance of the stove, throw in some firewood. Temperatures will quickly reach 111°C. If you add more firewood, the temperature will increase to 345° C and higher, which will allow you to cook your favorite dishes in the new oven.

Brick tandoor for a summer residence. Master Class

There are many ways to create a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands. Basically, all tandoor ovens have the shape of a vase. They build them from various materials, they have distinguishable designs. What they all have in common is the ability to retain heat inside for a long time, which makes it possible to cook delicious food. Those who have tried it at least once delicious dishes out of the heat, I’m interested in the question of how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick.

The task before those who wish will be difficult, but feasible. Tandoor drawings will help you better understand the essence of the design.

You will need:

DIY tandoor drawings. Photo

Step 1. Foundation

Pre-dug hole round shape, the diameter of which will be equal to the size of the future furnace. It is laid in the hole reinforced concrete slab.

Advice! If you decide to pour the foundation yourself, then place a steel grate at the bottom of the hole. When you pour the cement, it will provide additional reinforcement to the future foundation.

Step 2. Walls

While the foundation hardens, which is from 1 to 2 weeks, you can start creating wooden template for the walls of Tadyr.

Important! The template is a wooden frame that is temporarily attached in the middle of the structure and, when rotated, exactly repeats the shape of the planned stove.

The walls are laid in a circle. The bricks are laid out in a vertical position. After completing the first row, it is necessary to secure a pipe that will regulate air movement.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Photo step by step

Advice! To make your own tandoor a tapering shape, place the bricks at an angle when laying each layer. This can be done by adjusting the thickness of the cement layers.

Step 3: Clay coating

When the brick tandoor has reached the height you need, it’s time to move on to next stage. Place a solution of clay and sand in a ratio of 4 to 1 in a container and add a pack of salt to it. The future oven must be thoroughly lubricated with a clay consistency both inside and out.

Advice! It is better to wait not only for the clay to dry completely, but also to burn it. Place the wood inside the stove and simply light it.

Step 4. Facing

For improvement appearance And thermal insulation properties tandoor is lined on the outside natural stone . Cover the finished structure with a previously purchased lid. The oven is ready for use.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video step by step

Do-it-yourself large stationary brick tandoor

If small, budget tandoor DIY is not for you, then pay attention to the example of a massive stove. The main material is brick, which is already very common, but the design is not so common.

Advice! When constructing such a tandoor, be prepared for high costs of materials and fuel during operation.

You will learn how to build a tandoor with your own hands by studying the following steps.

The basis for building the tandoor was chosen concrete platform. Since the stove is quite large, which means it will produce more heat, there is no need to heat the entire foundation with it. To do this, the bottom of the oven is laid out fire brick.

To keep the walls even, use a homemade plywood template on the axis.

The first layer of brick is laid out in such a way as to place a special blower.

The inner wall is laid out in layers of half a brick.

When the structure is completely dry, it must be wrapped basalt wool in 2 layers and begin external laying.

On the neck you can place metal corners , which will serve as nests for skewers and other utensils during cooking.

The stove builder in the photo used an ordinary one as a lid for the tandoor. sewer hatch . You can repeat it, or you can purchase a lighter lid that will simplify the operation of the oven.

Thanks to the even masonry, such a brick tandoor can look beautiful and dignified even without external decoration. And thanks to its size, it becomes possible to cook even the largest dishes in it.

DIY brick tandoor on a mobile platform

An excellent option for a summer house would be a do-it-yourself tandoor made of brick on a mobile basis. A small amount of materials goes into its construction, but its shape will be similar to any massive tandoor. Its walls are a quarter brick thick. And the entire height will be only 3 bricks. You must first purchase a metal platform with wheels or attach them yourself.

As they are laid, the brick rows must be tied with wire and then covered with a pre-made clay mixture. Fireclay clay - best material for these purposes.

Do-it-yourself tandoor oven is compact and convenient. But some dishes cannot be cooked in it because of its size.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video

DIY earthen tandoor

You are already familiar with the construction of different types of tandoor, but you have yet to learn how to make a tandoor with your own hands from bricks underground. The advantages of such a stove include the possibility of using scrap materials, as well as saving space.

To build his underground tandoor, the master used:

  • Red brick;
  • Red clay;
  • Neck from a large ceramic container;
  • cover
  • Convenient place to park your car.

Step 1. The first thing you need to do is dig pit about 1 meter deep. Such a DIY tandoor oven necessarily requires a pipe through which air will flow. For the pipe you need to dig channel inclined.

Step 2. Used to lay the bottom brick. The seams are filled with ordinary clay.

Step 3. Pipe should be of such length that it reaches from the bottom to the surface of the earth. It must be installed at an angle of 45°.

Step 4. The walls are laid out bricks in a vertical position. In the first row, which took 24 bricks, no mortar is needed for fastening. The diameter of the future tandoor is approximately 50 cm. In total, you should get 3 rows of vertically placed bricks.

Step 5. All seams should be carefully sealed. clay.

Step 6. Proceed to cooking clay mixture. To do this, dilute the clay with water to a creamy consistency and hang it through a special plaster mesh. Leave the clay for 1 day so that it infuses and separates from the water.

Step 7. The finished mixture of clay is covered through a plaster mesh with fiberglass. internal surfaces future oven. The thickness of the clay layer was 1 cm.

Step 8. To create throat the master approached creatively. He cut out the bottom of a large flat clay vase and used the container in construction.

Step 9. The vase is installed on the brickwork with the bottom up. To secure it, it must be thoroughly coated with clay.

Step 10. Cast iron or other lid, which you have in your arsenal, will be able to cover a brick tandoor.

Step 11. To secure the entire structure, the free space around the vase is filled up expanded clay. And the protruding part of the furnace is coated with cement.

Step 12. To restore the integrity of the floor, the area around the tandoor is poured concrete, and then put tile.

Do-it-yourself tandoor in a parking space is ready.

DIY tandoor, budget option

If you decide to build a tandoor at your dacha with your own hands and do not want to invest a lot of money in it, then pay attention to the following example.

First of all, an Asian oven needs high-quality foundation. The standard for it is 100*100 cm. The thickness of the slab is 10 cm. It is necessary to dig a hole 15 cm deep. Use sand at the bottom, and attach a reinforcing mesh at a distance of 5 cm from it. For the formwork, 15-centimeter roofing boards were taken (10 cm should remain in the ground, and 5 cm should rise above the ground). Concrete is poured only when everything is level. It will have to dry for at least 72 hours.

For the base and walls was chosen fire brick.

Important! Fireclay brick is ideal for tandoor, as it is not susceptible to temperature changes and does not collapse.

The base of the oven will be round, so you will need blueprints tandoor to cut out a pattern 75 cm in diameter.

Advice! Excess parts of the bricks for the circle can be removed with a cutting wheel.

Brick laid on roofing felt and attached to a fire-resistant stove mixture.

To make the walls smooth and beautiful, you will need a template for their construction.

Important! According to the rules, a tandoor has a height equal to the width of the base, and its neck should occupy 2/3 of the size of the base.

Bricks are laid in a vertical position. All seams are coated with a solution. The first row is being tightened wire.

The second and third rows are laid out similarly. The inside of the edges should fit as tightly as possible, and the outside should be thoroughly coated with the solution.

DIY tandoor a budget option. Photo

The finished barrel is plastered on the outside oven mixture. The layer should be 1 cm.

Advice! While your DIY budget tandoor is drying, protect it from exposure to the sun or bad weather.

When the solution is completely dry, the tandoor is covered with fireproof acrylic paint.

All that remains is to clean the inside of the finished stove from construction dirt and dust and use it for your own pleasure.